another day with papa

Story by Yokai on SoFurry

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Yoki groaned as he waddled out of the teachers office. His clothes no longer fit properly, his fishnet Tee riding up on his chest no longer able to slide down over his stomach which sagged down resting on his knees the bloated gut Gurgling thickly as yoki tried to close his jacket over it. the pressure of getting the jacket half way around his bloated gut causing him to let out a thick wet elephant scented belch.

"wait a minute Mr isliona" came a deep masculine voice from the teachers office. Professor vitro the orchestra teacher, stood in the doorway to the office the 8 foot tall elephant stood there naked holding in his trunk yoki's white otter back pack holding it down in front of his crotch the backpack comically failing to hide the massive 4 ft long prehensile phallus and the massive orbs that had been drained into yoki's distended gut.

"taking into consideration your performance during class and your recent. . Oral examination. Id say you have earned a B+ for this semester. Though . . I could be persuaded to raise your grade if you'd like to come back in and bend over. Give a a A and ill give you one?" he said chuckling.

Yoki grimaced and Belched out a thick bubble of cum that landed on the elephants large foot paws.

"maybe a bit full for that. Heh well there are 3 more days till I have to have the grades in" the elephant tossed the bag to yoki with a chuckle. "all you have to do is knock, now get ready and ill give you a ride home I don't need anyone noticing the sudden gain and sloshyness you got from my class." the phant chuckled as he closed the door going to get dressed


Yoki groaned as he climbed out of Professor Vitros jeep his stomach sloshing side to side as he slams the door closed

"bye professor thanks for the rides" yokai giggled as he turned and walked to the door tail flagged as he swayed his hips a grin appearing on his face as he hears the professor grind the gears of his jeep obviously focusing on something else yokai giving one last shimmy his pants dropping a few inches before he popped open the door and slipped inside.

"papa I'm home!" yokai called out as he slipped off his clothes tossing them into the hamper. Before heading to the living room.

"did Kevin ever . . show . . up...." Yoki's jaw dropped as he walked into the living room. The Patriarchal otter stood naked in front of his lazy boy chair, a devious smirk on his muzzle as he looked down at his adopted son who's eyes were glued to his sack.

Gallows licked the cum from his paw and slowly ran it down his chest. Pressing his paw into his malleable stomach bulge before teasingly stroking the pair of walrus foot paws sticking from his cock. pinching the fatty's foot before tracing the bulge of his legs down the stretched shaft. Gallows let out a crass moan as he pressed a paw against the grotesquely gorged scrotum that swung only inches from the floor the mass bulging out randomly as the walrus attempted to force his way out.

"well well welcome home butter ball, I was just . . entertaining little Kev here while we waited for you" gallows gave yokai a toothy smile and licked his lips as the fat feet sank down into his shaft with a wet schlurrp the bulge traveling down the otters cock before being deposited fully into the musky sack witch now sagged down and rested on the ground Kevin's body fully visible through the stretched skin.

"Well? Don't be rude yoki. Little Kev's been waiting eagerly for you to come home aren't ya even gonna say hi?" the otter said with a smirk as his tail snaked around his legs and stroked at his sack, teasingly pressing a paw bulge back in.

Yoki shivered as he stepped towards his adopted father. He wanted to be mad, furious! Kevin was supposed to be a shared experience, a father son bonding morsel! he want just supposed to be taken by gallows like some sort of fast food stop. He wanted to sulk and storm off to his room. Instead he walked towards the large musky otter cursing his traitorous libido with every step.

Gallows moaned as the pudgy white otter pressed himself into the massive sack his short otter's muzzle pressed into the base of gallows swarthy cock as he breaths in the deep musky scent. His eyes glossing over as his paws begin to kneed the walrus trapped within the male flesh.

Gallows groaned as he wrapped a leg around yoki grinding him into the musky flesh as the boy sucked on a mouth full of scrotum licking the wrinkly skin savoring the male flavors on his young toung.

" Mmurrrrr thats right slut . . . slave . . . son

yoki moaned as he was ground into the soft fleshy scrotum. The walls wiggling against him with Kevin's every struggle, causing the long course pubic fur to tickle the young otters body as he was squeezed deeper by the patriarchs thick muscular leg.

"mmmm naughty naughty little yokai, bringing such a big fat aquatic pred into the house, just think if you'd have been home on time I might be to glutted to sit at tonights poker game." gallows said with a chuckle as his hand pressed against the back of his sons head, pulling upon the small otter who's toung left a thick trail of warm saliva over the musky scrotum as it was pulled up along the massive sack and cock towards the patriarchs drooling cum slit.

"Now. . .. how to punish such a naughty little boy" the big otter said grin spreading across his lips. as his sons toung lashed across the massive mushroom head. Lips caressing the tip with soft kisses, as the toung slid down into his fathers musky foreskin.

"mmm could stuff that cute little muzzle up my ass. Nice wiggle feeling to complement little Kev's gurgling." gallows said grinning as he felt the little otters efforts double. Soft black rimmed lips spread to take in the bulbous cock head, the fuzzy white cheeks bulging with the soft fleshy mass as the young otters toung slide into the larger males piss slit. Thick gouts of hot otter pre slid down the otter boys throat the big otter loosing a low moan as twin paws came down to squeeze and slosh the smaller otters gut.

"mmmm but with all that cum in my naughty sons belly I wouldn't want the "boys" to think I've gone subby." the otter growled licking his chops as he pressed down on the little otters head the boys body going stiff as he loosed a muffled whimper. The fat long length spreading his jaws painfully wide as inch after inch of hot otter meat was pushed into him. His throat bulging with the feet of veined length as his snout was mashed and ground into the swarthy musky crotch. The powerful smells and painfully stretching jaws causing the little otters eyes to water as he swallowed and tonged around the phallus.

"mmmm but naughty boys need to be punished." the otter said nonchalantly as he ground the young boys face into his crotch.

"course cant lose my best poker chip. Little yoki best way to get Sargon to go all in. fatty just loves your plush little tush." the otter said coolly as his tail snaked up his sons leg and up against the "experienced" pucker, getting a pleasured if muffled moan from beneath his gut.

Yoki whimpered as the thick tail pressed up harder and harder lifting him off his scrotal purchase as it spread his rump, gooy seed trickling down the otters tail for a moment before with a tail flick and a heft of powerful otter paws Yoki was on his back the bloated writhing mas of the sack atop him as gallows half knelt half sat on it and him. A evil grin spreading across his face as both paws grabbed either side of the young otters flush furry face and began thrust in and out of the poor little otters muzzle.

"ooooh yessss little boys must be punished by THE otter! Just feel that heat. Poor little Kev's gonna be churned ta cream by those nasty ol otter testes nothin left of him but a mass off white goo a little extra heft ta my balls and a few more inches ta to streeeeth those little otter lips." as though it had been waiting for those words the massive sack atop the young otter began to thickly gurgle. The low roar of the glorping and churning nearly drowning out several long screams as the sack thrashed about. The nearly 900 pound walrus inside fighting with new found energy as the cum within the sack began to burn, starting to turn him to otter cum.

A chill ran down yoki's spine as the sound of his father clamming his friend as ball food filled his ears. The otters cheeks streaked with rivulets of tears as thrust after thrust painfully stretched his jaws. Even then the young otter couldn't escape the sensations surrounding him. The otter sack was growing hotter by the second, thick blobs of musk laden sweat seeping from the churning mass running down to mat the the boys fur. As the struggling and yelling began to soften the poor otter could no longer control himself. Small legs squeezed the ever softening mass of the friend soon to be spooge, as paws grasped thick masses of scrotal flesh. Small hips thrusting up into the gurgling flesh, rock hard otter cock rubbing between the boys own cum laden belly and the ever hotter, slicker, and smellier, otter balls that surrounded him.

Gallows rurred lewdly as he slowly slid his sons head back till only the bulbous head was in his lips. His sack drug along in his sons tight little grip as he looked down on him. " now now naughty yoki, you'd better not mar your master daddy's balls with your tainted seed. Less of course you want me to gurgle up far more of poor little Kev than you boys bargained for" the otters voice was low husky vicious and dripping with lust, entering the young otters ears as barely more than a whisper though it halted the poor boys eager thrusts as though it had been screamed, leaving him whimpering as his eyes met those of the his fathers. With a smirk and a narrowing of those golden gleaming eyes, gallows thrust his hips forward, cruelly forcing the boys head under the soft low hanging belly and into the dripping musky crotch once again.

Gallows lowed in pleasure as he face fucked his son. His tail squelching in and out of the boys wanten hole, sack sloshing and slapping the boys chest. Gallows lips curled as he felt the little otter shaft pulsing against his skin yearning for its release. Gallows knew it was to late . . probably, To keep his son from cumming. The boy to lost in the sounds, smells, and feelings of predatory otter sex to last for long. But it didn't matter, with every slap, and thrust gallows grin grew more prominent, naughty otters have to be punished. And forcing his libido driven son to ignore his own pleasure while Papa got his rocks off in him was just too fitting.

Yoki moaned out as thick otter tail and cock pistoned in and out of him, the gurgling sack above only getting hotter as the groans within slowly ebbed weaker and weaker the struggles all but gone before with a thrust the moans of pain fell away to a low blurble, and finally eroded to nothing but soft gurgling.

"bye bye Kev" was all gallows had to say save for a crass moan as the fat walrus succumbed to the ravenous testes, the fat body already being transformed and transfused into the otter loins.

Yoki whimpered as the gurgling grew into a dull roar, the pain in his jaws beginning to slowly grow as walrus mass began to diffuse into otter body. The cock between his lips beginning to to widen slowly at first, impending the movements of the quick little toung, gullet shifting as the shaft grew longer massing into the base and beginning to force its way into otter belly. Yoki groaned painfully, legs and paws, mashing into the far to soft otter sack attempting to press himself back from the base of the slowly thickening shaft only succeeding in sinking his limbs into the ever yielding sloshyness. As the phallus continued to grow the boys jaws creaking as girth piled on by the centimeter. Firm paws holding his head in place as inches formed jaws straining before with a tear filled POP the young otters jaws dislocated themselves. The cock head sloshing about in the warm cum filled otter belly, the fat head mashing deeper as it grew. The nearly double thick head pressing against the belly's bottom the wide prominent urethra bulging out the skin as it mash lower and engulfed the young otter cock on the other side. Yoki loosed a yowl of half pleasure half pain as thrust after thrust forced the otter length between the folds of belly into the tight parental uthera.

Mentally gallows chuckled at his sons predicament vocalizing his pleasure as a lusty moan as he counted each thrust. 1..2..3 yoki's tail thrashed against the bloated sack batting at the invading tail in his hole as his toes clenched in pleasure squeezing soft skin between them. 3..4..5 the boys cock twitched and pulsed with each trip into the tight hot slit pree mixing with musky sweat as it leaked onto the gorged sack. 7..8.. yoki's entire body tensed every muscle clenching as a audible slurp drowned out the sounds of lust and digestion. Gallows nearly falling off his soft sloshy perch as powerful orgasmic contractions slurped two ft of thick otter tail into little otter hiney as thick ropes of otter spooge shoot onto otter belly and sack.

Gallows lips curled up into a snarl as his tail shifted and stroked along something deep within the boy a shiver of pleasure running through him as his tail wrapped around what was undoubtedly his own fat phallus. Gallows legs slowly spread apart as he began to bend down flexible mustlid form practically bending in half only mildly impeded by his soft pred gut as he bent lower and lower till his whiskers brushed against the still bobbing young otter scalp. "Bad Boy" gallows said toung sliding out along the matted sweaty fur his voice low and dripping with lust though it couldn't hide the sweet mirth mixed in as his son went limp.

Yoki slumped back inches of drool soaked otter meat sliding from between his furry muzzle as the strong paws of gallows released his head to grasp at the soft flesh resting between them. The pleasure drunk otter barely registering the world around him as the warm weight of the otter sack shifted towards him two flaps drawn by otter paws surging past his face before a dark warmth enveloped him. Trained paws skillfully enwraped the young otters body in musky flesh pulling it over and around the boys back and head the form fitting mass leaving not a speck of white showing as it covered the young otters nose and mouth like a massive plastic bag the young otters breath stopping in his chest as his nose was filled with flesh hands once again finding purchase on the back of his head as the otter thrusts began anew.

A deep throaty churr emanated from within Gallows chest as the boy beneath him began to struggle against the suffocating sack. The flesh beginning to glow a eerie blue color as the dull gurgling exploded into a churning roar. Gallows eyes rolled back into his head as a surge of pure predatory pleasure and energy began surging through his body from his loins. his eyes half lidded as he concentrated on the sensations of his loins tearing away at and the once walruses very soul, breaking it apart as bits of it surged through out his body infusing every cell with a indescribable pleasure.

Yoki could do nothing but watch as the glowing sack around him churned. His vision becoming blurry as he tried to hold in what little breath he had in his lungs while the cock pistoned in and out. Every movement of the thrashing pleasure laden otter tail within him caused him to gasp out as it bashed against his prostate causing him to lose more and more of the precious air within him.

Gallows moaned as he wrapped his tail around his own bulbous cock head squeezing and stroking the sensitive glans. His thrusting growing fiercer as Yoki's struggles weakened each pull brought his cock and tail tip up into his sons gullet tail stretching the hole wider as thicker portions wormed there way in. The parental otter shivered as the last of the walruses soul was churned down to slime in his loins, a burst of pleasuring coursing through his form as a final thrust sank his cock fully into the young otters guts. A roar of pleasure bellowed from the big otters lips his nuts clenching, snapping the folds of flesh from his paws. The scrotum tightening around the hefty glowing load as thick gouts of hot musky otter seed began to erupt from the massive erection shotting into the already cum bloated otter belly by quarts and gallons.

Yoki's nostrils flared as he welcomed the much needed if musky air into his lungs his stomach sloshing as his papas roar rattled his brain, the heavy mass atop him slowly beginning to wain as shot after shot of the sticky glowing filling was re deposited into his ever stretching elastic otter guts. Gallows paws squished against his balls each twitch of his raging arousal depositing another hefty load of goo into his boys belly. For what felt like hours the big otter came filling his prodigy with spunk, his seat of sack slowly sinking as it was replaced by a cushion of belly.

Yoki whimpered as his guts filled to bursting swelling so much that each lock of fur began to shift way from one another revealing the light peach colored skin underneath. As more and more pored into the little otter he could feel his legs and arms slowly being enveloped by soft sloshy warmth as his torso swelled outwards, the patriarch otters orgasm slowly tapering off to a mere drizzle as little otter ankles and wrists dissapeared into its own bloated mass leaving almost a perfect ball of soft squishy and glowing otter beneath him.

Gallows groaned happily as he slowly stood up tail and cock sliding from young otter holes with a painful slowness before with a pop they slipped free white sticky cream gushing out of the otter rump and coating the floor with a gallon of ex walrus before the young otter tush sealed itself. Gallows churred as he looked down at his handy work, his cock nearly 3 ft long and a good foot thick now his sack loose from its recent occupant two heavy volleyball sized testicles nestled around a third even bigger testie hanging down to the otters knees swaying pendulous as he stepped back and flopped back into his over sized lazy boy recliner.

Gallows gave a low husky chuckle as he looked at his bloated son, small paws flailing about mere inches from the floor unable to find purchase on anything but his own bloated self. Gallows sighed as he leaned back, eyes closed as a paw ran over his softening maleness and soft loose scrotum to squeeze at the slightly larger middle testicle within, all that was left of lil-Kev after the loins had finished with him and even that too would fade away in time.

"mmmmm, I think I'm going soft. Here I'm supposed to be punishing my naughty little son, and all I did was give my cute little otter a lesson on holding his breath and a protein rich meal" the otter's voice was low and full of faux worry as one eye half opened to look down at yoki.

A groan was all the young otter could muster, the otters cheeks bulging out for a moment before with a wet belch a blob of cum with two large ivory tusks within splattered onto the floor between gallows feet.

"mmm well thats OK" the big otter said as he lifted his legs and placed them on Yoki's shoulders thick powerful calves squeezing around his head as he lifted his sack up with a paw. "i guess you'll just have to make it up to me eh "son?" mmmm ill just auction you off as a seat when the boys get here, not like you can do anything with all that cum in ya anyways." the otter grinned as he curled his legs up rolling the young otter ball towards him till his head landed on gallows tail, muzzle mashed up against the big otters smelly rump before the sack was dropped over his head and shoulders. The soft otter belly above gurgled ominously for a moment before a thick wet fart ripped from the otter hiney, causing the small blob of a otter to flail for a moment before passing out from the powerful aroma. "Yeah, nice cushy otter ta sit on." gallows said licking his chops as he closed his eyes again. "mmmm and that professor of yours Vitro is bringing his home made 12 alarm chili to, I just cant wait." the otter murmured softly as he pawed his sack once more giving his new "additions" a soft squeeze before slowly drifting off. "mmm, yeah this was a good day for a father son bonding snack."