You sure?

Story by Arcanum Lupus on SoFurry

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Made By Flamon.


Chapter 4. Oh My God.


Well now it has been 4 months since Steve and Flamedramon met. Flamedramon is wanting to ask Steve a really special question - If he want to have a child. Flamedramon remembers a time where Steve said he wanted to carry his own child so badly. Lucky for Steve, Flamedramon can make him pregnant IF they both are wanting it while they are having sex.

Flamedramon is lying on Steve's bed waiting for Steve to come home from school. AND it was the last school day before Summer Break. Flamedramon heard the front door open and he hurried down stairs pouncing on Steve just as he opened the door. "F-Flamedramon!" Steve yelled as he blushed. Flamedramon just giggled and kissed him to shut him up. "So how was my sweetie's last school day?" Flamedramon asked. Steve smiled and said " it was good, but ur kissing is WAY better" Steve giggled. "Is that so?. Well then.." Flamedramon started kissing Steve again as he carried him into their room. Steve just smiled and started to cuddle his head against Flamedramon's neck as they broke the kiss "i Love you flamedramon" Steve said. "I love you too Stevey" Flamedramon calls Steve for Stevey because he thinks it is cute to him.

Flamedramon and Steve lied and cuddled in some time, until Flamedramon asked Steve if he wanted to have a child with him and Steve said he would love to. Then Flamedramon explained how he could make him pregnant...

Steve and Flamedramon getting ready to make love to make Steve pregnant. "you sure it will work Flamey?" Steve asked. Flamedramon smiled and nodded "I'm Sure Sweety". Then Steve and Flamedramon made love...

About a month later Flamedramon saw Steve's stomach had swollen a bit. He was sure that Steve was pregnant, but he wanted to make sure so Flamedramon went to a store and bought som Pregnancy tests and hurried home and gave them to Steve.

Flamedramon waited in the living room as Steve was in the bathroom checking the test. Steve started smiling widely as he opened the bathroom door to announce to Flamedramon that he was pregnant. Flamedramon smiled back at him with a very big smile and kisses his forehead.

"Now i just have to take care of you for the next 8 months and make sure you and "our" child is save" Flamedramon said, with a smile as he pulled Steve into a deep kiss. While Kissing Steve he moved his hand to his belly to feel it. He was so excited to become a Dad.

End of chapter 4.


So yeah this is the end of chapter 4^^ hope u guys liked it^^ oh and sorry i didn´t write any sex in it.. there is so hot outside here that i can´t think about anything sexual.. and i am so sorry it is so short. . oh and one last thing. Story Dedicated To My Mate^^