Aurum Academy: Episode 2

Story by Arkham_Beast on SoFurry

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#3 of Aurum Academy

It's finally orentation day and the students get to me the professors and the rest of the teaching staff. Plus a fun night planned ahead for all.

It was, finally, orientation day and all of the students have been called to the main hall for an assembly, at this time, all of the staff and enrolled students should be present. The main hall was packed, hundreds of students clamoring to sit with friends while others stroke up conversations with the stranger beside them trying to be friendly, there are also those who took it to the next level, offering handjobs and/or blowjobs to their neighbors, some agreed, others declined.

Luckily, Barry and his group of friends found seats around each other and were talking about some random things while waiting, Deneb, however, was on the side, flirting with an otter, who was clearly enjoying the attention but was too shy to admit it, he certainly didn't object when the beaver became handsy, Deneb even managed to coax him into a slow, mutual handjob.

But a few minutes later, the teaching staff began got on stage and sat on some chairs placed in the back, while the dean, a badger that looked in his late thirties to early forties stood at the front, a microphone stand standing near the edge. He grabbed the mic and tapped at it a few times to both make sure it works and get the students' attention. "Good morning, dear students, I'm am dean Albert Rondo and welcome to Aurum Academy. And to returning students: Welcome Back and it's good to see you again."

He then began walking slowly, back and forth on the stage. "In Aurum Academy, we care about the quality of our education to give you the best, and the luxury that our facilities provide to give you the maximum amount of comfort, especially since most of you are living dorms, instead of nearby."

He smiled as he paused and looked around, making sure that everyone was paying attention before continuing. "Now, I don't want to make this assembly any longer than it has to be, so I'll get to the point." He cleared his throat then began outlining some rules. "Let's start with the fun stuff. I'm sure you know this by now, especially if you're a native to this planet, clothing and sexual conduct are totally optional, although the latter must have the consent of the 'receiving' party."

His free hand began undoing the buttons of his suit first... then the buttons of his shirt. "We're all dudes, both in this Academy and the planet as a whole, so it's not like there's anything that any of us haven't seen." He finished undoing his suit and shirt, revealing the cross harness underneath. He then stood in the middle after placing the mic back on its stand and began taking them off, leaving himself completely topless with the exception of the harness. "As you can see, 'optional' doesn't just mean whether you wear clothes or not, but what you wear is also optional." Then gestured to himself. "As you can also see, I'm a heavy leather enthusiast." This got him a lot of hollers and cheers of approval. It was also pretty clear that he was pretty muscular for a man his age, bloated biceps, plump and thick chest with perked up nipples, and thick, washboard abs.

He continued speaking as he started undoing his pants. "So now, that leads us to the most fun part and I'm sure it's the part you've all been waiting for: The sex." That got him a loud cheer and even louder applause from everyone attending, including a few of the teachers. "Sex, just like everywhere on this planet, public sex is totally acceptable, with whoever you like, from fellow students to our administration staff, including the teachers."

He pushed his pants down, revealing the leather shorts he had under, much to the delight of the students, even one of the teachers let out a wolf-whistle, it was a german shepherd with black upper color, namely his head, shoulders, and back, while the rest of his body was a mix of grey and white. He himself was wearing a full leather set, complete with a harness, wrist cuffs, and bicep bands, as well as some thighless leather pants.

The dean smirked as he did a few muscle poses, getting even more cheers and hollers from the students, even added a little ass shake for good measures before continuing his assembly. "Now that I'm sure I have your undivided attention." He got a few chuckles from that. "I just wanted to give you two warnings. First: as I mentioned before, both or either parties must give consent to any sexual conduct or advancement, otherwise it will count as sexual harassment and/or rape and the offending part will be punished severely. Second, and I'm sure you're gonna hate me for this: You're not allowed to have sex during official class and office hours." True enough, he got a lot of groans and moans of disappointment. "Oh, shut it your hornballs." Another round of chuckles. "I say this because we cannot have class hours be disturbed as we have a curriculum to follow and the slight disturbance in schedule could ruin the flow."

"As for office hours that is the time for teachers to provide educational guidance to the students and grade materials provided by students. So, if you get the hots for one or a few of the teaching staff, just make sure that both of you are free." He looked at his watch briefly then started on a new subject. "Now what I'm about to explain is not for everyone, cause this will be for those attending our Hero courses."

He cleared his throat real quick. "Despite the name, this course, unless you decided to take heroism as a profession, is only there to teach you how to control your powers as not to hurt yourself or anyone you care about. I don't have any powers myself, so I won't even pretend to know the struggles that those who awaken to their powers or get stung by the Ultra Max parasite, go through."

Some people are born with their powers, others awaken to them strangely after some time in their life. Both were theorized to be the work of special bug-like creatures that can live in any atmosphere, even the supreme coldness of space. They were determined to be the carries of a special 'virus' that can grant anyone stung by it a special ability of sorts, the change goes to a genetic level even, hence it's not strange to find a family of supers with either similar or even different powers.

The 'virus' was dubbed Ultra Max, because of the level of change the host goes through as well as the power they're granted. No matter how insignificant it was, it can be pretty powerful.

As he finished speaking, one of the administration staff walked onto the stage from the back, pushing a small trolly with a clear, plastic bowl that seemed to have some colored bands inside. "Now, I want to talk about something that we're gonna implement for the first time, this year and that's the 'Preference Bands'."

He pulled out one of the three colors, purple, orange, and blue. "To make a long story short: These bands will let others know which side you prefer, top, bottom, or both." He gestured to each of the bands as he spoke, purple for top, blue for bottom, and orange for versatiles/switches. "You wear those somewhere visible on your body, but only if you're seeking any form of sexual conduct with a student or staff. Plus, you can ask the administration to stamp yours with emblems of fetishes or kinks you like to indulge in during sex."

He put them back in the bowl and pulled the person who brought them in for a quick peck on the lips before sending him on his way. "Now that is over and done, we are holding a party tonight." He didn't get to continue as loud cheers erupted from the students for a full minute. "This party is both for new and returning students to mingle with each other and the staff to get to know one another and to let loose before classes start after the weekend."

He looked over the assembled students, then with a proud nod ended the assembly. "Once again, I welcome you all to Aurum Academy and hope you have a great year!" He got a final, loud round of applause and cheers from both students and teaching staff.


The dorms were a beehive of activity, everyone clamoring about talking excitedly with each other or modeling their choice(s) of clothing for the party to others.

Barry and his friends were doing the same thing. Barry decided on a hoodie and jockstrap, King went with just a jockstrap, Deneb was going with a crop top fishnet and speedo, Lance was going with a leather jock, a collar, and a pair of cuffs.

Now it was Brightseed's and Natsumi's turns to choose. Natsumi was in his room saying that he and his roommate will choose their outfits together, while Brightseed just came down to show off his 'outfit' or lack of one, more like. He was wearing nothing, other than a yellow scarf around his neck and a pair of pink fluffy cuffs. "So... how do I look?"

"Like a tasty popsicle that I can't wait to lick up?" King stated shamelessly as he licked his lips.

Brightseed giggled softly. "Oh, you're so sweet~"

"Well, seems like we're ready for the party." Barry stated as he stood up. "Better go and catch a quick nap before then."

"Yeah, I hear ya. Better be up and awake for the party and probably for all the ass that we can ask for!" King stated as he followed the bear, soon everyone else in the group followed suit.


A few hours of good sleep was all they needed and everyone was making their way to the main hall, which was temporarily refashioned into the hub for the promised party.

Pretty much the entire population of the academy was present, from teaching staff to students. The chairs from the assembly have been stored away, now tables lined the sides, each filled with countless plates filled with various food, drinks, and the occasional bowl of punch.

The party itself was in full swing already, lots of colorful lights, music, dancing, and a hella lot of drinking and lewdness going on as well. Staff and students mingling naturally with one another.

"Well, this seems like a promising night," Barry stated as he placed his hands on his hips, clearly liking how things are looking, so far.

"You can say that again~" Lance stated in a seductive tone as he waved to a huge, grey wolf, who was outside and leaning on the side of the building, waving the beer bottle in his hand back at the rabbit.

"Hey there, fellas!" The group turned around to someone calling them, seeing a rat that was heavily built and black all over, with the exception of the leather harness and belts he wore, which were orange in color. His hair was also black, but was shining and smoothed back with plenty of hair gel it seems. "You must be Natsumi's friends. Name's Jaden, Jaden Glade."

"And you must be his roommate, right?" Barry asked.

"That I am, which reminds me." He took a step aside, much to the surprise of the group. "Ta-da!" He revealed the mouse with a jazz-hands gesture. Natsumi was just as decked out in leather as Jaden but was the same purple as a few nights ago.

"Yo, yo, yo! Natsu, my man!" Deneb walked over to the mouse, who had a faint blush on his face, giving him a playful punch to the shoulder. "You look like you're ready to break some ass!"

Jaden stepped beside Natsumi. "Well, there's one ass he's gonna be breaking soon enough... again~" The rat planted a small peck on the mouse's cheek.

"Whoop! Lucky you, man" Deneb stated, giving Natsumi a couple of pats on the arm. "I, on the other hand, gonna fuck as much ass as I want!" With that, he 'marched' right in, greeting plenty of people here and there.

"Well, then, shall we?" King asked the others before heading in himself, soon followed by the rest and soon enough, everyone was mingling with different students and teachers.


Approximately an hour later, Lance was outside with the grey wolf from earlier, accompanied by an equally big doberman, he was on his knees taking turns sucked both of them off. It seemed they were doing this for a while as both blew their loads either in his mouth or on his face, he just gulped and lapped it all up. "Thanks for the 'drinks' guys." He stood up, getting a shoulder pat from both of them as they walked away, he himself walked back inside, heading for the bathroom.

The scene inside wasn't any different than outside. Lots of groping, kissing, and general sex taking place here and there, a couple were actually indulging themselves in some watersports inside one of the stalls. He quickly washed his face, wiping it off with some toilet paper and heading back outside. "Now I need an actual drink."

He grabbed a cup from the table and poured himself some punch, despite being an adult, no one of his original was of drinking age, yet. "Whatcha doing, beautiful?" He turned to the person talking to him, seeing a large kangaroo, standing almost at seven feet tall with muscles, literally bulging everywhere. If he was honest, the guy actually looked like a character out of a cartoon.

"Just having a drink and maybe find something to eat. Can't live off 'man-batter', now can I?" He replied with an even voice, surprisingly, not showing any interest in the roo.

"Well, then..." The roo lifted an arm and gave it a hard flex, his biceps bloating out obscenely. "How about you and I ditch this party and find out?"

Lance's eye twitched in irritation. "No thanks, but I already had my fill."

"Aw, come on, don't be like that." The roo stepped closer, wrapping an arm around Lance's shoulder. "I can rock your world, babe."

Another eye twitch. "Thanks but no thanks. I'm not in the mood right now."

"Pfft, please, like you think you can any better than this?" Again, the roo raised both his arms this time, flexing once again.

"You mean better than the freak-show trying to seduce me? What do you think?"

This time, it was the roo's turn to become irritated. He grabbed Lance's arm tightly. "Ok, listen here you little-"

"Everything good over here?" They both turned to the voice that joined, it was one of the teachers, specifically the leather-clad german shepherd from earlier.

The roo quickly released Lance's arm. "Oh yeah, everything's good and dandy over here, right?" He asked while looking at Lance.

"I don't know, I certainly wasn't feeling good and 'dandy' as you put it." Lance replied before taking a sip from his punch.

"Why, you fucking-" He meant to grab the rabbit again... but was instantly stopped by something sharp gently pressing against his throat.

"I believe the dean made things clear about sexual conduct." The teacher said in a low and very threatening voice filled with murderous intent, his pocket knife in hand, and grazing the roo's throat. "Both parties must give their consent. As far as I've seen, only one of you was consenting to the whole thing." He narrowed his eyes at the roo. "And believe me, when it comes to rape, 'punishment' doesn't mean just suspension or expulsion. You'll be walking through those gates and straight to a jail cell, with a permanent stamp on your file. I don't think you want that, do you?" The roo just shook his head. "Good, then piss off. And I better not find you pulling the same shit with anyone else." Only then did he finally pull back his knife and put it away. Watching the big roo scampering away, ears drooped down in both fear and shame.

"Thanks for that. Bastard was starting to get on my nerves" Lance stated as he downed the rest of his punch.

"Well, it was either that or you doing something drastic." The teacher replied, noticing how close Lance's hand was to a fork.

"Bad habit." Was all Lance said as he pulled his hand away from the fork, refilling his cup with more punch.

"I'd say. But sometimes bad habits are good to have." The teacher chuckled as he leaned on the table. "Gods know how many times my gun collecting habits saved my life. Even more, so that I keep a few select ones loaded."

"Yeesh. Talk about a disaster waiting to happen."

"You're telling me." He stood up and rolled one shoulder a couple of times. "But, I've taken plenty of your time already. Enjoy the party, cause I doubt you'll be having one soon afterward." Then walked away, joining other teachers talking to a group of students. One hand instantly moved to grope at a student's, a meerkat, rear, pulling him close.

"Phew, talk about a rough night for a party, huh?" Lance turned to yet another voice speaking to him. A rugged-looking raccoon was leaning on the table, propping himself on an elbow, he had about the same build as Lance's and was wearing a cap turned sideways, a golden necklace, a couple of rings on each hand, and a black and golden lined jockstrap.

What drew Lance though was the small goatee and small, trimmed mustache, as well as the stumbles of what once was thick sideburns and beard. "You can say that again." Lance gave the raccoon a look over. "Though, I've had worse."

"Well, then..." The raccoon took a few steps closer, grabbing a cup for himself and filling it with punch. "How about I help lighten your mood?"

Lance smiled and turned to completely face, but suddenly turned away after hearing a brief and loud burst of laughter, a look of disgust spreading on his face as he saw the very same roo, showing off his 'hard-earned' muscles to a more welcoming audience this time. "Ugh... just look at that. A sad excuse of a man showing off some fake goods to a bunch of gullible idiots."

"Meh. You'll see his type all over the academy before long."

Lance turned back to the raccoon, his smile returning to his face. "As for your invite... your room or mine?"

"I reckon we should take yours. My lame-ass roommate decided to ditch the party for some sleep." The raccoon let out an irritated huff. "We don't even have classes tomorrow.

"Lucky me, then. My roommate hasn't arrived yet."

"Lucky you, indeed~" The raccoon raised his cup. "To a good night ahead of us and all the luck in our studies." Lance smiled at the gesture, raising his own cup and gently tapping it against the raccoon's before each down their drinks in one go.


Off to one side, Brightseed was with the library curator, talking to a short corgi wearing a red necktie, some suit pants, a pair of glasses, and nothing else. One look at the smaller male, one would think he was lifting weights the moment he popped out of his mother's womb. Pretty heavy and tanky build that would put almost any bodybuilder to shame, maybe that's why he wasn't wearing anything above the waist.

"You think it will work?" Brightseed asked, still not sure about the plan that the two adults offered.

The corgi adjusted his glasses before speaking. "If your powers work the way I think they are, then that's the quickest way to go. But I'm not surprised if you're feeling skeptical about the idea, especially since it feels like I'm taking advantage of your predicament to get some quick ass... gods know it's been so long." He muttered the last part but was still loud enough for the other two to hear it, before taking a sip of his own drink.

Brightseed let out a small chuckle. "Oh, trust me, sir. I would've let you either way."

"Well, glad that you two are on good terms already." The bloodhound curator stated as he gently clapped his hands together. "Now that everything's set in stone, how about we join the party before it's too late, hm?" The others agreed before waving each other goodbye and rejoining the festivities.


Soon enough, the party was slowly dying down, everyone was either drunk or tired to continue. The first ones to leave were the teachers and the rest of the staff, followed by the students a few hours later.

Back in their room, Natsumi and Jaden were barely inside before the door slammed shut, then the mouse against it, the bigger rat locking their lips in a deep kiss, while one hand roughly rubbed against his growing bulge. He released the kiss and planted a peck on Natsumi's shoulder. "Will you fuck me now, sir?" He asked in a husky voice, licking his lips in anticipation.

"Only if you really want it, boy~" Natsumi said with a lustful smile, his own hands reaching back and giving Jaden's rear some gropes of its own.

Despite the rat being the older one here, Jaden just loved being called that, especially if it was from someone smaller like Natsumi. "Oh, fuck yeah. I'm your little slut for the night. Do to me whatever you fucking wish!" Jaden growled out as he pressed their maws together for a harder and deeper kiss, their tongues and lips smacking pretty loudly against one another, accompanied by their moans and groans of arousal.

Natsumi broke the kiss and forcibly turned the rat around before pushing him forward and onto all fours. Jaden instantly assumed the position, legs spread wide apart, back arched, and tail hiked high up. "Fuck yeah, sir. Give it to me!"

Natsumi doesn't really know why he did it, but he just spat in his hand as he pulled his jock's pouch aside with the other, lathering up his dick. Even though he saw Jaden prepping himself before the party, it felt hot doing so. He stepped up behind the rat and squatted a bit, aiming his cock right at Jaden's entrance and pressing it against it, "Believe me, I know!" right before slamming his cock right in, electing a loud growl from the rat, who despite the pain, was clearly loving this by how his cock jumped in his own jock.

Jaden wasn't able to encourage the mouse further, his words died in his throat as he felt him already working his cock back and forth inside him at a fast and hard pace, Natsumi's hips clapping pretty loudly against the rat's ass. They didn't really have to be quiet tonight, it was pretty clear that both their 'neighbors' were having some fun of their own in their rooms.

And they became just as loud. Natsumi adding the occasional spank right on Jaden's ass, while his other hand grabbed and tugged at the harness, forcing the rat to arch his back even more. Both growling, groaning, moaning, and making whatever other noise that comes out during hardcore sexual intercourse.


Barry, on the other hand, was just reading on a few things on his laptop, King was spending the night with his latest 'conquest' in their room, so the bear had his all to himself tonight. He decided to be a good student and read up on some of the subjects he took. He was planning on majoring in sports medicine, so he pulled up whatever article or topic he could find on it or related to it.

There was a sudden knock on the door to his room, it couldn't be King since he already had a key of his own. He got up and opened the door... and saw Deneb standing there. "Hey, uh... everything okay?"

"Yeah, all's good. Can I... can I stay the night here?" Deneb asked as he stepped in.

Barry closed the door. "Sure, of course. You sure everything's okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. My date's roommate was a stick in the mud, is all. Woke up just as things were getting good and instead of asking politely for us to keep it, he went and became a total ass about it. Ruined the entire mood." Deneb let out a huff as he flopped backward on King's bed.

"Well, feel free to spend the night. King's not sleeping on that bed tonight." Barry stated as he went back to his laptop.

"Really dude, you reading up material right now?"

"Gotta get ready, show them I'm committed."

"We don't even have classes tomorrow."

"Just trying to make a good impression."

"Or get the profs smitten with the smart jock that they'll offer their asses to ya on a silver platter." Deneb retorted, earning a chuckle from both of them. He then turned to the side, pulling the covers over his lower body. "Welp, I'm gonna catch an early sleep tonight. You just... do you."

Barry smiled but continued looking at the screen. "Sure. Good night, buddy."

"Night, bro." Deneb closed his eyes and soon enough, fell asleep. Barry, on the other hand, kept reading for about an hour longer before succumbing to sleep himself, managing to get to his bed before catching some Zs of his own.