The Night is Long

Story by PariahLycan on SoFurry

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#3 of Commissions and Collaborations

A commission for bisonbull92 on FurAffinity

Featuring his characters Nadira and Sephii, introduced in Crown Jewels.

The content and themes shown in this piece are not necessarily reflective of the interests of the author.

Jasmine was young. In the prime of her youth, in the prime of her beauty, the desert lotus had only known happiness with her life in the golden dunes of her home. Not a week ago, the pretty girl could only imagine happiness in her future.

But now, alone in the ornate room, her soft, svelte body bare, awaiting her could she imagine happiness? It hadn't been a full day after her village was attacked that she had been sold. For days and days, weeks for all she knew, she had been led in the caravan through mountains and over hills, too far for her to remember. Too far for her to even know how to return. Gone was the lush jungle of her time as a kit, the song of birds and the scent of, everything was sand. Nothing but sand and sky.

It was a shame, had she not been whisked away by royalty, she might have found herself betrothed to royalty. The young tigress was not merely beautiful, she was slender, lithe. With none of the bulk and masculinity some saw in her kind, but only pure, innocent femininity. She had the looks of a princess in a palace...and not a slave. She knew so little of what was to happen, what fate would befall her. However, as she was led into the city, the leers she endured from the broad hyena guards left her with lingering tears in her eyes, confirming a fear that had been brewing for so many sunsets.

She had been told to wait, her new mistress had affairs to handle before she would "introduce" the little tigress to her new life. As such, the poor girl was left alone, sitting on the edge of a bed, staring nervously at the door, awaiting her fate.

However, a noise to her right made her jump, as two figures slipped in to join her. Lionesses, almost identical in their magnificent appearance to the point they could have been twins...adorned with nothing but jewelry. Jasmine tried to rise, but the two gingerly guided her back down, snuggling on each side of her.

They had to be brief, but the two girls kept their voices low and sultry, their arms wrapping around the tigress to embrace her gently.

Their names were Sephii and Nadira, not sisters but lionesses from the same tribe. They were also the property of her new owner...a member of the royal hyena family.


Their words, while spoken softly and gently, still left a pit in the poor girl's belly. They too had been taken and claimed as property, though their journey to their current--and likely final--home had been much longer, and much more painful. While Jasmine had been plucked just after she had bloomed, they had been yanked from the earth when they were but seedlings. Subjected to torture from their first owner and then forced to learn how to please males before their life began within the ornate walls of the hyena's palace.

Their voices took on an edge as they broke the news to her. Tigers such as her were rare in their nation...and Meredith had seen an opportunity for her. Jasmine's heart sank, her fears confirmed.

She'd been bought as a breeder.

It was then that the pretty girl started to sniffle...and it was then that the nature of the comfort changed, the lionesses loosening their grip and becoming much more tender.

Nadira whispered into her ear in a honeyed little croon, asking if she had ever known another's touch, as Sephii kissed and nipped down the tigress' neck, moving to her chest. Jasmine had never, and both lionesses smiled at her gently as they revealed their secret. This was how they survived such treatment, made the most of their lives as items existing to provide pleasure. If they would not receive it themselves, they would give it to each other.

It was a relief to Jasmine that the first to enter her was a loving, gentle touch. It was not the lover she had hoped for, some dashing young prince from a far off land to whisk her away...but at that moment, the tigress felt like a queen. Soon, the two lionesses had the little tigress mewling in pleasure, with Saphii's digits gently caressing her petals and her rough tongue tenderly lapping up her dew. As the sounds leaving her grew more one more fervent, Nadira was forced to bury the pretty girl's face into one of her heavy, plush breasts. Too much noise would give them away, and while Meredith would not dare ruin her expensive little toy before her purpose was made clear...Nadira and Sephii were her toys, and hers alone...and no one had the power to tell the hyena to play nice with her toys.

Sister, they called her, for she was part of their family, and they would weather the storm together. Soon, Jasmine let out a squeal into Nadira's chest...and after many nuzzles and kisses from her new family, they cleaned her up. As they nuzzled and kissed her gently, Nadira offered some of the advice they had so unpleasantly been forced to learn. Start slow, don't hurt them or make them uncomfortable; they might respond in kind. They likely won't prepare themselves, so a paw between one's legs as they are warmed up will aid in what is to come. Lastly, Jasmine was warned, no matter what Meredith demands she do, who she is told to take to bed, what she is forced to do to will not be worse than the punishment the dominant, sexually sadistic hyena would do to her.

It was then that Sephii, who had remained quiet as she tended to Jasmine, spoke up. She spoke softly, almost shyly, but her words carried weight for the young girl.

"Even if the night is long, the sun always rises."

Jasmine was able to embrace the pair one more time before footsteps outside made the lionesses startle like gazelles. With one final murmur each of love and support, the lionesses ducked out of the room...and Jasmine gulped, nervously awaiting her fate.

Across from her, the curtains swung open, revealing Jasmine's new owner. Meredith, of the royal hyena family, her curvy, spotty frame gilded in perfect silk, and her limbs festooned in priceless gemstones and gold with a wanton carelessness. She walked with an air of control and power granted by birth, an assurance that Jasmine felt immediately, shrinking under the hyena's gaze.

Soon to follow were two of the biggest, broadest lions that Jasmine had ever seen. These two were not just the size of the lion raiders who had taken her away, but they seemed even more muscular. not to mention, the pair were beautiful themselves. They were likely the best lions in the kingdom... was with this realization that Jasmine's belly turned over.

Meredith did not bother with formalities or theatrics. After all, this wasn't a matter of pleasure, just a business venture. One that held the potential for great profit. She'd purchased the most beautiful tiger, and found herself the most virile studs she could...and with a snap of her fingers, the two lions removed their loincloths.

Jasmine couldn't help but squeak in shock, as she beheld the pair in all their glory, every inch. Her belly tensed in a mix of fear...and a bit of excitement.

With a chuckle, Meredith gestured to the girl on the bed like a trainer giving her pets food. Slowly, the lions approached her, a predatory glint in their eyes as they beheld their "prey". Jasmine shivered and opened her legs slowly, just like the sisters told her she should. The more excited they get, the quicker it might go.

Sure enough, both lions growled in excitement, standing before her on both sides. With another gulp, the pretty girl lifted her paws to grip them both. Both large males groaned, her touch unpracticed but impossibly soft. Slowly, she began to stroke and caress each male's long, heavy flesh, each gentle glide of her delicate fingers over the flexed muscles making them throb. Slowly, she began to rub her face on both shafts, letting their heads be gingerly tickled by her velvet flesh, and this eventually became a series of nuzzles and kisses. Her first lick on one of them made the lion gasp and snarl. Jasmine flinched, nuzzling and kissing the spot in a fervent apology, her paw leaving that cock to start slowly rubbing her soft, tight little slit. It was hard to enjoy the experience, especially after Saphii and Nadira had helped her out so, but she couldn't deny coming to enjoy the scent of two big, strong, virile males.

Looking past the pair, Jasmine saw Meredith, the hyena chuckling and looking down at her in a bit of surprise...and a hint of something malicious.

Jasmine was just about to guide one of the males into her mouth when her mistress snapped her fingers, and the two breeders immediately stepped away. The tigress gazed up at Meredith as she approached, confusion and growing fear in her eyes. The hyena's eyes seemed to bore into hers, trying to look past her eyes. Her black paw reached out, and a single claw pressed into Jasmine's chest, pushing her back. Like a lightning bolt hit her, the tigress fell back onto the bed with a shocked mewl...and it only took a few flicks of a claw tip to puppet the girl into place. She laid on her back, her legs splayed open and her barely-touched pussy on display for her mistress.

It was then that Meredith spoke up once more, expressing surprise in Jasmine's skill...and wondering for sure if the girl was indeed unbroken. Jasmine opened her mouth to protest, but a dangerous look from her mistress shut her up. Dragging her dark fingers slowly over the pretty girl's slit, Meredith ignored her moan as she slipped her digits inside, probing around. The hyena sniffed slightly...and then smirked, detecting a familiar scent on the tigress' fur. She laughed darkly, murmuring about how Nadira and Sephii were in for it when she returned to her chambers. Jasmine blushed, fearful, as her mistress grinned from ear to ear, her opulent appearance not matching her savage grin...

With a sudden thrust of her paw, Meredith plunged her fingers deep into the tigress's pussy...confirming for herself that she had bought a virgin. A former virgin.

As Jasmine cried out and wailed, the hyena chuckled softly, before pulling out of the shaking girl with a slight pop. As the tigress shook and whimpered on the bed, Meredith addressed her two lions, telling them that if her belly did not swell in four moons' time, she'd have the guards breed both of them. The lions gulped nervously, and Meredith dismissed herself, off to make her pet lionesses scream.

Jasmine was sniffling, in shock from having her virginity stolen so quickly...but she had little time to adjust, as she felt something warm between her legs. She glanced down just in time for her first lion to hilt himself in her tight, unprepared pussy, and her scream was cut off by the second forcing into her throat. Both lions needed no preparation, this was not the first pet they'd bred. As one grabbed her hips to start savagely thrusting into her, the other gripped her head as he humped her face. Tears of exertion started to dampen the pretty girl's cheeks, even as the burn in her body started to hurt less. Soon, it even felt rather nice...albeit still too rough.

However, it wouldn't be long before the girl properly became a woman. She let out a muffled cry, the sound drowned out by a roar as the lion in her pussy hilted inside of her, his cock trying to break her open before it began to pulse and throb. She felt him deeper inside of her than she thought existed, as ropes of virile seeds pumped directly into her womb. Perhaps triggered by her outcry, the lion in her throat roared as well, and she gagged and choked as her muzzle was pumped full of seed, cum pouring down her throat and drooling out of her mouth.

Whether she liked it or not, whether it was what she wanted or not...her body seemed to accept her place, and she clenched down hard, milking more seed from her first of many lovers as she climaxed powerfully, her body thrashing and shaking between the two. The lions smirked in self-satisfaction, continuing to mash themselves into the pretty girl until they'd given up every drop.

Slipping out with a pop, Jasmine gasped, trying to catch her breath, but to her horror, the lions were already up and moving. She didn't have the time to sit up...before suddenly she was stuffed full again, the lions having traded ends. Letting out a muffled little wail, Jasmine started grunting and moaning as the two lions took what they wanted from her. Each slap against her thighs and ass bulged her belly out. Each slap against her muzzle and chin bulged her throat out. Meredith was right, the girl was a natural...and soon the lions roared again as they dumped even more seed into her overworked body.

The tigress was let go, allowed to flop limply against the bed. She gasped and mewled softly, having to work to gulp down the sheer volume of seed in her muzzle as a deluge dribbled out of her. Maybe it was finally ov-

Jasmine's hope was dashed as she was turned onto her side, her face guided into a lion's chest, and another cock was guided into her folds. She gasped and moaned again, pawing at his chest...but her eyes went wide as she heard a low chuckle behind her.

The two were positive they had already bred their sow, but Meredith would have them flogged if they left early, even if they wanted to. That said, there was room for more fun, the night was young.

Just when she thought there was nothing more that could be taken from her, she let out a loud cry as she felt the second lion snuggle up behind her...and slide his massive flesh under her tail. Once again, she had no time to relax, no time to let her body adjust, and her little body was rocked and yanked between the two as both cocks mashed into her tight holes, taking her body as if they owned her. She felt so full, more than she had ever felt in her life. She wanted to scream, but the lions would not even let her have that. They each hungrily kissed their little prize, swallowing up her cries with greed. With such a beautiful, vocal girl between them, how could they hold back...and soon Jasmine was left on the bed, cum drooling from between her legs and under her tail.

This time, the lions took a break to sample some wine and stretch, as Jasmine whimpered and whined. By the size of the heavy balls that had been slapping against her, it would be a long time before either finished with her. Meredith had made it clear, they would not be allowed to leave her empty. And if not them...then as many as it took...

The lions turned around to see Jasmine laying on her back, her legs splayed open and her soaked folds spread. Her eyes looked resigned, but her voice was she asked to be bred again, and again, and again.

None slept in that chamber upon that night.

Swallowing back a tremor of discomfort in her belly, the tiger lifted herself up in a slow, practiced arc. Letting the priceless silk sarong fall from her shoulders, she lay there for a moment, her bare back turned to her rapt audience...before she slowly, elegantly turned over, letting her nude body be bared and displayed for them all to see.

Meredith's eyes glittered as her entourage of the sycophantic elite all gasped and chortled, gazing in awe at her latest prized possession. A tigress from the jungles far beyond where the sand ended. a gorgeous little gem, in the prime of her worth with youth in her eyes...

...soft, supple, voluptuous curves...

...full, plump breasts...

...and a wide, swollen belly. Like a fertility Goddess among the lotus, a sacred cow with a golden heifer...or, merely an expensive whore bred for another future slave. It mattered not, as they all commented loudly about how sound an investment she was. The bastard in her belly would sell for a king's ransom. Meredith drank in the compliments like sips of honeyed wine, eyes locked upon Jasmine's as if daring the slave to act out.

But Jasmine would not dare. She gazed up at her mistress, awaiting any orders. To pose, to lift her heavy body to get them drinks, to lift her tail for any slave or dignitary the hyena mattered not.

It would be all right. She would eventually be dismissed as Meredith and her cadre retired to sample the opium, she would relax her sore back in bed, and she would call Nadira and Sephii to her room to help suckle the creamy milk out of her plush teats, relaxing the pain in her back. She would rest, she would get bigger, and soon, she would give birth. Whether she would hold her baby for long, or whether Meredith would call more lions in to replace the cub in her belly with even more...she didn't know. That was the future. Jasmine did not know her future, she only knew the rest of her night.

As the sounds of laughter echoed through the magnificent room, none noticed the tiger's lips parting just a hair, nor her very soft, very gentle murmur. Not speaking to them, not to her, but perhaps to the universe.

"The sun always rises."