Tales of Cascadia: Chapter 3~ The winds of change

Story by Grym on SoFurry

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Chapter Three~ The Winds of Change

Sha'eia sighed into the incoming breeze, one paw slowly stroking her full stomach, more to comfort herself then the baby growing inside. The Salty scent was actually comforting, reminding her of his scent when he followed paw in hand or carried her with an energy unending back to their cozy little cottage by the wood's edge on the far side of town. She murred softly as thoughts of him brought tears salty down her cheek, it's been a month without even a letter, she knew there were tales of ships swallowed by the falling sky stuff, but she hoped with all her heart it wasn't his vessel lost to the deep blue, that he was safe and warm even if lost or held in a harbor somewhere, staying till things got better. But after a month she could either wait or move on, but part of her spirit, a part that grew and grew inside her every fruitless day said something else, something a mother on the verge of birth would had laughed at and dismiss, to go and find him, no matter what. What was the point of a home in Dawnview if she couldn't share it with her mate anymore, every day the empty and too quiet house reminded her of how much she yearned for the truth. She pulled her shawl closer around her chest and opened her sun umbrella and walked back down the pier, the locals that watched her come out every day shook their heads with sadness, pity and sympathy for the grieving widow, but in her step there was determination and her eyes were more alive then they have been in months, if the sea wanted to make it so hard to let her husband return to his loved ones, by goddess she would just have to go find him.

The next week was a flurry of tasks and chores, selling her jewelry and most expensive outfits she could, the custom hand carved dining set made of imported dark oak, one by one she watched people offer their condolences then walk out of her front door arms full till the rooms that took years to fill with her dear mate Jonathon were completely bare in under 6 days; except for a modest bed, two travel chests with a month's worth of clothing, the food stored up overfilling her larder and root cellar and of coarse a small wooden treasure chest with a portrait of her and her husband when they first met, along with the bronze locket she wore around her neck with a picture of his handsome face to comfort her on those lonely nights we was away to support her and their soon to be growing family.

That was another matter, whether she left now or waited a couple of months, their child was becoming close to being due, and that meant she would have to hire a physician or if she dared temple priestess for her little adventure, but all the would be and what ifs were worth it for her soul mate, and it wouldn't be the first of her family born on a ship, but she figured she would just have them head into a port if need be. She sighed as she rubbed the gold and ruby wedding ring on her finger, sitting around and wondering wouldn't get things done, but as she stood up her feet told her otherwise, perhaps a soak then rest and then a early start would be what she need.

Weeks past after she made her way down to the harbor, arms loaded with flyers and letters she passed out, nailed up and mailed off to her family up and down the coast, even to her distant family in the Father's Arms, yet not one word in replay by word or mouth, her heart sinking at the thought that perhaps it was all in vain, how could she do anything with such limited money, no true sea skill besides knitting and weaving, and cooking, and of coarse her memorization of her daily prayers to the goddess of hope.

Then one morning as the sun peeked over the horizon and swept down the travel worn dirt roads there was a knock at the door, she turned in her sheets, breathed softly thinking another squirrel was running on her roof, happened more times then she liked to admit and the sadness of no one there to come to her mate's rescue lead to another round of tears into her pillow. But then again there it was, and much louder this time, a very noticeable knock and even the shifting sounds of a whining horse outside. Her eyes opened wide and threw her covers off her body, reaching into her morning chest to pull out a robe and finally pulled it completely on as she unlocked and opened her door, her face a mask of awe and wonder, before her was a regal woman on a chestnut stead, her hair tied neatly back and her uniform crisp, the colors and marks she wore on her chest spoke of a navy veteran, but what really made Sha's eyes water with joy was at least 30 or so men and women standing behind her, all familiar faces from her trips down to the docks, fishermen, dockhands, sailors and a familiar roguish male with a rusty looking sword on his ragged clothes. She couldn't find the words to speak, to ask why they were here, but deep down her heart swelled with hope as the woman in front finally spoke. "Miss Edwards, I apologize for the delay in our meeting, but it took some time for supplies to be gathered for the crew, you and the child, but we all wanted to come to let you know if it is agreeable we are all ready to ship out tomorrow at first light" the captains faced softened considerably from her usually serious expression "John was a good man, and you yourself are known quite fondly in these parts, no one here would do anything else once we heard your plight but no money is needed, we take care of our own" Sha cried with joy, reaching down for a napkin when a shorter figure in long white robes walked up and offered her a cloth, the embroidery of the local temple easily recognizable and she nodded in thanks* "thank you all so very very much, goddess bless you all and so much more." she looked at the priest under his hood, the odd features similar to a Pae'Pae but strangely off never bothered her but now they seemed to only be warmer.

She looked up at the captain and finally contained herself, standing tall as much as she could "yes Captain I think tomorrow will be fine, but I will need a hand with my things if that's alright?" several men raised their voices in the back, to offer assistance, the two women smiled at them, Kor'ma turned her horse around carefully "you heard her, all you salts get going and get ready, we leave before dawn!" Several lingered to give their farewells as they left, including Garus who smiled at her and bowed his head low then turned to wander back to town. She stood at the door for several moments more, wondering if it was just a dream, if so she didn't want to wake up, and there was too much to do to worry if she would wake up too early or not to see the happy ending she felt was waiting in her heart of hearts.