Overcasting 3: Chapter 4

Story by Mattariel on SoFurry

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#11 of Overcasting

At last, marriage and the happy couple celebrate their first night as official partners.

Then things get weird...

Huge thanks to mercrantos for his insights and advice.

Katia Managan belongs to Kazerad.

Everything else belongs to Bethesda.

4: Sappy Love, Mounds and Mountains

Katia stared at the stars. They always relaxed and humbled her a great deal, that something out there was still more vast and eyecatching than she was. They were doing a piss-poor job of chasing away the butterflies in her stomach, but otherwise they were captivating.

Her feet made lazy splashes in the cold waters of Lake Honrich and her reflection, once bathed in the nebulae and moons, distorted and vanished as she once more cast a little fire near herself to keep warm. She was clad in a simple dress made from some old sails, although Katia didn't even really care about modesty these days; anyone and everyone would no doubt see her naked in time and between her old shames and constant state of size fluctuation. It was more for Quill's sake than anything.

As they grew closer, Katia suspected Quill was past caring about Katia's naked or most of her other 'quirks' and only interfered when someone would come to harm, with simple advice to help Katia lean away from her less desirable actions. The khajiit had also improved a great deal thanks to Tar-Meena and working for the legion, but Quill was her biggest guide in life. Her lover would say she was too serious and too joyless, but Katia enjoyed these in return.

In a life where real walls meant nothing besides frustration when they broke, Quill presented mental and moral barricades that forced Katia to stop and really think things through. It forced her to debate her actions and she felt more mature as a result.

Meanwhile Katia's exuberance and energy would often amuse Quill and add a little colour and mayhem to her life, which gave Quill a chance to grow as well, to explore out of her 'shell' and experiment. Katia was now more dutiful and sensible and Quill more adventurous and cheery as a result.

Katia closed her eyes and put a hand over her heart; any miniscule doubts about this marriage were scattered to the wind.

She loved Quill-Weave, and Quill-Weave loved her.

Instead, tonight, Katia's doubts were more internal. She had slept for a few hours but soon found herself distracted by what happened earlier. Even preparation for the marriage wasn't involved enough to occupy her; everything had been arranged for Katia and Quill-Weave to marry in the morning.

Instead she considered the 'itch'; a violent outburst, earlier a childish urge to leap down the waterfall. She had convinced Quill to let her do something as foolish as that, but that was just evidence at how insidious the itch was. After Katia spent so long overcoming her alcoholism and messed up relationship with sex, now some other demon was budding within her and she neither knew where it emerged or what it meant. It skulked and lingered in her mind and Katia slammed her foot into the lake and watched the large plume of water scatter up and away.

Katia breathed a heavy sigh, as if the large puff of vapour would somehow carry away her troubles. Now she had to hope Tar-Meena could help to make sense of it all. What was most horrible was just how _good_it felt to indulge in it, even compared to drinking and one night stands which gave her a deeper resentment against herself. Obliterating that building and slaying those obvious monsters felt amazing.

Yes, Katia conceded the point that she was extremely powerful; over and over she realised she was greater in power than anything in the land. How could she not be? Just the act of sitting down was a catastrophic event if she wasn't careful; she weighed over four tons! Casual actions just weren't casual.

Even ignoring that, she had to be so damn careful all the time even when sleeping; she had to make sure she had distance from anything she could destroy with anything that even a nudge of an elbow or a bump with a knee. If she forgot to wear her amulet and couldn't find Tar-Meena or Quill (or convince someone who knew the right spell to trust her), she would be doomed to an existence of ceaseless growth that could only be held at bay for an hour at the longest by purging herself of magicka. Fall asleep for a bit too long or daydream at the wrong time? Permanently bigger. Irreversible, inevitable and catastrophic.

If Katia removed her amulet right now and just let fate take hold she had no doubt the world would be cease to function within a full day; buried beneath her form, and she didn't even know if she could sustain herself without food thanks to the healing effect, or maybe breathing or... oh fuck, bodily waste?

Katia shivered, both from the cold and the thought of one bowel movement covering the whole country. Confronted with a literal world of shit, she kicked her thoughts back to the past day and took stock of debts owed. Somehow it was a far more cheery topic.

Seed-Neeus. While the wedding itself was covered by Jarl Bragne as payment for destroying the estate and the murderous bastards who had occupied it, Katia had eaten a full meal at Quill's insistence (as a celebration and reward) instead of just enough to sustain herself as she usually did. Ten deer and a barrel full of off-cuts of boiled vegetables.

She rubbed her furred belly and smirked as she remembered that for the first time in months, she had been truly full. Katia even had a bulge to her stomach and joked that it put her on similar footing to Quill in belly size. Quill grumbled at the subtle jab but Katia saw the smirk when she looked away. Once more that affirmed that they belonged together.

Wedding besides, Katia had been levied a fine for destroying the walkways and bridges in the town proper. That side was largely going to be dealt with by Katia herself thanks to her experience in rebuilding Anvil, although there was still other labourers and materials to pay for. Even Seed-Neeus' impressive business acumen, combined with Dar-Ma's magnetic charm, wasn't enough to reduce the cost any less than ten thousand septims.

Katia had money; she didn't need to spend much on herself (and past experience taught her not to handle the stuff personally) so she had been building a nice nest-egg at the advice of Tar-Meena, even if a good chunk of it had gone on this trip. Between what was left and the sum she had retained from Bragne's offer, paying it all back would be fine. Katia hadn't exactly come to Skyrim flush with coin, so she just had to keep her head down, get married, help with the repairs, then they could all go home together, pay her debt and look forward to the rest of their lives.

"Wow, what do they feed khajiit up here?" A male voice. A clearly khajiiti one as well.

Katia sat up and turned to see the speaker, a grey robed and hooded tawny furred cat-man that eyed the giantess with a raised eyebrow, and she replied, "greetings citizen. Hope the night is treating you well."

"Not sure how a night can treat anyone except to darkness and cold," the man said with a little smirk.

Katia rolled her eyes and wondered if he was drunk, or on skooma... or even just moon sugar. "Can I help you?"

"M'aiq believes anyone can help anyone else in some way. Some by accident, others less so."

"M'aiq? That's your name?" Katia tilted her head, a gesture the man responded with mirror-like accuracy.

"Yes. Khajiit knows much. Tells some."

"So does that mean you can help me?"

"Perhaps. Does This One need something? If not, then no. If yes, maybe."

"A distraction would be nice."

"M'aiq is always a distraction. People sometimes throw things at M'aiq, or proposition M'aiq for sex, or try to beat or kill M'aiq."

"Just a chat would be nice- wait, people ask you for sex out of the blue?"

"This is somehow more unusual than the attempted murder?" M'aiq gave a dry snicker then shrugged, "it is Khajiit's opinion that the exotic stranger has a lot of appeal. People hate our people and the hist-born. M'aiq finds both beautiful. Yet often these are the preferred secret subjects for the humans and elves. One taboo gives way to another, yes? Not to mention who would trust the word of the stranger non-human over the known human?"

"Huh. I guess that makes sense. I..." Katia nibbled her lip then shook her head. "I've got a bit of a reputation for being an easy lay. Or I did. Or I kinda do? I guess I don't even know any more. I just kind of 'own' it these days."

M'aiq sat beside Katia and they just looked out at the lake for a time. He then cleared his throat and said, "perhaps this is not always a bad thing. When we lack certainty around us it makes it easier to focus on what is certain, hmm? The lonely lighthouse amidst the fog is clearer than it is during the day."

Katia blinked and was dumbfounded for a moment as she thought the words over and her. "You're right. My life's so fucked up in so many ways that it shouldn't matter. I'm here now, I have things I'm doing and have yet to do."

"You know, Khajiit is usually the one people keep asking about, and it makes a change being in the presence of someone clearly more interesting for once." M'aiq scritched his own chin for a moment, then looked at her and asked, "do you mind if M'aiq asks what you think about This One's 'fucked up' self? How about top three? M'aiq hears arbitrary lists are very popular these days."

Katia cocked an ear at his request and chuckled to herself, "I guess? Sure. Why not? Well, let's begin with how I'm an impossibility? As if the world itself is based around me or something. It's the most messed up thing I can think of. I'm no goddamn chosen one or something. I thought they were supposed to be important."

"Importance means little. M'aiq is content to make his way by wandering and talking, yet a lot of people seek and expect M'aiq to say something amusing. Actions are important. Did you do something important?"

"Well..." Katia once more felt a bit uncomfortable tracking over her old deeds, but once more felt compelled to talk. "Like how I said I'm an easy lay? I kinda fucked Mehrunes Dagon to death? Well, not death, but it caused him to be banished, the way my mentor tells it."

M'aiq hesitated and his jaw went slack for a split second. "Wait, as in the Daedric Prince of Destruction?"

"Yep, that's the one. He was this giant destroying the Imperial City. I turned up, out sized him, drunk off my ass and proceeded to use him as a dildo. Yet despite how ridiculous that sounds, people love me because of it."

"Then M'aiq suggests you accept the positive. Do you know how many people want to be loved? Respected? What you did does not matter; you did, therefore you earned it."

Katia nodded. "I did. Don't worry. I've got so many shameful things in my past, this new part was at least in the service of something better."

"Then we have established what This One consider one of her biggest problems is a good thing. What else frustrates?"

Katia sighed and mulled the question over, before she settled on and brought up, "just how I work confuses me. One of the first things I read up on since becoming like this," she said and gestured to herself, "is how the giants of Skyrim function. They're slow, they're wider footed and legged than the average person. Their mammoths are even more so, yet I'm about as tall as one. Despite this, I'm shaped like I always was. Well, besides being pretty beefy now."

Katia punctuated the last part with a flex of her arm and watched the furred bicep swell. She struggled to form an opinion about how it looked bigger than the last time she really studied her body. A bulge akin to a good sized orange beneath the skin and fur. She then wondered if she was getting enough fruit in her diet; watermelons, pineapples and oranges seemed ever-present in her mind.

"Yet This One persists. It sounds to M'aiq as if it was a deal worthy of Clavicus Vile; all the advantages with few of the disadvantages. Would This One be happier if she was sluggish? Or weak?"

"Well, no, but it makes no fucking sense why I can run and leap like a five foot six woman instead of a twenty foot colossus."

"Making sense is something best reserved for things that are causing problems. Why worry when something works? Would a farmer question why their cart never breaks? He shouldn't, because in taking apart the wagon, there is no guarantee he can restore it. It just works. Khajiit would just use what this one has and be thankful. Not like weapons or armour or the hammers to repair them, yet M'aiq's robe is never sundered or spoiled. Robes truly are the best outfit."

"How... damn it!" Katia huffed at her inability to really dig into the meat of her issues if this M'aiq could swat them away so easily, or perhaps this M'aiq was some sort of spiritual guru or something with how readily he flattened these once monolithic concerns about herself. She had a good, long think about what was really disturbing her and tried to find something that really gave her reason to worry. She snapped her fingers, more a dull thud as padded finger mostly struck the furred inside of her palm.

"Okay, how's this one, smart guy; when I recently used my abilities, as in the thing you said I shouldn't worry about, I started wanting to take over the fucking world. I'm worried I'll turn into some sort of goddess-empress or monster or something in between. How do I stop that? I have all this power and strength at my fingertips, yet how do I stop myself wanting to abuse it?"

M'aiq smirked and responded, "ask yourself, deep down; do you _want_to be an imperial-monster-goddess?"

Katia's ears flattened and she bared her teeth a little. Enough for M'aiq to lean away. She snarled, "fuck no! I'd be a terrible ruler and I've never wanted to hurt people. I've come to terms with needing to use my strength to stop bad people and protecting myself, those I love and civilians, but I don't want to go beyond that."

"Then perhaps this one needs to focus on smaller things. It seems to M'aiq that This One trying to be big, yet want to be small. Act smaller, or as small as you can be. Don't take over many lives, help a few and stick to it. Perhaps in time This One will become a better ruler and then whether you do or don't become a 'goddess empress', you will be prepared, no?"

Katia's mouth opened and closed a few times and once again, she found herself unable to argue how that wouldn't be a better idea.

"I mean, I don't I want to be a ruler..."

"Yet This One may have to be one all the same, yes? You try to not become one, but prepare in case you do. Anyway," M'aiq stretched and stood again. "M'aiq is tired now, and bids you goodnight."

Without another word the mysterious khajiit walked away, and left Katia at surprising ease as she looked skyward once more.

* * *

"Ah, here's the blushing bride now. Let's begin the ceremony."

The old priest of Mara smiled and everyone in the temple stood. Not that there were many faces, but Katia felt that Tar-Meena, Seed-Neeus and Dar-Ma were all the people Katia wanted here. Each meant a great deal to her as they sat on a pew to the side, and the impressive hall was large enough for Katia to stand and beautifully simple in its construction, and the priest himself and before the large altar which housed a symbol of the divine of love herself, a face within a cross wreathed in a circle.

Beyond that was the larger than life statue of Mara, a robed woman with her arms low and to the sides as she wept, face skyward. It was a striking statue. Beautiful and tragic as it stood taller than the average man.

It all meant nothing compared to the other tall figure in the room. A figure that stole her breath like no other.

Quill-Weave. She looked radiant, from her matronly form to her soft, tender smile. She was dressed in a hastily sewn but very well fitted gown of white linen that affected a wedding dress. Around her head and fins she wore a crown of wild flowers in whites, blues and gentle pink. Katia adjusted her own outfit; her armour, which sadly was all she had with any tidy and official presence, but the local smith had created a length of shiny chain with ribbons tied to the links that she wore around her chest and over the shoulders. They both wore a long-stringed amulet of the Divine goddess of compassion and healing Mara, and wore each proudly over their clothing.

The priest gestured for Katia to walk up and stand besides Quill-Weave and as she did, the world felt as though it peeled away. The atmosphere was tangible, as if the air was thick except for the space between them; clear and free, and proved the only path before Katia. The nervousness that had plagued her all this time, even though suppressed each time, now cleared as if it was the easiest task she had ever accomplished. This was right. As if destiny meant for every single accident, tragedy, misstep and fault that had happened to her to give Katia a debt, and now it was to be paid.

Both giantess' stared as Katia moved into place and as soon as she did, the priest continued.

"It was Mara that first gave birth to all of creation and pledged to watch over us as her children. It is from her love of us that we first learned to love one another. It is from this love that we learn that a life lived alone is no life at all. We gather here today, under Mara's loving gaze, to bear witness to the union of two souls in eternal companionship. May they journey forth together in this life and the next, in prosperity and poverty, and in joy and hardship."

He turned and looked far up at Katia. "Do you agree to be bound together, in love, now and forever?"

Katia considered the 'debt' owed to her; she had made a fool of herself more times than she could count, and wondered how many were her own fault or the world fighting against her. She had done so many things she regretted, even if she didn't show it because of how often it happened as so many of these regrets had given her a relentless spirit, where every darkest depth offered ledges and handholds with which to climb free.

But this, for the first time, more sure than any other thing that had happened to her before, this was certain, and this was a blessing. Katia stared into Quill's eyes, the smile that grew wider as they stared, licked her lips and spoke with more import and power than anything she had ever done before.

"I do. Now and forever."

The priest nodded then turned to Quill-Weave, no doubt glad to not have to crane his ageing neck quite so high, and asked, "and do you agree to be bound together, in love, now and forever?"

Quill barely took a strong breath and declared, "I do. Now and forever."

Once more the priest nodded, then with a kind smile and wide-swept arms concluded with, "under the authority of Mara, the Divine of Love, I declare this couple to be wed." Two simple metal bands strung with long leather cord, were presented to both Katia and Quill-Weave. "I present to the two of you with these matching rings, blessed by Mara's divine grace. May they protect each of you in your new life together."

Katia ducked down as she took one cord and tied it around Quill's wrist, then she kept her arm out as Quill returned the favour. So many regrets were washed away the moment she felt the leather cord against her fur. She had a goal in life after the peculiar conversation last night with M'aiq and now she was well and truly a woman of importance in the kind, late-evening sun coloured eyes of Quill-Weave. The woman who had given Katia a new start, and now, a true place in the world. Katia Managan was married, soon to be in a family of three.

With absolutely no shame, as the gentle applause started amidst their friends in the pews, their lips met for the first time as true, divine blessed partners.

The cat cried and the streaks mingled with the flow of the stoic argonian she wanted to spend her every waking moment, and every dream, together.

The cat cried, emotions exposed, and she doubted she would feel such lofty joy ever again. Nor did she want to. It would spoil this moment.

* * *

It was night once more. A thick fog had flowed over the town from the late as a the warm day, thick with humidity as if stoked with the warmth of the ceremony, gave way to a frigid evening. It didn't matter. If anything it enhanced the intimacy. The loaned house Katia and Quill-Weave would spend the night in was a beautiful wooden building near the city gates, although they were informed it was mostly bare within, besides being told the town had delivered a stock of surplus blankets, sheets and lanterns ahead of time.

Quill managed to duck through the wide double doors of the house, called Honeyside, with ease. Within were high ceilings, sturdy walls and an incomplete floor, more akin to a newly crafted pier, then a short (to Quill's height) drop to the stone basement, where the aforementioned supplies had been placed. Bricks, no doubt set for future construction, were placed in such a way to affect a basic hearth, complete with chopped wood and tinder.

Quill-Weave sat on the edge of the drop and expected the wood to groaned at her weight, yet it held firm. She shuffled off the edge and onto the solid stone floor. It was enough space for them and cosy, even spacious. The whole building was almost purpose built with them in mind, which seemed strange but her mind was far too focused on where this night would go.

"Damn it," Katia grunted. She angled her body to squeeze through, a little more effort as her breasts compressed and popped free. Both giantess' winced as Katia's hips and ass wedged into the doorframe. She struggled against the frame but stopped as her ears twitched about to listen for any sounds of breaking wood or creaking, but as they failed to emerge, she began to wriggle and push against the wall.

"Kat, be careful," Quill said as she stepped back from the spectacle.

"It's fine! I got it. Just need to... there!" Katia smirked as she plucked herself free, with her thick, powerful legs, long, svelte tail and pink padded feet to follow. Without standing she tugged the door shut, twisted about on the short platform, dangled her legs down and as soon as they found the floor she crouched. A few moments to settle later, she suddenly whisked Quill-Weave off her feet and cradled her.

"Finally. alone again," Katia said with a wink and a flicker of her ears; an cover of coyness over a growing lust.

Quill-Weave liked to think her argonian heart was a difficult thing to truly understand. Her people were a mysterious sort; prone to mistrust, yet ironclad when loyalty was earned. Perhaps that made Quill a soft touch compared to others; not everyone would take in a rampant, homeless slut of a khajiit and entrust her with... well, anything, let alone personal notes and letters or books.

Yet Quill did so. Then immediately regretted it as this pathetic stray fucked up and lost almost everything. It didn't stop her trying again, though. This time with success, and an interesting story to tell. Beyond that and this stray joining the mage guild, learning magic, then turning into a bloodthirsty giantess and then in turn transforming Quill-Weave into a lesser one as well, it was hardly the most idyllic start of a relationship.

But here she was, carried in the very arms of that slut of a stray. They were very nice arms attached to an equally strong yet still curvy body. The likes of which Quill wanted to commit to page and paper both as a sultry tale to entertain and excite the nethers but also a book capable of inspiring even the best of people to greater heights.

Proof, beyond all doubt, that those brought low and dragged through the mud and disenfranchised with life as a whole can not only turn themselves around, not only achieve a place in life of comfort and worth, but soar, ever-skyward.

Perhaps Katia lacked the traditional dynamic of the honourable, steadfast knight or untameable and passionate barbarian. Katia Managan was hardly the usual muse, as khajiiti women weren't exactly plentiful in written form, even if she had the build and might down to a truly legendary degree. After all, who else can both boast strength to shake the world, yet could indeed do so?

It was unlikely there would be market for a book about a clumsy, yet acrobatic and strong, yet vulnerable giantess. Even so, if only as a passion project, Quill swore she would one day immortalise this woman as she so deserved; the powerful hero, a champion and a force of nature, unbeholden to any and all powers beneath the divines (although arguably on the plateau of daedra).

A soldier, a mage, a lover. Katia Managan held Quill aloft with a tender grip, and it made the argonian feel every bit the blushing bride, and her heart an open book to the great and powerful Katia. There was no longer any need for a mystery; they had their entire lives to uncover every aspect of each other's hearts, and Quill certainly couldn't wait.

They had talked and thanked their friends who now rested at the tavern and now the blushing bride now had to fulfil a very important duty on the night of their wedding.

As much as she would like to continue to wax poetic about this duty, she made no illusions to herself; pregnant as she was, Quill and Katia were going to make gentle love or they were going to fuck as hard as their stamina would allow. The night was young and options were many.

Quill was already wet at the prospect of having that tongue lap all over her body once more and then she would lovingly return the favour; Katia was a particular fan of Quill's strong, textured and firm tail teasing and plundering her eager passage. Quill may have lacked the stamina she once had, since carrying this child took considerable effort, but she would last as long as she could.

Without a word it started as Quill hoped; Katia gingerly placed Quill on a pile of mattresses and lowered herself over the pregnant argonian but kept herself suspended. The argonian could feel the little flicks of fur brush against her scales and the warmth of her spouse's body radiated in the cool air, but their lips met with impunity.

Katia's shorter muzzle was better suited for actual kissing and it was a skill Quill had learned from Casta, a cyrodiilic native human (specifically an imperial), and used as an exotic trick with Dar-Ma. It was like little nibble of her lips, like a horse mouthing food from a hand without biting. Licking was better for argonians, and khajiit fell somewhere in between, but humans preferred more outside contact, and it felt more right to start their first time since marriage_._ Pure and sweet.

This was too much thinking, Quill realised, and settled into the barrage of little moans and suckles as she and Katia just let the emotions run riot for as long as it wished; there was no need to hurry. Minutes. Maybe hours passed. The hungry need between Quill's legs was even abated as she supped on lips, cheeks, necks and shoulders. A adorable giggle from Katia as Quill pecked her feline nose and stroked her ears. Katia returned the favour as she nuzzled Quill's scales and ran her rough tongue on the resistant scales.

Suddenly they both opened their eyes and just stared; the bright yellow eyes, even if Quill only saw the shade of grey (being colourblind) that was distinctly Katia's, winked and the argonian tittered like a teenager. Katia's hands stroked around Quill's muzzle and back to her fins. The soft fur and tougher skin pads were a glorious sensation of tactile bliss.

Then Katia held Quill's face with tender strength, she took a deep breath, angled her head and kissed far deeper. So deep that Quill struggled to breathe through the penetrating tongue, but as it searched and probed within her maw, Quill breathed through her gills instead so keep up the pressure.

Katia's hands left Quill's face and roamed her body; just strong enough to force Quill to comply, although that was a silly assumption; as if she didn't want to be held and groped by this powerful khajiit. Powerful but just withheld. While Katia was the one who sought guidance the most, it fooled Quill into forgetting how she had gone from a balanced partner with Casta to being the dominant one with Dar-Ma, but she was soundly the submissive, fragile girl to Katia in these moments.

It was confusing how it had come together, but there was no denying how Quill's body responded to the squeeze of her hip, the fingers cajoling her ass and tail and then finally back up and a smooth stroke of her vast belly. Quill couldn't hold back the long moan as Katia's other hand wrapped around her hist-engorged breast, but the pleasure suddenly spiked into a shock of pain that made her yelp.

"Oh, fuck. Sorry. You okay?" Katia asked.

"It's alright." Quill reassured. "They're a bit sensitive- okay, maybe they're really damn sensitive. Maybe you mammals are used to it, but I've never had tits before? Just... take it slow."

"Heh, I keep forgetting... let's see if we can't learn a thing or two, hmm?" Katia purred and both her hands slowly wrapped around Quill's breasts.

Quill felt the tickle of each hairs on Katia's hands, the subtle coarseness of each pad from her carpentry and everyday tasks. The khajiit let each finger tip pad brush and slide around the smooth, pliable scale, yet there was very little give as Quill moaned as the mass of them shifted and their fullness once more pushed between the balance of pain and pleasure.

"They're so big!" Katia gasped with a wide grin. "You're bigger than I am, for Mara's sake. Tremendous ass besides, you'll make a breast woman out of me yet, Quilly." Katia lowered herself as she released Quill's breasts and kissed each.

Quill moaned from the gentle attention. "What can I say, I'm a full figured woman, like you've been quick to point out. Or are you just joking when you say I wear my new figure well?" She scritched her claws into Katia's cheeks and ran them up over the khajiit's head, which earned Quill a quick lick on her wrists and arms.

"So damn well. I guess I'll always like the classic Quilly shape, but you won't hear me complain if my new wife can develop a pair of the most_immaculate_ tits I've ever seen."

Katia buried her face into the expanse of green scaled cleavage which forced them apart.

Quill gave a harder moan as they wobbled and settled farther apart.

Katia's tongue licked between them to run the line of heavier scales of the sternum before Katia rubbed her furred cheeks side to side to nuzzle and tickle the thinner, sensitive scale.

Quill giggled as the tickling reached a peak, then gasped as a shiver ran down her spine and her tail whipped about. The shudder ran up and down her nerves and a wave of energy surged through her. Some deep, primal connection as Katia's hands once more stroked her globes that responded to the attention.

With a long, hard moan, Quill's tits swelled and engorged to their absolute fullest as Katia lifted herself and watched with her mouth agape. What must have been another couple of inches of mass bulged and her nipples, already an alien presence, tingled and pushed out with a fully erect teat on each that was as big as Quill's thumb.

"Okay, what the fuck was that!?" Quill gasped as she stared at the taut, bulging masses.

Katia shrugged with her mouth open. "That's... wow, okay."

She purred and licked her lips as she experimentally pressed a hand around one of Quill's tits. At the same time, her other roamed down by her already soaked cunt, then a thick finger pushed past Quill's engorged slit and Katia's thumb rubbed her erect nub.

Deep down Quill wanted to cut things off. Her sensible, stoic side tried to wrest control from her, but the way Katia stared at her; the wonder and amazement. On their wedding night as well?

She took a page from Katia's book; tonight, Quill-Weave would obey her lust and save the thinking for later. She grabbed her breasts and squeezed them and pushed out with her hips. Yet little pinpricks of whatever had caused her chest to swell lingered, and Quill fought them back. New and alien sensations were more common since her growth, and she had learned to roll with it, but then Katia lifted herself and they stared once more. There was lust, there was hunger, but the truly obvious look in those gorgeous yellow eyes was concern.

"You don't have to force it, Quilly," Katia whispered.

"What? I'm not-" Quill started but Katia planted her lips against Quill's.

"I can wait. Honest."

A smile formed. A mature, gentle smile. A caring and warming one.

"I..." Quill sighed, resigned. "I'm sorry, Kat, and thank you. I'm far along and these little changes make me worry what will happen in the next couple of months." Quill stroked Katia's face, then down to her neck. She could feel that potent pulse and she closed her eyes.

Katia's hands encircled Quill's arms and began a slow stroke down to the shoulders. They paused for a brief moment to feel Quill's strong arms; one of only a few lasting hints that she was a warrior, much the same as the great khajiit herself.

"We'll make up for lost time, though," Katia said with a sultry wink. "I'll get my fill of you and then some when you're at your peak. I'll conquer you, my little lover."

"I look forward to it," Quill snickered, "but don't count me out just yet..."

Quill lifted her leg and pressed it between Katia's thighs. The little lustful growl she gave off vibrated through Quill's hands and the shudder ran through the argonian's body; they might not be able to give it their all, but there was a great deal more still to enjoy. They simply stroked and held each other, enjoyed that unmistakable and indulgent feeling of soft fur on harder scale.

"I get you're still learning. It's horrible how you've been used, my love... but you're learning fast. We're gonna make a real lover out of you yet."

"I can't wait," Katia chirped, then corrected, "I mean, I can wait tonight, but... um."

Quill giggled, "I get what you mean, silly." She reached up and petted Katia and ruffled her head fur and earned an adorable, close eyed grin. The head fur, or 'mane' was growing thicker, but still unremarkable compared to some khajiit. Katia once told her that she wore her it in pigtails as a child and Quill couldn't deny she wanted to see her lover with them; the balance of Katia's cute features against the sexier body would be a little off-balance, but the thought of braiding Katia's mane was something Quill desperately wanted to do.

"I still sometimes wonder if I'm dreaming," Katia whispered as she nuzzled against Quill's petting arm.

Quill leaned in for a gentle kiss on Katia's pink nose. "Why's that, kitten?"

"It's just... for so long, this hasn't felt real." Katia looked to the side, as if looking far away. "It didn't feel real when I discovered how to cast magic. It didn't feel real when you gave me not just a chance, but a second chance. You didn't need to; you stood to lose more than you gained. You even gave me that pretty expensive invisibility potion because you cared. You cared about me even then, even if neither of us knew how things would turn out. You didn't want to see me hurt when you didn't need to give a damn about me."

"I won't deny you looked more than a little pathetic. But like I said, you hadn't given up. You were a stray, you tried to help out around Anvil to find your place. You needed a little push in the right direction and everyone has the right to a second chance. That was even before I learned how bad a life you'd been forced into."

Katia's eyes grew wet. She pressed her lips on Quill's and just shared another kiss for more joyful moments. Maybe a minute. They finally broke away.

"You gave me everything, Quill-Weave. You're so kind and understanding. You're always looking out for me. Always protecting me. I've been fragile for so long, but only with you have I ever felt strong. And more than just this body. I feel powerful inside like never before."

They brought their noses together. Not even a kiss. Just contact.

"You were always strong, Katia. Even if it needed nurturing. It's funny," Quill laughed softly and cuddled against her lover, "in a sense I'm just lucky. I've never had much luck in love, and when I just did the right thing, I've been blessed with a bright, kind and precious woman like you. A friend to pull me when I would keep people at arms length. A lover who would cherish and stay by me when I could never commit. A wife who has shown me how much stronger I can be too, when I never realised it and felt I was at my best...

"Katia?" she said, barely audible but Katia's ears flicked, locked in to listen. Now and forever.

"Quill..." Katia whispered back, and their eyes met as if for the first time. Now and forever, like back in the temple. "I love you." Her voice cracked, as if her heart had split open like a budding seed that now fought to bloom.

"My soul is yours, my beloved," Quill gasped with a few little tears shed, "it is yours. Always will be. I love you too."

A deeper kiss this time. Hard. Forceful as they pressed as closely as they could. Katia's rough tongue brushed and lapped against Quill's pointed and smooth own, but something shifted. A low and sensual growl.

Katia pushed in. It was so fierce that Quill had to uses her gills to breathe. It was overwhelming and forced her cautions about her odd changes aside; she needed her lover, and she forced herself lower and away from the dominant kiss even as Katia's disappointment showed with a twist and flattening of her ears.

Quill would make up for this; and she started by dropping low enough to rub her thigh and knee against Katia's slit.

"Mmm. Just as we were having a moment?" Katia purred. "Not that I'm complaining."

"A moment. So many more," Quill said. "We're one in spirit, my love. Now let's be one in body."

Her legs scales soon ran slick with Katia's arousal as the khajiit turned them both onto their sides and, ever cautious of Quill's bulging belly, pressed her clitoris against Quill's.

They both gasped in unison; even if Quill wasn't eye to eye but instead level to the top of Katia's modest but perfectly pert tits, this was a rare moment of shared bliss; so often they would have to take turns indulging one another, mostly out of Katia's fear of harming Quill, but tonight even more so. Just perfect, gentle and satisfying pleasure as they pushed against each other.

Katia's little gasps filled the room even as Quill hissed softly. The argonian tucked her belly and bust beneath Katia's tits and let her neck and face get enveloped in their swell, to which Katia immediately wrapped her arms around the smaller woman and stroked her red scaled back.

To Oblivion with Katia's supposed 'modest' endowments; at her massive size, the khajiit's bosom was one of the most comfortable places she had ever been. A warm, soft and plush pair of cushions. She wrapped her arms under and around each breast as if flexing her arms, only she pressed her hands against the thick teats. Quill worshipped the power Katia had, the strength of her body, but beyond all else, Katia was all woman. And Quill knew women.

She applied more pressure and strength as Katia's nipples grew erect, then Quill teased and rubbed them in her fingers.

"Ohh, yeah!" Katia moaned. "That's the stuff."

"Am I good or am I good?" Quill said, muffled from the fluff inside Katia's cleavage.

"All you're doing... ah... is giving me ideas what toOOO!" the khajiit squealed as Quill pinched. "I'm so getting my own back."

Katia gasped, and not from the stimulation. "Ah, I get your tricks, you little skink."

"Oh? What tricks are those, big girl?" Quill snickered and stole a glance at the narrowing, 'evil' glint in Katia's eyes above her as she eased her efforts; not totally because she wanted to focus, but even this light activity was starting to tire her.

"A little schooling on how you want to be handled, hmm?" Katia licked her lips.

"I don't have the faintest clue what you mean, kitten," Quill said, still being coy. "If I was going to give you a lesson how to handle a woman, I'd do..."

She trailed off as she wriggled from Katia's grip until her head was over one erect nipple.


Katia yowled and her body clenched as Quill made teased the pink nub between her tongue and one of her blunter teeth. "Fuuuck yes!" Katia cried.

Quill nibbled on the tender flesh as she prepared her final, hidden attack to conquer this mountainous khajiit; her tail wriggled and felt between Katia's legs, then with well trained power, she plunged it inside Katia's soaked cunt and set to a firm rhythm of thrusts even as she suckled and playfully bit Katia's tits.

Katia wouldn't take this without retribution. Her hands reached low, encircled Quill's hips and her fingers probed about. They angled in, between their bodies, and she ran the blunts of her claws up the argonian's parted slit, then the pink pads down in rapid strokes.

Fingers, tail, hips, teeth, tongue. Their bodies met and wrangled for dominance; the wily argonian fought valiantly with the mighty khajiit. The room filled with their gasps and cries of emotion and joy, the wild bliss and hungry lusts.

Quill stole one final glance at Katia's face; it was orange with how flushed and red it was beneath the yellow fur. Her big, brilliant eyes crossed and a fanged grin beamed ear to ear and Quill couldn't help but wonder how much more she could take.

Then the final proof of how together they truly were; Quill's empowered thrusts broke pace as Katia thrust three of her fingers in hard and deep and her other hand tweaked Quill's clit. The argonian screamed and her mind fogged as a climax rocked her. The crashing tidal wave of pleasure made her clench. Her tail writhed beyond her control, rapidly whipping about inside Katia's cunt. As a final push, Quill bit perhaps a hair too hard on Katia's nipple but it was still enough; the massive khajiit grabbed Quill and rolled onto her back as she came hard.

There was no contest here; Quill's cunt gushed with a warm puddle onto Katia's belly as the khajiit arched her back and her own orgasm sent a violent spray against the floor, the wall and, as Katia formed a khajiit bridge from her clench, even managed to spray the doorway.

Quill needed a chance to gather her thoughts as they just held each other and basked in the afterglow for a few minutes, but just as her mind recovered she was shaken as she gasped and her belly squirmed.

"Easy, Quill. Here, allow me." Katia whispered and lifted Quill-Weave off of her and shuffled about, then rested the argonian so she sat against the wall. A large, gentle hand slowly massaged Quill's writhing belly along with her own and the two just watched the vast, round green and life-holding mass shuddered.

As uncomfortable as each shift and kick was, Katia held the worst of it at bay as she cast a weak healing spell. With one hand on the squirming belly and her other hand on Quill's shoulder, any further amorous intent was furthest from either of their minds; just tender care.

"We're really making a mess of this, huh?" Quill whispered.

Katia shrugged. "I don't know. It seems fitting for me, at least; nothing I do ever seems to go smoothly and if we're gonna spend the rest of our lives together," she said and her hand stroked Quill's chin, which guided the argonian's face up in time to receive Katia's kiss before she just parted enough to finish, "we get to screw up together now."

Quill snickered and kissed her back and let her silence demonstrate her agreement; she couldn't think of anyone better to screw...

Screw up with, she internally finished.

As soon as her belly slowed and quietened in its movements, Quill's hands covered Katia's cheeks and they kept their lips locked for what felt like a well spent eternity. Just the taste of her, the feel of the barbs of her tongue even without the erotic strokes of her body once more to bookend the night of passion. Just Katia and Quill-Weave as one, and even when the kiss finally broke, their eyes lingered on one another.

With Quill settled in full, Katia lifted her lover and placed the smaller woman onto her lap, belly to back. She looked down along Quill's body and couldn't help but be amazed at the bountiful green scaled bust of her partner. While she had calmed, Katia's hands twitched with curiosity as they ran up Quill's sides and then palmed the vast swells. Near handfuls, even despite their size difference, and the argonian grunted softly in response to the gentle pressure.

Suddenly, Quill gasped as another tingle shook through her body and they both went wide-eyed; the argonian's already absurd tits to somehow bulge even bigger, far larger than her own head. A warmth filled them until, with a long and pained whimper, Quill's nipples seeped a thick, syrupy and amber coloured fluid. Each nub trickled freely over her already strained scales and Katia's fingers.

Both partners just stared for a moment, although Quill's confusion let Katia's exuberance break the silence.

"Mara's mercy, Quill... " she said as she released the swollen masses, "you feel okay?"

"Katia, I've gone from classically flat to a fucking dairy co-.... tree cow?" Quill shook her head and loosed a moan as Katia massaged them. "Whatever, I've gone from naturally near-nothing to kegs a couple of months, and most of it in the last two days. I guess I'm just a_little_ weirded out and I swear I've never heard or seen anything like this before."

Katia released Quill and helped her against the wall again so she could kneel beside her, then eyed the sap on her hands and sniffed the sticky and sweet scent. She blinked rapidly for a moment and, before another word was uttered, Katia dabbed her tongue on it. Her face twisted, a frown, then a hum as she licked her lips, then a smile as she lapped the rest of it from her hands. She giggled and her ears started twitching in different directions and her eyes lost focus, then her tail wagged before she hiccuped loud enough to make Quill flinch.

"Uh, Kat? You okay? I don't think drinking that was a good ide-" Quill yelped as Katia pinned her against the wall then plunged face first into Quill's chest. Katia's lips sealed around one teat and she began to suckle and slurp. The overfull hist-sac gladly gave as Quill's body tingled again and her sap production kicked into high gear, and each draw sent a pulse of arousal through her. Even her untouched teat sprayed more sap all over Katia's shoulder as she pumped out more and more.

Through the arousal, Quill tried to muster the will to push her lover away but there was no hope; Quill was too exhausted and Katia was both too strong and now a slave to the hist as she gave out loud, satisfied moans with each gulp. Even despite the fatigue, Quill felt her pulse quicken and her slit grew wet once more, but all she could do was watch in amazement as her left tit shrank even as her right continued to leak sap all over Katia and the floor.

Katia pulled back and sucked in a huge lungful of air through sap-soaked lips. Her gaze was wide but her pupils were wider, with each almost as wide as the whole eye and they twitched rapidly. After a few seconds of reprieve, Katia dove back in to the other teat and started suckling all over again. Quill, like her partner, was victim to the maternal feel of the suckling; instinct betrayed her mind as her body tried to keep up production of the sap, but the inner tingle stopped after a few more seconds and her sap creation slowed.

After a merciless onslaught of hungry gulps, Katia pushed herself upright so fast her head punched through the overhang by the entrance and stumbled backwards. Katia's expression was blank and vapid as she swayed and staggered until she hit the opposite wall from the entrance, looked up at it and leapt at, then through it as easily as if it wasn't even there in a shower of splinters and boards.

Quill, overwhelmed despite how light she felt with her burdensome tits easily halved in size, could only whimper, "Katia..." softly before the khajiit was gone from view.

* * *

Katia stumbled through the fog. It was strange, she remembered being hungry, thirsty and horny in a kaleidoscope of sensations, but she couldn't remember why. Instead, she felt constrained, locked up. She needed air, so she went outside, but it was strange how she didn't remember how she got outside the town.

It didn't matter anyway. She was lost in a dark, cloudy and grassy field and she tried to find anything as a landmark. Somewhere high... she had to get somewhere high up. Away from the fog. Away from everything.

"Katia..." a faint whisper from behind her.

Katia spun and looked as her ears flickered and twisted in hopes she would hear it again. Strange as it was, it felt like she had heard her name quite a while ago, yet it clearly just happened. Certainly before she found herself lost, but it was a direction, so she followed in the direction from which it emerged.

It was pointless though; just more fog, more grass, more darkness. Katia growled in frustration, then huffed in worry, then bit her lip as fear sank in.

Then smiled as she suddenly saw a four-post bed with Quill-Weave lounging upon it, surrounded with blazing sconces.

"Thank fuck, there you are," Katia said. Quill beckoned to her, as if the khajiit needed any provocation; her partner was dressed in a sheer, see-through silken robe that wrapped to her curves in the sexiest damn way. It took a while to walk to the bed, for some reason; so long that Quill rested her head on the plump pillows and looked to have fallen asleep.

"Stop right there, criminal scum!" A loud, male voice snapped Katia from her focus. Forced it away, even, as she turned to face A Soldier Of The Imperial Legion.

"Oh, hey, Asotil." Katia saluted, "how's things?"

"You've violated the things," he said, then tapped his chin as he corrected himself. "I mean, yes citizen, laws are fine. Or thereabouts. But that's neither here nor there; you're to be punished."

"What for?" Katia inquired.

"Violation of the law, like I said. Notably," he said and produced a tiny book the size of a playing card, which he opened and thumbed through the pages, "violation of the laws of physics, although I suppose we can overlook that. Who really cares about that? We take them for granted all the time."

Katia scratched her head and asked, "so am I free to go?"

"I suppose so." Asotil shrugged and fanned the book out, from which several loose sheets of parchment fell free, each as big as door. He plucked one from the air and looked it over, then dropped it and picked up another as Katia sighed and tried to turn away, but she was stuck in a dialogue.

"Hold on a moment!" Asotil snarled, "I'm sorry Katia Managan, but this is a capital offence!"

"Oh, come on! What did I do?"

Asotil handed Katia her character sheet, but she didn't have a chance to read before he asked her, "tell me, what's your listed height?"

"Uh... wow, this thing's old. I think I was like... five foot something? Five foot six inches? I didn't think that's important."

"It's extremely important! Do you have any idea how many children we have to process because they keep lying about their heights? Every couple of months we have them flogged. It's why they're so hard to kill; they build an immunity. In any case, you're clearly bigger than your listed height."

"I mean, sure. I got cursed by a-"

"It doesn't matter. You failed to list your true height, therefore I have no recourse than to punish you!"

"By flogging?" Katia said and winced.

"What? No, that's barbaric. Besides, the floggers are designed for kids. I'm afraid the only just punishment here is to have you work off your size deficit."

Katia blinked and tilted her head. "What?"

"Hold still," Asotil said and thumped Katia on top of her head. She shrank a good few inches from the impact. "There, good day, citizen."

Katia could now turn around as the dialogue stopped. She wondered if she should have fiddled with the spinny wheel that let her control peoples faces and improve (or worsen) their moods by repeating the same four topics over and over, but oh well. Hindsight.

Instead, she once more approached the lounging figure of Quill-Weave, and stopped when she reached the foot of the bed.

"Uh... the fuck?" she uttered as she realised she hadn't actually stopped shrinking from the impact. The bed seemed to grow before her and she dived on top before the frame left her reach. Katia tapped Quill's leg, but her partner didn't respond, so she climbed on top of the increasingly long seeming red scaled leg and ran up the length.

"Quill! Wake up!" Katia shouted as she reached the upper thigh and, with a flash of dizziness, dwindled in size so fast her feet left the red scales of her lover. Momentum kept her movement onward, and over the green around Quill's groin, then her now canyon-sized slit.

"Well, shit." Katia uttered as she fell inside with a comical pop.

It was dark for a time. Warm, comforting. She couldn't breathe well, but she could make do.

Then someone kicked her in the back of the head and she snapped awake.

"Rise and shine, Harlot," said Slut.

"Ow. Fuck you, Slut." Harlot said and stood.

The two yellow khajiit's stared each other down, until a third one, Whore, arrived and stood between them and pressed a hand on each of their tits with a less than subtle grope.

"Harlot, Slut, c'mon, grow up."

"Growing was what got us in this shit to start with!" Slut complained.

"Not my fucking fault!" Harlot responded.

"Doesn't matter. What matters is it's time for work. By my estimates," Whore cleared her throat, plunged her hand into her cunt and took out a scroll as wide as her head and as long as her arm. She shook the fluids off of it, unravelled it, and continued, "we need to suck at least a hundred dicks, take twenty up the ass and provide ten tit-jobs."

"Oh, dibs on the tit jobs!" Slut chirped. She slapped her tits, which swelled to a ridiculous size, and jogged (or rather wobbled) away.

"Alright, Harlot. Do you want anal or oral today?"

Harlot blinked and shook her head, then looked at her body; skinny, normal yellow fur and some sort of bikini that left her nipples and slit exposed. "Like... what about consensual vaginal intercourse?"

"Hah, vaginal, she says!" Whore giggled, "Vaginal's for closers, Harlot. Courtesan's got that covered because she's not a useless pile of shit like the rest of us."

"Ah, right," Harlot sighed.

Stop! You are not useless!


"I said Courtesan's taking it up the snatch. So, anal or oral?"

Harlot sighed and patted her stomach. "I guess oral. I skipped brunch."

You're better than this, Katia!

"The fuck is that noise?"

Whore rolled her eyes and said, "probably the deafening sound of those dicks waiting to be sucked, Harlot. Hop to it, because if I'm doing anal, then I'll experiment with taking two up the ass at once. Gotta be bosmer dicks, mind you, but hopefully I'll upgrade to dunmer and bretons in good time." The khajiit stuffed the scroll back up her snatch, spun about and slapped her ass. Her buttocks bulged bigger and she gave them an experimental wiggle.

"Man, can you imagine taking this much dick as our normal selves? It would take some sort of super-loose bitch to take that sort of activity." Whore snickered and walked away, which left Harlot alone in the dark.

Oh, fuck you! That does it. You! The one who keeps hearing me!

Harlot shook her head and asked, "who even are you?"

Self worth, confidence, bravery... I'm like, most positive aspects, and have been for a good year, but I'm stuck. You've gotta let me in.

"I dunno, Positive Aspects. I've got a lot of dick to suck today and I'll get in a lot of trouble if I don't keep up with the others."

Right, screw this. We don't have time for a self-discovery thing; we've gone over this shit before.

Harlot was keenly aware of a presence that punched its way into her head. She clutched her skull and cried out in pain for a moment. Then silence as Katia took back over.

"Hey! You can't just stop us from being insufferable, cock-hungry bitches!" a voice called out before Katia could properly get her bearings. Slut and Whore returned, both smothered in cum.

"Wow. You work fast," Katia mumbled, then sneered. "It doesn't matter. I'm married and I refuse to do this shit any more. I'm better than this."

Whore screamed, "you don't just 'get better' from being a dick-inhaling, skillless, worthless piece of shit! You don't just get a loving partner as if life owes you something!"

Katia snarled, ran up to the pair, and punched Whore so hard that were this not clearly a hallucination Katia would have probably broke her wrist. It didn't stop Whore from flipping backwards from the blow and she landed in a sprawling heap.

"Maybe, maybe not," Katia spat. "I don't give a fuck any more. I'm sick of hoping and praying. I'm sick of you voices in my head saying this and fucking that. I'm through expecting things to get better through slow and steady as well! I'm taking control. Do you stupid fuckers understand!?"

Slut gulped and nodded. Whore gave a slow thumbs up from her face-down position on the floor.

"Excellent. Now," Katia said and glanced around the darkness, "how do we get out of Quill-Weave's snatch?"

* * *