Nobuyuki's Renamon Encounter

Story by Atimira on SoFurry

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There was a blast of sound that ripped through the silent desert of the Digital World, roaring like the engine of a diesel vehicle. Actually, that was pretty much what it was. The sound was coming from what was known as the Behemoth, and it belonged to a Beezlemon named Nobuyuki. The massive motorbike roared across the desert an intense speeds, its rider leaned down low over it to better control it. The tall, slender digimon's tail lashed behind him in the blasting, hot wind, his leather jacket clinging to his body mostly. Nobuyuki's red eyes flicked to the right suddenly and he hit the brakes, Behemoth sliding to a stop that sent a cloud of dust roiling up, surrounding the bike and its rider for a few minutes. When it cleared, Nobuyuki had put the kickstand up and was standing beside the back, his sawed-off shotgun drawn from his leg holster and held to his side, finger on the trigger.

"Hello?" he called, his oddly smooth voice unusual for one of his kind. "Anyone there?"

He cocked his head, thoughtfully listening to the wind blow across the harsh, dry landscape for a moment. He frowned to himself, walking out a few feet from Behemoth, his serpentine tail swaying behind him lazily. He thought he'd seen something, but he supposed it must've been his imagination. Giving a sigh of annoyance, he put the shot gun back into the holster on his left leg and turned to head back towards his bike when he heard it.


Nobuyuki froze, startled. It sound like a female, weak and hurt maybe. He turned and hurried towards the sound, though his hand flexed, ready to go for his gun at the first sign of trouble. He nearly fell right into it.

A pit, dug into the ground with sharp spikes at the bottom. Looking down, he was amazed the person who'd fallen in had managed not to hit any of the spikes, and even more surprised that it had been a Renamon. She gazed up at him weakly, her leg jutting out at a bad angle, broken.

"Hold on, girl, I'll get you out of there." he called down, looking back. "Yo! Get over here!"

Behemoth roared to life and pulled up its own kickstand, easing over to wear he was. He turned and dug through the side pouch he'd put on it, removing a length of rope. "Be prepared." he snorted under his breath, amused with his own silliness. He'd never thought that a rope would come in hand, yet here he was needing it. He tied one end around his waist and the other around Behemoth, before carefully lowering himself down. Normally, he'd just jump down, but with all those spikes....

As he got down to the beginning of the spikes, he hesitated, flexing his long, serpentine tail thoughtfully. "Can you reach my tail?" he asked.

She nodded weakly and used her arms to pull herself a bit closer, reaching out and gripping his powerful appendage. He curled it around her wrist and carefully pulled her closer until he could slide it around her waist. She whimpered as her leg was moved around, but otherwise didn't protest. He looked up. "Okay, pull us up real easy, B!"

There was a loud revving noise as Behemoth slowly pulled back, hauling its master and the wounded Renamon up to the edge carefully. He crawled over the edge of the pit, before he carefully stood, the lithe, dehydrated female still wrapped in his tail. He glanced back at her, seeing how weak she looked, and yet she still managed to look suspicious. "Don't worry, girl, we'll find some shade and take care of yah." he smiled warmly. She took a shaky breath and gave a weak nod, relaxing a bit in the grip of his tail. He got onto his bike, transferring her from his tail onto his lap, wincing at the sight of her leg. "Damn...bad fall." he muttered. "You gotta name, girl?"

"....Kamii." she murmured tiredly.

"Well, Kamii, you just relax. I'll take care of yah." he murmured. He wrapped his tail around her, using it to hold her against him as he used his hands to steer Behemoth around, shooting off towards the cliffs in the distance where he knew an oasis resided.

Hours passed and Kamii woke to find herself resting next to a small fire, inside of a cave of sorts. She also had a black leather jacket covering her up, which reminded her of the Beezlemon that had rescued her. Where was he?

She winced as she sat up, looking to her wounded leg. It had been roughly splinted with pieces of dry wood and a red bandana. It wasn't top medical care, but it would have to do. At least she'd been unconscious when he'd set it. Looking around, she found a canteen sitting nearby and picked it up, eagerly chugging the water.

"Easy, girl, you're gonna get a stomach ache." chuckled a familiar voice.

She looked around, seeing the Beezlemon with an string of slim fish in one hand. "Where'd you get those?" she wondered.

"The oasis. it's a pretty well hidden place, far as I know. I've never seen anyone else use it." he shrugged, moving over to the fire and plopping down. He pulled out a knife from his right boot and began scaling them with obvious practice. Without his jacket, the form fitting white t-shirt displayed all of his powerful, if slender, physique. She always had appreciated a well toned digi-male, especially when the male was of the Mega variety.

"...thank you." she said quietly, looking at the canteen in her hand. "For rescuing me. But...why?"

He glanced at her, his center eye still focused on the fish he was working on. "I couldn't just leave you to die."

" don't know me, you had no reason to help me."

He snorted softly, turning all of his eyes to his work. "I don't believe in that crap about 'survival of the fittest' and all that jazz. I think if we all just helped each other out a bit, we'd probably be in a better way."

She cocked her head at him, studying him with unabashed curiosity. He was unusual, that much was obvious to anyone. She'd never heard a Beezlemon speak so eloquently, or calmly. They were known for their aggressiveness. And his accent was almost unnoticeable, not to mention his voice was calming. She couldn't think of anything to say as he spitted the fish on a sharpened stick and began to roast them, carefully turning them so they wouldn't burn.

"What's your name, anyway?" she asked.

"Nobuyuki. You can just call me Nobu, if you want." he said, glancing at her thoughtfully. "What were you doing out in the middle of the desert like that, girl? Don't you know how easy it is to loose your way?"

She scowled, looking down, her muzzle tinged with a blush. "Yes, I know...its just..." she hesitated, then sighed heavily. "I knew it was getting to be the time for my ...heat....and I wanted to get away from my tribe." she muttered quietly. "I hated all those stupid, chest thumping males out there. I didn't want the temptation, or have them try and make me do what they wanted."

He blinked. "....So you ran out into the desert?"

"It seemed like a good idea at the time.." she sighed, running a hand over her ruff absently. "I thought if I used my speed, I could get across the desert in a day or so easy. Instead, I missed the pit and fell in."

"Stupid move. But hey, I wasn't in your position, so I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing." he shrugged. "Bad news is, you'll be stuck with me a for a week at least. You Renamon heal real quick, but even a broken leg is going to take a while."

She nodded a bit. "Yeah...The...the only thing is..." she flushed again and looked away. He studied her and managed a crooked little smile.

"Don't worry, girl. I got more control than to jump you because you go into heat." he snorted. "Relax a bit."

When he offered her a hot, roasted fish, she accepted it with a weak smile. _Its not your control I'm worried about..._she thought tiredly as she took a bite.

Four days passed quickly, especially for Nobuyuki. He knew he'd told her his control was good, but...Being stuck in a very small cave with that horribly strong, wonderfully intoxicating sent had him walking around with a boner in his leather jeans half the time. He made every excuse to get the hell out of there, but he always had to come back to sleep. Most of the time he patrolled around the area on Behemoth, whose amusement he could feel through their connection, and gathered food--to much food. He had to dry and put away some of it for later. At the end of day five, she could manage to walk without the splint, though the leg was tender and weak, she continued to walk on it until he forced her to sit down.

The morning of day six found him at the front of the cave, an erection rubbing at his jeans, his senses screaming at him to try and take the female in the back of the cave. He could hardly stand to be anywhere near her anymore. "Damnit." he hissed softly, his tail lashing irritably. "What the hell was I thinking? I can't take this much longer..."

"You don't have to."

He jerked around, eyes widening as he saw her standing there, her eyes on him. Hungry. Eager. "Wha--I mean, you..."

She giggled and moved towards him, showing no pain in her movements. She stopped inches from him, her head reaching his chest, but her scent making his nostrils flare and a shudder to leave him. "I like you, Nobu. You've done so much for me..." she whispered, touching the white t-shirt he wore. She'd been using his jacket as a blanket. "You're strong, you're kind....And I want you."

He swallowed thickly, closing his eyes briefly. "That's the heat talking."

"Maybe...but I don't care. I need you, Nobuyuki...Please." she whimpered, pressing her body against him eagerly.

He growled softly and leaned down, pressing his lips to hers firmly, his slender, but muscled arms going around her body. She gasped softly as the bulge of his pants rubbed against her body, making it painfully obvious how much he wanted her. She felt a flush touch her cheeks, but wrapped her arms around his neck, arching against him just as eagerly.

Before she knew it, they'd made it back into the cave, and she was tugging at his clothes.

He released her, stepping back to strip off his shirt, before he kicked his spiked boots off and began working at his jeans. She stopped him with a hand on his and went to her knees, making his eyes widen in surprise. She grinned shyly and worked his belt loose, unbuttoning his jeans and pulling out his male hood. She couldn't help but gasp at the size of it.

To add to the fact his body was superbly toned, muscles rippling under the slightly blue skin, he had a ten inch cock, almost two inches thick, and heavy, smooth balls. She shivered softly and leaned forward, flicking her soft tongue over the broad head. He groaned softly, a hand going to her head. The metal claws played softly through her fur, making her ache for his touch in other places, but she resisted. She lapped at him all over, trailing her tongue over the veins, the foreskin, down to the base. His breathing got heavier, soft growls escaping him as he gripped her ruff. "Kamii, Kamii please.." he grunted, looking down at her with those red eyes of his, feral need showing there. Humanoid as he looked, he was just as much a beast as she.

She let him drag her up and watched as he kicked out of his pants, his tail lashing eagerly behind him. She licked her lips, playfully backing away as he stalked towards her, at least until she hit the back of the cave wall. She bit her lip, ducking her head in a shy manner, her ears laid back against her head. "You want me?" she whispered playfully, eyes glittering.

"I want you." he rumbled, reaching out to lightly trace his fingers along her stomach, up to slide his fingers beneath the thick ruff on her chest. His fingers found her pert breasts and she gasped, eyes fluttering softly as he gently groped her. "Turn around." he said quietly.

She swallowed thickly and did so, arching her tail against her back and baring her firm rump and pussy to him. He shuddered, licking his lips as he took her hips in his hands, moving forward until his cock rubbed between her ass cheeks lightly. As she braced her hand against the cave wall, he slowly shifted and pressed the head of his cock slowly into her tight, already dripping pussy. She whimpered softly, shuddering a bit. "Ah...No...Nobu..I haven't..."

He understood. He could feel the head of his cock against her hymen, pressing against the flesh lightly. He leaned over her, his lithe, muscular body wrapping around her gently. "You're a virgin." he whispered. When she nodded, he smiled a bit. "I'll be easy on you, girl, don't worry." He pulled back a bit, then eased forward, repeating the motion but never breaking through her hymen, simply stretching her body slowly to adjust to his size. On the next backward motion, he suddenly thrust forward, breaking through her hymen in one sharp movement. She screamed in surprise, body bucking in response to the massive cock throbbing inside her.

"Easy, easy." he murmured, gently petting her stomach, feeling the bulge of his body inside of her, stretching the Renamon's well muscled tummy slightly. "Relax..."

She whimpered for a moment then nodded a bit. "I'm...I'm okay.." she whispered, breathily.

He smiled a bit and nuzzled her neck, gently holding her hip in one hand, the other wrapped around her waist, as he slowly began to move. At first, the slow movements drew whimpers of slight pain from her, but as he continued, soft moans of pleasure began to escape her lips. He slid the hand around her waist up to her hidden breasts, gently fondling one, his fingers playing with her nipple. He moved slightly faster, feeling her body clutch at him tighter, the sucking sounds of her fluids sound hungrily with each movement he made.

"God....! Ah, N-Nobu! You're...You're so big!" she whimpered softly, pushing back against him eagerly. "Harder! Please!"

He growled eagerly, licking his lips. "Of course, girl, anything." he rumbled, and he began to pound into her body roughly, drawing screams of pleasure from her mouth. He panted softly, enjoying the cries of her pain filled pleasure, her body convulsing sharply around his cock as if to hold him in. When she suddenly howled, back arching wonderfully and her body clutching at him tightly, juices squirting around him, his eyes widened. He groaned thickly, pumping into her hard thrice more before he buried himself deep inside her, letting his balls throb, pouring our his seed into her body. "Fuck!" he cursed as the pleasure surged through him.

For a while, there was nothing but the sound of their heavy breathing, the wind whistling softly outside, and the crackling of the fire. He nuzzled against her neck, his long arms still wrapped gently around her smaller body, enjoying the feeling of her fur tickling against his smooth, blue skin. He finally gained enough breath to speak. "Kamii...that was great..." he managed, voice thick with satisfaction. She glanced back, her face flushed but pleased.

"'re amazing..." she whispered shyly, ears flattening back against her head. She looked down for a moment, then to him. " you have a mate...?" she asked quietly.

He tensed slightly, knowing what she was asking. He should've known better when he found out she was a virgin. And her tribe? They were probably the sort to go into monogamous relationships. "" he said gently. "But I can't be yours."

He gently pulled out of her, preempting her words with a raised hand. "Sorry, girl, but I don't do the whole forever and always thing. You're sweet, you're great ass, and I'd spend a few weeks or months just hanging with you but..."

"Not your whole life." she finished quietly, turning to face him. She looked horribly disappointed. God she was young.

"Yeah, not my whole life. I like freedom. I like being able to do whatever the hell I want, without having to worry about anyone else." he said, giving her a weak smile. "Go back to your village. Find a male who isn't just another chest thumper, and settle down, okay?"

He watched as she rubbed her arm, her eyes going to the ground like a scolded child's might. How could such a beautiful creature be so insecure and innocent? He blamed the tribe. These out-of-civilization tribes always liked to teach old, out of date philosophies. He sighed softly and held out his hand to her, a gentle expression on his features. She looked up and took his hand, allowing him to pull her against him. "Listen, if I ever get the urge to settle down and stop traveling, I'll get my ass out here as fast as Behemoth can carry me. I'll beat the hell out of all your other suitors, and steal you away. Okay?" he murmured, smiling gently.

She looked up at him and smiled wonderfully. "Okay. You better keep that promise, Nobu. If I find out you took another digi girl for a mate, I'll whoop your ass."

He laughed quietly. "You got it, girl. I'll make sure to remember that."