2628 (an Orr Family Story) CH 12

Story by Kindar on SoFurry

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#12 of 2628

This is the next book in the Orr Family Saga.If you want to rewad the whole thing ahead of everyone, you can do so here:https://www.patreon.com/posts/36973643 by supporting me at the 1$ levelHaving docked with Luna Station, Theo accompanies Tucker while he makes a purchase, then an attempt to help turns less helpful.If you want to support me, you can do so through my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/kindarOr by Buying me a Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/kindar

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It shouldn't have surprised Theo that there would be a Romeogrind dance class on the Mercury, and yet it did. After all which corporation would enjoy a dance designed around having sex more than the Orrs? And it didn't surprise him when half the class broke off by the time the fourth dance was over to have sex on seats on the outskirt of the room.

Because he was an advanced dancer, he'd been paired with other experienced dancers and they'd managed to complete each dance, although after the ninth, both he and the Jackal he had pressed against the wall as the song ended were hard and panting, groin pressed against each other and wet with more than just sweat.

Someone clapped, which was unusual enough of a sound in a classroom that anyone not busy fucking turned to look at who it was.

Tucker was in the room's open doorway, naked, except for his belt, and erect. It was Tucker, of course he was hard. Before any of the guys could approach him he motioned for Theo to join him.

"We're about to dock," Tucker said. "We need to be at the hatch before dad catches us, otherwise he's going to saddle us with debarking duties."

Theo kissed the jackal. "Thanks for the dance." The jackal groped him before Theo stepped away.

"What do you mean, us?" Theo asked once he joined Tucker.

"Fine, me. Which is why I'm using you as an excuse to get off the ship before he can do anything about it." Tucker turned and headed through the corridor. "Do you need to grab anything in your room?"

"Like what? The restraints I boarded the ship with? Sorry, I left that in the interrogation room."

"Still bitter about that I see. I'm glad you found something to do, you're pretty good."

Theo decided to let that comment pass. "How long were you watching?"

"I got there halfway through the previous dance, the one with the rabbit who's hands were down the back of your pants."

"That's the Sarrow Slide. It's an approved move for that part of the dance. I take it you don't dance?"

Tucker chuckled. "I don't see the point of having clothing between me and the guy I'm going to fuck. Did you fuck any of them?" He nodded a greeting to a passenger leaving the lift as they got on.

Theo shook his head. "The point of the dance is to be dressed. It's an art form about lovemaking, not fucking. Only amateurs or people using it as an excuse to get into sex don't keep their clothes on."

"Were you going to fuck one of them, if I hadn't interrupted?"

Theo thought about not answering. It wasn't any of his business after all, but this was just the usual Tucker bluntness.

"The jackal was looking good. Nice physique, endurance and self-control. And based on that last grope, he was interested."

"I have his name and information, if you want to meet up with him back on earth." The doors opened and Tucker exited.

"Do you have every guy's information?" Theo asked, following.

"Not just the guys."

"Why do you have women's information?"

"Did you miss the part where I'm part of the crew? I'm expected to interact with everyone, so I need to know who they are, that means I have access to the manifest."

"Right." Theo looked around, this looked like a crew level. "Isn't the hatch a few levels up?" a map appeared showing him where it was. "Three levels up. Thanks Cass."

"That's the passenger hatch. We're exiting via the crew one. This one opens the moment we dock while the other only once the disembarkation officially starts."

A new location appeared on the map. On this level at the end of the corridor they were in. "Okay, so are you going to board the station like that?"

Tucker looked down at himself. "What's wrong with what I'm not wearing?"

"Unless things changed recently, Luna Station is run by SolGov, and they aren't big fans of public nudity."

"They wouldn't dare fine me."

"Public nudity is an arrestable offense."

"They wouldn't do that either." Fabric flowed from the belt to cover his groin, hugging him tight enough to be vacuum sealed on him. "There. I'm not naked."

Theo rolled his eyes. "If you say so."

The hatch came into view, with people in crew uniform coming and going. Tucker looked furtively around and sped up his pace. Theo didn't question it and followed.

They were almost there when a deep voice resounded from a doorway they'd just passed.

"Tucker Orr."

Tucker froze in place. Cursed under his breath and plastered a smile to his face before turning. "Will, how's it going?"

"Where do you think you're going?" the man was a muscular wolf with gray fur, pale in place with age. He knew him from somewhere, and before he needed to ask the information appeared. William Fenian, he was the chief engineer.

"I was heading outside," Tucker replied with none of his usual confidence. Right, this was his boss. And it looked like in this case being an Orr didn't mean anything.

"Really?" the wolf tilted an ear. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Aw, come on Will. Dad knows I can't stand all that handshaking if I'm not going to have a chance to fuck any of them."

"Not what I'm referring to. That's between you and the captain."

"Oh." Tucker seemed to think. "I handed in my report on the check we ran during final approach."

"I saw it."

"I did my team's evaluation last week."

The wolf nodded.

Tucker thought and shrugged. "If I forgot to hand in something I don't know what it is."

William motioned up and down the tiger's body.

"Aw come on."

"Terry was clear about it. He doesn't want to have to deal with any more indecent exposure complaints from SolGov, not from you, or anyone else in your family."

"But I'm covered up."

Theo covered the snort with a cough.

"That doesn't even qualify as underwear. And it's not an approved outer garment."

Tucker muttered something incomprehensible and cloth flowed from his belt until he was covered up with a robe going from the floor to his neck and then a series of fabric covering his head, leaving only his eyes visible.

"There, is that good enough for the all mighty SolGov?" his voice was muffled by the fabric.

The wolf looked him over. "Well, they can't complain that you're under dressed, that's for sure."

"So can I go?"

"Sure that's fine."

"I hope I don't have to wear something like that," Theo said. He had on jeans and a shirt. His fur was a bit matted from sweat, but that didn't seem to be a factor.

"No, what you're wearing's fine. Tuck's just being dramatic because he isn't getting his way."

Theo joined Tucker, who hadn't waited for Theo to be approved.

"Of course," Tucker said, "The joke's on them. I can hide a guy sucking me off under this thing. I'm pretty sure that's even worse than walking around naked."

'Sex in public,' appeared in Theo's sight, along with the fine and prison time. "Yep, it's much worse. And how can anyone keep up with you walking while sucking you off?"

"He doesn't walk, he kneels on a hover plate. Of course it means I need to walk slowly and bow legged, but it isn't like anyone can tell even that."

"Let me guess. You actually did it."

"A few years ago, with Tony. He'd gone on the ship with us that time. On the way back he bet me he could make me cum before we reached the shuttle. Of course he cheated and shoved a finger up my ass when we were a few paces away. And there just happened to be an officer there, so We got hauled up to the security office and they weren't interested in listening to who we were. They processed us like common miscreants. Dad was pissed."

"Well, there certainly isn't anything common about you, even I know that."

"Thank you." Tucker's robe shuddered and melted against him until he was wearing black running pants and a white shirt under a deep red jacket.

"So was he pissed at you or them?"

"At me. Of course he scolded Tony, but it was nothing compared to the blistering lecture I got. How could *I* get Tony involved into something that got us arrested? How could *I* be so thoughtless? How could *I* not think of the consequences?"

"Didn't you say Tony made the bet?"

"Yeah, but by now I know better than even try to convince dad it isn't my fault. If I'm involved in anything my brothers do, then it has to be my fault."

"That doesn't sound fair."

Tucker grinned. "Well, to be fair, it usually is. It's the rare occasion they start anything more problematic than running off to Gravity without telling anyone, and the worse anyone has to deal with them is one of the news crews tracking them down and convincing them to do an interview even if the contracts make it clear they're not supposed to do that. Fortunately, none of the broadcasters are stupid enough to make any of that public without running it by us first."

"You guys control the media?"

"Only when it concerns our family directly. Doesn't whoever is in charge where you're from do that?"

Theo shook his head. "The media are pretty much free to broadcast whatever they want. So long as it's true."

Tuck glanced at Theo. "Is that an independent thing? Because even Halibury keeps a hand on what the media says."

Theo smiled. "It must be then, mustn't it?"

"You do know that unlike Uncle, I have no interest in where you're from, right?"

"So you've said before. Doesn't mean I believe you."

Tucker sighed. "Paranoia doesn't suit you."

"It's okay, there's actually people after the stuff I know."

"But not me."


"Just drop it, okay? I won't ask anything remotely related to who you are," Tucker interrupted testily. "I'm just trying to be friendly."

"Where are we heading?" Theo figured that was a safe change of subject.

Tucker indicated the lift. "Right there. There's a store a dozen levels up that sells Kashinies." they stepped into the closest lift and it immediately went up.

"What are those?"

"Lunar candies. It's made using the hardened sap from some of the plants they've managed to breed on the moon. Not too sweet, and this is the only place I can get them."

"You can't get them on Earth?"

The lift stopped, and they had to push their way through the crowd trying to get on.

"There's an embargo on stuff from the moon right now. Something to do with tariffs they've put on stuff we export to them. I have no idea about the details, just that it means I can only get my candies here, and if not for the fact I don't have to worry about duties, I wouldn't even be able to stock up."

"The advantage of being in charge?"

"Yep." Tucker entered a store and headed directly for a display of candies.

"So the common folk have to make do without while you get to enjoy them whenever you want?"

Tucker filled a bag with misshapen golden pebbles the size of his thumb. "They can come up here and get some." He took one out of the bag and offered it to Theo.

"I'll pass."

Tucker shrugged and popped it in his mouth. "Your loss." He sucked on it and the moan that escaped his mouth made Theo think the tiger had just had an orgasm. "Oh yeah, I've missed those."

Theo chuckled. "Should I keep an eye out for a security officer while you finish yourself off?"

Tucker grinned. "No, I'm okay, I didn't have the time to get any on the way out, and neither Mars nor Titan had them. Come on, let's get to our shuttle lot and head down."

They made it two intersections when there was a commotion ahead of them. The people were Independents, Theo recognized them by the colorful layered clothing. Two men harassing a woman. No one close to them even paid them any attention.

"Hey!" Theo shouted and hurried.

"Theo!" Tucker called after them.

One of the men looked in Theo's direction, said something and the other shoved the woman against the wall before they ran off. Theo considered chasing them but the woman whimpered. She was holding her arm.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" Theo crouched next to her as he looked at him. She was an Afghan with blond fur, graying around her neck and jowls.

"Theo, what are you doing?"

"What does it look like? I'm helping her."

"That isn't your job. Security is going to be here."

Theo glared at Tucker. "Oh, like they're going to give a damn about her. They're probably going to treat her like a derelict."

"Not once they identify her."

Theo indicated the arm she was cradling. "Can I take a look?" She nodded, and he gently moved it. She winced, but didn't cry out. Cass already informed him the interface was offline, but he wanted to check it himself.

The screen was cracked with pieces of the display on the ground. "They aren't going to be able to identify her. Her interface is broken."

"She still has her ID tag, she's going to be fine."

Theo bit his lips and kept his temper in check, focusing on touching along her arm to feel for any break in the bone. She winced a time or two, but it would just be a bruise.

"Do you have a friend or family on the station?"

"Yes, in DR-234, but I don't know where that is."

"It's four levels toward the center of the station," Tucker said, "eight section dock wise." The station map appeared in Theo's sight, matching Tucker's instruction.

"Can you stand?" She nodded, and he helped her up.

"What are you doing?" Tucker asked.

"I'm going to help her there."

"Theo, she can make it on--"

"No, you know what? You don't want to help, fine, go home to your shiny tower away from everyone and go live your precious life. Where I'm from we help one another."

"That's not what--"

"Sure it's not. I didn't see you do anything to help her. No one here did."

"I informed security. I'm sure the others did the same."

"Oh, good, there's a woman hurt and let's just wait for someone else to deal with the problem. And you wonder why we have problems with you corporate types?"

"Theo, be reasonable."

"Fuck being reasonable. Being reasonable is what led to no one stopping those thugs from assaulting her in the first place. No, the reasonable thing was for everyone else to call security, who still hasn't shown up, I'll point out. So now I'm not going to do that. You head home. I'll find my own way there, after I've escorted her to people who are going to be able to help her."

He took her arm in his and led her back to the lift. Tucker fell in step on her other side. He opened his mouth but Theo cut him off.

"You want to be useful? Why don't you tell me if there's any security on their way here?" He didn't need him to know that. Cass had already checked. There was no one coming. If anyone other than Tucker had made a report, they'd probably sent a visual. The officers had taken one look at how they were dressed and decided it was none of their concerns.

"I can't check that," Tucker said.

"Then don't tell me anyone is coming." Cass called for a lift, indicating he wanted one exclusively for them. The fifth one opened on an empty cart.

He carried on a conversation with her, nothing too deep, just to keep her mind occupied. Where she was from, what had brought her up to the station. He only paid attention to her answers enough to continue talking.

The level they exited on was definitely lower class. The lighting was intermittent. And Cass informed him that there was hardly any overlay available from the station to cover up the featureless dark gray walls.

The people they walked by all wore interfaces on their arm and looked at them suspiciously. Fortunately for him, Tucker stayed quiet. Theo got a sense that many of the people they came across wouldn't hesitate to cut them up if they had any indication Tucker was corporate. As it was his clothing just looked pricey, not elite. His attitude would give that away quickly enough.

They reached a door Cass highlighted as being their destination. She knocked on it and a muffled male voice answered.

"George, it's me," she said just short of yelling.

The door opened and an older calico stood there. "Why didn't you--" he looked at her interface. "Mary, what happened?" he took her arm and led her inside.

"Some hoodlums attacked me, these brave young men chased them away, but I was shoved against the wall and it broke." She looked at Theo and Tucker. "Please, come on in. I really need to at least thank you properly for the help."

"Theo, we should go back."

He ignored Tucker and entered the sparse room. "Do you live here?" there was a couch, and a table, to which George was leading Mary, by the food preparation area. There was a door, which would lead to a bedroom.

Tucker sighed and followed him in, closing the door behind him.

"Oh, this is temporary," George answered. "We're going back home soon."

"So was your trip here business or pleasure?" Tucker looked around clearly bored.

"Business," Mary replied. "But this part is going to be all pleasure." She straightened and before Theo could ask what she meant Tucker let out a gasp of pain and grabbed his head.


Mary and George looked at him, surprised. "I guess it was too easy," she said. "I swear, God is dead set on making our lives harder than they have to be." She pulled out a gun from a drawer and aimed it at Theo, who was already moving out of the way.

"There's a broadcast emitting from the calico's interface," Cass said as Theo ducked to avoid a shot. "My analysis of the signal leads me to think that it's interacting with Tucker's implant."

"And you?" Theo asked, throwing a chair at Mary.

"I'm fine. If not for Tucker's reaction I wouldn't know what it's for."

Theo followed the chair, punching George. Before Mary could regain her aim. Theo had her hand in his and twisted hard. He felt bones snap, and she screamed.

"You son of a b--" George was silenced by the Afghan landing on him.

"Any idea how to shut that signal off?" Theo picked the gun off the floor.

"No. That interface isn't real. There is no computer in it. Just whatever is generating the signal."

"This was a setup." He took the fake interfaces off the woman and the man and put them on the table.

"It looks that way. Which means the attackers were in on it."

"And might show up any minutes." He put the gun against the man's interface and fired. Tucker sighed and slumped on the floor.

"The signal is gone."

"Tucker." Theo helped him to a sitting position. "Are you okay?"

"Fuck that was uncomfortable."

"It looked it. We need to go, can you stand?"

"I need to call this in and find out why these two lured us here."

"Lured me here."

"Don't think so--"

"Come on, Tuck, think about it. You weren't going to come here, you were happy to let security deal with it. They know enough about me to know I wouldn't leave someone who needed help."

"I'll grant you that. Which means I was right and we should have left her alone. You were stubborn." Tucker forced himself up and used the wall to steady himself. He cursed under his breath, "The two guys that attacked her. They're going to be coming here. We can't stay."

"I never thought I'd say this, but you said something sensible." Theo helped Tucker toward the door.

"It means these two aren't going to be here by the time security gets here."

"You think security is going to come here?"

"Not them, our security."

"Cass, I need to know if we have incoming."

"I've been looking for the two attackers since Tucker went down. They ducked into a room that doesn't have any surveillance and haven't come back out. Unfortunately the station has an extensive network of corridors and utility tunnels without working camera."

"What about the sensors?" Tucker asked.

"Unfortunately, I can't sweet talk them into giving me access in any kind of reasonable timeline. SolGov is quite serious about keeping the public out of them. On the plus side, this corridor has surveillance and I can tell you it is clear of known threats."

"We have to risk it then," Tucker said, straightening. "This place is a death trap, and I won't be surprised if there's a hidden access they were planning on using to smuggle you out."

"You know who they are?" Theo stepped outside and looked at the gun he was holding. He wasn't familiar with the model, but he suspected he couldn't be caught with it on the station.

Tucker took it out of his hand, did something to it and part of it came out. He pocketed that, did something more, and the barrel came off, he threw that in one direction of the room. The grip came off and he threw that in the other direction. The rest he dropped on the couch.

"Now even if they have an extra power pack, it's going to take them a while to reassemble it."

"Wouldn't it have been more useful if you're kept a part they couldn't easily replace?"

Tucker looked in the room. "No time." And headed down the corridor. "Cass, are we still clear?"

"The two assailants are still nowhere to be seen."

"So you know how to handle a gun?" Theo asked.

"Of course, don't you?"

"I know how to shoot one, not take one apart like that."

"I thought your job was all about shooting people."

"You watch too many vids. I've had more called to dance the Romeogrind than fire a gun, as part of my job. Which direction?"

"First one that comes. The first order of business is getting somewhere public."

"Second?" the door opened, and they joined two families.

"Getting you someplace where my family controls things."

Cass gave Theo the map of the station. "You know that means going back to the Mercury, right?"

Tucker sighed. "Yes, and Dad is going to kill me for letting this happen."

"You think one of those candies is going to appease him?"

Tucker gave Theo an incredulous look and burst out laughing.