Great Thing Can Happen On Your Birthday

Story by BlakeRedFox on SoFurry

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*My first story with out a dragon. If part of your brain died, it okay. My did too. Anyways, this story is for Just me. This was a little hard foe me because I'm not use to writing with a bat. But i think it came out well, enjoy.*

Gurin is copyrighted to Just Gurin

Great Thing Can Happen On Your Birthday

It was late at night and a bat was slowly waking up from his sleep. He work graveyard because he hates the light. The light didn't annoy him too much but he still wanted to avoid the light as much as possible.

He got off his bed and yawn loudly as he stretches his arms and wings before getting up and walking to the restroom. He washes the dirt off his eyes and looks at himself in the mirror. He was 5"11 black bat, with emerald eyes and he had black hair that always tied in a long ponytail in the back. He is very leaned and well toned; with wings that were thin and could span out to sixteen feet. His tail was four feet big, with the base of the tail as big as three inches.

His name was Gurin, and he was really smart and random. Whenever he goes to work, everybody there literally greets him, because he is friends with everybody.

When Gurin finished washing his face, he grabs a towel to dry his face. His restroom was huge compare to others. His shower alone could fit at lease four huge dragons in there, or about ten bats.

His sink was big enough to fit a five-year-old child in there and give them a bath. He had a cabinet above the toilet, which holds any type of medicine he needed at any moment.

When Gurin was finally done washing and dying himself, he slowly walked out into the living room, the TV on the stand, the couch in the middle and then the dinning table on the right side of the room. Gurin walked towards the couch and sat down to watch so TV before getting ready for work.

There was nothing on, so he walked back into his room and played on his X-box 360 for an hour. He was having a hard time trying to pass the second to last boss because it does an attacked that nearly kills you. When he was about half way there, he had to rush because the boss put a curse on him. If he didn't beat him, in three minutes then he was dead and he couldn't do anything about it.

He was just about to take him out but he was too late and dead when the opponent only had a thousand hp left. His average attack did ten thousand so, it was clear he could have won. Gurin was disappointed that he didn't win but when he look at the clock, he saw that it was time to get ready for work.

He walked into his closet, grabbed his casual Friday clothes, and got in his car.

Once he arrived at work, he notices that almost nobody was there. He went straight to his desk feeling a bit unconformable because it was a ghost town in there. He opens his desk and he saw a note from his boss.


Come to the other office behind this one, ASAP. We have a situation that only you could handle. Please hurry!


Gurin wondering what was wrong and why was he the only one he could it when there was other employees that were better then him. He got up and walked towards the other building behind his work. He didn't even know that building belong with them.

He quickly rushed over there and found someone waiting for him by the door.

"Great you're here, come on and I will show you where to go."

"Alright," Gurin respond as he followed the wolf quickly through the building. Gurin rushed after him because the wolf was rushing through the building without waiting for Gurin to catch up.

The wolf disappeared into a room and Gurin followed him to the room. As soon as he walked into the room, the door where shut fast and were lock, and Gurin was lock inside with no way out. The lights were off so he couldn't see that well but thanks to his ability; he could tell that he wasn't alone. He took a step forward and fell down after the huge shout.


Gurin looked up and he could see the light turn back on and see all his friends at work next to him. He looked around and saw his best friend by him laughing at him. He was a brown ferret, with eyes that was able to catch anybody attentions. He eyes color were bight green, his height was almost six feet and he was light muscled. He had more muscle than an average fur but he had way less muscled then a well-toned body. He knew how to speak Spanish and was half Latino; his name was Jose.

"Don't do that to me please."

"Well we wanted to give you a gift that you won't ever forget. Now come on and let get this party started!"

"Can you help me up?"

"Anything for the birthday boy. So how old you now?" Jose asks as he helps Gurin up form the ground.

"Eighteen, finally an adult. Now I have responsible, all right," Gurin said very sarcastically.

"He he, yeah I know but let not let that get us down. This party for you anyways; so let get it started!"

Everybody around him was are going crazy and Gurin smiled and watch everyone walked up to him wishing him a great birthday. Once everyone was done with that, they all went on the dance floor and started dancing and celebrating.

Gurin was perhaps the most shy because when he saw well everyone else dancing, he was nervous because he didn't know how to dance all that well.

He still went and danced and every smiled and laugh but not because of Gurin. They were all laughing because behind Gurin was a big surprise gift for him and Gurin still didn't know.

When Gurin finally stop dancing, Jose walks up to him and pats his back.

"Well before we close this and get back to work, I think we should give you your gift."

"What is it?"

"Close your eyes."

Gurin closed his eyes, wondering what his gift was. He didn't care what it was, he was just happy that he was getting a gift from all his co-workers.

Jose went and grabs the gift behind Gurin and moved it in front of him. He placed the gift in Gurin arms and Gurin could feel that it was little heavy for it size but he still keep his eyes close until Jose told him to open his eyes.

"Okay Gurin, open your eyes and unwrap the gift."

Gurin opened his eyes, saw the gift in his arms, and notice that it was long but it wasn't tall. He slowly opened the gift and saw that it was a laptop. He was shock and he looked at Jose.

"Thank you but why did you get me a laptop? I already have one."

"The one you have is for business but this one is for your personal use."

"Thank you Jose."

"It wasn't just me, everybody chipped in."

"Well," Gurin started as he raised his voiced so everybody could hear. "I would like to thank everyone here, for such an amazing birthday party. I will always remember this day for the rest of my life."

Everybody cheered loudly and after about another hour, everybody had to go back to work. On his way to work, Gurin could have sworn he was seeing things. He shook his head and looked back over at the same direction as before and he could still see him.

He walks closer and notices that it wasn't an illusion and that he was actually there.

"Doug, is that you?"

The white fur snow leopard turned around as he heard his name from a very familiar voice. When he turned around, he almost fainted because he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Gurin, I haven't seen you in such a long time."

"It has been to long but what are you doing here? I thought you were in another state because your parents force you to move."

"I was but as soon as I turn eighteen, they no longer had any control over me so I moved back here. I still hate them for what they did."

"Don't say that. I know they separated us but they are still your parents."

"I know, but now on to you. I didn't know you were working here."

"It only because I'm using the money to pay for college."

"Me too."

Gurin bossed notice him and his Doug talking a lot and getting along very well. He decided to give Gurin this week off with pay. Then as he got closer, he realized that they were more then friends and decided to give both a week off with pay.

"Gurin, may I speak with you please."

When Gurin heard his boss calling him, he turned around and walked towards the blue fur fox.

"Is everything okay sir?"

"Yeah, everything is okay. Hey Doug can you come over here too?"

Doug walks over, stands next to Gurin, and faces his boss.

"First, happy birthday Gurin, I hope you enjoy the rest of the day. Now for your gift... you are off the next week with Doug, with pay. Enjoy you time off you two."

Gurin head shot up and he quickly looked at Doug, who looked back at him, and then back their boss.

"Thank you sir."

"Enjoy your time off and Gurin, when you come back, I have a major project that I want you to be a part of."

"Okay and thank you again."

Both Gurin and Doug walked to the parking lot and they were holding hands the whole way there. They got in Gurin car, since Doug had to take the bus there because he didn't have a license.

They both drove off to Gurin house and once there, they ran to the bedroom. Doug was excited and really wanted to take Gurin and make him the submissive male, who now more visible now and Gurin was surprised to see that he has changed a bit,

Doug was maybe six feet tall and it was clear that he was working out. He started to form a six-pack but it wasn't too visible yet. Even with his shirt on, it was still briefly visible because the shirt wasn't too dark.

Doug took off his shirt and Gurin did the same. Gurin was also excited but he could tell that Doug was going to be the dominating male from the looks of it. Before Gurin had a chance to walk towards the bed, Doug quickly crashed into him and they both landed on the bed.

Doug pushed his tongue into Gurin and Gurin did the same. At the same time, Doug moved his hands down and slowly undid Gurin pants. Gurin started to blush because he wasn't expecting this to happen all this fast.

Doug broke the kiss as he finished unbuttoning Gurin's pants and he look down and smiled. Gurin blushed even his face was bright enough to light up the whole room alone.

It reminded Gurin of the first time they were close but they end up getting caught.

Three Years Earlier

"I don't know about this Doug, my parents could be home any minute now."

"Come on Gurin, nothing bad going to happen as long as we are together."

"Now I remember why I fell for you. It was because you always knew how to keep me positive."

"That what I do, now where was I."

Doug had already undone Gurin's pants and started to undo his own and once he was naked, he moved on top of Gurin. He was just about to kiss him when he heard the door open and they both quickly looked at the door to find Gurin's parents.

Before there had anytime to react, Gurin parents walked out of the room and went to call Doug parents and tell them too.

Present Day

Gurin looked at Doug who was now clothes less and smiled brightly.

"Doesn't this just bring back memories Doug?"

"Yeah, only this time, we won't be separated again."

With that, Doug moved closer and pressed his lips against Gurin's and Gurin parted his lips to allow Doug access.

Doug pushes his tongue through and he could feel himself getting harder already. Without breaking the kiss, he looks down and sees that he was already fully hard. It was standing out with all eight inches and three inches wide.

As he moved his eyes back up, he could see that Gurin also got hard and was standing at seven inches with two and a half inch wide member. Doug smiled in his head and slowly moved closer towards Gurin. He used his hands to bring his member and move it closer to Gurin hole. They were both new and nervous but they both wanted it.

Doug broke the kiss again and looked at Gurin as he placed his member at the hole, demanding entrance.

Before Gurin said anything, Doug pushed forward and felt the tip broke through. Gurin felt pain shot across his body and he quickly grabbed the bed sheets and opened his wings a bit.

Doug wanted to stop but he knew that if he pulled out now, it would only cause more pain. Therefore, he slowly and carefully pushed in deeper until Gurin was nearly screaming out in pain and, his grip on the bed was so tight that it nearly took of the sheets. In addition, Gurin wings had expanded out fully and Gurin was ready to start flapping his wings to get the air to push Doug off but he was trying not to.

Doug looks down and sees that he only needs about an inch left before he was fully inside Gurin. He knew that Gurin was going to mad at him but he quickly shoved in the last inch.

Gurin nearly passed out from the pain and was just about to scream again but Doug pushed his lips against Gurin. Gurin wasn't able to scream anymore and he could feel the sharp pain slowly disappear.

Doug broke the kiss and Doug asks Gurin to listen first, before Gurin could even get a sound out.

"Gurin, I know it hurting a lot but I won't start again. Not until you want me too. I'm sorry for causing you so much pain and I promise that you will enjoy the rest of the time."

Gurin didn't know how to respond to that and he looked at Doug and gripped his hand. As Doug felt Gurin grabbed his hand, he could feel Gurin squeezing his hand to indicate the amount of pain Gurin was feeling.

Doug was running Gurin stomach to try and relax Gurin as much as possible. Doug notice that the more he rubbed Gurin's stomach, the more he felt the squeezing lighten.

Once Gurin gripped was finally gone, Doug slowly moved in and out of Gurin, Gurin felt Doug pulled out and he felt him thrust back inside him. It was strange because he didn't feel too much pleasure but he didn't feel too much pain either. He then felt Doug pick up speed and this time he felt pleasure.

Gurin let out a loud moan and he was lost in a wave of pleasure. He never thought that he could feel like he was now. He got knocked out of his thought though, when Doug started to thrust even harder and deeper into Gurin.

When Gurin felt Doug hit him, he felt as if he could have cummed right there. Doug smiled as he realized that he found Gurin prostate. He pounded his member and made sure to hit it every time he pump back in.

Doug could feel himself getting ready to release and he wanted Gurin to release with him. He pump harder and harder until every time Doug was fully inside, they was a loud slap. Doug felt his member twitch and pulled out one more time and with last thrust, he released inside of Gurin.

Gurin released all over his chest and head as he felt Doug cum hit his prostate hard. Gurin was panting heavily and he passed out even though Doug was still in him.

Doug almost passed out too but he manages to keep himself awake. Once he finished his load, he lifted Gurin up and placed him on the bed. He still manages to keep himself inside Gurin, and he lay behind him. They rest the night away and waited for a perfect future together.