Trick or Treat: Chapter 8 (Patreon Premium)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#8 of Trick or Treat (Patreon Premium)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

Chapter 8 of Trick or Treat, a story that is apart of my Premium content of my Patreon. Premium content is plot driven with recurring characters and are significantly longer than other uploads.

Awesome art by:

A horse on his way homes comes across a cold Maylin out trying to do the same, and she thinks to reward him for his generosity.

Read the full chapter here:

A wide yawn escaped Troy's mouth, despite his best efforts to stifle it. It had been a long, fun, and disappointing night, but now it was time for him to return home. Though his costume wasn't the most elaborate, a plastic machete, a warn smock, and a hockey mask with red paint splattered across the surface was all he needed to get into the party. Sure it wasn't that original, and certainly there had been plenty of others that had put way more time into their costumes than he did. But in truth, he didn't really care much for the Halloween season.

What he did care a lot about though was getting cock blocked. Troy wasn't unattractive by any stretch, though his luck with women was spotty at best. Most might have said that he didn't have the best personality and maybe that he came off as a bit...creepy. He paid no mind to his critics, he considered himself quirky and maybe a bit more liberal with his sexual desires. Though he may have had to admit that he let his dick do most of the talking for him.

On the rare occasion that he went out and was able to mingle with a group of people that were unfamiliar with him, he was able to pour on the charm for anyone looking for a one night stand, which usually panned out.

That was the case with this night. Troy had been in the middle of getting his cock sucked by a particularly talented girl. Since he was a horse it was often hard to find women that were able to indulge some of his naughtier fantasies, most of all those that were able to fit his fifteen inch dick down their throat. But this cute vixen in an angel custom was able to almost take him down to the balls. He'd have proposed to her on the spot but right before he was about to cum, the girl's boyfriend barged in on them.

After that there was a lot of screaming, crying, and maybe a little little spousal abuse on the part of the male fox that had caught his cheating girlfriend. Troy ducked out of the situation pretty quickly, it was drama that he didn't want to get wrapped up in. Stuffing his hard dick into his pants was the hardest part as he was as rigid as he had ever been and was dripping precum.

The whole party had heard the commotion and everyone seemed to know that he was a participant in it, albeit and unknowing one. He tried to rejoin the party but not many seemed to want to talk with him, most of all the other women. His blue balls were practically turning purple and he went home after being declined several times. By the end of the night his dick had shrunk to is flaccid size and he had to go home pissed that he missed the first time in at least three months that he had gotten laid.

Oh well, he thought to himself after having replayed the events of the night over in his head for the tenth time, I'll at least be able to jerk off when I get home. He began to recall the vixen blowing him again, as it was the only decent thing that happened. She was cute and sexy as hell, big tits, a thick ass, and a sway that was like the pendulum of a clock.

He could feel blood rushing to his cock and the familiar aroused pain hit him. He shook his head to dismiss the thought and exhaled a held in breath. Just clam down, we'll be there soon, he recited in his head and fixed his eyes on the road. The part of the city that he was driving down was suburban and remote. It was about three o clock in the morning and all the kids had turned in for the evening from their trick 'r treating. The lights to the houses that lined the street were all off, leaving only the street lamps to guide his way. It was a quiet and serene scene for the most part.

In the distance an abnormality caught Troy's eye and he had to squint to make out what it was. It was a figure on the sidewalk with their back turned towards him. The closer he came the more details were made clear. He recognized it quickly as a red panda, their large fluffy tail gave it away. But as he came closer he realized they were a girl, and from the looks of her twisted horn decorations, corset ensemble, and short skirt that she was also coming from a Halloween party.

The gentle sway of her hips as she walked reminded him of the vixen dancing to the beat of party music and he was once again thinking of his past issues with the night. A stray thought entered his mind, however, maybe she needed a ride home somewhere?

As if reading his thoughts, the red panda lifted her arm in an absent minded way and stuck out her thumb to show that she was indeed looking for a lift somewhere, having sensed the oncoming vehicle. Troy slowed down and drifted towards the shoulder as he came up beside the woman. As his car's lights flashed over her, she perked up and turned around.

Troy drifted to a stop and rolled down the passenger side window. The red panda walked over to the door and stooped to peer inside. "Hey there," she said with a wide smile, her eyes glowing like twin flashlights as she locked her gaze on his own.

"Hey. Need a ride?" he asked with a half smile.

"Yeah, I'm a few miles down the road if it's not too far out of your way. My friends sorta ditched me," she said softly.

"No problem, hop in," he replied in as friendly of a tone as he could.

"Thank you so much!" she squealed and opened the door and flung herself excitedly onto the seat. With the door closed again, Troy put let if the brake and pulled back onto the road.

"My name is Troy, by the way," the horse said and offered his hand to her.

"Oh! I'm Mayline," she said and shook. "I can't tell you how grateful I am. It's really cold out and my feet are hurting like crazy," she sighed and rested back against the chair.

"Yeah, not quite the time of year to be going for long walks," he mentioned.

"Yeah, well..." Mayline's voice took on a bitter edge. "I wouldn't have had to walk home if my fucking friends hadn't ditched me. I guess that's what I get for trying to get laid," she said and laughed.

"Oh I know that feeling," Troy snickered.

"Yeah?" Mayline pressed while looking at him. "Did your night turn out shitty too?"

"Like you couldn't believe," he replied. "Went to a party, got involved with a spat, it's a long story," he said with a smirk. Troy stole a glance over at the red panda and he noticed that her fake horns were almost touching the ceiling of his car. He looked from them to her eyes and he found that as he looked into them, he became more relaxed.

"I love your demon costume," he said quickly.

"Oh thanks, you're the first one to have guessed it correctly tonight," she replied and glanced back into the seat behind her to see the painted smock, mask, and plastic machete. "Let me guess, you went as a masked murderer?"

"Heh, yeah," he replied and shrugged. "Not that most elaborate but it was last minute."

"I see," she giggled and settled back into her seat. The drive grew quiet then, save for the very soft music that spilled from the radio, tuned to some benign station that played classic rock. Troy relaxed his posture a bit more and stole a glance over at the red panda again. He hoped that the darkness might conceal his gaze since the last thing he wanted to do was come off as weird.

In truth she was quite attractive. Even more so than he had caught onto when she first got in. He wondered why that might have been but then something caught his eye. It was the portion of her corset that covered her breasts. Or at least the part that tried to. Either she hadn't fit it well but her breasts seemed to be too big for her own ensemble. Troy felt his heart pick up in pace as he came to realize that he could see the slightest hint of Mayline's nipples barely peaking above the top.

"" Mayline's voice broke through the lust filled haze that had come over the horse's mind and he snapped his eyes forward just in time to see the oncoming lights of another vehicle.

"Ah!" He yelped and jerked the steering wheel to avoid the head-on collision after having drifted into the opposite lane. The horn of the other car blared as it passed by, leaving Troy wide-eyed and the red panda laughing.

Read the full chapter here: