Hypnovember Day 9: Collar

Story by JelDragon on SoFurry

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#8 of Hypnovember 2020

Jel gets to relax for the weekend!

The day had been exhausting. Jel was beyond ready to lay down and relax, throwing his stuff on the table and stripping out of his clothes. He breathed a sigh of relief as he got naked, falling down onto the couch and turning on the TV.

It was only a few minutes later when Bullboy came in, having been visiting the dragon a lot lately. Jel stood up suddenly, eyes widening when he saw what was in Bullboy's hand.

"Ready for this weekend? You don't have anything to do, right?"

Jel shook his head, his tail wagging as he thought about what was coming next. "A-all's clear."

The bull nodded, reaching up with the collar in his hand and securing it around the dragon. "Down, Master."

Jel smiled, a haze taking over his mind as his body started to transform. Fury grew out of his scales, covering him in a grey coat like a wolf's. His tail thinned, becoming more and more like a dog's as he started to get down on all fours. He remained 'bipedal,' but his mind started to be replaced. He lost the concept of words and complex thoughts, everything being replaced by instinct. Ears and head became more like a dog anthro's, and his tongue lolled out as he started to pant like a dog.

Transformation complete, he barked up at the bull, who chuckled and pet his head. "You're so funny, the way you ask for these things... But I guess a vacation from thinking is always fun."

He moved further into the apartment, Jel following him as he wagged his tail, content to be on the floor like a pet. Bullboy went to a cupboard underneath the counters, bringing out two bowls. One of them said "Water" and the other "Food." He took Jel and the bowls to a room near the back, where a kennel was already made up for the previously-a-dragon.

"Well, I'll get you all set up, and then I guess I'll just watch the house..." he looked the now-grey boy up and down, chuckling at the dopey grin on his face. "Or maybe something else..."

He put both bowls near the kennel, unzipping his pants and starting to jerk his cock over the one for food. He moaned, his cock hardening and starting to leak pretty quickly.

"It's good that... nnf... I've saved up for this..." He swallowed, leaning over and placing one hand on the kennel as he jerked faster and faster, mooing a little, quietly, as his cock leaked and jerked, getting closer and closer to cumming.

Finally, he started to shoot, spilling his seed into the Food bowl. He lowed loudly, the moo rattling the room and the kennel. There had been some programming, he realized as he came down from the orgasm high, probably from Jel. He chuckled at that, letting the last drops of his cum drip into the bowl.

Next was the water bowl. He was already ready for this, having drank a lot of water earlier in the day. He aimed his cock directly at it, before letting his bladder loose and pissing into the bowl.

The stream was longer than he thought it would be-perhaps a full minute of it. It overflowed, ruining the floor. He finished up after that, deciding to put the rest in the toilet.

He backed up, pulling his pants back on. Jel padded forward, leaning down and beginning to gulp down what was in the water bowl. He looked a little eager, swallowing down mouthfuls of piss straight from the dog bowl.

"Thirsty, huh? Gross."