chapter 3: a dog in heat is a hot dog

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry


#3 of bob and co.: a dog's life

A dog in heat is a hot dog

freddie woke up one morning when he heard the car door slam then he remembered today was the day bob goes on holiday, he looked at his alarm clock and sighed, three o'clock he got up and went downstairs to get something to eat. In the kitchen he stepped in some yellow liquid which he instantly recognised as urine "what the hell" he swore, then his mate Aiyana came downstairs "what's wrong?" She asked concerned "there's some piss on the floor" he replied "well I didn't do it" stated Aiyana "i didn't either" replied freddie. Later jenna came downstairs "hey jenna do you know anything about the urine on the floor" asked freddie, jenna suddenly looked uncomfortable "no... why would I?" "jeez I was only asking" jenna let out a sigh of relief "by the way can you go to the asda we've ran out of quite a few things" asked freddie "sure" answered jenna "Aiyana would you like to come?" "why not?" replied Aiyana

when the two girls got to the supermarket they got all the stuff and headed to the tills then a trickling sound could be heard and jenna looked really embarrassed and upset then Aiyana looked down and saw a yellow torrent of piss coming from jenna. Jenna just burst out crying people stopped shopping and stared at the girls, "piss off you cunts can't you see she's upset?" Aiyana yelled "its all right jenna, lets go" "yes lets go home" replied jenna sobbing. When they got to the car jenna asked Aiyana not to mention it to freddie and Aiyana agreed. Later jenna went to the loo and looked at her pussy and noticed her vulva was all puffy she called Aiyana for advice.

Aiyana entered the bathroom "what's wrong Jenna?" Aiyana asked "the skin around my pussy is all inflamed, what is wrong with me, first I start pissing uncontrollably now this?" Jenna asked obviously frightened "i don't know would you like me to take you to the vet?" "yes please" replied jenna so they got in the car and went to the vets when they got there Aiyana noticed some boys were following them and they were getting hard, in the vets office the vet examined jenna's vulva, "so jenna you have been urinating when you don't want to, your vulva has become inflamed... anything else?" asked the vet "yes some male dogs have been following us with erections" replied Aiyana "i know what this is jenna, you are currently in season or heat which is a normal thing for female dogs" here are some leaflets, or you could ring me if you have any questions goodbye jenna" then the two girls got in the car and drove home "hmm apparently I'm going to want to have sex with any male dog for a month" later when they got home Jenna went to go talk to freddie "um freddie... can you... um... can you have sex with me, I'm in heat and I would rather do it with bob or you than some random mutt on the street" "yeah just ask Aiyana first"

"Aiyana"! jenna called, Aiyana stuck her head through the door "yes?" "can I have sex with freddie?" "only if I'm allowed a night with bob" "thank you so much" jenna started to suck freddie off, when he was suitably hard and lubricated she got on her hands and knees and freddie fucked her doggie-style after a few minutes freddie fired his cum in jenna "thank you freddie" said jenna "how come you never get pregnant, I mean bob never wears protection" freddie asked "i had an operation to prevent pregnancy" unless you two want kids Aiyana should consider it too" jenna advised. Aiyana was watching the whole thing fingering herself "i don't want children" replied Aiyana "did freddie wear protection when you two did it?" Asked jenna "no... we could get an abortion" suggested freddie "yeah lets do that, then I can have that operation jenna was talking about" replied Aiyana deep in thought "oh yeah jenna don't forget your side of the deal, one night with bob"

the next week Aiyana had the operation and when bob got home he was informed about the heat, the sex and then the deal. So bob and Aiyana went off upstairs and jenna and freddie were downstairs watching TV "you know freddie I never thanked you properly I believe this will be sufficient" said jenna as she sucked him off, upstairs Aiyana was getting fucked hard by bob.