Past Secrets v1 (Full Text)

Story by Snowhawk on SoFurry

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#113 of Past Secrets - Old


This is being uploaded as a "this is where we came from." There are some plot points that will remain later, but in general, most of this is now non-canon. Enjoy. :) (Maybe lol)

Section 1

Chapter 1

Three thousand and fifty years ago, an empire of equine anthropomorphs (human-like equines) flourished. They were called the Delphin. The race included of those with horns, those with wings, those with none, and those with both. They came into power almost two thousand years prior to their fall with little struggle. The Delphin shared their Empire with a race of wolf humainoid, the Lupino, a feline race known as the Feln, and other, less populous races. This world was also home to humans and animals of the non-anthropomorphic kind.

For a thousand years, the Delphin Empire charged into the future, unaware (or at least uncaring) of the danger lurking ahead. Groups of slavers started to appear, and began picking off Delphin and other morphics of the lower classes. The groups were comprised of humans and morphics alike; even some Delphin turned on their own kind. No species was safe from them, except those in the upper classes.

Two thousand and twenty years before the dawn of the modern age, the Empire finally enacted antislavery laws. Many slaves were freed, but the practice still continued underground. Despite the Empire's efforts, the slavers gained more and more power. The trade was very lucrative, yet they hungered for more, especially those of rare stock. It would not be long before they moved up the class ladder.

Then nearly two thousand years ago, the Heiress to the Delphin Empire was accidentally killed by an overly ambitious slaver. The slavers gained even greater power and more drive to take the upper classes. The Empire fell, unable to sustain itself after the massive losses in the government.

As the years passed, more slavers emerged from the underground. With no Empire to enforce the laws, there was no need to hide any further. The longer a slaver could live, the more power they could ultimately attain. The long-lived morphs were the most powerful, as they could shift their form to those who were taken most seriously in the trade: humans.

Within two decades of the Empire's fall, one family of Lupino established itself and took lead of the country. Disputably so, but they did rule. A shaky peace soon followed, broken only occasionally by attempts on the lives of those in of the family.

Twenty-two years ago, the youngest of the two direct descendants of the Lupino in command welcomed a son to his family, followed two years later by another son. Peace was the rule of the day for the four following years, until the descendant and his mate were killed, orphaning the young brothers. The boys were sent to live with their uncle, the Lupino that was in command.

The eight following years saw an increased number of battles for power. Then five years ago, the number of skirmishes fell. The older of the brothers, who was commander of his uncle's army, had a secret weapon: a very special Delphin slave. She had been trained to not only gather information on a target, but to dispose of any loose ends left from her work.

It is here the story really begins, when this Delphin's life is almost ended as her identity is discovered by her prey.

One life can only live in the shadows so long. And a mask must be removed before lies become truth. But what happens when the lights come on and the show is over? When the time comes to remove the mask? The shock of a hidden past can be dangerous.

At times, it can even be deadly.


A black limousine screeched to a halt in front of a small crowd. A man with long, blue-white hair ran to the vehicle before it completely stopped and nearly tore the door off trying to get in. Two human figures lie on the floor of the vehicle: an almost unclothed man and a fully unclothed female. The man had a gaping slit in his throat and was, for all intents and purposes, dead. The female had a long gash on her neck and was in somewhat better condition than the man, though not by much. She was barely breathing. The long haired man pulled off his coat and wrapped it around her body, cradling her in his arms and holding one hand on her neck while he awaited the paramedics.

Two hours later, the man nervously paced in a hospital waiting room. He would never forgive himself if she did not survive. He finally sat down to wait. A doctor walked into the waiting room, a clipboard in her hand, but he didn't notice her until she spoke to him.

"Mr. Sinisusi?"

He shot straight up at the sound of his name. "Yes, that's me."

"Good. Ms. Alyandra will be fine. She lost a lot of blood, but resting for a few days will help her recover. Her species type doesn't take well to transfusions. She was very lucky the blade didn't do major damage. We'll prescribe some medication for you to take home to help keep the scarring down."

Janus nodded. "Is she resting somewhat peacefully now?"

The doctor echoed his nod. "She's resting in room four fifty-nine. You may visit, but please try not to disturb her too much."

"Thank you, Doctor. You have no clue what Snowhawk means to me."


Five days passed before she was allowed to leave the hospital. Janus helped her into the small sports car he used as his personal vehicle. He sighed quietly as he closed the door. She'd hardly looked at him the past few days, let alone spoken to him. He walked around the vehicle, sank into the driver's seat, then started the car and drove off.

She curled up as best she could several miles down the road, burying her face in her knees. "Snow..." he quietly began. She flinched and leaned away. He sighed and pulled the car to the side of the road. "You can't stay quiet forever, dear. Tell me, what's wrong?" She proved otherwise to him, simply staring out the window. After several minutes, Janus pulled back onto the road and continued to his estate. After reaching home, Snowhawk quickly ran from the car to her room.

"I failed," her quiet voice answered as Janus entered the room several moments later.

He knew this was coming. He had made her go on this mission, despite what his instincts told him. "You did nothing of the sort."

"I didn't get any information to you."

"Yes, you did, Snowhawk."

"What?" she asked, looking at him. "But, how? He found me out."

"We found out who the leak is. Or was."

"But, how?!" she reiterated, growing more stressed.

He looked down, sighing. "We bugged the passenger compartment."

"Why did-- Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why do I need to explain myself to a mere slave?" As soon as the words left his mouth, he wished he hadn't said them, or had at least phrased them differently. The pained look of betrayal burned itself into his mind, even though he only saw it for a moment.

"Because you promised you'd always be honest with me," She quickly looked away, trying to hide the tears forming in her eyes, then ran even faster from the room.

He tracked her down easily enough. She was standing alone in the estate's garden, her back to any that might pass by her. Janus walked to her, stopping a couple feet behind her.

"Is that all I really am? A lure for your games? I have destroyed more lives than I care to remember. All for you." Janus offered no answer. "Of course," she said bitterly, turning around and looking up at him. "You don't have to explain yourself to a mere_slave._"


She glared at him, then quickly lunged at him and pushed him against the hedge behind him. "Don't you dare call me that unless you fucking mean it."

Janus was stunned. Not at her language, as his bird didn't have the cleanest of vocabularies, but only once before had she sounded so hurt, so angry. "Snowhawk- "

She snorted at him, as he pulled her hands from his shoulders. "You promised that you'd be done with all these missions. Then this last one came up. And you had to accept it because, God knows, we don't want to anger your uncle. Only after accepting it do you find out that I would have to be sent on it before I was recovered from that fiasco that was my last mission. You know, Janus, I'm sure you're smart enough to think of a better way to get rid of me."

"What!? I never wanted to get rid of you."

"I bet," she snorted, folding her ears back.

"I didn't want to send you on this. I knew it wouldn't end well. But I couldn't have just passed him up on this. I would have nothing without him, and that includes you."

Snowhawk looked at him for a moment, then looked away. "Shouldn't be this easy for me..." she whispered, then walked to the door, opened it, and ran off.

Janus causally followed her. He was almost certain of where she was going. He figured it would be her favorite spot on the estate's grounds: a small pond in the woods on the back of the property. However, he didn't find her there. Nor was she at any of the other places she enjoyed.

Two hours passed, then one of the house slaves discovered Janus's uncle dead. The simplicity of a single clean slash to the neck and no sign of a struggle, other than a faint trail of blood leading out of the room, left little doubt as to who had killed the slaver.

Two more hours would pass and Snowhawk was still nowhere to be found. Soon Janus was informed that her cousin, Nytehawk, had vanished as well. "Losing Nytehawk doesn't hurt nearly as much as losing Snowhawk," Janus quietly mused as he stood on his balcony and looked at the stars that night. "I'll get her back. And I'll make sure not to say the same stupid things again. Give her some time, though..."


Elsewhere, a pale blue furred Delphin stood on the doorstep of an apartment complex. She brushed her light aqua mane from her icy blue eyes as she waited for her cousin. "I hope she didn't have any problems," she said, nervously looking around. She had good reason to be nervous: they had just escaped from their owner.

"Here ya go, Nytehawk," a voice called out, snapping her out of her thoughts. She looked up in time to see, then catch, a set of keys flying toward her. "There's plenty of money in the account I set up. You won't have to worry about anything for several months, at the least..." her cousin explained.

"Why are you just referring to me?" she questioned. "Snow, I thought you..."

"Thought I'd what? Stay and do nothing?" the lavender-hued female replied. "Nytehawk, I have some things I need to take care of. I can't just sit around."

"Will you stay for just a little while? Until I get settled?"

The other female sighed. "Fine, just for a little while. Give myself some time to rest."

"Thank you," Nytehawk smiled.

Snowhawk responded with a slow nod, then wandered inside.

Nytehawk was concerned for her cousin. They had only been free for a few hours, but she already seemed to be fighting with herself. The lavender Delphin hid so much from everyone. She kept all her problems to herself, intent on solving them herself without "burdening" anyone else. She sighed softly as they climbed the three flights of stairs to the apartment. "So," she began as they turned into the third floor hallway, "where'd you get all the money in the account from?"

"A good portion of it is the rewards I would get for completing missions."

"And the rest?"

"I found it," she simply stated as she looked for the apartment.

"Is there anything that can be tracked?"

"Yes. But Janus won't come looking for you," she stated as they stopped at the apartment door. "You didn't kill his uncle. He knows it was me."

Nytehawk froze as her cousin stepped inside. "You're not... You're not thinking of going back, are you?"

"If there's something out here for me, then no. But if I can't find any reason to be..."

"Then we'll find us both a reason."

Chapter 2

"What was I thinking?" Snowhawk asked herself as she walked through the city. "Nytehawk's free and happy, and has been for four months now. There's no point in me interfering anymore." She stopped and leaned against a stone wall, lowering her head. After several moments of silence, she finally realized where her wandering had brought her. "The estate... Near the back of the property." She wandered further, reaching a point where the stone wall became divided by sections of iron fence. "I could jump the fence and go back. Easy."

"Excuse me-," a male voice interrupted.

Snowhawk spun around, giving a sharp, startled cry as she had not heard anyone approach her. She tripped over her own hooves as she turned and fell against the stone fence, hitting her head and knocking herself unconscious.

The stranger, another Delphin, reacted as soon as he realized what happened. He checked her over quickly, then picked her up and carried her away. Her short cry would have been loud enough to attract the unwanted attention of the estate's guards.

The Delphin male took her into the city and back to his small apartment. Once there, he carefully placed her on the bed, stomach down, and removed her now bloodied cloak. Luckily, the damage done to her head was not as bad as he feared it would be, but she would still need attention. He went to his closet and removed a medical kit, then returned to the bed and began to tend to her.

She was unconscious for a day. He was surprised that she was out for so long. He knew a lot about her as he had been following her for the past two months. It would have been longer if he could have found her earlier. Maybe, he thought as he watched her, I could have kept her from going back if I had acted sooner. He had once tried to write off his feelings as a crush from his teenage years, but they continued to follow him.

So, with that loyalty he had for her from their first meeting, he remained near her. This loyalty was rewarded late in the evening.

"Hello?" she groggily asked, pushing herself up and looking around.

"Good evening," he smiled, standing from the chair he'd been resting in next to the bed.

"Where am I?" she groggily asked.

"My apartment. I hope you don't mind. I was afraid someone would come looking around, so I brought you here and tended to your injuries."

"Janus never took our safety lightly," she said, blinking the sleepiness from her eyes."

He moved to the edge of the bed. "I do apologize for startling you like that. I thought you had heard me."

She regarded him for a moment, trying to remember where she had seen him before. He was average height for a male Delphin, somewhere around seven feet tall, with dark tan fur, a silvery brown mane, and a dark amethyst horn with a silver spiral, like her own. His eyes, however, were an unforgettable orange-gold. "I've met you before. Years ago," she began, canting her head to the side. "My owner was visiting yours."

"Yes," he nodded. "My name is Legacy, and you're Snowhawk." He moved a little closer to her and helped her sit up. "You seemed very close to him. What brought you outside the fence?"

Snowhawk sighed and pointed to the scar on her neck. "This. He promised me the missions were over... then another one came up. My target fought back." She lowered her head and half closed her eyes. "I was a pawn to Janus, a lure for his games. He proved that to me when I was released from the hospital, so I left him. I took my cousin with me, and killed his uncle on the way out."

"So you're the one who did that," Legacy grinned. She replied with a small nod. "You did a great service to many slaves that night. Many of us escaped soon after while our owners fought for power. A few, like myself, followed your lead and rid the world of a few more slavers."

"I never intended to start a revolution..." she said quietly.

"But you did. And you gave us something to look to: hope. This country needs a change. The humans need to learn they're no longer the dominant species they were a few thousand years ago. The Delphin need to rise to power again, to prove that we aren't as weak as they think we are." He lowered his head to try and look into her eyes. "Don't you agree?"

"Perhaps," she replied, meeting his gaze. "But what would it accomplish? The slavery would still be there, just wouldn't have so many humans in command. It's not like they're the real threat anyway. We are our own worst enemy. There are many Delphin that are slavers as well; slavers of their own kind."

"What? But why?" he said, leaning back in mild shock.

"Where's the money at? No species can avoid the greed. If one has money, they have power. If they have power, they can control." She folded her ears back, then dropped her head again. "If you have power, you can get anything you want. And everyone has something they want, even if they aren't certain of it yet."

"What do you want?" he asked her, leaning toward her again.

"To be free and happy with Janus. But that'll never happen in this lifetime." She gave a bitter smirk and closed her green eyes to hold back her tears.

He leaned further toward her. "What about freedom and happiness elsewhere?"

"Like where?" she replied quietly. "I have nothing now. My cousin probably thinks I'm back with Janus."

"Like here," Legacy quietly responded.

"I wouldn't want to intrude," she stated. "I'm sure you probably already have a mate and she wouldn't appreciate a new female fumbling around here. It'd be wrong for someone like you to be alone."

"Wrong, perhaps, but not untrue. I have waited for you." He smiled softly, and took one of her hands in his.

The skin under the fur on her cheeks took on a pink tint as she blushed. "I will admit, I liked you those years ago. Not that I could have done anything about it."

"How long were you a slave?" he asked after a moment of silence.

"All my life," she stated.

Legacy again inched closer to her, still holding one of her hands. "Then this is all new to you. Being free, that is."

She nodded and pulled one of her legs to her chest. "I kinda experienced it, but never anything to say I was free."

He reached toward her and gently took her chin in his hand. "Would you stay with me?"

"Legacy, I couldn't."

"I was trained as a Guardian. I chose you all those years ago, but circumstances kept me from doing my job. I think I could have kept you from getting hurt if I had acted when I found you again. Please, let me protect you."

"But why me?" she asked, folding her ears back again.

"Snowhawk, you know who you are. You can't hide it, and you can't fight it. You can help the Society return. That's why I want to protect you. And, I know we only met for a short time all those years ago, but I feel very strongly connected to you. I want to be with you." He smiled at her and gently rubbed her jaw line, then he wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

She dropped her head, smiling a bit. "For a day or so."


Little more than two years later, Nytehawk's mate, Hunter, was busy preparing for her upcoming birthday, having thought a little celebration was in order. They hadn't been in this house at her last birthday. He walked onto their balcony where he found Nytehawk sitting in her usual spot on the railing. "Love, would you prefer choc- What's wrong?" he inquired, noting her serious expression.

"The wind carries a familiar scent close. Something is about to change," she replied calmly, her eyes fixed in the forest behind her home.

He tried to follow her gaze, but saw nothing. "What is it?"

"'Who', dear. 'Who' is a better question," she said with a sigh. "My owner," she stated as calmly as before.

"But, you've been free from him for more than two years! Why now?" Hunter asked, growing agitated.

Her eyes hadn't moved from whatever she was looking at. "Don't know. But I'll go and find out just what he wants tomorrow morning."

"I'll go with you."

"No," she said, finally looking at him. "He may have someone with him. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"But, what about you?" he questioned, taking a hold of one of her hands.

"I can take care of myself."

His expression grew more worried. "That's not an answer, love."

She smiled at him reassuringly. "Don't come after me. If something happens, I can escape on my own."

Hunter could only sigh and wrap his arms around her. "You're too stubborn for your own good."

"But would you want me any other way?" she grinned.

"Of course not," he smiled. He nuzzled her and picked her up, carrying her back inside. "Just be careful tomorrow."

Nytehawk returned his nuzzle as he laid her on their bed. "Of course, love." She cuddled up to him as he crawled in himself.

Several hours later, Hunter awoke alone. He stood and walked to the window, looking outside. "Please return to me, love."


An early morning fog covered the city and made the strangely quiet streets all the more eerie. The sound of hooves on pavement pierced the quiet and caught the attention of the lone man leaning against a building. "How good of you to come," he grinned, brushing his long, blue-white bangs from his ice blue eyes.

Nytehawk stopped only a couple yards from the man, scowling at him. "I can't believe you'd dare to show your face again. What the hell do you want, anyway? You've already taken Snowhawk from us."

"Says who?" he asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Don't play stupid, Janus," she growled. "I should kill you now for taking her freedom away again!"

"You've got it all wrong, dear bird," Janus began, slowly moving toward her. "I've not touched your lovely cousin in two years. In fact, that's why I need you."

She flattened her ears back, glaring at him. "What the hell are you talking about, slaver?"

"I assume you told that pesky mate of yours to stay put, right?" he asked, still advancing on her.

"What does Hunter have to do with this?" she replied, backing away from him.

"He'll look for help to get you back. Your cousin and her idiot mate will come out of hiding and find him. Then I'll be able to get my dear Snowhawk back." He grinned and continued his advance. "Play nice, won't you?"

Nytehawk snorted at him. "You're deluded, or just an idiot. I can't decide which."

She finally backed into a wall, and Janus placed one hand on either side of her. "No one has to get hurt, Nytehawk. I would prefer it that way."

"And you think taking her away from her mate won't hurt?" she questioned, narrowing her eyes.

"Not for long," he grinned. "Her little fantasy world is already crumbling. She's seeing this, and I don't want her to hit bottom with no one around."

If a glare could kill, Janus would be long dead. "And that one is you."

His grin never lessened. "You say it like it's a bad thing."

"What did you expect, slaver?" She tried to duck away from him and escape to her right, but he grabbed her arm and held her in place.

"I keep no more slaves, Nytehawk," he said, his grin finally fading. "Once I have Snowhawk, you will be free to go. However, until such time..."

"I am not going with you," she growled.

His grin returned. "Willingly anyway." His right hand left her arm and went to his pocket, then quickly returned. She felt a small pin prick when he touched her again and then remembered nothing but darkness.

Chapter 3

"Where are you, Nytehawk?" Hunter quietly asked the clouding sky as he stood on the balcony of their home. He had grown increasingly concerned that his mate had vanished some three days ago. He sighed and leaned on the railing, still looking to the sky.

The sound of a creaking door caught his attention and he quickly straightened and spun around. He had hoped to see his love's pale furred form, but instead saw a female with grey-blue fur, a long, wavy blonde mane and tail, and deep blue eyes. Hunter blinked and stepped back. "Who are you?" he demanded.

The female smiled reassuringly at him. "Don't worry. I'm not here to hurt you."

"Who are you?" Hunter repeated, a little less stern this time.

"My name's Sophie," she began, then paused to think. "I'm here because I felt that Nytehawk may be in trouble."

"I haven't seen her in three days," Hunter admitted.

"Then he probably has her," she sighed. "Did she tell you anything before she left?"

Hunter nodded. "Yes. She didn't want me to come after her."

"Typical," Sophie replied, shaking her head.

"Is there anything I can do?" he asked, trying not to sound desperate.

"About the only thing we can do is wait. I can try to find out some information, but the way this city is, I don't know what I'll be able to discover."

"Anything would help," Hunter replied. "Thank you."

Sophie bowed slightly. "I owe it to her. It's no trouble."


"Legacy," Snowhawk softly said as she nuzzled her sleeping mate. He grumbled quietly and curled up a little in response. "Don't you 'mmrph' me," she responded in turn, lightly pushing him.

"Sleep... Need..." he sleepily replied.

The lavender Delphin was not amused. "You have slept for twelve hours. Get up."

"No," he protested.

A mischievous grin crossed her face and she got up from the bed, then walked to the kitchen. Moments later, she returned with a large, ice water filled pot. She sat the pot down, then stuck her fingers into it and flicked some of the water onto him. "Get up or you get the whole pot of that dumped on you."

"Don't want to..." he grumbled.

She sighed in aggravation, stomping a hoof. "The longer you lay there, the lazier you will get."

"Why can't I sleep?" he replied.

_At least he's awake enough to form coherent sentences,_she thought. "Why?"

"Yes, why?"

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Because Janus has my cousin."

Legacy sat straight up in bed. "He what!?"

"He's captured Nytehawk. I overheard some other Del asking about her while I was out this morning."

"Did you hear how long he's had her?" he asked, rubbing his forehead just below his horn.

"I believe I heard five days," she again sighed. "We need to find Jerome."

The male nodded. "We do, but how are we going to find him? He's been missing for two years. We can't even be certain he's still alive."

"If we can't find Jerome, then I'll go get Nytehawk. Or I'll go when I get the first chance. I'm not letting him keep her."

Legacy sat in silence for a moment his head lowered, then looked up at his mate. "But, what if that's his plan? What if he's trying to draw you out by using her as bait? It wouldn't be out of character for him."

Snowhawk shook her head. "It wouldn't be, but it seems a little too risky for him to take."

"I don't want him to take you away. You're too important," he sighed, pulling her into the bed. He gently nuzzled her, then after giving her a concerned look, brushed her forelock back and felt a few spots on her face with his right hand. "I don't think you should be doing much of anything today anyway. It feels like you have a fever.

"Not too surprising," she said, looking to the side.

"Why not? Are you okay, love?" he asked, more concerned than before.

"I'm fine," she replied unconvincingly.

"You don't lie that well, Snow," he stated, turning her head toward him. "And you seem to have had something else on your mind the past few weeks."

"I am fine, Legacy," She firmly said, pulling her head away. "Just have a lot on my mind right now."


Nytehawk sighed as she paced the room she'd been placed in. She knew it would only be a matter of time before Snowhawk found out what had happened and came looking for her. "Which is exactly what he wants. Dammit." She again introduced her hoof to her door, adding another dent to the numerous ones she had already put in it, then stalked across the room. "I wish I could warn her."

Janus's voice came, slightly muffled, from the other side of the door. "Why don't you rest, Nytehawk?"

"Because I don't trust you," she growled, turning toward said door.

"Accept it, Nytehawk," he continued. "There is nothing you can do." He unlocked and opened the door, then walked into her room. "I only want the best for her and if she stays where she is now, she'll be crushed when she realizes that her little world of lies is crumbling. Her Guardian, unlike yours, doesn't know when to step back and leave her alone."

"From what I have heard, and know of the Guardians, Legacy is there, and continues to be there, because he loves her. He's not there for his duty alone," she stated.

"Loves her? Then why does he leave her alone at night?" he replied, slightly tilting his head to his right.

"What?" she asked, likewise canting her head and folding her ears back.

"In more than two months, he has not stayed with her more than eight nights. There have been several occasions where he never returned during the day, or for several following days."

"And what does that have to do with anything?" she snorted.

"Do you remember what would happen when she was alone for more than a few hours?" he replied. "We're talking about a creature that before she left here was never alone for more than half a day."

Nytehawk shrugged. "She felt bad. She got depressed. Though there were many times when she would go off by herself to be alone. She left one night and never returned."

"And your first reaction was that she would come here. Why do you think she would have?"

Nytehawk didn't like Janus trying to be a psychologist. Again she snorted at him. "The hell if I know."

Janus grinned. "There is a familiarity here she can't get anywhere else. There is stability. There is never having to wonder where the hell her mate has gone off to. She could go off on her own to be alone, then come back and not have to look for anyone. Do you understand where I'm going?"

"Your thought process is so screwed up, no one can understand it," she returned, glaring at him. "You are not convincing me in the least."

"In due time, dear Nytehawk," he grinned again.

"Not a chance," she stated, still glaring at him.

Never having dropped his grin, he turned and left the room. She'd been here for little more than a month and seemed to be just as stubborn as the day she came.


Janus fell asleep that night at his desk, and his dreams again reminded him how he lost Snowhawk.


"Do you remember what it was like before you came into my life?" a younger Janus asked a human-formed Snowhawk as he held her.

"A nightmare," she replied, lowering her head.

"Indeed," he said, gently stroking her hair.

"And for you?" she asked curiously.

"Dull, boring... Nothing I would like to have again. You are more wonderful than I could have ever imagined," he smiled.

She blushed and smiled in return, then he saw the two of them several months later. And once again, I watch myself ruin what I had, he thought. Why did I have to say it like that?_he asked as he watched her leave the room. _I was such an idiot.


He awoke and sat up, looking out his window at the night sky. "I'll redeem myself soon... Very soon." He nodded, then stood and went to his bed.


The protectors known as Guardians were trained to protect the nobility of the Delphin Society and most were nobles themselves. When the Society fell to the slavers, the Guardians remained to protect the ones they could. They trained new Guardians in secrecy. Soon, not many of the old Guardians were left alive, and almost none of the new line were fully trained. They all held the duty to protect their charges when circumstances allowed it. Some would stay near their charges, others would leave and wait for the call to duty.

Far outside the city, one Guardian heard his call. In the dark shadows of the forest, a flash of gold came to life in the pale light of the moon. He had been waiting for this call.

Emerald green eyes opened as a male Delphin appearing to be made of gold stepped onto a rocky ledge, and looked toward the city. He folded back his golden wings and looked toward the glowing city for a moment. Then he turned, his golden horn glinting in the light, and trotted toward a path out of the forest.


Nytehawk paced anxiously in her room. Janus was determined to get Snowhawk back, and every day was one more day closer to her cousin getting caught, one way or another. "That idiot," she growled as she stopped at her door, then, once again, kicked it. "Maybe I'll have the damn thing broken by the time she gets here." It had been another week since Janus had taken her, making a total of five. "At least Hunter listened to me this time."

Just out of her view, the golden furred Delphin clung to the side of the estate. "Now I know for certain where you are," he quietly said, then dropped from the wall. He spread his golden wings and glided over the fence. He had not been able to protect her in the years past, but now he would.

He silently made his way through the streets, grateful for the cloudy night. The one that had contacted him said Nytehawk and her mate owned a large house about a half hour's walk from the Slaver's estate. He found the house easily and stopped out front. The front yard of the old, two-story home had several large trees, like the rest of the area. The original planners of this part of the city had removed only the trees they needed to, leaving almost all the trees and underbrush. The property was surrounded by an ivy-covered brick and iron fence.

The golden Delphin made his way through the open iron gate and slowly walked the concrete path to the home. He stopped as he stepped onto the front porch, and turned to look at the yard again. He felt as if he was being watched. He saw no one, and paying no attention to it now, he turned and knocked on the front door.


Sophie's ears flicked at the sound of someone knocking. She stood and went to look out the window, but the roof of the porch hid the caller. She looked at Hunter to find him still asleep in a chair, then walked out of the room and downstairs to the front door. The sight of gold fur through the frosted glass in the front door gave her a twisting feeling in her gut. She knew the Delphin standing outside. They had been lovers, and had parted on foul terms. She had once tried to kill Nytehawk on orders from her former owner. He had stopped her, then she left when he asked her why. "Should have known I'd see him. He's her Guardian, after all," she quietly said to herself as she opened the door.

The golden Delphin was not pleased to see her. "Sophie."

"Long time no see, Jerome," she half smiled. He gave her no reply. "Not long enough apparently," she added, looking down.

"What brought you out of hiding?" he asked, glaring at her.

"Same thing as you, I'd imagine," she responded.

He snorted and flicked his tail. "Go back to whatever rock you were under. You've already caused enough trouble for Nytehawk."

"Get over it, Jerome!" she yelled. "I was doing what I had been ordered to do. I wouldn't have done anything if it had been my choice."

"Oh, really?" he sarcastically replied.

"Yes, Jerome. Really." She looked up at him. "I'm sorry for what happened. I'm sorry for what I did to Nytehawk and to you."

"You just left," he began. "You just up and left and never answered my question." She made no attempt to reply. "Why didn't you at least come back and tell me why after your owner was killed? You were free."

"No," she said, shaking her head. "I'll never be free. I'm sick. I was used for testing of some chemical he was making. I'm dying. I don't have more than a couple years to live at the most and I want to at least try to help."

Jerome was silent for several minutes, then finally asked, "Do you have a plan?"

"No. I was waiting on you to show up." She looked to her left, then stepped back, holding the door for him. "Come on inside. You can meet her mate, Hunter, and we can figure out what to do now."

Sophie turned and walked into one of the front rooms. As Jerome stepped inside to follow her, the rustling of some bushes caught his attention. He again turned to look and this time he thought he saw a flash of amethyst vanish in the shadows. He blinked his green eyes, then walked inside.


On the street in front of the house, a lavender furred Delphin dropped from a tree limb overhanging the fence. She stretched her bat-like wings and grinned "Almost..." she whispered, then trotted down the dark street.

Chapter 4

Alone in her apartment, Snowhawk sighed and flopped onto her couch. She lightly placed a hand on her stomach and closed her eyes. "At least not everything is lost." She rested for a few moments, then thought to herself, I shouldn't be so tired this early. She pulled a blanket off the back of the couch and curled up; within the next five minutes, she had drifted to sleep.

Several hours later, a hand gently stroked her equine face as a male's voice quietly spoke. "Wake up, Snowhawk." Her eyes shot open as she immediately awoke and tried to get away from whoever else was in her apartment. The male grabbed her arm and kept her from running off. "Calm down, love," Legacy's voice said.

Snowhawk panted for a moment, then she kicked at him once she'd somewhat recovered. "Don't do that, dammit!"

"Sorry, dear," he smiled. "You need to relax a bit, though."

"You know I can't afford to," she responded, smirking at him.

"Where were you?" he asked as he sat down next to her.

"I went to make sure Jerome found the right house." She yawned quietly. "He did. On his first try too, surprisingly."

"Good," Legacy nodded, then paused to look at his mate. "Are you ok, love? You look... paler than usual."

"I'm fine," she stated.

It had been little more than a month since they last had this conversation. Rather than try to get her to tell him what was wrong, Legacy again felt her face. "You have another fever. Or did you ever get rid of that last one?" he questioned, leaning toward her.

The lavender female just pulled her ears back and looked away. She looked back at him after a couple minutes. Her nervousness was apparent, then more so as she began to speak. "Legacy, I'm..."

"What, love?" he asked tilting his head to the side, curious as to what was making her so uncomfortable.

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and decided the best way to tell him would be the most direct way. "Legacy, I'm pregnant."

Legacy stuttered for a moment, shocked, surprised, and even a little confused, then asked, "Since when?"

"Four months ago," Snowhawk quietly stated.

He blinked, now more confused. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you worry about me enough as it is," she replied. "I know you know this is dangerous for me. But I've been through it before. I'll be careful."

"Will you change any of your plans?" he questioned, concerned.

"No. I can't afford to at this point. As I said, I'll be careful. But I'll do what I have to do to get Nytehawk back."

Legacy sighed and shook his head. "I'm not even going to try and talk you into changing your mind, but can I at least carry you to bed?" She nodded, smiling a little as he stood, and picked her up.


"So, how long have you been here, Sophie?" Jerome asked the blonde maned female sitting across from him.

"I found Hunter three days after Nytehawk vanished," she responded, trying not to make eye contact with him.

The golden Guardian leaned back in his chair, watching her. "Does he know about your past?"

"No," she said, shaking her head. "And I'd prefer he didn't know. Hunter wouldn't let me help if he knew."

"I can't say I blame him. Your track record makes you a little hard to believe, Sophie."

She flinched at his words. "That hurts, Jerome. I'm not here to cause any more trouble for her. I'm here to make up for what I did. I didn't have any choice other than a very slow, very painful death back then."

"So I guess you're better off now," he said, looking off.

"As I've said, I have at the very most two years to live. I have wasted my life trying to do what I was told to do. Then when I finally stopped doing that, I was sentenced to death. I want to at least do one thing right." She dropped her head, then placed her hands on the back of her neck.

"Whatever your plan turns out to be, just don't get us killed," he stated, then stood and walked out of the room.


Nytehawk could do little more than twitch as yet another vehicle pulled in front of Janus's estate. "Pretty freaking brave of him to throw a party. Especially here." She then turned to see a pale yellow, Asian-styled dress hanging on a hook next to a full length mirror. "And especially wanting me to join him. I guess he really has lost his mind."

The knock on her door caught her attention. "Are you coming down?" Janus's muffled voice asked.

"Not on your life," she growled.

"Come now, Nytehawk. Don't be so stubborn," Janus said, partially opening the door.

"No," she restated.

"Nytehawk--" he began, but was promptly cut off.

"What are you gonna do, Janus?" she asked, stomping her hoof. "Do you even think it's a good idea to 'show me off'?"

"Wouldn't you enjoy getting out of your room?" he asked, avoiding her question.

She thought for a moment, then gave her silent reply by raising her middle finger at him and scowling.

"Not very tactful, are you?" he commented, unaffected by this display.

"What do you expect from this little party?" she asked. "That Snow's gonna show up?"

"It would be a nice end to the night," he nodded. "And should she appear, I have no intention of making her stay."

"Right," Nytehawk scoffed.

"You may not get a chance to see her for a while, Nytehawk," Janus noted.

She turned away from him. "My answer still stands."

"Suit yourself," he replied, then closed her door and locked it.

"Bastard," she growled.


"Why are you doing this, Snow" a worried Legacy asked as his almost naked mate walked from their bathroom to her large closet.

"Because I think I can get Nytehawk back," she calmly replied, browsing through her clothes.

"At least let me come with you," he pleaded.

"No. I need you to go meet Jerome and Hunter to let them know what's going on." She pulled a long, dark violet dress off a hanger and slipped it on.

"I think you're seriously underestimating him, love," he told her as she walked past him and kneeled down to look under their bed.

"I'd be amazed if he accomplished anything, Legacy," she returned.

"I'm worried about you, Snowhawk. You're already getting exhausted really easily," he mentioned, leaning against the wall.

She pulled out a pair of black velvet anklets and buckled them on, then stood. "I'll be fine. We will be fine," she repeated.

"It just seems convenient," he pointed out.

"Convenient or not, I will be fine." She picked up a knee length, light amethyst velvet cloak from the bed and draped it across her shoulders. "We don't have much time, Legacy," she began, her voice deathly serious. "I don't foresee another chance if we pass this up." Legacy reluctantly nodded in agreement. She pulled the cloak's hood onto her head and gave him one last kiss. "Take care, Legacy," she quietly said, then quickly left their apartment.


Legacy left their apartment some twenty minutes after Snowhawk. "What are you planning, love?" he asked the evening haze as he walked down the quiet street to Hunter and Nytehawk's home. He looked to the clouding sky and at the few stars peeking out. "What indeed?" He traveled for more than an hour after leaving the apartment, finally reaching the gate of Nytehawk's home. Slowly, he walked to the front door and knocked.

"Long time no see, Legacy," Jerome smiled as he opened the door for the younger Guardian.

"It has been, Jerome," he replied, stepping inside.

"So, what brought you here?" Jerome asked, closing the door.

"Snowhawk sent me."

The golden Guardian looked confused. "Snowhawk? But, we thought she'd gone back to Janus."

Legacy shook his head. "She's been with me the past two years. She went to retrieve Nytehawk tonight and sent me here to let you and Hunter know."

Jerome blinked, again confused at what Legacy had told him. "She went to Janus's estate. Alone." Legacy confirmed this with a small nod. "That's what his plan was," the golden one said quietly, having finally put the pieces together.

"She insisted I not go. But, I'm sure you know how stubborn her and Nytehawk are." Legacy sighed. "There's too much at stake now. I didn't want to her to go."

"What do you mean 'too much at stake'?" he questioned as they walked into the living room.

"Snowhawk is four months pregnant. She refused to change her plans. Now I fear she won't come back," he admitted as he sank onto the couch.

Jerome sat in a chair next to the couch. "Did she tell you not to come after her?"

"No, but I don't think Janus is exactly the sharing type," he dryly replied.

The older Guardian nodded. "We'll just have to wait and see what she does."


Snowhawk was not surprised that that she was allowed into the estate without question. She was not surprised that no one followed her when she left the main hall to look for her cousin. She was, however, surprised that Janus did not immediately track her down the moment she walked in the door. In fact, she had not seen him all night.Maybe he's losing his touch, she thought to herself as she checked behind another door with no success. "I should have asked Jerome where she was," she whispered as she opened another door and stepped into the room. She found herself in one of the estate's large studies.

Sitting on a couch directly across the room from her was Janus. He grinned when he saw her. "I knew you'd come tonight."

"Where's my cousin?" she immediately questioned, trying not to be distracted by him.

"You always were so direct," he grinned. "Wouldn't you like to talk?"

"No. Where is she?" Snowhawk sharply returned.

"On the other side of the estate," he casually replied. "Don't worry dear," he began as he pressed one of the buttons on a remote on the table next to him, closing and locking the door. "No harm will come to her. I intended on bringing you here tonight to talk. That's all." He stood up from the couch and walked toward her.

Snowhawk dropped her head slightly and quietly asked, "What's there to talk about?"

"Plenty, love," he smoothly replied, placing his right hand on her right shoulder, then walking behind her and doing the same with his left. "We never did talk after your-- accident."

"It's been almost two and a half years, Janus," she noted. "There's nothing to talk about anymore."

He grinned as he reached for the closure of her cloak. "I think there is, dear bird. I think there is much we haven't discussed." He pulled the cloak off her shoulders, then almost whispered to her, "Might as well get comfortable, love."

Chapter 5

Janus casually tossed Snowhawk's cloak aside, then led her to the couch. "Please sit," he instructed.

She did, but seemed reluctant to do so. "You don't have to make this complicated, Janus," she quietly stated.

"Oh?" he asked as he sat next to her.

"I just want to get Nytehawk and get her home," Snowhawk replied, glancing at him from the corners of her eyes.

"Then what?" Janus began. "What will you go back to?"

"My mate, of course."

Janus grinned ever so slightly. "Ah, yes, the Guardian. You know why he stays, don't you?"

She looked away from her former owner at this. "Leave Legacy out of this and take me to my cousin."

"You know the truth, Snowhawk," he began, placing his arm around her. "The Guardian is staying for duty alone."

She shook her head at him. "He stays for love, Janus."

Janus sighed quietly, turning toward her and pulling one leg onto the couch. "Then why does he leave you at night? Or go days without seeing you? Why are you left alone?" Snowhawk looked down as he spoke, saying nothing in return. "Legacy may love you, dear, but it is for his duty he stays."

"No," she whispered, "that's not true."

Janus leaned closer to her. "Snowhawk, you're lonely and you're tired. I know you too well not to see this."

"There is nothing to see, Janus," she replied, leaning forward and holding her face in her hands.

"Look at me, dear," he requested, reaching for her chin with his free hand. She turned her head away at first, but he caught her and turned her face toward him. "Why are you trying to convince yourself?"

"What?" she asked in a confused whisper.

"You're trying to convince yourself he feels the same for you as you feel for him."

She tried to blink back a few tears that appeared in her eyes. "No--"

"Yes, love," he interrupted, "you are. That's your nature."

She was silent for a moment, then jerked her head away. "How would you know?"

"Because, I know you." She turned away from him, again staring at the far wall. "You can't deny that, Snowhawk."

"That was a long time ago, Janus," she responded.

"Not that long ago, dearest, it's only been two years," he noted as he carefully pulled her toward him, then wrapped his arms around her and stroked her hair. "I should have said things differently, and I still kick myself for saying what I did."

"But that wouldn't have changed how you felt, Janus," she commented.

"No, but I hope you realize that wasn't the full extent of my feelings." One of his hands moved up and gently scratched at the base of her skull. "I knew what I felt, but I had to lose you to fully realize it."

"And that took two years?" she queried.

"No, love," he replied, "I knew very quickly. But I never made a move because I wanted to see if you were happier out there. And for a time after you met Legacy, you were. But now Legacy seems to be more loyal to something else than to you. He's making you unhappy, which I cannot allow." He looked down at her to find she'd fallen asleep. "That always did put you to sleep," he smiled.


Snowhawk awoke several hours later, finding herself on a bed and in Janus's arms. She thought at first that the events of the past two years had been one long, vivid dream, but she then remembered she'd fallen asleep while talking to him. She moaned softly and tried to sit up. "I need to get Nytehawk," she mumbled and swung her legs over the side of the bed.

Janus woke up when she moved, sitting up himself. "Stay here and rest, Snowhawk," he began, "I'll release your cousin."

"No, I need to get back," she quietly said, trying to stand. Her legs refused to bear her weight, though, and she fell back onto the bed. "Why now..." she whispered.

"What is it, Snowhawk?" Janus asked curiously.

"Doesn't concern you," she replied.

"Of course it does. If something is wrong with you, it concerns me greatly," he explained.

She sighed and again tried to stand, Janus following her this time. She succeeded in standing and managed a few steps before her legs gave out. Janus caught her and stopped the fall.

"Snowhawk, you can't hide from me. What's wrong?"

"I don't think you want to know," she commented.

"Yes, I do," he replied, getting her to sit back down. "Please, tell me what's wrong?"

She looked down, almost certain if she said anything it could jeopardize the chance she had left of getting Nytehawk free. However, she also knew Janus had no intention of letting either of them go until she told him. She took a deep breath, then plainly stated, "I'm pregnant, Janus."

Janus blinked and was left speechless for a moment. He looked off, as if in thought, then back to her. "Were you trying to hold onto him, love?" he quietly asked.

She glanced at him after hearing the concern in his voice and noted it his eyes. "Maybe..."

"And you were worried that if I knew, I might not set your cousin free." She nodded, noting to herself he still knew her too well. "Don't worry, Snowhawk," he said, smiling softly, "I'll set her free. But I want you to rest for now. You can't help her like this." He coaxed her into lying back down, then kissed her on the forehead. "Go back to sleep, dearest. You will need your rest."


"Did she give you any idea of when she'd be back, Legacy?" Jerome asked the younger Guardian.

"No," he replied, shaking his head and leaning back in his chair.

"Well," Jerome began, "considering it's been three days, I'd guess something's wrong."

Legacy nodded slowly in agreement. "I'd been hoping that she was just waiting for the right time to get Nytehawk free."

Jerome was amazed at Legacy's attitude. Outwardly, he didn't seem that concerned, considering the situation. "Legacy, you need to know what's going on. You have got to know when she's going to return."

"I know, Jerome. But, I just keep thinking 'What if she's still waiting?' I don't want to put her or Nytehawk or my child in any kind of danger. I have faith in her and her decisions."

Jerome couldn't help but growl at him. "I'm not saying you shouldn't trust her. I'm saying you shouldn't trust him. You and I both know how their relationship was."

"What should I do?" he quietly asked.

"My suggestion is to go find out what's going on. It's not like we don't know where he is."

"It seems too easy, Jerome. And I don't want him to hurt them," Legacy responded.

"Look at it this way, Legacy: it's a hell of a lot easier than what you're doing right now."

"Do you think it'll work?" he questioned, looking at the older Guardian.

"If you're asking if I think he'll hurt her, no. Janus isn't that type," Jerome replied. He paused, then continued with, "I don't know if this will get her back, but you can't just sit around and wait and worry yourself sick."

Legacy thought for a moment, then stood and picked up his sword, tying it to his belt, and walked to the door. "I'll return soon," he said as he left.

Jerome nodded slowly as the door closed. "I can't help feeling like I should go with him," he said to himself. "But she is his mate and he should go after her on his own."


Legacy trotted down the darkened street. He thought to himself as he passed only a couple other beings. His destination was all too familiar. It was the place he'd visited two or three times while he was a slave, and it was also the place where he found Snowhawk two years ago. After a half hour walking, he stopped at the gate and looked through the iron bars. "This whole place is a cage," he whispered. "His bird cage. What was she thinking?"

"What is your business here?" a male voice barked, snapping Legacy from his thoughts.

The Delphin quickly turned to see a dark, chocolate brown furred wolf morph with white markings, a little shorter than his own height of seven feet, standing roughly a yard from his left side. The wolf species were called Lupino. Not intimidated by the lupine, Legacy stated, "I'm here to see Janus about a personal matter."

"He has asked not to be disturbed," the guard quickly replied.

"And I am demanding to see him, Lupino," an undeterred Legacy responded.

"Listen,Delphin," he growled, "he has said that no one is to disturb him. That includes you."

Legacy narrowed his eyes and flattened his ears back. "No, asshole, you listen. That son-of-a-bitch has my mate and I want her back."

The Lupino thought for a moment, "So you're the 'idiot mate.' In that case, you can enter. Janus mentioned he wanted to have a few words with you." The Lupino grinned and moved to open the gate. "He's in the gardens. They're around the--"

"I know where the damn gardens are," the Guardian interrupted, walking inside. "I've been here before."

"I figured as much," he smirked, then closed the gates and continued his rounds.

Legacy walked around the estate and back to the gardens, then followed the scent of honeysuckle, his mate's favorite flower. He found the slaver and the human-formed Snowhawk in the far end of the gardens under a canopy of honeysuckle vines. Janus was cradling the sleeping female, gently stroking her cheek. "Little late in the season for honeysuckle," Legacy stated, walking toward them and stopping some two and a half yards away.

Janus looked up, unconcerned. "Well, if it isn't the absentee mate."

The Delphin male narrowed his eyes at him. "Let her go, Janus."

"You were warned not to get involved," Janus replied, reminding him.

"I don't have time for this, slaver," Legacy growled.

"'Slaver', you say?" Janus chuckled, "I keep no slaves."

"Then what are you doing with her and Nytehawk?"

"My bird is my companion. Her dear cousin was brought here to make sure that this one," he explained, nodding to Snowhawk, "had not been killed. Though, finding out her... situation was a bit of a shock. She was very hesitant to tell me." He remained silent for a moment as he thought and watched her, his hand still stroking her cheek.

"Let her go, Janus," Legacy repeated, quieter this time.

"Why?" Janus asked, looking up and glaring at the Guardian. "So she can continue to be hurt by you? So she can continue to wonder and worry about you not being there? Snowhawk does not like to be left alone, unless she wants it that way. Even then, especially then, she needs to be certain that she'll have something to go back to."

Legacy snorted at him. "And what makes you an expert on that?"

"I know her, Legacy," Janus replied, narrowing his eyes at the younger male. "I know her better than you ever would. She would never allow you to know as much about her as I do. She feels like she has to protect you, or that if you knew everything about her, you'd be gone."

"You're wrong," Legacy said, stepping toward them.

"And you're acting on your emotions again. You need to learn keep them in check, Legacy, or you're going to make some fatal mistake."

"I don't have time for your games, Janus," Legacy responded as he continued to advance toward them.

Snowhawk gently moaned and moved a bit in Janus's arms, then quietly yawned. "Good evening, dear," Janus quietly said to her.

"Good," Legacy began. "Now she can give us her thoughts."

"Don't cause her anymore trouble, Guardian," Janus warned. "I'm sure you don't want to harm her or her child."

The still groggy female slowly opened her green eyes. She looked at Janus, then turned her head and looked to Legacy. "What are you doing here?" she questioned.

"Snowhawk," Legacy began, walking toward her and kneeling, "you've been gone for three days. What was I supposed to do?" He sighed and paused, then began speaking to her in the Delphin language.

Janus closed his eyes as they spoke, listening in and mulling over the differences in their personalities. Snowhawk remained calm and spoke very clearly while Legacy was agitated and kept repeating that she should come with him. Janus wasn't completely fluent in the language, but he knew more than enough to understand. He understood that Snowhawk was still protecting the Guardian and that all she needed was rest. After some ten minutes of this, Janus slowly began "Perhaps you should leave, Legacy. You're not helping her situation any."

"And just what do you think you're doing for her?" the Guardian snapped.

Snowhawk sighed and sat up. "Break it up, boys," she quietly told them. She then stood slowly, with a little help from both of them, and wandered to the house, mumbling, in Delphin, that she was hungry and going to find food.

Once she was out of sight and earshot, Janus stood, then looked at Legacy and stated, "There is less stress on her here since she doesn't have to worry if I'm going to be around or not. Leave, Guardian. Nytehawk may go with you, but Snowhawk should stay here, for her safety and for her child's."

"I'm not leaving without her," he firmly replied.

"You will, Legacy. And once you return Nytehawk to her mate, perhaps you should ask yourself just why you deserve Snowhawk. I knew about you and her from the beginning but I left you alone until I saw her become unhappy. I won't stop her from being happy with another, but I will step in if she becomes unhappy. You have not learned what makes her happy or what makes her feel safe. That much is obvious as much as you leave her alone." Janus gave a quick nod of dismissal, then walked around the Guardian and toward his home.

Chapter 6

Legacy stood slowly, glaring at Janus and nowhere near satisfied with that conclusion. He ran after the man, then lunged at him. Janus sidestepped the attack, having heard the noisy Guardian's hooves. "Give her back, you son of a bitch!" he yelled as he regained his footing and turned back toward Janus.

"I am getting very irritated with you, boy," Janus growled.

"I want her back," he repeated.

"You can 'have' her if she chooses to be with you. Truth be told, if you would have waited a few more hours, she would have contacted you to explain. She came here by her own free will and she can leave with such, as long as her health isn't at risk," Janus again explained.

"And it won't be at risk if she comes with me."

Janus sighed, aggravated. "Legacy, we just went through this. She's what, four, five months pregnant? Do you have any idea just how critical is it for her not to have to worry where the hell her mate is?"

"She won't worry."

"Can you honestly say that, Legacy?" Janus began to walk away from the Guardian again. "Now, I suggest you leave before I have you removed."

"That bastard," Legacy growled as the door closed behind Janus. "I'll get her back. She's too important to us to just- lose her to some damn slaver." He turned and quickly left the grounds. He passed the same guard as he had encountered earlier.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" the guard called out.

Legacy stopped and turned around. "What?"

The guard point to the from of the estate. Nytehawk was carefully, yet quickly, making her way down the stairs. "Unless you don't want her," he grinned, licking his lupine lips.

"I don't think so, Adian," the Delphin female said as she trotted toward them. "So, you're my cousin's mate." Legacy nodded in reply. "Tell Hunter that I would have come back, but I want to stay here and help Snowhawk."

Legacy was surprised. "Are you sure about that?"

"Yes," she nodded. "Snowhawk is sicker than she'll let on."

Legacy bowed to her. "Please, take care of her."

"I will," she replied, bowing her head in return. "And you take care of yourself, Guardian."

Legacy nodded, then turned as Nytehawk walked back to house. He caught sight of the Lupino guard following her, then heard a loud yelp of pain. Legacy smirked slightly, then walked back to Nytehawk and Hunter's home.


Back inside the estate, Janus found Snowhawk asleep on a couch in a den. He shook his head and chuckled, then walked to her and kneeled next to the couch. "I guess you never made it to the kitchen," he said as he stroked her face.

He sat in silence with her for several minutes, watching her sleep, until Adian limped into the room. "The Guardian has left, Janus," he stated, then winced painfully.

"Good," Janus began, seemingly ignoring the other's discomfort. "Maybe he'll wise up and stay away until she's better."

"What are you planning on doing with her cousin?" he grinned.

"I still plan on letting her go and you will do the same."

Adian pouted. "You never let me have any fun."

"You need to learn to grow up, brother," Janus replied, shooting a glance to the other. "You'll have more fun when you do."

"I'd rather play with her while she's here," he said, another devious grin forming on his face. "She's feisty."

"Based on the fact you were limping, I figured you had already learned your lesson. Apparently, I was wrong." Janus sighed as his brother's face revealed he was thinking something over. "Adian, go distract yourself with some other female."

"But I like that one. None of the other girls left around here are as interesting."

"Adian," Janus began, irritated, "don't bother her. And go, now."

"I am, brother," he smirked. "I'll leave you to have 'fun' with your little pet."

"Watch what you say, Adian," Janus growled as his brother left the room.

"Your brother," Snowhawk quietly began as the door shut, "is a lot of talk."

Janus nodded. "He is, but he's still dangerous." He smiled at her and gently stroked her arm. "I assume you never made it to the kitchen."

She shook her head, then stretched a bit. "No, I didn't."

He was quiet for a moment, still rubbing her arm, then said, "You know I understood what you and Legacy were saying, don't you?"

"I know. Legacy didn't."

"You can't keep protecting him, Snowhawk," Janus stated. "And he can't keep hurting you."

Snowhawk nodded slowly. "He never means to, Janus. He just-"

"He doesn't think," Janus finished. "Not with his head anyway."

"I'm sure you're hoping I'll leave him for you," she mentioned.

"While that would make me very happy," he began, "I want you happy first. And I can't see you happy forever with him. This is the very reason that Guardians and their charges are not supposed to get involved. He has a duty to protect you, and while you may be weak now, you really didn't need to be protected before this," he said, gently stroking her slightly rounded belly. "I think it's now that he's realizing he neglected his duty. I know the Guardian may love you, but-"

"But there are many kinds of love," she finished.

Janus nodded. "Yes. You know, I watched you for all those months you were gone. I didn't watch as closely after he came into the picture, but I was still there. And when I realized you weren't happy because he kept leaving you alone, I decided to step in. I wouldn't have done anything if he hadn't done that."

"It's difficult to do anything now. The ties I have to you both are very strong," she stated quietly.

"I know, dear," he replied.

"It shouldn't be like this," she stated a moment later. "I'm going to hurt one of you no matter what I do."

"But you have to chose, Snowhawk. Not now, not while you're like this, but you will. Like I said, I just want you happy, whether that's with Legacy or me or even some completely different being. I just want you to go with what you know is right."

She smiled softly at him. "You were always too kind to me."

"Never too kind, dear," he replied, returning her smile.


"She stayed?!" Hunter exclaimed when he heard the news from Legacy. He couldn't believe that his mate would do something like his. He left the room, continuing to voice his disbelief.

"Why?" Jerome queried as the two Guardians sat down on a couch.

"She wanted to take care of Snowhawk," Legacy replied.

"What's wrong with Snowhawk?"

"Apparently, her pregnancy is affecting her health pretty severely," he replied, sighing and leaning back.

Jerome blinked, a little confused as to how Snowhawk's condition could have deteriorated so quickly. "How was her condition when she left the other night?"

"She was a little tired," Legacy began. "It didn't seem too bad. Granted, she had been sleeping a lot."

"But is that normal?" Jerome questioned.

Legacy nodded. "Yes, that's fairly normal for her."

"Were there any changes in her mood?" Jerome asked.

"Jerome, she's pregnant. Of course her mood changed."

"What about your activities?"

Legacy paused at this. He thought for a moment, then seemed to hesitate as he answered. "No changes."

Jerome nodded a little, unbelieving of his answer. "Right." The younger Guardian sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "We'll get her back, Legacy."

"That won't keep me from worrying, Jerome," he quietly responded.

"Why don't you stay here for a while?" Jerome suggested. "It might help you and Hunter both if you can discuss your feelings."

Legacy looked at Jerome, then gave a silent nod in reply.


Nytehawk slowly trotted down the hall toward her cousin's room, intent on visiting her as she usually did. She sighed as she walked, worried about Snowhawk. "Five months in," she began, talking only to herself, "and she should not be this bad off." She stopped at the door of her cousin's room to listen for anyone else that may be inside. She didn't hear anyone and opened the door slowly.

She found the human Snowhawk inside, asleep, being cuddled by Janus. The man was gently stroking her hair, trying to help her sleep peacefully. He looked up at her, then bowed his head in greeting. "You're almost late..."

"No later than usual," she replied, then paused for a moment. "You look like shit."

Janus smirked at the comment. "Worry as much as I do and it happens."

"You shouldn't," she began. "She's been through this before."

"Not exactly," he countered. "She hasn't had to deal with an absentee, idiot mate."

"So, I assume that's why you made sure she was here. To take Legacy out of the picture for the last five months. That's a pretty convoluted plan, even for you," she commented, crossing her arms.

"Convoluted or not, though it wasn't my plan to find her pregnant, even you have to admit she's safe here," he calmly replied.

"She may be safe," Nytehawk began, "but she needs to be with her mate."

Janus raised an eyebrow at this. "So he can hurt her again? So he can leave her alone at night? Sorry, Nytehawk, I don't agree. The stress that would be added to her by worrying about him is many times worse than anything that might come from being here. You know that as well as I do."

Nytehawk looked away, aggravated but unable to argue the point. "You make it so damn justified. Every time."

"I won't leave anything to chance. If I knew she would be happier out there with him, I wouldn't have done this and we wouldn't be having this conversation. I just want her happy, and if that means she's with me, then that's all the better."

Nytehawk glared at him for a moment. "I want to speak with my cousin. Alone."

"When she wakes up," Janus evenly replied.

"Then I'll wait here," she stated, flicking her tail and walking to a chair next to the bed. "I can watch her for a few hours while you rest."

Janus was a little startled as she was unusually hospitable. "That's a little out of character for you."

"I want her happy as much as you," she snipped. "If you keeled over from exhaustion, then she won't be very happy, will she?"

"Point taken." Janus eased his way out of the bed, taking care not to wake Snowhawk. "Thank you, Nytehawk."

"Don't thank me yet," she said, glaring. "I'll have someone come get you if she needs you."

Janus nodded and bowed to her, then walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Chapter 7

Within the three hours of her arrival, Nytehawk noticed her cousin would half awake, then fall back to sleep every fifteen minutes or so. "I guess he does help her sleep," she mused. Snowhawk never seemed to notice her cousin in the room. Another two hours of restless sleep passed before Snowhawk finally gave up with a disgusted sigh.

"Nytehawk," Snowhawk quietly stated when she saw her cousin.

"Cousin," Nytehawk smiled. "Good to see you awake."

"Yes, now if I could only stay that way," she half chuckled.

"Don't force yourself. I'm sure you're better off if you're resting."

Snowhawk nodded in agreement, "Better off, but I'm bored out of my damn mind."

Nytehawk was silent for a moment, then looked down. "Why did you stay? Why did you even come in the first place? I would have gotten free."

"Your mate missed you greatly," Snowhawk softly replied.

"That didn't mean you had to come after me, though."

"I wanted to," she shrugged.

"To what, Snowhawk?" Nytehawk asked, confused. "To put yourself in Janus's hands?"

"That was just something I risked."

"Is it true about Legacy leaving you alone some nights? And days?"

Snowhawk gave a slow nod in reply. "He does. I wish he wouldn't. I mean, I don't even know where he goes." She propped herself upon her arms. "Nytehawk, the next five months will decide what I do. But, regardless, I want you to take my child away from this."

"Snowhawk, are you--"

"I can't live with uncertainty and with constant wondering and worrying." She paused for a moment, looking down, then back to her cousin. "Go back to your mate, and let mine know what the story is. I'll call for you when I need you."

"Why do you stay?" Nytehawk asked, more confused than before.

"I need to rest," she replied. "And to try and remember why I left in the first place. If I can't, then I'll not drag this out any longer."

"Legacy will come after you," Nytehawk pointed out.

"I know," she nodded. "Legacy can't understand. He doesn't want to understand and will try to say I've been brainwashed or something."

"Truth be told, you do sound like it." Nytehawk shook her head and looked down. "You're being manipulated again, Snowhawk. Janus has already hurt you once and he's gonna do it again."

"Did he?" she questioned, looking back down. "Or did I just overreact?"

"He did, so you got away. You made the right choice," Nytehawk responded.

"Nytehawk, Janus never hit me. He's never raped me. He's never forced me into doing anything, except that last mission," she explained.

The other responded with, "The one that nearly took your life."

"That was not intentional. Besides, it's not like I hadn't been that close before," she stated, "No one ever knew, though." She adjusted herself in the bed, sitting up fully and hanging her legs over the edge. "Nytehawk, I don't want to hurt either of them. I know it's inevitable, but I can't make my decision in this state. I'll more than likely go off on my own for a little while to decide. I mean... the only being around here that can give an 'unbiased' opinion would be Adian. He dislikes Janus and Legacy."

"That stupid wolf would probably say you should drop them both for him," she commented dryly.

Snowhawk grinned a little at this. "Probably, though he seems more interested in you right now." She paused shortly, then sighed and warned, "Be careful around him."

"I know," she nodded. "You know, you're too damn confusing."

"I get that a lot. Now, go on back to your mate. As I said, I'll send for you when I need you."


Another four hours of discussion passed before Nytehawk left her cousin's room. She was more aggravated than before about how Janus was acting. She walked down the hall, her head somewhat lowered, and encountered Janus when she turned a corner. Her ears flattened back as she glared at him. "Does your offer to let me leave still stand?" she growled.

"Of course" he replied with a small nod.

"And would you allow me to return and help her should she need it?"

He again gave her an affirmative nod. "Of course. I won't deny her help."

Nytehawk found his emotionless responses more than frustrating. She stepped toward him, almost as if to emphasize her Delphin form's height over him. "You realize I would rather see you dead than see her further manipulated by you?"

"I know," he replied, looking up at her, not intimidated. "Just remember that I am not keeping her against her will, and I am not manipulating her. I have allowed her to make her own decisions. She can leave when she wishes."

Nytehawk's eye twitched. This last bit had sent her over the edge. For her to lose her temper and react with violence was very unusual, but she was still capable of doing so. She grabbed him by his throat, knocking him off his feet, and slammed him into the floor. She ended up straddling him. "Not manipulating her, my ass! You just want her for yourself!" As she spoke, her mane and tail darkened to black and an onyx horn spiraled in silver grew from her forehead. "You want to keep her from her family... From her own child!" she yelled as a pair of black, feathered wings with white tips grew from her back.

"Believe what you want," Janus managed to choke out.

She glared at him for a moment as tears formed in her eyes, then closed her eyes, blinking those tears away. "You aren't worth my time," she growled, picking him up slightly then dropping him. She opened her eyes and stood, glaring at him. "You will regret it if you take her away from us, slaver." She stalked off, leaving him where he was.

Once she had vanished from sight, Adian's lupine form appeared from the shadows. "You should have fought back, Janus."

"And like you were a big help," he mentioned, sitting up and rubbing his neck. "How long were you hiding there?"

"Long enough," he replied, grinning. "I was waiting for her to come this way."

"I told you to leave that one alone," Janus glared.

"How often do I listen to you, though?" he smirked, offering his hand to Janus.

"Never," he replied, taking his brother's offered hand and standing. "I'm sure you'll regret it if you do go after her."

"Regret it or not," he responded, "I'm definitely going after her now. Those feathers are kinky." His grin, impossibly, seemed to grow.

Janus sighed and held his forehead. "Go away, Adian..."

"With pleasure," he replied, turning and walking in the direction Nytehawk had gone.

"Idiot," Janus mumbled, shaking his head then continuing to Snowhawk's room. He paused for a second at her door, then slowly opened it. He was surprised to find her not only awake, but sitting on the window sill. She looked over and smiled at him when the door creaked slightly. "Good to see you up, dear," he said, returning her smile and walking into the room.

She turned toward him as he closed and locked the door. "It's nice to be up," she replied.

"I was worried about you," he stated, walking toward her. "I still am. It doesn't seem like you should be this tired so early."

"I shouldn't be," she admitted. "But, I was also unprepared for this."

He pulled a chair next to the window, then sat down. "Were you hoping to hold onto him, Snowhawk?" he asked again, looking up at her.

"Perhaps..." she again replied, looking away from him and out the window. "Though, I don't know if he even realized what he was doing."

"I know he left you by yourself some days and nights," he began, reaching out and taking one of her hands, "but was there any reason why?"

"Nothing I ever knew, other than him talking about the Empire returning," she mentioned, looking back at him.

"As in the Delphin Empire?" he asked, confused.

She nodded an affirmative. "He despises slavers. Blames them for the fall of the Empire, which is true to an extent. But he never realizes that we, in the sense of Delphin in general, contributed to it as well. The Guardians were created to protect the nobility with some overlooking groups of 'higher' commoners." She paused and sighed, looking toward the floor, then continued. "What good is a monarchy without subjects?" she asked, looking back up. "The slavers effectively removed the commoners, then began to pick at the nobility."

"And that's gone on for nearly three thousand years."

Again, Snowhawk nodded to this. "When the Heiress was killed, the Guardian Counsel was established. It was also about that time that the mateship between a royal and a non-royal was accepted. It had to be since so many Guardians and their charges developed relationships. On that note, all Guardians had to at least have a mother or father of noble birth."

Janus thought over this information for a moment. "Your Empire was a little odd."

"The Empire was in no way mine," she smirked.

"And I'm guessing your mate wanted to change that."

"Yes," she responded, nodding once.

"And, I'll assume he wanted you at the head, taking into account your lineage and all."

Snowhawk looked at Janus in surprise. "How did you--"

"You can't hide where you're from, love," he smiled.


Nytehawk quickly made her way down the quiet street, her new wings folded back and her ears pinned flat. "That brazen son of a bitch..." she growled. "Who the hell does he think he is?"

Her grumbling thoughts were interrupted when a man, little less than six feet in height, stepped from the shadows in front of her, a wide grin on his face. "Hello, dear," his familiar voice said.

"Who..." she asked, her ears flicking forward as she tried to recall the voice. "Adian?"

"Yes, of course," he chuckled, stepping toward her and shifting back to his lupine form.

"Go away," she commanded, holding her ground. "I have better things to do than deal with you."

"I can't imagine what. Besides, I just want," he paused, grinning and stepping toward her, "to talk with you."

Nytehawk was in no mood to deal with a suggestive wolf. She glared down at him for a moment, then kicked at his head. Unfortunately, Adian caught her leg just before it connected. "Dammit, you are starting to piss me off, wolf!"

"Really now? Good," he chuckled, "I like when my prey fights back." Instead of moving toward her, he now pulled her toward him. Once she was close enough, he wrapped his arm around her waist, keeping the other on her leg. He leaned in toward her, still grinning and chuckling softly.

"You do not scare me in the least, Adian," she growled.

"Good," he chuckled. His hand left her leg and went the the back of her neck. He was about to discover how much of a mistake this was. Nytehawk swiftly brought her knee up and into his crotch, sending him a half step back. The wolf yelped in pain at the contact, then fell to the ground. Once he had gone down, Nytehawk tried to run away, only to find she had not injured him as much as she would have hoped. He grabbed her leg and pulled her down, then slowly moved over her and pinned her to the ground. "Cute move, dear," he coughed as she struggled to get away, "but you'll have to do better than that."

The rustling of leaves was Adian's only warning that he and Nytehawk were not alone on this street. He only had time to glance back before a pair of black furred hands pulled him off Nytehawk, then a pair of kicks, one to his stomach, the other to his chest, incapacitated him. His assailant, who appeared to be another Delphin, then turned and trotted away.

Nytehawk stood and called out to the other's retreating form. "I don't know who you are but thank you!"

The figure stopped and turned around. A male voice replied, "It's no problem. My name is Onyx and I'll be seeing you around." He bowed, his ruby horn glinting in the light, then vanished back into the shadows.

Nytehawk watched the shadows for a moment, then took another glance at Adian. She snorted at him, kicked him once in the side for good measure, and ran toward her home.

Chapter 8

Nytehawk's hooves slipped on the concrete when she turned the corner to enter through her front gate. "Hunter!" she excitedly yelled as she ran up the walkway.

Inside, Hunter's ears perked at the sound of his name. "Nytehawk?" he questioned as he looked at Jerome. The golden Delphin nodded and Hunter jumped up. He reached the front door about the time Nytehawk forced it open. They looked at each other for half moment, Hunter taking the first five seconds or so to realize who she was, then he embraced her. "Thank God you're back," he whispered. Another full minute passed before he pulled back slightly and looked at her, smiling. "I love those wings."

She smiled at him as Jerome entered the front room. "Good to see you home, Nytehawk," the Guardian bowed. "But, where is Snowhawk? I figured she would get you free."

Nytehawk pulled a little further away from Hunter. "She did, in a way. She just didn't free herself."

"How is she?" Legacy quietly asked as he entered the room.

"In all truths, not good," Nytehawk replied. "She was no where near

prepared for a child, and worrying about why you weren't around didn't help any."

The younger Guardian dropped his head in defeat. "I've lost her..."

"I didn't say that," she snapped back.

"I'd figured she needed some time alone, but I guess I was wrong," he continued.

"Legacy," Nytehawk began, stepping toward him, "If Snowhawk wanted some time alone, she would take care of that herself. She was trained to hide. But in any case, days alone are not what she would have needed. Don't forget that she'd lived most of her life with someone always nearby." She received a slow nod of reply from Legacy.


Some three weeks later, on a sunny, unseasonably warm afternoon, Snowhawk half-dozed in the gardens of the estate. Her Delphinic form rested on one of the garden's benches, shaded by a large willow tree. During the periods between short naps, she would listen to the sounds of the gardens, never opening her eyes. She turned onto her side, then almost missed Adian's silent padding as he passed, and he seemed to not notice her. "Good day, Adian," she quietly said.

The younger brother jumped slightly at the sound of her voice. "Good day, Snowhawk. I thought you were asleep."

"Not quite," she replied, eyes still closed. "You're not usually in the gardens at this time. Something wrong?"

He shook his head, then began to walk towards her. "No, I just needed to check something out."


Once he reached the bench, he sat down on the end nearest her head. "You know, you've got the idiot brother of mine quite worried. That idiot mate of yours as well."

"They're hardly idiots, Adian. You know that as well as me," she smirked. "But yes, I know they're worried."

"And you?" the wolf asked, looking at her.

"Not at this time," she responded, eyes still shut. "But possibly in the future, if my health declines too much."

"Hopefully that won't happen," he almost whispered.

Snowhawk flicked an ear at his tone. She could also feel the warmth of his hand near her shoulder. _Is it just my imagination or is Adian acting strange?_she thought. She made a mental note of this, something to figure out later.

"Well, I shall let you rest now, Snowhawk," he stated, somewhat clumsily, then stood and walked away.

Snowhawk was a little more than confused at this display. "Lupino are odd," she mumbled, rolling onto her back again, then watching the sky. She had drifted to sleep by the time Adian returned. Again, he stopped, then sat down on the bench near her head. This time, he watched her sleep.

"Something wrong, brother?" Janus's voice asked, bringing the younger Lupino's head up from his gaze.

"Nothing at all," Adian replied as his brother walked toward him.

"Really?" the older responded, raising an eyebrow. "Don't get any ideas about my bird, Adian."

"I wouldn't dream of it, Janus," he replied sarcastically.

Janus glared at him. "Pray that you don't."

Adian rolled his eyes and stood. "You're paranoid, Janus."

"And I have every right to be, especially with you around."

"Right." Adian just shook his head and walked away.

Once his brother was gone, Janus sat down where Adian had been a moment earlier to wait for Snowhawk to awake.


As much as she would have liked to, Snowhawk couldn't sleep. Her mind kept nagging at her and making her wonder why Adian was acting so oddly. After all, he was not supposed to be the nice one. Adian,_she thought, _is supposed to be the horny bastard that doesn't care about his "toys."

When Janus saw Snowhawk partially open her eyes, he reached down and gently stroked her jaw line. "Something on your mind, love?"

"Not really," she quietly replied. "Just thinking about everything and nothing, as usual."

"Of course," he smiled. "How are you feeling?"

"I've been better, but I could be a hell of a lot worse. Back is hurting from laying around, but I'm too exhausted to move much."

"Need anything?" he asked, moving his hand to gently stroke her hair.

"I probably need to go inside and lay down on a nice, soft bed or couch. But I like being out here."

"I could have one of those brought out to you, if you wished."

"No," she began, lightly shaking her head, "it's ok. I'm probably just going to go back to sleep."

"Alright, love," he said, still stroking her hair. "I'll stick around for a bit and check on you as much as I can, but please, call if you need me." She gave him a small nod, then drifted back to sleep.

Several hours later, she awoke to Janus again sitting near her, a pillow under her head, and a blanket covering her. She smiled softly at him, her eyes still half closed. "How late is it?"

"About the time when most are going to bed," he replied with a small smile.

"Hmm, baby is taking more and more out of me. But it shouldn't be much longer until he's due."


"At this point, a guess, but I should know for certain in a couple weeks." She paused, her expression subtly changing. "Like the other two."

Janus returned to stroking her face and mane at that point. Her previous owner had used her as a brood mare. She had been through many pregnancies, but none quite like this, he thought. To his knowledge, she had only carried two foals to term before, both of them male, but after a few hours, they had been taken from her and she never saw them again. Within a few days, she would have been tossed back into the breeding program. Part of the reason this is such a problem for her now. He gave a quiet sigh, then asked after a few moments, "Would you ever want to know them?"

"Someday, perhaps." She paused for another moment of silence, then looked up at Janus. "The older is named Jesse, the younger is Cody. I was allowed that much, so I gave them the names of a couple of the males of the compound. House slaves, to be exact. They helped me through all my pregnancies."

"We both lived lives without any real love for a long time. To live like that is... unpleasant at best. Never knowing or remembering your parents." He sighed, then looked into her eyes. "When you're ready to find your boys, I'll help you."

"Thank you," she smiled. There were several more minutes of silence between them before Snowhawk finally asked, "So, just what was Adian doing out here earlier?"

Janus shrugged. "Not a clue. Though it'd be safe to bet to say he was planning something."

"Do you think he would try anything?" she questioned.

"Catching the prey while it's weak?" Janus nodded. "Be careful around him. He gets enough ideas on his own. Though if he values his life and his ability to even have sex, he'll not touch you."


Adian sighed as he watched his brother and Snowhawk over the monitor. He had seen someone sneaking around the estate over the past couple of months, apparently stalking Snowhawk. Security cameras made keeping up with her easier, and they proved useful at other times as well. At first, the watcher was not a concern, then Adian caught him sitting near her one night as she slept. He could not catch a good glimpse of the man, other than long, dark silvery-gray hair, but did succeed in chasing him away. After that incident, he installed the cameras. Neither Janus or Snowhawk knew about the watcher.

The younger brother again sighed and leaned back in his chair. He had no rational explanation for wanting to keep her safe, especially considering she was unattainable. He finally decided that it was to keep Janus happy, for if Janus was happy, then he kept his nose out of his fur. "Actually," he said aloud, "that doesn't explain a damn thing. Why should I protect her for his sake?" He paused, then continued to talk to no one but himself. "At almost seven months pregnant, she's very vulnerable. Maybe I'm trying to change her view of me, but to what since she doesn't have a bad view of me? I wish I could figure this out."

He sighed a third time, then leaned forward, placing his elbows on the desk and his chin in his hands, to watch her sleeping form. "Who knows? Maybe things will change in the future."

Chapter 9

Nytehawk sighed as she looked at the calendar. "Em'bar, three months to go."

"I wish she would come back," Legacy pouted as he flopped down onto a couch.

"You aren't the only one, Legacy," Nytehawk pointed out. "Everyone wants her here, but I guess she doesn't feel safe."

"I couldn't protect her," he again stated, curling forward in defeat. "I failed my mission."

Nytehawk put a hand to her forehead, aggravated at the young Guardian. "No, Legacy, you did what you were supposed to do. You kept her safe when she needed it. Now, I guess it's a case of- "

"Of what?" he asked, looking up.

"She lived her life without a Guardian," Sophie began as she walked back into the room from the balcony, sitting in a chair across from Legacy. "She can, has, and will survive without one. No offense."

"That was a little harsh, Sophie," Jerome commented as he entered from the hallway.

"Harsh, but true. Snowhawk is simply one of those that doesn't need a Guardian."

"How many times has she nearly lost her life?" Jerome inquired.

"Just one I know of," the gray female replied, referring to Snowhawk's last mission.

"I'm sure there were others she never told us about," Jerome replied, making his case for her need of protection. "And that's not including the number of times she was pregnant."

Legacy shook his head, again sighing, then he stood from the couch. "I can't listen to this," he mumbled as he left the room.

Jerome glared at Sophie. "I seriously hope you don't think you're helping, Sophie."

"I didn't figure you'd want to hear my part on this," she responded, returning his glare.

"Not really," the golden Guardian replied.

Sophie shook her head at him. "You've not changed a bit, Jerome."

"Oh?" he voiced, quirking an eyebrow.

"Yes," she snapped. "You still think everything is so clean cut. Black and white, good and bad. Sorry, dear, it's not. Don't I wish it was, though. If it were, then Snowhawk wouldn't be so damn confused about her feelings. I'm sure she loves Legacy and the rest of you dearly, self obviously excluded, but she does love Janus as well. She wants all of you happy, but it can't be that way, so she stays where she feels safest. Janus was there for her more than any of you. So, that's why she's still there. She had tried to convince herself that he was 'bad' but she never could. Hell, she probably can't even remember the real reason she left him anyway, outside of the little tiff they supposedly had."

Jerome could only blink. Sophie had never been so vocal about her opinions before. "Where the hell did that come from?"

"Where did what come from?" she half growled, her defenses still raised.

"You would have never bitched me or anyone else like that before."

"Dying changes beings. I don't have to be afraid of anything now."

"Dying?!" Nytehawk exclaimed. "Sophie, I-"

"There's nothing that can be done, Nytehawk," Sophie explained, cutting her off. "My owner didn't appreciate the fact I couldn't kill you."

Nytehawk was shocked. "Kill me?"

"Yes," Sophie sighed, "I was supposed to kill you, but Legacy opened his damn mouth at the wrong time."

"Legacy was in on it?!" Nytehawk asked, still surprised.

"Not exactly, but he was supposed to be my cover," she grumbled.

Nytehawk looked faint. "Why me?"

"Because my owner knew you were basically the number two slave, just behind Snow. He wasn't stupid enough to target her. Seriously anyway," she added. "He knew Legacy could never kill her."

"Jerome, did you know?" Nytehawk half gasped.

"Yes," he nodded, "and I did my part to protect you then, as I do now."

"Regardless of where the threat came from." Sophie sighed, dropping her head, then stood a moment later. "I guess I'll be leaving now. I'm sure you find me too much of a threat to stay."

Nytehawk looked to Jerome, then to Sophie after her Guardian answered her glance with a shrug. "Sophie, wait. You don't have to leave."

Sophie stopped for a moment, then replied, "I'll think about it. I may return in a few hours." She walked out the door, leaving the other two Delphin in silence.

"Do you think she's still dangerous?" Nytehawk finally asked.

"It would depend on if she's here on her own accord, or if she's working for someone again," he replied.

"That's not an answer, Jerome," she noted.

Jerome nodded. "Personally, I don't think she ever was a real threat. She always was very kind."

"Just had the wrong influences," Nytehawk finished. Jerome nodded in agreement as she continued. "Like my cousin."

"How did you know about that?" he asked, canting his head to the side curiously.

"We were barely apart from the time I was five," she smirked. "I'm not so blind that I didn't know about her and Janus."

"She never intended for you to know what she was doing when she'd leave, you know," the Guardian mentioned.

"I know," Nytehawk replied, "but it's not like I couldn't figure it out."

Jerome just smirked and shook his head. "Never could fool you for long."


Sophie walked through the city streets, alone as usual. She thought about her past and the things she had done. And she remembered how most of it was triggered by accidentally meeting Janus.


"Sophie, could you show Janus and his companion to the guest house?" her owner, a man named Bryce, commanded.

"Yes, sir," she quietly bowed.

"Legacy, accompany them," he added, receiving a bow of acknowledgment from the soon-to-be Guardian. Bryce turned to Janus, then gave a small, respectful bow. "I apologize for not showing you myself. I'll come check on you in a couple of hours. I figured this little- problem I'm having would have sorted itself out by now."

The other slaver waved his hand in dismissal. "It's no problem, Bryce. I understand as well as any, better than some." Another small bow followed, then Bryce turned and hurried off.

"This way, please," Sophie quietly said. She led them around the main house. Legacy followed the little group, almost too obviously staring at the rear of Janus's Delphin companion. The lavender female walked just behind and to the right of Janus. Her head was lowered and her eyes remained closed as they walked, yet only once did her hoof catch on a stone of the pathway. As quiet as she was, she seemed to be studying the area.

Janus happened to glance back and noted Legacy's gaze fixated on his female's amethyst tail. He smirked, then plainly stated, "You could be a little more discreet about staring at her ass."

Legacy immediately stopped, only managing a blink as the others kept walking.

"You'll have to forgive Legacy, sir. He doesn't see many new females and already seems to be tired of staring at all of our tails," Sophie dryly replied, stopping the little group.

"It's alright. Snowhawk's tail seems to attract many gazes," he replied, standing next to his companion. The lavender Delphin's expression had not changed and she still had not opened her eyes. Her ears moved about slowly, but other than her breathing, she made no other movement.

"... If I may ask," Sophie began, "what is she doing?"

"Listening," he grinned. "Forming a picture in her head with sound rather than images."

"Oh," she replied, a little more than confused, then continued on to the guest house. She opened the door for them, motioning inside. "Your quarters, sir. Shall I show you around?"

"No, but thank you. I would like to speak with Legacy, though," Janus replied nodding toward the male Delphin.

Sophie nodded. "Very well. Legacy, I'll inform Bryce where you are." She gave another small bow, then quickly left.

The next day, as Sophie returned to the guest house to check on Janus and his companion, she found the slaver standing near the compound's lake, intently staring across it. "Good morning, sir," she stated as she approached him.

He nodded his head to her. "Good morning, Sophie."

"If you don't mind that I ask, what are you looking at?" she queried.

"Snowhawk is swimming," he replied. "I'm waiting for her to surface. This is training for her."

"'Training,' sir?" she asked tilting her head to the side.

"My dear Snowhawk gathers information for me from my enemies," he explained. "She prefers to train as much as she can."

"Oh..." she replied, filing the information away in her head to tell Bryce later.


"And with that one meeting, I made an enemy out of someone I could have called a friend." Sophie sighed, then stopped to look where her hooves had carried her. She found herself in front the the estate of her old owner. The place had fallen into disrepair since he had died. "But who would I be now if he wasn't dead?" she asked, thinking no one was around.

"What does it matter, Sophie?" Legacy asked as he neared her.

Sophie jumped at the sound of his voice. "Dammit, Legacy, I wish you wouldn't do that!"

"So," he began, standing in front of her, "why did you accept that mission anyway? You knew you'd never succeed."

"If you had kept your damn mouth shut I would have. But no, you had to talk and you let it slip what I was there for. I was almost killed then and I'm dying now." She was near to losing her temper again.

"Sophie- "

"You stupid Guardian!" she yelled, shaking with anger. "Because of you I will die within two years. Because of you I had the shit beaten out of me. Do you have any idea of what happened to me?"

"No," he honestly answered.

"You wouldn't," she growled. "Why do you think I never show my wings anymore? And why do you think I stayed locked in my room for weeks after that? Why was there a perpetual red stain on my back until all the new fur grew in?

"They took your wings?" he asked, surprised.

"Yes, Legacy, they took my wings. They ripped them from my back, hoping it would kill me," she replied in a bitter tone. "When that didn't work, he decided a slow, painful death would be better punishment. I'm being eaten away, one cell at a time. And no, no one can save me. It's a modified Vampiric toxin."

The Guardian took a step back. He didn't know what to say.

"And you..." she continued in that same tone, stepping toward him. "You failed as well, but they didn't do a thing to you. They couldn't since you were their power play. The one that would kill Janus's little pet and weaken him so they could deliver the final strike."

"Sophie, I never meant for any of this to happen to y-"

Again, she interrupted him. "Bullshit! You did. You should have killed her then and you wouldn't be feeling like you've 'failed' now."

"... I am not using my final option," he quietly replied.

She gave him a bitter smirk. "Oh, but you'll think about it. Give her three more months and you'll be very seriously thinking about it. Every day with him is less of a chance she'll come back to you."

Chapter 10

Winter proved harsh that year, but this only made Snowhawk wish to be outside more. Janus watched his love as she rested in front of the window, looking at the falling snow. She was well into her eighth month now, and the month and a half following would be the hardest yet. For some reason, this baby was taking much more out of her than anyone originally thought. She was now almost completely unable to get up on her own, adding to her frustration at not being able to get outside.

"This boy had better not be a hellion to raise," she mumbled. "He's causing enough trouble as it is."

Janus could not help but smile. Even through all this, she could still joke about it. That was one of the many things he loved about her. She seemed lost in thought and was currently as peaceful as the snow falling outside, but he knew her mind was a storm of emotions. She did not claim to know what to do, but he knew, deep in her heart, the answer was clear. However, the sheer consequences of that answer brought him the most worry.


Legacy, also lost in thought, walked along the snow-covered sidewalks of the city. His mate was little more than two months from the end of her pregnancy, and he couldn't help her through the end. He didn't even know if the child would be his son or his daughter.

In addition to everything, Sophie had vanished some six weeks ago. She never said where she was going, or why. No one had seen her, and it was unknown if she was still alive.

"This month has been pointless," he commented to no one.

"You're such a damn pessimist," a male voice commented. Legacy jumped and spun around to see a black-furred Delphin with silver markings, a ruby horn, and a silver mane and tail. "Skittish too."

"Who are you?" Legacy nervously asked, taking a step backwards.

"Just call me Onyx," the dark Delphin smirked. "No need to fill me in about your story, I know what's going on."

Legacy took another step backwards and cautiously eyed the other male. "What's it to you?"

Onyx sighed and grinned. "Can we just say that I knew Snowhawk many years ago and leave it that that?"

"Knew her?" Legacy questioned. "How so?"

The black male smirked again. "Aren't you the jealous one?"

"I think I have right to be," Legacy replied, glaring.

"Try getting your mind out of the gutter. I knew Snow, and Nytehawk, strictly as friends." He seemed to think about this for a moment, then nodded to himself. "Close friends."

The borderline innuendo had begun to aggravate Legacy. "You are not gaining my trust..."

"Legacy," Onyx sighed, "loosen up a little. I have a need to keep what I know secret for now. Just relax and play along and all will be revealed soon."

The Guardian frowned. "Can't you tell me anything?"

Onyx's smirk returned. "Fine, if you must know, I am a Royal Guard. One of the very last." Legacy's eyes widened in surprise as Onyx continued. "My duty was to protect that family line. However, I am well over a thousand years old and will not be around forever. I was training another as a Guard for that family when we lost track of them." Legacy opened his mouth, as if to ask a question, but Onyx cut him off. "No, I don't know where my student is. Our owner was very cruel and she attempted an escape. Her mate was killed during the attempt, and I never found out what happened to her."

Legacy just nodded slowly. "So, do you have a plan?"

"Would you follow it if I did?" Onyx returned, sternly looking at the younger Delphin. Legacy just dropped his head at that. "Remember Sophie's words, Legacy: Snowhawk may not need a Guardian, but your son will need a father. Until I contact you again, I suggest you not interfere. You have not lost her yet, but you still easily could." Onyx bowed to him, then turned and trotted off into the city.

Legacy stood silent for a moment. "He said 'son'... Could he really know, or was it a guess?" He looked as the red-tinted, clouded sky sent more flurries to the city. "I guess I should get back to the house," he sighed, then slowly plodded through the snow back to Nytehawk's home.


"Leaving the party so soon, Sophie?" Onyx asked as he appeared near the female. "Pity you won't get to see the outcome, then- Or keep your promise to them."

Sophie stopped walking and glanced toward him. "They don't want me around, Onyx. No one ever has. You should be able to see that."

"Indeed," he replied, canting his head to the side. "Of is it that you just don't want yourself around? Nytehawk doesn't care about your past. She feels that if you want to make up for it, then you should be there."

"I'm sure," she returned dryly.

"Don't doubt me, Sophie. I make it a point to know all this," the black Delphin smirked.

"So, Onyx," Sophie began, sounding a little more than annoyed, "what are you doing here?"

"My job," he replied, inclining his head slightly. "Making sure Nytehawk is safe and that Snowhawk is not being kept against her will."

"And is she?" Sophie inquired.

Onyx shook his head. "No, she's not. Now, at this point, if we can just get Legacy to understand that, we'll have made some progress."

"Hell will freeze over before he understands that she doesn't need him."

"We both know that Janus is perhaps the only being that can understand Snowhawk. Legacy doesn't really even try, and that is the last thing she needs."

Sophie nodded slowly, then looked off blankly. "I'm not going back," she replied after several minutes of silence.

Onyx folded his ears back and took a step towards her. "Sophie-"

"Don't start, Onyx. You're far more useful than I'll ever be to them." She dropped her head and closed her eyes. "History doesn't prove to anyone I'm reliable or trustworthy."

"So change it," he simply stated. "Prove them all wrong."

She looked up at him. "How?"

"You'll have to figure that much out on your own, Sophie," he said with a half smile. I can't help you there."

"I don't know if I should thank you or not..."

Onyx shook his head lightly and turned. "Just go back to them. You'll figure something out."

"I don't even know where to start," she said as she watched him disappear.

Chapter 11

Snowhawk grumbled as she looked outside. The night before had brought so much new snow, and she was confined to a bed, unable to go out and enjoy it. She had requested that her bed be moved next to the window, and said request was granted, under the condition of having an extra blanket added to her already five-high pile. She didn't really mind in the end as the extra warmth made sleeping easier. "I'm as comfortable as having a beach ball sized stomach will let me be," she dryly commented as she turned onto her side the best she could, then watched the falling snow. Her eyes soon began to drift closed, and she'd almost fallen back to sleep when the door to the room opened. A moment later, she felt the weight of another on the bed, then her hair being brushed away from her face.

"You've got me worried, you know," Janus quietly said to her.

"Only seven more weeks, if that. I have a feeling he'll be early," she replied, looking up at him.

"How early?" Janus asked, concerned.

"Two or three weeks most likely," she calmly replied.

Janus' worry was not eased in the least bit. A half month or more early for a Delphin child was far from normal. However, Snowhawk did not seem too concerned. In fact, she had not seemed overly concerned about much lately. He finally asked several minutes later, "What's causing this?"

"Causing what?" she replied, pretending not to know what he was referring to.

"Your illness, or whatever this is," he returned, frowning slightly.

She thought for a moment for a fair reply, then said, "The females in my family are predisposed to a type of pregnancy induced anemia. It's compounded, or eased, by what's happening around the female throughout her term. Things like stress, diet, how ready she was to have a child in the first place, and the like."

"All the females?" he replied, canting his head to the side.

She nodded to him. "All of them. Nytehawk would likely have gone through this with Hunter, if he were able to sire children. I've heard it's common in all the royal bloodlines, and due to the breeding practices of the slavers, no Delphin of common blood bred to those of noble blood, there's not been much new blood introduced." She smirked and chuckled a bit. "It's kinda like the family tree is losing some limbs."

"So, what's it feel like?" Janus asked, curious to learn about her condition.

"The anemia?" she returned, and he nodded his head in the affirmative. "It's not painful, if you're worried about that. It just makes me tired as all hell, which I guess is good since it makes me rest."

"So, there's no pain?"

"Not unless he kicks me, or I get stiff from laying in one spot too long." She sighed quietly, and placed a hand on her stomach. "I was very unprepared for this, and this boy will not be small."

Janus gently stroked her face. "I'm sorry, Snowhawk. I haven't helped matters any."

"In truth, no, but unless you're hiding it well, it wasn't intentional," she said, smiling softly.

"Not in the least," he said, shaking his head.

"I wish Legacy would understand that," she began. "He's blaming you for everything, except 'failing' at his job."

Janus couldn't help but smirk. "He kept you alive for two years. That's hardly failing."

"Oh, I know all too well," she nodded. "That first year was hell on him while I adjusted to life 'outside'. Probably worse on him than it was on me."

"Do you regret leaving, or coming back, for whatever reason it may have been?"

"There's not much I regret, Janus. Leaving, then returning are not among the things I wish could have done differently. Even under the same circumstances, I don't think I'd change it."

"Have you thought anymore about what you plan to do?" he asked after another few moments of silence.

She yawned, then replied, "My plans are still the same."

Janus nodded as he subconsciously scratched the back of her neck. Several minutes later, he realized that she'd drifted back to sleep. "I can't begin to say how relieved I'll be when this is all over."


Nytehawk sighed and swung her legs over the balcony railing. Once again, she'd come out here to think and plan. Snowhawk's birthday would be in seven days, and it appeared that this would be a third year apart. As much as she hated to admit it, she could somewhat understand why her cousin was going about things the way she was. Had it not been for Snowhawk, she would still, most likely, be a slave. "One of Snow's greatest missions had always been to find a way to free me somehow."

She thought in silence for almost half an hour, until she heard the doorbell ring. She quickly hopped off the railing and ran to the front door. Hunter managed to beat her to the door, and was less than pleased at who he greeted.

Standing outside of the doorway was Adian, as unamused at seeing Hunter as Hunter was at seeing him. He looked past the annoyed Delphin male, and spoke directly to Nytehawk. "My brother requests your presence, Nytehawk."

"... Brother?" Hunter repeated, confused. He had been told about Adian, but not about the relationship between this wolf and Janus.

"What does he want?" she asked, fluffing her wings in agitation.

"Snowhawk has requested you, as I understand," the chocolate furred Lupino returned.

Her agitation turned to concern. "What?"

"I don't know details," Adian replied. "I'm just here to relay a message."

Hunter glared at the Lupino. "How do I know you aren't going to try and steal her away from me?"

"Because I'd prefer to keep all parts of my anatomy intact," Adian stated, glancing at Hunter and fidgeting nervously.

"Smart wolf," Nytehawk commented. "Alright, I'll go." Hunter opened his mouth to say something in protest, but she cut him off. "I'll call in no more than five hours to let you know I'm okay."

Hunter couldn't argue with her. "Just be careful, love."

She nodded, then her and the wolf turned and walked away from the house. They walked in silence for several moments before Adian queried, "So, I'm sure you're wondering why my brother didn't bring the message."

"Somewhat," she evenly replied.

"Snowhawk is not doing well right now. She's very weak," he quietly stated. "Janus doesn't want to leave her. He's extremely worried, but she seems calm enough about it."

"And do you have an opinion of the situation?" she asked, looking toward the wolf.

"From my perspective, taking into account somewhat similar situations from my past," Adian began, sighing, "she won't survive another three weeks. She could very well suffer the same fate as her mother in any event."

Nytehawk gave a slow nod, then commented, "She may surprise us with how strong she really is."

They walked in silence for the following half hour to Janus' estate. Once inside the building, Adian led Nytehawk to her cousin's room, opening the door for her, then respectfully bowed and walked away. Nytehawk narrowed her eyes at the Lupino. He wasn't acting like he normally would, and she was suspicious he was trying to manipulate her. She walked into her cousin's room and closed the door behind her.


The first week of Nytehawk's stay brought Snowhawk's birthday, but no special deliveries. That came on the first day of the third week of her stay.

A week and a day past her birthday, in the early morning, Snowhawk awoke to the not completely unfamiliar feeling of a contraction. Calm as ever, knowing panic was not going to help, she managed to sit up. Janus was, oddly, not in the room, so she called to her cousin. "Nytehawk."

Her cousin awoke, yawning quietly. "Need something, Snow?"

"Call Janus," she calmly began. "Find out where he is, and have him get a car ready. Then, help me get up," she requested as she tried to sit up.

"Why?" she questioned, her sleep fogged mind not understanding.

"Because my little one thinks today would be a good day to meet the world."

Nytehawk finally understood what Snowhawk was trying to tell her. "Oh, shit," she cursed as she jumped up. "Okay, I'll go find Janus, or have Adian find him or- Hey, shouldn't you change to your human form?"

"I'll be fine, Nytehawk. Go get one of them," she repeated.

Nytehawk nodded, then rushed out of the room. She returned a few moments later with the light-furred, Lupino formed Janus. "Adian's getting a car ready," the younger cousin panted.

"Why haven't you changed forms yet, love?" Janus asked as he helped her up.

"Because I can't," the replied as she felt the onset of another contraction and leaned a little heavier onto Janus.

"But," Janus began, the worry in his voice mimicked in Nytehawk's eyes.

"I went through the others like this," she stated, cutting him off and standing fully again. "I'll make it through this one as well. Now, help me to the car."

"I'll go make sure Adian has it ready," Nytehawk said, then dashed out of the room.

Janus picked Snowhawk up, cradling her in his arms. "I can't let you fall, and you're going to need all your strength over the next few hours."

Chapter 12

"Why is it," Snowhawk began, "that every time you rush to get somewhere, minutes feel like hours?"

"Snow, don't start that," Nytehawk replied as she sped toward the hospital.

"Why?" she all too calmly asked.

"Because if you're already in deep thought, we're in deep shit." She swerved around another vehicle and they pulled into the hospital's emergency arrival drive. With Janus's help, she led Snowhawk into the hospital and they were promptly greeted by a familiar doctor.

"Back again, Ms. Alyandra?" the doctor smiled.

"Indeed..." Snowhawk smiled.

"I wouldn't need any medical knowledge to guess what's going on." The doctor waved over a couple of nurses and a wheelchair. Janus carefully sat Snowhawk into the chair, gently stroking her mane, then the nurses wheeled her away. "We'll pull her file," the doctor continued, "but I remember from before. If you could have a seat in the lobby, I'll let you know as soon as she's through this."

"Thank you, Doctor," Janus bowed.


The hours passed slowly for the two waiting. Adian left soon after they arrived, returning to his post at the estate. Janus worriedly paced the floor, almost wearing a path in the carpet. Nytehawk distracted her mind by reading through the magazines in the waiting room, then drifting to sleep.

"Mr. Sinisusi?" the doctor's voice questioned.

Janus jumped, startled at her sudden appearance. "Yes?"

"Snowhawk is recovering now. It got a little touchy there for a while, but both she and the baby will be fine."

Nytehawk stretched and stood. "Was it a boy?"

"Yes," the doctor nodded, "With lavender fur and dark, silvery amethyst hair."

"His name?" Nytehawk queried.


"A sleep aid. Where does she come up with these names?" Nytehawk asked to no one in particular.

"You can go and seem them now if you want," the doctor continued. "They're on the second floor, in room two forty-eight. There are signs at the elevators. She's still pretty tired, though, so don't be surprised if she falls asleep while you're in there."

"Thank you, Doctor," Janus replied with a slight bow, then turned and walked off to find Snowhawk's room, Nytehawk following him.

They found her room easily. Inside, the lights were dimmed and a bassinet sat near the bed. Snowhawk was sitting up, gently rocking the baby's bed. She glanced up at her visitors, a soft smile on her face, then looked back to the child. "I'd forgotten how much I missed this..."

"Are you changing your plans then?" Nytehawk questioned.

"No," she said after a pause. "I need time by myself to think," she replied, still looking at her newborn child.

The other Delphin nodded. "I understand."

"How long do they want you to stay?" Janus asked, moving closer to the bed.

"Few days. Enough time for me to recover." She sighed and pulled her legs onto the bed, then leaned back. "Nytehawk, would you mind watching him for a bit? I'm gonna follow the doctor's orders and sleep."

"Not in the least," she replied.

"Thank you," she replied, then smiled and arranged herself in the bed. Janus pulled the covers up and around her, then gently kissed her forehead. Nytehawk glared at him as he seated himself in the chair next to the bed.

Janus noticed her glare, but waited until Snowhawk was well asleep to say anything. "I don't think you're ready to call off this little, temporary truce yet."

"Not yet," she replied, still glaring at him. A moment later, she finally asked him, "So, what do you have against Legacy?"

"He allows himself to be controlled by his emotions. He doesn't use his head to think, especially when he's distraught. He's untrained, which makes him particularly dangerous as a Guardian."

"How so?"

Janus sighed, looking at Nytehawk somewhat aggravated. "If a Guardian's charge is captured by slavers, dying from some poison, or some similar circumstance, what was the Guardian way to end that?"

Nytehawk knew. The Guardian would take the life of their charge, then their own for failing. "But that was only if the Guardian has failed in their job."

"And just what does Legacy think he's done?"

She shook her head, trying not to believe what she was hearing. "Be serious, Janus. Legacy wouldn't leave his child parent-less."

"He wouldn't." He nodded toward her. "There's always you and Hunter."

Nytehawk shook her head again. "You've lost it, Janus."

"Don't be so certain, Nytehawk. We'll need to keep a very close eye on her for the next few days."


Legacy had returned to his and Snowhawk's apartment when Nytehawk had left. He now sat in the dark, in silence, in the living room. A now two day old printed message telling him that his child had been born, along with the location, had fallen to the floor next to the chair. "And I wasn't even there. Nor could I protect her in the first place." He sunk into the chair, dropping his head. "I've failed, as a Guardian and a mate."

He remained in silence for several more minutes, then stood slowly and walked into their bedroom, stopping to remove a couple of small items from a drawer in the dresser. "I'll finish it all tonight," he stated, then left the apartment.


Nytehawk wandered around through the hospital's indoor garden, pushing the two day old Valerian around in a borrowed stroller. She thought that getting the quickly growing infant out of the hospital room would do him good. Delphin do best when they can experience new environments within a few hours after birth. They age very quickly at this stage in life. In a few months, he would be in the same mental and physical stages as a two and a half year old human child. By age two, he would be equivalent to a seven or eight year old.

Nytehawk could already see that his horn nub had grown a little. She smiled at him, and he cooed back at her. "Those are one of your mother's favorite flowers," she said as they passed under a trellis of morning glories.


Janus waited somewhat impatiently in the hospital's small cafeteria. "How long does it take to get a cup of coffee around here?" he quietly grumbled. He didn't like the idea of leaving Snowhawk alone for too long and today seemed especially foreboding. "I'll feel better when she can get out of here. Regardless of where she goes."

A disturbance in the hallway caught Janus's attention for a moment, but almost having hot coffee dumped on him brought his attention back. He quickly paid and started back to Snowhawk's room, the feeling of dread in his gut stronger than ever.


Legacy had not expected or encountered much trouble getting into the hospital and to Snowhawk's room. Granted, he had walked into that purple haired girl outside of the cafeteria, knocking her into a cart and making quite a noise, but no one, other than her, seemed to notice. He had quickly helped her back up, apologized, then ran off to Snowhawk's room.

He stepped into the room, pushing the door to behind him. As he walked to the bed, he reached into his coat pocket and removed the syringe of anesthetic he had grabbed while at the apartment. "Just to keep you asleep," he quietly told her, taking her arm and turning it over, then inserting the needle and injecting the contents. To be certain she would stay asleep, he gave the anesthetic a few minutes to work. He waited for her to slip into a near coma-like state. His attention was directed completely on her and never heard anyone enter the room.

"What are you doing here?" Janus's voice demanded.

"Carrying out my duty," Legacy replied, looking to see the wolf-in-human-form stalking toward him.

"Jumping to conclusions, aren't you?" the former slaver asked, stopping a few quick steps from the bed.

"Why do you ask that?" Legacy calmly replied, reaching into his other coat pocket for the second syringe.

"As I understand the Guardian code, this was a last resort. Only to be used if your charge was dying and if you were directly at fault."

"You are holding her captive, so she may as well be dead to us. It was my fault that she was captured."

Janus could see the Guardian's hands shaking. "What makes you think she's being held against her will?" He stepped toward Legacy as he asked this.

"She never returned."

"Because she wanted to rest. In a secure environment." He took another step toward the bed as doubt further clouded the Guardian's face. "Which is what she told you."

"You brainwashed her."

"You're deluding yourself. She's nowhere near death. No where near enslaved. She is free to go whenever she wants." He had taken two more steps toward Legacy. "Why are you being so hasty in taking her life?"

The Guardian froze as he reached for Snowhawk's arm again. "What?"

"Why are you being so hasty? Why do you want her dead?"

"... I don't."

"Then don't do this. Give her the time she's asked for." Janus was now within range to grab her away if need be.

"No. You'll steal her away forever. That's failure in my job. And failure is unacceptable."

"She doesn't need you. But your son does."

Legacy closed his eyes for a moment, hesitating, then quickly grabbed Snowhawk's arm. Janus was, thankfully, quicker than Legacy and he soon had her unconscious form protected in his arms. "Give her back," the Guardian demanded.

"No. Your intentions are all too clear." Janus snorted at the Guardian. "Go find your son. I'm taking her someplace safe."

Legacy glared at the human-formed male. "You can't tell me what to do."

"Considering you've rendered her unable to, I have to, Legacy." Janus quickly scooped her up into his arms and left to room to find someone to reverse the affects of the drug he had used.

Legacy sunk down onto the bed and held his head in his hands. "Dammit." He remained alone in the darkened room for some five minutes before Nytehawk returned with the baby.

"Legacy, what are you doing here? Where's Snowhawk?" she asked, her voice notably concerned.

"I was going to finish my job, but he took her away," he replied, still holding his head down.

Nytehawk's brain took a minute to realize exactly what he meant by finishing his job. "Did you even consider what would have happened if you were to follow through?!" Legacy shook his head in response. "I didn't think so. You'd be orphaning this boy, and I don't think anyone wants to explain to him the circumstances."

"She won't come back now anyway. He'll tell her what happened."

"That may or may not be true. Have some faith in her to make her own decisions. He's not making them for her."

"He's not?" Legacy asked, looking up in disbelief.

"No. I had thought he was too, but I saw otherwise. She's done this much on her own. She'll keep doing so."

Legacy seemed to shrink. "I just- miss her so much."

Nytehawk kneeled next to the bed, looking at him. "I know, Legacy. But you can not allow your emotions to control you. Especially over your better judgment."

The Guardian nodded slowly, then stood "I'm going for a walk," he stated as he left the room.

Nytehawk returned to the stroller, looking at Valerian and sighing. "He means well, you know. He's just confused."

Chapter 13

Sophie sighed as she looked across the predawn forest. She had come to the mountains after she spoke with Onyx to think of what she should do. After all this time, she still had no clue. She needed to atone for her past and to tie up a few lose ends. "If I could get rid of Janus, then I could not only return the favor he gave me, but I could get Snowhawk back to her family." She snorted in slight disgust. "It won't fix everything, but it'll help. Just need to think of how to get rid of that damned wolf." Her mind went over every possibility as she leaned back and watched the sunrise.


Elsewhere in the mountains, Janus helped Snowhawk out of his brother's vehicle, then led her to the small cabin. Snowhawk had requested to come here to spend her time alone. "Are you sure you'll be okay by yourself here?" Janus asked.

She stopped about half way to the cabin, and turned to him. "I'll be fine. If I need anything, or if anything comes up, I'll call. I probably will in a few days anyway."

He nodded slowly, then pulled her to him and softly kissed her on the forehead. "Take care, love," he said, then backed away as she continued to the cabin. He reluctantly climbed back into the vehicle and leaned back into the passenger seat as she walked inside.

"You're damn near pathetic, Janus," Adian smirked.

"Shut up and drive, Adian," Janus glared, "before I kick you out and drive back alone."

"The hell you will," the younger brother chuckled as he turned his truck around. "You'd never leave me alone near her."

Janus made no response to his brother, only stared out the window. He hated to leave Snowhawk alone up here. It was, at the least, a half hour to this place, and should something happen to her- "I wish she'd gone someplace else," he commented.

"Like where? The sea?" Adian smirked. "You know what, rather who, lives by the ocean. She'll be fine here, brother."

Janus couldn't really argue with him, and nodded. "You're right, as much as I hate to admit."

"Of course I'm right," he grinned.


Janus walked into his room back at the estate some forty-five minutes after they'd left Snowhawk. "Please stay safe, my Bird," he prayed as he looked out his window.

"Her safety should be the last thing on your mind," Sophie's voice said from the shadows.

Janus spun toward her voice and growled. "What are you doing here?"

"Tying up lose ends," she stated, stalking toward him. "You know, like you. You blew my cover and now I'm dying."

He stepped back as she advanced toward him. "You intended to kill my Birds."

"Would you really have missed them?" she questioned. "It's not like slaves were that hard to come by."

"Yes, Sophie, I would have. Because unlike your owner, my slaves were not mere toys to me."

"You're so full of shit, Janus," Sophie snorted, then lunged at him.

He caught her and pushed her away from him, scowling at her. "Be serious, Sophie. You aren't strong enough, especially now."

"I want you to give her back to them," she commanded, standing.

"Snowhawk can go anytime she wishes. Despite what you may think or may have heard, I am not holding her against her will."


"She can," he repeated. "I took her to my cabin in the forest at her own request. She wished to go there and think things over where no one will bother her."

The gray Delphin canted her head to the side. "She's where?"

"At my cabin in the forest." He began to wonder if this illness was affecting her hearing.

"Why aren't you with her?" she questioned, still suspicious of his motives. "Or did you lock all the doors and windows from the outside?"

"I did no such thing. She wished to be alone, so I am respecting those wishes."

"A first for you."

Janus was growing tired of her verbal abuse. "Sophie, leave my estate. Now. And never show your face here again. I can be civil no longer."

"I'm surprised you ever were," she smirked.

"Do not blame me for your mistakes. Rather, do not blame me for Legacy's. Had he kept his mouth shut, I most likely wouldn't have known."

"Nice to know." She returned to glaring at him, then turned and stalked out of the room. Damn Legacy, she thought as she left the grounds. _He just had to open his mouth, and getting rid of him directly would pose too many problems._About that time, she noticed Adian making his usual rounds, then remembered the younger bother enjoyed fighting as much as he did sex._Perfect,_she grinned, then left to plan.


"So, what's the difference between a Royal Guard and a Guardian?" Hunter asked Onyx. The coal black Delphin had been staying with him and Nytehawk, mostly to keep a closer eye on Legacy.

"We're essentially Guardians with more power and fewer restrictions. We also protect as many of a blood line as we have in our area, instead of just one Noble like a Guardian."

"I thought that the Royal Guards were all former Guardians," Nytehawk said, canting her head to the side. "But it takes so much longer to become one."

"Don't underestimate my age. I have been around many times longer than this house we're in."

"And you, the Guards in general, protect only the Royals?" Nytehawk asked.

Onyx nodded. "Yes. We protect those of a bloodline specifically, assisted by the Guardians. As for your family, that has been my duty."

"But, the bloodlines seem so diluted now," Hunter mentioned. "How do you decide who to protect?"

"You might be surprised how true they still are," Onyx began. "Most slavers actually took very good records."

"What's the definition of a Royal and a Noble then?" Hunter questioned.

Onyx sighed, then explained, "There were nine ruling families once. Those are defined as the Royals. Your mate and Snowhawk came from the strongest of those. The Nobles were the ones of highest class, but had little or no actual ruling power, outside of their own land."

"Later on," Legacy added, stepping into the room, "the Royals were grouped with the Nobles. All Royals were Nobles, but not all Nobles were Royals."

"You're a Noble yourself, Legacy," Onyx mentioned as he looked to the Guardian."

"I know," he nodded. "I was always under the impression Guardians had to be."

Onyx shook his head in disagreement. "Not exactly. Yes, it was preferred, but not required. Now, for example, if you and Snowhawk had lived during the height of the Empire, and you had not been of Noble blood, then your relationship would have never happened. A Royal Guard would have been sent in to end it."

"To keep the bloodlines strong," Legacy scowled.

"No, to protect the Royal in question. Who trained you?" the black Delphin curiously asked.

"Some half-senile Delphin in my owner's compound at first, then Jerome taught me a few things," he replied. "What does it matter?"

"Nothing now. Just make sure you keep your emotions separate from your actions."

Legacy replied with a small nod, then stepped back out of the room.

Nytehawk looked to her mate, then to Onyx. "Do you get the feeling he's going to try something again?" she worriedly asked.

Hunter and Onyx both gave a nod of agreement. "He has a lot to learn still," Onyx commented. He paused for a moment, then asked "Where is Jerome anyway?"

"Gone for a walk," Nytehawk replied. "He never said where."


Jerome slowly made his way through the forest, listening for any clues of what surrounded him. He had a sixth sense of sorts and could detect another Delphin if they were nearby, but so far, he had sensed no one. He was looking for Sophie who, the last he heard, had gone into the forest to die._She never has told me what's killing her. Just that there's no cure,_he thought as he walked. He soon came across a set of fresh hoof prints in the mud, and he could catch the faint scent of another Delphin in the air. The scent was Sophie's. He followed the trail through the forest, half expecting to find her near death. Instead, he found her sneaking around a cabin. "Sophie," he began, "what are you doing out here?"

She jumped at the sound of his voice. The gray mare spun around to face him then half yelled "Don't do that, Jerome!"

He was not pleased with her appearance. She was obviously thinner now, her eyes were dulled and tired, and even her colors seemed paler. "You look like hell warmed over, Sophie."

"Thanks for the compliment, J," she sarcastically replied. "What are _you_doing here?"

"Looking for you. Checking in and what not," he replied.

"And who put you up to that?"

"No one. I came on my own accord." He glanced behind her and into the cabin. Based on the furnishings, he guessed she wasn't living here. "A little on the high end for you," he mentioned, nodding to the inside.

"Not my place. I live miles from here," she admitted.

"Then, why are you here?"

She paused for a moment, then sighed heavily. "Because I'm hoping to get Snowhawk to go back to her family."

"I should have figured," he said, shaking his head slowly. "But, Sophie, you need to realize that she's gonna make that decision on her own time."

"How would you know?"

"I don't for certain. Just what Nytehawk has told me, which was that Snow was going to go somewhere to be alone and away from the world to think."

Sophie had heard the same thing before and she didn't exactly want to believe it. She changed subjects quickly. "How'd you know I was up here? At the cabin that is?"

"I followed your tracks." He sighed quietly, then stepped toward her. "Come back to the city. There are plenty of doctors that can help you out at the least. You never know, they might be able to save you."

Sophie folded her ears back and looked down. "What would you care, Jerome?"

"Quite a bit, actually," he stated, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Why?" she questioned, shrugging his hand away.

"Why?" he mimicked, putting his hand back on her shoulder and stepping closer to her. "Because I can't just go on in my life with the thought that I never helped you. Or that I never forgave you."

Sophie said nothing for a moment, then turned and began to walk towards the town. "You don't owe me anything, Jerome."

"Where are you going?" he asked, following her.

"To tell the others my story," she responded, continuing with her slow walk into the forest. "They should at least know why."


"So, what are you going to do, brother?" Adian asked as Janus stared out the window. "Wait around until she calls?"

"It's all I can do, Adian," the older brother replied.

"You have other obligations. You can't just keep tossing them aside for her."

"I have for the past five months," he evenly replied. "I can wait until she returns. I have a feeling it won't be long."

"I can't believe you'd throw everything away for her," the younger brother admitted.

"I am not throwing it away, Adian," Janus snapped.

"Then what are you doing?" Adian countered. "You've been ignoring all of your responsibilities since she came back."

"Snowhawk is my first priority. You would understand if you actually cared about someone."

Adian stepped back, the words having left their mark. It was true that he'd never felt anything near what his brother felt. He'd never loved anyone as strongly as Janus loved Snowhawk. What had been said now, made him realize this, and one could go so far as to say he was jealous.

Chapter 14

Snowhawk contacted Janus some two weeks after she arrived at the cabin, but she had not made any decisions by that point. During their conversation, he assured her that she could take as long as she needed. Adian took supplies to her, and, according to his reports to Janus, he'd not actually seen her on any of his trips. He could report that he was confident the cabin had been lived in.

Snowhawk finally called Janus at the end of the eighth week and simply requested that he come see her soon. He was at the cabin within three hours.


At Nytehawk's home that same day, Nytehawk, Jerome, Onyx, Sophie, Legacy, and Hunter discussed the situation. "So, no one's heard from her since she went up there?" Onyx questioned.

Sophie shook her head. "Not since I saw her. Even then, there was no contact."

"There's a rumor that she contacted Janus some six weeks ago, but there hasn't been much else around," Jerome added.

"What about the supplies?" Hunter asked.

"Apparently Adian has been delivering them," Legacy replied, irritated at the thought. "She's been leaving notes for him as to what she needs, so I've heard."

Nytehawk was silent for a few moments, then commented, "It's not like her to withdraw that much for that long. She needs contact, and her delivery man isn't exactly trustworthy."

"What are you suggesting, Nytehawk?" Onyx queried.

"The last I knew, Adian was little more than a walking erection. He wants toys, regardless of who they 'belong' to."

"I really doubt Snowhawk would allow him to get within arms reach of her, much less lay a hand on her," the raven furred Delphin noted.

"Adian can be very persuasive," Nytehawk quietly responded.

Legacy snorted in disgust and looked away from the group. "I don't believe for a moment she'd allow that. She went up there to work her feelings out, right? Why would she complicate things by getting involved with Adian?"

"That's the most intelligent thing you've said in a while, Legacy," Hunter commented.

"I think you may be reading a little too much into it, Nytehawk," Onyx stated.

"Maybe," Nytehawk began. "But I just didn't like how he'd try to find ways to watch her. It was like he was stalking her."

"Well, Lupino are predators," Jerome pointed out.

"And predators like weakened prey," she finished.

Legacy flattened his ears back. He wasn't pleased about the thought of having something else to complicate matters. Both Onyx and Nytehawk had valid points, and he only hopped that Onyx was right on this.


Adian wandered the estate, halfheartedly making his check of the grounds. He idly wondered just what Snowhawk would say. Janus should be at the cabin by now.

He had said that he never saw her over the past eight weeks, but that was a full blown lie, mostly to put his brother's mind to rest. He saw and spoke with her on all of his trips up there. He took trips up there twice a week for supplies and to check up on her. With each trip, she seemed to be leaning more toward his brother. Not only was he trying to keep from being blamed for something he hadn't done, but he didn't want to give Janus a false hope. She was female after all, and such creatures can change their minds quite quickly.

He meandered the grounds for several hours, thinking. He thought about how he was truly jealous of his brother, and that perhaps his interest in keeping her safe was more than just to keep his brother happy. "Janus was wrong, I guess I do care about someone," he said to the plants around him.

He also thought about how she seemed to have re-acquired a stalker. He wasn't sure how long this presence had been trailing her this time, and it seemed to have followed her to the mountains now. He was quite concerned over this since she was more concerned over her decision than her personal safety. He sighed and shook his head, wondering just why, exactly, he'd gotten involved.


Janus pulled in front of the cabin and stepped out of his car as Snowhawk walked down the porch steps toward him. She looked to the sky as she walked, then sighed and looked at him, smiling softly. Janus, of course, smiled in return, but wondered if it was appropriate to ask the question burning in his mind. She walked to him, and stopped just a couple of steps away. "You know how there are things in life that just are. They have to happen, regardless of what one might do to try to stop them?" she asked.

Janus nodded. "Of course."

She sighed, momentarily looking to the sky again, then back to him. "I believe that we are one of those things."

Janus didn't quite get what she was saying at first, probably because he hadn't gotten his hopes up to hear it. By the time she had closed the gap between them and put her arms around him, however, he understood. He in turn wrapped his arms around her. "Oh, love, you have no idea how afraid I was you wouldn't say that." He pulled her closer to him, then asked after several minutes, "But what are you going to tell the others, especially Legacy. I'm a little concerned for your safety after what he tried in the hospital."

"Your fears aren't unfounded, but I will have to tell him. And soon."


Several days later, back in the city, Jerome sat in Sophie's room in Nytehawk's home. Sophie's health had fallen rapidly over the past week. She refused to admit she was that ill, but the fact wasn't easily hidden. "Sophie," he quietly began, "why didn't you tell me? I might have been able to help you before it progressed so far."

"This is my punishment for what I did, Jerome," she replied. "You were right, I didn't have to do any of it. She sat up in be slowly, staring blankly at the far wall. "Why are you here anyway, Jerome? Shouldn't you be helping Legacy get Snowhawk back?"

"Snowhawk isn't coming back, they just don't want to hear it. You're more important. You need someone with you."

"J, she's got her whole life ahead of her. They all do. I'm not that important."

"You're more than 'that important,' Sophie." He moved from his chair, kneeling in front of her and taking hold of her hand. "Above everything else that's happening, beyond what's come between us in the past, you are my mate."

"I was--"

"Are," he quickly corrected. "I apologize for how I acted. I was hurt. It's an excuse, but it doesn't make it right."

"Right or not, that doesn't change anything," she responded, looking to Jerome's hands.

"You're right, it doesn't. But it's childish of me to remain angry with you."

"Childish, but not unfounded."

Jerome sighed, the released her hand and moved next to her on the bed. He embraced her and they sat in silence for several minutes. "Don't push me away, Sophie. Please. I want to be here for you to try and make up for how I acted."

Sophie didn't know how to react. He'd let go of his anger. He was the same Delphin she'd fallen in love with years ago. "What changed your mind, Jerome?" she finally asked after some ten minutes of silence.

"I told you," he replied. "I realized that I can't change--"

"No," she said, cutting him off. "I mean, what made you realize that?"

Jerome leaned back a few inches and looked down in thought. "I guess it was after Legacy returned without Nytehawk or Snow. I don't know why, but that was it."

"Don't try to save me, Jerome. I'm not worth it. I don't deserve to be your mate," she said, leaning and looking away from him. "I'm sure there's someone else waiting for you."

Jerome leaned towards her and quietly stated, "If there is Sophie, she can wait. You are more important." He pulled her tightly to him and whispered, "I don't want you to go through this alone anymore."

She tried to pull away from him. "Jerome, you need to back away. You can't get too close--"

"Sophie, I've already told you what I felt. I am not leaving you again." She gave him a defeated sigh at this, but made no attempt to pull away.

Chapter 15

Three weeks later, Snowhawk stood on the bank of the forest lake and gazed across. She gave a heavy sigh and brushed her mane over shoulders. "I will go back to town tomorrow," she whispered, "and I will tell them my decision."

Janus stepped out of the brush a few moments later. " What's on your mind Snowhawk?"

She turned toward him, smiling faintly as he closed the gap between them. "I'm going back to town tomorrow. I've made them wait too long for my decision."

"Should I go with you?" he quietly asked, wrapping his arms around her.

"No. I'd be afraid of what Legacy might do if he saw you."

Janus gave a small nod. "I'm still worried about you going alone, though. Could I at least send someone with you?"

"Like who?" she questioned, canting her head to the side.

"Anyone that could protect you. Even-- Adian."

She smirked at his suggestion. "Would you trust him that far?"

"Not in the least," he admitted. "Would you?"

"I think I could," she replied.

"Please be careful tomorrow, Snowhawk," Janus pleaded. "Your Guardian might not be able to control his emotions."

"I know," she nodded. "But I did get myself into this mess. I'll have to accept any consequences that are dealt."

"I wish it could be easier for you," he said, pulling her closer to him.

"At times, I do too, but I know that without my trials, I wouldn't be who I am today."


Later that night, Snowhawk crept out of their bedroom and into the forest. She tried to remain near the cabin, but wandered aimlessly around it, lost in thought. The feeling of someone grabbing her arm quickly snapped her back to reality. "Who--?!"

"Good to see you again, love," Legacy replied.

"Let me he hell go!" she demanded. "What are you doing here?"

"You're coming back, Snow. You're too important for us to lose."

She had heard all this before. "Too important to who? You or the Empire you're trying to build?"

Legacy replied with a smirk. "Both. Now, we're going."

"Like hell!"

"Don't fight me, Snowhawk," he warned.

She snorted at him and continued to try and pull away. "I will do whatever I damn well please."

"Apparently so. And I'd guess there's a 'whoever' included in that as well?" He reached into his pocket, once again intent on putting her to sleep.

Snowhawk was well aware of what her Guardian kept hidden in his vest pocket and she was also well aware of what he was planning to do. She tried to cry out for help, but Legacy's hand on her throat put a quick end to that. "He can't save you. Now, come along quietly and I won't be forced to harm you."

"Right," she gasped as he led her away, still holding on to her throat.

Back in the cabin, Janus snapped awake the instant he thought he heard Snowhawk's cry. His mind was still half-asleep, but he was certain that Snowhawk was not in bed with him. "Guess it never hurts to check," he said to himself as he crawled out of bed. He pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, then half ran outside.

Delphin hoof prints were not easy to miss, but human ones could be. He did find a fresh set of Snowhawk's footprints, but was disturbed by finding a second, equine set, one too large to be Snowhawk's. He wondered for a moment just who would have come out this far to kidnap her, then realized it was a stupid question. "If that was Legacy, there's no telling what he may be planning." He sprinted back to the cabin to find his car keys.


On the way back, Snowhawk glared at Legacy as he drove. She had to think of some way to get away. A split second decision later, she threw a punch at him as he drove. He jerked the wheel, almost plowing into another vehicle. She again tried to connect her fist to his jaw, missing once more, and he this time pulled his truck over. Her escape attempt was short lived as he grabbed hold of her before she could get the door open. "Are you trying to kill us both?!" he yelled. She answered him with another glare. He reached into his pocket and removed the syringe he'd gone for earlier, and quickly jabbed it into her arm and injected the contents. Moments later, she was out and he leaned back into the driver's seat with an irritated sigh. "Damn crazy female," he grumbled as he continued to his apartment.


Adian leaned toward one of the monitors in his surveillance room and watched as Legacy pulled a female form from the cab of his truck. "What are you doing, Legacy?" he asked, smirking as he keyed in a command and zoomed the camera toward the Guardian. "Oh, I see. You're trying to piss my brother off." He stood from his chair and stretched, then grabbed his jacket as he walked out the door. "No one is going to do that but me, dammit." As he walked, he pulled out his cell phone and dialed his brother's number.


Legacy carried Snowhawk's unconscious form up the stairs to his apartment, unaware of the Lupino following just behind him. "I can't allow you to be gone, Snowhawk. There's too much at risk," he whispered to her as he entered the dwelling and placed her on the couch. He crouched next to her, waiting for the drug's effect to wear off and gently stroking her hair.

Not ten minutes after he'd arrived, the door was kicked open. "You are making a huge mistake messing with my brother," Adian warned as he stalked in. "When he's pissed, it falls on me."

Legacy looked up, more annoyed than anything. "Tell me, Adian, do I look like I really care?"

"You will when I pass it on to you," the wolf smirked.

"Neither you or your brother can have her," Legacy snorted. "She's far too important."

"To who? You or your Empire?" Adian questioned, folding his arms across his chest and leaning back.

Legacy had heard all this before, and not too long ago in fact. Honestly, he knew he couldn't say for certain. "Returning the Empire to what it once was is a noble job. One that she should be proud to do."

"You haven't answered my question," Adian continued. "Is she more important to you or to your Empire?" Legacy returned only silence. "That's what I thought. You're more concerned with your project than you are with her."

"You are walking on very thin ice, wolf," Legacy said warningly.

Adian could not help but smile. "Then I'm right. You wouldn't be so touchy if I wasn't."

Legacy was never known for his ability to control his temper. He slowly stood and drew his sword from the sheath on his side. "Leave. Now."

The attempt to be threatening only drew a laugh from Adian. "I hope you realize she's far more intimidating than you could ever be."

"And you're apparently far more stupid than your brother," Legacy returned.

"That's where you're wrong, Delphin," the Lupino smirked. "You're greatly underestimating us."

"You can't win unarmed, wolf."

Adian cracked his knuckles and stretched. "We'll see."

Legacy yelled a battle cry and charged the Lupino. Adian side stepped this attack, but not without receiving a long gash across his chest from the Guardian's sword. As the Guardian moved away from him, Adian quickly changed directions and pounced on Legacy's back. The wolf grabbed the Guardian's shoulders, claws digging into flesh. The sheer force of Adian's attack sent both of them tumbling to the floor and Legacy's sword left his hand. Adian landed under the Guardian, then kicked the Delphin off, sending him across the room.

As the two fought, Janus rushed in, finally, just before Snowhawk awoke. The female gasped in mild shock when she realized just who was fighting, then again in fear when a hand rested on her shoulder. Luckily, the hand belonged to Janus, and he gave her a reassuring smile when she looked at him. He picked her up, then managed to give his brother a quick nod of thanks, and left with his love before Adian could be further distracted.

Legacy was, to say the least, not at all pleased with the fact Janus had just taken off with his girl. He was determined to end this fight quickly so he could intercept the thief. The Delphin kicked the wolf away from him, then lowered his head and charged once more. His plan would have been lethal had Adian not sidestepped the attack.

Adian also wanted this fight over quickly as he was getting bored. As the Delphin passed by him, he grabbed the end of Legacy's horn and pulled him around. The Guardian kicked at the Lupino, trying to break away, but managed only to graze Adian's leg. "Stupid move," Adian growled as he sharply pushed down on the tip of Legacy's horn.

Delphin horns are not indestructible, though they can move slightly in their socket, and they have a slight give. The horns are not really any type of gem or metal, though they may take that appearance. They are more like bone and as such, they are well supplied with blood. The room filled with the sound of a large crack, then Legacy's scream.

The Guardian fell backwards, the blood from his freshly broken horn already rushing down his face and pooling on the floor. He tried to back away from the wolf, but Adian just grinned at him, then tossed his horn tip into the air and caught it a half second later. Adian circled the Delphin, chuckling, then stopped to pick up the sword that had fallen away early in the fight. Legacy began to slip into a state of shock and fell to the side as Adian walked back to him. The wolf knelt next to the Guardian, still chuckling, then rolled him onto his stomach, and held him down with his knee. "Poor Guardian won't get to see his son grow up," Adian taunted. "Sucks to be you, huh? Completely screwed up everything."

"Not over..." the Guardian whispered.

"Yes, Legacy, it is," Adian informed him. "You won't just jump up from this and beat my ass like some character in a game. You aren't going to get the girl, and your little family will never be perfect. Die knowing that you had a chance once, but now you will never touch her again." Adian stood, holding the Guardian's own sword over him. The Delphin turned slightly, trying to escape, but went no further when the blade sunk into his back. Adian paused for a moment, to be sure the Guardian was dead, before he removed the blade. He chuckled again, then left the apartment and headed back to his brother's estate.


Some souls cannot rest knowing they still have a job to finish. Sophie considered her job to be making sure Nytehawk and Snowhawk's happiness was secure and making sure what life they chose would be of their own will. She had planned to visit Legacy to check on him and make sure he was not doing something stupid, but instead saw Adian running out of the apartment complex with a sword that looked to be covered in blood. She was immediately concerned for Legacy and ran inside to see if her suspicions were true. Upon confirming her suspicions, she ran back out of the building, and towards Janus's estate, then to Adian's house on the grounds. She slipped in through a window in the back of his home, and greeted him in his living room. "I thought you had been warned about getting involved in matters that don't concern you, Adian."

The Lupino jumped when he realized someone had snuck into his home. "What the fuck are you doing here?" he growled.

"Something that should have been done years ago. You've really screwed things up this time." She withdrew the pair of daggers she kept on her and lunged at him.

Adian was taken by complete surprise at this attack, and, being injured from his fight with Legacy, could not move quick enough to avoid it. She left a pair of long gashes across his chest. "What the hell are you talking about!?" he yelled.

"I made a promise to protect them and make sure they got to make their own choices. Now you've ruined that," she explained, then lunged at him again.

Adian caught her this time and pinned her arms to her sides. "I still fail to see how this involves me."

"Legacy had another chance!"

"No, Sophie, he didn't. Kidnapping doesn't make for a good chance."

She screamed in frustration and kicked him away. "Then explain why she stays with Janus!"

"Because," the Lupino growled, fully standing, "Janus never kidnapped her. He asked that she stay out of concern for her health."

"That's a little hard to believe, wolf," she snorted, then lunged at him once more. Adian blocked her attack with the Guardian's sword, but she quickly slashed at his wrists in an attempt to get him to drop the weapon. Adian yelped and pulled his hand away, but did not drop the sword.

Adian blinked and stared at the panting female for a moment. "Shit," he grumbled, then turned and sprinted back outside, figuring he could out run her in the woods.

Sophie, ill as she was, was determined to accomplish this last mission. She managed to catch up to the injured predator-turned-prey and pounce at him again. One of her blades sunk into his back, the other swept across his legs, just above his hocks. Adian fell forward and Sophie landed on his back, driving the blade still deeper into him. "Get up, Adian," she commanded, lifting herself off him. "We aren't finished yet." She pulled the blade from his back, but the wolf made no noise or movement. "Get up, dammit!" she screamed, kicking him, then flipping him over to see the Guardian sword buried in his chest. When Adian remained still, she realized the fight was indeed over, then sunk back against a tree. "Finally," she panted, "something done right."

She stood fully again, and slowly made her way out of the forest. She managed to reach the road before she collapsed. A small group of Feln found her and immediately rushed her to the hospital. They were met by the same doctor that had treated Snowhawk several times past. She was taken to a room right away and treated as best she could be. Her health was falling quickly now, due to her overexertion.

Sophie knew this night could very well be her last, so she requested that two letters be sent: one to Snowhawk, one to Nytehawk, and that the Guardian Jerome be summoned to her. The Guardian arrived as soon as he could for her. He pulled a chair next to her bed, took her hand into his, and remained with her throughout her final night.


Six months later, Nytehawk and Hunter, accompanied by a human guard, brought Valerian to visit his father's grave. "I wish you could have known him, Valerian," Nytehawk began, looking from the tombstone to the boy. "He really wasn't bad, just confused."

The child knelt by the grave site and placed a small bouquet of lavender flowers on the ground. Hunter gently patted the young Delphin on his should as he stood. "What happened to him?" Valerian asked, looking to Hunter.

"It's a long, sad story that will have to wait until your older to be told," Hunter replied.

The guard accompanying them lightly touched Nytehawk on the shoulder and quietly said, "We need to leave soon or we will be late for our appointment."

She gave a small nod. "Okay... we need to find Jerome then."

"He should be with Sophie," Hunter replied.

"I know where!" Valerian exclaimed, the trotted off to see the Golden Guardian.


Jerome knelt next to the grave of his former lover, his head bowed and his eyes closed. "I wish I could have saved you," he whispered. He remained in silence for several moments more until Nytehawk, Hunter, Valerian, and the guard arrived.

"Jerome," Nytehawk quietly began, "we should be going now."

The Gold Guardian nodded his head to them, then stood from the grave site. "There's so much you think of saying after the fact..."

"More than we could have guessed before they were gone, right?" Nytehawk responded.

"Indeed," Jerome replied.

"Madam Nytehawk," the guard began again, "we really must be going."

"Very well," she nodded. "You heard the man guys. Let's go." She turned and walked off, following the guard.

Jerome remained near Sophie for another moment, then blew her a kiss and trotted away.


Late that night, a lone lavender Delphin crept to Legacy's grave site. She knelt next to it, and placed a small bouquet of white flowers next to the lavender ones left earlier in the day. "I'm sorry it had to come to this, Legacy. I only hope you know this was never my intention." She bowed her head and whispered a Delphin prayer, then looked up once she was done. She saw the form of her Lupino guard emerge from the shadows. "Something happening, Nyx?" she asked the chocolate furred female.

"We aren't alone," the wolf replied.

Snowhawk gave a small nod, then stood and quickly brushed herself off. "Shall we go then?"

Nyx nodded in reply. "Yes, we should get you someplace a little safer than this."

"Very well," the Delphin replied. She leaned down and whispered one last thing to the grave, then straightened and trotted away, the Lupino female following.

"Your last visit?" Nyx questioned as they walked.

"Yes," Snowhawk nodded. "There's only so much one can say to a plot of dirt, especially when the spirit they're trying to reach won't respond."

"Oh?" Nyx said, canting her head.

"Yeah. It's almost as if he's not really there."

"Does that concern you?"

Snowhawk nodded again. "Greatly."

Section 2

Chapter 16

Deep in the forest, a lone Delphin sat on the bank of a quickly moving mountain stream. Two years ago, she found her life being turned upside down again, and had sometimes questioned if it was all worth it. The death of her Guardian, then the death of her love's brother in the same day was still quite hard for her to handle. It's not that she wasn't familiar with death, she just wasn't so used to it any longer. "This should have ended peacefully," she said to the forest.

"Snowhawk?" a male voice called out. "Where are you, love?"

"Nowhere far," she replied. With a tired sigh, she laid down on the cool, soft grass.

From the underbrush emerged a pale-furred Lupino. "Are you ok, love?" he asked quietly, kneeling next to her.

"I'm fine, Janus."

"You've been awfully silent the past few days."

"Just been doing a lot of thinking."

"Care to share your thoughts?"

"He's two, now," she said after a pause.

Janus took a minute to realize what Snowhawk was talking about. "Having some regrets?"

"Just wondering what it would be like. I've had three children and not been able to raise any of them."

He sat down beside her and lightly rubbed her arm. "I'm sorry. I took you away from them."

"No. I could have left at any time."

"Why didn't you?"

"What would I have gone back to? Even though Legacy is gone, I'm sure he some how manage to plant the idea of rebuilding the Dephin Society into Nytehawk's head. And she's part mule, I swear," She sighed and turned on her side, facing him. "This will pass soon enough. It always has before."

He nodded slowly and gently stroked her cheek. "Please don't forget I'm always here for you."

She looked up at him, then sat up, twisting around, and wrapped her arms around him. "Of course not."

He wrapped his arms around her and felt her nuzzle him. Then, he felt a moist warmth on his fur. At first, he thought she'd injured herself, a not uncommon occurrence, then felt her faintly trembling. His bird was crying. "Snowhawk, tell me what's wrong."

"Just feeling- old, I guess."

"You're not thinking about giving everything up, are you?" he asked, his voice sounding decidedly concerned.

"No. I wouldn't live through a third time."

Janus never really said anything to that, just hugged her tightly. Then he gave her a small lick on her neck and nuzzled her softly. Eventually, she fell asleep in his arms. "My poor bird," he silently whispered.


Nytehawk sat on her balcony railing, looking to the sky. She hadn't seen her cousin in more than two years. Yet, she was reminded of her everyday by the two year old child that scampered about her home. Valerian didn't remember Snow or Legacy, but he had been told the general story. His mother was with a man other than his father. His father was dead. He was with his aunt because his mother wanted to protect him.

Nytehawk looked back to her feathered wings and sighed. "So much has changed since this all began almost four years ago." Four years since she had been recaptured. Almost three since she'd been set free. She idly wondered where they would all be if Snow had left Janus and if Legacy hadn't tried to kill her.

She looked up as she heard Hunter behind her. "Did he finally go to bed?" she asked, referring to Valerian.

"Yeah. He's as stubborn as Snow- and you," Hunter replied, nuzzling her and wrapping his arms around her.

"Comes by it honestly, I guess."

"Will you ever tell him the full story?"

"Dunno. If he asks, I will. I just don't want him thinking Snow or Legacy were 'bad.' They were both in a really awkward situation. And Snow was so doubtful of their relationship at the end. They both made mistakes Unfortunately, Legacy died because of it. I don't want Valerian to blame his mother for Legacy's death, or him to blame his father for her not being around."

"Is that really what happened?" a young voice asked from the doorway.

"Valerian," Nytehawk said quietly. "Yes. That's pretty much it." Hunter moved off to the side, sitting in a chair nearby.

"Do you think there's a chance I might be able to see my mom?"

"I'm sure she'd love to see you, and to see what a handsome young man you've become. But I don't know if her mind or her heart could handle it. Its getting closer to the anniversary of Legacy's death, and the birthdays of her other two sons."

"I have two brothers?"

"Half-brothers, but yes. If they're still alive, the youngest is about ten years older than you. She got to name them, but not raise them since they were taken away from her after a few days by our first owner. She never handled that well." Nytehawk looked off. "Tried to kill herself on several occasions, both directly and indirectly, until Janus got us. Then she was trying to kill him for the first few days. She hated everyone. Became bitter and aggressive. Something happened between them, never found out what, but she just, stopped. What developed between them was more than a physical relationship. Some sort of screwed up form of love, I guess. She had refused to show it, he didn't know what it was. But there it was."

"If he loves her, then why is he keeping her from her family?"

"I don't think it's just Janus keeping her away. I'd guess she's hiding. Trying to get things sorted out, to rest, to recover."

"Was- Is she strong?"

"One could say that, though she'd never admit it. Had she been prepared when she got pregnant with you, and had she not been under so much stress, her pregnancy wouldn't have been as big of an issue. Between Janus capturing me, her doubts about Legacy, then being basically captured herself she certainly wasn't in the best of situations. Though she didn't think to actually use what time she could rest for resting. That was her spirit, and something they could never break. She was so stubborn, and so scarred from the slavers trying to beat it out of her, she was pretty much given away."

"Did Janus ever hit her?"

"No. He never laid a hand on either of us, even the times she would attack him. That's not to say she went unscathed. She'd go on these missions. The last one nearly cost her her life. I'd say she still wears the ribbon to cover the scar on her neck."

"What happened after that?"

"She healed for a few days, then escaped, taking me with her."

"How old is she now?"


Valerian blinked and yawned. "Hey," Hunter finally said, waking up from his light nap. "I thought you were supposed to be in bed."

Valerian grinned innocently and gave a soft chuckle.

"Hunter's right, dear. Go back to bed."

The young one nodded and, with another yawn, wandered back to bed.

"Snow would be proud of him," Hunter idly mentioned. "And of you for doing such a wonderful job of raising him."

"I would hope so. I just wish she could have raised him. That's what should have happened."

Hunter slowly walked to her and hugged her. "I know, but apparently, Fate didn't agree."


Two weeks later, Snowhawk stepped out of the shower, quickly wrapping a towel around herself. She wiped the condensation off the mirror, looking at herself but gasped at her reflection. The Delphin in the mirror wasn't her. Her pale fur had darkened in hue, but she was shocked most by her mane and tail. The color had changed to a pale blue tinted with lavender. Her legs went weak and she collapsed to the floor, falling against the wall with a dull thud.

The sound of her fall brought Janus running into the bathroom. "Sn-- Snowhawk! What happened, love?!" he worriedly asked as he kneeled next to her. She was too stunned to speak. Janus shifted to Lupino form and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly as tears began to stain her fur. "Snowhawk, love, what happened?" he quietly asked her again.

"... I'm getting old." she near whispered after a few moments.

"Older, love. You'll always be young to me."

She nuzzled against him and held onto him tightly. "This is something I should have been expecting," she mentioned as she shifted into her human form, then nuzzled her face into his fur. She couldn't bring herself to tell him the real reason her aging scared her so badly. The older she got, the less time the two of them had. Lupino didn't live as long as Delphin, even when one adjusted for the shortened lifespans of the average slave.

He hugged her again, subconsciously more carefully. He was always reminded of just how small she was. Even as a Delphin, she was only a few inches taller than his human form. "My little bird," he quietly said with a gentle nuzzle. Janus felt her breathing finally slow as she began to calm down. He smiled softly and shifted back to his human form. He slowly stood, bringing her with him, then picked her up and carried her to their room.


Snowhawk awoke several hours later and smiled softly as she found herself still in his arms. She cuddled closer to him, nuzzling him softly. Her mind soon began to think This is how my life should have been._But what if she hadn't acted the way she did all those years ago, when she'd escaped. They had both had many strong revelations over the past couple years. Neither of them would have had any of those had they taken different paths. _If I had it to do over, I'd change a few things, she thought, _but I wouldn't change the outcome._She gave him a small nuzzle and drifted back to sleep.


Back in the city, a twitch of life made its presence known in Snowhawk's abandoned apartment. A male figure moved silently through the living area, stopping at a coffee table and picking up a dusty picture. He brushed the dust off the glass, revealing two Delphin, one lavender-furred female shyly trying to hide her face from the camera in the shoulder of a tan-furred male. The figure gently touched the face of the female. "Snowhawk," he whispered. Another moment passed, then he broke the glass of the frame and pulled the picture free. He folded it in half and slid it into the pocket of his black overcoat. He continued through the apartment, entering what had been Snowhawk's room. The man walked to her nightstand, opening the drawer. He pulled out a slightly dulled piece of crimson ribbon, placing that into his pocket as well. He turned to leave when a flash of silver caught his attention. Further inspection revealed the silver ring she had been given to signify her mateship. After a moment's pause, he took the ring and dropped it in the pocket with the other items. He turned to leave, then stopped at the two year old bloodstain on the floor of the living room. He knelt next to it, then gingerly rested his fingertips on the stain. His old scars began to ache again as he thought of the events of that night. He bowed his head, recounting his past. A moment later, he stood and quickly left the room.

Chapter 17

Two uneventful months would pass until one not so sunny day, a paper flyer managed to reach the cabin. Janus has awoken quite early that day, intent on finding something his bird had hinted at wanting. As he left the porch of the cabin, he was somewhat surprised and amused to see a piece of God-awfully bright, neon orange paper tumbling down the drive toward a cabin on a gentle breeze. Figuring this paper must have some important message to have traveled this far from the city, he trotted toward it and snatched it up. His eyes widened as he read the message. Printed in bold, black letters, the text read, "Coronation! Em'bar 25th! The Delphin Society will live again!" then continued with the time the ceremony was to happen and where it could be watched. He folded the paper and stuffed it into his pocket. Hopefully, he could run his errand and return before Snowhawk awoke.

However, he didn't make it back in time. Snow's eyes fluttered open soon after he had left. She lay where she was for almost an hour before deciding to sit up and beginning the daily battle of deciding if she should even get out of bed. She'd been very tired over the last two weeks. She knew what it was but hadn't said anything. A sharp breeze howled over the roof and she looked at the ceiling. "Hint, much?" she mumbled, swinging her legs over the side of the bed, then standing some twenty minutes later. "Wonder where he's gone off to..." she mused, wandering toward the nearest television and couch. She flipped on the TV as she passed by, then flopped down on the couch, sinking into the soft cushions. After a minute of searching, she found the remote control and surfed to one of the educational channels she often watched. "Ooh, lightning," she mumbled, still half asleep. She watched the show, comparing what it was telling her with what she already had in her mind from other sources, until she drifted back to sleep on the couch.

Some three hours later, she was awoken to the feeling of a pair of hands sliding around her neck and what felt like velvet between them. "A gift for you, love. You said you'd like one," Janus half whispered.

As he pulled his hands back, she reached up and felt a velvet choker studded with a few small gems. "Oh!" she quietly gasped. "Thank you!" She reached up and hugged him, giving him a soft nuzzle, quite glad he remembered she'd mentioned something like this one day as she looked at the scar on her neck.

"You okay, love?" he asked, concerned. "You've been so quiet the past couple weeks."

"I'm fine. My body's just preparing for something."


"A child."

Janus held her as he sat in stunned silence for a moment. "Snowhawk-"

"It wouldn't be a repeat of my last pregnancy." she added quietly.

It should be known that Janus had mixed feelings about children. While he did want them, eventually, now was most likely not the proper time. Especially with the news he had discovered earlier. "Love-"

"If you'd rather not, I'll understand."

"Love, it's not that. I don't know if now is the right time or not. With what's going on in the city right now, I'd worry it might place you under too much stress."

"What's going on?"

Janus mentally smacked himself. She probably had not been awake for any of the local news, and he had taken the flyer with him. He pulled away from her slightly and removed the folded paper from his pocket. After opening it up, he handed it to her. "This is what's happening."

Snow's jaw dropped as she read. "This is tomorrow."

"The city is being prepared now. But apparently, no one knows who will be at the head."

"Nytehawk, most likely."

"What about you?"

"They would have to drag me out of here unconscious. I have no intention of leading, especially a Society that's died once before."

"Are you thinking history will repeat itself?"

"Considering the leaders never changed how they ruled, even at the end, yes. Times have changed. The Society's been gone for how many hundreds of years now? Very few remember it anymore. They've all died, or forgotten. A few of us have memories of the past that were never told to us by anyone.

"You included?"

"Of course, I'm one of the Royal line, though I never understood why I had the memories until you mentioned it. I'm haunted by nightmares of her, rather my, death. Darkness, night I'd guess. A fire. Men, humans mostly, with weapons. Cuts on my arms, blood pouring down my back, a gash on my right thigh. Part of my horn was gone, broken off. Then, I'm hit by one of them and that's where the nightmare ends and I wake up."

Janus thought for a moment, then nodded slowly. "I remember hearing a tale from one of the old men that had served in my family's army of a Delphin that died like that. Silver fur, black points, deep blue mane and tail, and the rare black dorsal stripe that's almost impossible to find today. Black feathered wings. Her horn was emerald and her eyes colored like sapphire." He paused for a moment. "She was a fighter by choice. She was supposed to be the Society's leader, but refused. She was captured one evening while out by herself. They tortured her, trying to get information. All she did was laugh and taunt them. One of the men lost control and hit her in the back of the head with the butt of his gun."

Snowhawk nodded slowly, then sat for a few minutes in silence. "I wonder who the hell instigated this," she said, not really questioning.


"The rebuilding."

"Could it have been possible for Legacy to have spoken with someone before he came to get you?"

"I'm sure he did," she shrugged. "He always had a big mouth." She sighed and looked out the window for a few moments. "I thought my fighting ended two years ago."

"I know love, I know."

Snowhawk sighed quietly. Her mind was nagging her with a single thought: What if Legacy hadn't been killed and that he was alive now. It was a well known fact that often after having a horn broken, a Delphin would change in coloration and appearance as a human. She would be able to recognize him, but most likely only by scent. If that was the case, then no one else would know who he was since they didn't know the scent intimately. "Do you think-" she trailed off.


"That it could be possible that Adian didn't kill Legacy."

Janus didn't really know how to respond. "Adian never would have thought to actually make sure he was dead before he left. So, there is the possibility. It was a closed-casket funeral, was it not?"

Snowhawk nodded. "They said they couldn't get the blood out of his fur."

"We may just have a ghost on our hands then."

"Only he's not dead. Which would make him all the more dangerous. Almost every Delphin that survived a broken horn turned-" she paused, looking for the right words. "It's like whatever darkness they have in them takes over."

"Their appearance changes as well, does it not?"

"Yes. Scent too, but, someone that knew the scent-" she paused again as she searched for the kindest wording, "Someone that knew their original scent intimately would be able to confirm."

"How close would you have to be to know for certain?"

She didn't respond for several minutes, looking away from him. Then finally answered, "Too close."

"Tell me, love, please."

"Close enough to sleep with him," she shuddered. "A risk I'd prefer not to take."

Janus was silent for a moment, then squeezed her tightly. "No one's going to make you, love."


The following evening in the city, species of all kinds gathered to show support for the rebirth of the Delphin Society. The remaining members of the Guardian Counsel appeared to crown the new leader of the society, and commend her Guardian for his work. After a long, drawn out, and somewhat boring speech by the Counsel leader, the crown, which in all actualities was an elaborate tiara, was placed on Nytehawk's head and she stood overlooking her new subjects as they applauded. Once their applause died down, she began speaking to them, her voice strong, clear, and powerful. "I thank you all for being here. Today, we celebrate the rebirth of the Delphin Society. This is for what I pray to be the good of all beings. And so, I say to you now that we will not tolerate the enslavement of our kind or any other race. This is an issue that will no longer be sluffed off as a problem for the so called 'lower classes.' I have been there, I was _born_into that life. Yet here I am, free. Many of you have been slaves as well, yet you stand here, free from the bounds of your owners. This problem will not be taken lightly and we will see to it that no other race has to suffer our pain." By the time she reached "suffer," her words were nearly drowned out by the crowd. Knowing that their enthusiasm would last for hours, she gave them a bow of respect after several minutes, then headed off toward a waiting vehicle.

Once inside, she flopped down, leaning back against the seat. "Well, that went well. Wouldn't you agree, Jerome?" she asked the other as he climbed in.

"Yes, but no one reported seeing Snowhawk," he replied as he sat down across from her.

"Didn't figure she'd come."

The opposite door of the vehicle opened as Jerome reached to close the one he entered through. Hunter slid inside and next to Nytehawk, closely followed by the head of security.

The head of security had appeared one day some eighteen months ago, intent on helping with the rebuilding. He was a mysterious fellow, only giving his name, Quillen, and his age, twenty-three. "You intended on seeing her, did you not?" he asked.

"I did."

"They why not use the power at hand and retrieve her? We do know where she is."

"Do you have a plan?"


"Then do it. That bastard's kept her away far too long."

"Nytehawk," Jerome began, "what are you going to say this is?"

"A raid. Proof we will not stand for any slavers. Should word get out, that is. Which I trust it won't," she said warningly.

"Snowhawk is hardly a slave anymore, and Janus is hardly a slaver anymore, if at all. She's there because she wants to be."

"Do you really believe that, Jerome?" Quillen asked. "That someone would willingly stay with a known slaver."

"Yes, Snowhawk has her reasons for staying."

"What? Love? He'll only hurt her. Use her to his own ends."

"I would have to disagree with you."


"I know Snowhawk. Better than most would think."

"'Once a slave, always a slave,' is that not what goes through her mind? And as for Janus, once a slaver, always a slaver. He'll slip up and she'll see that."

"I won't give him a chance to harm her," Nytehawk stated. "Quillen, once you are ready, take your team and retrieve her. I don't care about the cost, just bring her back to us."

Quillen nodded in response, "I will."

They pulled into the garage of the recently renovated estate, the home of the reborn society's leader. Quillen stepped out of the vehicle first, followed by Jerome, then Hunter and Nytehawk. "Where'd you get the ribbon in your hair, Quillen?"

"What does it matter?"

"Just has a very familiar color. Like one of Snowhawk's ribbons."

"So what are you implying, Jerome?"

"That you have some ulterior motive in this. Your own personal reasons for wanting her around."

"And if I did?"

"Then you'll wind up the same as Janus' brother."

Quillen smirked. "I wouldn't worry to much about that."

"Then you'd be a fool," Nytehawk added in.

"We'll just see. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a mission to complete," he smirked, then promptly vanished into the garage's shadows.

"I'm somewhat suspicious of him," Jerome stated.

"As long as he does his job, that's all I'll ask of him."


Quillen quickly walked down the hallway toward his quarters. He could have this planned out and underway in less than two hours. Two hours and he would be on his way to being able to touch her again, to hold her, to kiss her. It had been far too long since he could. "I refuse to let that son of a bitch win," he growled as he turned into his room. The door was closed and locked, then he sat down at his desk and began to make his phone calls.


Back at the cabin, Snow awoke in the middle of the night to moonlight illuminating her room. She smiled softly and slipped away from Janus, quietly walking to the window and looking to the night sky. She felt the opened the window, finding the night to be unseasonably warm, the night air filled with the scent of earth and fallen leaves. She glanced back to Janus, then deftly slipped out the window and hopped to the ground.

Outside, she wandered into the forest toward a small pond she knew to be surrounded by honeysuckle and the tiny wild roses she enjoyed so well in the summer. She soon came upon it and stopped at a natural arch of dried honeysuckle vines. She crawled under the arch and lay down, soon drifting to sleep. A dream crept into her mind, one of a fourth child, a girl this time, and one she could actually raise. The dream sent a bittersweet tear down her face.

A moment later, she felt something she hadn't felt in two years. Not a feeling of movement, per se, but just knowing. A feeling of life. Her eyes snapped open and she sat straight up. "Shit." She searched for the feeling again now that she was awake. However, she could no longer sense it. She blinked a few times, then lay back down and closed her eyes, drifting back to sleep. She never knew when a deep, dreamless sleep overtook her.


Back at the cabin, Janus awoke alone. "Snowhawk?" He felt where she had been, finding it to be still slightly warm. She had not been gone long. He then caught the scent of earth and leaves through the open window. Sitting up, he climbed out of the bed, then walked toward the window. He could also smell her scent here, then leading out the window. He exited the cabin as she had earlier, then followed her scent through the forest, soon realizing where she was headed.

He reached the pond and could see her across it, asleep under the natural arch. Such a beautiful image, he thought. He watched as she suddenly sat up, then went back to sleep a moment later. Soon after she drifted back to sleep, however, a darkly-clothed figure emerged from the forest and stalked toward her. The figure knelt next to her and appeared to touch a spot on her neck, just behind her jaw. Janus growled and ran toward the figure. He neared the dark one and lunged at him, but soon found himself tossed to the water's edge. "Leave her be," he growled.

"I can't do that, slaver," a male voice returned. "I've been given orders to bring her back."

"Then I guess you never thought she might not want to go back."

"Hard to believe, wolf. Now," the man began as he picked up the Delphin-formed Snowhawk as if she weighed nothing, and grinned, "I'd suggest not following me. Never know what might happen to her."

"The least you can tell me is who you are so I'll know who to kill."

"The name's Quillen," he replied, then turned and ran into the forest. "This time, Snow, I'll make sure you're safe. And that you'll never leave me again," he whispered to her as he swiftly moved through the trees. After a half hour of walking, he reached the rest of his team, then climbed into the back of an SUV, setting her beside him. "Go," he instructed the driver, then flipped a switch and closed off the rear of the vehicle from the driver's compartment. A moment later, he lowered the divider again and instructed the driver to take a meandering route through the city. He needed to finish up a few things with Snowhawk before they got back. The driver gave an affirmative response and Quillen again raised the divider.

He folded the rear seats down, then placed Snowhawk on her stomach. After finding a specific spot on her neck, he ran two of his fingers down either side of her spine to the bottom of her shoulder blades, resulting in her shifting to her human form. He carefully turned her onto her side, facing him, leaving his hand on her hip. He touched her throat again, as he had earlier, only on the opposite side. A grin crept across his face as her eyes fluttered open. She slowly awoke and began to piece together where she was, or rather, was not. "Hello, love," Quillen said to her, touching her face. "It's been too long since I've seen you."

"Who-" she slowly began, pushing herself up on her arms. The man greeted her semi-upright form with a long, deep kiss. Her eyes immediately snapped open ad she tried to pull away, but he held the back of her head too tightly. She clinched her eyes shut and could do little more than wait. When he finally broke the kiss, she broke away from him and attempted to merge with the vehicle's opposite wall. "Who are you?!"

"I'm hurt you wouldn't remember me, love," he grinned as he slowly moved across the vehicle to her. He gently took her chin in his hand and leaned toward her. "But I have a few ways to make you remember." She gasped as he leaned to kiss her again. He moved over her, a leg on either side of her, pinning her legs down, then held her arms down. Quillen laughed as she whimpered. "Still nothing? Do I have to get closer to you? Poor thing can't remember. And at such a critical point too." Her eyes widened at this. "Did you think I wouldn't be able to tell?" One of his hands left her arm and he gently rubbed her stomach. "Really love, you underestimate me."

"Why are you doing this?" she half cried.

"You left me, Snowhawk. Yes, he captured you, but you _left_me. You were never going to come back."

She began to piece things together now, then gave a ragged sigh as tears of realization rolled down her face. "Legacy."

"Precisely, dear bird. Though everyone knows me as Quillen now. If you value your wolf's life, you won't let anyone else know." The hand on her stomach slid around to her back and rested just above her rear. He grinned as he spoke, "Especially that bitch of a cousin of yours. You're not getting away from me this time, love."

"You were dead. Adian killed you."

"Almost dead. That stupid wolf never thought to check."

"So whose idea was this? Yours or Nytehawk's?"

"Her's, with a bit of assistance from me."

"And she really doesn't know?"

"No. Neither does our son. He's been asking about you, you know. Really interested in meeting you."

"Regardless of how his mother was brought back against her will, I'd assume."

"Don't be so harsh, love."

"Fuck off. You realize you're a thousand times worse than Janus all those years ago."

Quillen growled lowly at her and the hand on her back wrapped itself into her hair, and he forced her to look at him. "I am a thousand times better than that bastard will _ever_be."

"Are you now?" she asked, her eyes full of contempt.

"He will _never_take you back," he stated, then pulled her into another forced kiss.

Chapter 18

"Why the hell are you doing this!?" Snowhawk yelled as she pushed Quillen away.

"I already told you, love, I want what's mine."

"And who's to say I ever was?"

"I am, dear Snowhawk. The wolf won't have anyone to help him steal you away this time."

"He didn't before either. Or has your mind twisted so much you forgot? You left. I was alone."

"So are you saying he'll be coming after you again?"

"He never came after me in the first place!"

"Regardless," he replied with a smirk.

"What happened to you, Legacy? You used to be so kind, so gentle."

"It's amazing what can happen when the one you love is stolen from you," he darkly replied. "So," he continued a moment later, "why didn't you fight him off?"

"What was there to fight?"

"Plenty. I had figured he simply grabbed you by the throat and held you down when you went to 'visit' that night. That is one of your weaknesses, after all," Quillen grinned as one hand moved to her neck and gently stroked it. "Don't be afraid, dear bird," he half chuckled at the look of fear that crossed her face at his touch. He leaned down and gently kissed her again. "And my name is 'Quillen' now, love. Can't have any of the others finding out, can we?"

Snowhawk clinched her eyes shut as tears began to well up in them. "Don't make me choose. Not again."

"There shouldn't be much of a choice, dear Snowhawk," he stated as he pulled her to him. He lifted her chin up with one hand, leaning down to kiss her again as his other hand reached up and pressed on her neck as he had some hours earlier. She was instantly dropped into a deep sleep. "I'm sorry, love. You have to stay. Goodnight, my sweet Snowhawk. You shall see our son soon." He lowered the partition again and informed the driver to return to the estate.


Elsewhere in the city, a very angered Janus jumped out of his vehicle and entered his estate. "That damn fool picked the wrong wolf to screw with," he growled as he stormed into his library and to his maps of the city. "There are only so many places in this city where a Delphin can be hidden. And there are only so many beings in this city named 'Quillen.'" He sighed. "This will require more work than finding her the last time." He just hoped that who ever this guy was working for had no intentions of hurting her.

He eventually fell asleep while looking over all the maps, trying to figure out where they could be and who could be the responsible party. The thought came to him in his sleep: what if Nytehawk was behind this? Would she have been the one to suggest it, or could someone have manipulated the power she held to their own advantage? "What if Legacy hadn't died then?" Snowhawk's voice repeated in his mind. Given what had been said about personality and appearance chances, there was a high chance that the man Quillen was Legacy. His anger and frustration at losing Snowhawk brought on a severe obsessive state. Though what he might do to try and hang onto her was forethought in Janus' mind.

Quillen was much larger and most likely much stronger than Snowhawk, if he had kept those traits from Legacy, assuming they were indeed one in the same. Legacy had also been highly intelligent. _But what else?_he thought. _What else makes him such a threat?_Then he realized Legacy knew Snowhawk almost as well as he did. And Quillen's intentions would most likely not be with her best interests in mind.


Trying to understand why a broken horn causes a shift in personality is about equal to trying to understand the logic of a three year old human child: It just is and any further reasoning will leave one with a migraine. The cause had never been discovered, but the effects were widely known. An alternate personality formed, a mirror dredging up everything the injured one was not. In Legacy's case, his kindness was tossed away, leaving a hurt, vindictive soul determined to reclaim what he felt was rightfully his. And willing to do so at any cost.

Buried somewhere in him was his kindness, his gentleness, everything that had made him Legacy. However, this old self was so far locked away, and his new persona of Quillen was so strongly attached, little hope could be held out for the old Legacy to ever return.

Quillen cradled Snowhawk's unconscious form as the vehicle pulled into the Society leader's estate. The car stopped in front of the grand mansion. Quillen carefully picked her up and carried her out of the vehicle. He was met on the steps by Nytehawk, Hunter, and Jerome.

"She looks smaller than I remember," Hunter commented.

"Two years can really change someone," Nytehawk near whispered as she gently touched her cousin's arm. "Did you have any trouble, Quillen?"

"Only from her. I found her asleep and she was very- disoriented when she awoke."

"I guess that explains why she's unconscious then," Jerome stated, glaring at Quillen.

"Yes, it would," he replied, returning the glare.

"I had a room prepared for her upstairs. We can take her there and wake her up," Nytehawk said, not having noticed the glares.

"Lead the way," Quillen responded.

Nytehawk nodded and walked up the stairs leading into the estate, the other following her. As they walked, Jerome very casually mentioned, "You took a big risk by putting her under like that."

"Who's to say I don't know her better than any of you suspect?"

"Even if you had Guardian training, the only way you could know her that well is if you had had an extended, intimate relationship."

Quillen smirked. "I have my secrets, Jerome. Just as you have yours."

They reached the room that had been set up for Snowhawk and turned in. It was a moderate sized room, furnished with a queen sized bed, a desk, various chairs, a couple small tables, and various lamps of varying intensities. Quillen carefully laid Snowhawk on the bed, then gently brushed her bangs from her eyes, his hand lingering near her face almost too long.

"Quillen, could you wait to awaken her for a moment so I can bring Valerian in?" Nytehawk asked.

"Most certainly." Nytehawk gave a small bow of thanks and quickly exited the room. "Soon, bird," Quillen quietly said to the still unconscious Snowhawk. "Soon you will see your son."

The use of "bird" caught Jerome's attention. Only two ever referred to her like that: Janus and Legacy, and the latter only rarely. The Golden Guardian narrowed his green eyes slightly. He was beginning to piece everything together and he didn't like the picture. "You'll only be able to fool her for so long, then the consequences won't be pretty," he half growled under his breath.

"I'm sure you're right, Jerome," Quillen returned.

Hunter was at a loss. "What?"

"Nothing," Quillen responded. "Just a little friendly rivalry"

"I'm sure," Hunter warily replied.

A half moment later, Nytehawk returned with Valerian. The boy ran to the bedside when he saw Snowhawk. "Mom?" he said worriedly. "What's wrong with her?"

"Nothing. Just asleep," Quillen said reassuringly, then reached to her neck and awoke her as he had earlier.

Green eyes fluttered open again and she slowly began to see who was around her. First a flash of gold, Jerome, then her cousin's pale blue fur, followed by Hunter's gray fur, then a young, lavender-furred Delphin. "Where am I?" she half moaned, then felt a pair of small arms latch onto her.

"Mom," the young one whispered.

"Wha- Valerian?"

He nodded and she could feel his silent tears on her shoulder. "You're home."

"It would appear I am," she whispered, still waking up.

"Snowhawk," Nytehawk began, "welcome back."

"Yeah, I guess."


"Nytehawk, this is not my home, it's yours. I don't belong in your world anymore. Not this- Society. I never did."

"Snow, you do belong. This is your destiny. Here. Not off in some cabin in the forest. You're a Royal."

"No. You are, Nytehawk. I never was." She flinched almost imperceptibly in pain, then sighed as she closed her eyes. No point in being awake for now.

"Mom, don't leave. Please. Not for a little while anyway."

Snowhawk replied with a soft smile. "Don't be afraid, son," she whispered, then drifted to sleep as the stress of the day caught up with her.


"Don't worry, Valerian," Hunter reassured, "she's just asleep."

"She sleeps a lot," the child commented.

Quillen nodded. "Your mother needs to rest for now. She'll be better in the morning."

Jerome rested his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Come on, Valerian, I'll teach you more about the Guardians of the old Society."

"Okay," he responded, somewhat sadly since he didn't want to leave his mom.

"Go on, Valerian," Quillen told him "I'll stay here and make sure she's safe tonight."

The young Delphin nodded and followed Jerome out of the room, stopping at the door to look back at his mother.

Nytehawk turned to Quillen. "So you'll watch over her tonight?"

"Yes. As if it were my life's purpose."

"Good, I would hate for anything to happen to her so soon after getting back." She took a hold of Hunter's arm and walked out of the room. "Do you think he's changed, Hunter?" she asked as the walked to their room.

"Yes. Jerome suspects too, I think. They were doing a lot of glaring at each other."

Nytehawk nodded. "We'll just have to see what his intentions are."

Back in the room, Quillen walked to the bed after locking the door, and then brushed a stray lock of Snowhawk's hair from her face. "What will I have to do to make you forget him?" he quietly asked to no one as he ran the backs of his knuckles along her jaw. "What indeed," He pulled her chin up and leaned down to give her another kiss, then looked at her face for another moment, softly stroking her cheek. Then he pulled his shirt off and lay down on the bed behind her and wrapped his arms around her. He held her tightly, then drifted to sleep, his head on her shoulder.


Back at his estate, Janus now sat in a state of quiet contemplation. He had an idea of where to look for his bird, but didn't want to make a move until he was certain. He was awaiting a call from one of his informants to verify Snowhawk's location. The waiting was the hardest part. He clinched his fists at the thought of what that- Quillen may have done, or be doing, to his bird. The jealousy was almost overwhelming, but he fought it away again. He needed a clear head to think and act here. The mere fact that Quillen had laid a hand on her in the first place was enough reason to beat him to a bloody pulp. Adding in _how_he had done it was enough to beat the bloody pulp within an inch of it's life. Had he done anything else to her... "If he has, I will kill him personally." His phone beeped at him and he quickly snatched it up, answering the message. "Yes?"

"We think we have her location," the man on the other end replied.

"Good. Continue monitoring. I want to be certain on this."

"Yes, sir," the voice replied, then the line clicked.

The two had come too far for someone to screw this up, especially someone that was supposedly dead. Janus had no idea just how simple it would be to discover exactly where Snowhawk was. And all in thanks to the evening news.


Several days would pass. During this time, as Quillen tried to make Snowhawk forget about Janus, he also convinced Nytehawk that the time to move against the remaining slavers was now. She gave him the authority to essentially begin a war.

With that completed, he stalked off to the separate house Snowhawk had been moved to. There was one other thing he wanted to accomplish.


Snowhawk dozed somewhat peacefully for one of the first times since she had been taken. Valerian slept, semi curled, next to his mother. It was another unseasonably warm, lazy afternoon, one that simply felt like the calm before the storm. The door to her bedroom swung open, a quiet creak awakening Valerian. He sat halfway up, trying not to disturb his mother and looked to the doorway. "Quillen, what are you doing here?"

"I need to speak with your mother on a private matter," he evenly replied.

"Oh, okay," the young Delphin responded, frowning, then carefully slid off the bed. He still had no idea of Quillen's true identity.

"I think Jerome wanted to show you a few new things today. He's in the gardens if you want to find him."

"Okay!" he smiled, then sprinted from the room, his small hooves sliding around on the smooth stone floors.

Once the boy was gone, Quillen grinned darkly and stalked to the bed, sitting on the edge. He gently touched her human face, awakening her. "Good afternoon, love."

She sat up slowly, pushing herself up until his hand caught her chin. "What are you doing?" she groggily asked.

"Nothing, love," he said as he leaned to her then kissed her. His hands reached to the back of her neck and unhooked the velvet choker Janus had given her. As he tossed it aside with one hand, he removed a collar from his pocket with the other, still distracting her with the kiss. He moved his hands back to her neck, one wrist resting on each shoulder, the collar trailing down her back from his right hand. He leaned forward, as his other hand took a hold of the free end, and pushed her back onto the bed. He brought his hands to the front of her throat and locked the collar onto her.

She heard the quiet click of the lock and forced him off her, sitting back up. "What the hell are you doing!?"

"It's for your own protection, love. We're about to go to war. I can't have you running off on me in the middle of a battle. You could end up getting hurt. Or worse, killed."

Snowhawk glared at him. "I can take care of myself. Now unlock this damn thing," she demanded as she tugged at it.

"I think not, dear bird," he smirked. "You know, that's a good look for you."

"I assume you convinced Nytehawk into letting you do this."

"Actually, she has no idea. You see, dear," he began, running a finger along her jaw, "Nytehawk is just a figure head for us. I have been given as much power I need to strengthen the Society. I'm going to turn this into a full Empire."

"With you at the head, I assume."

"No. Nytehawk will remain as the leader, I'll be the one 'working to defend' as it was in our past.

"You make it sound so noble," she dryly remarked.

"Oh it is, dear Snowhawk, it is," he returned, the sound of another lock clicking was heard as he fastened a chain to her collar. "An even better look," he grinned.

Her eyes narrowed and she glared daggers at him. He gave a small smirk of amusement. "So I guess Legacy really _is_dead." She drew her hand back to slap him, but he caught her small wrist in his hand.

"I don't recommend that, love." He pulled her to him, grabbing her waist tightly with his free hand. "You can't fight me, dear bird. And I will never let you get away from me again." He again reached to her neck and dropped her into a deep sleep.

A half minute later, Nytehawk entered the small house, intent on speaking with her cousin. Quillen sensed the female and carefully turned Snowhawk so she was facing him and the chain and collar were hidden. Nytehawk turned into the room and was surprised to see Quillen there. Even more so to see Snow apparently asleep in his arms. "Quillen, is Snowhawk alright?"

"She's fine. Just exhausted herself."

"And so she fell asleep on you?"

"Pretty much," he replied and he gave her a very slight squeeze. "I don't believe she's properly rested in years."

"Your intentions had better be nothing more than honest, Quillen," she warned, noticing the squeeze.

"And I assure you, they are," he grinned. He paused for a moment, then began, "I'll need to take her with me tonight. I feel it would be safer for the both of you."

"Do you suspect Janus knows?"

"The news last night said 'at least one slave had been recovered' then continued on to say her relationship to you." His grin turned to a smirk. "And quite honestly, how many cousins do you have alive?"

Nytehawk sighed. "Just her that I know of. Damn, not the most opportune timing, was it?"

"Not in the least."

"Very well," she sighed, "you may take her with you."

He grinned and gave a nod of thanks.


Quillen left the estate late that evening, driving to an end of town where she once had an apartment. Two days ago, he came here to have everything prepared. He picked up the still sleeping Snowhawk and carried her into the building, then to her former residence. He further carried her into the bedroom and carefully laid her on the bed, then reattached the chain to her collar and connected the free end to the bed. He bound her hands behind her back, then re-awoke her. "Good evening, love," he grinned, his hand slipping through the flap of her dress and resting on her rear. She gave a small cry of pain as he flipped her onto her back. The look of fear in her eyes was quite apparent as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a dagger, then brought it toward her.


A half-inch stack of papers landed on the desk in front of a half asleep Janus. "We have her location. And we've discovered the Society wants to start a war against all the slavers," the tall, dark furred Lupino female standing opposite him stated.

"Thank you, Nyx," he groggily replied.

"Quillen's on the move. He's taken Snowhawk to the far side of town. An old apartment of hers. You know what he's planning, do you not?"

"He wants to reclaim her. And he'll probably not be gentle about it."

"Are you moving now or will you wait?"

He paused for a moment to think. "If he does what I think he'll do, it doesn't matter when we move. We'd never make it on time. If he hurts her..." Janus sighed, "But he won't be expecting a move so soon, so we'll leave now. I'll be counting on you and your crew for a diversion."

"Shouldn't be a problem."

"Thank you." The other Lupino bowed and turned, then quickly exited the library. Janus waited another moment as he fully awoke, then stood and half ran to his garage.

Nyx greeted him there. "We're ready to go at anytime."

"Good. We're moving now. Maybe I'll catch the son of a bitch in the act so I'll have more reason to kill him."

The female turned and gave her crew a signal as she trotted over to them. A small fleet of vehicles moved out, Janus following several minutes later in one of his personal cars. After some forty minutes of driving to reach Snowhawk's location he sent a signal over a radio to Nyx that he was ready when they were.

And halfway across town, an explosion blew several of the windows in the Society Leader's home and set off every car alarm within miles.


Back in Snow's old apartment, Quillen let go of her now naked, half-unconscious form. She fell to the side, her raggedly cut hair draping across her neck. Her body ached from the abuse she had been subjected to. Quillen stood from the bed and stalked out of the room. Breaking her was just half the fun. He looked at the hair in his hand and grinned, then tied it together with one of her old ribbons. He set the bundle on a table, then looked to his computer and the message flashing "urgent." He growled lowly as he had been called back across town.

Quillen re-entered the room and tossed a blanket over Snow's bruised and bloodied form. She was crying softly, he noted, as he leaned down to give her a small kiss. "I shall return soon," he whispered, then left the room, grabbing his sword and tying the sheath to his belt on the way out. She heard the front door unlock, open, close, then lock again as he left.

With that, she was alone. Helpless. She hurt too much to move, not that she could go very far if she could. While it was true she had been raped and beaten before, it was never by someone she had once trusted. She lay where she was for a few moments, then her stomach twisted in fear as she heard the door unlock and open again.


Janus tentatively stepped into the old apartment, looking around for any others that might have been inside, after narrowly missing Quillen in the hallway. He knew Snowhawk was here, as he could faintly smell her. He listened carefully for a few moments, then heard something like quiet cries, of both sadness and pain. He also caught the scent of blood. Janus followed scent and sound back to a bedroom. He slowly opened the door and the smell of blood was strong enough to force him to shift from his Lupino form. His gut wrenched as he realized the blood he smelled was Snowhawk's. The figure on the bed lay nearly motionless. "Sn- Snowhawk?" he almost whispered. She made no movement. He slowly moved toward the bed and could see long cuts on her exposed shoulder and her raggedly cropped hair. He gingerly touched an uncut place on her shoulder and she whimpered in pain. He knelt next to the bed and brushed her hair from her eyes. "My poor bird, I'm so sorry. I should have gotten here sooner and stopped him. I couldn't find you." She made no response, the shock of not a half hour earlier still held her in a near paralyzed fear. Slowly, he pulled the blanket off her, revealing just how much damage had been physically done. He caught site of her bound hands and first tried to untie them, then cut them with his pocketknife. Blood stained the rope and her wrists bled from the thin, wiry rope. He carefully pulled her arms from behind her, hating to hear her cries of pain. One of her hands immediately went to her face and covered it. Just from that movement, Janus knew how much she was hurting. Not physically, but mentally. She most likely felt as if she had betrayed him, that she should have been able to fight her attacker off, that she was weak for allowing this to happen to her. He didn't want to further harm her by touching her, but he felt that he had to at this time. He carefully gathered her in his arms and held her as she cried and whimpered in pain.

"Well now, what have we here?" Quillen's voice interrupted. "I thought they killed all the wolves around here."

Janus bristled, a feat strangely accomplished in his human form. "What did you do to her, you son of a bitch?"

"I figured that would be obvious, slaver. I took back what's mine," he grinned. "By the way, the explosion was a nice touch, but not enough to keep me gone. Especially from a creature as sweet as her."

"You can't take back what was never yours, Legacy."

"Right," he replies sarcastically. "And Legacy's dead, wolf."

"Along with his gentle sincerity, I'm guessing."

"Mostly." Quillen's face darkened. "Now let her go. I have unfinished business."

"There's not much more you _can_do to her."

"I will be the judge of that. Now move aside."

Janus growled and shifted forms again, fighting the sensory overload of the room's scents. "You won't touch her again."

Quillen simply smirked and withdrew his sword from its sheath. "Your brother almost killed me, you know. With this very sword."

"And just what does that have to do with anything?" Janus growled, carefully laying her down, then standing.

"Just a distraction," he returned, lunging at Janus.

The Lupino dodged the strike, but was caught in the back of the neck by the edge of Quillen's hand and sent across the room. He spun around, the blow having disoriented him for a moment. Quillen was amazingly strong. He was also dangerously close to Snowhawk. She was still too weakened to fight back and could only cry out in pain as he roughly flipped her onto her stomach. "An audience wasn't part of the plan," he darkly began, laying the blade of his sword across her legs, halfway between her rear and her knees, "but I think I can cope."

"Let her be! She's hurting enough as it is!" Janus warned advancing a couple steps forward, realizing just how far he'd been hit across the room.

"Don't take another step, wolf."

"Or what?" he defiantly asked, stepping forward.

"This," Quillen responded and drew the razor-sharp sword across her legs.

Janus froze as she cried out in pain. "What the hell are you doing!?" he demanded.

"I'm making a point." He sat down on the bed next to her and pulled a small dagger from his boot. He ran the blade along her arm, the razor edge easily cutting through her skin. "It wouldn't take much to kill her, you know." Quillen paused for a moment. "But death is far too easy. She'd be escaping me again and I simply cannot allow that."

"And by doing this the only point you prove is that you're many times worse than I ever was to her."

"Maybe," he nonchalantly replied, cutting diagonally across her back, enjoying the look of helplessness on Janus' face. Her cries her grew weaker, though Quillen didn't seem to notice. "But it also proves that I know her better than you ever attempted to."

"So you would destroy everything about her. Crush her spirit."

Quillen narrowed his eyes and stated, "Fine, you may have her for now. But always remember I _will_return for her one day." He stood and glared at the Lupino for another moment, then seemed to vanish into the shadows.

"Nice trick," he growled, then rushed to Snowhawk. She had lost a great deal of blood. Her body was cool to the touch and her heart rate had fallen drastically. She wouldn't survive without care from a doctor, and she needed it soon. However, he couldn't carry her out with out further injuring her. He fumbled around and found his phone then called Nyx. "Nyx, I need you at the old apartment. Now. Snowhawk is badly injured and I don't think she'll last long."

Chapter 19

Crying softly in pain, Snowhawk could feel herself growing weaker as her life bled away. She heard fabric ripping as Janus tore the sheets on the bed into temporary bandages. She could barely feel his touch as he bandaged her wounds. Her cries grew softer and as her eyes closed, she realized she might not make it through this. She felt Janus put his arms around her and hold her tightly. She mentally smiled at the fact that, if she were to die now, in his arms, she would go peacefully. Her eyes fully closed and she entered darkness.

"Snowhawk! Snowhawk, open your eyes! Love, please, don't leave me!" Janus cried as her eyes slipped shut and her breathing further slowed. "Don't leave me, love, please..." he told her, squeezing her gently as if trying to keep her spirit from leaving.

Nearly two minutes later, Nyx and several of the men under her command entered the room. "My God, Janus! What the hell happened?!" she exclaimed.

"I'll explain on the way to the hospital. We need to get her down stairs as quickly and carefully as possible. Can't risk letting the wounds tear more."

The men quickly loaded her into a makeshift stretcher, created from another blanket. They carried her down the steps, then sped to the hospital. As Janus comfortingly stroked his bird's face, Nyx again asked, "What happened back there?"

"Quillen raped her. He beat her and cut her hair. Then he cut her legs, arm, and back as I watched. I couldn't do anything to help her."

"Who the fuck is this guy anyway? He must have some pretty big balls to pull this."

"He was her mate. That is, before my brother broke his horn and tried to kill him."

"Tried to?" she said, almost sounding shocked.

"Almost did. I don't know the details. We left as the two were fighting." The lighter wolf paused, looking down and burying his face in his hands. "I can't live without her again," Janus almost whispered.

"She seems strong enough, Janus. I'm sure she can pull through."

Janus nodded in reply. "I hope so..."

Even if she doesn't, Nyx thought, there's still a way.

Just as her name implied, Nyx was a creature of the night, and in more ways than one. That was not her only secret as in all truths, Nyx was actually male, using a new gift to disguise himself. To add to all this, this particular male was none other than Janus' younger brother Adian. Sophie had almost killed him two years prior, but a vampire appeared that night as Adian lay dying. He called himself Kione and offered to "save" Adian on the single condition that Adian would complete one mission for him someday in the future. Adian agreed to the eternity of endless nights, be it from the loss of blood and lack of oxygen to his brain, or that he simply felt this was not his time to die, so their deal was sealed with Kione's gentle bite. Some months later, Adian returned to his brother's estate under his female identity.

He was shaken from his thoughts by his brother calling to Snowhawk. "Snowhawk! Love, keep breathing! You can't leave me!"

Adian could hear the almost hysterical despair in his brother's voice, and Snowhawk's shallow, labored breaths were not a good sign. He turned to the driver and simply said, "Pull it over, we're never gonna make it at this pace." The driver complied and pulled the vehicle over. Adian moved into the driver's seat as the driver left, and left the poor Feln on the side of the road to either find his way home on his own, or to be picked up by one of the other team members.

Janus blinked at Nyx and her insistence to get Snowhawk to the hospital. As the vehicle accelerated, Janus held Snowhawk tightly and whispered to her, "Soon, love, we'll be there soon. Just hold on," She was growing cooler by the minute and each breath was shallower than the last.

Another five minutes passed before they reached the hospital. Once there, Janus carried Snowhawk inside while Nyx tracked down the doctor that had treated Snowhawk twice before. "Great Orion!" the doctor exclaimed when she saw Snow's ashen hued skin. "Bring her in here quickly!" she directed, opening a door to a nearby, empty room. Not needing to be told twice, Janus quickly carried her in then him and Nyx situated her on the bed, stomach down. "What happened, Janus?" the doctor asked, her ruby horn beginning to glow softly.

"She was raped. He cut her legs, arm, and back as I watched. I couldn't do anything to help her..." Janus trailed off.

"Okay, I'll do everything I can," she said, gently putting a red-furred hand on his shoulder.

Janus nodded, then gently kissed Snowhawk. "I won't be far, love," he whispered. Reluctantly, he left the room. Nyx stayed behind, the doctor having asked her to. He flopped down in a chair in the nearby lobby, then placed his head in his hands, elbows on his knees. Tears fell from his eyes as the full magnitude of what happened hit him. "Snowhawk..."


Back in the room as she sewed up the wound on Snowhawk's arm, the doctor calmly stated to Nyx, "I know your secret."

"Do you now?"

"Yes. I know what and who you are. If you think helping her is going to atone for your past, you're wrong."

"Nothing can make up for what I've done, dear Doctor. Or what I am."

The doctor nodded as she finished, never having looked up. "That's all I can do. She'll be on her own now." She sighed quietly as the glow faded from her horn. "She needs blood, but we have no Delphin blood to match her's here. The only city that might is Juv, but that's too far to go,"

"Don't-!" softly cried the now sleeping Snowhawk. She was so weak it was difficult for her to whisper even this.

Adian knelt next to her, then gently brushed her bangs from her eyes. "You didn't deserve this," he whispered. "Maybe I acted wrongly two years ago."

"Adian, two years ago, did you have the faintest clue this would happen?"


"Then you have no reason to feel guilty. Though how the hell you figure yourself into this, I don't know."

"You'll understand when you find out who Quillen truly is."

The doctor gave a small nod, then called Janus in. Adian stood before his brother entered. "The next hours will be crucial. I wish I could say something more, but it's all a matter of waiting now."

Nyx looked at Snowhawk for a moment, then to Janus. "What now?"

"I'm staying here to keep an eye on her, and so she'll know she's not alone." He paused for a couple moments, then continued, "Then I will find this son of a bitch and rend him limb from limb."

"If you can find him. I would guess he knows he's in for it and will sneak off into hiding for a while. Not to mention what he may tell the Society leaders."

"The man who did this had ties to the Society?" the doctor asked.

"Yeah. He's the head of security."



"I knew he wasn't all there, but I never imagined he'd be capable of this. But, why her?"

Nyx looked at Janus as he looked at her, then Nyx dropped her head and turned to the side, leaving Janus to answer. "... Because Quillen is Legacy. And he's pretty pissed off that Snowhawk wouldn't willingly go back to him."

The doctor stood in a shocked silence for a moment. "Should have realized when he tried to kill her two years ago."

"How did you know about that?"

"I work here. I hear things. And for now, I shall leave you with her." The doctor turned and left the room.

"Do you want to know how close she was?" Nyx quietly asked a moment later.

"How close?"

"Another five minutes. Probably less."

"She would have been gone," He knelt next to the bed and gently stroked her face.

"Not forever," Nyx whispered.

"What?" Janus asked, looking up.

"Nothing." She leaned against the wall; all they could do was wait. Once she realized the time, she quickly excused herself. She wanted to stay, but the sun that would soon rise had other plans.

Within eleven hours, Snowhawk had improved more than they could have imagined. Nyx returned just after the sun set some thirteen and a half hours after she'd left.

Janus glanced to her as she entered, "You certainly live up to your name."

"Me and the sun don't mix," she replied. "How is she?"

"Much better, but still not out of the woods," Janus answered, gently stroking his bird's hair.

Nyx nodded. Her mind was elsewhere though. She needed to tell her secret, but she didn't know how to begin, or how he would react. The last thing she wanted right now was to be pushed away. She had this driving urge to protect Snowhawk. As much as it probably didn't need to come out now, fate decided to throw her hand in and force it out. The room seemed to grow darker, colder. Janus looked up and Nyx moved from where she had been leaning against the wall toward the bed. In the short hallway from the room to the hospital's main hallway, a man appeared. He was ghost white in complexion and had long, dark silver hair that hung to his mid thigh.

"Who are you!?" Janus demanded.

Nyx hissed, "Kione. What the hell do you want?"

The stranger grinned, opening almost glowing gold eyes. "You inadvertently completed your half of out bargain. I'm simply here to collect her."

"She's been through enough. Leave her be."

"So harsh, Adian."

Janus blinked. "Adian?"

"Janus," the younger Lupino replied, his faux exterior melting away to reveal the same wolf Janus had grown up with.

"I'm sure you to have some catching up to do. Now let me have what I want and I'll leave you."

"Not today, or ever, Kione."

"Why do you protect the one that forced you to be what you are? After all, you once threatened to do the same to her."

"Feelings change."

Kione's grin still had not lessened. "I'm sure. In any case, why don't you ask her what she wants?"

Adian looked back to the bed where Snowhawk was slowly sitting up. Her dulled, half closed eyes told him the story. "Because you're controlling her."

"Not completely. Merely telling her what she could have if she came with me."

"What? The endless nights? The constant bloodlust?"

"We'll see," Kione smirked. "Besides, that's only a problem the first few months. You should be over the sun's burn soon."

The groggy woman was now standing beside her bed. At least, she appeared to be standing, but was actually floating. She began to drift toward the long-haired stranger and Janus jumped in front of her, grabbing hold of her arms.

"Snowhawk, love, wake up!"

"She can't hear you, Janus. Only me," he informed them. Janus held onto her tightly, but she managed to break away. She floated to Kione and he took her into his arms, falling limp at his touch. "What a pity that your world has to lose such a beauty," he said, his grin never lessening.

"I_will_take her from you, Kione," Adian growled, "before you turn her."

"Good luck, young wolf," he said with a final grin, then vanished with Snowhawk.

"Dammit!" Adian growled.

"... Dare I ask what you became to still be here?"

"I don't think you're _that_dense, dear brother. In any case, that's not the issue here."

"Why_do_you want to help her, Adian?"

"Because I owe the both of you that much. The wounds stopped hurting and I've accepted that I deserved this, especially now." Adian paused for a moment, then headed toward the door. "I'm going after her. I'll contact you when I find her."


Snowhawk awoke in a darkened room, someone gingerly holding her in their arms. She at first assumed this to be Janus and so, thought nothing of it. Her eyes focused on her surroundings and she found herself in what appeared to be a room of a castle, decorated in deep, rich colors. "Where am I?" she asked, still not fully awake.

The one holding her pulled her now short hair back and away from her neck as he sat her up. He leaned in toward her neck, wrapping one arm across her chest, and whispered, "Someplace safe."

As soon as he heard the voice, she knew this man, who ever he was, was not Janus. She tried to break away from him, but found herself to still be too weak. "Who are you?!"

"Think back to just a few hours ago. Well, about a day now," he said as he nuzzled her neck. "The name's Kione, dear."

"What are you doing?" she asked as he moved further back on her neck.

"I told you earlier I was going to help you. And I shall." She cried out softly as he lightly nipped her neck, breaking the skin and drawing blood. "Such delicate skin... And sweet blood too," he commented as he licked her neck. "Don't be afraid. I'm here to take you where you won't hurt anymore."

"I like the pain. It lets me know I'm alive."

"But is it really all it's cracked up to be?" he asked as he turned her around to face him. His left hand sat in the small of her back; his right was at the base of her skull. He smiled seductively and pulled her to him. She again tried to break away, but he only pulled her closer. "You have nothing to fear," he told her, then leaned down to her neck.

"N- No, please..." she whimpered.

Just as he bit down, the door of the room burst open. "Let her go, Kione," Adian warned.

"Meddling wolf," Kione growled as he pulled away from her neck. "Do you really think you can stop me?"

"All I have to do is get her away from you."

"Easier said then done, I should think," the vampire grinned.

"Not necessarily," Adian returned, then quickly lunged at Kione.

The vampire twisted out of the way, pulling Snowhawk with him. She cried out in pain as the wound on her back was nearly pulled open again. "Be careful, Adian. It wouldn't take much to reopen her wounds."

"Using her as a shield won't help your position any, Kione."

"She'll thank me for it after I turn her."

"I won't give you the chance."

"But I shall, dear wolf."

"Only in your dreams."

Kione grinned. "So you say."

Adian again lunged at the other vampire, but found himself stopped by Kione's booted foot in his chest. "Hand her over, Kione."

"No. You can't stop what is meant to be, wolf."

"And this isn't," he growled, knocking Kione's leg aside then grabbing Snowhawk. He quickly moved away from the still grinning vampire.

"She's mine now, Adian, and you can't keep her from me."

"Snowhawk belongs to no one but herself. She is my brother's by her own choice," he told Kione as he protectively clutched Snowhawk. She was trembling in both fear and pain.

"And just what are you going to do once you return her? Become their protector? You'll always be a fifth wheel to them, Adian, unless you claim what's in your arms as your own."

While Adian could admit he found this to be a very tempting proposition, he had to decline. "No. I think not. Especially if that's how you intend to eventually get her to become yours."

"And who ever said I did?"

"I'm not as stupid as everyone makes me out to be."

"Maybe you won't be a failure as a vampire yet," he grinned. "Now, take the prize that is in your arms. You don't want her in pain anymore, do you?"

"The only way I would is if she told me to turn her, Kione."

"But can you not see it? The pleading look in her eyes. The trembling of pain."

"Only if she says it."

The older vampire smirked. "Ah well. It's of no concern to me. I'll come back for her at my leisure."

"We'll be waiting," Adian growled.

"Good," Kione replied, then vanished.

Adian growled again, then looked to his right hand as he felt a warm liquid oozing over it. The hand he had on her back was covered in her blood. The wound on her back had begun to split open again. She cried softly in pain as he tried to pick her up without further injury, finally managing to do so after having to hear several of her half-neighs of pain, something carried over from her Delphin form, he guessed. She continued to cry, burying her face in his chest as he carried her out.

He reached the vehicle he had brought and carefully positioned her inside on her stomach. He half ran to the driver's side and slid in, picking up the cell phone and calling his brother as he pulled away. "She's safe and I'm on my way back now."

"Adian- thank you."

"We'll be a few hours. You may want to keep that doctor handy. The wound on her back has begun to reopen and she has a couple bites on her neck."

"Care to tell me who this guy is when you get back?"

"I'll tell you what I know when I return," Adian replied, then hung up.

Over the past year and a half, Adian had found that being a protector was more rewarding than just taking what he wanted. He enjoyed helping Snowhawk, and his brother, but he had said that he would see that she was never by hurt by Janus again. She didn't deserve to be hurt, and if Janus could do nothing but use her, then his brother would lose that which he held so dear. The younger Lupino knew he had the power to take her from him with a quick, painless bite. But he would wait and see; bide his time and keep a close eye on them. There was no point in taking her away from him now that she was happy. "Or would be if she hadn't been cut to shreds," he mumbled. "Besides, barring any serious accidents, a Delphin will outlive a normal Lupino at least twice over. And I am far from normal."


After returning to the hospital and the wound on Snowhawk's back being sewn closed again, Janus and Adian sat in her darkened room and Adian relayed his story. "Just after sunset the evening following Sophie trying to kill me, at which point, yes, I was still alive, a man emerged from the shadows. He called himself Kione and offered to help me on the condition that I would one day help him. Not knowing this was his intention and not caring of the consequences, I agreed. He turned me there, then took me somewhere to heal. The rest, as they say, is history."

"Yes, but _who_is he?"

Adian shrugged. "Not a clue, other than the fact he's a very old vampire. He taught me a few things, but only stayed around for a few nights."

"Which leaves you unaccounted for for several months."

"I was strengthening myself."


"Yes. Why are you do damn curious all the sudden? You think I _wanted_this to happen?

Janus sighed. "Sorry, Adian. Maybe I'm being too protective of her right now."

"It's understandable, brother. But I have changed quite a bit over the past two years. Gave up a lot of things. Stopped acting like such an ass."

"Took up cross dressing," they heard Snowhawk say.

The older Lupino jumped up and ran to the bed. "Love, you're awake. How are you feeling?"

"Like shit..." she grumbled.

"I'm sorry I couldn't find you sooner, love."

"I should have fought him off."

"There's no way you could have, Snowhawk," Adian began. "Quillen is a hell of a lot stronger than you. Plus, add in the fact the bastard knows you almost as well as my brother and I'm sure you get the idea."

"Love, his human form is stronger than my Lupino form. Please don't blame yourself. This is in no way your fault." He reached out to touch her face, but she shied away from him. "Love-"

"Please, I just- I need to be alone."

"But do you think--"

"She'll be ok, Janus. Neither of them would try anything this soon. Come on, we'll find you some decent food and I'll find a place to rest for the day."

Janus nodded. "Very well." He gave Snowhawk a gentle kiss on her cheek, then the two of them left the room. "Dammit, I feel so helpless."

"There's nothing you can do, Janus. Or could have done. Quillen is too strong, just as you said, and truthfully you would have had a snowball's chance in hell against Kione."

"And you?"

"Brother, I'm basically immortal. It may take a few nights, but Quillen would be no real problem. Kione- that's another story. He's a much stronger vampire than me."

"Why do you feel you owe us this?"

"If I hadn't broken Legacy's horn, this wouldn't have happened. He wouldn't have snapped like he did and she wouldn't have been raped. More than likely, I wouldn't be a vampire because Sophie probably wouldn't have tried to kill me. That is why I owe you this."

"Thank you, brother."

"But," he began, "let me tell you one thing, Janus. If I ever see her cry because you have hurt her, I will take her from you. I will protect her from everyone because the last thing she needs is more pain."

"Why would I ever hurt her?"

"You have been known to in the past, brother. So this is the only warning you'll receive."


"Just remember, Janus. If I see one tear because of you, then you _will_lose her forever." The younger Lupino turned and stalked off.

"What the hell was that about?" Janus asked to no one in particular.

"I do believe your brother may like your bird," stated the Doctor, popping out of no where.

Janus jumped and spun around. "Where the hell did you come from!?"

"I'm always around. I work here. By the way, next time you're looking for me, just ask for Lisa."

"Very well," Janus sighed, then shook his head. "I think everything just got several times more complicated."

"Maybe," she replied, "but you have to realize he feels a lot of guilt for what happened."

Janus nodded, but really had nothing else to say. What could he say? His own brother was threatening to take away the very thing he had missed for so many years. Not to mention the issues with Kione and Quillen. He would have to be more careful than ever with her now.

Chapter 20

It had not taken long for Snowhawk's physical wounds to heal, thanks to Dr. Lisa, but the scars left on her mind and body were still quite obvious. She would often wander aimlessly about the estate, doing her best to avoid everyone. She looked lost, as if something important was missing, and perhaps there was. Quillen had stolen nearly the last shred of sanity she had left and she seemed to grow ever more distant with each passing day. Janus was greatly pained to see her in this state. It had been almost six months and she'd not allowed him to touch her. She would never answer his questions when asked what was wrong, only running away from him to hide.

He finally managed to track her to her room one night. She was laying on her bed, her back to the door as she usually would be. Janus sat down on the edge of the bed, between her and the door. He reached to touch her on her shoulder and she coiled into a ball when he did. "Love, please tell me what's wrong," he whispered.

Some five minutes later, she finally, quietly answered, "I failed you. I betrayed you."

"You did nothing of the sort, Snowhawk."

"I did. I don't deserve you anymore."

"You know that's not true."

"And why not? I couldn't fight. I'm weak."

He realized she'd been mentally beating herself up the past months. "In that case, I'm the one that failed. I failed to protect you."

She shook her head. "I wandered off. I let my guard down. I set myself up for it."

"Love, please stop blaming yourself." Snowhawk refused to answer him. "You can't ultimately blame anyone but me."


"I took you from him. I know how he must have felt. We just handled our frustrations differently. He became violent. And I waited too long. I just wanted to be certain of where you were." He sighed. "But that's just an excuse. That's why I should be blamed for this."

She curled up tighter and cried. "So broken," she whispered.

Janus wrapped his arms around her. "Then let me help you, love. Please. I never want to lose you again."

She uncurled and turned around, then buried her face in his chest and cried. "I'm sorry," she whispered several minutes later, "I'm just not- not myself any more."

"It's alright," he assured her, stroking her back. "You've been through a lot. Just, please, don't hide from me."

She nodded slowly, then gently nuzzled him and cuddled closer. He held her tighter, then lifted her head slightly and kissed her on the forehead. She gave a long, slow sigh, then snaked her arms around him and wrapped one of her legs around his. "I've missed you," she whispered.

He answered her by tilting her head back a bit further and giving her a long, slow kiss. He had been so afraid he would lose her over the past weeks. There had been more thoughts of worry going through his mind than he would ever admit. Between her habit of running from everyone when she was hurt, the vampire Kione, that bastard Quillen, and even his own brother, he was almost certain he would lose her. He shook away the thought, now reassured that she would not run this time. A gentle nuzzle from her got him to look down to see she had fallen asleep in his arms. "I love you, Snowhawk," he whispered. "More than you could ever know."


The following day, as Snowhawk half lazed on the long bench on her balcony, enjoying the sight of late summer's colors. Janus wandered out to see her. He greeted her with a kiss, then sat down next to her. She smiled softly and leaned against him, wrapping her arms around him. A moment later, she crawled into his lap, having turned to face him, sitting on her knees and straddling him. She nuzzled him softly, then kissed him on his cheek several times, each kiss moving closer to his mouth. As their lips met, he pulled her closer to him, holding her tightly. Once that kiss broke, he picked her up and carried her inside. She had definitively reassured him that she was not leaving him anytime soon and it would now be up to him to make sure she knew that he would not leave her.


Adian switched off a monitor as he saw his brother carry Snowhawk inside. Things finally appeared to be getting back on track between them, he thought as he leaned back in his chair, but nothing ever stayed peaceful for long when it involved her. She seemed to attract trouble. While this brought out a strong urge to protect her, it also tended to make her feel like she was little more than an annoyance. He tapped a pen on the desk as he thought. She used to be very proficient with a dagger, and she had some skill with a sword. "It wouldn't take much to get her back to where she was, " he mused. "But we would have to get her out of that neck sensitivity, or at least lessen it so she's not paralyzed." Though, even he had to admit that was an interesting prospect. But, it would turn out better for them all if she were rid of it.

So, with that in mind, he just needed to wait until their little cuddle session was finished. He wouldn't interrupt them. After all, God only knew how many his brother had left.


Late that evening, Snowhawk awoke in Janus' arms. She looked to to see that he was still asleep. She already felt much better, and even a little mischievous. She carefully slipped away from Janus and wandered into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She remembered that, along with her appearance changing as she aged, she also gained the ability to shift into forms other than Delphin and human. She stood in front of the mirror for a moment, leaning on the bathroom counter, her head lowered and her eyes closed, searching for any signs of a new form. She smiled as she found what she was looking for, then her form began to glow as if she were shifting into her Delphin form. However, instead of growing in size, she began to shrink. The shift stopped when she was some five feet tall and she opened her eyes. Her reflection revealed a long pale lavender furred, dark amethyst striped feline morph. She giggled and brushed her light blue bangs from her eyes. "Oh the possibilities," she giggled.

As she opened the door, the stopped for a moment, having felt this form had more to offer. She removed her hand from the door knob and closed her eyes again. She began to glow once more and her form further shrunk. Once she was done, she hopped up on the counter, now seeing full feline reflected back at her, slightly larger than a normal house cat. She gave an approving nod, another giggle, then pawed the door further open, hopped down from the counter and padded toward the bed.


Janus felt something on him. He could feel it's paws on his shoulder and it's fur brushing along his back as it tugged on his loosened hair ribbon, then felt the satiny ribbon being drug across him. He wasn't really concerned for himself as much as he was for Snowhawk.

It was at this point he realized that Snowhawk was no longer asleep beside him. He waited until the creature moved away before he opened his eyes.


As the feline formed Snowhawk chewed on the distractingly shiny ribbon she'd pulled from Janus' hair, she never noticed him wake up. She did, however, notice when she was grabbed from behind and spun around. She could do only the first thing that came to her kitty mind: look cute and hope it got her out of trouble. "Nya?" she went, dropping the ribbon.

Janus blinked at the feline he held at arms length from him. "A cat?" He thought for a moment. "How in the world did a cat get in here? Especially a purple one... with blue hair..." He again blinked as she desperately tried to grab his bangs. "Snowhawk?!"

"Mya?" the feline went, looking even cuter.

"How did you--"

She gave a small feline grin and began to shift her form again as he held her. Janus looked away, the light of the glow seeming brighter than usual in the darkness of the room. Once in her morphic form, she gave him a small nuzzle. "Just a new trick, love," she informed him with a small giggle.

"Should have known," he smirked, pulling her into a hug. "I take it you're feeling better then?"

She nodded. "Yeah, Just needed a little reassurance."

He gave her a small squeeze. "I think we all do sometimes, love."

They lay in bed together for another fifteen minutes until a knock was heard on the door. "Who in the hell?" Snowhawk mumbled as Janus stood, pulling on a pair of pants.

"This had better be good," he yelled to whoever was beyond the door.

"Better than you'd know, brother," Adian's voice returned.

Janus opened the door, revealing his brother's lupine form leaning against the wall opposite the door way. "What do you want, Adian?"

"There is a problem."


"Her," the younger Lupino returned, pointing to Snowhawk. At this point, his mind registered that Snowhawk was a feline. "What the hell?"

"New trick. Now, what's the problem?"

"Would you prefer being shown or told?" he asked, moving toward the door.

"It really depends on what you're planning to do, Adian."

"She has a very strong weakness, brother. But it's something that can be changed."

"What weakness?"

"You haven't noticed how sensitive her neck is?"

"Well, not really."

"Snowhawk," Adian began, "would you care to come here for a moment?"

"Mrh?" she mewed, then crawled from the bed and padded toward the two.

Adian stepped toward her once she neared him, then reached out and gently touched her face. With one sudden, swift movement he grabbed her throat with the hand that had been gently caressing her face a half second earlier. She immediately froze, clenching her eyes shut. "This is the problem, brother.

Janus stepped in and batted Adian's hand away from her. "Leave her alone, Adian," he said as he pulled her to him.

"We need to rid her of that, Janus," Adian said as he crossed his arms across his chest. "Otherwise, she'll continue to be at a high risk."

Janus gently stroked Snowhawk a few times as he thought. "What would you need?"

"Her, time- and you willing to leave us alone for a while."

The older brother gently pulled Snowhawk's chin up. "Love, would you be willing to do that?"

She thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, this is a weakness I've been needing to overcome."

Unwillingly, Janus released Snowhawk, his vampiric brother gathering her small frame into his arms. "Don't look so worried, brother. She's in good hands," he grinned, then led her away.


The younger Lupino led the small, feline formed Delphin to his room. Holding her delicate little paw, he gently brought her inside. She was obviously nervous at being in unfamiliar surroundings. This was multiplied by the fact she was alone in a darkened room with a vampire. "Here," Adian said, bringing her a long, dark green dress, "I'll be needing you in your human form." He turned away, shifting forms himself, as she pulled the dress on. The glow she gave off while shifting forms illuminated the darkness, then as it died, he turned back to her. The dress hung perfectly on her, and covered all but the scar on her neck. She held one hand up to the base of her neck to try and hide this scar, still missing her velvet choker. "Shall we begin?

She gave a small nod, closing her eyes and ducking her head slightly. "Yes." She jumped and spun around as the door of the room fully closed and locked.

Adian moved behind her, wrapping his hands around her shoulders. "Please understand that what I do will be only to help you, dear Snowhawk." She gave a small, unsure but affirmative whimper. "Now," he began, gently pulling her hand away from her neck, "I'm going to start slow. All you need to do is move away when I touch your neck. I know that sounds a little silly, but we need to start somewhere." Adian's right hand moved to the back of her neck and gently took hold. She froze for a moment, then slowly stepped to the left. "Good," he complemented, "That's a start." He repeated the process over the next several hours, alternating which hand he grabbed her with. After this, Adian changed things. When she tried to step away, he grabbed a hold of the back of her dress and pulled her to him. His arm went across her chest and his hand reached to her throat. "Now, I will make things more complicated, dear bird. You have to discover how to break away on your own, now." She had frozen again, clinching her eyes closed in fear. Adian released her throat and gently touched her chin with the backs of his knuckles. "I'm sorry, I went too fast."

"No," she whispered, "I need to get over this."

"Truly sorry," he said, gently pulling her chin around. He leaned down as he pulled her chin up, as if to kiss her, but she instead pulled her head away. "Very good," he grinned, removing his hand from her neck. She had never felt him touch her.

"How did you-"

"Snowhawk, if you can resist a vampire, then Quillen will be no problem. You're making progress, dear, but I believe we shall have to continue this tomorrow night, if you don't mind?"

"Ok," she nodded.

Adian led her back to his brother. Once there, Janus gathered Snowhawk into his arms and held her tightly. She nuzzled him softly, but was soon nearly asleep as she was held. "Accomplish anything?" Janus asked his brother.

"Yes, we did. But I am going to need more time. This is very deeply ingrained."


"Yes. Don't act so suspicious. I'm not trying anything."

"Your little speech at the hospital would lead me to believe differently, Adian."

"Huh?" Snowhawk sleepily asked.

"Nothing, love," Janus replied, gently stroking her arm. "She seems awfully tired, Adian."

"I'm sure you would be as well if you'd just spent several hours fighting your biggest fear."

Janus glared at him for a moment, then scooped her up. "You're not going to win, Adian."

"But you're not the immortal one, brother," the younger grinned. "Don't forget she'll naturally outlive you several times over."

"- the hell are you talkin' about?" Snowhawk sleepily queried again.

"You'll know when the time is right, dear Snowhawk," Adian replied.

Janus again glared at Adian, then carried off his nearly asleep love. "I have mixed feelings about this, bird," he whispered.

"Adian's not trying anything," she groggily returned. "His intentions are honest. Promise. Not leaving my wuff," she continued, nuzzling him gently.

Janus sighed and smiled, then turned into their room. "I didn't think you would, love." As he placed her on their bed, she wrapped her arms around him, then pulled him down to her. She cuddled close to him and he, in turn, wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. She sighed quietly and contentedly, then had soon fallen asleep in his embrace.


Several days later, the again feline formed Snowhawk trained outside in the gardens one night, relearning and remembering her strength with a dagger and her gymnastic skills. Janus and Adian were off to the side watching her with Adian said, "She's almost back to the form she was in at eighteen."

"Yes, when I lost her the first time," Janus paused. "I just pray that history won't repeat itself."

"Watch what you say and do then, brother. I won't take her from you without a reason."

"I was young and stupid back then. Hopefully, age has given me better judgment."

"I hope so as well. For her sake." Adian paused. "Well, I guess it is time for us to continue our training. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know she's advancing wonderfully."

"I'd rather hear that she was over it."

"Time, brother. We just need time," Adian grinned and walked toward Snowhawk. He nearly found himself at the wrong end of her blade, but a quick grab of her small wrist stopped her dagger inches from his face. "Careful, dear. Though, it's not like you could do much damage," he smiled. "Now, shall we continue your training?" She nodded slowly and he wrapped one arm around her shoulder and led her back inside.

To say Janus was a little jealous would be a gross understatement. The same could be said about his annoyance at Adian. Still, he had to step carefully. One wrong move and he would lose his bird forever. That was something he never wished to happen.


Once in Adian's room, the door again closed behind them. Snowhawk's feline ears pricked up, listening to every sound around her. Her eyes were not quite adjusted to the darkness. A light brush against her fur was the only sign and warning anyone was near her. A half second later, a pair of arms snatched her up. She was cradled in one arm as the other trailed up her between her breasts, the hand grabbing her throat. "Surprise you?" Adian chuckled. "Now, how will you escape?"

Snowhawk moved her leg closest to him, hooking her paw behind his knee. "Like this, "she said, then quickly pulled her other leg around the on one already hooked behind his knee and used her arms to push off him. She managed to pull his leg out from under him, sending him collapsing backwards. He released her as he fell, and she jumped away from him but a slight hesitation on her part left her legs entangled with his. "Em-" she blinked.

"Very good, dear," he complimented. "But," he began, sitting up and grabbing hold of her ankles, "you hesitated." He turned her so she was sitting on her rear, facing him, then slowly began to pull her to him, her legs on either side of him. "You enemy will take advantage of that," he stated, grabbing her waist and pressing her small form against him. One of his hands remained on her waist as the other reached up and grabbed a hold of her throat. "Now what?"

She closed her eyes, thinking for a moment, then grabbed a hold of the wrist of the hand on her neck. She slowly, yet forcefully began to pull it away.

Adian could see the battle against her fear on her face. But she was winning. She had begun to pull his hand away. As a test, he tightened his grip on her. She whimpered and froze for a moment, then began pulling his hand away again. "Such determination," he grinned.

She held his hand away from her neck with one of her own and batted the hand from her waist, then sprung backwards and away from him. She panted a few times, and a few seconds later collapsed to her knees.

"You are doing wonderfully, Snowhawk."

She was silent for a moment, then asked quietly, "You're not trying anything... are you Adian?"

"Snowhawk," he sighed, "as much as I would love to have my brother's place in your heart, I shall not attempt to take you from him. The only way I would is if you told me differently." He paused, looking away for a moment, then back at her. "Or if he were to ever harm you. Be that in the physical or the mental sense. I don't think he ever would, but if he does..."

She nodded and closed her eyes. "I understand."

_Someday, though,_Adian thought.

"What now?" she asked.

"We need to work on your speed. You will have to react as quickly as you can." She nodded in agreement. "So, if I okay this with my brother, what if I were to give you a small bite each time you hesitated?"

"I suppose..."

Adian grinned. "Good. I'll discuss that with him."


"Of course now. I'll need you in your human form when I return, regardless."

"Okay," she nodded.

The door unlocked and opened, then Adian quickly walked out. A moment later, Snowhawk left the room and walked toward hers. Once there, she grabbed the first dress she saw and had no high collar. It was the long green dress Adian had given her. She shifted forms then pulled the dress on. She tied a ribbon of the same color around her neck to hide the scar, then fastened two close fitting bracelets to each wrist to hide those scars. She pulled her hair up and looked at herself in the mirror, sighing quietly, but never noticed the man sneaking up behind her.


"You want to try what?" Janus growled.

"To bite her each time she hesitates. Think of it as an incentive program."

"I'm concerned she may find being bitten the incentive..."

Adian quirked an eyebrow. "Know something about that, then?" he smirked.

"What I may or may not know about her is my knowledge."

"I could really care less what you two do in bed. That's not my concern. What is my concern it that she-"

"What?" Janus said at his brother's abrupt stop.

"I think we may have an uninvited visitor," he simply said, then turned and walked out of the room, Janus soon following after. The younger Lupino stalked toward Snowhawk's room.


A pair of arms slipped across Snowhawk's chest and held her tightly. "Hello, dear..." Kione's voice soothingly said.

"K- Kione."

"Correct, love. Don't act so scared. I'm here to talk."

"About what?"

"Do you remember what you were in your past?"


"That silver Delphin, do you know what she became?"

"Considering who's asking I have an idea."

"I was the one who turned her. She was such a beauty. I couldn't just let that go to waste. Her horn eventually regrew, but those beautiful wings never did." He turned her around, tightly hanging onto her small waist with one hand, his other forcefully grabbing a hold of her jaw and pulling her head up. "I wonder, have you looked at your wings lately?"

"Why would I need to?"

Kione grinned, moving the hand on her back up to the zipper of her dress. "Just take a look," he told her, slowly drawing the pull down.

Snowhawk held her breath for a moment, then jerked her head free of his hand and quickly stepped away from him. "No free shows for you."

"How intriguing. The wolf's training actually worked," Kione said, grinning again. "But that is of no concern. I will have what I want. And I do enjoy a challenge." The vampire advanced toward her, soon backing her into the wall. "You won't be able to fight me forever."

As Kione placed his hand gently on her neck, lifting her chin up with his thumb, the door to the room was kicked open. "Should have known it was you," Adian growled.

"It's a pleasure to see you, too, Adian. You seem to have overlooked something in her training."

"And what's that?"

"Just this lovely timidness of hers."

"You just haven't pissed her off yet," Janus said, shifting forms. "Now release her, Kione."

"Take her, wolf. I just wished to speak with her," Kione grinned and let go of her.

Not needing to be told, Snowhawk half stumbled, half ran to Janus. He gathered her in his arms and glared at Kione. "Since when does 'talking' involve her clothes coming off?"

"I just intended for her to see something. Get her to show her wings." Kione looked directly at Snowhawk, and said, "You'll understand soon, dear Delphin." With a slight bow, the elder vampire vanished.

"What was he talking about, love?"

Snowhawk looked away, not responding for a moment. "Nothing."

"Do you still wish to continue your training?" Adian asked.

"Yes. I've gotten this far. I'm not gonna let some idiot vampire beat me."

Adian nodded. "I do believe you've had your share of excitement for the night, though. I'll leave you two for now." He slightly bowed his head to them, then turned and left the room.

"Now, what was this about your wings, love?"

"I can't really say, I've not looked at them since my change. No need to."

"Well, let's see what he was talking about," Janus said, leading her to the bed. He unzipped her dress the rest of the way and slid it forward and off her torso, then sat off to her side. She closed her eyes and exposed her wings.

She gasped when she looked back. Instead of her dragon wings were a pair of dark amethyst hued feathered wings. "What the hell..."

Chapter 21

"Fea- feathers," Snowhawk gasped. A moment later, she wavered a bit, then fainted.

Janus quickly caught her before she fell off the bed. "Love, wake up," he said quietly, gently stroking her face.

She was out for only a moment before she came to. "What-"

"Shh, don't speak right now. We'll learn why later," Janus smiled. "They are very beautiful, though," he said, gently stroking low on her back. She leaned against him and soon had drifted to sleep. "You put yourself through too much, love," he whispered.


Elsewhere in the city, Quillen paced in his room. Nytehawk had not been pleased about Snowhawk's escape, nor was she pleased about the rumors she had heard about him raping and nearly killing Snowhawk. After almost a month, he finally managed to convince Nytehawk that the rumors held no truth.

He felt no remorse for what he had done. He planned on using any means necessary to take her back. After all, Snowhawk was his. She had given herself to him. They had a child. There were ways in which he knew her that the wolf could never hope to know. He grinned, knowing that somewhere in her, Snowhawk would forever hold a loyalty to him. That was such a wonderful thing. She was marked as his now. The scars added so much to her beauty. His grin grew as he thought of her small wrists in his hand. She was such a tiny thing, smaller than he remembered, and that made her all the more desirable. _And to hear her cries of pain,_he thought, his grin growing more devious. She would certainly be a joy to have around once more. And this time, he would make sure that damned wolf didn't interfere. Janus had found him far to easily.


Miles away from the city, on the far side of the forest and closer to the sea, a silvery haired vampire grinned in the comforts of his estate as he watched an image of his feathery winged interest sleep in a large viewing orb. "So peaceful," he grinned. "Just as I remembered. And soon I will hold _her_again. That idiot Quillen aided me so greatly last time, though he'd never know it. Maybe he will again... or maybe it will be Adian this time," Kione nearly purred as he touched the image of her on the orb. She moved in response. "Oh, excellent. That little bit of toxin I got into her still remains." He again grinned as he touched her throat, leading to her leaning her head back. "Adian will never fully break her of this. She shall still remain vulnerable as she sleeps." He ran his hand along her form, causing her to move as if she were trying to escape. "I'm sure I could find a use for that currently mortal wolf as well," he chuckled, watching as Janus awoke, confused as to why his love was so restless. "This is almost too perfect."He watched her for a moment longer, then jumped as the orb in front of him shattered. The soft chuckles of a female was heard directly after.

"Dammit, not you..." Kione growled as he turned around.

"Aww, Kione, don't sound so upset," the woman said, grinning.

"What do you want, Anya?"

She gave a childish giggle. "So you do remember my name after all these years." She smirked and ran her hand through her short, dark blonde hair. "I figured you could use a bit of help."

"You? Willingly giving me help?" Kione scoffed, folding his arms across his chest. "What's the catch?"

"I want the wolves."

"Both of them?"


"Sorry. Adian has far too much potential."

"Aww, I can train him."


"You never were any fun."

"One wolf or no deal."

"Fine. I like the older one more anyway."

Kione shook his head. "Such a fickle thing."

"My sex life is none of your business. I'll screw who I want to screw."

"That's really more than I care to know."

"Say, what are you gonna do about the rest of that Delphin's family? That cousin of her's is quite- appealing."

"You can deal with the lot of them."

Anya grinned. "You're too kind, Kione."

Kione rolled his eyes at her. "I take it you have a least an inkling of a plan."

"Indeed, I do," she purred.

"Then tell."

"Our young wolf is more than marginally attracted to the Delphin with feline tendencies."

"This I've known."

"If we can get her into Adian's grasp, then you'll ultimately receive her. After all, if Adian were to be, say, manipulated into handing her to you, wouldn't that be so much easier than taking her by force?"

"So you do have a brain in that sex-crazed head of yours."

"Don't start and don't question the powers of seduction. Once she sees her love with another, she'll run."

"I don't see Janus as the type to cheat, though."

"No man can resist me. Even you know that."

"I hadn't fed and you sure as hell appeared human."

Anya grinned. "You can't deny it though."

"No, I can't. But you that isn't the issue now. We have work to do."


Ten weeks later, the feline formed Snowhawk padded down one of the hallways of the estate. She noticed one of the room doors partially open. Being curious as usual, she walked to the door and stopped outside to listen. She heard Janus and an unfamiliar female inside, talking. Her curiosity growing, she peeked inside, and immediately wished she hadn't. She felt like she had been hit by a truck when she saw Janus and the woman engaged in a passionate kiss. Her legs grew weak and she stumbled backwards across the hallway, hitting the stone wall on the opposite side somewhat forcefully. Her small frame crumpled to the floor and she sat there for a moment, numb, until she saw a shadow in the room moving to the door. She quickly composed herself enough to stand and run away.

She half ran, half stumbled down a flight of stairs. She slammed into a human formed Adian as she turned the corner at the bottom and was knocked onto her rear. "What's wrong, Snowhawk?" he asked her.

She stood slowly, her head lowered. "N- Nothing."


"Really, nothing," she said, cutting him off and closing her eyes as she tried to blink back the tears forming. She began to move away, intent on running, but he caught a hold of her arm. "Adian!"

"That's bullshit, Snowhawk, something is up. Now, what is it?"

"I was walking around upstairs and noticed one of the doors open a bit. I should have never looked in," she softly cried as she sank to her knees.

Adian sighed, stooped over, and picked her up. "Let's go somewhere else to talk. Someplace private." She just sniffled, shifting to her human form, and drawing her arms up under her chin. Adian carried her to his room, then carefully set her on the bed. He sat down beside her and wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders. "Now, what did you see?"

"Some short blond haired chick, and Janus. They were-"


"Kissing. Very passionately." She drew her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them and burying her face as the tears began again. "I should have known," she whispered. "I can't keep anything."

The vampiric Lupino was somewhat confused. Janus wasn't the type to cheat on her, especially someplace she would so readily find out. However, regardless of the circumstances, his brother had done the unforgivable by hurting her. "Snowhawk, look at me." She shook her head, refusing. Adian sighed and gently took her cheek in his hand, carefully pulling her face up. He smiled and leaned down to her, then with out a word, he kissed her softly, but quite passionately. Snowhawk didn't fight him. Her arms and legs uncurled as he pulled her a little deeper into the kiss. His free hand ran across her stomach as he pulled away a moment later. "There, now you're even."

She lowered her head, looking away. A few more tears fell from her eyes and she hid her face in her hands. "Why would he?! Why the hell can't I hang onto anything?!"

"Snowhawk," Adian began, pulling her into his arms and holding her, "there's no excuse for what he's done. But please, don't give up on everything."

"I don't deserve this," she quietly said, pushing herself away from him and beginning to stand.

"Where are you going?"

"Off to find Kione and let him turn me. I won't hurt then."

Adian grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "You most certainly are not. You don't know what he's capable of."

"Doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does," he said, the concern in his voice quite clear. "Especially when there's someone in this room that would do anything to make you happy."

"What?" she replied, blinking.

"You heard me, dear. I would do anything to make you happy," he stated as he moved behind her and began to massage her shoulders.



To go back in time, a little after Snowhawk had seen Janus and the short haired blond female engaged in a kiss, Janus pushed the woman away from him, having heard a soft thud outside. He never made it to the door since the woman grabbed him before he reached it. She was surprisingly strong. She purred as she wrapped herself around him. "Don't be so jumpy. There's still so much I want to do to you."

"And you won't get the chance. Now, unhand me."

"Not a chance in hell," she grinned, then bit him high on his neck and released a toxin into him. "That was nothing vampiric, but you're my toy now."


"I like you, wolf. And besides, you wouldn't have had that Delphin forever. Kione would have taken her from you eventually."

"Let me go, woman. I have no interest in you."

"You will soon enough," she purred.


Adian massaged Snowhawk's shoulders and back until she was nearly asleep. "Hey, you can't fall asleep yet," he said tickling her side gently. She responded with a soft, half smile. Adian smiled at this and tickled her more. Within a few moments of her wriggling and trying to get away, she wound up laying on her back on the bed, her knees drawn up to her chest in an attempt to offer a little protection. Adian, laying beside her on his left side laughed quietly at her and slid his right arm across her stomach. They fell silent for a moment, looking at each other, then Adian leaned over to her and kissed her again. She uncurled her legs as he moved over her and leaned into the kiss, gently pushing her back into the bed. He moved over her and straddled her then his hands drifted down her sides and under her top. They moved back up, pulling her shirt with them, stopping at her breasts and gently massaging them.

Snowhawk pulled her head away, looking off. "I shouldn't," she whispered.

"You're not," he responded. "Please, just go with it." The Delphin still looked unsure, and worried. Adian sighed, then gave her a gentle nuzzle. "You don't think like me. Doing the same thing that's been done to you isn't your way of getting even. Deep in your heart, you don't want to because of how you feel for him. It was truly wrong of me to go this far. I just want you happy. That is what you deserve."

"Adi," She sighed and returned the nuzzle. "Thank you."

"Shall I return you to your room?"

"Doesn't matter. I just don't want to be alone."

Adian nodded. "I understand," he replied. "I'll return you to your room. But I will stay with you." She blushed and smiled softly. "So adorable," he said as he picked her up and carried her off.

Once to her room and at her bed, he pulled the sheets down, then placed her on the bed and pulled the sheets up to her waist. He then lay down beside her, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tightly. Snowhawk soon drifted to sleep in his arms. Adian smiled and gently kissed the top of her head.


Back upstairs, a very unclothed Janus lay on his back, restrained by the equally unclothed Anya's mind control. She was straddling him, doing everything she knew to do to get him to show some interest in her. She finally growled and sat down on his stomach. "What's wrong, wolf? Having some- personal problems?"

"You do absolutely nothing for me. I care for my bird too much."

"Do you now? Well, I believe your brother is doing a fine job of 'caring' for her now."

"He's what?" Janus growled.

She pulled a small viewing orb from the air. "Look here."

Janus saw the scene from a few moments earlier, of Adian kissing Snowhawk. "Well, he certainly wasted no time."

"No, he didn't," she grinned, waving her hand and making the orb vanish. "I can make you forget about them."

"Release me, woman. I have business to talk with Adian."

"First of all, I do have a name. It's Anya. Secondly, I can't let you go, Janus."

"For the last fucking time, woman. Let. Me. Go."


Janus growled and shifted forms. He knocked Anya aside and into the wall. "I warned you."

"How did you-?!"

"Love is too strong to be held back forever."

She slowly stood, wincing in pain. "Running to take your little slut away from someone that may just care for her more than you?"

"If Snowhawk is a slut because she truly loves more than one, then I wouldn't take her any other way," he growled. "_How_she loves my brother and me is something you couldn't begin to understand. I know her too well."

"Certainly didn't seem any different."

"Because of you, my bird has been hurt. You won't succeed in making me blame her."

"Then you don't blame him either?"

"I never said that. Now. Leave. I don't have time for you."

Anya grinned. "I'll get you yet, wolf."

"Only in whatever perverted dreams you may have."

"Dammit! Why does everyone assume that!?" Janus rolled his eyes at her and walked away. "Well, fuck," she scowled, then vanished.


A naked Anya reappeared in Kione's study, directly in front of said vampire's chair. "That damn wolf will be harder to get than I thought."

Kione looked up from the neck of the young woman he'd been feeding on. He pulled away and dropped her limp, nearly lifeless form. "Must you interrupt me while I'm feeding?"

"You didn't warn me he'd be _that_loyal to her."

"And you didn't expect it. And put some clothes on, woman."

"Most everyone shows _some_interest. There was nothing!"

"Then it appears that you'll have to find a new way of capturing him."

She rolled her eyes, then pointed to the girl on the floor. "You gonna finish that?"

"By all means take it. I'll find something else."

Anya grinned, grabbed the girl, and vanished.


Back at Janus' estate, Adian held the sleeping Snowhawk. She slept facing him, her back to the door. The room was dark and very peaceful.

At least, it was until Janus burst into the room. "You have a _hell_of a lot of explaining to do, brother."

"Do I now?"


"Why should I be the one explaining. I wasn't the one to hurt her."

"Do you really think I was a willing participant?"

"Snowhawk," Adian began, having noticed she'd awakened, gently lifting her chin up, "what did you see?"

"I- " she started, then the tears returned to her eyes. She looked away, closing her eyes. A half moment later, she shifted to full feline form and wiggled away from Adian, jumped from the bed, and ran out of the room before either of the Lupino could catch her. They ran after her, but she was already quite far ahead.


At some point earlier that night, an early, heavy, snow had begun to fall. The small lavender feline didn't mind though. This would only hide her tracks, as it fell heavy and fast. For even _thinking_Janus would cheat on her proved, to her at least, that she didn't deserve him. And she'd almost allowed Adian to take her. "Why?" she cried as the bounded through the ever deepening snow falling on the city streets. "I don't deserve either of them." She finally grew tired and fell into a snow drift forming on the side of the road.

A moment later, Kione appeared near her small form. He smiled softly and knelt next to her, then brushed the snow from her fur and picked her up. "Hello, dear." He gently stroked her fur and turned to walk away, wrapping his dark cloak around the two of them and shielding her from the night air. "That certainly went well," he grinned.


Only a few more moments passed before Janus and Adian found where she had been. Kione's footprints were already well covered and him hiding her in his cloak masked her scent. "Someone has picked her up," Janus silently said.

"I think I may know who."

"How so?"

"She was weakened, mentally. We're both to blame, really. But there is an opportunistic hunter waiting for just such a time."

"You've lost me."

"Kione. I'd even go so far as the say he planned all this. Did that woman say her name?"

"Yes. Anya."

"Should have known. She was apparently once very close to Kione, but is now an annoyance to him. I never met her myself."

"Then why is she here?"

"Hell if I know exactly," Adian sighed. "But she's not really the problem. If Kione bites her, we'll have twelve hours, at the most, depending on his intentions."


"I really don't think you're that dense, Janus."

"Where is he?"

"His home, most likely. Or on his way to it." I don't think he'll try to turn her for a while. He'll spend some time wearing her down further. That will offer _us_some time. However, _you_don't need to go anywhere near either of them."


"That little slut bit you. Whatever she used to control you-"

"You knew?"

"Of course. In any case, what ever she did to you most likely has a residual effect." Janus said nothing in response, but the feeling of helplessness he had showed in his eyes. "You can't protect her all the time, Janus. You're mortal. You have to rest. And you'll make mistakes. And so, I'll give you a second chance. Especially considering you were being controlled. Now, you should go back and wait."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to talk with Kione," the younger Lupino stated, then stalked away.

"I can't believe I'm trusting him him of all people," Janus said as he turned and walked back toward his estate. But he had to trust Adian. The younger Lupino was his only his only hope for getting her back.

Chapter 22

Shielding her against the cold, Kione grinned at the lavender feline in his arms. It had been far too easy to find her, but that only meant Anya's plan worked better than she thought it would. The feline he held was damp and shivered, but made no other movement. He could feel his sleeves becoming wet with melted snow, and the warmth in the area where her head was told of tears being shed. "Poor thing," he whispered. "But soon, you won't hurt anymore. Don't be afraid. There is a world on the other side that you can't imagine, but your soul has seen it. I was the one to take you then, and I shall be the one to bring you back again."

Snowhawk was numb. Not so much from the cold, but from everything that had occurred over the past few months. She cried softly, burying her face into the arms of the man that held her. She knew who held her, though to say she cared was a long stretch of the imagination. Still, Adian's warning rang through her mind. "Adian... Janus," she whimpered, "What have I done?" She clenched her tiny paws in anger, inadvertently sinking her own claws into her arm.

Kione had heard her cries, and her question, but it was the scent of blood that made him stop. He moved his cloak aside to see the feline's arm streaked with her own blood, as was the bottom of the opposing paw. "It is not your time yet, dear Delphin," he sighed and carefully grasped her wounded leg. A moment later, he moved his hand, and the wound had been healed. She blinked and looked up at him in slight confusion, to which he returned a small smile, after which she looked down again. "You don't deserve pain, little one, just gentleness," he said, stroking her fur.

_Gentleness,_she thought, _he said nothing of kindness. But I guess I don't deserve that either._She clinched her eyes shut and cried again. This time the vampire reached up and gently stroked her head.

"Soon, dear Delphin, you won't hurt like this anymore. You'll be free from them," he said as he turned down a darkened path. His hand moved to the longer, blue fur on the back of her neck and he gently scratched there.

Some time later, the vampire still soothingly scratching her fur, she thought, _This place seems warmer, and it smells of salt. Are we really near Dia'ru? How is that possible?_She grew a little nervous. Dia'ru, unlike her city of Ametition and the southern Delphin city of Juv, was a haven for open slavery.

"We're almost home, dear little cat, but don't fear, we're not going into that slum of a city," Kione replied, almost as if he could read her mind.

"How did we get so far so quickly?" she asked, her voice just above a whisper.

"Vampires can travel fast, dear."

It wasn't long after that they were stopped by a man who stepped from the shadows. The man was tall, well-muscled, and his expression did not make him an inviting figure. Kione stopped, half-grinning, half-glaring at the figure. He'd sensed him miles ago.

"Lovely Feln you've got there. Or Delphin. Can't tell which. Hand her over and neither of you will get hurt."

"Are you serious? You don't even know what species she is, yet you want to sell her in that shit-hole of a city? I think not."

The man was taken aback. He had not said anything about selling her, which was the intention, yet this man somehow knew. He growled and shook the thought away. "You don't scare me."

"Then you do not know what I am, so I suggest you leave before I rend you limb from limb." Kione may have been smaller than the man, but Snowhawk knew this was no empty threat.

The man was growing ever nervous. "Look, man, I just want that cat."

The vampire grinned wider. "She's not for sale, nor will she ever be. I suggest you leave now if you like your head where it is."

The other man chuckled nervously. "I was told to find a cat, now I've found one, and I just need to bring her back."

"She is no cat, you fool!" Kione hissed, baring his fangs at the man.

"Oh shit!" he exclaimed, as the vampire set the feline-formed Snowhawk under a very nearby bush.

"Stay here, dear," he told her, gently petting her head. "Now," he said straightening and removing his cloak to hang over the bush to shield the small feline's view, "where were we?"

"Shit, man, what are you?!"

"Hungry," the vampire simply replied, then lunged at the man.

A few moments later, Snowhawk heard the bushes near her crumple with the weight of a body being tossed on them. "Find me later if you don't die a slow, painful death first. You may be useful," she heard the vampire say. She still flinched as he pulled his cloak from the bush, dropping a few dried leaves on her fur. "Good, you're still here," he grinned, brushing the leaves from her, then loosely wrapping her in his cloak, and continued his journey to his sea-side home.

As she was carried the last few miles, Snowhawk silently thought of the scene a few moments earlier. That was certainly quiet and completely contrary to the old stories about vampires. But I guess somewhere in my soul I always knew."

It was another half hour before, Kione's estate could be seen. Once she saw the stone work, Snowhawk felt a rush of comforting familiarity. They had reached the sea by this point, and were walking along the coast toward his home. Snowhawk had nearly drifted to sleep after that point, strangely comforted by seeing some place she felt was her home, even though she only ever remembered being there once. Kione gently scratching her shoulders didn't help relieve the sleepiness any.

Soon after they passed through the gates of the estate, and Kione carried the feline to what he'd called her room. He carefully placed her on the bed, still wrapped in his cloak. "Why don't you shift into your human form for me?" he grinned as he walked to a closet, and pulled open the wooden doors. "I'm afraid we don't have much in the room for you to wear, but there are plenty of clothes left from your past life in the castle. But for now," he said as he pulled out a mid-thigh length, dark, silvery grey silken robe, and removed it from it's hanger, "this should suffice." He placed the soft, thin robe next to her on the bed, and then turned around to step a few paces away.

Snowhawk hesitated for a moment, then crawled out of his cloak, quickly shifting into her human form and pulling the robe around her body, cinching the sash tight, closing the robe's front. She guessed her past self must have been smaller than her, as the robe wasn't well fitted to her current size. She paused as she thought to herself. She couldn't explain why she was following his directions, other than she knew the fate she had waiting for her was deserved. "O- Okay," she quietly began, "I've changed."

The vampire turned to look at her, smiling upon seeing her human form. "Excellent," he grinned, stepping toward her and then reaching out to stroke her cheek with his thumb as his palm hand cradled her chin. Her eyes were clenched shut in fear, and she kept twitching as if she'd pull away any time, but still she couldn't bring herself to. "Don't be scared, dear one. Everything will be fine." The hand on her face gently tilted her head to the side and he leaned toward her.

As she thought of everything over the past few hours, before she was carried so far, a single tear rolled down her cheek. How could I have done that? How could I have not trusted Janus?

The vampire stopped, and leaned back, not having bitten her yet, but having felt the tear on his own face. "Let's make this a little more gentle," he said as he pulled her toward him. "Perhaps a little easier to forget," he continued as he leaned her back on the bed, then took one of her hands in his. "Don't be afraid," he repeated. He brought his free hand behind her head, lifting it and tilting it back, exposing her long neck. He paused for a moment to admire her smooth flesh, but as well note the long scar that still refused to fade. Then he gently bit down, sending both his vampiric toxin into her blood, and draining her at the same time. He remained at her neck, sucking her life away until he saw he'd fully passed out. He stopped then, licking the wounds on her neck to close them as he pulled away from her. "Sleep well, my dear. You shall awake to a new world."


Roughly an hour later, a very angry Adian stormed through the gates of the sea-side castle. As he was well known here, no one stopped him or questioned him, even if he hadn't been seen in a while. He followed Snowhawk's faint scent into the upper levels of the castle, and to a well recognized room. He'd learned this once belonged to Kione's dead companion. Stopping only to check and see if the door was unlocked, and finding it not, he soon began kicking at the heavy oak door, knocking it in and nearly off its iron hinges. "Real funny, you bastard," the wolf growled as he stalked into the room.

As the wolf entered, Kione sat up from the bed with Snowhawk resting in his arms. "You're too late, Adian. She doesn't have much time left," he grinned, gently stroking her arm through the silken fabric of the robe.

"It's never too late as long as she's still mortal," Adian growled again, narrowing his eyes at the vampire. "Now hand her over."

Kione thought for a moment, then carefully stood and placed the still sleeping Snowhawk back on the bed. "Take her back, if you will. Try to 'save' her now, if you must. But," he grinned, "just remember that one day you'll be doing this anyway if she doesn't come back to me first."

"Only once she asks. Without being coerced into it, or simply preyed upon," he said as he closed the gap to the bed to pick the sleeping Delphin up.

"You know, it may be sooner rather than later," the vampire grinned.

Adian simply scowled at him as he picked the equine up, and then turned and ran from the estate. "I don't know how much time you have left," he told her, placing her into his vehicle, "but I will not allow him to take you away yet." He gently stroked her hair for a moment, then leaned over and bit into her neck.


"What connection," Janus openly mused as he waited in Snowhawk's room for his brother to return, "does this damned vampire have to my bird?" He sat down on the edge of the bed, looking out the window. "What indeed?"

He thoughts were interrupted seconds later as the door to the room opened. "Just in time," Adian stated, carrying the still unconscious Snowhawk to the bed.

"What happened?!" Janus asked, noticeably concerned, as his brother placed his love on the bed.

"He bit her. I had to try and save her."

"You had to what?" the older wolf asked, confused.

"I had to try and save her. I don't know if I accomplished anything, or if it was too much-"

"To much what?"

"Too much toxin. Two vampires can't sire a single vampire. So if one ever bites you, trying to turn you, another one can try and save you by biting you as well."

"And what if you did?" Janus questioned, trying to get his brother to actually tell him something.

"Either way, unless I did it just right, she'll gain some vampiric powers. And one of us, who ever has the most toxin in her system, may be able to control her." He looked at his now very concerned, somewhat angry brother, and continued. "Just hope it's me."

"Wh- Why?" Janus started, his voice cracking as he sat down next to Snowhawk.

"Why what?"

"Why did you come back?!"

"For you, you idiot. You can't run this place on your own, especially with her and all her damn problems distracting you. Now you have a vampire after her, and you may as well have one on your side."

"Did you know? That he was after her?"

"I thought I told you, no, not in the least. But he knew I was angry, and jealous, and somehow he found out about who she was in the past. I'm sure she's told you."

"The grey Delphin..."

"Yes. That was his mate. He wants her back."

"Is there anything I can do?"

The chocolate wolf paused and dropped his head. "Yes. Hold her, be there for her. Be here when she wakes up, and look very carefully at her eyes. If they're not hers, we have a problem."

"What do you mean if they're not hers?"

"You'll know it if you see it. I have to go study somethings now that there's a little bit of a break."

Janus was still confused. It was like his brother learned how to not say everything on his mind after he became a vampire, when before every perverted thought in that red-head of his would come out whenever he felt the need to say it. But he wouldn't argue with him for now. He still felt lost at what to do, wishing he could do more than just hold her.


Hours later, things did not seem to be going well at the Sinisusi estate. Janus felt a bulging in his love's back, a short warning that her wings were going to be exposed. When they did appear, tearing through the silk robe, they did not belong to Snowhawk. The feathers were pitch black. Janus leaned back as he realized she was changing her form as well. First she looked like her normal Delphin self, then seemed to shrink back down, past the size of her human form. Once the change had finished, he realized the extent of how much the Delphin next to him was not Snowhawk. Her fur was steel grey, and her arms, legs, and ear tips were black, her mane and tail sapphire blue, and a spiraled emerald horn was in place of the silver-spiraled, amethyst horn that should be on her head. He also realized her mane and tail had increased dramatically in length.

Her eyes fluttered half open, revealing cold blue, instead of the kind green of Snowhawk's.

The Delphin silently removed herself from Janus' arms and stood from the bed, and for the first time, through the hole torn in the robe, Janus saw the black dorsal stripe running along her back. Oh shit...

Both mane and tail, and her wings drug behind her as she walked from the bed to a darkened corner of the room. Janus stood as she walked away from him, and saw a pair of hands reach out from the darkness, with a black leather halter between them. Glowing golden eyes opened as the halter was slipped over her head, as Kione's voice taunted from the shadow. "I told you I would have her, wolf."

"You just don't know when to quit, do you?!" Janus growled. "You could have at least allowed her to recover."

"I'm not as kind as you then, wolf," he stated, finishing buckling the halter he'd placed on the grey Delphin. "Why don't you go see what Anya has to offer and forget about this one?"

"Never. Why do you want her so badly anyway?"

"Look at her, Janus, can't you tell who she is?"

'I remember my past life. Things I was never told. I never understood it until now,' rang Snowhawk's voice through Janus' head. "But that Delphin died!"

"Twice, if you want to get technical. But I saved her the first time. I couldn't the second. She was powerful, beautiful. I couldn't let that go to waste. But you know her heart, and how it can melt any ice around a heart."

Janus did indeed know, and had learned about it many years ago.

"She was mine long before she was yours, wolf," Kione glared as the other Delphin knelt before him, her head still held.

"So you'll manipulate her to bring back the dead?"

"No, I just reveal what's already there."

Janus growled as he strode to the changed Snowhawk and knelt next to her. "Love, please, wake up," he begged.

"This will be much easier once you realize she's almost back to who she was. She's no longer yours wolf."


"Suit yourself," the vampire shrugged as he looked down at the Delphin in his hand. "Stand," he commanded. Her sapphire eyes half-opened again, and she did as he told her. "Change," he then directed, after unbuckling the front of her halter and slipping it around her neck. Again, she did as she was told, shifting to her human form. Her skin was paler than normal and she was much shorter, her hair still insanely long though now deep blue like the equine form. "So lovely."

Janus stood and gritted his teeth. The mind control he was seeing was far, far to invasive for even his old self to care for. He hadn't known what his brother meant by control before, but he was well aware now. He had the lingering question if he brother could be so controlled as well. With another growl, he batted the vampire's hand away from the halter around her neck and pulled her to him. "She is no longer yours, Kione."

The vampire just grinned. "Time will tell. She will come to me soon enough. And when she does, you won't be able to stop her." He faded back into the shadows and vanished.

Once he was gone, Snowhawk's form began to shift back to normal. "Snowhawk, love, wake up. Please, look at me," Janus pleaded.

Her green eyes slowly opened to meet his. "Wh- What happened?" She asked, reaching up and to the halter around her neck.

Janus squeezed her tightly. "Welcome back, love."

"How did I get back?"

"Adian found you and brought you back."

"How noble of him," she trailed off.

"It was, and I am grateful to him for it."

"But, what happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"Everything's so fuzzy. The past few hours especially."

"Do you remember Kione biting you?"

She held her head, and whined softly. "Vaguely. It didn't hurt, and I don't remember much after that."

He hugged her tightly again, deciding not to say anything about the moments prior until he better understood what had occurred. "You'll never leave me, will you?"

"Love, no, never," she sighed, nuzzling him softly, then she flinched in pain. "Why do I hurt so much?"

Janus gave a somewhat relieved sigh then brought her to the bed and lay down with her. "Then we'll rest together." Janus closed his eyes and held her tightly as she cuddled close to him. He knew she wouldn't leave, but what if that silver Delphin were to return? He knew if she did decide to leave, he couldn't stop her.

Chapter 23

"Nothing could stop her from going," Janus worriedly stated to his brother as the two spoke in the library.

"Reversions don't usually occur this many years later. It's very odd," the vampiric brother replied. "But that's not to say it doesn't happen. If their old bond was strong enough, then time wouldn't matter."

"Is there anyway to stop it?"

"The best way would be to kill Kione, but that's no easy task. I'd have to do some research, but I believe the silver Guardian swords are made from can be fashioned into jewelery and used to prevent it."

Janus nodded, looking at his brother. "Thank you, brother."

"You're wanting to know something else, or you wouldn't be so polite."

"Yes," the older wolf sighed. "Can he control you, like he does her?"

"He prefers females. He doesn't want to control me."

"That's not an answer, Adian."

"Brother, that vampire is so old and so powerful that he can control anyone he wants, thrall or not."

Janus sighed again, frustrated at the indirect "Yes" answer. A moment asked he asked "Do you know what kind of bond was between them?"

"Are you really that dense, Janus?"

"No, but I was hoping I'd be wrong."

"It does explain a few things, though."

"Such as?"

Adian paused for a moment to find his words. "Such as how, ahem, 'good' she is, or so I hear. And how she never failed to seduce someone when needed."

Not comfortable with the subject, Janus attempted to move on. "Anything else?"

"Emerald was a master of blades, especially small ones, like daggers. Where has her proficiency always been?"

"Small blades." The older brother sighed yet again. "This shall be difficult."

Adian nodded in agreement. "Yes, but right now, you need to concentrate on her. I don't mean watching her like a hawk, but you need to be there for her more than ever."

"What of Kione?"

"I'll deal with him. If he was to get the idea in his head to get you out of the way first-- Shit."

"What?" Janus asked at his brother's pause.

"He's already got the idea in his head. That's why Anya was here."

"Do you think he'll try it again?"

"Most certainly, though he wouldn't go the same route. It would most likely be something more permanent."

"I see. Thank you, Adian. I have some thinking to do." Janus turned and left the small library, headed to his love's room.

A feline formed Snowhawk met him halfway there. "Janus, what's going on?" she asked, concerned over the secretive nature of both her love and his brother the past few days.

Janus just wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "Don't worry, love. We'll protect you."

"'We?'" she asked, not exactly pleased with his non-answer.

"Yes, Adian and me."

She'd not really had a chance to just talk to him lately, and most conversations led her far away from something that had been weighing on her mind. "Adi- Janus," she began, pulling away from his slightly, "I think there's something you need to know."

Janus sighed and pulled her back to him. "If it's about the other night, I know. Don't worry, love. I may not understand completely, but I understand enough. And I've already kicked my brother's ass for taking advantage of you."

Snowhawk chuckled a little at that. "I'm sure," she replied, resting her head on him.

Janus scooped her slight feline form up, then carried her into their room. "I thought we knew everything about you, love," the wolf sighed.

"I guess it's hard to know everything about someone, even if that someone is yourself," she responded as he placed her on the bed's edge. "What did you find out?"

"We think we can stop the reversions from happening again, but we need to find a Guardian's sword."

"Wh-- Why one of those?" she stuttered, nervous about any kind of silver with that kind of potential to harm near her flesh again.

"If we fashion some form of jewelery for you to wear from it, it may work to keep you as you are."

The question had to come out. "But who is the other Delphin?!"

Janus sighed, knowing the information should be given to her, but still hesitating to say it. "She was Kione's mate. And an ancestor of yours."

"Oh shit."

Janus had to chuckle at her reaction. "That's what I said." He stopped once he realized she was staring nervously at the door. "What's wrong?"

"Someone's here," she whispered, backing her way across the bed. She suddenly stopped and dug her claws into the bedspread as she felt someone's hand on the back of her neck. "Janus, who's behind me?" she whimpered.

"No one, love," he replied, "that I can see anyway."

She leaned down as the hand pressed forward on her, then rolled to her side as it forced her over. "Please, stop," she softly cried.

Janus again felt utterly helpless. "Goddamned vampire."

A nearly inaudible chuckle was heard, then Snowhawk felt herself released from the invisible force pressing her into the bed.

"What the fuck was that?!" she exclaimed, crawling back to Janus and holding him tightly.


Adian sighed as he stared at the book in front of him. The list of known Guardian swords was short, most having been reclaimed for their metal during the slave uprising. The only ones he could find belonged to Jerome, and the other to Legacy, who he now knew as Quillen. "This shall be difficult. I lost that damn sword in the forest and the son of a bitch still managed to find it. And he almost killed her with it." He scratched through his short, red hair. "Now what."

At the bottom of the page, one more weapon was listed as known to exist, written in almost as an afterthought, but the location was in a fuzzy range of coordinates. "I guess that's as good of a lead as any," the dark wolf grumbled. "At least it's possibly close, and in the city. At-- Bryce's old estate," he realized, checking his map.

He sighed and scribbled the range on his map, then folded it and placed it into his back pocket as he stood. "Then if I can find this damn thing, I need to find someone to work the metal." He turned from his desk and walked out of his room to try and find the elusive Guardian sword.


Kione chuckled as he watched Snowhawk through a viewing orb. He could still be near her without placing himself in danger. He scowled as he saw her cuddle close to Janus. "Soon, wolf, you will be the one watching, and you'll never be able to get her back."

He could just end this all now, Adian had failed to prevent her from being controlled by him. But he was not the type to just take a prize without toying with the rest of the game. He loved to gamble, and he loved a challenge, both of which he could find here.

"So when are you going after her again?" Anya's voice asked.

Kione turned and glared at the female, for once in her true, dragon-like form. "Three days," he said to the Avizon, "but why would you care?"

"So I'll know when I'll have my wolf! Duh."

"You're confident you can take control of him this time?"

"Of course. Once he thinks she's dead, he'll be like putty to me," she said as she flopped across a couch in a very non-ladylike fashion. "So what will you do with her? Keep her as is, or turn her back into Emerald?"

"As interesting as Snowhawk is, Emerald was the only being I ever cared for. It isn't even a real question at this point. The wolf has no claim to her, past or present self."

"So how do we do this?"

"I assume you're still proficient with that crossbow of yours?"

"Of course."

"You lure Legacy, Quillen, whatever he's calling himself these days, to Janus' estate. Make sure he can get in, so keep Adian distracted on this hunt for a Guardian sword. Once there, where ever they have their confrontation, be ready."

"I get to kill the asshole?"



Kione sighed at her. "Poison the bolts. We don't want him coming back again. Once he's down, take Janus out however you choose. I'll be visible by that point."

"She'll have to give in to you once she thinks they're both dead, as much as she might hate Quillen."

"She doesn't hate him, actually. Don't forget, I've been in her head."


"She feels pity for him, and is terrified of him at the same time. But there's no hate for him."

"Oh that's even better, seeing him die, knowing he'll never be redeemed," she grinned.

"Precisely. Now prepare yourself. You may actually be useful for once."

Anya grinned at Kione. "I'm always useful, dear vampire, but think of it as a birthday gift."


Three nights later, Snowhawk slept in Janus' arms as usual, but their peace was not to last. Janus was awoken by a violent shiver going through Snowhawk's body, and quickly noticed the look of pain on her equine face. Through the darkness, he could see a sword pointed at the two of them, and he smelled her blood.

"Hand her over, you bastard," Quillen's voice commanded.

"Never," the wolf growled. "What did you do to her?" he continued to growl, noticing her to still be asleep.

"I should be asking you, you manipulative prick. Now back away from her."

Janus sat up, pulling Snowhawk further away from Quillen. "What part of 'never' did you not understand?"

"Back. Away," warned the former Guardian, advancing toward the two of them, until he was blocked by an invisible wall.

"The fuck?"

"Neither of us belong to you, Quillen," said Snowhawk's voice, accompanied by another, unknown female.

"Who the hell-"

The latter voice continued. "I am Emerald, the heiress to the Delphin Empire, and the first Royal Delphin to be killed by the slavers. The battle began with me, and it will end with her, my descendant. You have no business here."

"I think I do," he growled. "He stole my mate."

"Then you were a weak fool. You have no business here, now, leave!"

"She is the mother of my son!"

"You treat her like a toy. An object. Not a mate or mother," she glared.

Quillen had nothing to say to that. "Hand her over, wolf."

"You will do no such thing, Lupino," Emerald's voice commanded.

Janus was utterly confused. Not about the decision to turn Snowhawk over to the angered, former Guardian, but over how a long dead Delphin could be controlling Snowhawk's actions, without changing back into her old form. Her eyes were again, half open and dull, as they had been a few nights ago. How can they inhabit the same body?

"I don't have time for this," Quillen growled. "I will have what is mine!" He quickly lifted and swung the heavy sword in his hands toward Snowhawk. As expected, Janus, not knowing the strength of the shield, pulled her back onto the bed and out of the way. This broke Emerald's hold over Snowhawk, dropping the shield, and allowing Quillen to quickly pull Snowhawk away from the Lupino, dropping his sword in the process. It was left behind as he ran from the room.

The male Delphin sprinted into the courtyard in front of the estate, grinning. "Finally, after so long, you are mine again and no one can stop me this time."

But, he would be stopped by a crossbow bolt to the thigh. He screamed in pain, falling to his knees, then screamed again as another smooth, poisoned bolt embedded itself into his shoulder, missing Snowhawk by a hair's breadth. He glared in the direction the bolts came from, as Anya's draconic silhouette could be seen loading another bolt into the crossbow. Unable to hold on anymore, he finally let Snowhawk fall from his grasp, only to have her vanish before his eyes. She reappeared a moment later, in the arms of a man he didn't recognize. One of his arms was around her waist, the other across her chest, and his hand was high on her throat, pointing her head toward him. "And just who are you?!" he panted, the poison beginning to take effect.

"It makes no difference, you'll be dead soon enough," Kione grinned. "Wake up, dear," he told Snowhawk, who lightly shook her head and began to take in what was going on around her, from the site of a bloodied Quillen struggling to stand before her, and the hand of the vampire on her neck.

"Let me go!" she pleaded, struggling against the vampire's grasp.

Ignoring her pleas, Kione kept his attention on the Guardian before him, who had finally managed to stand back up. "Don't like pain so much now, do you?"

"Hand her over."

"You just don't get it do you? You aren't meant to win. You're just a pawn. She," Kione said, referring to the struggling female in his arms, "was never meant to be yours." Anya fired a third bolt toward Quillen, this one finding it's home in his neck. "And now, you will die. For good this time."

"No!" Snowhawk cried out, now struggling more. "He could have been saved!" she exclaimed as Quillen crumpled to the ground.

"There was no saving that one, dear Delphin." She slumped a little his his arms, her legs going weak and tears beginning to fall over what she had just witnessed. "This shall be over soon, we're just waiting on the next player."

Soon after, Janus finally ran into the courtyard, limping, and having injured himself in trying to save Snowhawk earlier. He stopped several yards from them and immediately saw the vampire holding her, and the lifeless body of her former Guardian on the ground. He took only a few steps before a bolt from Anya's crossbow found it's mark in his side.

Struggling again, terrified of what would happen to Janus, she cried out to him though her tears. "Stop! They'll kill you too!"

"Hush now," the vampire said to her, tightening his grip on her throat. Then he looked at the light-furred wolf before him. "Do you want the same to happen to you as him? Will you keep trying to hang onto what is not yours?"

Janus took another step toward them, but soon found himself with a fresh bolt in his shoulder.

"Stop, now, before you are the second person she's loved to die in front of her tonight."

"You won't keep me from her," Janus growled. "She made that decision months ago."

"And things have changed since then. I would suggest not moving again."

"I said you won't keep me from her, and I mean it!"

"Janus, no!" she quietly pleaded. She was terrified as he took another step toward them.

Soon another cross bow bolt found it's place in his back. Janus just glared at the vampire. Another step toward them, and another bolt soon found it's home in his back as well. With this, Janus fell to his knees, and Kione loosened his grip on the Delphin in his arms.

She broke free and ran to Janus, reaching him in time to have him quite literally fall into her lap. She leaned over him, sobbing, as he gently touched her arm, then fell limp under her, his ice blue eyes closing. "No- no, no, no, no. You can't be gone!" she cried.

Not a moment later, Anya grabbed her horn, pulling her away from his body. "Come on you, I have plans for him." She half-drug Snowhawk back to Kione, who nearly gleefully took her from the Avizon.

Snowhawk was numb. She couldn't stand, and was honestly almost grateful for what she knew would come next. "That went well," Kione grinned as Anya handed the Delphin to him.

"For once. Now, if you'll excuse me," she grinned, grabbing Janus' body and vanishing into the night.

As soon as Anya had vanished with Janus, Adian ran into the courtyard. He bristled at the smell of blood "What the fuck?!" he growled, seeing Kione picking up Snowhawk. "Dammit! Let her go, Kione!" he yelled, running at the elder vampire.

"Wolf, you are as much of a pest as your dead brother."

Adian stopped in his tracks. "Dead?"

"As is the former guardian. Too bad, you missed the fun. Anya just left with his corpse."

"You son of a bit-"

"Adi, stop! Just- forget me," Snowhawk said through her tears. "This is all my fault. Let me go."

"On my brother's memory, I can't allow that."

"Too bad," Kione said, vanishing with the Delphin in his arms.

"Goddammit!" Adian howled. He was at a loss. He knelt next to the pool of blood where his brother had died. Snowhawk had been covered in it. "I swear on my life, my new life, that I will not let him win. He will not take her from this world."

But he would need weapons now, and a quick look showed the former Guardian's sword to be missing, so Adian hurried inside to find where he felt it may have been left.


Hours later, at Kione's sea side castle, Snowhawk stood in a darkened room in front of a mirror, apparently alone. She wore only a robe similar to the one she wore when she was first here. I should have stopped him then, she thought to herself, a tears welling up in her eyes. No, I should have given in. Then they would both be alive.

Her legs wobbled slightly as she stood, and her whole body wavered, and once she finally began to collapse, an arm caught her around the waist. She was stood back up, and the other arm again went around her arm and it's hand held her throat lightly. The hand remained there for only a moment then dropped to the sash around her waist, untying it.

She made no attempt to resist him. The feeling of numbness wouldn't leave her, and then she heard Adian's voice in her head. I would do anything to make you happy."Just forget about me..." she whispered.

The vampire ignored her talking to herself, simply pulling the robe open and off her shoulder, then sinking his teeth into her flesh. He fed on her only for a moment, then released her, never closing the now bleeding wound. He pulled the robe from her body, and removed the sash from it, then fashioned said sash into a halter around her equine head. It was not an unknown look. She often wore a silken halter when she was out with Janus. This brought more tears.

He left her alone for a moment, then a pair of unrecognized white furred hands turned her around. She gasped as she saw a red and white painted Delphin before her, with a long, silvery mane and tail, and glowing golden eyes. "I think we have some unfinished business," Kione said, pulling her to the bed.

Chapter 24

Snowhawk simply lay where she had been left. Her only movement had been blinking tears away, and breathing. She simply hoped the latter would be done with soon. It had been several hours since the vampire left her, presumably to prepare to bring Emerald back for good.

It will be good to touch him again, permanently,_Emerald's voice began in Snowhawk's mind. _Sorry you won't get to again.

_Now I can't even be alone in my own head._Snowhawk thought.

Nope, stuck with me until you're gone and I'm all that's left.

Then take over, I have nothing left.

Oh no, not until you fix what broke when I died the first time.

Snowhawk's tears welled up further. I can't fix anything. I've killed two men I loved.

No, you can't when you think like that, Emerald chided. Now snap out of it before I force you to do this.

"Whatever," Snowhawk openly said, finally moving her aching body to curl up on the bed.

Having moved into the darkened doorway, watching the lavender Delphin on his bed, the silken halter still tied tightly on her face, Kione grinned. It had been a thousand years since he last saw Emerald, but she kept appearing to him tonight. And Snowhawk, though a larger creature, was very similar. Perhaps, he thought with a grin, there is a way to combine the two, then stepped into the room. He quickly reached the bed, and grabbed the free end of the sash, using it to pull Snowhawk's head up to look at him. "Aren't you glad to soon be free of this?"

She halfheartedly tried to pull her head free, and being unsuccessful, she simply looked away from him. "Why are you drawing it out? Just get it over with."

"It's not that simple. Emerald isn't strong enough yet."

"Then make her strong enough and get rid of me."

"I have a better idea. Why don't I keep you around and bring her back?"

Snowhawk tried to pull her head away again, once more unable to. "Just kill me, please. I can't stand this."

"That would ruin all my plans. She can't come back until she has the strength, and you can't die until then. But if I find a way for you both to live..."

I'm willing if you are, Emerald's voice began in Snowhawk's head, unless you're going to throw you're life away over a man.

They were my life. My lives. What am I supposed to do now?

The grey Delphin would have shrugged if she had shoulders of her own.Outside of taking care of what you are responsible for taking care of, I don't care. Do what I did, find their killer and murder her.

It won't bring them back.

So? You might feel better. Put that dark silver sword your Guardian left behind before he died to use.

I can't face Adian again.

Stop it. You can face him. You can do whatever with him. Bring him back here, then we both get our men.

"Well?" Kione said, somewhat impatient with waiting out her answer.

Snowhawk closed her eyes. "Goddamn you both. Fine. Whatever."

"Just remember you will be mine. You will have your freedom, but I will know what you do at any moment I so choose."

"With her in there, my head is no longer mine anyway."

"So be it. Delphin, you are mine now," the vampire said, leaning down to bite her.

"You could at least use my name..."

Just before biting down, he whispered to her. "I will when you earn it."


Half-vampirism is rare even by vampiric standards. The condition is hit or miss. One can get all the benefits of being a vampire, or some of them, or simply get all the bad. Half-vampires can be born or created, usually the latter. If the condition is not reversed, or kept in check, by a vampire other than the sire, eventually a half-vampire will become a full vampire. The only way for Emerald to regain the ability to speak on her own without great concentration would be for her host to become at least half of what she was in life. Together the two could be a nearly unstoppable force, but eventually, unless a second vampire offered to keep the process in check, Emerald would take over, and Snowhawk would vanish.

It would be several days later when a car pulled in front of the Sinisusi estate. A darkly cloaked, hooded figure stepped from the car. Barely purple legs with shined, shod hooves could be seen peeking out from under the cloak. A smooth, slightly curved horn, and a short-furred muzzle of the same color could be seen from under the hood. The figure walked directly into the estate, no questions from any workers, and into the gardens.

The cloak wearer found a particular bench under a trellis that once held morning glories, and sat, and waited. Through slits in the cloak, pale arms stuck through, and the delicate feminine hands were folded in the female Delphin's lap. She sat with her legs crossed at the hocks, and her head slightly down.

She wouldn't have to wait long. The now-ever present Adian soon found her in the garden, and angrily confronted this intruder. "Who the fuck are y-"

"Adian," Snowhawk's voice began, "I need help."

"Sn- Snowhawk! Where have you been?! What's happened?!"

"I'm only allowed to say so much," she said, looking up and revealing deep pink eyes instead of her usual green. "Once this is done, I can tell you everything."

"Shit. He has you, doesn't he?"

She paused for a moment, dropping her head again, then looked back up at him. "Yes."

"I'll do whatever I can."

"I need to find Anya. And I need Legacy's sword."

"He's sending you to kill her?"

"No, I'm doing this on my own- with his consent. She's a liability to him, and I want my revenge."

"You have to tell me everything when you get back. This isn't like you."

"I will, Adian."

"I no longer have Legacy's sword, I had it fashioned into a pair of daggers for you. I knew you would come back."

"Adi-- How did you know?"

"Because I know you. Come inside, tell me what you can, and I'll give you the information while you do."

"Thank you, Adian."

She stood and walked to him, and followed him back into the estate. He heard both the steel of her shoes and a small metallic jingle he didn't recognize as she walked. "What is that?" he asked soon after getting inside. Rather than tell him, she reached up and unbuttoned, then removed her cloak. She showed not only a newly regrown mane, but also a wide band of steel, with a ring in front and riveted together, now graced her neck. "Oh Snow," Adian sighed.

She dropped her head. "I didn't have much of a choice."

"I know, dear," he said as he gathered her into his arms and hugged her.

"So are you--"

"Half," she quickly replied, "for whatever good that term is. But I'm being warned to say no more about this. Not right now."

"I see," Adian said, releasing her so they could continue on their way, taking note of the dampness left on his shirt by her tears. He could only hope that whatever communication line was connecting her to the vampire would be broken when he gave her the necklace he'd also had fashioned from the sword, as well as preventing any reversions to Emerald. "Can you speak of your phase shift?"

She was quiet for a moment, then nodded her head. "Some, yes."

"Is this a Phase 3 or something else?"

"I'm not even sure. Emerald has told me it's not, but is more of a result from," she trailed off, and paused for a moment. "From what happened. From losing Legacy and Janus, then being made what I am now. And, there's this," she said, stopping in the middle of the hallway and holding her left arm away from her.

Adian felt the air around him grow colder and it crackled with static as he watched a long blade of apparently ice form from her hand. The blade was surrounded by electricity, and seemed to be cored with something resembling blood.

"And yet, as strong as this magic is, it's not enough to kill an Avizon," Emerald's voice said through Snowhawk. "We don't have enough time to hone it. Anya is a liability."

The Lupino was unnerved by hearing a different voice than Snowhawk's speaking through her. "Is this your magic?"

"Partially, in the electricity and the blood. The ice is all hers. Were Anya not what she is, or time not an issue, we wouldn't have had to come back."

"You're both immortal, now. What time could you possibly need?"

"You know as well as I do, wolf, what happens after so long with a half vampire."

"One can hope. So this- arrangement allows you to control her body more than just laying around?"

"Oh much more than that, wolf. But you'll find out soon enough," she grinned, then the grin faded to Snowhawk's former, sad expression, as the icy sword in her hand vanished.

"Does she do that often?" Adian asked.

"Yes, and more."

Adian sighed again, thinking this may be more complex than he originally intended, or perhaps the necklace would work better than expected. Either way, he needed to get it on her soon.

After a short time, they reached Adian's room. Inside, he presented Snowhawk with a small box. Inside were two dark silver replicas of the daggers of her past life.

"Adian, these are--" she began, reaching in to pick one of them up.

"Everything but the blades are yours. I made sure the craftsman balanced them as closely as possible, accounting for the blades now being slightly heavier. You should have no trouble using them."

Her hand shook as she held the dagger, not having touched the grip since she nearly lost her life on her final mission for Janus' uncle. "Thank you, Adian."

"Now, let's find the bitch that killed my brother."


Several hours later, the darkly cloaked figure of Snowhawk left the Sinisusi estate, having found where Anya may be hiding. Adian watched her trot away, the sound of her steel shoes echoing back to his ears through the otherwise silent night. He honestly wasn't sure if he'd see her again. Emerald had warned him against following them, and Avizon were no push overs.

He now had to think of ways to get her away from both Emerald and Kione's influence. The necklace might be a start, but the elder vampire really needed to be taken out of the picture. Emerald might leave Snowhawk as well then.

"But how do I kill an elder vampire?" the wolf said aloud and to no one.

Or so he thought. "Might I be of assistance?" a black-furred, silver-maned, silver-muzzled Delphin offered.

Adian jumped at seeing the other Delphin behind him. "Who are you?!"

"My apologies. My name is Onyx. I'm a Royal Guard, and a remnant from Emerald's time."

Adian paused. "That was more than two thousand years ago."

The black-furred Guard shrugged. "I was one of the lucky ones."

"Why are you here now?"

"Do you know the duty of a Royal Guard? We don't protect just one Delphin, but the whole family line. I unfortunately have been so busy with her son and cousin's protection that I couldn't watch over her as well. The Royal Guards are gone, except for me, for a reason."

"I'm sure it was somewhat easier before the slavers came."

"Incredibly. I may be an old Del, but I haven't forgotten my duties. You are a better protector than my old self could ever be, so I wanted to help you with your vampire problem."

"What will you do?"

"Help you kill him, of course. It's been a mission of mine for years, since he took Emerald. The manipulative son of a bitch has had it coming for a while. And then maybe I can rest."

The old Delphin needed it, it was obvious even if one didn't know his age. "Very well, sir. Let's go get a vampire."


Snowhawk trotted through the city's outskirts hours later, searching for the elusive Avizon. Anya was one of the best shape shifters alive, and like most of her species, was an expert at hiding. But they're not good enough to avoid me, Emerald had said, when Adian asked her about tracking Anya.

Emerald's words were not empty threats. She's here, the grey Delphin's voice calmly stated as she nearly passed an unassuming, run down apartment building, like so many others around the edges of town. Snowhawk quickly turned and ran into the building. Slow down, dammit! She'll hear those shoes of yours.

She doesn't know it's me. And I'll stomp the life out of her with these shoes if I don't slit her throat first, Snowhawk growled at the other female.

Don't you dare lose her, was the only reply Emerald could manage.

Anya did indeed hear the loud, quick clip clop of shod hooves running though the apartment's building. Were the building otherwise occupied, she wouldn't have been suspicious as many Delphin still wore steel shoes. But the building was supposed to be empty, and had been for the past week or so she'd been here. As the noise grew ever closer she cautiously stuck her head out of the room she was holed up in. She nearly then lost her head as she barely saw and dodged an icy sword swung at her, and felt the tingle of the electricity as it missed her. "What the fuck?!"

The ice sword was dropped and vanished where it fell as Snowhawk simply pulled her cloak off and unsheathed the two dark silver daggers from her thigh sheaths. Her eyes almost glowed red as she then lunged at the Avizon, swiftly catching her and pinning her down. "Where is he?!" Snowhawk yelled.

"Where is wh-" Anya began, but was soon cut off by a dagger to her throat.

"You know who, you bitch! Where is Janus?!"

"He's gone!"

"You fucking killed him, I know he's gone. Where is his body?!"

"No, he's not dead! But he escaped from me!"

"You're lying," she growled, pressing the dagger closer to the Avizon's throat.

"Gah! No! He's really alive. But he's not the sa-"

"I will slit your fucking throat right here unless you tell me where he is."

Snowhawk! She is telling the truth! Emerald's voice rang out in Snow's head.

No, she's not. I saw him die. I'm not going to live with false hope he's alive!


Emerald's words were interrupted as Anya took a moment to regroup and push Snowhawk off her. "No, you aren't getting away!" Snowhawk yelled as she quickly formed and threw a spike of ice at the still trying to stand Anya. The ice spike couldn't completely pierce the Avizon's leg thanks to her thick skin, but it did enough damage to seriously wound her. Snowhawk lunged at her again from the floor, sinking one dark silver dagger into her other leg and pulling her back to the ground.

"But he's alive! He's in the forest! That's all I know!"

"So is that where you left the corpse? The forest? How could you?!"

"Goddammit, listen to me, there is no corpse unless he's gotten himself killed!"

Snowhawk grabbed a handful of the Anya's short hair, and pulled her head back. "Lying or not," Emerald's voice now said through Snowhawk's body, "Kione wills you dead, and I will not disappoint him."

"What did I do?!"

"You lost the wolf. That's what."

"He escaped!"

"You still lost him. And you're lucky that I'm the one killing you instead of Snowhawk. She'd planned to drag it out and make you suffer." And with that, Emerald, controlling Snowhawk's body, slit the Avizon's throat.

She remained in control of Snowhawk long enough to be sure Anya actually was dead, a far too uncommon occurrence it seemed.

How could you kill her so fast? Snowhawk questioned once she was finally able to take control of her body again.

Because making her suffer was not part of the plan. We don't have time for that.

What's next? Making me go kill Adian now?

Emerald sighed. You know Kione would never allow that.

Then what time are we lacking?


Do I at least have time to finish my conversation with him?

I see no harm in it.


The following day, Snowhawk slowly trotted through the gate of the Sinisusi estate. Adian greeted her at the door. "Is she gone?"

"Anya? Yes, she's dead."

Adian could still faintly smell the blood on her. "Come on, we can't have you smelling like a killer."

"Adi, I don't have much time. We should talk first."

He hadn't realized how far over "half" she was. "I'll meet you in the garden then. I need to take care of something first."

Snowhawk gave a small nod and the two parted ways. She was a little confused at the chocolate wolf's behavior. He normally would not be so secretive. Still, she went to the garden, sitting on the same bench as yesterday to wait on him. When he returned, he was holding a small, flat rectangular box.

"I had another gift for you, but I decided wait until you returned to give it to you. Close your eyes for a moment."

She canted her head to the side, but soon complied, closing her eyes and holding her head up to wait.

She felt a bracelet soon close around her right wrist, then soon after felt a pendant press against her chest, and a necklace clasp was heard clicking closing behind her. Then she heard only silence in her head. "They're gone!" she gasped, opening her eyes.

A black Delphin stepped from behind a hedge. "Excellent."

Snowhawk looked at him, startled, then to Adian. "Don't worry, dear, he's here to help," the Lupino reassured her.

"Indeed. My name is Onyx, I am your family's Royal Guard, and I am here to finish what I should have finished when Kione took Emerald."

"But, wait, how did they get out of my head?"

"Your wolf here had a necklace and locket fashioned of the dark silver from your Guardian's sword. But that wouldn't be quite enough, so I provided him with a bracelet made from it."

"That makes no sense."

"Originally, we planned to use it to prevent you reverting back to Emerald. Then Onyx informed me that I could use it to prevent Kione from controlling you. I know it doesn't make a lick of sense. But the important thing is that it works."

"For how long?"

"Until you take those off," the Guard chimed in. "Or until we take care of the Vampire."

Snowhawk looked down for a moment, thinking, "If you need a way in, he asked if you would come back, Adian."

The wolf thought for a moment. "That could be an excellent idea, Snowhawk."

"Indeed. If we could get in easier, with him not expecting us, that would certainly make our job easier," the black Delphin replied.

"How are you going to get in, Onyx?" Adian asked.

"Make a distraction. I'll find my way."

Snowhawk paused for a moment. "If they can't keep track of me, that will be a pretty big distraction on it's own."

"Leave the jewelery on then. And don't worry about the vampire. He wouldn't dare try anything to the host of his beloved Emerald."

"Nothing he hasn't already," Snowhawk replied, seeming to shrink in size as she restrained herself from curling into a little ball.

Adian gently touched her shoulder, "I won't let him."

"Just keep those daggers handy, we don't know if you'll need them," Onyx said, nodding to the sheathed weapons strapped to her thighs.

Chapter 25

"He'll be pissed, you know," Onyx commented after a pause to the chocolate wolf, "once he finds out."

"And so will Emerald, I'm sure."

"Aye. Snowhawk, you may not be able to contact us for a while, so please let Adian and I work out the details"

"But I can't just sit back and let her take over!" the Delphin protested.

"Then fight her," Adian replied.

"Its not that easy, Adi-"

"Snow, you'll be fine. We don't know how long she'll take over, or if there's someway to reduce her power so you can keep her back-"

"Your bite," Snowhawk began, perking up a bit. "Kione turning me as he did brought her out like this. Yours should reverse it."

"Its worth a shot, Adian," Onyx shrugged.

Adian sighed. The collar Kione placed on her was wide enough to keep him from easily biting her on the neck. "I'll have to bite you somewhere other than your neck, which could be more painful."

Snowhawk offered her arm to the wolf. "This is the least, after the neck, for me at least." The vampiric wolf took her arm gently in his hands, trying not to think of how she learned that, kneeling before her as she looked away. "Sorry, I just can't stand to watch."

"Understandable," he said just before biting down on her arm.

He took no blood, but instead just injected his vampiric toxin into her. She closed her eyes as he bit into her flesh, but never made any vocalization about the pain she felt. It was soon after that the wolf drew his head back, quickly placing his hand over the fresh wound on her forearm and healing it closed. "Are you okay, Snowhawk?" Onyx asked.

"Yes," she replied after a moment of silence. "My head feels clearer too."

"Good, that means his grip on you did loosen. It's not perfect, but until we can either kill him or find the proverbial cure, it'll be the best we can do.

After a few more moments of silence, Snowhawk quickly looked at Onyx. "Were the Royal Guards trained better than the Guardians?"

"I don't know if 'better' is the appropriate term, but more thoroughly, yes," the Guard replied.

"Legacy could mask his scent for a short period of time, were you trained for that as well?"

"Are you thinking we should hide him someway, and then he can sneak in easier?"


Onyx nodded. "That would be better than just distracting him. Or making long enough of some kind of noise to get past any guards or workers."

"He doesn't have many workers on site and no real guards to speak of. The fewer that know the better, I guess," she mentioned.

"Makes sense," the Guard continued.

"Or," Adian began, "Anya killed them all. He wasn't so bare-bones with his outfit or concerned with keeping himself a secret a few years ago."

Snowhawk shuddered. "I don't know why I killed her. I was angry, yes, but more sad than anything. Now I'm just lost again. And if what she said is true, it doesn't matter because I could never face Janus again," she rambled.

Onyx gently touched Snowhawk's shoulder. "That would most likely be Emerald's influence. She did the same to the ones that killed her mate-"

"Wait, what did Anya say?" Adian interrupted, realizing what Snowhawk has said.

"That your brother is still alive. She said he was in the forest. But that's not like him. That's me. He was only ever out there for my sake. But," she paused, "she said he changed. I don't know how, Emerald took over. I didn't believe her. I saw him die."

"And I saw Legacy die, but I was wrong. Snowhawk, you can't just ignore the possibility-"

"Yes, I can, Adian!" she exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes. "I can't go through it again. I can't go through him dying on me again. I shouldn't even be here. I appreciate you want to help me. But, I don't even want to be here."


"I just- I can't even think about it right now," she whispered, doubling over and sobbing.

"No one will ask you to then," Onyx said, trying to mitigate the situation, "but understand once we get the vampire out of the way, I'm duty-bound to go find him. Your mate, even though he's a Lupino, is your family and falls under my protection. And I will try to help with this problem of any early death on his part."

She couldn't respond other than nodding her head slightly.


Over a day later, the trio neared Kione's sea side castle. Adian stopped his vehicle, figuring it better to walk the last few miles, and at least keep the vampire from stealing his truck. Onyx drew a cloak about himself as he slipped from the vehicle first, followed by Snowhawk, then Adian on the driver's side. Snowhawk made sure the dark silver locket and necklace was well hidden under her dress collar, then paused a moment before following the chocolate wolf. "Onyx, follow behind us for a while, then once they're busy watching us, you can sneak in easier," Adian instructed.

"Certainly. And if there's trouble, I can jump in quicker."

The wolf nodded, then extended his hand to Snowhawk. "Are you ready?"

She drew a deep breath and sighed. "Yes. But I don't look forward to how angry he'll be."

"I know," Adian replied. "I'll try to protect you."

"And I'll be waiting back too," the Guard reminded.

"Thank you, both."

The trio trotted to the estate before them, Snowhawk growing ever more nervous with each step. Adian and Snowhawk walked into the grounds, unhindered, not seeing a single other soul. They walked through the front doors into the entrance way, the steel of her shod hooves echoing through the large, cold, stone room.

"So they both return," Kione's voice growled as the vampire appeared behind Snowhawk, grabbing a handful of her hair near the base of her skull and pulling her to his side.

"Let her go, Kione," Adian warned.

"What did you do to Emerald, you little bitch?" he commanded, ignoring Adian.

"Nothing!" she cried as the vampire bent her back, examining her.

"Bullshit," he growled again, then seemed delighted once he saw the outline of the locket through her dress and realized what had happened. "So you did find some dark silver, and I guess the Avizon is dead. You're not completely useless!"

Adian made a move as if to punch the vampire, but Kione simply side stepped away. "I said let her go! It wasn't her doing!"

"Then it was yours? How would you know if would break the hold I have on her?"

"I didn't, you dick. Let her go and I'll explain."

Curious to the wolf's tale, he indeed released her, half throwing her at Adian. "Now get to talking."

Adian protectively cradled Snowhawk away from the elder vampire. "I was trying to just block Emerald. She was making Snowhawk too violent."

"Oh, like she wasn't before. How many people did she kill for your uncle?"

"That was different!"

"Oh, right, she had to do those, she just wanted revenge this time."

Adian growled. "No, that was Emerald. Even after she was nearly killed by him, Snowhawk never wished such harm on Legacy."

"You can't keep pretending, wolf. It is in her nature, and has been long before she was even alive."

"That was Emerald. Not Snowhawk."

Kione shrugged. "Take that necklace off her and see."

Through out this exchange, Onyx had been sneaking through a side room of the building, making his way to the main hall. With his scent hidden, he neared a door that seemed to be leading to the grand entrance way, where he heard Kione and Adian's voices arguing. He'd borrowed Snowhawk's daggers, and pulled them from the sheaths he'd strapped to his belt as he silenced the door and slowly pushed it open.

Indeed the two vampires were arguing, and were just ahead of the Royal Guard. He cast the same silencing spell on his own hooves and quickly crept toward the group before him. The elder vampire began to turn just as one of the dark silver daggers sunk into his chest.

The vampire's flesh hissed as it contacted the dagger. "You fuck!" Kione growled spinning toward the black-furred Guard. He immediately looked as if he'd seen a ghost. "You should be dead!"

"So should you," Onyx quipped.

Adian took the time to move Snowhawk away from the other two males. "Please, stay back, I don't want you getting hurt."

"No, this will just drag him away from your fight," she said as she looked toward the others, now engaged in battle.

The old Royal Guard was surprisingly agile for his extended age, and was holding his own well against the vampire he fought. But holding his own and defeating the vampire would require more hands. "Just stay here for now," he begged. "We'll cross that bridge if we get to it." And with that he sprinted to the fight.

Snowhawk fidgeted where she was, stamping one steel shod hoof on the stone floor below her. Maybe, she thought, finally alone in her own head, _I can shift into my feline form and help._Knowing Kione would never kill her, as that would also kill Emerald, she figured it was worth a shot. As she began to change, her fur lengthening, she felt the wall put up by the dark silver jewelery growling thinner, but once fully changed, she realized it was thankfully still there. She unsheathed her feline claws and silently charged at Kione. Though she was now barely five feet tall, when she pounced on him, she managed to bring him to the ground.

"Little bitch!" he growled, reaching to toss her aside, but her agility was better as a Feln and she managed to roll out of the way. The distraction of the light lavender feline was enough to allow Onyx to cut at the elder vampire again, and sink one of Snowhawk's daggers deep into him once more.

The battle would continue like this for another fifteen minutes, until Snowhawk grabbed Kione from behind, her claws digging into his chest, sharp kitty fangs sinking into the back of his neck, and rear claws braced into has back. Onyx again lunged at him, sinking both daggers deeply into his body, and the elder vampire collapsed to the floor, assisted by Snowhawk half pushing him down as she lept from his back. "So you've won," he panted, then grinned. "How are you going to kill me?"

Snowhawk paused for a moment, then an icy sword appeared in her hand. "The blood magic is sealed with Emerald, but I can still finish your sorry ass off."

"I told you wolf. She's no different," Kione said, giving Adian a pained grin.

"This_is_ different, Kione," she responded. "I will never be able to rest with you alive."

"Then why don't I let you rest for a while?" he again grinned, then vanished before them. He appeared a moment later, one of his arms around Snowhawk,and using the other hand to hold the back of her neck, then he whispered in her ear, "Don't worry, relax for a few years. Once you're ready, I'll be back." Then he vanished again, and the steel collar he'd placed on her fell to the floor.

Snowhawk collapsed to her knees, staring at the collar. Adian and Onyx both rushed to her side. "Don't worry, he's gone. Actually gone. I don't know where to, but he's not in my head anymore," she told them both.

"What about Emerald?" Onyx asked.

"I think she's gone for now as well. But I don't know for certain, I guess because of the jewelery."

"What did he say to you? Just before vanishing."

"That I should rest for a few years, then he'd come back when I was 'ready.'"

"Ready?" Adian asked.

"That's all he said. Then he was gone." She shook her head quickly, then looked at them both, and the numerous small wounds covering them. "And you both got hurt for me. For nothing."

"No, he's gone. We accomplished something," Onyx mentioned.

She sighed. "You're right. And thank you both for helping me."

Chapter 26

The small, brown box with no return address that arrived at Nytehawk's home would have been unremarkable, save for it's contents. Inside was a letter from her cousin, and the hilt of a Guardian's sword. The letter told Nytehawk everything of the past several days, from the situation with Legacy to Snowhawk's current state of half-vampirism.

After reading the letter several times, Nytehawk leaned back in her chair and sighed heavily. "These are interesting days." She wanted to return contact with her cousin, and not knowing any other way, she decided she would send the letter directly to the Sinisusi estate, and pray that someone there knew how to contact Snowhawk. Nytehawk's letter, much shorter than her cousin's, would simply request that Snowhawk visit them, and her son, at her home.

After writing her letter and handing it off to a courier, she searched out the Golden Guardian, to ask him about the sword hilt. "Jerome, I have a question for you about something I received today."

"I'll help the best I can," he replied, turning toward her.

"Can you identify this?" she asked, showing him the hilt.

Jerome paused for a moment, a look of shock on his face. "That hilt... That's from Legacy's sword."

Nytehawk sighed. "I was afraid of that. I received a letter from Snowhawk today telling me he was, indeed, Quillen and that he was now dead. Again, I guess."

Jerome nodded. "I was mostly sure of who he was, but I never said anything because I couldn't prove it. If the blade has been reclaimed, then it means that he is dead. For certain this time. The dark silver used in the blade of a Guardian sword is further enchanted to the owner's life. The enchantment helps the blade stay sharper, and makes it nearly indestructible as long as the owner lives."

"I see," Nytehawk responded, frowning a bit.

"What is it?"

"There's more. Janus is suspected dead, killed on the same night. And Snowhawk," she trailed off.

"What about her?"

"Snowhawk is apparently a half vampire now."

Jerome sighed heavily. "Well, this is not an ideal situation."

"I know. I've sent a letter and asked her to join us here, at least for a little while. Maybe we can find some way to help her."

"I know Juv has been working on a cure for vampirism. I don't know how far along they are, though."

"Then I'll send someone there too, and have them bring back any information they can."

"The Delphin City is not welcoming of strangers, you know," Snowhawk's voice said, causing both Nytehawk and Jerome to quickly turn around to face her.

"How did you get my letter so fast?"

"I met your courier on his way. You should hire someone not quite as terrified of me."

"It's wonderful to see you again, Snowhawk," Jerome said, breaking an uncomfortable silence between the cousins.

"Thank you, Jerome. It's a pleasure to see you again too. Though considering I managed to get your head of security killed, I don't know how wonderful it really is."

"Will you be staying?" the Golden Guardian asked, ignoring the subject of Quillen for now.

"I can't stay away from the estate for too long. My condition is being kept in check by Adian."

"Adian?! I thought he died!"

"No, the same vampire that put me in this condition found him near death and saved him."

"Can it be reversed by him?" Nytehawk asked.

"No. Not completely. But if the Delphin in Juv have learned anything, we'd both love to hear it."

"Maybe I should ask Hunter to go. He's from there. They'd be less suspicious of him."

"That's probably your best bet. I doubt they'd let even you, their race's leader, through the gates," Snowhawk smirked.

"About that--"

"Nytehawk, I can't. I don't have the right personality. Everyone sees me as a revolutionary, and a savior. I'm neither. I just wanted you free. If it meant a few slavers died in the process, then so be it."

"Well, I don't think that's true, but if you feel that way, I can't really change your mind. I'll go get Hunter," she said before trotting out of the room.

After she'd left, Snowhawk turned to Jerome. "How has my son been?"

"Growing like a weed and into everything he can be, like a young healthy Delphin should be."


"Do you regret leaving him?"

"No. I don't have time to regret anymore. If he's happy and healthy, that's all I can ask for. I think everything would have been too stressful at the estate."

"So is Adian now-"

"Adian is my protector," Snowhawk quickly said. "Nothing more."

"I see," Jerome replied. "His choice or yours?"


"That seems out of character."

"He apparently got the shit kicked out of him one night, as he was stalking Nytehawk. By the very Delphin that he would later work with to try and free me from Kione."

"That must have been awkward."

"Not really. I think Lupino like when they know a potential rival is an ally. And that happened before he became a vampire anyway, so Adian apparently forgot how to hold a grudge."

"Who was the Delphin?"


Jerome looked surprised. "So that's where he went to. Did the old man survive the fight with the vampire?"

Snowhawk nodded. "He did. Then he left soon after to find Janus."

"I thought he died too."

"Not according to the Avizon who killed Legacy and I thought killed him. And Kione wanted her dead, so thinking Janus was gone, I went for revenge..."

"That doesn't seem like you, Snowhawk."

"It wasn't just me. Do you remember the stories of Emerald?"


"She's an ancestor of mine. We basically share the same soul."

"So she tried to take you over to come back to life."

Snowhawk nodded another affirmative. "And she was Kione's mate during her time as a vampire."

"And that explains so much about why a vampire would only turn someone half way."

"Right. If she can slowly take over, she'll be stronger for it."

Jerome sighed again. "Things are needlessly complex."

"Tell me about it."


Within in the hour, Hunter left for the Southern city of Juv. Unlike the haven to slavery that was Di'aru, Juv was mostly populated by Delphin, and they were incredibly unsure of outsiders. Most Delphin in Juv settled there after Ametition fell into quiet chaos during the so-called slave revolution. Others, like Hunter's family, had escaped the slaver's chains and simply lived there, untouched by the slavers thanks to the city's high, well-maintained walls. A handful of Feln and even fewer Lupino lived in the city, and no humans dared set foot inside. Due to the higher number of horned Delphin living there than anywhere else on the continent, and their closeness with the healing arts, most medical advances originated from Juv. Since the disease that causes vampirism originated from Delphin, a cure for it had been the top priority of the various medical colleges and associations in the city. However, the near xenophobic nature of the Delphin within the city led to advancements leaving the city walls slowly.

"I know he was born there, but I still worry about him going back," Nytehawk sighed, watching the car carrying her mate pull away into the dark night.

"Considering what they did just to let him leave when he was younger, I'd be worried too," Snowhawk replied.

"I should have gone with him."

"What, so they could trap you there and you leave all this shit you've stirred in my hands? I don't think so," she snarked, looking away, then catching the faint outline of someone, apparently a short-tailed Feln, climbing down the side of the estate. "The hell is that?"

"Hmm?" Nytehawk responded, looking in the same direction as her cousin. "I don't see anything."

"Oh, shit, of course you wouldn't. You don't have a vampire's eyes." Snowhawk said, trotting off to catch whoever was climbing down the side of the building. Moments later, she was under the figure, and realized it was no adult Feln, but a young Delphin. She climbed up and grabbed a small leg, then saying in a fairly intimidating voice as the smaller Delphin looked down at her, "And just where do you think you're going, young man?"

"Aw, shit," Valerian sighed. "Caught." He apparently didn't recognize his mother, or her voice, "How did you see me?"

Snowhawk, toying with the child, simply smirked. "Come on down."

By this point, Nytehawk had walked to the wall and joined the two as Snowhawk plucked Valerian off the trellis he'd been climbing down. "Where were you off to?"

"I saw Hunter leaving so I wanted to follow him for a while."

"That would not be prudent, Valerian," Snowhawk replied, "His home is a dangerous place."

"Your voice," the child commented, "sounds really familiar."

Snowhawk looked at Nytehawk, then back to the boy. "Valerian, it's me. Your mother."

"M-- Mom?!" Valerian said, at first shocked at her appearance, then he embraced her in as much of a bear hug as his small frame could manage. "But, what happened to you?"

Snowhawk sighed, wrapping her arms around him as well. "It's a long, complicated story."

"Snow," Nytehawk began, sighing a bit, "why don't you call your wolf here. Then you can your son can catch up, and you don't have miss any of your... treatments."

Snowhawk remembered the few times her and Adian had previously interacted. "Are you certain?"

"Yes. I'm sure. Especially if he's changed as you have said."


Nearly three days later, Hunter arrived just outside of Juv. He hadn't been back to the city in nearly a decade, but he had sent word ahead to his parents that he would be visiting. He missed their reply saying if he was asking for money, to not bother coming back.

As per their usual operating procedures, Hunter was forced to leave his vehicle before being allowed inside the first wall. Juv was a city filled with paranoia and distrust of anything from the outside. After being searched no less than three times for any sort of weapon, he was allowed into a waiting room inside the main city wall to wait on his parents. His mother arrived shortly after to pick him up.

"So why have you come back to our city?" his mother sternly asked.

"I need to speak to your doctors. Any of them, all of them. Someone close to me has contracted vampirism and we need to know if they've found a cure."

"Who would be close to you?"

Hunter sighed. His mother was as aggravating as ever. "You do realize I'm mated to the leader of the new Delphin Society, right?"

The older female laughed a bit. "Tell me another one, Hunter."

"Since I knew you wouldn't believe me, here," he said, pulling out a photograph of himself and Nytehawk.

His mother shrugged. "So she's a vampire now. Why should Juv care?"

"She's not, her cousin is. You know, the whole reason half this damn city is free now?"

The old mare's eyes widened, remembering how the uprising saved many of her friends and some of her extended family. "Why didn't you say that in the first place?! Your father is at the car, let's go!"

Hunter sighed again and trotted after his mother. "Nothing changes."

Chapter 27

Hunter was growing discouraged. It had been a week since he had returned to Juv. No one seemed to have an answer for him, other than how to prevent vampirism from spreading further in an individual. There was one medical school left to ask at, though Hunter held little hope of an answer there. The school was small, lesser known, and didn't attract all the top minds the others did. Still, he had to try.

He met with the Director, one of the city's few Lupino, and was pleased to hear they had made some strides in finding a cure. "In fact," the Director said, "I've got a trial ready to go, but we have no vampires in the city. That's why no one else has bothered to look further into a cure."

"Do you know what might happen if it's wrong?"

"Not exactly. We've only occasionally been able to work with vampires, but their-," he paused to think of the word, "-habits had them run out of the city. And I'm sure you know how hard it is to get in here in the first place."

"It's worse than it used to be."

"Yeah. Dia'ru's slavers have been breathing down our necks. We have little to protect us, honestly, other than the walls."

"Would they even let her in the city? Or would you have to travel to Ametition?"

"I would have to travel there. 'Savior of Delphin' or not, knowing she's been infected would be devastating to morale around here."

"Yeah, don't ever tell her that. One of our workers did and that did not go over well."

"Still, she helped more than Delphin. She helped my mate and myself. We were both slaves."

"And you became a director in that time?"

"Just because your race lives long, doesn't mean the rest of us can slack off, we don't have the luxury of time. Besides, if we can break the mystery of vampirism, we may be able to help the other races live longer, so we could have the luxury of time."

"Lofty goal."

"Well," the Director shrugged, "so is curing vampirism. Why not go a step further and try to understand it?"


During the days Hunter was gone, Snowhawk often found herself wandering the grounds of her cousin's home, usually with her son on one side, and her vampiric protector to the other. Nytehawk had little time to spend with her during the day and into the early evening. She spent most of it meeting person after person, in meeting after meeting. Snowhawk didn't envy her, but did feel guilty her cousin was so busy only because she refused to be a figurehead.

One afternoon, on the fifth day Hunter was away, the trio was joined by Jerome as they walked. "Gentlemen," he said to Adian and Valerian, "Might I steal Snowhawk from you for a moment?"

"Just bring her back," Adian chuckled.

"Of course," the Golden Guardian grinned.

Once Jerome had led Snowhawk a short distance away, Valerian turned to Adian and asked, "So, what's the deal with you and my mom?"

Snowhawk flinched as she overheard her son's question, and glanced up to Jerome. "So what is really going on with you two?" he asked.

"I told you. He's my protector."

"Then why are one of you asleep in the other's room each night?"

Snowhawk flinched again. "You know I can't stand being alone."

Jerome sighed and stopped, turning her towards him. "I'm only asking you this right now because I have word from Onyx." Snowhawk opened her mouth to say something, but Jerome quickly continued. "It's nothing solid, but there are signs he could actually be in the forest, the more northern reaches."

"But, why? He never wanted to be there unless he was with me."

"We don't know, but there are signs he's there."

"I have to go!" she said, spinning about and stepping to run off.

Jerome quickly grabbed her. "No, not yet! There's more. If he did change, like you told us Anya said, then it could be bad. Sometimes Avizon and Lupino don't mix. She could have basically caused something like one of our phase shifts- in a damned wolf!"

Snowhawk bit at her lower lip, fidgeting about. "But I have to go! Changed or not, I can't lose him now!"

"Snowhawk, please. Give it a couple days. We'll get a group together and find him, if it is him."

Snowhawk nodded slowly, then lightly stamped one steel shod hoof, the sound catching the attention of her son and her protector. She again turned to walk away as the two trotted up to Jerome. "What happened?" Valerian asked.

"Adian, I think we may have found your brother. But there's a chance he's not the same as he was. He may have, because of Anya, experienced something like a Delphin phase shift."

"And she's ready to go find him right this minute?"

"Yes. Please keep an eye on her. I want to wait a couple days and gather some supplies before heading north."

"Of course. Would you watch Valerian so I can catch her before she does something stupid?"

"Certainly," Jerome nodded as Adian ran after Snowhawk.

"What's a phase shift?" Valerian asked.

"Well," the Guardian began, kneeling to the child's level, "It's something on Delphin normally go through. At certain points in our lives, we change rapidly. Usually, it's just our coloration, but some of us gain horns or wings. Or even both, like your aunt. I gained my wings during my first shift, so did your mother."

"Will I get my wings then?"

"Possibly. Just don't be disappointed if you don't. You've got a year or two to go until your first one anyway."

"Why is it bad though?"

"It's usually not, but sudden ones, like what your father and mother went through can mess up the brain. And if it happens to other species... It's kind of the same thing."

"Oh," the young Delphin said, not really understanding.

"Don't worry, you will be fine. Just stay away from broken horns and vampires," Jerome smiled.


"Snow! Wait up!" Adian called to the pale Delphin.

She stopped, turning to face him. "You too?! Of all people!" Her eyes were filled with tears, and several had already streaked their way down her face.

"You can't go alone! You don't know what could have happened to him. He may kill you."

Snowhawk snorted, her emotions racing between feeling betrayed, being hopeful, and as lost as ever. "I don't care right now! Adian, I have to go. He would for me."

"I can't let you, Snowhawk. I'm sorry. We can go once Jerome has more information and has gathered some sup--"

"Fuck his supplies and his information! I don't need it!"

"Snowhawk!" Adian yelled as he grabbed the turning again to flee Delphin. "I want to find him too. Mostly so I can smack the shit out of him for staying away, but I want to find him." He pulled her into his arms to hug her as she broke down and cried. "We won't lose him again, if he is out there."

That night, as everyone slept, Snowhawk took a page from her son and climbed out of the window, using a trellis to safely lower herself to the ground. She had a very strong suspicion where he'd be, if it was indeed Janus. A tiny old cabin in the northern forest was his family's summer home. The cooler temperatures there suited them better than the city, and it was on the way there one year that they died.

She'd only been there once, but she remembered the area well. That had been her duty as a slave: to go some place once and remember. She was the best at her job of any Delphin.

"I'm sorry," she whispered as she ran from the estate. "You would understand if you were me."

Her pale fur vanished into the night, heading north, and out of the city into the forests. The night was cloudy, shielding her from the light of the full moon. Her fur glowed in the dimmest of light, something that was both a gift and a curse. It would give her position away, but she also looked like a ghost, potentially scaring off all opposition to her flight.

She'd inherited the gift of speed from Kione, and the longer she was away from Adian's bite, the more of that gift that would appear. She'd kept the dark silver locket on, in case Emerald came back, but she would have to get him back fast, before she became a full vampire. Still, she was only partially a vampire now, and the longer she traveled at speed, she grew ever more tired. She ran for over a day, farther and farther into the northern forests and into the mountains. She eventually reached a point where, her legs, feeling as if they were on fire, the soles of her hooves bruised and sore, she collapsed to her knees near a mountain stream. She was exhausted, and figured she'd done more damage to herself than she might have had she simply walked here. But she had to outrun Adian.

Still, she was so tired. She knew she was in the right area though, and she figured she could rest for a few moments by the stream. She slowly, sorely crawled to the edge of the stream, and lowered herself into the cold water, trying to cool her legs off and at least numb the soles of her hooves. She lay back on the gravel bank behind her, closing her eyes. She soon drifted into an unwanted sleep.


She never saw the black furred Lupino step from the brush. He walked to the pale equine figure laying half in the stream, slightly tinted blue from her time in the icy water. She didn't respond when he nudged her with his paw, but seemed to be shallowly breathing. He picked her up, tossing her over his shoulder and carrying her back to his small cottage in the nearby woods.

He gently pulled her soaked clothing from her, then placed her in the one small bed he owned, covering her with some deer furs.


Snowhawk awoke some time later to an empty cottage, surrounded by the smell of old, tanned hides. She tried to recall what had happened, but couldn't remember how she wound up naked in a strange bed. "H- Hello?" she called out, her voice not wanting to work at first. A moment later, the door swung open as the same black-furred wolf that had pulled her from the stream walked into the cottage.

Icy blue eyes seemed to pierce through her as he nearly glared at her, and she subconsciously pulled the furs around her, up to her throat. "So you are alive," he said in a gruff voice, one that seemed faked, but familiar. "Though I'm sure had I come along much later you wouldn't be."

"Th- thank you."

"Oh, don't thank me. You owe me now," he grinned. "I know what's behind that fur."

"I can't pay you back that way. Please," she whined, shrinking back, but finding only a rough log wall behind her, "just let me go and you'll never hear from me again."

The wolf advanced on her, licking his lips and kneeling on the bed, blocking her in. "I've heard your kind made excellent slaves. And I think you really owe me for saving your life."

She whimpered as he advanced on her, one knee to each side of her, one arm blocking her escape to each side. Then she caught a scent past the hides and leather. "Janus?!"

The wolf stopped his advance, backing up and looking somewhat confused. "Who?"

"Janus, is that you? What did she do to you?!" Snowhawk parted the fur on the wolf's arm, finding the roots to be silver. "It is you!"

The wolf's other hand caught her throat. "You're crazy. My name is Kirrian."

"No, it can't be! The scent, the voice, the fur--"

"You're mistaken," he growled, cutting her off with a squeeze to her neck.

"Janus, please, it's me! It's Snowhawk!"

"Oh, well this is interesting," he grinned. "I'm sure someone would pay a fine ransom for your return."


The wolf pushed her back into the wall. "Stop calling me that!"

Once he released her, and backed away, Snowhawk began to cry. "It's happening again," she whispered, drawing her knees to her chest.

Chapter 28

"But it has to be you," Snowhawk cried. "That scent, that voice," she paused. "And I would never forget those eyes. What did she do to you?!"

"Listen, you loon, I don't have the faintest clue who you're talking about," Kirrian growled, leaning towards her again, "but I'm not him."

She whimpered again, sniffling a bit, then looked him directly in his eyes and said, "Then I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"This," she said a half second before slicing his arm with an icy spike. Once his arm was away from her she lept from the small bed and tried to put herself as close to the door as possible. Her legs and hooves nearly refused to work, still exhausted from earlier. She stood, legs trembling, with the spike still in her hand. "I don't want to hurt you, Janus, but I won't let you go without trying to bring you back."

"So the mare does have some fight in her!" The wolf stood, looking at the cut on his arm, then to her. "You won't surprise me like that again." Kirrian grinned, slowly stepping closer to her.

"Your grandfather built this cottage," she began, reciting what Janus had told her in the past. "Your family used to spend their summers here. Your mother and father died on their way up one year. That's why you never came back. Am I getting through at all?!"

The Lupino had stopped in his tracks, holding his head. "No, no one can know that."

"I do, Janus, because you told me! Years ago!"

"You're lying," he growled, then lunged at her and pinned her down, his teeth around her throat.

"You were attacked by an Avizon named Anya. She struck you three times with bolts from her crossbow. I thought you died in my lap, then she took you away. After that..." she whined as she felt his jaws close a little tighter on her, then relax and finally release her throat as he sat up a few moments later.

"Anya," he repeated, remembering the name.

"She did this. I killed her for you. I was looking for a body, then found you."

A half moment later, the door to the cottage burst open, and both Onyx and Adian entered. Adian immediately bristled and growled, "Get off of her you--"

"Adian, wait!" Snowhawk called out. She quickly noticed the black wolf's confused expression. "Don't you even remember your own brother?"

Kirrian sat back further, allowing Snowhawk to sit up. "I did have a brother." He paused for a moment, thinking, then his confused look giving way to a growl. "He stole my mate from me."

"No! No, that's not what happened! Anya must have told you that. Adian has done nothing of the sort. Anya took you from me."

"Snowhawk," Adian softly began, "we should go."

"I can't go. I won't go until he listens to me."

"Snow, we have to go, your condition can't be good."

"No, it's not. But this is more important."

Kirrian growled again. "That can't be my brother."

"Dammit, Janus, don't you remember anything?!" Snowhawk yelled as she wiped the remaining tears from her eyes.

"Come back with us then, wolf, if you won't listen to her. I may be able to help you," Onyx responded.

"Where? This is my home."

"No, Janus, it's not," she said, lightly touching his shoulder. "Please, come back with us."

He batted her hand away from him. "No."

"Then I will stay here. And I will make you remember. I gave up too much because I thought you were dead. I'm not losing you now." She sighed, determination etched on her face. "Look, here," she said, pulling the locket she wore away from her chest, and opening it. Inside was a tiny picture of Janus. "This is you. This was you. I don't care if that's what you will ever look like again, but I need you."

The wolf in front of her carefully took the locket in his hand, looking thoughtfully at the tiny picture of what she said was him. "It can't be me," he shrugged, dropping the locket.

"But it is!"

"I've been a black wolf for as long as I can remember."

"Then how long is that?" Onyx said, before anyone else could.

Kirrian was silent. His memory was mostly blank for anything longer than three or four weeks ago. What was there didn't add up. He was infuriated, confused, and simply hurting all at once. "Get out."

"No," Snowhawk stated. "I'm not leaving until you come to your senses."

"I don't advise it, Snowhawk," Onyx commented.

"Since when did I listen to you?" she grinned, then her expression turned to concern as she looked back to Kirrian, and placed her hands on his forearms again. "I'm sorry for injuring you earlier," she said as her horn began to glow more than just from the light around her. She moved both her hands to the cut on his left forearm, and they too began to glow. After a moment there, she moved her hands away, revealing a stripe of silvery fun where the cut had been. "I knew it... It is you."

Adian was shocked, and concerned. Snowhawk had never shown any healing magic before, and this could mean she was no longer just partially a vampire.

"The color change must have been from the Avizon's venom," Onyx commented. "As the venom leaves his system, his fur, and personality should return. Keyword being should, Avizon venom is hard to cleanse."

"Snowhawk, how did you heal that?" Adian concernedly asked.

"I'll just say that we should hope Hunter's search is successful. I'm not making it back to town as a mortal," she sighed, then turned back to the wolf before her.

Kirrian was confused, "How could you heal me?"

"Because," she began, reaching up now to stroke his cheek. "You are my mate, no matter your appearance. I know you would say the same about me, if you could just remember. Will you please come home?"

The black wolf sighed and finally conceded. "Fine." He soon after found himself with the arms of a pale lavender Delphin wrapped around him.

"Before we go, Snowhawk, would you come outside and speak with me?" Adian requested.

"Of course," she replied, finally trying to stand on her still shaky legs. Realizing she was mostly unable to carry her own weight, the chocolate Lupino picked her up and carried her outside. He brought her to the vehicle that he and Onyx had arrived in, some yards from the cottage, and sat her inside, on the far side from the cottage.

"What were you thinking?! Running here? Now you can't walk, and I don't know if I can pull you back."

"It's all I've ever known to do, Adian," she said as he grabbed her left arm and bit into it, to try and keep her from becoming a full vampire. She flinched at his bite. "I couldn't just wait."

"You're too goddamn impulsive," he half growled, pulling away from her arm. "First you say you can't ever face him again, then you run up here like some damned idiot... Can you heal that?"

"No. I've never been able to heal myself, and I doubt I ever will," she replied, as he grabbed her arm. "But if I can heal him--"

"No, I won't allow that. We'll take him to the hospital, or let Onyx if he can. It's too risky for you. You need to worry more about yourself."

"I can't," she simply stated. "That's not how it was, and you know it."

"Snowhawk, those days are long behind us."

"No, Adian, they're not. Not for me."

The wolf sighed. "I'm going to have to break you of that too, I see." He looked up and waved the Delphin and the other Lupino over. "But we will continue this later. It's time to get you both home."


Five days after returning to Ametition with Kirrian, some of Janus' personality had returned, but over all, Snowhawk was further exhausting herself with trying to help him remember. She eventually reached several points where she had to excuse herself to go off and cry over the whole ordeal. She had found him, but he was not the same wolf she remembered. During one of these, Onyx approached her with some news. She composed herself as quickly as she could before opening the door to her room. "I'm sorry Onyx, come in."

"I hope this news can at least ease your pain a bit. Hunter has returned with some doctors from Juv that may be able to help you."

"That's wonderful news for myself, and Adian, if it works for me, but," she paused, "I was hoping you'd found some help for Janus."

"It's possible that they may be help him as well."

"That's better news," she weakly smiled.

"You need to take a break. I know you're trying the best you can, but you're exhausting yourself. I'm sure your hooves still aren't healed."

"No, but I've been okay, really."

"You say that, but how many times have you had to 'take a break' and come in here or go somewhere else to cry?"

"So you saw that?" Snowhawk asked, hanging her head.

"It's hard not to know. I think Janus even knows, but he's too confused with this Kirrian persona over the rest of him to do anything to help you."

She nodded slowly. "I know. I'm not expecting him to help me right now." She signed and paused. "Now, when will we be seeing these doctors?"

"We can leave right now, if you wish."


It was only a short time before the two Delphin and the two Lupino arrived back at Nytehawk's home. They were greeted by Hunter and several doctors from the medical school in Juv. "Who's the black wolf?" Hunter asked, confused.

"He's Janus," Snowhawk began, "But not."

"An encounter with an Avizon?" one of the younger Delphin doctors asked.

"Yes. About a month an a half ago, but I'm not sure how long she had him," Adian answered.

"What's your name?" the doctor asked, stepping toward the black Lupino and then examining the fur on his arm.

"Kirrian. I think," Kirrian replied somewhat wary of the Delphin.

"I see. What do you think Director?"

"Well," the Director began, paying close attention to the silvery line of new fur on his arm, "With the fur growth, he should be back to normal on his own soon enough. If he hadn't started changing back to what I figure is his original coat, I'd be concerned. Who healed this?"

Snowhawk tentatively raised her hand, "I did."

"Aah, you must be Snowhawk, the half-vampire."


"I didn't realize how far along you were. We'll start with you, please come with us."

Snowhawk gave a small nod and followed the group of doctors into Nytehawk's home. "So, what all does this entail?" she somewhat worriedly asked after a few moments of following them through the hallways.

"Mostly injections and a lot of observation. This is completely experimental, but if it works for you, then it could give hope to those that have been turned and didn't want to be."

"So not much different than what Adian's been doing?"

"In it's own way, not really. We'll just be doing more testing on your blood to see what everything looks like. And rather than just managing the vampirism, we should be able to reverse it." He was quiet for a minute, then stopped and looked at her, "I can't guarantee that this is going to be pain free."

"Considering what you're attempting, I wasn't expecting it to be."


Through researching the origins of vampirism, the research team had learned of it's creation from a modified venom sample from an Avizon a group of humans had been experimenting on thousands of years in the past. This was applied to a male Delphin, and then the result was the first "vampire" of the world. The Delphin was rumored to be alive, still, and would be the only truly immortal vampire. Otherwise, the effects of vampirism on a being's lifespan simply make them harder to kill, from time's effects or in a fight. Most vampires would easily double their natural lifespan, but would eventually die.

The research team was overjoyed their first test would be on a Delphin, as vampirism seemed to affect them most. Their joy faded once they realized how painful the reversal effects would be on the subject, who was, in this case, Snowhawk. "We can't use it like this," one of the researchers, a Feln, commented to the Director.

"Is it working at all?" the Lupino replied.

"Yes, it working beautifully, but the pain that Snowhawk feels is just," he paused, looking for the word, "immense. I'm afraid it will drive someone without as high of a pain tolerance, over the edge."

"See if you can get the other vampire to assist you. And the brother as well, if he still has some of the Avizon venom in him."

"Considering his fur color, I'd guess he still does."

"Good. That could be the key to making this work. We've only been working with partial samples, and they could be missing what makes them painless."


Over the next weeks, the progress made in reversing Snowhawk's vampirism was notable, if slow. With the help of Adian and the residual venom from Anya in Kirrian, the amount of pain from the reversal was greatly reduced, though not eliminated. Also over those weeks, the persona of Kirrian was fading away to reveal Janus again.

After three months, Snowhawk was finally declared free of vampirism, and Janus had mostly returned to normal. There were still hints of the untrusting, somewhat vicious Kirrian, and Snowhawk had somehow retained the ability to heal others.

"It's good to be back, love," Janus said, as he cradled Snowhawk in his arms as the two lay on a bench one afternoon back at his estate.

"It's good to have you back," she responded, hugging him tightly. "Things finally seem quiet."

"They do. The doctors have gone back to Juv to perfect their work and pass the news around to the other medical groups there. I have to wonder though, why Adian didn't take them up on their offer."

"It wasn't comfortable in the least," she stated. "He may be wanting to wait until it's been perfected."

"I'd hope that's all."

"I'm sure it is. I think Adian's a very different wolf now than who you grew up with."

"Yes, and that's what makes this so confusing."

"I wouldn't worry about him," she smiled, nuzzling him gently.

Section 3

Chapter 29

"So," Snowhawk began as she approached Adian in his control room,"do you think Kione will ever follow through on his threat?"

"Even though its been a very quiet decade, I am not letting my guard down."

Snowhawk took a step back. "It has been far too quiet for it to be that long."

"Did you ever tell my brother?" Adian asked after a moment's pause.

"About Kione's threat to come back? No. He doesn't need that stress as he continues to deal with Kirrian. One or other the is going to take over, and my hopes are not high for your brother. Kirrian is the slaver Janus never was, not cruel, just driven. And who he'll decide to first take over and enslave should be obvious. He already threatened it. In a way, I don't think I care, if that's my only option. Kirrian doesn't frighten me. Kione on the other hand, he only wants me dead so Emerald will live. If worse comes to worse, I'll stay with Kirrian, if Janus can't get past this."

Adian was shocked at her words. He was perhaps more shocked at what he said himself. "Snowhawk, I will kill my brother before I see you in a collar or a halter of his against your will again."


"I never agreed with what our uncle did. What our family did. Why do you think I never accepted you as a gift. I had them give you to Janus."

"I was supposed to have been yours?"

"Yes. Imagine how different that would have turned out. You probably would have killed me instead of the old man."

"But, why did you refuse me?" she asked, almost sounding hurt.

"I refused every slave. I had no interest in slaves, even just as toys. There was a ruse; any slave you saw me with was borrowed. Hell, I secretly aided the slaves that left the estate after you."

"But Adian..."

"I only went after your cousin after she was free, and we both know how well that went over. And now, if this Kirrian douche decides to collar or halter you, there will be hell to pay from the Delphin Empire. We can't afford a war."

Snowhawk had to sit down. She had never known that about Adian, especially about supposing to be a gift to him. The wolf knelt in front of her, carefully taking one of her hands in his. "Just remember that. I am your protector, and if that means I have to protect you from my idiot brother, I will."

"What's this about an 'idiot brother'?" Janus commented as he turned the corner into the room.

"How much did you hear?" Adian snarked, "I'd hate to have to repeat myself."

"More than I care to," Janus growled, his still black tipped fur bristling. "I don't like the idea of you making her decisions."

"It's not much of a decision for her if you're just forcing her into steel."

"I don't see why either of you think that Kirrian is going to win over."

"Your fur has gotten darker again. And so has your personality," Snowhawk quietly commented.

"Yet you're the one still wearing steel shoes. Are you sure you don't what to be enslaved?"

Snowhawk looked at her hooves and quickly hid them under her. "I have my reasons. Besides, you never made me wear them."

"They're a great look. Maybe I should have," he grinned darkly. "Now, come along, Snowhawk, we have some things to discuss," he commanded, his grin quickly fading.

She took one last, unsure look at Adian, and received a nod to do as he says in reply, then stood from the chair and followed Janus out the door.

Once out of Adian's line of sight and far enough away that he could no longer hear them, Janus grabbed a handful of hair at the base of Snowhawk's neck and bent her forward, her head at his waist. "Now what's this about a vampire, love?" Kirrian's voice said.

"Kione. While we attempted to kill him, he swore he'd come back for me."

"Interesting," the wolf said, still holding an uncomfortable Snowhawk at his side.

She whined as he held her in place, growing ever more nervous. "Please let me go."

"Why should I? You've been withholding information from us. I think you deserve some punishment for that."

"You can't do that!" she exclaimed, trying to free herself.

"Of course I can," he stated, dragging her toward their bedroom.

"I think not, brother," Adian growled, having suddenly appeared behind them. "Let her go."

"Of course, the spoilsport was watching," Kirrian grumbled as he released Snowhawk's mane. She collapsed to her knees next to him.

"You could be a little more appreciative of her help, Janus. Once again, she's putting her neck on the line for your sake."

The lighter wolf growled lowly, and shook his head, trying to shake the Kirrian persona away. After a moment, he crouched down, kneeling next to Snowhawk. "Love, I'm sorry, I don't know why he keeps coming back."

"It's okay, Janus. Well, not 'okay,' but I know it's not really you," she replied, giving a small smile. "I'll send word to the Director in Juv, and see if he can offer any advice."


"Hello, Snowhawk, how have you been?" the Director began, talking to the speaker phone.

"Good, Director. Thank you for all your help," her voice replied.

"I get the feeling this isn't a social call, though."

"No, sir, this is about my mate, Janus."

"Oh, the Lupino that was bitten by the Avizon."

"Yes. He's still having some trouble from that."

"Really now?" the Director replied, sounding concerned. "What's been going on?"

"He keeps reverting back to Kirrian, and the personality is getting more and more vicious."

"How long has this been going on?"

"It's gotten worse in the past month. Before that, it was just rarely."

"Forgive me if I've asked this before, but had he ever been bitten by an Avizon prior to his disappearance?"

Snowhawk was quiet for a moment, then replied back, "Yes, once, several weeks before."

"I see. Snowhawk, I'm going to make a trip up there. I need to see this, and I know this city would never allow a former slaver in the walls."

"Thank you, sir."

"I'll be there within a week's time."


The tension of the week built upon itself, finally exploding one night in the gardens when Kirrian grabbed Snowhawk by the throat. She hesitated for only a moment before grabbing his arm and pulling his hand away, then quickly kicked herself away from him, leaving a horseshoe shaped bruise under the fur of his thigh. As the now pissed off wolf advanced toward her, she was aided by Adian who grabbed the silver-furred wolf and held him in place. "Why aren't you fighting back, Janus?!" she yelled, tears in her eyes.

The older wolf shook his head, growling. "He can't hear you right now," Kirrian explained.

"Of course he can," Adian replied, tossing his brother to the floor, away from Snowhawk. "You wouldn't be hanging around so much if he couldn't."

"I'm sure you can understand I have better reasons to stick around than just pissing off that whelp."

"'Whelp?' That's a pretty strong insult on your host," the Director's voice interrupted. As the others looked up at him, he said, "Hope you don't mind that I let myself in. I figured I was late enough."

"Thank you for coming," Snowhawk said, wiping her eyes. "Sorry you had to come so far again."

"It's no trouble, really," the Director said as he strode toward Kirrian. The other wolf, though slightly taller, stood and took a step back from the stouter figure of the Director. "Oh, don't worry, I'm not going to poke too hard," he grinned.

"I'd rather you not poke at all," Kirrian growled, taking another step back.

"Oh, don't be so nervous," the Director commented as he quickly closed the gap between himself and the other wolf. "Now, show me where this Avizon bit you the first time." After a moment of thought, Kirrian reached up and pointed high on his neck. "Good, let's start there."

After several hours of tests, the Director approached Snowhawk and Adian. "I apologize for not seeing this a decade ago, but based on the few tests I can do before my team arrives, it appears that Janus is one of the Lupino who is exceptionally sensitive to Avizon venom."

"What does that mean?" Snowhawk asked, confused.

"He's potentially going to cycle through this his whole life, unless we can find some way to remove the residual effect. We thought he would just run the course until the venom left his system, but there appears to be a significant amount left in him. It's possible it's affecting his nervous system."

"Which would explain the personality changes," Adian responded.

"Exactly. I'm sorry I don't have better news."

"No, Director, it's okay. We'll just - have to work with what we have."

"My team should be here very soon. They'll do everything they can."

"Thank you, sir."

"Please, call me Rais."

Chapter 30

Snowhawk fidgeted nervously as she waited on news from Rais and his team about Janus' condition. Adian sat with her, one hand resting on her shoulder, trying to calm her some. It had been three months since Rais arrived. Because of Anya being long dead, the team had no way to acquire a new venom sample, and no other Avizon were known in the city. They had been experimenting with the vampiric anti-toxin to remove the residual effects. The process was slow going, slower than the original tests on Snowhawk, and seemed to be just as painful, and the results seemed mixed. While the persona of Kirrian was spending more and more time away, Janus seemed to be slowly losing his memories.

"He asked me where this came from," Snowhawk began, pointing to the still-visible scar on her neck.

"He can't remember?" Adian asked, concerned.

"He remembers before that night. He remembers finding me. And in the hospital afterward, and my escape and killing your uncle, but not what caused it."

"Did you remind him?"

"Yes, but I don't know if he'll remember."

"What else has he forgotten?"

"There seem to be little pockets everywhere, like your parent's names and what a damn fork is used for."

Adian sighed, looking toward the room's door. About that moment, Rais walked through said doorway. "I hope I'm not interrupting."

"No," Snowhawk replied, "we were just discussing your patient."

"Oh, then I won't have to change your discussion topic," the Director said. "I think we should reduce the treatment. Or stop it completely. I'm concerned about this memory loss he's having."

"That's what we had been discussing," Adian began, "though not about altering the treatment."

"I believe it's coming from the pain. His mind is shutting it out, and other things are being locked away."

Snowhawk gave a small nod. "Understandable."

"I have to ask you both if you feel you could live with him in this state."

"I've fought too hard to give up on him now, Rais," Snowhawk responded.


"As long as he's not attacking her on a nightly basis again."

"Then we'll scale down and stop treatment as soon as we can. If we had another Avizon, it might work better, but unless you know of one in the city-"

"No. We've looked as best we can."

"Then you may be stuck with him like this for good. But if there's any good news, it seems to have slowed his aging."

Snowhawk did give a weak smile at this. She had suspected as much for Janus, but her own aging never caught up to what a normal Delphin's should be. She would still outlive him.

"I'm sorry I couldn't do more, but if you find an Avizon, and they're not trying to kill you, please, let me know and I'll return as soon as I can."

"Thank you for what you have done though, Rais," Adian said.

The other wolf bowed slightly to Snowhawk and Adian. "Just doing my job. I'll go let Janus know what the plan is."


Across town, at Nytehawk's home, Valerian paced in his room. He was nervous, but wasn't quite sure why. He simply felt something to be wrong. He hadn't been able to see his mother recently, and wondered if what he felt was in relation to her. Over the past decade, he'd seen her at least monthly, if not more often, until these past three months. The boy, now nearly an adult by Delphin standards at just over thirteen years of age, was far more keen to pick up when something was "wrong" and had been growing ever harder to keep things from.

He had learned the truth months ago about his father and mother. The whole truth, not just the sugarcoated version he'd been told as a youngster. He appreciated honesty, but understood why he'd been protected for so long.

"Still," he said to himself, brushing his long forelock from his eyes and picking up his cellphone from the bedside table, "something is up. And I'm not sure what, but I think I need to get to my mother." And with that, he called her.

The phone rang a half-dozen times, but then went to her voicemail. He left a short message, asking her to call him back, then dropped the phone back on the table next to his bed. He grumbled with frustration. "I guess I just have to go see for myself."

His aunt was scheduled out for meetings the rest of the day, so he left a message with Hunter that he'd be back later. As he'd aged, he'd been allowed to roam more and more, so wandering off to visit his mom was not something he'd typically get in trouble for.


Snowhawk sighed as she wandered the estates' gardens. It had only been a couple hours since Rais left, and while things were improved over these past few months, she had this nagging feeling of dread. A feeling of being watched. No, she thought, not just watched,stalked.

Just a moment later, something rushed at her and soon had her pressed against the hedges. "Hello, dear," Kione's voice began, just before wrapping his hand around her muzzle to muffle any cries of help. "Did you miss me?" He grinned as she fought to pull her head away. "Oh, you're still wearing that damned locket?" he said, taking said object into his free hand. "You won't be needing this anymore," the vampire continued before jerking it from her neck.

She gave a muffled cry of pain as the chain of the locket bit into her neck, then broke free, pulling some of her fur and mane with it. The wall the locket had built in her mind, protecting her from Emerald was crumbling fast and she began to hyperventilate as the panicked feeling rose at the thought of being taken over again.

Kione removed his hand from her muzzle, brushing his fingers over her cheek as he trailed them to her neck. "Don't worry, she won't come back yet. Just breathe." His hand stopped high on her throat, his thumb resting under her cheekbone, while his fingers laced themselves through her hair.

"M- Mom?!" Valerian yelled, having stumbled onto the scene.

Snowhawk couldn't move her head to look at her boy. "Run! Get help!" she screamed before being cut off by the vampire.

As the boy ran toward the house, calling for help, Kione watched him go. "Obedient young man you've got there."

"Don't you touch him," she choked out.

"Oh, he's far too young for me right now. I don't turn children. Their mothers on the other hand," Kione grinned, "are fair game. And this time, I'll make sure they don't find you prematurely."

"No!" she cried, striking out at him with a hoof.

Kione easily dodged her still shod hoof. "As much as I love the fight you have now, this is not going to make life easier for you." He grabbed her curved horn, pulling her head down with it. "Fight too much and this lovely horn is gone." Knowing the consequences, she stopped struggling, dropping to one knee. "That's a good girl," he grinned, then easily picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder.

"Stop right there, you son of a bitch!" Janus yelled, having been led to his mate by Valerian. Adian followed close behind.

"Oh, it appears I've overstayed my welcome. No matter, I have what I came for." And with that, he seemingly vanished from view, leaving the two wolves and young Delphin with only a breeze ruffling their hair and clothes.

"Shit!" Adian cursed, then took off to the garage to grab his truck, then head in what he believed to be the vampire's direction: east to the sea shore north of Di'aru.

But he would be off. The vampire no longer resided in the castle by the sea, but instead found his refuge in the city of Di'aru. The high population of the city gave him not only a large food supply, but plenty of faces to blend with. By the time he reached the city with Snowhawk, night was well underway, and he encountered little hassle from the local slavers about the Delphin prize slung over his shoulder. He soon reached his new home, a large house on the sea-side of the city, just south of the main port.

"Welcome to your new home," Kione began, tossing her unceremoniously onto a bed. "Get used to it, because we aren't leaving for a long time. And if you step out into that city with no protections," he paused, "let's say there are worse fates than becoming a vampire."

"You wouldn't dare collar me," she growled.

"I have once before and I will again, for your safety."

"Don't remind me," Snowhawk glared, as the vampire rummaged through a box.

"Oh, I'll do more than remind you," he grinned, pulling out what appeared to be the same wide band of steel as he'd placed on her over a decade ago. He set the band on the dresser, then walked to the bed where the other Delphin sat. "But first, we need to get this out of the way," he grinned as he leaned in toward her.

"I said no!" she yelled, kicking him squarely in the chest, then rolling backwards off the bed, only to find her back literally to the wall.

"You have to learn to watch where you go," he growled, mostly unphased by her kick and continuing to advance toward her.

"No," she whispered. "Not again."

"Yes again, and for good this time. No one will save you now."


"Son of a bitch!" howled Adian as he ran from Kione's former home. "I should have know he'd have moved. But where?" Every second he lost was one less Snowhawk would have. Suddenly, the thought struck him. If he were to hide somewhere, it'd be easiest to hide in plain sight, and the city of Di'aru was so close. "I'll start there."


Kione pulled away from Snowhawk's neck, letting her bright red blood trail down it and to her chest before he grinned and closed the wound with a lick. She'd not passed out this time around, and though she was woozy, and nearly unable to sit up on her own, she shot him a glare that could have killed anyone else. Her look of utter displeasure just made him laugh. "You are certainly stronger, but you can't resist this."

"Watch me," she defiantly whispered, then finally collapsed to the side, breathing heavily as the vampire's venom ran through her body.

"It's easier on us both if you just give in."


"There will be no wolf or doctor to save you this time."

"I won't need them," she weakly replied.

"You are just prolonging the inevitable."

"No, I won't let you w-" she began, but finally passed out before she could finish her thought.


Adian wandered the city for hours, asking anyone if they had seen either the vampire or Snowhawk. Several recalled seeing her, but it would only be a single Lupino adolescent that could point to the house she thought she remembered seeing the pale Delphin disappear into. Adian carefully approached the house, unsure if the vampire knew he was there yet. Through all the other scents of the city overwhelming his nose, he could faintly pick up Snowhawk's, so he at least knew the kid had been right.

He tested the door, and found it unlocked, which would be strange for this city. He carefully entered the building, keeping himself on guard as he followed Snowhawk's scent. Adian soon found himself at a door where her scent seemed to come from strongest. He also smelled Kione. His fur bristled thinking about what had probably been done to her in the hours past.

He quickly opened the door and burst into the room, seeing the vampire sitting on the bed next to the still unconscious Snowhawk. "You're far too late, wolf." Kione grinned.

"Never too late."

"It's been nearly twelve hours since I bit her. She's fought it, but I'm sure she'll be awake soon."

"It will never be too late as long as-" Adian began to growl, but was cut off.

"As long as what? You live? There's a cure? You wouldn't take that cure yourself because you know that this is inevitable for her."

"No, because I knew I'd have to protect her from you."

"You can't protect her forever if you won't take her from your brother. And it's such a pity for you, I'm just going to take her from you both so I can have my mate back."

"Never," Adian growled and advanced toward them.

"Oh, Adian, we've had this discussion before. You're always going to be a third wheel, at least until he's dead, and things will just end badly. You know how it goes."


"No, Adian, I think not."

"Give her up, damn you."

Kione smirked. "I'm not letting her get away this time." He lifted his hand to reveal a heavy steel chain, attached to the same wide steel collar he'd removed from it's box earlier.

"You. Son of a bitch," Adian growled again, narrowing his eyes at the vampire. "How dare you collar her."

"In this city? It's better protection than either of us could offer."

"No!" he howled, then lunged at the vampire.

Kione was honestly surprised by the attack and took the full force of Adian's lunge. "What's wrong, wolf? Did I strike a nerve?" he chuckled as he easily pushed the younger vampire off him. Adian hopped up to try and reach the bed to grab Snowhawk, but found himself blocked by Kione. "You're still too slow, Adian."

"Move, damn you!" he yelled as he threw a punch at the vampire. Kione simply caught his fist and pushed it out of the way.

"Watch where you fight," Kione warned, nodding back to the still unconscious Delphin.

"Then get away from her, you prick!"

"That's too easy."

Adian looked helplessly at Snowhawk. He didn't know if she was able to hear what was going on or not, but he swore he saw her mouth "Save me." With one last burst of energy, he lunged for the vampire, grabbing his shoulders, falling backwards with him, and vaulting him back, away from Snowhawk. Once the vampire was away, Adian rushed to the Delphin's side. What appeared to be peaceful from a distance was quite distressing to actually see. Tiny twitches wracked her small body, strange for this long after being envenomed. "She's still fighting," he whispered, then quickly scooped her into his arms.

"You can take her now, Adian, but you'll never get her back."

"We'll see about that," the wolf growled, then ran from the house.


Adian couldn't risk being seen biting Snowhawk as soon as he got her back to his truck, so he had to simply load her into the passenger seat and drive far outside of the city. Another two hours would pass before he looked to the passenger seat to see her waking up. He quickly pulled over so his attention could be focused on her. "Snowhawk?"

"Adian," she quietly began, "How did I get here? What happened?"

"I fought Kione away from you. Don't you remember him biting you?"

"Vaguely. I'm so tired, though."

"Stay awake, dear. Tired is a good thing, it means his venom didn't work."

"I fought it off?" she said with a small smile.

"Most of it at least, apparently. Let's get you back home and in the mean time, I'll get in contact with Rais again."


"You're incredibly strong, Ms. Alyandra. Very few folks could ever even think to fight off a vampire's venom. Yet you beat it almost completely," Rais complimented.

"Thank you, Rais," Snowhawk returned.

"I have to ask, though," Adian began, "have you felt any hint of Emerald?"

"No, none at all. Its like she's completely gone from my head."

"Its possible the anti-venom has removed her ability to communicate with you. It would be a long shot, but that seems most likely," the Director commented.

"That, combined with wearing that locket for a decade," the chocolate wolf suggested.

"Very possible as well."

Snowhawk sighed and looked down. "I'm almost more afraid now, knowing she's probably gone. Kione was pissed enough last time, and she was just hidden then."

"Then we have to get rid of him, once and for all."

"As interesting as studying an elder vampire would be, I'm inclined to agree. I don't know the long-term effects of using the anti-venom multiple times. It's possible the effects will lessen with each use, until there comes a point where even it wouldn't be able to bring you back."

"But," Snowhawk began, looking up, "how are we supposed to do that? We couldn't before."

"We hesitated then. We won't this time."

Snowhawk just nodded slowly, unsure of Adian's plan. "Thank you again, Rais. I think I'm going to go and rest."

"You're quite welcome, Ms. Alyandra."

As she left the room, Snowhawk was greeted by Janus and quickly pulled into a hug. "So glad you've returned."

"Glad to be back," she whispered, giving him a soft nuzzle. "Where did my son get off too?"

"He's sleeping right now. Your cousin knows he's here, and safe."

"Good. And I think sleep sounds like a wonderful idea."

"Then we should rest," Janus smiled, then led her away to their room.


Kione was fuming. Not only had Snowhawk managed to mostly fight off his venom, but that thrice-damned anti-venom had obliterated any that remained in her system. "But it can't work forever, and if I bide my time, she'll eventually succumb."

But he was also concerned. At no point had he felt Emerald's presence in her mind. This was the part that infuriated him the most. He'd made sure to remove the locket specifically so Emerald could contact him, but there had been nothing.

He stared into a viewing orb, looking at the sleeping Snowhawk, and as he tried to get some reaction from her, he found she was oblivious to his presence. "Son of a bitch," he quietly cursed, tossing the orb aside, barely noting the sound of it shattering. He loved a challenge, but this was a bit much. He would have to find some other leverage over her.

Chapter 31

The city of Di'aru was always a haven for slavers. Part of the slave trade includes hunting down and retrieving lost or stolen slaves, and the business over the past few years was very lucrative, especially since the slave uprising in Ametition, over sixteen years ago. In Juv, one pair of Delphin half-brothers were the beings to go to if you needed a slave returned.

These two were born slaves who freed themselves using their skills at tracking other slaves. They felt no remorse for what they did, they simply viewed it as returning property to it's rightful owner. They did their jobs, no questions asked.

When they met with another Delphin one evening about retrieving a stolen slave of his, they had no idea the slave they would be retrieving would be their mother. But the silver-haired Delphin did. He was quite pleased to find these two, as they would provide his much-needed extra leverage over Snowhawk.

"She'll probably resist," Kione warned the two. "And she can be a vicious little bitch when she's not getting her way," he continued, thinking of her feline form's needle-like fangs.

"We can handle her," the younger brother commented.

"Do you know where she may be?" the older asked.

"Hiding with her former owner. She always seems to run back to him. But he has no claim to her," Kione said, sliding them a piece of paper with an address scrawled on it. "She's also possibly using the Delphin Society as a shield, so watch out while you're there."

"Well, brother," the older began, "this seems like quite the challenge."

"Indeed. But we'll be back with her soon enough. We've never missed a mark."

As the pair left, Kione mused to himself. This will be good enough to watch, he grinned. I'll have to follow them. I can't want to see her reaction when she finds out her oldest sons are slave hunters.

The brothers also mused, though openly, about their latest client as they drove to Ametition. "He's a bit of a creep, isn't he, Cody?" the younger brother asked.

"Yeah, he is Jesse. I'm not sure about him, but his offer is too good to pass up." He frowned a bit at he thought and drove. "Something about this slave seems familiar though. I know the story about her, but beyond that."

"I know what you mean. I was thinking the same thing."

"I'm sure it's nothing. I'll shut up so you can rest and we'll trade off halfway."

Cody nodded and leaned back his seat slightly and closed his eyes.


Late the following day in Ametition, Snowhawk sat in a study in the estate with Valerian, explaining to him some of the history she knew of their kind, as well as teaching him a bit more about the Delphin language.

Janus was in the room with the two, listening to the history and language lessons. Snowhawk was the better teacher between her and her cousin. She knew more about Delphin history, in part from her connection to Emerald, and had been better trained in their language. He was fascinated, as always, to hear the Delphin language spoken.

"I'm sorry I wasn't around to speak this to you as a child," Snowhawk told the young man, in their language.

"Nytehawk taught me what she knew," he replied, slower than his mother.

"And for that I am grateful. Having to start from scratch when you're almost an adult would be much more difficult."

Adian interrupted the group, sticking his head in the door. "Sorry to bother you, but we have company."

"Who is it?" Janus asked, rising from his chair.

"Two Delphin. Young, probably early 20s."

"Find out what they want," Janus growled, not pleased with the unexpected visitors.

"Already ahead of you," Adian said as he ran off.

"I sense something familiar," Snowhawk said as she stood.

"What is it?"

"I can't tell, but I think it has to do with our visitors." She strode from the room, following the direction Adian went.

"Does she do that a lot?" Valerian asked.

"Yes," Janus sighed. "Come on, we should follow her."

At the front door, Adian met with the two Delphin. "So why are you here?" he growled, also displeased with all the unexpected visitors of the past few years.

"We seek a slave," Jesse began. "We have reason to believe she is hiding here."

Adian laughed. "There haven't been slaves here for over fifteen years."

Almost on queue, the sound of Snowhawk's shod hooves on the tiles could be heard. "Jesse? Cody?" she said, recognizing the two boys instantly.

"That's her!" Cody exclaimed.

"Snowhawk, they're here for you. They think you're a slave," Adian explained.

Her hand went immediately to the steel band on her neck, hidden behind her dress collar. "I haven't been enslaved in sixteen years, firstly, and second, you're hunters?!" She was exasperated.

The younger brother tried to take a step forward, but was stopped by the chocolate wolf before him. "How do you know our names?"

"Because I'm your mother!"

"They told us our mother died," Jesse continued.

"I should have. I almost did delivering you. That's why they sold me off."

"Mom?" Valerian's voice began, as he stepped behind his mother, "who are they?"

"Shit," she sighed. "Your brothers. But they're hunters."

Janus folded his ears back, growling at the two. "What business do you have here?"

"We were contracted to bring her back," Cody explained.

"We can't take her back now," Jesse said to his brother.

"Bullshit. A contract is a contract. Do you really want that client following you?"

Snowhawk looked back at Janus, and her youngest son, then stepped toward the two older boys. "Which client?"

"A Delphin from Dia'ru. That's all I'll say."

"Kione," she again sighed. "Boys, you've gotten yourself in a world of trouble."

"Who is he?" Jesse asked, growing more frantic.

"A very old vampire. And one that is in no way my owner."

The younger brother was near panic. The older now seemed confused. "Then why would he contact us?"

"He thinks his dead mate can be resurrected through me. But she's gone for good now. But, I can't let you not go back. You'd be too much at risk."

"Snowhawk you can't-" Janus began.

"I have to, love, I can't put them in danger. Contact Rais, have him ready to come back. I'll figure out how to escape."

"Snowhawk, you'll never get free. Not in that city," Adian commented.

"Then give me five days, that's enough time after getting there to find an opening if there is one. If you have to come after me, bring my daggers. I'll at least remind him why he left me alone for a decade."


A mid-spring rain seemed to follow the trio to Dia'ru, setting the tone of the ride. "So, how did you fall into this?" Snowhawk asked, speaking to them of their profession.

"We were raised to do it, and we purchased our freedom with it," Cody responded, staring at the road ahead.

"Why didn't you go to Juv?"

"They wouldn't take us, not with what we had done," Jesse explained. "We had nothing else we could do!"

"I see."

Cody snorted. "It was this or starve."

Snowhawk dropped her head. "I guess Ametition's little revolution didn't affect Dia'ru at all."

"Just pushed more of the slavers there."

Snowhawk nodded a bit and sighed, feeling responsible. "Go to my cousin, your aunt, Nytehawk, after you deliver me. Tell her I sent you, and you both need jobs."

"The leader of the Society?"

"Yes. She'll help you. I'll write a letter for you."

"You are probably going to die, and yet you still help us?"

"Of course."


At the hand off in Dia'ru, Jesse refrained from assisting his brother. Normally, one brother would deal with the money, the other with the slave, but Jesse wanted no further part in this contract. He knew they couldn't just abandon the job, but the thought of turning his mother over to a vampire just made him sick.

Cody easily handled both transfers on his own, and as he handed his mother's lead to Kione, he asked, "Did you know?"

"About what? Her being your mother?"


"Of course."

"And is it true?"

The vampire nodded. "Again, of course. She knew your names before you said them, didn't she?"

"How do you know about that?"

"Oh, oops, I shouldn't have said anything," Kione mockingly grinned.

Cody just growled and turned to walk away, knowing he could do nothing at this point. Dia'ru's laws were clear in protecting slave owners and not their property.

"And don't think you're going anywhere, you bitch," Kione growled at Snowhawk.

"I don't know why you're wasting your time," she asked as he drug her into his home. "We both know she's gone."

"No!" he growled, throwing her onto a couch. "She can't be."

"If I couldn't sense her, then I know you wouldn't have."

"She can't be gone."

"After a decade locked away wouldn't you get bored and move on?"

Kione grabbed Snowhawk by the throat and pressed her into the cushions. "She wouldn't have left me, and if she has, then I will kill you and your wolves."

"Just give up."

"Never," he growled, then pulled her head up with his free hand, and quickly bit her high on the neck.

For fuck's sake, Snowhawk thought as she again had to wait through another attempt at turning her into a vampire.


Hours later, Snowhawk still lay on the couch as she had been left. She was unconscious this time, having been unable to fight off the amount of venom the vampire injected into her system. Yet, there was still no sign of Emerald. Kione was beginning to worry.

"It's impossible," the vampire whispered as he examined the unconscious Snowhawk's eyes. "There's no doubt she's a vampire, but there's not even a glimmer of Emerald left." Kione sat back and sighed, disgusted. "I won't let it end like this."

Chapter 32

"It's been almost five days," Janus said, nervously pacing about in his study, as his brother sat across the room, staring at a laptop's screen and watching feeds of various cameras around the estate.

"I know, brother. And I'll be leaving for Dia'ru shortly."

"Do you think she's been - " he began, trailing off as he shuddered at the thought of what may have been done to his love.

"Been what? Turned?" Adian replied, looking up from his laptop. "I'd bet money on it. If he's trying to bring Emerald back, there's no reason he'd wait now. Rais should arrive before I return with her."

"You can't help her this time, can you?"

"With as long as it's been, probably not," Adian replied, shaking his head and standing.

Janus sat down, holding his head in his hands. "Just get her back safely. And soon."

The younger brother nodded, then handed his laptop off to Janus. "Keep an eye out for her from here. I'll call once I have information to call about."


Snowhawk side-eyed the seemingly tied-up human next to her. The vampire had brought this man, supposedly a small-time, easily missed slaver, back for her to feed off of, but she still couldn't bring herself to bite him. The thought was tempting, and she was getting pretty damned hungry, but...

"What's wrong now?" Kione grumbled, interrupting her thoughts. Snowhawk had not been a pleasure to have around the past near week.

"You're nuts if you think I'm feeding."

"You'll die if you don't," Kione shrugged.

Snowhawk canted her head to the side. "I thought you were going to kill me anyway. What's the difference?"

"I have two wolves to kill before it's your turn. Besides, if you prove useful, you may live."

"You wouldn't kill Adian. You've said so before. And if you think I'm going to let you take Janus away from me again, you have another thing coming."

Kione growled at her. "Don't call my bluff, Delphin, or you'll find his head on a fucking platter. I at least need to figure out how the hell you managed to gain Emerald's powers without her being around."

"I do have a name, you know," she grumbled.

"You haven't earned your name yet. And if you aren't going to eat, then go back to your room."

Her expression immediately changed at the vampire's command. He'd mostly left her with her own, stubborn, free will, but at times like this, fed up with that same stubbornness, he held his power over her. He could have forced her to feed, but past experiences led him to know what a poor idea that would turn out to be. I don't need another prodigy to kill themselves. He heard her door click shut, then looked at the slaver sitting on his couch. The man was still under Kione's command as well, a much stronger bond than any rope. He'd be easy enough to catch again, and any memory he had of tonight could be easily brushed off as a dream if he woke up in bed. "You there," he said to the slaver, who in turn looked at him. "You are to go home and go to sleep. If you speak of anything you overheard tonight, I will hunt you down." The man gave him a dazed nod and then stood and walked from the house.

Once the house was back to two occupants, Kione walked to Snowhawk's room. Inside, she sat on the edge of the bed, making no movement as he entered. The room was windowless, and the door the heaviest of any in the rest of the home. Still, Delphin hooves had taken out greater doors than this one, and Snowhawk was still shod with steel, so Kione kept her chained away from the door, rather than keep her under his command at all times, as she was now. He grabbed the end of the chain and fastened it to the ring on her collar, then silently released her from his control.

Snowhawk shook her head, grumbling. "Shit's getting real old, real fast."

"If you weren't so damn destructive with my home," he said, pointing to hoof sized dents in the wall, "I wouldn't need to keep doing that."

"If you'd get over your dead mate and leave me the hell alone, I wouldn't need to be here."

Kione smirked. "Said by the Delphin who ran herself to exhaustion to find her dead mate."

"I didn't wait a thousand years to do something."

"Once I had Adian, you were the most convenient." Snowhawk just snorted and turned away from him. "I will have what I want."

"Not if she's not here anymore."

"I'm sure she's still there," Kione said, turning her around to face him. "I just have to find her."


The following evening, Adian arrived in Dia'ru. He headed straight for Kione's new home. Once again, the front door was unlocked, almost as if the elder vampire was expecting him. Inside, he sniffed about the building, searching for Snowhawk's scent, and found her room. The door here was also unlocked, and Adian was almost afraid of what he'd find inside. He cautiously opened the door, and saw her sitting up from the bed. As she moved, he heard the sound of a heavy chain. "Snowhawk?"

"Adian?" she asked at the same time, realizing who was in the doorway.

The vampiric wolf was fuming. "Son of a bitch," he growled as he moved toward her. He grabbed the end of the chain attached to the wall and gave it a few strong tugs. "So I see why the door was unlocked."

"He's out hunting." She was growing almost frantic. "Adi, it's not safe for you here. He'll be back anytime and he's already pissed enough Emerald is gone."

"I'm not leaving here without you, Snowhawk." Adian stated, examining the chain attached at her collar.

"So the wolf returns," Kione said, stepping into the doorway.

"You son of a bitch," Adian repeated, growling and bristling as he stepped between Snowhawk and the elder vampire. "How dare you."

"No, wolf, how dare you for taking my Emerald away from me."

"You took Snowhawk away from us first."

"'Us' you say, like you really have any claim to her. Like that weakling of a brother of yours does."

"I'm hardly a weakling," Kirrian's voice growled. "And I don't like sharing."

"Janus?!" both Adian and Snowhawk said at once. The older brother stood behind the vampire, fur bristling and standing crouched, ready to pounce.

"Wonderful. Now I can kill you both and then get back to finding my mate."

"Not likely," Kirrian again growled, then lunged at Kione.

The speed of the older wolf caught the elder vampire off guard, and the near-feral fighting style, if it could be called a style, put him even further off guard. Fangs bared, Kirrian seemed intent on ripping the vampire's throat out as he snapped and snarled at Kione's head. The vampire finally managed to flip the wolf off him, about the time that Adian joined into the fight. Adian rushed in, unsheathing one of Snowhawk's dark silver daggers, as his brother landed with a dull thud near him. The vampire scrambled to find his feet, but soon cursed loudly as the dagger found a home in his left shoulder. Kione turned his attention to Adian, backhanding the younger wolf before their fight continued.

With Kione distracted, Kirrian began pulling on the chain's attachment to the wall. "Help me!" he told Snowhawk, who also grabbed a hold of the chain and began kicking at the wall near the anchor. With Kirrian's extra strength, and the damage done by Snowhawk's hooves, the anchor pulled loose from the wall, leaving them with a long length of chain attached to Snowhawk's neck. "Perfect," Kirrian grinned, handing the chain to Snowhawk. She at first looked confused, then shifted to her feline form, and looked at the fighting vampires.

A near white blur was all that could be made out as Snowhawk rushed into the fray. She soon had the chain wrapped around Kione and pulled taught. "I won't let you get away this time, you bastard."

"Are you forgetting who controls you, mare?" Kione warned. Kirrian snarled and growled, then again lunged at the now chained up vampire. "Before me!" Kione commanded, and Snowhawk stepped in front of him, just before Kirrian reached Kione. Kirrian's momentum couldn't be stopped and he crashed into both Snowhawk and Kione, knocking them to the ground. The small feline was knocked unconscious, and Kione just grinned at the wolf that now towered over him. "You make it too easy."

Kirrian snapped at the elder vampire again, grabbing him by the throat this time.

"You can't kill me, wolf."

"Don't tempt him, Kione," Adian said, kneeling next to his sire. "Besides, I'll finish you off if he doesn't kill you."

"You can't kill me either."

"Then I will," said Snowhawk's groggy voice, just before she grabbed her other dagger from it's sheath on Adian. Kirrian's jaws tightened on the vampire's throat.

"Back to sleep with you," Kirrian choked out, then Snowhawk was out again.

"Not really fair if you keep commanding her."

"You're next," Kione said, then told Adian, "Move away."

Much unlike Snowhawk, Adian had been away from Kione long enough to not immediately follow his command. "I- I think not."

"Move. Away," he repeated. Adian visibly resisted, then after a moment, finally moved away from his brother.

"Now what about y-" Kione was cut off by Kirrian further tightening his jaws about his throat. A moment later, Kirrian yelped and released the vampire as he felt a blade stab into his side.

He quickly lept back, and saw Snowhawk, with a dulled expression, kneeling next to the vampire, her dagger in hand. "You fucking stabbed me!" Kirrian exclaimed. Kione stood, an unwilling Snowhawk helping him remove the chain from around him. Both wolves growled and bristled at the elder vampire.

"I guess I have to move again. Pity, this was such a nice place. Come on, mare," Kione said, then vanished with Snowhawk.

"Shit!" Adian growled. "He doesn't have to speak to her. This is an even bigger problem then I expected."

"How are we going to kill that?"

Adian paused for a moment. "We need to find Onyx. If he's still alive."

Chapter 33

Kione again unceremoniously tossed the feline formed Snowhawk on the bed before him. "Well, mare, I'd guess that the wolves won't mind if we borrow this little cabin until I find something better." The vampiric Delphin had brought her to the small cabin in the Northern forests that once was a summer home for Janus and Adian's family. "I highly doubt they'd even think to look here." He regarded the female for a moment, then commanded her, "Change forms. Back to your true form." Snowhawk complied, shifting back to her Delphin form, having no other choice. "You are so different from her. Yet in so many ways the same," he mused as he continued to look at her. "Where are you, Emerald?" he asked, leaning closer to her.

The female Delphin's half-closed eyes blinked shut, reopening to a cold blue, and Emerald's voice called out "Save me..." as Snowhawk's head went back. She again blinked, and her eyes returned to their normal magenta.

"Emerald?!" Kione called out. "Emerald, come back!" he yelled, grabbing Snowhawk's shoulders and shaking the mare lightly. "Emerald, don't leave me."

The elder vampire had long forgotten how to cry, but as he looked at Snowhawk's face, a single tear formed at the corner of her eye. "She's not gone. She'd never leave me again." He leaned over, gently kissing away the tear making it's way down the side of Snowhawk's face, hoping Emerald would feel it.


A coal black shadow moved away from the window. Onyx happened to sense other Delphin nearby, and found Snowhawk under Kione's command. I'm sure the wolves would like to know where she is, he thought, then trotted off to the city. The old Royal Guard didn't have the ability to travel quickly like the vampires, so the trip would take him nearly three days on foot.

Three days later, Onyx arrived at the Sinisusi estate. He found Rais first, and was surprised to see the Director before the lupine brothers.

"Good to see you again, Onyx," the Director bowed.

"And you, Rais. Have you seen the brothers?"

"They should be arriving back soon. Did you have news for them?"

"Yes. I've found Snowhawk and the elder vampire. I'm sure they'll be pleased to hear that."

"Indeed. Their attempt to rescue her didn't go well, and it sounds like the elder brother will need some patching up before he goes anywhere."

The pair chatted and waited for the brothers to arrive, catching up on the past decade. Their conversation would go on for two hours before the other Lupino arrived.

"Just the Delphin we needed to see," Adian began.

"And I'm sure you'll be pleased to know what I have to tell you as well," Onyx replied.

"Please tell us you know where she is," Janus pleaded.

"I do," the Delphin responded. "I happened across her and the elder vampire as I was wandering the Northern forests.

"Is he at the old cabin?" Adian asked, canting his head to the side.

"He is."

"Son of a bitch," Adian growled. "We never would have thought to look up there, but it's an obvious hiding place when I think of it."

"Let's go," Janus said.

"But your wound-" the Director began, but soon found himself cut off.

"It's fine. Thanks to Anya's residual venom, I heal faster than normal."

"May I at least inspect it?"

"Of course," Janus replied, and lifted his still blood-stained, cut shirt. The wound had indeed closed, and prodding from the Director didn't draw out any cries of pain from the light-furred Lupino.

"Very well, you appear to be healed enough that it shouldn't tear open. But be careful anyway."

"Let's go then," Adian said to his brother and the Delphin Guard.


Back at the cabin, Kione had still not released Snowhawk from his command. He hoped that her mental state in this condition would draw Emerald out, but all he'd managed to do was exhaust himself by keeping her restricted. "Emerald, where are you?" he whispered in the pale Delphin's ear.

"Save me," she had said. But from what, Kione wondered. She should be able to take control of Snowhawk at any point. Why hasn't she? The vampire was utterly confused.

He sat back in the chair next to the bed, watching the other Delphin. "I guess I could settle for you if we can't get her back. But I'll have to get the wolves out of the picture first. Or at least Janus. Adian will be easy enough to take you from."

The female Delphin fidgeted at hearing this. Kione's control over her was weakening the more stressed he became, and she was getting more and more able to respond to him. But he knew better than to let her free, even though he was exhausting himself. She had been able to run here as a half vampire, so running away would be no trouble for her. He'd not been able to find a suitable place to attach the chain that still hung from her collar. If he could, he could at least release her and rest. There were plenty of sturdy things to attach it to, but he had not found any tools. "I suppose I could let you go back to them and just come after you when I'm ready, or hope Emerald will bring you back before then."

Kione thought over this for a few moments, then snapped his fingers once at Snowhawk. She blinked in response a few times, then slowly sat up.

"I'm letting you go, for now, mare."

"Why?" she said, side eyeing him and unsure.

"Because I'm exhausted and you're too much trouble for me right now. Go back to your wolves," he said, reaching over to her, and releasing the lock on her collar. "Just know I'll be back. Or Emerald will," he grinned.

"She won't be," Snowhawk replied, crawling from the bed and keeping as much distance between her and the vampire as possible.

"Don't worry, mare, I am a Delphin of my word. You can go, for now." Not needing to be told again, Snowhawk quickly opened the door and ran from the small cabin. "Mares," Kione sighed.


Little more than a day later, Snowhawk trotted down the road leading from the cabin, still confused as to why the vampire would release her, and what he meant by Emerald being back. She didn't remember Emerald crying out for help, and barely remembered the elder vampire's pleading for his lost mate. The sound of a vehicle caught her attention, and she looked up to see a familiar truck driving toward her. She waved her arms, trying to catch the driver's attention. The truck half slid to a halt near her, as Janus nearly fell trying to jump out of the still moving vehicle. The wolf ran to his mate, gathering her into his arms upon reaching her and squeezing her tightly.

"How did you escape, love?" he asked after several moments of silence.

"He let me go. Said he was exhausted and that I was too much trouble for him to deal with at this time."

"Exhausted?" Janus asked, confused.

"There's only so long you can keep someone controlled," Adian explained as he walked to the pair, closely followed by Onyx. "If he kept her like that for these past days, then he's been expending a lot of energy, and probably had little to eat. As for her being trouble, well, I'm sure you can understand that much."

"He said Emerald may return," Snowhawk began, folding her ears back. "I don't remember much, but he was calling for her."

"She may not be gone, then," Onyx commented. "She could just be well hidden."

Snowhawk sighed, looking down. "This is almost too much."

"I know, love," Janus replied, "But you're not alone through this."

As his brother embraced the pale Delphin, Adian looked away. He couldn't deny the pang of jealousy he felt, but knew that he just needed to bide his time. "Let's get back," the younger brother said. "We don't want to tempt fate."


Upon reaching the estate, the brothers, Onyx and Snowhawk were greeted by Director Rais. "Snowhawk, I'm glad to see you're safe."

"Safe, but still in need of your assistance," she replied.

"Of course. I'll let you settle in, then we can get started."

"Thank you, Director."

"I told you, please call me Rais," the Director smiled.

"Of course," she replied, smiling back.

As Snowhawk vanished off to her room, Rais turned to the other Lupino and the Delphin still standing. "I'll be honest and say I'm not sure if she can be helped this time. We've still never tried this serum on a full vampire."

"We have faith in you and your team, Rais. You've been invaluable in helping us before," Janus responded.

"Well, it's just me right now. My team will arrive if I need them."

Adian nodded. "Still, you're here to help, and we can't thank you enough."

Nearly an hour later, Snowhawk returned, still drying her mane from her recent shower. "Well, I think I'm ready."

"Very well then," Rais nodded, "let's get started."

The Lupino and the Delphin vanished into the study. It would be the first trip of many over the next weeks. Each injection of the serum reduced Snowhawk's vampiric powers, but at a slower rate than the first time. It would take twice as long, more than six months, to rid her of the vampiric toxin in her blood. And the pain was just as great as before, though it was over a longer period.

"It's possible this will stop working in the future for you, so be careful," the Director warned.

"Hopefully," Snowhawk returned, "Kione won't come back for me for another decade, if ever."

"We need to take care of him before that," Adian interjected.

"Last I checked, he was still creeping around your family's old cabin, but he may not stay there forever."

"I'd hope not," Janus frowned.

"I'll head back up there in a few days to check again."

"Thank you, Onyx."

Rais gave a small bow to the others. "I'll head back to Juv. If you folks need me again, please don't hesitate to call."

"Of course. Thank you again, Rais," Janus replied, returning the bow.

The Director left for Juv within the next hour. After he was on his way, Janus took Snowhawk back to her room. Adian clenched his fists as he watched his brother walk away with the female Delphin.

Onyx, noticing the boiling jealousy, turned to the younger brother and said, "You can't keep up this charade forever."

"I don't have to wait forever," Adian nearly growled. "Just long enough for him to be gone."

"That might as well be forever."

"I can wait. I'm patient. But I swear he flaunts it in my face."

"Perhaps, but he may not even realize it."

"Its still infuriating."

"I can imagine. But you still can't hide it forever."

"No. But I have to, for her sake."

"And your brother?"

"Very little I do anymore is for him. It's her."

Onyx shook his head. "You're going to drive yourself as batty as that other vampire is."

"No," Adian replied. "Kione's got a couple thousand years and a twice dead mate over me."

Chapter 34

It had been three quiet months since Snowhawk's treatment had ended and Rais had returned to Juv. Adian sat outside, the crystal clear night bitterly cold. The wolf had a great deal on his mind, but most of it revolved around the pale Delphin he'd sworn to protect. Why can't you be mine, Snow? he mused. He sat in the cold for hours, trying to calm his thoughts. The sky clouded up, and soon, a few flakes of snow began to fall. Perhaps he could... No. He couldn't betray his brother, and she wouldn't appreciate being forced to love him. He wouldn't turn into the very vampire they were so determined to destroy. But the long years ahead looked dim.

"Adian?" Snowhawk's voice called out. "What are you doing out in this freezing weather?" She carried a small lantern, and had a heavy cloak pulled about her.

The Lupino quickly cleared his mind and turned to see her pale form, her exposed fur glowing ever-so-slightly in the light. "Just thinking. It wasn't snowing earlier." She was a light to him. Despite everything, she still shone.

"Do you mind if I join you?"

"Only if my brother doesn't."

She smiled and walked closer to him, then sat fairly near him. She set her lantern down, and turned on the bench, pulling one leg up on it, to face him. "I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused you."

"Snowhawk, there's no trouble I won't go through for you. I swore to protect you, and that's what I'll do."

"But even before that. Because of Kione."

"I think of it like this, if Kione hadn't found me after Sophie tried to kill me, I probably wouldn't be here to protect you from him. He knew who you were, and you'd honestly probably be gone by now, turned back to Emerald. Then I'd have a moping brother to have to listen to while I haunted him."

The Delphin smiled again. "I really appreciate everything, Adi."

They sat in silence for a few moments, then Adian asked, "How has my brother been doing when I'm not around? Has Kirrian returned?"

Snowhawk looked down, shuffling her hooves a bit. "Sometimes. I'm still not sure, some nights, if Janus will be able to fight him off."

"Don't hesitate to call for help if you need it, Snowhawk. Protecting you from harm means from my brother too."

The mare give a small nod, then turned to Adian and unexpectedly hugged him. "Thank you," she whispered. In turn, the Lupino wrapped one arm around her, simply wishing this wouldn't stop. "I'd better go," she said after a minute, pulling away from him. "I'm getting tired. Please don't stay out too late. A wolf-sicle isn't going to help me any."

Adian couldn't help but smile. "No, it wouldn't."

After she vanished back into the estate, he'd reached up to where her face had been against his chest. His shirt was damp. Had she been crying? Perhaps his brother was worse off than she let on. The Director had warned them he could have periods where he was worse than others as his body reacted to the residual effects of the Avizon venom.

Following Snowhawk leaving, Adian sat alone, in silence, for another half hour. He watched as where she'd sat and where her hooves had fallen were covered in snow. He wondered what it meant, to her, now that she'd taken her steel shoes off. Had they been a fashion statement for the past decade, or was she actually trying to fight against her nature? Either way, he was glad to see them gone.

He finally decided to go inside and go to sleep. After a short walk, he was back in his room. He undressed and laid down in bed, pulling the covers up just past his waist. He placed his hands behind his head and stared at the dark ceiling for a few moments before closing his eyes. In what seemed like just a second later, he heard his door open and quickly shut. He reached over and turned the light on, and was surprised to see Snowhawk standing in his doorway. She looked terrified. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"I just --" she began, pausing to collect her thoughts. "I just can't stay with him tonight. He's too bad off."

"Come here, then, dear. You don't have to." He knew the mare couldn't stand to be alone. She quickly made her way to the bed, laying down next to him.

"I'm sorry, Adi."

"Don't be sorry. He'll get over it soon."

A moment later she looked up at the chocolate wolf and asked, "Will he?"

Even Adian couldn't be sure of that, so he shut off the light, then wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close to him. "Even if he doesn't, you'll be safe with me."

She sighed softly, and cuddled up to him.

What seemed like an hour later, Adian was again awoken. This time, it was by her gentle nuzzling. She said something in the Delphin language he couldn't understand, then took one of his hands and placed it on her breast. "Snow," he said, unsure if she was coherent enough to realize what she was doing. She soon lifted her head up, her mouth finding his, and kissed him. "Snowhawk, what are you doing?" he whispered. She responded by gently, but firmly, pulling him over her.

"Don't let me be alone," she whispered in reply, then kissed him again.

Adian woke up with a start. Snowhawk was with him, asleep, so that must have been a dream. _How in the world would I really deal with that?_he wondered. He looked at the Delphin laying next to him, then gently stroked her cheek, then lay back down, one arm around her, and went back to sleep.

The next morning, the pair was awoken by a tentative knock on the door. Adian quickly jumped out of bed and went to answer the caller. He was greeted by his brother, seemingly unaware of what ever had transpired the night before. "Have you seen Snowhawk? I think I blacked out last night. I can't remember a thing."

"She's here," Adian replied, worried about this blackout spell. "You were apparently not on your best behavior last night."

Janus sighed. "I was afraid of that. Is she okay?"

"Come on in, brother. She was shaken, but managed to sleep through the night."

"Thank you, Adian," Janus said with a small bow before he stepped into the room to see his love sitting up from Adian's bed.

She quickly hopped out of bed, trotting to him. "Oh, thank God you're back to normal," she said as she wrapped her arms around him.

Adian looked away, then stalked out of the room.

"Adi, where are you going?" Snowhawk called out.

"To find another Avizon. Things can't keep going on like this between you two."

He didn't even know where to start, or even if another Avizon would really help. But still, he had to try, for the sake of all three of them.

Hours later, he found himself down a not so familiar street, and discovered a new bar. "How long has this place been here?" he wondered. He'd used the bars of the city to find prey when needed, he'd not had the nerve to ask Snowhawk for help with that particular problem of his. Still, something called to him about this place. He stepped inside, finding most of the chairs still up on the tables, but a friendly enough Lupino female tending the bar. She waved him over, smiling generously. As he sat down, she pushed a notepad in front of him. It simply read "What can I get you to drink?"

"You're mute?" he asked, somewhat shocked that she wouldn't have found help. Of course, there was help for his condition, and he'd not taken it. With a small sigh, the bartender gave a nod. "I'm sorry, that was rude of me."

She took her notepad back, and quickly scrawled out, "It's okay, I'm used to it."

"I guess I'll just have a beer," he said with a sigh. "Unless you can help me find someone."

She sized him up for a moment, then took a guess as to the type of beer he'd best prefer. She slid the glass in front of him, then asked, via her note pad, "Who are you looking for?"

"Its not so much a specific person as a specific species," he replied as he took a sip. "Amazing, that's just what I had in mind."

She smiled broadly, another guest satisfied. She turned and went back to arranging some of the liquor bottles on the shelf behind her.

"You don't happen to know any Avizon, do you?" the chocolate Lupino asked.

The bartender almost dropped the bottle in her hand. She quickly composed herself, placing the bottle back on the shelf, and turned to face him. She quickly wrote out a note, then slipped the pad before him."Who wants to know?"

"My brother... He's not doing well. He was attacked by an Avizon over a decade ago and has been having trouble dealing with the residual effects of the venom. The Avizon that attacked him is long dead, so we're trying to find a cure in another."

"Sounds noble." she scribbled out, her hand still shaking.

"If it will make his mate happy, then I'll do anything for him."

The bartender took a few moments to think, then looked around, making doubly sure the bar was empty, then quickly rushed to the door, shutting, locking, and pulling its curtain closed. She did the same for the curtain over the large front window. Then she returned to the other wolf. "I may have an answer for you," she wrote, "but the secret must be kept."

"What secret?"

_"Mine,"_she replied on her note pad, then stepped back. Her lupine form melted away, revealing the draconic form of an Avizon.

"Holy shit!" Adian exclaimed, nearly falling off his bar stool. "How long have you been in the city?" he asked after taking a moment to compose himself.

"All my life," was the written reply. "My family owned this bar, and I took it over."

"And you've been hiding as Lupino all this time?"


"No wonder we couldn't find you. Would you be willing to help? All we need is a venom sample."

Thoughts of how venom was collected from snakes ran through her head. "How would you acquire it?" she asked.

"I'm not sure. I'll have to contact a doctor in Juv that we've been working with to see how he needs it."

"I don't want my head squeezed."

Adian laughed a bit, pulling out his phone. "I doubt they'll do that. And don't worry, I'll make sure your secret is kept. I know the value of keeping secrets."

He quickly pulled up Rais' number, and stepped away to call. The bartender overheard his half of the conversation. "Rais, I found an Avizon."

"Wonderful!" the director replied.

"But they don't want to be exposed. Is there a way to collect a venom sample without anyone but me finding out about them?"

"I see. If they can collect their venom in a clean jar, that'll give us enough to work with."

"Good to hear."

"Don't have them do it yet, though. My team and I will come up there, and once we're there and set up, we can start working. The fresher the sample the better."

"Okay, thank you Rais. We look forward to seeing you." Adian stuffed his phone back in his pocket, and then turned to the Avizon, who had returned to her Lupino form. "I'll be back in a few days. The Director said it's best if the venom sample is as fresh as possible. To collect it, it just need to be gathered in a clean jar. I'll leave it up to you to decide how to best do that."

"As long as my head isn't being squeezed."

"Only if you're the one doing the squeezing."

"And no one else will know?"

"No, I'll come back on my own. Is it usually this quiet around this time?"


"Thank you so much. I don't even know your name, but you're about to help not just my brother, but who knows how many other beings."

"Just call me Ginia."

"Thank you, Ginia. I'll return in five or six days. It depends on when the Director arrives." The wolf, feeling renewed, quickly finished the glass of beer before him.

Ginia went to unlock the door for the Lupino, and held the door open for him as he walked out. Before exiting the bar, he ran back and placed more than enough cash under his glass to cover his single beer. He bowed his head slightly to the bartender, and quickly headed back to the estate.

Chapter 35

Janus waited impatiently for six days, hoping that the Avizon his brother discovered would indeed be his savior. The personality swings had gotten worse and his fur had once again darkened. He was in another terrifying point of this cycle. He'd again attacked Snowhawk the night before, and hadn't seen her since. He assumed she was hiding with his brother.

Adian had proclaimed himself Snowhawk's guardian, but his brother seemed to have an ulterior motive to protecting her. He wasn't sure, but he felt that the chocolate furred wolf was trying to steal her away. Perhaps he hadn't changed as much as he thought. Why else would he spend so much time with her? The mere thought of his brother and his love together made him angry.

Janus drew a deep breath. "Calm down," he told himself. "She'd never leave you." But the thought was still there. He could not take this out on Snowhawk again. She would eventually come to a point where she really wouldn't be able to handle it, and in that state, may make a move he would forever regret.

But that's not now. He needed to find her and apologize for the previous night. She meant the world to him, and to lose her to something as stupid as this other persona would be unbearable.

He left the chair he'd been sitting in, and walked out of his study. He had to find his bird.

Moments later, he softly knocked on Adian's door. It was soon opened by his brother, and Janus could see his lightly furred love asleep in his bed. A scowl crossed his muzzle. "Behaving, I hope?" Janus asked.

"More than I could say for you," his brother stared, returning the scowl.

"You know that wasn't me."

"I do. She does too," he nodded to the sleeping female, " but that doesn't make it hurt any less for her."

"What are you getting at, brother?"

"I warned you not to hurt her again, but you're too weak to control this other persona. The only reason I don't take her from you is it would break her heart to lose you again."

"So just what are you getting at?"

"If things don't improve by the time Rais leaves, don't expect me to just give her back next time she runs to me to get away from you."

"But you just said--!" Janus began.

"I know what I said," Adian replied, cutting him off. "But what's better for her? Losing you slowly, or all at once?"

"You wouldn't dare."

"Don't underestimate me, brother." Adian said as he walked out of his room, roughly bumping into Janus on the way out.

Snowhawk sat up as soon as Adian was out of earshot. She looked confused.

"How much did you hear?" Janus worriedly asked, walking over to her.

"Enough," she replied, a frown on her face. "Janus, I had no idea..."

"I know, love. I didn't either." Janus sat down on the edge of the bed, next to her. "I almost wish you hadn't heard that."

"I'm sure he's just stressed," she whispered. "I think we all are."

"I'm sorry," he said. "For everything."

She shook her head and sighed. "Don't be. I know you didn't mean last night. And I know you don't wish to be trouble for us."

"I'm just scared," he admitted. "I don't want to lose you."

"And I don't want to lose you either," she said with a small smile. "Things are going to be rough."

"I know."

"This Avizon Adian has found will hopefully make things easier. But we still need to think of what to do about your brother."

"I'm really not sure," Janus frowned. "He's important to both of us, and I know his stability is important to you."

"Jealousy is a hell of a thing to deal with," she said as she climbed from the bed.


Hours later, Rais and his team finally arrived at the estate. Adian, still not having said another word to Janus, left to find Ginia and hope she could provide a means to save his brother. He was only doing this for Snowhawk's sake. The pale mare seemed to be the main thing on his mind lately. He'd also considered moving back into the small house on the grounds that he used to live in. Distancing himself from her and his brother might be a good thing.

He sighed as he entered the bar. Ginia's familiar Lupino form stood behind the bar, but the place seemed otherwise empty. She waved him over and then quickly wrote out, "I have one customer here," then discreetly pointed to a corner booth.

Adian quickly glanced over, taking note of the red and silver furred, unicorn Delphin sitting in the strangely darkened corner. He didn't care for the feeling the equine gave off, or the feeling that he couldn't seem to focus on him.

"We can go in the back. He'll be okay for a few minutes," she wrote.

"If you're sure," Adian replied.

Ginia gave a small nod, then turned and led Adian to the back of the bar. She disappeared behind a windowless door, and leading him down into the basement where extra alcohol was stored. Going far into the storage area, amidst specality wines and the like, she turned to face him, and her wolf form changed into a draconic one.

"Thank you for doing this," Adian bowed as she grabbed a nearby jar and unscrewed the lid.

Having left her notepad upstairs, she simply nodded and smiled, then brought the jar to her mouth, and carefully placed her fangs over the edge, then pressed the edge into her jaw to express the venom within her. She'd practiced this a couple times in the days since his first visit. There was never much venom, but her venom sacs were on the smaller side.

After emptying the sacs, she screwed the lid on tightly, then handed the jar to the chocolate furred wolf.

"Thank you," Adian said.

Another smile and a nod, and Ginia changed back into her Lupino form. The two left the cellar where they returned to her notepad. She quickly scrawled down "I hope everything works out for you."

"Me too, Ginia. And thank you, again."

"Don't worry about thanking me," she wrote, "just get back to your brother."

"Heading back now," he smiled, then left the bar, his precious cargo in hand.


Returning to the estate, Adian was greeted by Rais and his brother. "Welcome back," the former said.

Adian was almost stunned. After what he'd said and done, his brother was acting like nothing had happened? "Thank you," he replied, then turned to Rais. "I believe this is what you need," the chocolate wolf said as he handed the jar to the other Lupino.

"Indeed. Thank you, Adian. This should give us the insite we need into the Avizon's venom, and it should help your brother return to normal."

"One can certainly hope." Adian paused, then turned to Janus. "I'll be moving back into my little house on the property. I think I need some time away, but I know I can't leave this place unguarded."

Janus gave a small nod. "If you think its for the best, then I can't stop you. But will you at least let Snowhawk know before you begin hauling your stuff back there?"

"Of course. Where is she?"

"I believe she's still in your room. Thinking. She heard us this morning."

Adian folded his ears back. "Oh..." The younger brother reached up and scratched his head. "Dammit, this will be awkward."

"Maybe not. Just tell her what's going on. She's strong."

Adian gave a nod and turned toward his room. As he left, Janus looked at Rais and said, "I apologize. I don't want to get you involved in this family matter."

"Don't worry," Rais smiled. "I have two boys of my own. Much younger than you two, but brothers will be brothers. Now, my team and I are going to go get started, and we'll call for you when we're ready."

"Thank you, Rais."


Adian slowly stepped in his room, looking up to see Snowhawk sitting on his bed in her feline form, and wearing the green dress he gave her long ago. Her legs dangled and her paws didn't touch the floor. The Feln-formed-Delphin looked up as Adian entered, and gave him a small smile. He could tell she had a lot on her mind. "I'm sorry you had to hear that argument this morning."

The cat shook her head. "If that's how you feel, then don't apologize."

"It is. And I don't know if you have any idea how hard it is for me to not just take what I want."

"I have some idea. Its been hard for me to stand by your brother while his personality has shifted so much." Adian hadn't considered she was ever thinking of leaving Janus. "Especially with you around." She sighed and continued on. "You took over the role left open when Legacy died. You've always been there when I needed and backed off to just watch when I didn't. You've been a better Guardian than I could have ever asked for. And I do deeply care about you. We both know I'm going to outlive Janus several times over, as will you. So let's not do anything rash until then. Both of us. I've made a promise to your brother, and I intend to keep it."

Adian sighed, almost in relief. "Very well. And I will remain your protector as long as you'll have me."

"For as long as you think I'm worth protecting."

"Now, all that said," he cautiously began, "I'm going to move back into the little house I have on the property, once Janus is back to normal."

Snowhawk looked down. "I see."

"Don't worry. I promise I won't go farther than that. And I'll be in the house often enough with keeping security around here."

She gave a small nod.

Adian smiled at her. "Now, let's go find my brother."

They didn't have to search long for Janus, soon finding him in his preferred study, waiting on news from Rais. "Everything alright?" he asked the pair as they walked in.

Snowhawk gave a small nod, then quickly crossed the room to him. She sat down in his lap, wrapping her arms around him, and hugging him tightly.

Adian looked away from the pair, still feeling jealous, even if he had made a pact with Snowhawk.

Fortunately for Adian, Rais soon called Janus and asked that he meet them. The trio walked to the appointed meeting spot, the estate's large dining room for news about the Avizon venom.

"Well," Rais began, "I have good news and potential bad news. The good is that we can make an anti-venom. The bad news is that it may not work."

"That's a risk I have to take," Janus stated. "Things can't keep going like they're going."

"Very well, but if we see side effects like we saw before, especially the memory loss, we'll stop treatment immediately."

Janus nodded to the other Lupino. "Understood."

Snowhawk hopped up from Janus' lap and the light furred wolf stood and followed the Director out. Once they were out of sight, Snowhawk sank down into the chair Janus had just been in. "I'm so scared of losing him this time," she admitted to Adian, who kneeled next to her.

"He's in the best hands possible. I'm sure you will be able to honor your vow to him longer than just tonight."

"I hope so," she said, trying to wipe the tears from her eyes.


Hours later, Rais escorted Janus to his room. The pale wolf was exhausted, but felt better than he had in weeks. When they opened the door, they saw a sleeping Snowhawk. She was curled up on the bed, her back to the door, but they could tell she was clutching something tightly.

"I'll take my leave, now. I'll be back for you in the morning."

"Thank you, Rais," Janus said with a small bow. Once the Director was on his way, Janus entered the room and sat on the edge of the bed. His love was clutching his pillow, and her equine face was stained with tears. "Oh, Snowhawk," he said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

The mare awoke with a start. She quickly turned around and nearly hit Janus with the pillow. "Holy shit, you scared me," she panted.

The wolf couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. "Sorry, love." He gently stroked her arm as she calmed herself down. "In the middle of a bad dream?"

She nodded. "I don't really want to say what, but yes. It's like I can't get away from my fears."

"Well, I do have some good news. I think the treatment is working this time. It's just making me very tired."

"That's excellent news!" she exclaimed. Janus smiled broadly and leaned in to embrace her. Snowhawk in turn turned and embraced him as well. "I'm so glad," she said, "I've been so afraid that I'm going to lose you."

"You're not going to lose me, love. I'll beat this, I promise."

Chapter 36

It would be several weeks and many treatments before Janus was feeling close to a hundred percent. But he was much improved, so that raised a huge weight off both Snowhawk and Adian's shoulders.

Or so it seemed.

Adian's jealousy had not lessened any during the weeks of his brother's treatments. If anything, the monster inside of him had grown. He finally broke down and called Jerome, hoping perhaps the Guardian could give him some advice. The two agreed to meet to discuss things face to face.

"So," Jerome began as the two sat down at a table in Ginia's bar some hours later, "what's bothering you?"

"Well, I guess the easiest answer is Snowhawk."

"Aah. She has that effect, doesn't she?"

The wolf sighed. "Yes. I'm not sure what to do."

"What's up?"

"I'm jealous of my brother being the one in her heart. And not me. I went so far as to move out of the main estate building to try and distance myself from her. And I'm still not happy with the out come."

"This is complicated, my young friend."

"Tell me about it..."

"And I'm sure you don't want to go too far because of who seems to keep stalking her."

"Right. I think I worry more now that I'm moved than I did before."

"And moving back in wouldn't help you any."


Jerome sighed, then gave a small smile and laugh. "That mare is just trouble. But she never means it."

"I know. And I think she does too."

"Well, lets keep talking, and we might figure something out."


Elsewhere in the city, Valerian again paced in his room. The young man had barely heard from his mother over the past few months, and was beginning to worry something had happened to her. Again.

He again picked up his phone and dialed her number, hopeful for an answer. Her sleepy voice answered this time. "Oh, sorry to wake you up," he apologized.

He heard a yawn from her end, then she replied with "Don't worry, son. What's up?"

"I was just worried about you. I haven't heard from you in a while."

"Everything is fine. I've just been... distracted with Janus going through the treatments to try and remove the remaining Avizon venom."

"How's that been going?"

"Quite well. There've been a few minor setbacks, but overall, quite well."

His mother had a tendency to repeat herself when she was nervous. "Are you sure everything is okay?"

"Yes, just fine. How are your brothers?"

"Busy. But they've been showing me how to track and all kids of cool stuff when they can."

"Good to hear." He could picture her smile over the phone.

"So, when can I come over next?"

She paused and sighed. "Well, today if you'd like. We'd all love to see you."

"Okay! I'll get ready and be on my way!"


"Yes, Mom?"

"Have someone drive you. There have been reports of a certain vampire in the area and I don't want him to hurt you."

"Will do, Mom."

Within two hours, a familiar truck pulled in front of the Sinisusi estate and three brothers hopped out. Snowhawk had been waiting anxiously for the youngest to arrive, but was not expecting to see her older sons.

"Jesse, Cody, how wonderful to see you again," she smiled as she embraced each of the brothers in turn.

"When Valerian said you wanted someone to drive him, we thought we'd just make a family outing of it," Jesse responded.

"I appreciate that."

"Do you mind if we stay a while?" Cody asked.

"Not at all," their mother replied.


Four days later, Snowhawk semi-collapsed onto her bed, then looked at Janus. "Well, that was a pleasant visit."

"Indeed," he replied as he sat down on the opposite side. "Uneventful too, thankfully."

"Very thankfully. Especially with the reports of Kione creeping around."

"I'd say I wonder what he's up to, but it's not like we don't know."

As the wolf lay down next to his equine love, she wrapped an arm around him and cuddled close. "I'm terrified to think he's close again."

"I know, love, but we'll protect you."


"My brother and me. Neither of us want to see Kione take you away again."

"I hate to ask anything of Adian, especially now."

"Don't worry, love."

She nodded as a blanket was pulled around her, and her wolf embraced her once again. Soon after, she drifted into a restless sleep.


"Can't I at least go with you?" Janus pleaded to Snowhawk.

"I'm just going to the back of the property." she replied as she gathered a bundle of flowers in her arms. "I'll be gone less than an hour. I just," she paused, looking at the flowers, "I just need to do this alone. Its been some thirteen years. I never let him know I understood. He didn't have to do what he did to get his point across. Now he's dead. Because of me."

Legacy had been buried on the grounds. No one claimed his body, so Adian had taken it upon himself to give the Delphin a resting place. Janus wished he had picked a different spot, but time was at a premium. "I'm just worried about you."

"Worry if I don't come back in an hour, love. I'll be fine."

"You've said that before and were wrong."


"Okay, okay. I'll worry if you're more than an hour gone."

She game him a small smile and left the study. Moments later, she left the relative safety of the estate and the gardens, entering into a small field. She crossed this place quickly, remembering her past here, and trotted into the wooded area behind the estate. Adian had Legacy buried near the pond she so loved. Not at, but near. Snowhawk didn't even know about this until Adian had let it slip just a day earlier while he was talking to her older boys.

She soon found the spot where Legacy had been buried. Marked with a simple, rounded headstone, the plot would have been easy to miss. "Oh Legacy..." She whispered as she crouched down and began to remove weeds and the forest's debris from the grave site. She talked to him as she worked, as if he could hear her, telling him about their child and how he'd grown into a handsome young man. About the turmoil that had been left in the wake of his passing and the subsequent scramble to find a new head of security, which ultimately fell to Nytehawk's Guardian. She told him of becoming a vampire and of Kione. Of her connection with Emerald. Everything since he had died.

Then, she felt a presence near her. But before she could think, she was tackled and pinned to the ground, atop the newly cleared grave. "I should turn you right now," Kione's voice growled. "There's no reason not to. And its not like anyone can save you out here."

"What are you doing back here?" she gasped, finding it hard to breathe with the vampire's weight on her.

"I've been waiting on you to fuck up. And, oh boy, did you ever this time. Its like you knew I was watching and you just wanted to deliver yourself to me."

"Give it up, vampire. You'll never get her back."

"Oh, I will. But for now, you need to sleep," he grinned, and watched as she fought his command for a moment, then passed out on the dirt below her.

He hefted her onto his shoulder, then vanished into the shadows.


Back in the estate, Janus paced nervously. It had been nearly an hour since Snowhawk had left. Though the brick and iron fence surrounded the property, it had long been neglected back in the woods. Not that a fence would keep out a vampire such as Kione. Once the full hour had passed, Janus went to track down his brother.

But he was met by the very wolf he meant to search for. "Janus," Adian began, "I think we may have a problem."

"Snowhawk is missing. Of course we have a problem!"

"Wait, what?"

"She heard you when you let slip where Legacy was buried, so she went to 'talk' to him."

"Fuck. That's why he's been creeping around here."

"Please don't tell me you mean the vampire."

"Who else? He abandoned the cottage in the northern forest, and I think he may be gearing up to try and get Emerald back again."

"This can't keep happening," Janus moaned, stumbling to a chair to sit.

"I know, brother."

"So what now?"

"I've got to track him down. Find where he's hiding this time."

Janus just nodded, then dropped his head into his hands. His brother just walked to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "We'll get her back."


Elsewhere in the world, near the city of Dia'ru, the elder vampire gloated over his latest capture. She would be turned soon, and then he could better work to get his love back. But first, for being such a pain in his rear, he'd toy with her.

Once she was secured, he said to her "Wake up, mare!"

She slowly opened her eyes, blinking several times. She tried to stretch, but found her arms secured behind her, and her legs tied together. "What the hell..." she began, but was soon cut off by the vampire's hand around her muzzle.

"I said wake up, not speak."

She grumbled at this. He was treating her like a damned slave. Again. She shook her head, trying to free herself from his hand, but was unsuccessful.

"You are mine now, mare. And I will tell you when to speak." He released her muzzle.

She glared at him. "Fuck off. I belong to no one."

His hand was quickly on her again, this time at her throat. "Don't think I won't seriously harm you."

"What are you gonna do?" she choked out. "Any mark you put on me will harm your precious Emerald."

The vampire growled. She was correct, as the scars on her body stayed when she had transformed into Emerald. He couldn't really hurt her, not with a blade's edge anyway. "There are other ways to take you down a few notches."

"Try me, vampire."

"Oh I will, mare."

Chapter 37

Weeks would pass. The vampire had since half turned Snowhawk, again in hopes of finding his lost Emerald. And to prevent any unnecessary risk of the living mare escaping, Kione had taken to bringing her with him while he browsed the city of Dia'ru for prey, and while looking for food the stubborn mare would eat. Seeing one Delphin leading another was an uncommon, but not unheard of sight in the slaver city. No one suspected the leading Delphin's true nature, and that his leashed companion wasn't really his slave.

While out on one of these trips, as Kione looked over a fruit stand in the marketplace, Snowhawk felt a tug at her dress. When she looked down, she saw a Lupino child, about five years old, staring up at her with a camera clutched tightly in his hands. "Can I-- can I take your picture?" the boy asked.

Kione's ear turned first then his head as he looked back to the pale Delphin. "Yes, child, you may," he stated, then turned back to the vendor before him.

Lupino and Feln children didn't age as fast as Delphin children, but their trade off for a longer childhood was a shorter lifespan. Snowhawk smiled at the little wolf, who was nearly the same fur color as Janus, and then crouched down to his level. A quick flash later, and the boy beamed. "Thank you!" he exclaimed. "I've never seen a Delphin like you before."

"Well," Snowhawk began, "there aren't many colored like me."

"But you glow too!" the child noted, having spotted the shimmer from her fur.

"Its just from the light, dear. Now, you should probably head back to your family. I think we'll be moving on soon."

"Thanks, lady!" the boy smiled, then ran off into the crowd.

Snowhawk's smile faded as she stood. She dropped her head refusing to look at the vampire. "I will escape from you, Kione. And you will not survive."

"Bold words coming from someone who can't even escape her own bonds at night."

"That won't be the case for long. Once I free myself of your command, you won't be able to stop me."

The vampire laughed. "Foolish mare. No one can escape my command. Not even your precious wolves."

"Just watch me, you dick. You'll be on the floor bleeding out when I'm done with you."

"Very bold, mare. But very foolish to think you'll ever break free on your own. Now come!" he commanded, jerking on her leash. With half closed, dull eyes, she followed him.


"Have you seen this Delphin?" Janus asked as he held a picture of Snowhawk up for what felt like the thousandth time that day.

"Actually yes," the female Lupino replied. "My son took a picture of her earlier in the marketplace."

"Who was she with?" Adian then asked.

"A red and white Del. With really long silver hair."

"A unicorn?" Adian continued. The mother nodded. "Shit."

"Is she your slave?"

Janus shook his head. "She was, but she was freed. She's my mate."

"I wish you luck in your search. I can tell you they headed south after leaving the market. I'm sorry I don't know anything more."

"No, you've been a great help," Janus replied. "Thank you."

As the brothers walked south through the city's outskirts, still asking residents if they had seen Snowhawk, Janus turned to his brother. "Why is he taking her out with him?"

"Either he lives in a shady spot of town, or he's trying to prevent her from escaping. If he's turned her, or partially turned her, she would be harder to control while he's away. She could break her bonds and be free then. "

"It just seems like a risk to have her out. She's still a rarity and someone might want to steal her, then we might be screwed."

Adian nodded in agreement. Then he happened to look up to glimpse just the vampire they were looking for. "They're still out," he grinned.

It wasn't long before the vampire spotted them as well. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he began as he walked toward the wolves, leading the still commanded Snowhawk behind him.

"Let her go now, Kione and there won't be any trouble," Adian demanded.

"Now why would I do that? I'm still trying to break through this wall she's put up to hide Emerald from me." Kione turned to Snowhawk and snapped his fingers in front of her face. The mare immediately woke up.

"Now where am I," she moaned. Then she saw Janus and Adian and tried to run to them. However, Kione kept her on a short leash.

"Not this time, mare," he grinned. "You're lucky I even let you see them."

Snowhawk cursed at Kione in the Delphin language. The vampire grinned once more and told her, in Delphin, that she wasn't escaping again. She growled at him, and reminded him of the threat she made before.

Adian walked toward the arguing pair, hoping to get close enough to grab Snowhawk. However, Kione saw him and tugged the female behind him. "You'll never have her back. Either I get Emerald back, or I have a lovely, if angry, trophy. You wolves lose regardless."

"We will never give up on her, Kione."

"You're weak, Adian. You have no hope of getting her back, ever."

As Kione was distracted by Adian, Snowhawk pondered how to break the chain that was her leash. She looked at Janus, and nodded him toward his brother and the vampire. Another distraction would be helpful. As her love joined his brother in distracting the vampire, she saw her escape: the rivet holding the leash end together was loose. A strong enough tug would break it. And she felt she had that strength as a half-vampire, or that the combination of her pulling back and Kione fighting her might do it.

She knew she could never outrun Kione, so she then had to plan out what she would do once she was free. She would have a long chain as a weapon, and while it was no dagger, it could suffice. She couldn't flee, but she could fight. And she had her two wolves now to back her up.

Her plan set in her head, she took a quick step back to tighten the leash. The vampire began to turn around to see why she was moving away but soon found himself brought to the ground by Adian. Snowhawk wasn't expecting this and knelt quickly when she realized Kione wasn't releasing the leash. Once he was on the ground, she yelled "Hold him!" and quickly stood, pulling on the chain with her hands.

The pinned vampire growled. " What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"Getting her away from you."

"Sit down, mare!" Kione growled.

Snowhawk wavered a moment, then fought against the vampire's command. "Not this time," she growled back.

Kione was shocked. No one had ever resisted his command before, especially not one he was connected with. Undeterred, however, he again commanded, "I said down!"

This time there was no hesitation. The pale mare sank to her knees, then dropped her head to the ground.

"Dammit!" Adian howled. "Release her!" he demanded as his brother ran to her side.

"I think not," Kione grinned.

Adian had had enough. He bit down on the back of the vampire's neck. His top canine teeth grew into fangs and sank deep into Kione's neck. The elder vampire cried out in pain, knowing Adian could easily bite his vertebrae into pieces. It wouldn't kill him outright, but he would be left as the mare had warned, bleeding out into the dust of the street. Not exactly her prophecy, but there was a high chance of death if the wolf didn't release him.

Kione growled lowly, then told Snowhawk to awaken. As the mare lifted her head, Kione dropped the leash he held.

"Will you let me go now?" he asked Adian.

The younger wolf thought for a moment, then growled at the vampire beneath him. He clamped his jaws further around the Delphin's neck.

"I'll leave you fools be!" Kione promised.

Adian still wasn't convinced. He growled again. A half moment later, as Snowhawk finally shook her head clear of the last bit of Kione's command, and she looked at the two, a sickening crunch was heard as Adian bit through the vampire's spine.

Snowhawk suddenly shifted to Emerald. Her pale lavender fur turned grey, her mane and tail blackened and grew to an insane length, all while she shrank several inches. "No!" the grey mare called out. She scrambled to Kione's side as a shocked Adian, blood dripping from his mouth, stood and backed away.

Kione was barely aware of Emerald's presence, but he still managed a small smile for her. Tears were already pouring down her cheeks as she placed her small hands over as much of his wound as she could. "You can't heal this," he whispered.

"I must!" she cried. Her cold blue eyes closed as her spiraled green horn began to glow. The two Lupino moved away slightly, shocked at what they just saw and what they were seeing. The gaping wound beneath Emerald's hands glowed like her horn, then began to shrink in size. Rendered bone, tendon, muscle, and flesh began to grow back.

The Delphin that could heal such a wound was rare indeed.

It took only a couple of minutes, though it seemed longer, for the wound to close. As Emerald removed her hands from Kione's newly healed wound, she began to slowly change again. She sat back as she returned to Snowhawk, then collapsed from exhaustion once she was fully herself again.

Kione stood, slowly and wobbly, and looked at the two wolves. He had the perfect chance to grab her again and run, but he knew he couldn't go far. He was too weak. "You win this round, wolves, but I will return. Especially now that I know she's still there." He gave another grin, then vanished into the shadows.

Janus rushed back to Snowhawk's side. "Love, wake up..." he softly cried. She replied with a quiet moan, but found herself unable to wake.

"She'll probably be out for days," Adian commented. "Let's just... Get her home for now."

Janus nodded and gently picked Snowhawk up, then the two lupine brothers made their way out of the city, and back to their vehicle.


Snowhawk was out of consciousness for two full days, plus several hours of the third. She gasped softly, awaking from a dream, her magenta eyes fluttering open. She slowly sat up, studying the room around her. It was familiar, comforting, and hers. As she swung her legs over the side of the bed, she thought of the events that had transpired. She stood and walked to a wardrobe near the bed. A favorite robe, fleecy and soft, if not at all fashionable, was found. She pulled it on, fumbled with the zipper, and finally zipped it closed. She grabbed the robe's hood and pulled it up, then returned to the bed.

She sat back down on the edge, then shifted to her feline form. Her legs dangled below her, and she crossed them at the ankles, one paw's toes grabbing the others. Her tail also wrapped around her legs, and she crossed her arms before her.

"What did I do..." she whispered to herself.

Even the comfort around her couldn't console her. She sighed raggedly and gently rocked herself back and forth.

A moment later, Janus quietly entered the room, a steaming mug of coffee in his hand. He smiled as he saw her up. "Good to see you're awake, love."

She glanced over at him as he walked closer to her. "I really fucked it up this time, didn't I?"

"No, dear, not at all. You couldn't stop the transformation, or Emerald's actions."

"Still," she began, looking back down, "I'm a liability. I can't even take down the stupid vampire that's made my life hell."

Janus placed his coffee cup on the end table, then sat next to her, wrapping an arm around her. "You're never a liability. We just need a better game plan."

She gave a small, almost unbelieving nod.

"Should I call Rais here again?" he asked, trying to take her mind of the subject.

She thought for a moment, then shook her head. "No. I'll go to Juv this time."

"But if the Delphin there find out you're half-vampire..."

"No one needs to know why I'm there."

Janus sighed. "Very well." He thought for a moment. "Take Hunter with you. Should be easier then."

She knew he was not looking forward to her leaving. "It can wait a few days. I'm still exhausted."

Janus looked relieved. "What ever you want, dear. But Adian and I will make the arrangements in the mean time."

Snowhawk nodded and leaned against him. She was quiet for a few minutes, then looked up at Janus. "How long was I out?"

"Nearly three days."

"Well, I hope Emerald won't try that again anytime soon."

Chapter 38

Adian slowly stalked down the darkened hallway. It had been two weeks since she'd returned home. Since Snowhawk had not yet left for Juv, and would not be leaving for another few weeks, he was again tasked with keeping her vampirism to a minimum. "How many more times must I go through this?" he quietly asked himself. The jealousy had gotten worse again. If he wasn't needed, he would just leave. He stopped at the door to Snowhawk's room, finding it slightly ajar. Strange for her, as it was usually locked. Perhaps his brother had left it open. He cautiously opened the door, peering inside.

Snowhawk was laying across the bed, an unusual position for her. She was on her back, with her arms above her head. Her breathing sounded strange. "Snowhawk?" Adian called. The mare attempted to rise, but she seemed to be forced back down. Then he smelled her blood.

Adian finally put everything together. They were not alone in the room. He looked to the shadows, first seeing his brother's body propped in the corner. His head hung unnaturally. Then he saw the glimmer of golden eyes.

He growled lowly as he moved to the corner. "What did you do to them?"

Kione simply chuckled, then seemed to vanish into the shadows.

Adian looked at Janus. He was beyond help now. His neck was broken. He clenched his fists in rage, then turned to Snowhawk. Kione had bitten the artery in her neck open, and left her to bleed out. Her blood ran down the side of the bed, pooling on the floor beneath her.

It was now or never.

Adian quickly placed his hand over the would on her throat, trying to stop the bleeding. The wound wouldn't heal. He had no choice now. He leaned down to her neck, opposite the wound left by Kione, and bit into her soft flesh, then quickly injected his venom.

Time seemed to fly by, and soon she was healed, but miserable at the loss of her love. She was also unsure of her new-found status.

More time flew past, and she had recovered. And she was now his. But something still wasn't right. Then the room around them turned into an explosion of glass, wood, and other shrapnel.

Adian awoke with a start, and immediately looked to his clock. Three am. Only a week and a couple days after Snowhawk had returned.

It had been another dream.

"I can't deal with these much longer," he sighed, holding his head in his hands.

He shook his head, trying to get the images out of his mind. He'd seen her near death before, another memory, real or not, wasn't needed. Kione would turn her before he killed her, so what was that all about? With another sigh, he sat up and stood from his bed. He pulled on a pair of pants, then a shirt, and left his room. Dream or no dream, he did have to check on Snowhawk and, if necessary, do his part to keep her vampirism beaten back. The mare was something of a night owl anyway, and he'd often found her out and about much later than this.

He wanted to do more to help, but she still insisted on traveling to Juv. She was just waiting on Hunter.

Adian stopped to look through the gardens before he went to check the estate's camera system. He unexpectedly found Snowhawk there, lying on her back and watching the sky.

"You aren't asleep are you?" he asked.

She turned her head and smiled softly at him. "No, not this time." She stretched and sat up with a yawn. "Janus fell asleep early, so I came out to stargaze."

Adian sat down next to her. He was still a bit shaken from his dream, but tried to make small talk. "Its been good weather for that lately."

She gave a slight smirk. "Small talk isn't your thing, I know. What's up? You seem troubled."

"Just a bad dream that won't leave my mind. Nothing more."

"Dreams can be a window to the unconscious. They tell us what's bothering us, or scares us." She turned on the bench to face him, pulling one leg under her. "The least I can do is listen, if you think it will help."

The wolf nodded, then relayed the details of the dream to her. "And I know," he added, "that Kione wouldn't leave you for dead because of Emerald, but it was still unnerving, to say the least."

Snowhawk nodded. "Understandably so." She looked down, and seemed to frown for a second. "But we both know he wouldn't hesitate to kill Janus."

"That also bothers me. I know how much he means to you, and how hard it was on you when we thought we'd lost him."

"Let's just pray that this was only a manifestation of your fears, and not a premonition. I know Lupino aren't inclined to have those, not like unicorns tend to, but its not unheard of. I would think the only difference would be that you wouldn't have a chance to turn me."

"For everyone's sake, I hope so too," he sighed.


Janus sighed as he looked at his brother and his love. He knew that the two had grown quite close over the past years, but he couldn't help but feel jealous. They talked for a fair time before he decided to let his presence be known. "There you are..." he began, giving his love a small smile and striding toward them. "I was worried when I woke up and couldn't find you."

"Just came out to stargaze," she replied, turning toward him. "Adian joined me a short time ago."

The younger brother nodded at this. "I couldn't sleep so I came to find her and see if she needed my assistance."

"You should probably hire some help. You can't always watch the estate alone," Janus commented.

Adian smirked at this. His brother was right, but he'd never mentioned raising the security before. "You're more worried than usual, Janus."

"Damn right. I think with a pissed off vampire about we all should be."

"If it'll make you sleep easier, I'll track down some help."

"Thank you. Now, my love," he began, turning back to Snowhawk and offering her his hand, "would you please come back to bed?"

She smiled softly at him and nodded. "I was just thinking of heading that way." Snowhawk looked to Adian, still smiling gently, "Good night, my protector."

Janus stiffened slightly at that. He knew Adian had proclaimed himself her protector, but she seemed too fond of him as she looked at him. His vampire brother would outlive him several times over, and even if Snowhawk managed to avoid becoming a vampire, as her fate seemed to be, she'd still probably outlive the both of them.

As they neared their room, he slowed and eventually stopped in the hallway, lost in thought. "Janus?" she said, gently nosing her muzzle under his.

"I won't be your last love, will I?"

Snowhawk took a step back. She had wondered when this would come up. "No," she replied with a sigh. "But you will forever be my greatest. I gave up so much to be with you, and I don't regret a moment of it."

"You missed out on Valerian's childhood. Because of me. And I won't even be around for us to grow old together. I mean," he said, growing somewhat frantic, "I'll be old, but you won't be."

"Janus, I would give up being what I am in a heart beat, if I could. But there's no way to take that away. We may now be able to cure vampirism, but every fucking time this happens, I age a little slower. If I knew what to do, I would."

Janus had an idea, a way to rid ones self of excess life, but he dared not speak it.

Snowhawk looked down. "I should have been born a Lupino. Then we could have been a proper couple." She closed her eyes. "I know what you're thinking. I could kill myself after you die. But I have more to live for, like my sons."

"I wasn't going to say that--"

"But you were thinking it. I know, because I thought it. Then I realized how devastated Valerian would be."

"I just don't want to go to my grave with the thought of you--"

"What?" she snapped, cutting him off. "Burying you, then going to sleep with Adian?"


"What's gotten into you, Janus? I thought you understood my relationship with Adian. Yet you act like I'm just waiting for you to bite it. Like I wouldn't mourn your loss. Like I wouldn't be crushed at losing you.Again."

Janus took a step back at that. He'd pushed the memory of Anya taking him so far back that he'd also lost sight of how devastated Snowhawk must have been. "Snowhawk..."

"Do you really think so little of me?"

"No, love it's n--"

Snowhawk glared at him. "Don't call me that unless you fucking mean it."

"But I do! Snowhawk..."

"Jealousy doesn't suit you. Just like it doesn't suit your brother, but I bet you have no idea what he goes through."


"You really never noticed? Why do you think he tries so hard to protect me? Regardless of how often I fuck it up."

"So after I'm gone, it would be him."

"You're not dying anytime soon. And I will do everything I can to keep _you_safe. I don't want to think of losing you again. But you act like I'm burying you tomorrow!"

Janus was silent for a moment. "There's nothing between you two?"

"Nothing. There never has been, even when we thought you were dead. Long after you're gone, maybe. But for now, when it's important, no. We live long, we mourn long."

Janus moved cautiously towards her, then wrapped his arms around her, burying his muzzle in her mane. "I just love you so much. I just..." he softly cried.

Snowhawk wrapped her arms around him in return, gently nuzzling him. "I know, love... And I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Let's go back to bed now."


Nytehawk awoke with a start. Sharp nails were suddenly digging into her flesh and her vision was mostly consumed by a white-furred hand over her eyes. "Unhand me, dammit!" she screamed as she felt a pair of pinpricks on her neck.

She felt nothing after that.


Hunter wandered his home, looking for his mate. She had gotten up in the middle of the night, and it was now near dawn. She never came back to bed, and that wasn't like her. He searched the entirety of the grounds, asking all of the staff if she had been seen, but soon found himself back in their bedroom, and still on square one.

"Where did you go, love?" he asked the rising sun.


Deep in the forests south of Juv, Nytehawk groggily awoke. She was naked, in a strange bed, and an even stranger cabin. Blood stained the fur on her chest. She felt dizzy just from sitting up. Across from her, a strange Delphin sat. He had red and white fur, a ruby horn spiraled in silver, and long silver hair. His eyes seemed to glow gold. "Good. You're awake."

"Who are you?" she asked, inching backwards. She heard the rattle of a chain as she moved, then looked down to see a steel cuff fastened to her left leg, a chain running from it. "What did you do to me?"

"I gave you a gift. And you're going to use that gift to help me kill a wolf."

"Says who?"

"I do," Kione commanded, grinning as her eyes half closed and she relaxed slightly. "You're as pliable as your cousin. Perhaps more so," he grinned.

The commanded Nytehawk made no response.

"And now, my ticket into Juv, wake up."

Nytehawk moaned softly and lightly shook her head as she was released from the vampire's command. "Who are you?" she repeated.

"My name is Kione. I'm sure Snowhawk mentioned me."


"Yes, my new friend. And you're just like her now, though you won't have another vampire to pull you from the edge," he grinned.

"There's a cure--"

"Not for long. We are going to make sure of that."

"I won't."

"Yes, my pale Delphin, you will," he said as he stood and advanced toward her.


Snowhawk canted her head to the side as Hunter relayed his tale to her. "She woke up one night and then never came back to bed. It's not like her."

"No. That's more of what I'd do," Snowhawk replied, glancing to her protector and his brother, seeing both give a nod of resigned approval.

"Please, help me find her."

"Of course."

About that time, Hunter's phone rang and he scrambled to answer it. "Hello?"

"Uncle?" came Valerian's voice over the other end.

"Yes, what is it?"

"I just got a letter I think you should see. And my mom too."

"Of course, we'll be right there." Hunter replaced his phone in his pocket, the looked to Snowhawk. "Care to join me?"

"Not at all."

Valerian didn't know his mother was there. She was stopping by for credentials from Hunter before she made her trip to Juv. Hunter was relieved to see her, as it had already been a day his mate was missing.

The two Delphin and two Lupino made their way to the front of the estate, where Valerian would be, if he had received a letter.

"Mom!" the young Delphin cried out as he saw Snowhawk, running to her.

"Hello, son," she smiled. "What's this about a letter?"

Valerian handed the letter to her as Hunter looked over her shoulder. Her face darkened and she frowned as she read. "Son of a bitch," she cursed.

"What is it?" Janus asked.

"Kione," she simply stated, handing the letter to Hunter. "He captured her. And he half turned her."

"What?!" Adian said, shocked.

"Why?" Hunter replied.

"I don't know, but it has something to do with Juv."

"We have to get down there," Adian said, still shocked.

Snowhawk looked down, then back up at the group after a moment. "Meet me there. I'll run ahead."

"You'll never make it as a mortal!" Janus reminded.

"Right now, it doesn't matter. She does. One of you find out where Onyx has gotten off t--"

"I know!" Valerian interrupted, then turned on his heels and ran off.

"Damn boy," Snowhawk frowned.

"Just like his mother," Janus grinned.

"Right. Well, once he gets back with the Guard, head to Juv. I'll track Kione down in the mean time."

"But, Snowhawk," Adian frowned, "your condition--"

"I have to, Adi. Besides, what better place to go?"

"Just... Don't exhaust yourself like last time."

"Tell Valerian I said goodbye," she said, then turned and began to run from the estate.

Chapter 39

Snowhawk didn't push herself as hard as when she had gone after Janus, but she still knew, as more and more of the gift of speed appeared, that she was moving further away from being mortal. She reached the forest south of Juv in just under three days, and she knew the day before that she was beyond help from Adian. She trotted along, looking for this supposed cabin Kione was in.

When she did find it, it was unoccupied. It had not been that way for long. She spotted two sets of hoof prints, one larger than the other, leading away and back toward the walled city. Another gift that had revealed itself was a heightened sense of smell, and she could clearly make out Nytehawk's scent among the rest of the forest's. She quickly followed the trail, which soon turned from well marked hoof prints to lines of scuffed, dragged markings. She wished desperately that one of her wolves was with her.

She stopped as she heard a rustling in the bushes before her. She pricked her ears forward to listen.

"I said I'm not helping you!" Nytehawk's voice cried out. Kione apparently did not keep her under his command all the time.

She squeaked as the vampiric Delphin roughly grabbed her horn and bent her forward. "You will, mare, or I'll take this horn as a souvenir."

Still using that as a threat, Snowhawk thought. He was distracted, and this would be an excellent time to strike. She'd left her daggers back in Ametiton, but she still had her ice magic. A razor-sharp shard formed in her hand, and she crept closer to the other Delphin. Upon catching sight of them, Snowhawk saw that Nytehawk was still struggling against the vampire, but it was a losing battle.

Kione suddenly turned his head to face Snowhawk, right about the time she launched the ice shard at him. He quickly released Nytehawk's horn and jumped back, leaving her to scramble away opposite him.

Snowhawk quickly shifted into her smaller, more agile feline form, and rushed at Kione. He tried to grab her, but she dodged away. "I thought you would never join us," he grinned. Snowhawk replied by launching another icy shard at him, this one sticking into his outer thigh. "Did you lose the ability to speak?" he growled as he held his leg, then pulled the shard out.

Snowhawk's ears were pinned flat against her skull. "You have no claim to her, you bastard."

"But I do to you, dear cat. Why else would you have done this to yourself?"

"To save her!" the pale lavender mare-in-cat-form replied, pointing to her cousin.

Nytehawk froze at the vampire's words, stopping her attempt to remove the halter he'd tightly buckled to her face. "What did you do, Snowhawk?"

She simply looked to her cousin, frowning, then looked back to the vampire. "I will save us both."

"I think not, dear." Kione rushed, limping, to Snowhawk, again trying to grab her. She once again evaded him. "Down, mare!" he commanded, but this was met with only a slight hesitation. She had resisted him again.

"Try something new, Kione," Snowhawk grinned, then lept at him. Her speed was incredible, even faster than her sire's, and completely took Kione off-guard. He soon found himself knocked to the ground by her small frame, but was unable to even catch her long tail as she bounded away.

"Its off!" Nytehawk exclaimed as she threw Kione's halter to the ground. Snowhawk rushed to her cousin and took hold of her wrist. With out a word, she ran off into the forest with Nytehawk, leaving an angry vampire behind them.

Once a fair distance away, Snowhawk stopped and shifted into her Delphin form. She looked to Nytehawk. "Climb on my back. I'll carry you to Juv."

"Won't he catch us?"

"Doubtful. And once the city knows, he won't even be able to get to the walls."

Her cousin nodded, not exactly reassured, but she walked to Snowhawk anyway. Snow easily picked Nytehawk up and ran off toward Juv.


On the road to Juv, Hunter traveled with Onyx, Adian, and Janus. The chestnut Delphin sighed. "What if Snow can't save her? What will we do then?"

"You have a Royal Guard, a vampire, and a pissed off wolf standing with you," Janus replied. "I think we'll be able to save your mate."

"And what about yours?" Onyx asked.

"We will save her too. They will both come back with us," Adian solemnly responded, watching the road ahead of him.

They were just past Dia'ru. There were still days of travel ahead of them. Adian was not following the letter of the law, speeding and driving longer than normally allowed.

"Failure is not something I will consider. We will save them."


Back near Juv, Snowhawk stopped near the edge of the forest and let her cousin down. "We can't let them know what we are," Snowhawk began. "I'm not even sure if we'll be allowed in without Hunter."

"We have to try," Nytehawk replied.

"Exactly. We'll do what we can."

The two cousins quickly trotted toward the city's outer gate. They were stopped by two Delphin guards.

"State your business," one guard demanded.

"I am Snowhawk Alyandra. I, and my cousin, seek to visit your fair city, and speak to your doctors. Ametiton could use some help."

"Madam Alyandra?! You saved most of this city from slavery."

"So I am told. But, please, let's not dwell on that. Nytehawk and I are here to recruit, nothing more."

"How long will you be staying?" the other guard asked.

"Until we are done. At least three months."

"Very well. You may pass to the inner gate."

Both Snowhawk and Nytehawk bowed to the guards and passed through, the gate shutting behind them. Nytehawk gave an audible sigh of relief.

At the second gate, they were stopped by another pair of Delphin guards. "Name and business here?"

Nytehawk stepped forward and bowed. "I am your Society's leader, Nytehawk. My cousin and I seek to visit your city and hopefully recruit some of your doctors."

Both guards looked in awe at Snowhawk, then bowed in respect. Snowhawk fidgeted nervously.

"Do you have family in the city, Madam Nytehawk, or should we find you a place to stay?" the other guard inquired.

"My mate is from here, but I've never met his family. We will find lodging on our own."

"Oh, Hunter's family," the first guard said. Neither cousin liked how easily they were recognized, or how much was known about them. "Anything else, ladies?"

"My mate, his brother, her mate, and our Royal Guard should be along in a few days," Snowhawk replied.

"But, Madam Snowhawk, your mate is a slaver--"

"Was," she replied sternly. "He has kept no slaves since I killed his uncle."

"He may not be welcome here," the guard frowned.

"We shall deal with that as needed," she sternly said.

Nytehawk was somewhat in awe. Her cousin was better at handling people than she could ever hope to be.

"Are you going to keep us here all day?" Snowhawk asked, looking somewhat annoyed.

"No, Madams. Please, enter. We will contact you when your entourage arrives."

"Thank you, sirs."

The gates were opened, and the two vampiric Delphin crossed into Juv proper.

The city bustled with life. The streets were crowded. Both Delphin cousins looked at each other, neither having expected this many beings in the city.

Near the gate was a visitor kiosk. The female Feln manning the station looked shocked to see new faces. "How may I help you ladies?"

"We're looking for your medical district," Nytehawk commented.

"Specifically, a school directed by a Lupino named Rais."

"Oh, that school! Sure thing." The Feln pulled out a city map, and marked two locations on it. "Okay, this is where you are," she said, pointing to the southern mark, "And this is the school," she continued, pointing at the mark made on the northwestern part of the map. "And if you need lodging, you can check these three streets." She made three lines down the center of the map, each running east to west. "And the map is on me. God knows we can't sell them," she laughed.

"Thank you very much," Nytehawk smiled. Snowhawk nodded in agreement. The cousins left the kiosk, heading northwest through the city. As the left the shopping district, the crowds thinned out, but the city was still busy.

They walked for about two hours, eventually finding their way to the school. They called on Rais as soon as they arrived.

"Snowhawk, Nytehawk, how wonderful to see you both!" Rais greeted. "What a pleasant surprise. Would you like to join me in my office"

"Thank you, Rais," Snowhawk smiled, then her and her cousin walked the short distance to his office.

Rais locked the door as the two entered. "Janus called me three days ago. I'm sorry to hear of your situation."

"Our secret must be kept."

"Of course. I will work with you personally, my team will handle the testing, but they won't know it's for you."

"Thank you, Rais," Nytehawk smiled.

"Shall we get started?"

"Please, and take care of Nytehawk first. I'm too far gone now to make it easy."

"Oh, dear. I was afraid of that. But it just means that you get to be the first full vampire we test."

Chapter 40

A week later, Janus, Adian, Hunter, and Onyx had arrived in Juv and settled in as much as one can in their respective hotel rooms. Early one late spring morning, Snowhawk walked down an outer market street, browsing the vendors' wares. Her attention was caught by an excessively tall unicorn Delphin. He was blood bay in coloration, and seemed to be walking right to her. She gasped quietly and took a couple steps back as he strode to her. He stopped before her, seeming to examine her with his eyes, then gave a nod and left.

She gave a somewhat relieved sigh and looked at the Lupino working the stall next to her. "What the hell was that all about?" The Lupino shrugged, just as confused.


Outside of Juv, Kione fumed. He was so close, yet so far away. "I won't let them win," he growled. He quietly stalked around the city, looking for a way in.


Back in the city, Snowhawk joined Janus for a late breakfast. She was still somewhat unnerved by her encounter with the blood bay Delphin. "I don't know if I even trust this city," she admitted.

"Why's that, love?" he asked. She relayed to him the encounter from earlier. "I see," he frowned. "Have you mentioned this to anyone else?"

"No," she replied back, shaking her head. "I'm not even sure what the hell was going on, but it was all to familiar to being assesed for sale."

"Please rest assured that as long as Adian and myself are around, that will never happen again."

"I hope not. Sale days were terrifying."


"So," Adian began, having just heard Snowhawk's encounter, "what will you do?"

"I'm not sure," Snowhawk replied. "The whole damn city knows I'm here. Thankfully, not why. I can't exactly hide in my room while Nytehawk undergoes her treatments."

"Why haven't you started yours, Snow?" Onyx asked, concerned.

"I'm waiting for Nytehawk to finish hers. If Rais only works on one of us, the treatments will go faster."

The old Guard frowned at her. "If you say so."

"Plus," she began, "you never know when Kione might get into the city. As a full vampire, I can resist his commands."

"What of Emerald?" Adian asked.

"There's been no hint of her these past weeks."

"We didn't see a hint of her for over a decade either, yet she suddenly appears and saves Kione."

"Then I'll fight her off best I can."

"For everyone's sake, I hope so."

"I can't sit back and wait to be saved," she replied, flattening her ears back. "Be glad I'm not out stalking that son of a bitch. He's made my life hell. And now I'm this."


"I'm not like you, Adian, I don't enjoy it. My life will be long enough with out this disease 'helping.'" She looked down and then turned to walk away.

"I don't enjoy it either, for the record," Adian frowned.


Snowhawk soon found herself lost in Juv. She wasn't sure why she was so touchy lately. Perhaps Emerald was actually affecting her. She sighed and walked on, looking for any familiar signs. She soon saw something familiar, but it was not what she was looking for. It was the blood bay Delphin from earlier in the day. "Shit," she quietly gasped as he again walked toward her. She straightened, holding her head regally, all in an attempt to not run away and get herself further lost in the city.

He again approached her, again seeming to visually examine her. This time he grinned slightly and took her chin in his hand. Snowhawk quickly shook her head free. "You are stronger than you look," he stated, his grin growing.

"Who are you?" she growled.

"I'm surprised he never said anything about me to you."


"My prodigy, Kione, of course."

Snowhawk took a shocked step backwards. "Prodigy?"

"One of many. But perhaps he's outgrowing his usefulness. I know what you are. I know what your cousin is. And I know what Kione plans to do once he's gained access to my city."

"His plan? Your city?" Snowhawk was terribly confused. "Just who the fuck are you?"

The blood bay Delphin chuckled a little at her language, then again reached out to stroke her face. "Yes, my city. I founded it. I control it. The only reason your entourage is here is because I will it. My name is Alcom."

Snowhawk gasped. She knew the name well, though, from the history of her species. "You were the first--"

"Ah, no need to name either of us. Never know who's listening. So let's go talk where it's safe." He placed his hand on her back and gently pushed her into walking. It was not a request.

They only walked for a short time before reaching his home. He led her inside and locked the door behind them.

"My staff was sent home for the day, so we're free to talk here."

"How are you still alive?" Snowhawk was still shocked.

"When this disease was created, it was tested on a dozen Delphin. I was the only survivor. So far, it's given me the only true gift of immortality. Given enough time, Kione will die. Most of my other pupils have, either from age or otherwise. You and your protector wolf shall as well."

"I don't plan on staying like this."

"Then hope Kione doesn't get into the city, or if he does, protect the Director well. Kione's intention is to destroy that whole team, and all of their research."

"Why are you telling me all of this?" she asked, more confused than ever.

"As I said, he may have outlived his usefulness. His turning of your cousin was reckless. His constant drive to get back who he lost has been reckless as well."

"You mean Emerald?"

"If you must use her name, yes. Her. She had her time. But now, its yours. Should your protector try the same if you die before him, I will put a stop to it. A second chance is enough."

"Why haven't you just taken care of Kione yourself?"

"His antics amused me for a while, but now you're here, and its as good a time as any to put a stop to them." Alcom walked to a small box on a low table. From the box, he removed a dark silver necklace. "I know Kione removed your locket and necklace. I know what happened in Dia'ru, with you being taken over by her. My eyes and ears are everywhere when it comes to my offspring. Wear this, and any glimmer you feel of the grey mare will be gone."

Snowhawk carefully took the necklace. It was about an inch in width and would be close fitting once she put it on.

"And keep that. The grey mare will be a problem for you as long as you remain a vampire."

"Why are you helping me?" Snowhawk quietly asked, staring at the necklace in her hands.

"I am not the one to kill Kione. That job is for you, and your entourage. He must be dealt with, because he's lost sight that vampires are to be rare and remain hidden."

"But how are you leading this city? Its not exactly unknown who you are."

"I have my puppets."

"So vampires aren't completely gone from Juv."

"Just myself normally. Thralls don't count."

Snowhawk shook her head, not much less confused than she was before. "All this, just to kill another vampire..."

"My intention was not to put this on you. But now you're her here and it's a prime time to tie up this loose end."

"Very well," Snowhawk replied as she fastened the necklace on. "Consider him dead."



Alcom escorted Snowhawk back to the hotel. Janus met them out front, as he had been waiting in the lobby for her to return. "Oh, thank God, you're safe!" he said as he gathered her into his arms. "Where were you, and who is this?"

"I can't talk out here. We have a mission to go on."

"A what?" Janus confusedly asked. "Snowhawk, are you--"

"Let's go back to the room. I'll explain there."

"Very well, love, Janus nodded.

Alcom simply bowed to them, then left without speaking.

Back in their room, Janus sat on the edge of the bed, waiting on Snowhawk's explanation. "That was Alcom," she quietly began. "He's Kione's sire."

Janus was shocked. "He's still alive?!"

Snowhawk nodded. "Yes. And he's decreed that Kione is to die. By our hands."

"That's a tall order," Janus frowned.

"I have some ideas," she returned. "But its going to take all of us."

"I'm guessing the new necklace has something to do with it."

"Yes. Its dark silver. It will keep Emerald at bay."

"Well, that's one problem solved."

Snowhawk nodded again. "Thankfully."

"Should I call the others in so we can discuss the plan?"

"Yes," she nodded, sitting in a nearby chair as Janus stood from the bed.

Chapter 41

"So, how do we do this?"Hunter asked.

Snowhawk picked up the dress laying on the bed near her. "If we can concentrate my scent, we can use it as a lure for Kione."

"I can attempt to mask ours," Onyx began, "which would let us get him right where we want him."

Snowhawk nodded. "The cabin he was keeping Nytehawk in is small. We could trap him in there."

"Then what?"

"I don't trust that setting the place on fire would work, so we'll just beat the ever-loving piss out of him."

"That might be too close quarters," the chocolate Lupino frowned.

Snowhawk thought for a moment, then gave a half-grin. "Then you boys stay outside and I'll take care of him."

"Too dangerous for you," Onyx responded, mimicking Adian's frown. "If he were to somehow pull that necklace off--"

"I know. It was a joke."

"Perhaps this is not the best time for jokes," Hunter commented.

Snowhawk sighed. "You're right. But you still have the basic idea for the plan, right?"

All four males nodded. Adian added, "We'll have to flesh it out more, but it seems solid."


The following day, Kione was again assessing the city's walls. And he found something of note; there was a short period of time between shifts when the outer wall was unguarded. Perhaps the same could be said for the inner wall. The elder vampire waited until the appropriate moment, then slipped past the gate. He hid near the second gate, and waited for it to be left.

After midnight, the vampire seized his opportunity and snuck into Dia'ru.

The city's streets were quiet. Most residents were asleep. He strode down the wide market street, carefully sniffing the air around him. He had two goals: getting Snowhawk back, and killing off the medical team before burning their research. He knew he was close to the former by the very faint scent of her that hung in the air. Because of the city's population, it was a hard scent to track, but not impossibly so. He eventually found himself near the hotel she and the others were staying at. "Now, how to get in," he questioned, then happened to catch a glimmer of light from the third floor. It was her. She leaned on the balcony railing, watching the night sky above. He could now figure out where she was in the building. Before she looked down, he ducked into the lobby, ignoring the night desk help. They seemed to be interested in some television show, so also ignored the apparent customer.

Kione snuck into the hallway, looking for the elevators. They were soon located, and he stepped inside, pressing the button for floor three. A very short ride later, and he stepped out of the elevator, and began to quietly sniff the air for Snowhawk's scent. Breaking into the wrong room could be disastrous, and allow her to escape his grasp.

Being closer, in a lower traveled area, he easily caught her scent and followed it to her room. He tested the door, finding it locked. "Now what?" he wondered. Then a plan struck him. He knocked on the door and ducked below the peephole.

"Who is it?" Janus' voice returned.

Kione simply knocked again.

Janus walked to the door, looking outside. After seeing no one, he unlocked it and carefully began to open the door. He never saw the crouched vampire before the door was slung open. The door struck Janus hard, sending him to the wall and knocking him unconscious.

Kione rushed into the room, but was shocked to find no one else there. Then he felt an icy shard pierce his back. He cried out in pain, then turned to see Snowhawk standing protectively in front of Janus' form.

"I don't know how you got in, but you need to get the fuck out," she growled.

Kione chuckled, mildly annoyed by her ice magic. "You are coming with me, dear." He began advancing toward her, while she backed away. The door had swung closed after he rushed in, so she soon found herself trapped in the short hallway from the main hall to the sleeping area.


As he backed her against the door, another knock was heard. "Snowhawk, Jauns, are you alright?" Adian's voice asked.

"He's here--" Snowhawk returned before she was rudely grabbed about the muzzle.

Adian cursed and tried to open the door, but found the combined weight of Kione and Snowhawk against it.

"Hunter! Onyx!" he cried out, the two soon sticking their heads out of their respective rooms. "Help me get this door open!"

They rushed to the room and began pushing on the door. Inside, Kione grinned and soon pulled Snowhawk away from the door and jumped back, still holding her.

The three pushed hard on the door one more time, only to find it easily opened and they tumbled into the room. "Let her go!" Adian demanded.

Kione just grinned. "Now, now," he began as the three untangled themselves from each other and stood, "where is your hospitality? I haven't even been introduced to you."

Snowhawk quickly shifted to her feline form, and attempted to bite down on the vampire's arm. He grabbed her ear and she yowled in pain. "I think not."

Snowhawk growled and attempted to bite down again, this time succeeding. As hoped, Kione released her, but followed by backhanding her in the back of the head. The force sent her forward, towards the three standing from the floor.

Janus began to come around about this time. He groggily shook his head and winced in pain. He fuzzily saw his love stumbling toward him. She hadn't noticed him waking up yet, so she spun around to face Kione. Her tail was bristled and looked twice its usual size. She shook her head as well, trying to rid herself of the after effects of the vampire's strike.

Kione advanced toward them. To say he was pissed off was an understatement. He went straight for the still shaken feline first, snarling as he tried to grab her. "You can't run forever, mare."

She ducked out of his grasp once more, then slashed at him with her claws. "I don't intend to."

While Kione's attention was focused on Snowhawk, Onyx began sneaking up on the vampire. He soon was in lunging distance. He lept at Kione's back grabbing him about the arms and pinning him to the ground. The Guard straddled the vampire, trapping his arms beneath him, and pressed down on his back, keeping him from rising.

Hunter soon joined to keep the vampire pinned to the floor. Adian stopped at his brother's side and offered him a hand up, which Janus gratefully took.

As the two wolves made their way to the pinned, struggling vampire, so did Snowhawk.

"So you've won," Kione grinned. "For real, this time."

"I've no time for gloating," Snowhawk said, holding her arm away from her and forming an icy sword. Onyx inched back carefully. Snowhawk raised the newly formed, magic blade, and swiftly brought it down toward Kione's neck.

When magical ice should have pierced flesh, there was nothing but the blade shattering to the floor. He had vanished.

"What the fu--" she began, but was soon cut off by a hand over her small muzzle, and another holding the scruff of her neck.

"You've failed once again, mare," Kione grinned then quickly grabbed her about the waist, and dove out the balcony door, shattering the glass in the process. The four males ran to the railing to see Kione speeding off with her into the darkness. He seemed to be heading toward the medical district.

As he ran, Kione played "dodge the fangs" with Snowhawk, and he was losing horribly. The more she bit him, the weaker his grip became. Soon, just before he reached the medical district, she finally chomped down one last time, and made him drop her. She rolled away from him, then stood, ready to fight. Kione was not about to lose his prize, so faced her, also ready to take what ever she could throw at him.

With a growl, the feline formed Delphin rushed at the elder vampire. She extended her claws as she ran and soon lept at him. Kione caught her tail as he sidestepped her attack, then caught her small paw in his free hand as she slashed at him again. He released her tail and caught her opposing hand in his when she tried to claw her way free.

"Are you slowing down, mare?" he grinned. A quick release of her arm and a slap across the face was her reward for trying to bite him again.

"Hold still, you son of a bitch!" she growled, not really phased by his slap.

"If you're going to act like this, no, I think not."

The two tussled in the street, and were beginning to attract a crowd of night owls and folk awoken by the noise they made. Janus, Adian, Onyx, and Hunter soon emerged from the crowd of gawkers, but the two were too engaged in their tussle to notice them. Adian directed the two Delphin to move left and he and his brother then moved right.

Another figure could be seen in the crowd, his height giving him away. Alcom watched the two fighting for a moment, then began moving through the crowd. After he passed, the gawkers would turn and return home. Even the ones on their balconies went back inside after a glance from the ancient Delphin. Soon, they were the only ones left on the street.

As Snowhawk lunged at Kione again, Adian and Janus ran toward him. From the other side, seeing what the two Lupino were doing, Onyx and Hunter ran toward the fighting pair as well. Alcom stood back and watched.

Hunter grabbed Kione's arms and pulled them behind the vampire, then Onyx kicked Kione's legs out from under him. Janus grabbed Snowhawk and held her back as Adian strode toward the three Delphin.

"So what now?" Kione panted. "We've been through all of this before. You pussy out and I get away."

The angry feline growled and broke free of Janus. She was tired of words ruining her peace. She quickly formed another icy sword and advanced on the group before her. "Hunter, back away," she commanded. Hunter complied and Onyx took over holding the vampire.

Adian stepped in front of Snowhawk. "You shouldn't do this."

"Then who will?!" she yelled. "I will never be at peace as long as he lives!"

Adian reached out to touch her shoulder, but she shrugged him off and walked around him.

"I see," Kione said, then struggled against the grip of the Guard.

Snowhawk shifted back to her Delphin form. She looked directly at Onyx. "Do whatever you need to do to keep me from healing him, should I revert to Emerald." The Guard nodded, understanding. With a moment of thought, Snowhawk changed the form of her icy blade. From a sword, it became two daggers. One she pressed against the vampire's neck, the other she pointed at his gut.

Kione smirked, but it was a terrified smirk as he struggled against Onyx. "So you've finally earned your name... Snow."

Snowhawk eased back only for a moment, then pressed the two daggers into their respective body parts.

Kione's blood gushed forth, and both Adian and Janus held onto Snowhawk as she fought an internal battle against Emerald. Onyx let the vampire fall to the dusty street and went to assist the two wolves. Hunter stepped in as well.

As Kione bleed out at their feet, the four held tightly onto the struggling Snowhawk. Alcom slowly walked to the group, first looking at Kione's body, then stepping up to Snowhawk. He touched her forehead, just below her horn, and she soon struggled less and less, then finally tried to collapse to her knees. Her fall was eased by those around her.

"They're gone," she finally said after several moments of silence.

Chapter 42

Janus hugged Snowhawk tightly. "Both of them?"

"Yes," Snowhawk quietly replied. "Both of them." She sighed raggedly, then looked up at Alcom. "What did you do?"

"I simply released her. Her hold was tenuous at best."

Adian stood. "Why couldn't that have been done earlier tonight?"

"She needed to come to the surface. With the extra strength of will Snowhawk has now, and with the dead one being so weak, there was no other way to remove her."

"Thank you," Snowhawk quietly said, then leaned against Janus.

Alcom turned and looked at Kione once more. "Pity he turned out this way. There was so much potential in him, but he was blinded by his past." The eldest knelt next to the corpse, and touched it, his horn beginning to glow. With one flash, Kione's body turned to dust. "And you don't have to worry, Snowhawk. The dust won't come after you."

She gave a small smile, then dropped her head. "Its finally over."

"Yes, love, finally," Janus said, giving her another squeeze.

Alcom stood and turned to Adian. "You, youngling, will need to be careful that you don't walk his same path. Your jealousy must be kept in check."

Adian looked away and sighed. "I know."

Alcom gave a small nod. "If you need anything while in the city, you know where to find me. Otherwise, I shall not disturb you again. Be well." The eldest then turned and left.

After he had gone, Snowhawk stood slowly, aided by her two wolves. "Onyx, Hunter, I thank you for your help tonight. But I think you two should be the ones to inform Nytehawk, so I would ask for your help once more."

Onyx bowed to Snowhawk. "Of course." He then turned to Hunter. "Shall we?"

"Certainly,"Hunter nodded. The two then walked the rest of the way to the medical district.

After they had gone, Snowhawk looked to Janus, then to Adian, and said, "And I appreciate both of you helping me as well."

Adian canted his head to the side, "What's wrong, Snow?"

Janus copied his brother's movement. "Love?"

"I'm just-- a bit overwhelmed," she said after several moments of silence.

"Its been a rough night," Janus replied, again placing an arm around her. "And I imagine being alone in your head again after so long is not easy."

"Truly alone. And no, it's not. Its strange to say, but I'd grown used to having Emerald there. Even if she was buried far back, I still knew she was there. And Kione..." she trailed off.

"Let's go back to the hotel. We can check on the others in the morning," Adian said, trying to change the subject.

"Of course," Snowhawk nodded, then began to walk back. A quick gust of wind blew by them, and her attention was drawn back to the pile of dust where Kione had been. The breeze had blown enough away to reveal something shining in the darkness. "What's that?" she asked, then quickly knelt and dug into the dust. She pulled out a necklace made of dark silver, with a locket hanging from it. When she opened the locket, she found the picture of Janus she'd kept in there, along with a new image tucked behind it. One of her. "I'm-- not sure what to make of this."

Adian carefully took the necklace from her and removed the picture of her from it, placing it in his pocket. He then closed the locket, and once again fastened the necklace onto her.

She felt the familiar wall of security go up in her mind, though there was no longer anything to guard her from. "Thank you, Adian."

He simply nodded, then turned and continued walking to the hotel.


The next morning, Adian, Janus, and Snowhawk left the hotel and traveled to the medical district. They were greeted by a confused Nytehawk.

"What happened last night? Kione was there, then he wasn't. And I've not sensed him since. Did he get too far away or something?"

Snowhawk shook her head, grateful that her cousin missed out on the fighting. "Kione's gone. Dead. For good this time."

Nytehawk seemed shocked. "How do you know?"

"We saw him turn to dust,"Adian replied, sparing the cousin the gory details.

"We still need to get you back to mortal. Then you can return home," Snowhawk stated.

"What about you?"

"We'll remain in Juv a bit longer, to see if the treatment still works for me. After that, we will also return to Ametiton."

"What if the treatment doesn't work anymore?"

Snowhawk paused, looking down. "Then I'll go on as this," she finally said, looking back up.

"I think," Rais began, entering the room, "that you should be fine this last time."

Snowhawk nodded. "I hope so."

"And I have some good news for you. The Avizon venom Adian provided for us has offered a breakthrough in increasing the lifespan of the Lupino and Feln."

"That's wonderful, Rais!" Snowhawk exclaimed, then she turned and wrapped her arms around Janus.

"Love--" he began, then glanced at his brother. Adian looked off, not making eye contact.

"Only if you're willing, of course."

"Of course," Janus nodded. "I would have to think about it, but I assume the offer would stand, Rais?"

"Yes. When you're ready, just let me know. And," he began, looking at Adian, "we're willing to treat you as well, should you wish to no longer be a vampire."

Adian was silent for a few minutes, then finally replied. "I shall have to think on it."

"Of course. No one will pressure you into a decision."

With a nod, Adian left the room.

"He seems-- moody," Janus commented.

"Yeah. He's been a bit off since last night."

"Your brother is a complex one," Rais commented.

"Ever since he was turned, yeah," Janus replied.

"Well, slightly before then," Snowhawk mentioned, then reminded Janus of how Adian had acted after he got his tail kicked by Onyx.

"So we can't blame the vampirism then," Rais smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

"No, not really," Snowhawk replied, politely returning the smile.

"I miss the days when he was just a horny bastard," Janus frowned. "He was easier to read then."

Nytehawk smirked. "That he was. But at least he learned his lesson back then."

Janus sighed. "I wonder what he'll do now."

"He's been a vampire for a long time. I think he finally got used to it, and now we're basically asking him to go back to what he was. I can imagine its a hard decision to make."

Rais looked at Nytehawk and slightly bowed to her. "Are you ready to continue your treatments?"

"Yes," she replied. "How much longer do you think I'll be here."

"You're no where near as far down the line as Snowhawk was when we first saw her, and we've advanced the science since then. Probably another week or two, and you should be good to go."

Nytehawk nodded. "Wonderful." She turned to Snowhawk. "You've saved me once again, cousin."

"Thank the doctors here. I just played the guinea pig."

Nytehawk shook her head and laughed a bit. "Take some credit for once." She then waved to her cousin and the light wolf and left the room, the Director following her.

Once they were alone, Snowhawk sighed heavily. She sank into a nearby chair, and then dropped her head into her hands. "I can breathe. I can relax. I can just be. But..."

"What, love?" Janus asked, sitting on the arm of her chair.

"I don't think I know how to anymore."

Her wolf smiled at her. "I'm sure you'll remember."

"Also, if I'm honest, I'm a bit scared to give up these gifts. I think I can know exactly what your brother is going through."

Janus sighed, then wrapped an arm around her. "I think you two should talk about that. Who else to better understand him than another vampire?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I think Adian could use some understanding, especially now."

Snowhawk hugged Janus, then left to find Adian.


Snowhawk did not have to travel far to find the chocolate wolf. He was just outside the medical school, leaning against the building. His arms were crossed across his chest, and he had one foot propped up on the wall. She slowly approached him, smiling.

"Oh," he began, "I figured you'd still be talking with Rais."

She shook her head lightly. "No, he went with Nytehawk to work on her more." She paused for a moment, then, brushing back a lock of hair, looked up at him. "Would you walk with me?"

Adian nodded at her. "Certainly."

The pair walked in silence for several minutes, growing farther and farther away from the school. "What's on your mind, Snow?"

"Well, I think I understand your hesitation to go back to being mortal. At least, I can understand better than I did a couple weeks ago."

Adian quirked an eyebrow at this. "So you do enjoy it some?"

"Some, yes," she sighed. Another pause followed, then she began, "I'm not sure if I can go back now. To not being this, that is. And you've been as you are for much longer. The thought is, well, scary."

Adian nodded. "Yeah. To give up what has been both a blessing and a curse, but more importantly, familiarity, is a very scary prospect." Snowhawk walked to a nearby, but out of the way, bench and sat down. Adian soon joined her. He sat closer than he normally might. "Your soul remembers it, and Emerald was a vampire a very long time."

"Yes, she was." They then sat in silence for several minutes. Snowhawk looked down and shuffled her hooves about. "She may be gone, but the memory is still there."

Adian reached over and took hold of her hand. She didn't pull away, but slightly lowered her ears. "Snowhawk," he began, then bit at his lip and looked away.

She looked at their hands together. "Adi..."

He released her hand a moment later and stood, first looking off at the cloudy sky, then turning to her. "I think, all things considered, it might be best if I leave once I've trained new guards."

Her ears flattened back, and her eyes were filled with confusion. "But why?"

He took a deep breath, then said, "Because I'm afraid if I don't that I'll try to take you away from my brother, by force if need be. And I can't let myself start down that path."


"He's weaker than me now. It would be so easy." The Lupino knelt in front of her. "You are something I have wished for for a long time. But as of now, unless I kill him or you change your mind, I can't have you." He again took her hands in his. "I think I know what I feel, and I think you understand that, but until..."

"Until your brother is gone, right?"

"Yes. Until he's gone. Until then, I can't have you. And it's tearing me up inside, because I've grown so attached to you."

Snowhawk dropped her head, her muzzle resting on their hands, and sighed raggedly.

"I can't make you unhappy like that. So I think, once I'm sure you're safe, it would be best for me to just step away."

She turned her head to the side, now nuzzling his hands with the side of her face. "How long have you been planning this? Where will you go?" Her voice strained against the tears that began to fall.

"Its been some time, but I only decided this morning. Please don't cry," he said turning one of his hands over to cradle her face. "I have a few places in mind. Far enough away that I won't tun into a threat, but close enough if I'm needed."

"Not in the city then."

"No. I would be far outside Ametiton. But always watching."

"Why can't it be easier?" she softly cried.

He placed his other hand on the other side of her face, and turned her head to look at him. "I think because its life. I think that the trials are what form us."

"I know, but," she trailed off, then closed her eyes. "I'll miss you."

He leaned in and kissed her on top of her muzzle. "I'll miss you too."

"What will you tell Janus? He relies on you too."

"The same. The truth. That for his protection, I'll be moving away. I know I can't give this up, and Onyx is right. If I'm not careful, I'll wind up just like Kione. Even though you're not my mate, and you certainly aren't dead."

Snowhawk closed her eyes as he held her face.

Adian leaned toward her, and wrapped his arms around her. "I will still be your protector. I don't know if I'll ever be more, but I can promise you that much."

She in turn wrapped her arms around him, then buried her face in his shoulder and cried.


Three weeks passed. Adian had left the city of Juv two weeks prior. Nytehawk was declared free of vampirism, and she returned home to Ametiton with Hunter and Onyx. Snowhawk remained, with Janus at her side, as she weighed the options before her: remain a vampire, or become mortal again. She and the light wolf met with Rais early one morning.

"I don't think I can go back to mortal," she plainly stated to the two Lupino in the room with her.

Rais nodded. "I understand. Adian said the same thing." He then turned to Janus. "And what about you? Any thoughts on trying to lengthen your lifespan?"

"Still undecided. But I may take you up on that offer in the future."

Rais nodded. "I understand there as well. Both my mate and I took this long to decide to undergo the treatment. Neither would do it without the other."

Janus looked to Snowhawk, who was staring out the window.

"Shall I arrange a car for you, since I believe your brother stranded you here?"

"He said he would come back if we wanted him to..." Snowhawk softly replied.

"Yes, love, but it would be faster if we just go on our own."

"I know," she sighed.

"A car would be wonderful. Thank you, again, Rais."

The other wolf smiled and nodded, then left the room to make the arrangements.

"You're not going to mope forever, are you, love?"

"No," she responded, still looking out the window, "I'm just not sure how else to deal with this. But I'm sure I'll be past it soon."

Janus nodded, then wrapped his arms around her. "It will be good to get home."

"Yes, and have some peace."

"At least until your boys visit," Janus smiled.

She smiled at this. "Yes. Its been too long since I've seen them."

Within the hour, they climbed into a car and departed Juv for Ametiton.


A thousand years later... "Its been a hundred years since Janus died," a weary Snowhawk said to no one but herself. It was just past midnight on the anniversary of his death. He grew old and frail, even with the extra time given to him by Rais. It killed her to remember it. They'd had a beautiful life together. As she sat at her dressing table, she looked at her reflection. She'd only aged by number, and the past one hundred and fifty years showed in her eyes.

It had been nearly as long since she actually saw Adian as well. The last time had been at Janus funeral, where he left her with a gentle kiss on her muzzle. She knew he was still alive and around. He had moved back near the estate, though not on the grounds. He was like a shadow to her. But not actually seeing him... It had been hard on her.

"I miss my wolves," she said, holding back her tears.

But they would not be held back. Unbidden, the tears flowed forth, and she dropped her head and cried.

Outside her window, a lone Lupino looked at the glow from her room. He entered the estate, unquestioned by anyone. He was well known here. He climbed the stairs to the second floor, and then strode down the familiar hallway, as he'd done many, many times before.

The door to Snowhawk's room was partially open. He stepped through and leaned against the wall, restraining himself from running to comfort the crying mare. Adian waited for her to look up. He figured waiting on her to calm herself would scare her less.

This was far from his first visit to this room. He came nearly every night to watch over her as she slept, but he always left before she woke. It would be nearly a quarter hour before she realized she was no longer alone in the room.

"Adian!" she said, wiping the tears from her face. "How long have you been there? Why didn't you say anything? I'm sorry, I probably look stupid, crying over nothing..."

She was rambling. She probably wasn't sure why he was there. Adian smiled gently at her, and walked to her. He knelt next to her. "Fifteen minutes, I didn't want to scare you, and it's not stupid to cry." She again wiped at her eyes, then returned his smile. "I'm the one who's sorry. I guess I waited too long to do this."

"Adian," she began, but he reached up to touch her face, gently stroking it, then leaned in and softly kissed her.

She didn't fight or resist him. After a moment, he leaned back and their lips parted. "I can't tell you how many years I've waited to do that."

She was quietly stunned for a minute. "You aren't going to tell me that you're leaving again, are you?"

"No," he chuckled. "I'm not leaving you again. After we lost my brother, I should have stayed but, I wanted you to have time to heal. I hope I've not pushed anything."

She sniffled a bit. "No, not at all. I've just been terrified of you coming back only to leave me again."

"I'm not leaving you unless you tell me to go, Snow."

She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly. "I've been waiting for you to come back, my protector," she whispered. She slid off the seat, landing on her knees in front of him, but still holding him. "Would you..." she began, then trailed off.

"What, dear?"

"Would you be more than that?"

He sighed, smiling and holding her tightly. "And I can't say how many years I've waited to hear you say that. I wasn't sure I ever would."

"I made a promise to you more than a thousand years ago. I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to keep it."

The two sat in the floor for hours holding one another.