Broken Dreams Chapter 7 (adult)

Story by Moonlight Darkwolf on SoFurry

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#1 of series2

Chapter 7

Tim and I have been dating for nine months now. I met his parents; they are what you'd expect for wealthy furs. Tim's dad, Ron, was extraordinarily accepting. I think Ron thought I was older than I am, it felt like he was hitting on me. Tim's mom, Liz, was a different story. She looked at me like I was some trailer trash from the south-side of town.

Mike and Kala did get married four months back. Mike and Tim spent some time getting to know each other too. We were all in the back yard for a cook-out.

"So, Mike, I gotta know something. You're an otter, but you're in the Air Force. I figured you'd be in the Navy. My cousin is."

"I was thinking about the Navy when I went to the recruiter, I love the water, don't get me wrong, but I'm deathly afraid of boats. I'm actually not the only otter in my crew."

"Oh, okay. Do you fly then?"

"No, I failed the flight test. I work on the A-10 bombers. I can't tell you more than that, though."

"Hey, I understand." Tim lifted the lid on the grill. "The dogs are done. Did anyone remember to buy the soda?"

I climbed out of the pool. "I'll go get some. What does everyone want?"

Everybody wanted something different.

Tiamara wanted Coca Cola. Timothy wanted Pepsi. Mike wanted Mountain Dew. Kala said she don't drink pop. Tim wanted Root Beer. And I drink Dr. Pepper.

I went in to Wal-Mart to get all of it. The soda cost me seven fifty. Passing through town I passed a small shop that had no name. There were two furs coming out wearing dark sunglasses and trench coats. I slowed down to get a better look at them. I couldn't believe what I saw so I hurried home to tell.

"Mike, you'll never guess who I just saw on the street earlier."

"Who was it?"

"It looked like mom and dad."

He gave me a skeptical look. "That's impossible. They've been dead for almost two years. Are you sure it was them? I know, you had the top down didn't you? It's hot today. Why don't you go inside for a while, or back in the pool?"

"I know what I saw."

"Let's put this behind us for now. We'll talk about this later."

Tim stepped up. "Yeah, change the subject to something good." He took me by the paw and got down on one knee. "Crystal Sky Marie Daneson, will you do me the honor of becoming my bride?"

That was so unexpected I was blown away. The others waited in silent anticipation. I snapped myself back to focus. "Timothy Wayne Jensen, it will be my honor to be your wife." The yard burst with cheers and applause.

We had the wedding set for two and a half months later on June 20th. Most of the stuff that happened between then and now was just the usual rush and stress of planning a wedding.

I was sure that I had seen my parents on that day, but every time I tried to bring it up Mike left or changed the subject.

The wedding is going to be a small private party for the six of us and Tim's parents. It is going to be in my yard under a gazebo.

Mike dug out our mom's wedding dress that she and our grandmother had worn. Silvery white with pearls and a ten foot train.

"Wow, you look beautiful, Crystal Sky. I just wish mom was here to see you."

I held my tongue. He waited for me to say something about them. When I didn't he left the room.

"I always knew you would be the first of us three." Said Tiamara.

"I almost can't believe it. Married. Me." Stuck in the corner of the mirror I was using was a picture of my grandmother. "I look just like her." I turned to Tiamara. "She was married almost five times."

"Not getting cold feet are you? Wait, almost? How can you be almost married?"

"The groom left her standing at the altar. I don't have cold feet, I'm just..."

"I got it. I'll leave you alone for a while." She left the room and I stood in front of the mirror.

"Time for my wedding."

Mike walked me down the aisle and Timothy was the best man. The pastor is an old church mouse. The scene was just as I had dreamed it would be, with one detail missing.

"Dearly beloved, we gather here today to join these two in holy matrimony. If there is anyone who does not believe these two should be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace." No one even coughed. "Good. Now do you, Timothy Wayne Jensen, take this woman to be your wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, for better or worse, to death do you part?"

"I do."

"And do you Crystal Sky Marie Daneson take this man to be your wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, for better or worse, to death do you part?"

"I do."

"Then by the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

We kissed and it was like the first kiss all over again. He even slipped me the full tongue. Tim sang 'I Swear' to me and we danced to 'This I Promise You'. Tim flung the guarder first, after taking a wrong turn up to my cunt, and Timothy caught it. Next I tossed the flowers.

"Well, your mother doesn't need to get this. I'm still married to Mich."

I turned around, took one good look and blacked out. I came to a few minutes later.

"Unh. I told you they were alive. Mom, Dad, is it really you."

"Yeah it's us. I would never miss my daughter's wedding."

I suddenly got enraged. "You two were alive this whole time!? I believed you were dead for two years, two fucking years. What could have kept you from telling me and Mike? I have half a mind to-to." I lost my voice and just hugged them both.

"It's time we told you the truth."

"What do you mean?"

My dad answered this. "We are a part of a secret government organization called C.R.O.S.S. Covert Recovery Operations of Squadron Six. Were on an assignment that lasted longer than we expected."

"You never had to leave like this before."

"Usually, our assignments only last a couple of days." He said.

"But this one was the biggest one yet." My mom said.

"That's right. But the important thing now is that we're home to stay. We've...uh...retired."

The last song of the evening I danced with both of them. Tim and I went on our honeymoon to Alaska, were we conceived our child. We named him Timothy Wayne Jensen Jr. It was a tradition for Tim's family. My life is now better than it was before it went to hell. And we are all living together, happily ever after.

The End