Rogue Wind - The Mercenary

Story by Slagar The Cruel on SoFurry

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_ Rogue Wind _

_ The Mercenary _

With the hide of a Wolf worn atop his head and the furs of his victims worn as his hide the blue furred Fox known as Reliath was inside the two story manor and just three rooms away from speaking to Azuri Korin. As he made his way to Azuri Korin he rehearsed what he would say and how he would say it until at last he stood in front of the door and two guards.

'Your business, Fox?' The guard asked in monotone. Reliath took out a small parchment signed by Kuro.

'I wish to speak to the Grand - General.' Oddly neither of the guards seemed to have even read the parchment to see if Kuro had actually signed it and they let him in just like that. Well, sort of. They removed his sword which he carried beneath his hide and his cross bow still. Upon entering the room Reliath had seen Korin, known as both the Grand General and the Hangman. To Reliaths surprised green eyes Korin was a very weak looking Fox who must have suffered from anorexia. Not just that, his faced seemed tired of life and his eyes told a story of a very depressed man.

'Good morning Grand - General.' Reliath nodded instead of bowing down - he wasn't actually used to the odd custom of bowing down.

'Just get to the point. I'm a busy man.'

'Last night I se- I had caught the thief Kuro was searching for and I wanted to ask you for a proposition; perhaps you could spare this thief from the gallows? He is a skilled thief and I figured he could come to some use for you.'

'Besides being hanged and entertaining a lot of plebs for a few seconds what else could a criminal like he possibly be good for?'

'He is a thief. He could become useful in taking or finding certain objects, weapons, or artifacts.' Reliath could tell Korin was now intrigued.

'Of course though you would need I self keeping an eye on him - and that I would do for a fair price.' Reliath quickly added.

And then there deal would be made from then on. It would turn out that Korin wanted a religious artifact as opposed to an era defining weapon. Reliath always considered Korin a mathematical statistician so it struck him fairly odd that Korin wanted something that might not even exist lying hidden far up north. Oh well, whether the thing was found or not Reliath was still getting paid and for the time being he had some new reading material!

** ** ** ** **

When Toby had woken up in his cell due to noisy in mates he had woken up far more tired then when he first fell asleep. It may have been nothing more but a cruel and tasteless nightmare but given that Toby was in prison the dream was certainly a possibility. In the dream Toby had walked the gallows just like the blue Fox predicted. Crowds of strangers were cheering and in the very front Toby's parents were laughing hysterically - none of them could wait until the pathetic coward was dead. 'Traitor' was the words his parents shouted once the hilarity had died and soon a rope was wrapped around his neck by the blue Fox him self, Alex stood beside him giggling.

'You actually fell for it Toby!' Alex said and the blue Fox nodded.

'You'll make such a great coat!' The blue Fox smiled happily just before Alex kissed him on the cheek. An annoyed Kuro finally pulled the lever and as Toby dropped down his neck snapped quicker then you could say 'Inexplicable dream end.'

The first thing that crossed Toby's mind when he woke up was his parents and the second thing was how he wanted to either die in this cell or get out of here before they'd visit. He was ashamed of being a thief and he certainly was ashamed of them ever knowing. Toby knew what he was, a complete disappointment who never spoke to either his mother or his father. Once more the words 'traitor' and 'coward' entered his mind. When a draft had been made and Toby was meant to join the war he ran and made his new home the abandoned shack. And suddenly one more thing came to Toby's mind -

Evading a draft was considered treason and now it would take not even seconds for them to find out. Toby was a thief and a draft dodger, the latter alone was bad enough to make him face capital punishment. Toby's ears perked up as he heard the wooden door upstairs open and two voices which thankfully for him didn't belong to either of his parents.

'I can't believe this! If I had known you wanted to free him of all the prisoners I wouldn't have ever given you permission to speak to the Grand - General!' Spoke the angered voice of Kuro.

'He'll probably end up dying anyway so I don't see what you're so upset about.' The blue Fox replied. Kuro took out a key and unlocked the cell door. Toby shifted his eyes to the door which was now open and he continued to stare at it as if it were some miracle. There was another thing that kept Toby in place too; the blue Fox which pierced his leg with a bolt last night was no longer wearing the Wolf hide or the fur on his back. Without the skull the blue Fox was actually slightly shorter then Toby and he seemed younger too as he had a very friendly face. Then there was a final thing Toby noticed about the blue Fox, he wasn't wearing that strong perfume any longer. Now Toby could actually smell the scent of the other male - a scent he actually liked.

'Well? Stop staring at us and get the hell out.'

Toby darted to freedom as fast as he could and he would have continued all the way out of the prison if Kuro hadn't slammed the cell door against his face. He fell down to the ground and held his bleeding muzzle in between his paws as he cursed from the sudden and unexpected pain. For ten seconds Kuro was the happiest he had ever been meanwhile the blue Fox disapproved of the black wolf's cruel joke.

Kuro opened the cell door and the blue Fox stepped in and helped Toby up. 'If he ever steals another thing I'm killing him and I don't care what Korin says. So keep that in mind.' Kuro warned and the together Toby and the blue Fox made there way up stairs.

'You run pretty fast for a guy with an injured leg.' The blue Fox said to Toby who continued holding his muzzle as the Red Fox limped up the steps. They exited the office and for a first time that day Toby had seen that it was going to be a hot and sunny day.

'You're not quite free yet though. I asked Korin to spare you and it turns out you have to help find an artifact - after the search is over you'll be free once more.' The blue Fox waited for a reply.

'Why did you go through all that trouble to save me from the gallows though?'

'Are you sure you really want I to answer that? The reasons won't be flattering ones.'

'If you may, then yes, why did you spare me?'

'Firstly, I often find work by making proposals. I thought maybe Korin would pay well if I were to obtain a certain weapon or maybe some sort of artifact. To improve his chances in agreeing to I's plan I had asked him to spare you. You're the biggest coward I have ever met and you're quite pitiful-'

'Hey!' Toby interrupted. After a moment of silence the blue Fox continued.

'. . . But despite that you're still a thief and probably a skilled one. Besides that the only other reason I went through the trouble of asking Korin for your release is because . . . I find you're kind of cute.'

'You're quite the joker, aren't you?'

'I certainly am, but I'm not kidding.' An awkward silence came between the two males as they walked through the sunlit streets of Kirathain. It was odd enough for Toby to hear that he was liked by another male . . . but things just got too damn strange in knowing that his entire life was hanging by a thread not to long ago on whether or not a Blue Fox found he was good looking or not.

'So . . .' Toby paused awkwardly.

'Yes . . . ?'

'You only saved me because you're manipulative, greedy, and shallow?'

'Not the choice of words I'd use I self but I guess that's fitting.' Toby nearly cringed when he heard the blue Fox say 'I'd use I self but I.'

'What's your name, anyway?' The Blue Fox randomly asked.


'Not the greatest name I heard.'

'And I guess your name is any better?' Toby scoffed.


'Reliath? That sounds like something from a book.'

'It is from a book.' Reliath replied informatively and continued. 'My parents named me after some obscure prophet - according to my dear mom it's because I have fur just like him and green eyes just like him.'

'And does your mom know you go around shooting Foxes with crossbows?' Toby could feel he accidently hit a soft spot as Reliath did not reply. Toby turned his head and saw that the blue Fox was angry and probably just a fur or two away from beating him in the head with his paws. Reliath didn't seem angry in the way which an adult tried to keep there anger hidden; some how he seemed more like a spoiled child about to throw a fit or go on a rampage which involved kicking and screaming.

'Whatever it is I just said I didn't mean it - I'm sorry.' Reliath accepted the apology *well, he nodded back any way* and the two of them continued walking to the ship in silence up until Toby came across a thought.

'What's the name of the artifact we're supposed to get?'

'Eye of the Kilijaid. It's located far up north in the frozen wastes. I don't have a clue what it is but I plan on getting a book or two.'

'We're going all the way far up north? That'll take months!'

'You sound like you'd rather be locked up in a cell.' From that point on the two of them were quiet. Now Toby had known the trip was going to be a long one. Soon enough he was going to travel from the most northern nation in the most southern continent all the way to the furthest north. Where at all times the snow covered the land, ice covered the seas, and mist covered the skies.

Once the two of them entered the docks Reliath freely entered a ship which was named the Cerulean. Not a single sailor seemed to mind Reliath's presence on the ship at all while numerous of them kept a careful eye on Toby.

'Good morning Reliath! I see you brought your self a friend.' A well built Ocelot greeted with brown eyes and a naval blue jacket greeted. He had a vicious voice which had a growl to it.

'Good morning Captain Ocelot.' Reliath greeted back, the Ocelot seemed fairly annoyed from this salutation.

'I understand room is getting kind of scarce so I'll pay you a bit more to compensate for the Foxes presence.'

'Firstly, that's Captain Hauvin to you, vermin. Secondly, I'm sure I could find a way or two that your friend could pay for him self.' Toby shot Reliath a questioning look - he didn't notice.

'Now why don't you two Foxes run off and do whatever it is Foxes do.'

Toby walked away from the two of them and made his way to the edge of the ship. 'Rude fellow, he never even said good bye.' The Ocelot remarked.

Staring back at the town of Kirathain which the ship still had not departed from Toby saw the clock tower; the time was 10:20. Numerous thoughts then crossed the Foxes mind. What time was the ship going to undock? How long was the trip to the frozen wastes going to be? And then he wondered if they were going to even make it to the frozen wastes . . .Toby also couldn't help but imagine how much Alex would love to be in his place. Leaving Kirathain and going on a search for an artifact? For her that would be a dream come true.

'Toby, I'm getting off the ship to get something. While I'm away don't you dare try and get off, I have someone keeping an eye on you.' Reliath turned away from Toby to make his way off the ship.

'Wait Reliath!' Reliath turned around and kept quiet to hear what Toby wanted.

'I have a friend that lives in the poor parts of Kirathain. She's a very skilled archer and I think she'd be useful if you were to hire her.'

'Saving you from being hanged wasn't enough?' Toby was swept with guilt and became silent. 'I might go out and get her. Where does she live?' Reliath added.

'104 Redwall.' Toby replied. Reliath turned around a final time and made his way off the ship once more.

'Thanks Reliath' He heard Toby say behind him. Once the blue Fox disappeared into the city of Kirathain Toby began pacing back and fourth through the ship deck wondering whether or not Alex would be coming with them or not. It wouldn't be too long before another thought crossed his mind, what if she wasn't home? What was he thinking? Of course she was home! Alex always slept at day!

** ** ** ** **

There was certainly a Red wall all right. Kirathain was a very beautiful place. Blue seas, colourful trees, humble buildings, and impressive manors. Of course though that didn't stop Kirathain from having a flaw which every other major city Reliath visited had. All the poor people were walled in behind the buildings to make it look like they didn't exist. Surprisingly Red wall was a very legitimate name as where an alleyway should have been there was a tiny red wall with a gate which separated the poor and everyone else.

Reliath didn't want to hire a girl and he certainly wasn't obligated to. He wasn't sexist but he was however incredibly bitter towards woman. Every time he thought of one in particular he gritted his teeth and uttered the word 'bitch' in his head repetitively. So why was he here? Why was he in Red wall, poorest part of Kirathain? Well, whether he was going to get Toby's friend or not he was certainly going to get a book. And if he could he'd prefer helping out some poor book store owner then a rich one.

As Reliath searched for a bookstore he was quick to notice how everyone acted here. Bums were fighting with bums, children were begging for coins, *which Reliath responded to* hustlers were cheating, gamblers were losing, drunkards were . . . drunk and workers were being over worked. Then, there was a final thing Reliath noticed; something which had disturbed him quite a bit. Right in front of him sitting on a decaying bench underneath a dead tree in a tiny park was an ill looking vixen who seemed far too old to be alive. Her dark cold eyes were gazing at the sun as if it were the only light illuminating a dungeon.

Though Reliath knew this decision would be regretful he approached her curiously. 'Good morning ma'am.' He greeted. The lady changed her gaze from the sun to Reliath.

'Well, what is a handsome looking fellow like you doing here?' The lady asked. Her voice didn't seem aged but it did however have this hopeless quality to it.

'I just thought I'd check out the book store here.'

'Your choice was wise. Edmond's has all kinds of great books which nobles usually overlook - before you leave though how would you like to hear your fortune? Don't worry, the price is small and the results shall be true!'

'Your one of those mystic types huh? All right, tell I.'

'First of all what is it you'd like to hear? Your love life? Your death? Or perhaps your trip to the north?' Reliath who was born completely skeptic of psychic powers was surprised. Real or not Reliath was now interested in what she had to say and slightly intimidated. He didn't want to believe that she could foresee his death - it was a horrifying thought and one which he never believed that his destiny was written from the beginning. There is no way she actually knew how he was going to die! The size of this universe was infinite and endless; life was guided through choices, not rails.

'What's I's love life?' Reliath asked. He certainly didn't want to hear the gruesome details of how he was going to die and he didn't want to hear what would become of his trip to the north - just in case he'd end up dying.

'You're very distrusting. You will never settle down with a special someone and you'll never have kids. Due to you being an only child with an odd preference the continuation of your kin shall cease and then its extinction - Do I dare continue?'

'You may- I'm actually thankful to hear I'm not doomed to be chained down in a relationship.' The vixen nodded then continued.

'Romantically your life will be unchanged. You'll still be taking advantage of intoxicated men and you'll still be taken advantage of by intoxicated men. And even though you're distrusting you'll end up s-

'Wait,' Reliath interrupted, 'Do you actually see I doing those things!?'

'You asked for your fortune. Your privacy was sacrificed back when you agreed to hear it. Yes, of course I see you doing those things. How else do you think I'm telling you of it?'

'You can stop now.' Reliath dug for some money and randomly gave her a healthy pile of cash; a lot more then she had charged. He made his way to Edmond's still very disturbed knowing that she had seen things he never wanted to share. To say Reliath was gay would be fairly wrong. In his youth he had grown up in a place where homosexuality was a crime and in his youth he was fairly quick to acknowledge and admit what he liked and what he didn't.

He liked men and he somewhat liked women sexually, emotionally however he hated women and emotionally he barely tolerated men. The thing is, after a certain experience Reliath had been through he hated women. As wrong as it were it was just too hard for him to get past that.

Reliath checked the books and the creepy vixen was right about one thing; this book shop was actually pretty decent. Besides finding three books on artifacts *which may or may not have had the eye of Kilijaid* Reliath got a few others and purchased them. As he had exited the vixen had approached him.

'Um . . . hi.' Reliath greeted awkwardly to the Vixen, she nodded back.

'I just noticed that you left me a healthy bit of money.'

'Surely that isn't upsetting you.'

'Quite the opposite, I was thinking of maybe giving you a warning - there exists other psychics like my self.' Reliath wasn't too interested in her warning but he decided to listen. As unlikely as it was that her information might become useful it was still information.

'Foreseeing and foretelling is not a service, it's more of a curse. I understand that you thought it peculiar that I could see your death. It's a bit complicated but, in a way the future is shaped by what I tell you.' Reliath didn't understand what she was going on about. In his mind he tried to think through diplomatic ways to disengage the conversation but he knew they were worthless; she wasn't going to stop until she shared her insight.

'You don't care, and you don't understand but you really should keep this in mind. Now here's an example, if I were to inform you that you were going to die by being disemboweled or eviscerated then a part of the reason you ended up dying that way was because I told you. Up until your fate is read or revealed it is completely free and all yours. Once your fate is seen however . . . it cannot be undone. It is in fact because you saw your fate and tried desperately to avoid it that your death had come in the way that it was seen.'

'I'm afraid I still don't understand. And I don't get what it is you're trying to warn I of.'

'Then I guess you will not understand. What I'm trying to warn you of however is simple. If a fortune teller or a foreteller ever asks to inform you how long you'll live or how you'll die never agree to hear it.'

'You tell I that after I nearly ask?'

'That was before I knew of your generosity! Now I'll even give your fortune for free!' The vixen proclaimed overdramatically.

'The entire time you were speaking to I you never foresaw I would give you a tip?' Reliath then considered whether he should take the poor crazed vixens offer. Well, there was certainly no harm in asking something harmless.

'In order and at what times are the next three people I'll mate with?' Reliath asked. As much as it disturbed him that the vixen saw every detail he was curious at just how accurate her predictions were - and also because sex was the first thing that came to his mind, something which Reliath was never proud of.

'You'll have a bit too much to drink and on the twelfth of June one of the sailors, a Doberman named Arguln will take advantage of you. On the thirtieth of June after a conversation with a Margay named Kaida you'll mate with him and on the sixteenth of July you'll end up doing it with the Red Fox named Toby which you released from jail.'

Impressive Reliath thought. Exact dates, exact names, and she had actually known Toby was with him. Still though, the blue Fox was slightly doubtful that the dates would be completely accurate. He was just going to have to wait and find out.

'I also noticed you like being where the girl should be.' The vixen stated and smiled as she saw the blue Fox become quite red in the face just before he walked away.

Now to get that girl Toby spoke of. The walk didn't take very long and when he saw the house which was numbered 107 he saw a disdainful sight. Broken windows, missing bricks, a broken door, and the house its self appeared deserted for there were spider webs all over it.

That smart ass Red Fox must have been pulling his leg.

Regardless though Reliath walked up to the house and knocked on the door. He was lost with words and quite surprised when he heard foot steps running towards him. The door swung open and he saw the residence. A vixen with an incredibly tired face who shared quite a few of Toby's features . . . were they related?

'You're blue . . .' The vixen said somewhat amazed as she eyed probably the best looking guy she had ever seen. Besides his fur colour and his appeal his eyes too were quite interesting as they were green and friendly as opposed to predatory and intimidating like Toby's or Alex's black and yellow eyes.

'Yes, I am.' Reliath replied, 'your friend Toby was imprisoned in jail and he was about to face execution but I released him and now he has to help I find a certain object. He asked I to ask you to join us.'

He asked I to ask you? Alex thought. This blue Fox sure had an interesting way of speaking.

'Really? You're serious? We're going on a treasure hunt? Hold on, I have to pack some things!' The vixen hurried back into the house. Yup, she's a girl all right. She was probably packing all kinds of fancy clothes, useless make up, and impractical stuff that don't matter one single bit. To Reliaths surprise as soon as he finished the thought she was already out of the house with only a bow and a quiver of arrows.

'All right, let's go.' The two of them began walking.

'You're only bringing your bow and a quiver of arrows?' Reliath asked.

'Nah, I also have a dagger and something to smoke. What is this certain object you're even looking for? Is it some religious artifact or sacred object?'

'Actually, it is. The eye of Kilijaid it's called, do you know anything about it?'

'I've heard it once or twice. Can't say I know what it is though. All the same I'll do whatever I can to find it.'

'You're not like most girls, are you?'

'Well, I like to think I'm not but I don't have a dick so I guess I am.' Alex said in a friendly tone.

'You're a funny girl aren't you?'

'I hope I am. And to answer your question I believe I am like most girls. In my youth I liked playing sports but my parents always liked putting me in dresses to prepare me for the day I'd attract a horny guy with lots of money. Most girls probably don't like it either, they just smarten up unless they want to get hit and I never did . . . what was your child hood like?'

'Well, as a child I still had silvery white fur, blue fur and I even had I's green eyes.' Eyes green eyes? 'I grew up in a decent traditional family who had the insane idea that you should marry young and that the marriages should be arranged.'

'And you ran?'

'You're quick; I guess you could say I ran. . . Sort of. I was only fifteen and I wasn't ready. In fact,' Reliath remembered his conversation with the psychic. 'I don't think I'll ever be ready.'


'And if my parents had it their way I'd be having kids by nineteen.'

'What age are you anyway? Seventeen?'

'No, I'm twenty, what age are you?'

'I'm twenty two and Toby is twenty one. He'll be twenty two soon though; his birthday is on the twelfth of June.' On Their way back to the ship the two of them would continue talking about birthdays. Once they got back Toby was overjoyed to see Alex was with them; even if she did cut their little reunion short so she could explore the ship and probably go to sleep. It wouldn't be until 12 P.M that the ship had begun to set sail and as it had Toby was still on the right side of the ship gazing at the infinitely endless sea which was a beautiful sapphire. Kirathain was a beautiful place and even though Toby had never been anywhere else in his entire life he knew wherever it was they were heading it wasn't going to be as hospitable as Kirathain.

Toby was already homesick. Living in a tiny shack in about one of the hottest nations in the world wasn't the best way to make a living but it was certainly one he had enjoyed back when he could rest in a bed of his own in a home of his own. And then there was another thing that crossed his mind; what was going to become of him after this ordeal was finished? Azuri Korin was known as the hangman for a reason, though the laws in Kirathain were few the punishments were severe. Even stealing something small and useless like a quill could get you killed.

** ** ** ** **

With Toby doing remotely nothing and Alex sleeping Reliath was going on a small pointless investigation throughout the ship for that Margay and Doberman the psychic spoke of. Arguln, what a stupid name. Oh well, the ship was full of felines and with a name like that Reliath figured the Doberman would be easy to find. And he was. Reliath didn't have a clue what the Doberman was doing but whatever it was it certainly took quite a well built body.

And what a fine well built body it was. Reliath thought as he eyed the shirtless Doberman who was with great effort trying to lift a heavy object from the deck floor. Hell if Reliath knew what it was, he only cared about the Doberman. The next two thoughts that entered Reliath's mind was how well endowed the Doberman was and how he looked naked. Yeah, it would probably be fair to say that besides being Selfish, Greedy, and Shallow Reliath was also perverted. Upon meeting new people Reliath always imagined them naked while he spoke to them and he always tried to guess how big their package was and how it looked. Neither Toby nor Kuro were exceptions.

The thing was though Reliath couldn't help it and despite him having hundreds and hundreds of other flaws this was probably one of the few he actually felt ashamed about. It wasn't just every now and then he thought about these things, it was all the damn time. Of course no one knew about it though. For the most part Reliath made sure to keep these thoughts to him self.

'Do you need any help?' Reliath offered. The Doberman turned his attention to the Blue Fox.

'No, I don't need your help so get the hell away from me before I cut you down.' The Doberman replied clearly bothered. What a prick. Now Reliath was hoping either the psychic was wrong or there was another Doberman some where's on the ship. The guy had a nice body and he probably needed to get laid but Reliath would never stoop down to pleasing someone he hated. Then again, if it mean't humiliating and putting the Doberman in his place then maybe I would sleep with him . . . Reliath thought to himself darkly and for an entire two seconds he smiled at the Doberman before walking away. Who knows, maybe he'd get the jerk drunk and give him a night he'd never forget; and not in the preferable way either.

He deserved it after all.

Reliath entered the hull of the ship where there were numerous 'beds' crammed to the side of the ship grouped together much like bunk beds. One of the beds had a bag sitting atop the hide of an animal which covered the bed as if it were a blanket - this was Reliath's bed. Not too far from his own bed he saw Alex sleeping in her messy and dirtied clothes. Her muzzle was open and she was snoring. In a way Reliath found it was cute and he began to wonder as he continued walking through the ships hull what Red Foxes dreamed about, eating chickens maybe?

And then Reliath had found what he was looking for, sitting on a bed and reading a book was a Doberman. This guy had a nice body and a brain to go along with it, definitely Reliaths type.

'Do you think you could share what you're reading?'

'A book on artifacts, I'm looking up the eye of Kilijaid.' When the Doberman had replied Reliath nearly froze. Later tonight he was intending to do the exact same thing! Reliath decided to impress and surprise the Doberman by telling him his name, this was going to be the start of something magical!

'And would you happen to be Arguln?' Reliath asked confidently.

'I'm afraid you have the wrong guy; Arguln should be upstairs on the deck.' The Doberman replied and Reliath's heart sank. It was still a fair bit of time before June twelfth so maybe the Doberman was going to be a bit nicer over time? Yeah, probably. Who knows, it's a hot day and he's probably been working all day so he might just be upset. . .

Of course to ruin any hope Reliath had left the Doberman once more stated a few more unwelcoming facts. 'Whatever the reason is that you wanted to see him just don't. He's kind of vicious and he'll tear your head off if you annoy him too much.' The Doberman went back to reading his book and Reliath began his search for the Margay thinking of how and why he'd degrade him self to sleeping with someone that hated him and that he hated and on the first impression none the less.

Reliath was perverted, not desperate. He'd spend a fair portion of time *or more like too much time* searching for the Margay the psychic spoke of and oddly he couldn't be found anywhere on the ship. Reliath walked up the steps to the ships deck and once more he saw Toby doing nothing more but stare out at the sea.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Christ, that was an incredibly long chapter . . . and it didn't take too long to finish either. This chapter was about sixteen or seventeen pages long and due to its length I had decided I'd make the ending a tad abrupt.

One thing I found interesting about this chapter was the psychic character. I know psychics exist in a lot of stories but I always found it odd on how a story would have them only for the sake of exposition; there are far more things they can be used for.

Like spoilers! Twelfth of June, thirtieth of June, and sixteenth of July! It's been revealed what will become of those days but in the end it doesn't really matter; we understand the result thanks to a certain exposition/spoiler providing psychic but still the context nor the events leading up to the situation are understood nor seen.

The event it self is a simple natural act and that is the part that has been revealed. However, what matters is how it became to be and why.

Now let's go search for that Margay.