Contest for Territory (Dominant Ending)

Story by Cinos on SoFurry

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Author's Notes: This version is more violent and rawer than the other - beware.

The young cougar had just established his own territory. It was nothing special, only a few square kilometers of rocky terrain with one bigger mountain in the middle. Nothing special, but it was his. In his strength he was the undisputed owner, nobody daring to challenge him for it, until one day...

After a successful hunt Thayn had went to drink from the crystal clear stream that ran through his lands, washing his muzzle of blood and dirt that had stuck to it. It had been a good catch, a fully grown, strong mule deer, but it had proven no match for the mountain lion. He had pounced it from the bushes and torn it down with tooth and claw, the blood that had splattered over him now washed away with the ever-running waters.

Content with everything and pride over his ferocity in his heart, Thayn had laid down on a flat rock nearby, letting the sun caress his naked belly, his loincloth taken off to avoid getting it wet - and that was when he had sensed a disturbing scent. Someone else had been nearby very recently. Not a feline either, but... the scent was distinctly canine- no, lupine. Wolves. Rage shot up through him. What would those filthy dogs be doing in his territory? A more focused sniffing of the air around him revealed there was a whole pack of them. What else? he thought. Weak, disgusting animals travelling in packs, never alone.

But worry was creeping through his mind underneath the anger. How would he drive them away if they outnumbered him so badly? Even with that thought in his head, tiredness from digesting his prey was weighing down on him, and the cougar dozed off into troubled sleep, tossing and turning on the sun-warmed rock.

A howl woke him up. Jolting upright he cursed at himself for falling asleep for not finding a safer spot to sleep - around him in the darkness, he could see a multitude of eyes glowing in the moonlight, the light of the sky reflecting on them as they studied him. He was completely surrounded. Even if he had no chance, he would not go down without a fight - he extended his claws, their bony whiteness gleaming in the night, and prepared for what was to come, his back fur erected. Growling and swiping at the shadows, he was a fearsome sight, but none of the wolves would move.

Then one of them stepped forth - obviously the alpha wolf of the pack, he was considerably bigger than both the others and Thayn himself. He looked at the suddenly small-looking feline and then at the other wolves around him, before speaking. "We are going to take this territory for our own, feline." His voice was a low growl, but not without a hint of amusement. "No. The land is mine and it shall remain mine." Thayn countered, voice every bit as strong as the wolf's. "It belongs rightfully to me for dominance and strength."

The wolf looked lost in thought for a moment. "You are aware we could simply take it from you." he remarked first. "But you mentioned dominance, and we are not without honor completely. I challenge you then, to prove it, feline. Prove that you deserve this land more than us. Show that you are an alpha male and not a weak follower." with a snarl he tore off his loincloth, now every bit as naked as the cougar in front of him. He gave a sign to the ones around them, who set afire several torches, to illuminate the area where Thayn was with the lupine. The wolf was very well built, very muscular and his claws looked extremely sharp. Thayn gulped, hoping nobody would hear it and interpret it as weakness - his chances of winning looked smaller by the minute, both due to the difference in size and apparent strength. He tried to bring himself to pounce the invader but strength had left his limbs, replaced by fear.

He stood paralyzed as the wolf grabbed him by the neck. The large predator had an aura of command around him, and the cougar was spellbound, almost hypnotized by it. "Just make this easier for yourself, cougar bitch..." he whispered, leaning in so his muzzle was right next to Thayn's ear, hot breath on his sensitive skin. Locking his strong, clawed paws around his waist, the wolf turned him around so he was facing away from him, and bit down on his shoulder, fangs poking painfully at the flesh underneath the fur. Thayn whimpered but didn't try to break away. He'd think of something... right?

"You're going to lose this territory, and enjoy it happening, little pussycat..." the wolf growled again. He pressed as close as he could to the feline, his black fur and muscled body a stark contrast against the light-furred and lithe cougar. Thayn could feel his hot, demanding warmth as he did, finding it strangely comforting. Inside, he was teary-eyed. Why wasn't he doing anything? He had the perfect opportunity to tear the wolf's throat open, yet he didn't - as if he enjoyed what was going on, just as the lupine kept telling him. Then he felt something even hotter press against his back, much hotter than the rest of the wolf. It took him a while to understand that his was the wolf's fully erect cock. As the dawned to him, he twitched and tried to get away, claw at him, anything - first now he understood what his plan was - the lupine was going to mate him, proving his strength and the cougar's weakness. Try as he might, the wolf had him tightly in his strong arms, and Thayn could not move even the slightest. Slowly the bigger fur started rutting against him, growling as his throbbing cock rubbed into the smooth fur of his back.

A few feet away the other wolves were chittering and whispering already, the occasionally barky laughter resounding through the night, but otherwise they were silent, even if their postures were not aggressive anymore, as they saw there would be no fighting. The whole pack knew how this would end, and proud as only wolves could be over their strong alpha. "...doesn't even put up a fight..." was one softly growled thing that reached Thayn in his awkward position. "...calls himself dominant, esh... typical omega, it would seem..." and the simple "weak" were others. But he wasn't weak! Or was he? Tears were streaming down his cheeks now, and he whined in fear. He had been so proud when claiming this land and had sworn to himself and his ancestors that he would never let it fall from his grasp, and yet here he was, thrust by thrust surrendering everything he had fought for to the filthy, yet so strong wolf. Filthy being relative - as the lupine grew more aroused, his cock drooled precum over the cougar's fur, spreading his dark, musky scent.

Suddenly, as if on cue, the wolf gave Thayn a push over the rock he had been sleeping on - the feline barely broke the fall before his muzzle hit the stone. Soon he felt the rough paws on his waist again and shuddered in fear, and... excitement? The alpha bit into his tail and pulled it up with his teeth, squeezing it between his belly and Thayn's back as he leaned over him. This brought the lupine's swollen member between his buttcheeks, the side of it resting against his hole, feeling fiery hot. Thayn's mind was somewhere else, everything was so surreal. He could feel the tool of breeding and dominance ready to claim him, pulsing where it lay nestled, ready to penetrate him, mate him like a wolf bitch when the pack leader mounted him. He knew this was his last chance to do something even if his submission, his surrender wouldn't be complete before his... superior... filled him with his seed.

Reaching back with one paw, the wolf pointed his tip directly at Thayn's entrance, slicking up the tight tailhole with copious amounts of his clear precum. His jaws grabbed the cougar's neckfur very hard, as to prevent his little bitch from escaping as he bred him - a mating bite, Thayn thought. Somehow this thought finally shook him awake, and the furious anger seething just below the surface broke through, his eyes bursting aflame with inner fire and strength. No - he would not lose this easily. He reached back and dug his claws into the wolf's ears, causing a surprised yelp of pain from the larger lupine. And then he tore as hard as he could, leaving one ear in shreds and the other badly mauled. This caused the wolf to lose his grip on the cougar's neck and recoil in pain, his paws shooting up to his ears to feel how much of them remained. Thayn used this to his advantage, and finally getting the opportunity to take advantage of his feline grace, he pounced against the shocked wolf, tearing him down to the ground and landing squarely on top of him.

Shaken as he was, the wolf still tried to push him off with his superior strength, growling with a mixture of fear and anger. Quickly Thayn dug his still-bloodied claws into the lupine's throat. He froze in the middle of his move, as the suddenly so strong cougar growled at him with feral rage, saliva dripping from over his curled-back lips and exposed razor fangs. "If you or any of your weaklings tries do as much as breathe too loud I will tear out your throat, wolf..." he sputtered, primal fury heavily on his voice. The pack member surrounding them stared with morbid fascination - and a growing respect for the cougar - how the small feline forced the wolf to turn around where he was lying.

His heart was beating rapidly and he could hardly believe his own courage as he stood over the now-helpless lupine. The dominance of it all was turning him on, and his cock was getting harder, sliding out of it's sheath and swelling to it's full pride - it wasn't as big as the wolf's, but it would do nicely, he thought. Skipping all the pleasantries, he growled to the wolf to lift his tail, which he did, half because of shock and half because of a new, strange feeling growing inside him. As his tailhole was bared, Thayn positioned himself, and then rammed his barbed cock inside, without any lubrication yet to speak of. A loud howl of pain pierced the night and the other wolves twitched with various feelings. One took a few steps towards them, but like a feral would, Thayn bit hard into the alpha wolf's neckskin, making it very clear what would happen if he took another step. Without another glance or thought, he started humping the wolf in a rather speedy fashion, almost euphoric over having such a strong alpha under his control.

The wolf was gritting his teeth. What had happened? When did things take this awful turn? He tried to ignore the pain of the spiney feline cock ramming into him over and over, almost tearing his tailhole open and certainly scratching it raw as hell, without any lubrication except what the aroused... alpha... above him was slowly oozing. Gradually the movements did grow slicker, but by that time he had already become numb to the pain, and a new feeling was overwhelming him - as painful as the sharp barbs felt at his entrance, they felt wonderful each time they sawed over his prostate. He was getting much too aroused, much too quickly, but only a few thrusts more had him fully erect also.

He could feel the cougar getting ready to claim him as his omega, as his movements were growing more erratic, but he couldn't care less. Being too aroused to think deeper, he just figured not getting the land wouldn't be that big a loss, he could always take his pack to another location. Certain other consequences were evading his addle mind completely for the moment.

Thayn was at his dominant best. Growling loudly and victoriously, announcing his dominance and superiority, he thrust a few more times before hilting himself in the wolf and filling him with his fragrant, feline seed, marking him as a submissive little bitch. He pumped more of it into the lupine than he could believe, a lot of the viscous, white liquid oozing down onto the ground below after the wolf was unable to accommodate any more of it. He twitched and shook with pleasure from the sheer intensity of it all. Finally, when he was spent, he let himself slump down onto the black ex-alpha, grinning widely as he relaxed.

As he felt and saw the wolf reach for his own member, which was fully hard and begging for release, he dug his claws into his back in a moment of devilish ideas. "No, little wolf bitch... I didn't tell you you could do that, did I?" he snarled, and drew thin lines of blood over the muscular flesh. The sudden pain caused the wolf to interrupt what he was doing, and dumbfoundedly nod his head. Seeing their once so strong leader be left without any satisfaction after being marked as an omega by the strange little cat, the rest of the pack suddenly burst into laughter. Hearing it the previous alpha suddenly understood he had just been humiliated badly in front of his pack - he wasn't the alpha anymore, the cougar was - and his face and ears turned bright red with shame. Quickly one of them came up to Thayn as he didn't quite understood what all the laughing was about, not fully familiar with wolf hierarchies.

The beta wolf, who was about Thayn's size and grey instead of black, explained how by defeating the strongest wolf, he had not only earned his right to keep the vast lands he had, but also earned the respect and leader position of the pack. The cougar's grin widened visibly as this surprising new opportunity began to unfold in his mind.


Laying on another sun-warmed cliff again, Thayn basked in the sun, looking over his precious territory. Keeping the land was considerably easier with the small pack under his paw, and they weren't that much of a nuisance as long as he didn't have to see them much. Right now they were out hunting - all except one. "Be sure to pay extra attention to the pawpads..." the cougar whispered, stretching and splaying out his toes as he yawned. The black wolf nodded obediently and got to work.

(C) Night-Cloaked Hunter | [email protected]

If you'd prefer the wolves win, or just less violence, read the other version. :3