episode three: let the illusion be born

Story by Scourge on SoFurry

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John had just finished wipping down the counter and all the waitors and waitresess had cleaned the chairs and tables when Fox came funning in with a freaked out look on his face. John saw him running towards the counter and stoped in frong of him.

"Hey John we got a problem..that guy you asked to be the other guitarist he was caught with heroine in his room this morning. He had not arrived for his shft and when his boss went looking for him he was on the ground borderlining overdose he just went to the nurses clinic on the island."

"Say what?! But that means he'll get fired and we will have a man short. Damn well i guess i can just be the manager and player too if i have to." , he said now feeling dread cause it would me having to really bust his ass.

"Nah man you cant do that i mean that would be way to much, i mean your not super man duh ", Fox had said moking a certain movie.

"Oh damn, well i still need to get that cat girl to join and i dont know what to do. Think you can come with me and go see the boss in his office?"

"Umm i dont know if i can i mean i kinda had something needing tending to back at the room", he was a little nervous about saying to his best friend that he had sex with his lover for no reason except that they made a mess on Johns bed by accident this morning.

"Ahh come on Fox i dont want to have to face him alone today especialy if the whole board had decided to get on his ass today, I mean you and i both know how pissed off he can get remember that time he nearly burnt down the forest around here? It was a good thing that hurricane came when it did."

"Well alright..Before we do where were you last night? Or the night before for that fact?"

"With Sarah Jones she wanted me to come over last night for something to eat", Boy at that a lie we all know he got some. "why do you ask? Werent you worried i was going to walk in on you and Krystal?" he was joing around a bit.

"Hey dont say it so load man, and how did you know"

He looked at Fox surprised, "I didnt but thanks for the notice. Besides you two love eachother if you didnt want me to go in and see both of yall naked put something on the door knob and i wont go in."

"Dude thats your room too i cant keep you from going in besides i shouldve let you know by calling you or something. Im sorry its just she and i havnt had much time together and well we got anxious."

"Hey dont apologize like i said you love eachother theres nothing to be said about it now please come with me to see the boss."

"But what about Krystal? I mean she might be expecting me to...well ya know."

"Then do it after we get back now lets go...Oh yeah i was playing your newest game command on the DS, i hated the original ending please tell me you and Krystal dont split up cause to be honest i dont like Panther all the much."

"Beat the game and find out yourself im not going to ruin it for you. Besides Krystal and i in real life will never seperate", he said letting John come out from behind the bar and walked with him to the buisness office building.

"Yeah speaking of wich when are you going to pop the question?"

"Wo hang on a sec what brought that on?! i mean i love her but i dont think we are ready for such a thing i mean we dont even have a house yet."

"You think she even cares about that? She just wants to be with you just as much and as long as you want with her."

The continued talking about past times and rescent events that had occured and John explained to Fox about the cat girl who had been so rude to him last night that they didnt even notice that they came up on their bosses door already. They knocked before opening the door saying who they were and when both entered they saw their dragon half boss getting a massage from a beautiful elegant catgirl who wore a kimono. It was Sally their bosses wife, she had always been kind hearted and a loving person and said hi to the boys when they came in.

"Sorry about this boys ive just had a really bad day so if you have bad news please go away, i had to fire some one for drug use." he said with a light sigh feeling his wifes paws rubing the soarness from his head and shoulders.

"Well that was why we came the same guy you fired was the only other guy who could play a guitar other then myself and well i had already said it was a six man cell while another did the managing so im kinda in a bind here i need one more guy." John was trying not to sound desperate but ended up so.

"Would you do anything?" Sally had asked, "Would you play in his position?"

"Yes i would however i need to convince a certain person to join us but she dosnt like me on the count im human." John said looking down as if he acctualy didnt like himself cause he was human but thought to himself that he is still a living breathing being and it shouldnt matter who what he was.

"Oh i see and you being the manager you have to do it yourself. Why not ask Fox or one of your others?" said Jacob.

"I could but i dont want to trouble them i mean they have so much going on as it is and i dont want to dissturb them or anything."

"I think i might be able to help",said Sally.

"Honey your not going to sugest what i think you are are you?"

"Well why not i am good with a needle?"

"Yeah but that means i have to get out the old play set of mine and rebuild a new helmet for him." Jacob said tiredly.

"Oh come now you know as well as i do you can use your old helmet and just put a diffrent look on it."

"Yeah but thats the tricky part what are we going to make him into?"

Fox and John stood there clueless and wondering what they were talking about. They understood the qoute about the toys because Jacob became rich off of his computer engineering skills wich he sold to microsoft who screwed him over so he put a certain soft ware in so that it would run slow back during 98.

"Umm not to interupt but what are you two talking about?" Fox asked curiously.

"Oh we are going to turn him into a furry." Jacob said proudly.

The two of them looked at eachother and laughed thinking how impossibe it would be to turn him into a furry.

"Not to be rude but hello human" John said sarcasticly.

"Oh pish tosh if i can make a mouse look like a bat i can make a man into a furry besides i did that for my husband a long time ago before he asked for my hand. "She said with a warm smile to her husband.

"Yes boys come with me to our little house right now cause i have a secret to show that i dont want anyone to know of and John Fox shouldnt know this but he will anyway so both of you never say who is under Johns costume ok?"

"Costume?" John asked curiously as they had stopped laughing.

They were taken to the other side of the island where no one had ever gone to find a nice little quiant beach house that was up leveled in case the island flooded from a huricane. Where John and Fox were put into a room and made John strip down to his chones (spanish for underwear)

"Dude whats going on?" John asked standing there in his boxers when Sally came and started measuring every inch of his body and writing it down.

"Ok what furry would you like to be?" asked Sally.

"Oh well umm i dont know i never really thought about it i guess"

"Whats your favorite animal?"

"Oh a dragon acctualy."

"Umm lets try something less difficult."

"Well theres the grey wolf i always did love wolves they were team players and grey seems to suit them in my opinion."

"Hey your not trying to be my cyborg rival are ya?" Fox asked laughing.

"Perfect you go it just wait here and dont change."

Sally took off and John went to sit down and talked with Fox and as they sat there Jacob came in with huge has in his hands.

"This boys is what i wore a long time ago when i had to hide the fact i was a half breed this is an electronic mask that allowed me to be seen as a dragon and nothing more Sally made me a stretchable fabric to cover my torso looked and felt just like scales." he said holding it up to them and started peeling out from inside some machine.

"Wait you mean you wore a disguise?"John asked.

"Yep i was about yalls age and was working at a bar just like you two and well we had a lot of fights break out because one side would say im an abominations one would say im part of a proud nation one said i was human and on and on and on till finaly Sally saw me in a bar brawl from outside and decided to help me." He smiled warmly remembering how she offered her help.

"So what is that your taking out?" Fox wondered.

"This is a helmet that when worn allows the mask to move as your face moves and to allow the tounge wich will be attached to yours to move fluidly and as if it is part of your head, sounds weird but it works. Itll feel weird for a while but dont worry youll be fine after a few minutes of wearing it. So a wolf huh alright then." He went over and hung the mask up on the wall and went to adjust the helmet some and start working and making a mask to cover over it.

"Is this going to take hours cause i have some one wainting for me." Fox said trying not to be rude.

"nah it wont take hours matter of fact my honey bun can out sew any woman on the planet trust me it should take...well maybe an hour but you must stay here Fox other wise things will be very werid when John bumps into you in front of other employees."

The boys sat there for a good hour and a half when Jacob had finished making the helmet and gave it to John who tryed on his new wolf mask wich fit perfectly and put the long tounge that was in the muzzle on his and started working his face wich suprised Fox seeing the face react with John so perfectly he acctualy looked lik a wolf even the ears perked up and layed down if John moved his muscels correctly.

"Your eyes i think are fine i think no one will notice the color espeiclay seeing as how furrs now a days have eyes so similar to humans its almost impossible to tell the diffrence." he said pointing at his out eye wich was green. Sally came out and told John to get naked and put on his full body suit, John was against it cause he really didnt think she should see his junk. She left the room and he took off his boxers and stood up in his full body suit and Fox zipped up his back wich had an extra layer that covered over with velcrow to hide the zipper and John stood there looking just like a male furry the suit had strectched against him perfectly to show his muscles and make the fur look as if it was really his and his tail swayed just like Foxes did with a little help from Fox teaching him how to use it. However the most starteling thing was his crotch wich looked exactly like the sheath of a real wolf.The suit even had a pouch that held his nuts up.

"Ok um i dont think this is what a male looks like naked right?" John said looking at fox.

"Well acctualy." Fox blushed and pulled his pants down and showed his sheath off showing John that they matched.

"Honey was this nessicary?" Jacob hollered at Sally who came in to see how it was. She was so happy to see it fit him perfectly she didnt even think about the crotch.

"Honey did you have to add the crotch?

"Oh yes i did i mean what if he gets a girl in bed with him wont he want to use what his got?" she said looking at him as if it was a stupid question. They all rolled their eyes and John got dressed showing how his clothes still fit even with the suit.

"Oh wait what about washing it?"

"Bring it to me cause im the only one who knows how to wash it with out it falling apart" Sally said so seriously that it seemed she would kill John if he didnt bring it to her.

The two of them then headed back to their room forgeting that Krystal was there waiting and unknowing to them she had not only cleaned everything up but she was laying on Foxs bed naked on her belly and when she heard the door start to unlock she got into the postion she wanted with her hand up close to her face and her leg crooked upward so she can look at her lover when he enters only to have a new face enter first and both of them looked down at her all three shoked and amazed and the only thing to break the silence was Krystals screams.

"WO hey Krystal chill out ok please youll make some one call security" Fox said to her as she jumped trying to cover herself up.


"UMM hi Krystal its me John." He said taking off his mask and showing her it was him. "its good to see you. "he blushed.

She sat there her arms over her chest and her legs covering her sex she sat there still wondering what was going on. Once Fox got her clothed they explained to her what all had happend what all went on and that this had to be kept secret from everyone on the island however they were going to tell Sarah and Robert but they were not going to let Kathirine about it.

"Well why not Kat i mean isnt she going to join the band?" Krystal asked.

"Thats the problem she wont because she thinks im going to be playing little does she know im going to be playing as this." John answered.

"Well whats your name then?"

"John of course what other name can i have?"

"She means your wolf alter ego."

"Oh well umm i dont know."

"Well whats wolfs name in our video game Fox?"

"His real one? Justin Matthews why?"

"Why not Matthew Malchior?"

"You mean Malchior from the three wise man in the nativity story?"

"Why not its an unknown name and it sounds like a real name so who would question it sounding made up?"

"Me but im wearing the outfit so pretending seems odd anyway. Well for the time being might as well just go with it."

"You sure you want to? I mean others may think it weird, plus it sounds like a comic book name."

"Well its either this or make one up that sounds worse."

There was a knock at the door as it was Sarah who they let in and filled her in on everything going on and what would happen that she thought it was going to be so much fun watching everything unravel. Unfortunetly she had to be told that she couldnt be so lovy dovy with John anymore cause if she did it would kill everything. In doing so John admitted to Fox and Krystal what they had been doing for the past two days.

"Ahh i see well thats cool say Sarah how do you play Guitar with only three fingers?" Fox asked stupidly.

"Uh duh its a glove." Sarah threw off the glove and then noticed that Krystal was already partialy naked she figured why not and took of her torso suit and stood naked for them.

"Sarah why did you do that?" John asked laughing.

"What we arnt gonna have a party in here?" she asked thinking something was about to go down in this room.

Krystal laughed and looked so embarrased and looked at Fox, "Well your best friends already seen me naked and im sure you two have seen eachother naked already for sharing one bath room what the hell." She then pulled off Foxs loose shirt and threw it to the ground letting her lovely body show to everyone. Fox and John looked at eachother not believing whats was happening.

Then the girls got a mean idea in their heads at the same time that Sarah pushed Johns bed over and got it up agianst Foxs and she crawled to Krystal seductively and started kissing her as krystal also accepted her kiss rolling eachothers tounges around and started pulling cloes to one another. Fox stood up and John ended up droping his mask to the ground as they watched wide eyed never seeing such a thing before. The two of them then started touching eachother Krystals hands ran over Sarahs back and grasped her breasts and massaged her ass as well as Sarah had started sucking on krystals nipples one hand now between krystals legs rubing her soft wet lips up and down making them both give out soft moans.

The two boys stood there as Fox started taking his shirt off and John follow suit taking off his shirt then they both kicked off their shoes and let their pants fall and take off their underwear and stand naked in front of the girls who both looked over at the two of them standing naked for them. The girls noticed right away they had both becomd erect but what caught their eyes was John how his cock had stood straight up just like Foxs due to his new wardrobe.

"Hey nice size boys but i didnt know wolves cocks where that fleshy. "Sarah said toying around as she kissed down krystals body and spread her legs open to show she was fingering krystal and planted her ass just right to show off her sex as well.

The boys looked at Johns dick and saw how interesting the suit was that it acctualy made it to allow his dick to come out of it. John then peeled off his suit and stood there naked and grabed his cock a little and rubed it. "Ahh much better." And looked at fox.

Fox was the first to walk over to the girls and start kissing her lover their maws pressed hard against one another as he rubed one of her breasts Sarah went down and starting eating krystal out sliding her tounge up and down between the lips and sucking on her clit some. John went over and got behind Sarah and began eating her out from behind sucking on her clit and moving a finger into her pussy as everyone started getting to work. the girls seperated and layed on either side of the bed as the boys got on top first loving on them kissing and touching feeling eachothers heartbeats and feeling their love. John and Fox entered them both and started going at it on top moving at their own paces making the head boards bang against the wall. Both girls were able to look at eachother and held up a fist and hit eachothers fists as if they had acomplished something.

The girls got on all fours and the guys began moving their member in and out of the girls goirn at fast pace as if the two of them were trying to show off and then fox began growing his knot wich he felt embarased about as it then got stuck. John just looked at him and held out his fist and then knocked fist agreeing it was cool and went back to slaming harder into their respective girls both of whom were moaning loadly.

Some how both girls got on top of them and started riding the boys as if they were in a rodio Johns cock being soaked from all of Sarash juices she even began tweaking her nipples while hoping up and down on him while he used his thumb to rub her clit. Fox and krystal where similar in the fact her nipples where getting atetion from foxs tounge and his hands and grasped her ass tightly as he slamed up into her when she came down and as this went on finaly it was a race to see who would cum last as out of no where Sarah started shaking and arched her back slaming her hands to Johns chest and came all over his cock then krystal followed and her walls griped at Foxs knot so hard Fox couldnt do anything about it as he then realesed himeslef into her only to have John follow and shoot his load into Sarah all four letting out load moans and the girls laying down on top of their men exhausted and in their arms as fox and John looked at eachother and held a thumbs up for a good old hell yeah.

WOO WEE was that hot or what? hey you think thats something check it out in the next issue practice acctualy begins and boy does John have something to show that Katherine bitch huh? NExt time on Lunar Star.