Things can only get Cheddar

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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This story was a little fun one that I posted over a month ago on patreon. I'm still catching up with my patreon postings (I have both my Halloween and one of my Christmas stories still waiting in the wings). This story is a fun one that I just loved. It was a silly idea and I asked for character names and someone suggested Oats and I thought...yes! Challenge accepted, write a fun story with a character named Oats. I really hope you all enjoy and sorry if things in this get a little cheesy. It's set in the same world as Jarakata let go ( ) but is entirely separate

coverart by T0l0k on FA

Charan, on the maps it was just a small coastal town in the Orc, Human Empire. However, situated right up against the border of the Minos kingdom and as the first port any boats coming from the Seagos Sea. That made it the literal first port of call for merchants from across the world coming to trade with the empire. It also gave the town a unique feel and populace. You could find people from almost any kingdom there every day. Anyone was welcome, so long as they adopted, or at least respected, the more relaxed and carefree lifestyle of the citizens of the Empire.

Once a month the town held a market day. Farmers, artisans, and pedlars from miles around would travel to sell their wares. Some, such as Oats and his father, even crossed the border from the Minos Kingdom to trade. The two highland bulls were regulars at the market. Selling the cheeses their family had specialised in for generations. Every month at the same stall.

A highland breed by birth, poor Oats had been saddled with a terrible name and unmanageable hair, that constantly flopped over his soulful brown eyes. As well as a genetic disposition to take up more space than most species. His gut was only half as broad as his father's however he knew his girth was only going to grow as he did. After all, he was a hearty farm lad with a steady diet of grains and more dairy than most people. On the plus side working on a dairy farm all day on a hearty diet had blessed him with a set of muscles that sat wonderfully on his broad frame. Capped off with the golden fur of his mother, rather than the red of his father, and he cut quite a handsome figure.

His mother called him by the name she gave him, which was Anthony. However, Oats had been a little scamp as a calf and had a particular fondness for oats. On many occasions he had gone missing, only to be found in the oat bin that they kept the herds' fodder in. His father had joked that the boy ate so many oats he would turn into one. Thus had taken to calling him Oats, at first as a joke and then later it became a habit.

Ask for Anthony in Scarp, the village next to Oats' farm and you would only get blank looks and "There be no Anthony's here lad." The village was named after an amusing encounter between one of the village founders, a lord and a fish. Namely a carp. Thus beginning the Scarp tradition of being absolutely rubbish at naming things.

Pulling their family cart slowly, Oats followed his father down the same path they took every month. It was just a ten-mile journey to Charan, on a relatively flat surface. They started out at two in the morning and would arrive just around seven. An hour before the market was due to open. On the cart was some of the finest cheeses that you could find anywhere. Or so Oats' father would often say.

Cheesemaking is not as simple as most people think of it. There are a thousand small variables that if gotten wrong would turn your creamy camembert into a maggot filled mess. Although, Oats knew that the Dragos had a cheese that they let the flies get at deliberately. That you ate with the little things still alive and jumping. If you did not have to hold your paw over the cheese to avoid a maggot in the face, then it was simply not good.

Fortunately, most folks preferred their cheese a lot less alive. Oats had grown up in their dairy and he knew everything there was to know about cheesemaking. He knew which cheeses to turn, which to let sit. When to spike the stilton and when to wash the rind cheese to get the best flavours. On the cart was his own little addition to the cheese making world, a small sample of his ale washed cheese. Using a strong local ale to add complex flavours to the creamiest of cheeses. It had been a hit in Scarp and some other small towns they sold their wares normally.

However, Charan would be a real challenge. The people in the town were far richer, well-travelled with experienced pallets. If it sold well there, then his father would allow him to keep making it. If not then he would have to stop and go back to washing the cheeses with brine. Not exactly a terrible fate, but for a young man whose world always smells faintly of cheese, it was important nonetheless.

As they neared Charan, they met other traders all walking and pulling their carts to the market. Oats nodded to a few he recognised. Aurelia a nice human lady with a cart loaded with cloth. Pulled by one of her three husbands, Artticus the orc one. Relationships in the Empire were far more complex. Not just one male and one female. It could be any combination and up to quiet a large number of participants. Oats was not sure how they worked, but the people seemed happy so he just assumed that they did and asked no more questions.

"Reckon it'll be a good crowd today," Oat's father said to Aurelia as Oats pulled up level beside Artticus. The orc turned to give him a friendly smile.

"Indeed, I count no less than twenty ships in port, I can't remember when there was so much traffic," the human woman replied, giving a nod towards the port. "Rumours is, The Unicorn King is off to see the Emperor and they pulled in to port to refresh supplies."

"Royalty!" Oats swore he saw his father grown another inch or two taller as he responded. "In our market, well isn't that a turn-up. I wonder if those one horns have a taste for cheese. That'd be something wouldn't it, eh boy? Selling to an actual king!"

"I'm sure kings have servants who do the actual shopping..." Oats replied patiently. The last thing he needed was his father getting his hopes up. The second last thing he needed was his father getting his wish fulfilled. Either way, he would never hear the end of it. The young bull could already tell his father was preparing the tales he would tell at the inn in Scarp when they got back. They would be so tall his father would not see the ground for the clouds beneath his hooves. His father was no stranger to hyperbole, in fact, he was deeply and intimately involved with that particular lady.

"Still ends up on the king's table. Look alive boy, we want to get their early and get our spot," the old bull replied putting a spring in his step. Oats exchanged a glance with Artticus, he could see sympathy in those eyes. Along with some mischievous humour.

"Our spot is never taken, Pa. It's our spot!" Oat's grumbled as he started to pick up the pace. Leaving the orc and his wife behind them. Goodbyes were not exchanged as the human and orc would no doubt meet up with them again soon.

"You say that, but just because someone from our family has taken that spot every market day for the last hundred years, doesn't mean some Johnny come lately, Mr big Bollocks, might not try to steal it when there is royalty in town," retorted his father, picking up his pace even more. Oats was impressed, the last time he had seen his father move that fast had been when the barmaid at the inn called last orders.

In honesty, Oats knew that there was nothing stopping anyone from taking their spot. There were no laws preventing anyone from taking that spot. It was a good spot too, right down by the entrance to the docks. With good reason, you want your cheese stall somewhere there will be a breeze, especially in summer. For all his love of cheese, oats knew that it could be offensive to the nose.

The last time anyone had tried to set up in their family spot, the stall had been run by his grandfather. The old bull used to tell the tale regularly. Some damned orc blacksmith thought it was anyone' spot and had ended up taking an unexpected swim in the port for his troubles. While the rest of the market applauded. " There may not be any laws, lad, but that don't mean that there ain't any unwritten rules, like." His grandfather had always said.

Most of the other stalls had been there for generations as well, and in Oats entire experience of the market, nothing had ever changed. The same stalls and sellers were there every month, selling the same things. Ha! Although this time something would be different, Oats ale washed cheese, that was a first for this market or any market.

Pulling into town Oats and his father had to slow down as the press of traffic got too high. Exchanging nods and greetings with all those people he had seen once a month since he was old enough to make the walk to town. Their spot was sitting empty when they arrived. Which was of no surprise. However, Oats' eyes were drawn to the huge galleon that had pulled in. Three masts, and longer than any ship Oats had ever seen. She dwarfed every vessel in the port, save two others which were only slightly smaller and clearly were sailing in escort. The flags that rippled in the breeze, a golden unicorn head on a field of blue. The flag of the Unicorn King. Royalty had indeed come to town and it was sitting just thirty or so yards from their stall.

"Alright, Son, you start setting up and I'll just go and check in on Old Sam," Oats' father said and the young bull rolled his eyes. Old Sam was the nearby tavern, checking in on Old Sam was code among market stall owners for using the tavern's privies. Though Oats was sure his father would probably have a sit-down, some breakfast and a mug of cider. Some days the old bull did not emerge from checking on Old Sam until it was practically nightfall. On more than one occasion Oats had to find space for both his drunk father and their unsold stock on the cart and pull them all the way home.

On the plus side, the day was promising to be a big day. Most market days were but this one was extra big and that would hopefully mean good sales. On such days his father would get himself a room at the tavern. Oats would get to sleep under their cart, assuming it was a dry night. It being near midsummer the idea of a night under the stars, or under the cart under the stars, seemed appealing.

Plus on those rare occasions, Oats got to explore Charan even more. There was more to see than the port and the tavern... not a lot more but more. Mainly the bathhouse, or Jarkata. For three pennies you could get a couple of hours in one. Although his father had never given him the coins to go in and had insisted that he could always wash in the ocean. "It's free and right there, son. Plus you know what unsavoury things happen in those places. Tis the Empire not the Kingdom after all."

Of course, Oats did not know what went on in those places. Though he had some rather salacious ideas and really wanted to find out how close to the mark he was. He was quite shy. However, he was not entirely unversed in the things that reportedly happened there. After all, he was a full-blooded bull in the prime of his life. He often met up with some of the other young farm boys and men. A little bit of rough and tumble behind the barn, in the barn and one time on top of the barn.

Though most of his buddies had been married off and it had been a while since he had had any rough or even the smallest tumble. His father had made it clear he was expected to marry soon too and father him some grandkids; specifically a grandson who could take over the farm when he died. To Oats that all seemed like a long way off, and none of the young maids in Scarp made his heart race.

Turning the cart into a stall did not take long. His grandfather had built the cart. The side was held up by several latches. Popping them allowed him to slide the side down to form the front of the stall. A couple of poles slide up and then out, taking the cart cover with them to form a small awning. That would keep the cheese and their customers dry should it rain.

Lastly, Oats began to organise the cheeses. Most people tended to buy a full wheel or half. Cheese was popular among sailors as it kept well. Unlike most foods cheese never really goes off, it just gets stronger in flavour. As long as you keep the rats and flies off it will last longer than most foods. For each different cheese he had a sample wheel ready to taste, because most people demand a taste of what they are buying.

Oat's rather enjoyed setting things up. He moved his new beer washed cheese front and centre. He knew his father would complain about that later. Assuming he was sober enough to notice when he returned. However, Oats did not care about that. Sharing the fruits of his labours, seeing the looks on peoples faces as they tried his wares, it was wonderfully gratifying.

As he moved a large wheel of cheddar from the back, he heard a voice shout out, "you there, you can't put that there!" The words hit his ears, but they did not filter into his brain. Oats was where his family had always been for generations. That person was clearly addressing someone who was putting something where they should not put it.

"I say, you two horned man, you simply can not put that there! You need to move it," this time Oats' brain sent a few warning signs. There was only a small number of stalls run by bulls, and none of them liked to be called two horns.

"You! Are you stupid man!" This time the voice was much closer and Oats turned to see who was shouting and who they were shouting at. It sounded like there was going to be a bit of a show. However, if he was shocked to see who was shouting; a unicorn, in full plate armour, white fur tall and eyes full of fury. Oats was astounded to see that the person he was shouting at was him. "Ah! So you are not deaf, just ignorant," snorted the outraged unicorn.

Oats did not know what to say. The man was clearly a noble and that technically put him way above the bovine's station. However, he was unsure what the crazy one-horn wanted. So he said nothing and tilted his head and under his mop of messy hair, his brow furrowed in honest confusion.

"You there, you cannot set up that stall there," demanded the unicorn, his nostrils flaring with outrage.

The bull looked around for help, clearly he was being accosted by a madman. This was his family spot, the idea of not setting his stall up there was against everything in his blood. However, respect for his betters was something that had been ingrained since birth. The two conflicting mental reactions made his mind spin and his own nose flare. As the unicorn glared at him and the seconds wore on he knew he would have to say or do something, "why not?" He eventually managed to utter his words a half-whisper.

"Because of the olfactory abuse your ... produce will have on the delicate nose of our most gracious majesty, of course, you buffoon!" Snorted the Unicorn with derision. Oats might not have been the brightest bull around. However, he was smart enough to pick up on the slight pause when referring to his cheeses. He knew that it was an insult, that he was somehow implying that their work, the life's' work of generations of his family, was barely worthy of the name produce. At least in this unicorn's eyes.

The fact he had been called a buffoon barely registered as the young bulls ire slowly rose, "this is our spot, Sir. Always has been. Nobody ever complained before..." He replied, still careful, dealing with lords was tricky and even though this was not the unicorn's kingdom should this come before the magistrate he knew who would be believed first. Plus, he could see several more unicorns in plate armour taking an interest and moving in their direction.

"Well, I am complaining now! So move your smelly pathetic little..."

"No." It was a word spoken so softly and yet it landed with the force of a thunderbolt. A gasp went around the crowd that was gathering to watch. Mostly other stall owners and a couple of the local townspeople. Saying no to a lord, to a noble. It was something unheard of. It just was not done. You say yes and then figure out how afterwards.

"Do you have any idea who you are talking to, you ignorant, odorous oaf?" The unicorn asked with a snarl in his tone. It was clear that he was unaccustomed to the serfs talking back, but that he certainly had plans to make Oats pay for his insolence.

"No, do you know who I am?" The bull shot back, his ire rising even more.

"What? No, of course..."

"So you're just as ignorant as I am?" Oats asked it like it was an honest question. However, there was a susurration that spread around the crowd as they saw one of their own call a noble ignorant, right to his face in front of witnesses no less. Oats had just sealed his fate as a town legend and a story that would be told for centuries. The only question was, how would it end; would the plucky farm boy survive to tell his own tale, or would it end in hemp. It had been many a year since the last hanging.

"What?! No! Now listen here, you cretinous boy. You must move your cart, find a new spot where your stinking cheese will not offend the nose of my king," the unicorn's voice was slightly tinged with doubt now. Glancing around he saw the massive crowd and he seemed to jump slightly as his eyes scanned the other unicorns. He was being embarrassed by some country serf, in front of other nobles. Sighing the unicorn said, "Maybe we can make this easier. Your cheese, how much for all of it? Would three gold sovereigns cover it?"

Oats' jaw dropped. Three gold sovereigns was more money than his family made in a year. It would more than cover every single wheel of cheese on his cart. However, in his stomach, it felt oddly wrong. The money would do so much for his family, it would pay to fix the roof on the dairy properly. They might even be able to fund a whole new one, expanded. They could buy a few goats too, and a goat shed. More milk, more cheese, more product to sell. "Y... yes." he stammered the words refusing to come and having to be forced through his lips.

Something was wrong. This was not how cheese selling usually went. You spoke to the customer, he tried your product. Then you haggle over the price. Not because you are petty, but because the product is good and it's worth the time and effort. It showed mutual respect for the buyer and the skills of the maker. People did not just throw huge sums of money and take it all... not without tasting it first. What if it was bad? What if they do not like it. "Good! Here are your coins."

Looking down, Oats eyes filled with gold. He had never seen a sovereign before. Not this close. Even the local gentry did not carry such money with them. They certainly did not let people such as Oats see them. "W... where should I take your cheese?"

"Oh, anywhere. Just away from where they might offend my King's nose, dump them in the harbour for all..." The unicorn's words were cut short by the sound of a powerful thud. Followed by another as the lord hit the floor, the coins still clutched in his hand. While the marketplace, ever alive with the sound of people, and of commerce, went deathly silent.

Oats was panting heavily and wringing his aching hand. He was not used to fighting and he had reacted on pure gut instinct. Still, he had enough farm boy muscle behind his sloppy blow to have taken the unicorn off his feet. It had been a clean uppercut fuelled by outrage. However, as the seconds ticked by and the assaulted Lord came back to his senses, Oats knew it was likely to be the last mistake he would ever make.

"Guards! Guards!" The unicorn squealed his voice getting high pitched in pure outrage. As he got back to his hooves, hand grasping his sword hilt. Oats gulped, knowing that his skills with a cheese knife would not avail him in a battle of the blades.

"Lord Fahlain, what in all the nine kingdoms is going on?" A voice boomed across the near silence of the market. The other unicorns parted to reveal another in their ranks. Much younger than the middle-aged Lord on the floor. On his head was a circlet of gold with a single blue gem set on his forehead, glistening in the morning sunlight.

"Prince Julius!" Lord Fahlain exclaimed in surprise. "I was just assaulted by this...this brute. Without warning, or provocation and I demand..."

"Demand?" Prince Julius asked with a tone so sharp it could cut granite.

Lord Fahlain bowed a little, humbling himself before his better. "That is I request that justice be done and that it be swift!"

The Prince gave Oats a long calculating look and then he asked, "did you strike my Lord?"

Oats felt his legs trembling. A prince had asked him a question and he would give anything to be able to answer differently. However, he knew that he could not lie. Not least because he was pretty sure the Prince had seen the punch. "Y... yes, Sir."

"Your royal highness!" Squealed Lord Fahlain in outrage, as the young bull failed to show proper respect.

"Lord Fahlain, if I wish you to speak I will tell you so. Until then, I would have your mouth shut and if you can not accommodate my most humble request I will have some of the men assist your acquiescence." Prince Julius said. His voice was even and calm, yet Oats could see the young Prince had little time for the other unicorn. While the older lord looked both outraged and slightly afraid.

The Prince's attention returned to the trembling farm boy, "so tell me, why did you strike Lord Fahlain?"

Shifting his weight from one hoof to another, Oat's scratched his head and tried to think of the reason. He had struck out on instinct, but he was not sure why. "He... he bought all my stock..." Oats mumbled softly.

"You assaulted a man for buying your produce? Is that a local custom? It seems that such acts would hinder the prospects of successful commerce," the Prince asked a note of amusement in his voice. Though Oats found nothing about the situation even slightly amusing. On the word of a Prince, he could probably be hanged on the spot. "I certainly don't believe that, so come on boy. Tell me why. I'm trying to help you." the last part was whispered and Oats knew that only he heard it.

"He... he wouldn't taste it first and he... he told me to throw my cheese in the harbour," the young bull stammered, his paw still scratching his head. Dancing from one hoof to the other, desperately wishing to wake up from this nightmare, back home safe in his bed.

"The cheese he bought, the cheese he paid you for? What would it matter what he did with it?" the young Prince asked, his eyes closely examining every single detail of the bull's face. As if looking for something.

"It's... not his cheese. I did not take the money," Oats replied and he took a deep breath. "It's not just cheese either, it's hard work. Caring for the cows, feeding them, milking them. It's hours of labour to make a single wheel and then months... months! Of caring for it afterwards. Turning it., keeping it in the right spot, making sure the flies don't get at it. Some of them you wash, others you turn and others you spike. They each gets different flavours, every single wheel is not just a lump of something smelly... it's my family, my worth."

Oats glanced at Lord Fahlain and felt the anger rising again. "Seventeen generations of labour, of care, of love...and he says to dump it in the it's nothing! Like my family is nothing. I struck a lord and maybe, by the laws of your land, I deserve to dance on the end of some hemp, but I'd rather dance than let some man spit in the face of all my ancestors."

As his speech ended Oats saw a few heads in the crowd nodding. The market was full of craftsman, artisans. Men and women who staked their livelihood on the skill of their hands. They knew the time it took to develop skills and the respect that was due to those who earned them. However, they were not the ones whose judgement mattered right then. He looked at the Prince and was glad to do so without trembling.

For a good few minutes, he held the gaze of Prince Julius. He could almost see the young man turning over what he had seen and heard. Trying to come to a just conclusion. Oats jumped when Julius finally spoke, "Lord Fahlain!"

"Yes, your royal highness?" The older lord asked, his eyes on Oats with a vengeful smile on his face. Oats gulped, for he knew that his accuser thought he was about to see swift justice. Or more accurately swift vengeance under the name of justice.

The prince turned slow and then shook his head at the Lord, "this was a goodwill journey. A mission of peace and hope. You would have me kill a young man, one not of this nation I note, within the lands of another empire. Simply because of your bruised ego?"

"My.. my liege, he struck me and..."

"He struck you cause you are a damn fool and you insulted a craftsman to his face and expected gold coin to be worth more to him than all else. Such actions belittle not only him, but those around you and the artisans back home. The blacksmiths who wrought that armour you so proudly wear, the people who work in the fields to provide food." With a nod to one of the other unicorns present he said. "Take him back to his cabin and see that he stays there. If he gets hungry, feed him cheese and nought else."

For a moment there was silence, nothing but the sound of armour moving as two armoured men strode forward and took hold of the Lord's arms. Then the market erupted, suddenly in cheers and laughter. While Oats stood there, utterly dumbstruck. He knew he had been lucky far beyond all reason.

Prince Julius turned back to him and gave him a wink, "you can relax now boy. It's over." Oats could not help but notice the person calling him boy was almost certainly only a year or two his senior. "Now, may I try some of your fine cheeses. I have been stuck on board ship for over a month and it would be nice to taste something fresh."

Gulping Oats turned to his stall and picked up his cheese knife. He could not help but notice the sudden presence of several new fully armoured unicorns, all glaring at that knife. As if they believed a man who would punch a lord might do something worse to a Prince with a cheese knife. Deciding that the fates were all aligned on his side he selected his beer washed cheese. Oats cut a small piece of cheese from the wheel and spiked it on the end of the knife, carefully holding it up to the Prince.

He could not help but reflect on the conversation he had had with his father just an hour before. How he had scoffed at the idea of a royal trying their produce in person. Or that it should matter. Now it mattered, it really mattered. A prince was about to try his produce... the first taster. In his mind suddenly doubts rang out. Why did he not offer the prince something tried and true. Their stilton was the stuff of local legend. Or their cheddar; a mature creamy and crumbly dream of a cheese. Something that had been sold a thousand times or more. He had made such a fuss over his cheeses and now all he could see was the prince spitting out his beer washed cheese with scorn. Then he imagined telling his father that not only he had his risked his life, he had destroyed the family's reputation.

Prince Julius took the small bit of cheese and sniffed it. Then he nibbled and a second later he swallowed the whole triangle. Oats stared at the Prince so hard, feeling the trembles return to his legs as he watched the equine mouth masticate. The seconds stretched out, each one becoming its own eternity of torturous waiting for a reaction.

A soft pleasured moan came from the prince's lips. It was a sound Oats knew well, that of a customer who has enjoyed what he has tasted. The bull let out the breath he had been holding feeling lightheaded and waited patiently. "This is... delicious. So creamy and yet nutty and the extra tang of the rind!"

Oats practically glowed with joy. Not only was his new cheese approved, but it was approved by royalty. He could not wait to tell his father. The man had made such a fuss about "wasting good beer just to wash cheese when brine has always been good enough for our family." Good enough for our family, but maybe not good enough for royalty.

Flushing with joy he bowed slightly to the prince. A habit of those born with horns, never bow sharply or quickly, else you might accidentally stab those who you wish to show respect. "Thank you, your royal highness." He said taking pure joy from the taste of those words in his mouth. "Would you care to sample another?"

"Indeed yes, my good man!" Julius replied, his voice full of enthusiasm. A second trial, this time of their cheddar and the Prince announced. "Lord Fahlain may have had one good idea. It was three sovereigns for the entire cart, was it not?"

Nodding slightly dumbstruck, Oats watched as Julius gestured to another unicorn. Who pulled out a purse and selected three large gold coins. "Calaren, ensure the entire stock is taken and split amongst all three ships. I can see the men's morale improving a lot with such fare on board."

The three coins were heavy in his paw, Oats mumbled. "I have...cloth to wrap them in. "He announced more out of habit than anything else. A wheel of cheese needed to be properly stored to retain its goodness.

"Ah, good show that man!" Cheered the Prince. "Oh and Calaren, make sure you keep a wheel of this for my own personal use and a second wheel to add to our gifts to the Emperor." Oats was suddenly very glad that his father was not present. He had a feeling the older bull's chest would swell so much from pride that he might literally burst. "We will be returning in a month. If you are able to restock, I would certainly like to repeat the purchase. To make our return journey far more pleasant."

"I... yes, we have more stock maturing," replied the bull his head still spinning.

"Wonderful! Well, I must go. We are having the Mayor onto our vessel for a feast and I need to prepare. It was nice to meet you...erm, sorry I did not get your name," the Prince replied with a comforting smile.

"Oats, your royal highness," Oats replied and then he stammered, "Actually, Anthony, but everyone calls me Oats."

"How wonderful! Well, Oats, I hope to see you again. Keep up the marvellous work." Prince Julius gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder and then turned and strode away gracefully. With him went the remaining unicorn soldiers. All save one, a tall broadly muscled black unicorn, he wore full armour and a red cloak. Oats fidgeted a little as the equine gave him a curious look and then a nod and wink of approval. The bull wondered if he should approach or say something. However, a moment later his attention was taken by a host of unicorn sailors arriving.

Calaren gave out orders and all the cheeses were carefully wrapped and carried away. Leaving the cart bare and Oats' purse full. He stood alone in the wake of events far beyond his ken. The black unicorn had disappeared along with the others. He could see other stall owners looking at him. Some with smiles and others with jealousy. Three gold sovereigns and three more on the way. Oats had never dreamed he would see such money.

His senses returned, along with control of his limbs. The bull started to trot, making a run straight towards Old Sam. Oats hit the doors at quite a pace. Oats hit the door at quite a pace, his eyes spotting his father sat at the bar blissfully unaware of what had just happened. He trotted up and took the empty stool next to him, waving to the barman, "pint of porter and stick a tot of brandy in it." The young bull felt the need for something to steady his nerves.

"Steady on son, you can't be here drinking, who is looking after our cart. Some bugger has probably nicked half our cheese by now!" His father scolded him.

Oats just shook his head, his huge horns waving, "all sold." Was all he managed when the pint of strong black ale, further strengthened with a large shot of brandy was placed in front of him. He grasped the tankard and while his father exclaimed and accused him of lying he downed the ale in one long swallow. While with the other paw he slammed three gold coins down in front of his disbelieving father.

" who?" His father stammered, shocked. Although, not too shocked to stop him very quickly pocketing the coins.

"It's a bit of a story, Pa. However, a unicorn lord offered to buy the whole cart," Oats announced, signalling to the bartender for another round.

"That's not that long a story. Bloody good work for the..."

"Then I punched him. Hard. He fell on his ass," Oats added.

His father's jaw dropped and for a second he was silent. Then he signalled the bartender. "Hey Joe, give me a pint of what he's having and keep em coming. I think I'm gonna needed them."

It took another two pints and four retellings of the story before his father accepted it. However, with dozens of patrons claiming to have seen it with their own eyes and the gold coins in his pocket. There were no more doubts about what had happened.

As the inn bustled with life, Oats' father grabbed him by the shoulder and whispered. "Looks son, this is a lot of money you just earned. Probably should be careful with it. So I was thinking. If I say I'm going for a piss and you stay here, I'll sneak out of town and head home. You stay here. That way anyone will probably think I'm just having a shit or something. By the time they realise I'm gone, I'll be halfway home. You keep the change purse and get yourself a room for the night. Maybe two. You definitely earned a holiday."

Oats knew there was no point in trying to stop his father. Plus there was a good few coins in the change purse and it would be nice to be the one sleeping in the inn and not under the cart for once. So he did nothing but nod his head. Then he barely reacted when his father stood up and loudly proclaimed, "Ahem just going for a piss lad. You keep my seat safe, I'll be right back. In a moment, just after I piss. Then we can continue to drink, in this here pub, for a few hours. So I'll be right back, you keep my stool for me. We'll have another round when I get back here to the pub. To which I will be returning as soon as I finish emptying my bowels."

The young bull was grateful when his father finally stopped talking. It was a good thing the bar was filled with drunk people and rambling stupid speeches were the norm, otherwise, his father's attempt at nonchalance might have altered every single person that something sneaky was about to happen. Oats was not worried though. The people of Charan had always been friendly and he doubted anyone would try anything. Robbery was almost unheard of and any culprits were dealt with harshly.

After eating a hearty meal, Oats stopped drinking just after midday. Knowing that if he kept drinking he would end up so drunk he could barely stand. Instead, he returned to his empty cart and sat on it. Just watching the hurley burly of the busy marketplace. He loved the buzz of excitement, the sounds of dozens of people haggling. The sights of all the different species mingling together without fear or reservation. It was gloriously peaceful for such a ruckus.

A few people stopped by to congratulate him and to hear the story from his own lips. Oats found that each time he retold it, the story grew. He added in more and more detail, weaving a richer and more satisfying story. Several unicorn sailors stopped by to shake his hand, the hand that knocked Lord Fahlain right on his arse. It seemed like the Lord was less popular with his own people than he had been with those at the market.

However, eventually, the sun started to creep lower in the sky. The stalls started to close up and people filtered either back to their homes or to the inn. Oats had a room at the Old Sam, for two nights. Since his father had offered. Though, going to sleep was the last thing on the young bull's mind. His thoughts were on the bathhouse, the Jarakata. He had always wanted to visit and he felt that today he had earned the right to a nice hot bath and if there were others there who wanted some rough and tumble. Well, he was always happy to oblige.

Hopping off his cart, he started to saunter through the town. A little bit of bravado and swagger in his step. Today was his day and nobody could take it from him now. Although, the swagger began to fade the closer he got to the bathhouse. Its door was shut, but he knew it would be open. The Jarkata was open until at least one in the morning, sometimes later if they have a big crowd in. Or so the rumours went anyway.

Pushing on it, he found it swung open freely and he entered a small room. There was a small desk and a few doors. Behind the desk sat a human with a friendly smile on his face. "Hello, and welcome," the clerk said. Glancing the bull up and down he asked. "First time?"

Oats felt the heat of a blush on his cheeks, apparently, his inexperience was all too obvious. "Yes."

"Well, nothing wrong with that. We all have a first time," said the human with a friendly smile. "The rules are simple, it's four pennies and you can stay as long as you want. Hot water is pumped in every hour. There are a couple of warm rooms if you want to sit and dry. There's a load of people in tonight so you'll not find it hard to get company. You are not required to do anything with anyone, someone asks you to do something you don't want, say no. If they don't listen, say no much louder so others can hear. If someone tells you no, you listen and you respect their choice."

That was reassuring to hear at least. Oats was more than willing to say no when he had to, and would not push himself on anyone who said no. "Sometimes groups can form, if you want in, just ask and they'll probably say yes. If you want to watch feel free. If you want some privacy we have a couple of private rooms, ten pence extra though. However, you get the room to yourself, but if you want company just open the door. Similarly, if you see one of the private rooms with an open door you can go see if the person wants your company. However, respect the wishes of the person or people in there. If they ask you to leave then leave. Failure to respect the wishes of another patron will get you banned for life."

"I understand," Oats replied, pulling four small coins from his change purse. As he paid he heard the sound of one of the doors opening. Glancing up he saw a white rabbit, a fully white rabbit. Oats was very certain that the rabbit was fully white because he could see every inch of his naked and dripping body. The rabbit winked at him and smiled.

"Great," the clerk said, taking his coins. "Please go through, that door. These others are closed private rooms. Big day, lots of sailors in port looking to spend their pay and ... enjoy some time in water rather than on it."

"Indeed, he is right," the white rabbit said stepping forward. The bunny's accent was thick and musical in Oats' ears. "Speaking as one of those sailors, I happen to have a room with a friend. The guy who decked a lord would be very welcome among us. If ya wish to join."

"I... would like that," the bull replied, feeling the heat of his blush, but not just on his face. The sight of such a slender and graceful naked body made his nethers swell with anticipation. He had never been with anything but a bull before. A visit to a bathhouse with a slender rabbit and his sailor friends, a species known for the sexual appetites after spending weeks at sea. That would be something to put a perfect cap on an already amazing day.

"Great! I just came out to order a flagon of wine," the rabbit replied with a wave to the clerk who nodded acceptance of the drink order. "I'm Calric."

"Oats," the bull replied, as he let the white rabbit lead him towards one of the doors.

"Oats? Sounds tasty." Chuckled the rabbit as he opened the door.

Stepping through with a nervous chuckle, Oats glanced around the room. There was a huge bathtub, dominating the room. Big enough for ten men or more. Depending on how close you planned to get. Oats planned to get very very close to the rabbit. However, he froze as he spotted the other occupant of the room. He had expected another lapine. Instead, there was a unicorn sitting in the bath, with a slightly puzzled but growing smile on his face. "I see you brought some company, Calric."

Oats recognised him instantly as the unicorn who had been staring at him. That seemed like a lifetime ago. What worried him most was that this was no simple sailor. The man had the bearing of a noble and had been dressed as one.

"Well, a good cabin boy sees to the needs of his captain, before he even knows he has them," Calric replied with a chuckle and then gently touched Oats' arm. "There's some hooks and a bench over there. You can leave your clothes there and they will stay dry. Then come join us."

A captain, a unicorn captain? It seemed like today was a day for many encounters with lords. The unicorn captain could not be a starker contrast to the lithe rabbit. His build was stocky, his arms and chest perfectly sculpted muscle. With jet black fur glistening in the lamplight, everything was black save for his ivory white horn and his dazzling green eyes. They were staring at him hungrily.

Gulping, Oats felt his stomach churn a little with nerves. As he stripped off, the other two occupants relaxed in the large bath. With an arm around each others' shoulders. Both watching him, with hungry looks on their faces. The feel of their gaze on his back made his loins warm and his cock was already half-hard as he turned.

Calric made no pretence of where his gaze went, nor of how much he liked what he saw. "Somebodies already get their mast up and ready to sail," the rabbit observed.

"Now now, no need to rush the lad," the unicorn cut across him. He was clearly older if Oats had to guess he would have said late-thirties. Far older than any lover he had ever had. The rabbit was older than him too. Though clearly a few years short of his captain. "We have all evening, after all."

Grasping the edge of the bath, Oats stepped carefully in. The water was warm, it smelled of roses and lavender. Which was wonderfully relaxing. There was a ledge surviving as a seat running around the perimeter of the bath, serving as a step and a seat in the much deeper water. It came up to his waist as he stood before the other two, unsure of what to do next.

The unicorn seemed to sense his awkwardness and got to his feet staying, "where are my manners, my name is Basilius. Please know you are very welcome here." Despite the equine towering over him, Oats could not help but slip his gaze downwards. The water reached almost to the equine's crotch. He could see the base of thick length dangling freely between those muscular thighs. Jet black, as if deliberately made to match his fur. Also slightly troubling in the girth he could already see. Oats knew that was a phallus far greater than any he had yet taken.

"O... Oats, Sir," he muttered reaching out to take the firm, but very wet hand of the unicorn. "Pleased to meet you."

"Please, in a Jarkata all men are equals. You may use my first name. Now come sit with us and tell us of yourself," the regal equine replied, sitting back down. Although Oats noticed the two had made enough space for someone to sit between them. He felt his heart racing, as he took his place between them. The warm water reached up to his chest.

Before anyone could say any more the door opened, and Oats had to stifle a little yelp of shock. It was the clerk, with a tray loaded with a flagon of wine and three goblets, "as order, Sirs." The human said, stepping in quickly and placing the tray down on a small ledge within reaching distance of the bath. The clerk knew his clients well for he said nothing more and just left, leaving them to their business.

"There, that's the last of the three things people come to a Jarkata for. Wine, company and of course, to bathe," Basilius muttered softly. "Calric, would you please pour us all a drink. Then we can help Oats get fully bathed."

"If we are all such equals, how come I have to always get the wine?" Grumbled the rabbit with a chuckle as he stood up. The water reached up to the lapine's chest as he stood to get the wine.

"Because you are nearest and because I asked nicely," chuckled the unicorn in return. Then his voice dipped down lower and he added, just for Oats' ears, "Plus because I love the view." The bull was just wondering what view the unicorn meant when he saw the white rabbit step up onto the seat at the far side and then he bent down to grasp the giant flagon of ale.

Oats had to agree, it was a beautiful sight to behold. Water cascading down the slightly plump buttocks and thighs that were the rabbit peoples source of speed, and stamina. While the little white teardrop tail was lifted and finally, Oats noticed a tiny splash of pink in the sea of white. The bull moaned under his breath and beside him, the unicorn chuckled, "if you enjoy the look, just wait until you find yourself buried right up to your balls in that ass. We've sailed together for almost five years and no matter how hard you take that ass it never seems to get any less tight."

The bull gulped hard as he could not help but imagine what it would be like to slip his cock into that little pink star. All of his lovers, as brief and infrequent as they had been, had been around his size. The tiny rabbit made him feel giant by comparison. Calric's waist was so slender the bull thought if he grasped it in both hands his fingers would touch. There was a definite thrill in the idea of a lover so much smaller. Although, his mind could not help but think of the thickness he had partially glimpsed between Basilius' legs. At least he knew he would not hurt Calric if he took that monster regularly.

The rabbit returned quickly, with three goblets of red wine. Oats took a sip, it was nice. Certainly good quality, and it probably cost a pretty penny. Hopefully, it would not be any of his pennies as they were likely to run low if he kept spending this fast. Even though he knew they had struck it rich, the frugal nature of his upbringing baulked at the idea of spending more than he had to.

"So wine, and company we have. Calric and I have already bathed. However, we would be more than willing to assist you in clearing the wear of the day away. If you would like our help that is," it was a gentle question and Oats knew the answer.

He took another sip and nodded his head, "yes, I would like that. Just tell me what to do."

"He's a captain, he spends all day every day giving orders," laughed the rabbit.

"And all night every night giving my cabin boy something else," chuckled the large equine with a wink at both the others. "Although, Calric was never good at following orders. Mostly I just let him do his own thing."

The rabbit took a gulp of wine, the white fur around his lips getting slightly stained red, "a cabin boy's job is to see to the needs and disposition of his captain. Do you have any complaints about how my performance at my duties?"

"Not a one, I have to admit you are a very... dutiful boy," laughed the unicorn.

"I do not wish to be rude, but you are a man, not a boy, yes?" Oats asked the wine loosening his tongue just a little. Or maybe it was the warm water and the scent of lavender that was soaking away his worries.

"It's just a job title. Often the role is fulfilled by teenage boys, eager to get some experience before a career in the navy. Although, they do not perform quite all of Calric's duties." Oats was glad to hear that it had worried him slightly to hear the term. "Now, speaking of life on board ship. We have had a month of hell with a passenger who would not simply keep his nose out of everything. A most vexing voyage it has been indeed. Although, I was overjoyed to hear that some young merchant had given him the punch to the jaw that I have been aching to do since I first was forced into having Lord Fahlain on board my ship."

"He lost a bet with the other ships captains," snickered the rabbit. "Though I do think it was unfair that your loss should be thrust upon the entire crew. You know the man called me a wanton harlot."

"I've called you far worse," observed the stallion with a conspiratorial wink.

"Yes, but you mean it in a good way and usually you have at least half your cock in me when you do, and names called during sex simply don't count," retorted the rabbit.

"Well alright, you wanton harlot, our young hero is sitting here just waiting to be bathed. So grab those scented oils and we can both show him our gratitude," Basilius said, gesturing to a small array of oils and clothes placed along the wall next to the tub, along with a series of buckets. A strong hand was placed on Oats' shoulder and he looked up into Basilus' green eyes and friendly face. "Please, it's a little easier if you stand. I rather like this part of visiting a Jarkata. It really helps to connect to those you spend time with."

Oats stood up as requested. His heart beginning to race as Calric tossed a bucket to Basilius. It floated on the water briefly before the horse grabbed it. "Best close your eyes for this part." The black stallion chuckled while filling the bucket from the tub. Oats closed his eyes as the bucket was lifted high and then felt warm water starting to soak his head. The slow trickle quickly turned into a deluge as the bucket was tipped over him. His entire upper body was drenched and dripping. Then he felt paws on his shoulders. Turning he saw Calric kneeling on the ledge behind him to get high enough for those fingers to start to massage bath oils into his fur.

Two more hands reached out beginning to massage the oil into his chest and Oats moaned at the feeling. His eyes still closed he just stood there enjoying their attentions. Below the waterline his cock was fully erect once more. He knew eventually his new friends would work their way down to it and he looked forward to that moment. However, remembering Basilius' words on their entry, he guessed they had all night. So why rush, when you can savour every last touch and sensation.

Four hands, stroking and caressing his frame, he felt something hot blowing across his face and opened his eyes just in time to see Basilius pressing close. Soft velvet lips touched his and he returned the kiss. Hesitantly at first, but with growing passion and confidence. Another head pressed into his neck and he felt the rabbit's teeth as they nibbled gently on his broad muscular neck. Moaning loudly with barely contained passion the bull was stuck between his desire to press forward into the kiss or back against the rabbit.

A warm tongue tasting strongly of fine wine pressed into his mouth. His own rose to greet it and they danced, as four hands slipped lower. Working their way down towards the waterline. With a soft sigh, the kiss was broken and Basilius whispered, "you have beautiful eyes, you know?" The equine did not want for or wait for an answer. Oats moaned in sheer bliss as the kiss resumed and then he whimpered a little as the rabbit hands reached down below the water, firmly grasping and squeezing his buttocks.

"He's got a nice ass here, very well trained, with just enough cushion," Calric muttered and Oats blushed deeply, but at the same time swelled with pride to hear himself described as so desirable. Something firm pressed into his thigh and the bull let out a great gasp of shock, breaking the kiss once more. He looked down and beneath the milky water he could just work out the behemoth that was stroking his thigh.

Longer, thicker than any cock he'd seen even on feral beasts. He moaned with desire and yet shuddered a little in doubt, "Oh... I'm not sure I can..."

Velvet lips stopped his words with a tender kiss," it's ok, you don't have to if you don't think you can. However, I know Calric is far less daunting than I. The stallion leant up a little and nibbled on the bull's ears adding with a whisper, "maybe I could lay beneath you first and he could service you in such a way. Perhaps later you will change your mind. However, it matters not if you don't. A good time will be had by all I assure you. Now let me see what challenge you will present for me to enjoy."

Oats cried out in bliss as a strong hand reached down to grasp his aching length. Fingers wandering up and down his shaft, feeling and exploring every last inch, "mmm not bad, in fact very impressive. I can't wait to try this." As fingers explored his shaft, the rabbit's digits slipped between his buttock cleft and he gasped to feel them tickling and teasing his entrance. Pressing lightly, and then drumming on it, as if knocking for permission to enter. The bull cried out as the pleasure grew.

"Seems like he likes having his ass played with," Calric observed and then added. "Of course, who doesn't?"

"I could give you a list of men. However, it would not matter as they are not present," Replied the stallion. "Our new friend is a bit...worried about the challenge I present and..."

"You want to use my cock as a warm up, again?" Had Oats control of his mental faculties his brain would have noted the word again and wondered how many others these two had shared over the years they had served together. It did not matter though, because he was already far too lost to his lust. Basilius' head bent down lower and he cried out as a strong equine tongue swirled around one of his nipples. His cock throbbed hard in Basilius' hands.

"It's such a great size for that task, opening up a lover and getting then ready to strap around my length," the unicorn replied, confirming that he was still hopeful to end the night hilt deep in golden beef ass. "Besides, you can ride his thickness afterwards. A stud this young has more than one voyage in him before he needs to pull into a harbour."

"Then, I'd better prepare him back here," There was a splash as the rabbit hopped off the ledge and crouched down just his white ears sticking up above the water.

"What's he...ohhhh! That's different!" Oats exclaimed as he felt his buttocks being pulled apart. Something mashed between them and he knew it was a rabbit muzzle. Something smooth and slippery pressed to his pucker, teasing around in circles. "Is he... is he going to...?"

Basilius laughed and pressed a finger to Oats' lips, "yes he is, now shhh. My cabin boy knows his duties and he does them well. Plus he's a sailor, so you will be surprised at just how long he can hold his breath. Honestly, I suspect he can breath through his ears." With that the unicorn pressed his lips to Oats' again and they both moaned in joy.

Growing more confident with each passing moment the bull grasped the equine phallus pressing into his leg with both hands. Stroking and caressing the length, feeling the huge flared tip and the medial ridge. Along with a thick shaft that part of him quivered with desire to feel it inside him and the other part with fear at how much it might hurt to be taken by such a length. The warm tickling behind him grew by the moment, and he gasped loudly as Carlic's tongue wormed and wriggled its way inside him.

Strong hands groped and squeezed his aching and needy length. The black stallion showing no shyness about exploring his length. Oats ran his palm around the stallion's flare and their kiss was broken by a neigh of sheer bliss. Basilius looked at him with desperately needy eyes, "fuck, enough foreplay. I came here to get bred and to breed. So hop to it, farmer boy." As he spoke the unicorn turned and leant against the edge of the bath, part of his tail lifting out of the water.

Behind him, there was a soft splash and a huge gasp, as Calric re-emerged from the dulls depths. Oats took a step forward, his hands reaching down to grasp at Basilius' powerful flanks. The muscle twitching under his fingers and he felt his heart pounding in excitement. He was about to take a unicorn. Not just any unicorn, but a fucking noble one at that. A white paw suddenly flashed in from nowhere and grabbed his cock. "Just let me guide you in." The diminutive lapine whispered as he pulled the bull's cock forward. Barely able to contain himself, Oats followed the rabbit's pulling paw. Letting himself be guided between to pert equine buttocks,

His cock throbbed at the feeling, somehow another person helping him take a third made him feel powerful and strong. The huge stallion that was his better was practically on his knees before him, almost begging for his cock. While his friend and lover not only watched but was showing him the way forward. When he felt his tip kiss that warm doughnut, Oats let out a bellow of triumph and then pushed forward hard.

Warm silken depths spread wonderfully around his cock, tight and grasping and yet loose enough that he slid in easily. Basilius' voice lifted up, in blissful cries that were almost musical to Oats' ears. A paw on his buttocks pressed forward and a mischievous voice whispered, "don't stop, give him your all lad, show him who the real stud is." It was all the encouragement he needed. With a grunt of bestial pleasure, he thrust forward hard, until his hips thumped into Basilius' black buttocks.

"Fuck, I needed that," exclaimed the unicorn with a knicker. Oats began to pull his hips back slowly, only for two small hands to push him forward, thrusting him back in deeper.

"Give me a moment," Calric exclaimed and suddenly the rabbit dove back under the water. Oats paused and looked forward to Basilius, the black stallion gave a blank look and a shrug. For a moment Oats assumed the rabbit was going to use his mouth on the horse. However, the lack of reaction by Basilius told him that assumption was incorrect.

A few seconds later Calric emerged from the water behind Oats and the white rabbit, grasped Oats hips like he owned them. A second later Oats felt a firm bulk prodigy between his buttocks sliding upwards. Closing his eyes he braced himself, knowing what was coming next. He groaned as that smooth mass found his pucker and then yelped as Calric thrust forward. His white paws heaving back on the bull with all his might. However, Oats bulk and desire to remain hilt deep in the equine were easily enough to best the rabbit's strength.

With another bellow, this time a mixture of pleasure and pain. Oats felt a decent sized shaft burrowing its way deep inside him. He gave a soft sigh loving the dual sensations. The feel of taking and being taken. It was something he had never experienced before. There was a soft splash and splat as Calric drove himself in to the hilt as well. For a moment the three males held there, panting in shared bliss. Each enjoying the feel of the other, or others in Oats' case.

"Are you... are you standing on the bucket?" Basilius asked suddenly with a laugh in his voice.

"Hey, it's not my fault all you guys are so naturally tall. Plus it worked and I'm sure Oats here don't care what I'm standing on. He just cares about what I'm shoving into him." The rabbit was right there, he could be stood on almost anything and as long as that cock was hilt deep inside his ass the bull would not laugh or complain.

Oats thought back to what they had said about the rabbit being a warm up cock. It certainly was a nice size. It got deep enough and stretched him wide enough that there had been just a little bit of pain as he entered. However, it faded quickly leaving only the wonderful sensation of being full. While the silken vice surrounding his own length clenched and unclenched. Wonderful pleasurable feelings filled the excited bovine.

"Ok, now follow my lead," the white rabbit whispered as he began to pull his cock back. Oats did the same, gasping as the tight depths clenched more as if trying to hold his length inside. His paws gripped on the unicorn's hips tighter. He pulled back until just the tip remained and then waited. "Now" the rabbit whispered and Oats bellowed in delight as his depths stretched around that thrusting cock. This time with no hint of pain.

Thrusting forward just as hard as he could, he plunged his own meat hilt deep. Yelping a little as the rabbit thrust again, to keep inside him. "Oh yeah, you like that, don't you? Your ass full of cock and your cock surrounded by ass. Feels good doesn't it?" The rabbit moaned lewdly into his ear and Oats huge head nodded his agreement. He loved every single sensation. Of being stuck in the middle, taker and takee at the same wonderful time. As someone who had always loved both sides of the game, he was thrilled to be lost in the bliss of playing both sides at once.

"Ok, keep it short this time, I don't want to slip out by accident, not until I fuck you full of my kits," the rabbit purred lewdly into his ear. The dirty talk was another first for Oats and he found his heart racing to hear it. He wanted to reciprocate, but he feared his stumbling words would ruin the moment and so he remained silent.

Obedient as ever he started to deliver small and yet firm thrusts. His hips smacking into Basilius' over and over. The water crashing around the tub as their actions grew more energetic. While behind him the rabbit seemed to suddenly burst forth with life and energy. Oats had heard tales told of their voracious sexual appetites and stamina. However, as the rabbit began to thrust and pummel his nether depths he began to realise that those tales were under-estimating the skill of lapine lovers.

Calric seemed to be holding nothing back. His little white tail was splashing in and out of the water. As his hips drummed down onto the bulls golden ass like rain onto a window. With each slap of their cheeks, the rabbit's ample cock found a new sweeter spot inside him. Oats moaned and gasped, utterly unable to keep up or hold back. The in-experienced bull tried to match the rabbit thrust for thrust but came up far short.

However, the thickness and length of his cock was enough to make Basilius cry out and neigh in pleasure. The bull was utterly surrounded and taken over by lust. The sounds of pleasured males and rippling water echoed in his ears, the feel of cock and ass overwhelmed every sensation of touch. His cock began to throb and ache with the need to release. Biting his lip he tried to hold out, to resist. However, he could not hope to stop the drumbeat of the rabbit on his ass, it pounded and reamed his depths with such exquisite perfect aim that the tingle inside him grew thrust for thrust.

Soon all he could do was thrust and bellow in pure bliss as he was fucked rapidly over the point of no return. His ass clenched down around the rabbit's pummeling cock. Which only seemed to invigorate Calric even more. White arms reached around his chest, grasping and squeezing on his squishy belly as the rabbit leant on him, his hips flashing rapidly. Oats felt a face mashing into the small of his back and heard the passion and pleasure of his lover screaming as it reverberated through his chest.

The two thrust desperately, Oats giving every last drop he could to Basilius' hungry equine rump. While Calric panted and moaned as his cock reamed the bull's ass flooding it with his virile seed. Utterly spent Oats came to a rest, with his cock buried deep inside the unicorn's tight and cum filled depths.

Calric moaned softly behind him and then suddenly squeaked, there was an almighty splash and a tidal wave of bathwater splashed over them all and flooded the floor of the room. Basilius laughed out loud, as they both looked back to see Calric emerging from the depths. Like some white lapine merperson, "Someone forgot he was standing on a bucket!" Snickered the horse as he wriggled his ass. Oats took it as a gentle request to pull out and did so.

"I may have, but at least I stayed on it long enough to give our new bull friend a good showing," spat the rabbit as he tapped his head and tried to shake the water out of his large ears. Basilius turned and sat on the bench, he gave Oats and wink and a nod to the spot beside him.

Oats took the hint and sat down beside the large equine, "did... was I..." He mumbled a little.

"You were great, don't worry on that count," assured the horse. A black paw stroked Oats' cheek tenderly and then pulled him in for a warm kiss.

While they kissed Calric made his way across the bath and sat on the other side of Oats. As soon as their lips parted, Oats felt the rabbit stroking a paw up his chest and to his other cheek, "you really did, you have a great ass." The white lapine purred as he pulled Oats down for his first kiss. The taste was different from Basilius. Calric was sweeter and the taste of wine had long since faded.

"Well, sweet tasty Oats, are you feeling prepared enough to let me try to impress you as well. I promise not to fall off a bucket when I cum," snickered the black equine as he pulled the bull back for a soft kiss and a nuzzle against his muzzle. "You can try Calric's ass too. I think you'll find his little body makes for the greatest sheath for any weapon."

Taking a deep breath Oats reached out. His fingers found the thick and erect equine shaft easily and he moaned with desire. He knew it was going to hurt, he knew he could say no and that they would still have more fun. However, he also knew he had to try it, even if he failed he wanted to feel that beautiful huge black rod behind him. To have a lover bigger than himself for once. To feel the strong body above and behind him.

"I... I..." He stammered feeling unsure of himself. "I would, like to try...but go slow. I am not... I have never..." His stammering words were stopped by a warm palm stroking his cheek and a soft nickering sound from the equine.

"It's ok, I will be so slow and we have much oil here," Basilius whispered and pressed his forehead to Oats and whispered, "if you say stop, I will stop and never mutter a word, save in praise of your bravery."

"Many men have tried and failed to take Basilius," observed Calric. "He's is well-blessed with much length and girth."

The black unicorn shrugged, "blessed is one thing, I'd trade an inch or two hear and there if it made it easier on my lovers."

"Don't speak of such things. I will die before I let your glory be diminished," the rabbit replied gallantly. "At least for this, I won't need a bucket." As he spoke Calric turned around, sprawling his chest over the side of the bath and leaning on the wall. His teardrop tail quivering, spraying water everywhere as his pink pucker glistened in the lamplight. "I am no delicate maiden, I can take Basilius right to the hilt. So do not fear, you cannot hurt me."

Oats licked his lips nervously and nodded. His cock had sprung back to life at the prospect, despite the quivers of nerves in his belly. Reaching out his paws he did what he had wanted to do since he first laid eyes of the snow rabbit. He placed his large hands around his waist and sighed happily as his fingertips did indeed touch. Such a beautiful slender creature, his for the taking, for the breeding.

"Let me help you after all turnabout is fair play," Basilius muttered as he returned the favour Calric had done for when the tables were turned. He helped guide the bull cock right to his mark. The feel was different. No doughnut pucker, but just a soft and warm spot. Feeling the lithe body beneath his squirming a little in his hands, he pushed forward ever so slowly and gently. Gasping loudly as the pink tail star opened up, wrapping around his cock as he began to sink deeper.

Pushing forwards slowly and gently Oats groaned in pleasure as each inch that sank into the rabbit seemed to be wrapped up in the tightest silken glove. Warm paws reached up and stroked his cheeks as Basilius whispered, "he feels good, doesn't he?" unwilling to trust his voice Oats nodded dumbly and then gasped as Basilius kissed him. The lips pressing desperately close as he fed another inch of his length into the rabbit's lithe form.

A hand grasped his wrist and guided it a little further around, placing it against the rabbit's stomach. Basilius broke the kiss and whispered, "just wait until you feel it." Oats was not sure what the unicorn was referring to. However, he had trusted the two so far and he was not about to stop now. Not with his cock half way inside the rabbit. He moaned deeply as he felt two thick fingers stroking his own entrance. A moment later they pushed in, moving in soft circles thrusting in easily to the knuckle. He knew that the unicorn was trying to further prepare him for what was to come.

He cried out a little as a third finger was added, but there was no real pain, just surprise. Those three digits were thrust in and out slowly. Then he felt the digits spread out and he gasped as his ring was slowly stretched open wider. There was just a twinge of pain. Although, a moment after he felt the pain he gasped as he felt something on his fingers and a little extra pressure on his cocktip. His eyes went wide as he realised he was feeling his own cocktip, through layers of rabbit muscle pushing them outwards as he fed the bunny his thick meat.

"Oh fuck... yeah!" Calric moaned out and Oats could not help but agree with that sentiment. His hips pushed forward and he felt the bulge stroke upwards slightly. It was not great, but just the fact he could feel it at all amazed him. With one last thrust, he finally bottomed out inside the rabbit.

"Oh fuck," he whispered softly. Holding still his paw stroking up and down the rabbit's stomach, tracing the outline of the bulge. He gulped and gasped as just the tiny feel made his cock throb and ache. He wondered what it would feel like when he was in full flow. His other paw tightened his grip on the rabbit's hips a possessive instinct kicking in. "Are... are you ok?" He asked shocked that he could be fully inside such a slender form.

"I'm better than alright, I'm wonderfully full." Calric purred and turned to wink at him. A white paw stroking over the top of his hand on his stomach. "You should see this when Basilius is inside me and going hell-bent for leather."

"Maybe he can later," chuckled the unicorn. "However, I think for now he is going to experience that feeling for himself." Oats trembled a little to hear that and to feel those fingers pulling from his stretched ass. Forcing his nerves away lest he clench up. He focussed on the rabbit in front of him instead. Leaning over kissing the white neck and shoulders, then up to his lips. Calric moaned happily as he returned the kiss. Oats could feel his body pressing fully against the white rabbit's lithe form. He trembled with desire to fuck more as he felt the smaller frame beneath him, in his control.

Then he felt two strong hands on his own hips and before he could do anything a flared cocktip was pressed to his pucker. He pressed his muzzle firmly into the nape of Calric's neck and did his best to relax. The first thrust came, it was gentle, too gentle as it turned out. His ring only opened a little and not nearly enough to fit the huge flared tip. A second firmer thrust followed and he moaned as his ring stretched more. Then another thrust and he grunted as a slight jolt of pain hit as he stretched more. He gulped praying that with the next thrust the flare would be inside him. It was the biggest part of the equine's shaft. If he could take that, he should be able to take it all.

Whimpering, he felt another thrust and the pain grew. Yet still, the flare remained outside. "Should I stop?" A concerned voice asked.

", don't please. I can do this. Just keep going," the bull replied instantly. He knew he could take it. Today was his day, he had punched out a lord, got a room at the inn and a visit to the Jarkata. Today was a day he could do anything. He cried out as with a slightly rough thrust Basilius thrust forward again and this time he felt that huge flared tip slip passed his tight ring. Oats' pucker squeezing down tight and the pain fading. "There! See, I told you!" The bull crowed proudly.

"Yes, you did. Well done. Most men can't even handle that much of my cock," the equine purred happily. Then Oats felt another thrust and an inch of the shaft was thrust inside. That flared tip stretching and pushing deeper into his depths. For a moment Oats whimpered as the discomfort grew. It faded a little quicker this time. Calric stirred under him, wriggling his hips and clenching around the bull's cock. The sudden new pleasured feeling making him gasp in pleasure and relax more. Allowing the unicorn to slide another inch deeper.

Inch by thick throbbing inch, Oats took the equine lord's length. Calric calming him with soft strokes on his cheeks and tender kisses. The rabbit seemed to know just went he needed to move, to wriggle and to clench. Just enough pleasure to stop the pain ever becoming too much. Oats cried out triumphant once more as the unicorn's thick medial ring pressed through his pucker.

"All smooth sailing from here," Basilius gasped, his paws stroked up and down Oats' golden flanks. Oats was overjoyed to hear it and more so when he felt the mighty brute's hips pressing to his. "First time, and you took my all."

"That's impressive," agreed the rabbit. Oats beamed with pride. The pain was still there and yet it was fading and as the seconds past, his desire to move his own cock began to grow. He rocked his hips gently, pressing forward into Calric and back against Basilius. "Fuck, that's good." purred the rabbit and Oats slid his paw back down the rabbit's chest to his stomach to feel the slight movements through the slight bulge.

Basilius moaned too, clearly shocked to have a tight ass pressed back against his mighty phallus. Moving as one the unicorn began to sway with Oats. their three voices lifted up in bliss as their passion grew, slowly. The pain still present and yet masked heavily by the pleasure of both cock and ass. Faster and faster, inch by inch they began to move. To fuck and rutt as one. All three lost to the pleasure and bliss of the others.

Oats' head spun, as he drove in faster and faster. Each time his fingers raised just a little as he filled the rabbit. The sensation was so strange and oddly addictive. With each thrust he tried to feel more, to push deeper. Calric's voice was never silent, uttering moans of pure bliss. As the cock inside Oats was thrusting more and more, moving faster and further. Basilius voice crying out with Calric to form a beautiful and lewd duet of bliss. Oats was lost to the bliss and passion of the moment, a night like none he had ever thought he would experience.

Over and over they rocked and thrust. Waves forming in the bath to the rhythm of their passion. Splashing out on all sides as Oats felt himself nearing the point of no return once more. Basilius' cock inside him was hitting every pleasure spot at once, while the ass around his own cock was clenching and milking him in a way he could not resist.

Bellowing suddenly felt his pleasure peak, his hips slamming into those tiny slender white hips of Calric. White his cock throbbed inside the rabbit as he coated his insides with his jism, rutting jet after jet into him. Basilius neighed loudly behind him and suddenly thrust forward extra hard, a sharp lance of pain cutting briefly through the pleasure. Only to be soothed by the warm tickling sensation of floods of stallion spunk being fucked into his ass.

Lost to the bliss of their orgasms, the two fucked and moaned just following their instincts. Until a floppy and softening horse cock pulled free from his ass. Leaving Oats feeling hollowed out in a way no other lover had ever done. He pulled back from inside Calric and then just let himself fall backwards. Landing with a splash in the warm waters and sinking to the bottom. The noise and confusion of the world cut out as he basked in the afterglow.

It was not until he felt a burning in his lungs that he burst forth from the water and to his feet. To find his two new friends looking a little concerned. "Sorry, I just needed a moment." He mumbled embarrassed.

"Could use one of those myself," the unicorn muttered sitting down in the bath. "I could probably also use getting dry and having a proper drink. You two up for the tavern."

Oats pulled himself onto the ledge and gasped shapely as he sat down. His ass reminding him how dumb it was to let such big beasts do things like that to it. "I think I could use a drink or five." He concurred.

"If you are around tomorrow, maybe we could give you a tour of the ship. You can say hello to your friend Lord Fahlain," chuckled the rabbit. The idea definitely had some attraction. More so when the rabbit added, "of course we could top it off with a visit to the captain's quarters."

"Look at you, inviting people onto my ship and into my bed like it was your ship," Basilius observed with a wry smile as he stepped out of the bath.

"I'm your cabin boy. It is my job to see to my Captain's needs and I suspect a visit from a handsome chap like Oats here might be just what you need before we cast off again." retorted the rabbit, winking at the bull.

Laughing the bull followed them out of the bath. In just over a day he would be back home, making cheese. So he knew he had better make the most of this time. With any luck, the three might meet up once more when they sailed back home.

I just published an Ebook of sexy orc story series, The books can be found at the links below.Thanks for reading UK US

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