Night's Embrace(prolouge? Subject to change)

Story by Carchuluin on SoFurry

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The skies were crying. I could see the rain as it fell, pattering along the windows like suicidal soldiers. One at a time at first as if they couldn't continue to hold themselves up right in those clouds. Perhaps the clouds were crying for me. Perhaps the skies couldn't continue to watch my pathetic existance so they teared up, the moisture over-taking sight then falling into the lap of the world. All for me.

I didn't really need their pitty. I had lost my mother long ago to a murder's rampant anger while I slept in the next room. I was reminded of the distant memory of a crying child, the fur sticky with snot and needy tears. My father was sure to follow some time. I just didn't expect it to be on my 17th birthday when he decided to blow out his brains while I stood only feet from him.

Silence. The rain had stopped but it was still cloudy. Fine by me. It wasn't as if I had anywhere to be. My father had moved me from home to home and never found that final den where he may forget the memory of his mate and continue on.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and sighed. Sky blue eyes looked back from a black face. I wasn't big in weight nor was I tiny. I was just fine, even athletic from my night hunts where the world couldn't acknowledge that I was alive and I could hide in shadows. One red and black strand of hair fell over an eye before I brushed it back.

I had always been told that I looked my mother but I hadn't really known because I was young when she had died and father didn't keep any pictures of her. It was depressing really. I would ask what they meant and they would click their tongue like it was a disgrace to ask such a question. As if I should know even though I had no control of her murder nor did I have a great memory when it came to over 16 years ago. But a pup and I was to blame.

I knew they blamed me. I knew the look in my father's eyes when he would look at me. He wouldn't look at me often unless it was very necessary. Sad that a father cannot bear to touch or even look at the pup he brought into this world with his mate. I felt ashamed after that. I hid my existance from the world and no one knew what I had looked like.

But that would all change.