A Different Kind of Pampering [Comm]

Story by Horatio Husky on SoFurry

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#18 of Short Story Commissions

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A little kobold that finds it hard to be taken serious in the realm of adventuring finds that the local spa offers services other than just your regular massage and hotspring soak.~Contains: Diapers, Diaperfur, Wetting, Babying, Hypno, Changing, Light BondageRating: 18+

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Commission for: Timmyo00

Artwork by: PreschoolKaiju

Cover design and story by: HoratioHusky

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If you are interested in commissioning a story from me, click here for information.

Make sure to follow me on Twitter for updates and previews of my writing!

A Different Kind of Pampering

Quark hefted his loot bag, the sound of claws scraping against cobblestone in his kobold ears as he progressed through the forest path.

His stomach grumbled, and he reminded himself once more of the potential heaps of food he would be able to buy with his newly acquired adventure loot.

It had been a hard-fought battle; he still felt exhausted from having to run away from the horde of wolf spiders.

The young adventurer had been put through a fair amount of stress as of late, as the four-foot-tall kobold was finding it difficult to be taken seriously in the realm of adventurers.

When he approached a band of local rogues, he had gotten laughed at and cooed over when he requested he join their ranks in plundering.

He had tried to apply to become a knight's squire, but was told by the guard standing at the castle gates that he was much too small to apply.

Quark had even tried to apply at the local witch's coven. After his interview, when the hook-nosed lady had asked him if he had a certain witch he wanted to become the familiar of, he stomped out of the witch's hut and never looked back.

The kobold had decided that he'd had enough of trying to be taken seriously when it came to venturing into the world of plunder and monster fighting.

He knew he could kick just about anyone's ass, but it was often difficult to get his point across when the only way to be taken seriously was to take out his knives and start stabbing things.

Even then, oftentimes he was just looked at as a toddler having a temper tantrum.

Quark could often be found in the corner of a tavern, muttering angrily to himself while nursing on an absurdly large mug of mead.

Many a fight he had won with his cunning and ingenuity, as the fighter was quite adept at using his size to his advantage.

Even now as he lugged his bag filled with cold coins, jewels, and an impressive collection of spider eyes and fangs, he found himself angrily chittering under his breath as he hauled his loot.

"Stupid spiders... Stupid, stupid big spider queen who wanted to keep me as a pet... Like I'd ever be anyone's pet; I'll eat their pet first right in front of them, and then chop them to bits!"

Quark shook his head, trying to clear his mind of negative thoughts as he looked ahead to see the looming visage of the town before him.

His eyes widened as he saw plumes of steam rising into the air at a distance, the load on his back suddenly feeling a little lighter as he realized what lay up ahead.

A hot spring! I bet I could spend some of my gold and get a massage there too! Oh, this would be a perfect end to a day of adventuring.

The tiny kobold kicked his feet together and jumped into the air with glee as he scampered down the hill and towards the town.

As he walked through the streets, he ignored the choice stares that came his way as the tiny kobold marched his way up to the front door of the large sauna building.

Reaching up, he just barely grasped the ring knocker and banged it against the door as hard as he could.

The door opened, and a grumpy-looking doorman bear looked around, not seeing the diminutive rogue at first.

"Down here!"

The bear looked down, and cocked an eyebrow at the figure staring up at him. In a droning tone, the bear drawled out a response.

"For the last time, no kids allowed in the bathhou-"

He was cut off as he saw Quark quickly stick a paw into his bag and take out a large, golden coin.

His eyes widened, and he stepped back wordlessly, holding the door open for the kobold.

Giving the bear a 'that's right, buddy' look, Quark padded inside looking around at the hanging tapestries and furs on the walls.

Wooden beams supported the ceiling above, while a female kobold sat scribbling something on a parchment scroll.

Quark quickly noted the pink blush that covered the kobold's skin, and found the long eyelashes, which the kobold obviously took good care of, to be quite alluring.

"Oh hello there, sweetie. Are you looking to make an appointment with a masseuse?"

The little kobold, who realized that his mouth had dropped open at the sight of the gorgeous specimen of reptilian beauty, closed his mouth and replied past a small welt in his throat.

"Erhm... Yes, I'd like to make a reservation. I can pay up front, and I'd like to reserve a room as well."

He held up a paw full of silver pieces, hefting the sack on his shoulders and standing to his fullest height.

The koboldess batted her eyelashes, nodded ceremoniously, and reached down into her desk, withdrawing a monstrous-looking book which she then laid open in front of her.

A growling noise could be heard, and Quark was alarmed to see that the book the kobold had taken out had suddenly grown teeth and a pair of eyes on its binding, which now stared furiously at the little kobold.

"Oh calm down Archibald, you know nap time is over when guests arrive."

The book's complaints seemed to become subdued as the koboldess gently caressed the leather binding of the book.

Quark found himself feeling quite jealous of the attention the book was receiving from her, and found himself impatiently shifting his weight from foot to foot as he waited.

"There we are. Follow me, please, and I'll show you to your quarters. The masseuse will arrive shortly."

Finally, time to relax and wind down after a full day.

The little kobold eagerly followed behind the koboldess as she led him through a doorway which opened up to a hallway similarly adorned to the one he had seen upon entering.

As they walked, the kobold could discern a crinkling noise coming from the koboldess. He frowned, wondering if she was wearing clothing made from a material he wasn't aware of. Perhaps something that masseuses specifically wore.

Before he could dwell on it for much longer, the koboldess drew back a curtain and revealed his room.

"Your masseuse will be seeing you shortly."

With a grunt, Quark quickly deposited the bag of treasure in the corner of the room, not bothering to properly survey his surroundings. He raised his arms and stretched backwards, hearing his bones begin to crackle as he stretched out his sore muscles.

His eyes shot open to the ground disappearing from underneath him, as he felt himself abruptly being lifted into the air.

He let out a little squeak. Not expecting to be picked up, he was caught entirely off guard.

Looking up, he gazed into the motherly expression of a particularly large, red koboldess who had just picked him up.

She smiled back at him, her emerald eyes twinkling in the dimly lit room as she began to carry him over to what appeared to be a large, elevated table topped by a sort of cushion.

Sputtering, Quark quickly recovered and began flailing around in the air, beginning to shout angrily.

"Unhand me! Who do you think you are? What kind of a massage is this?!"

The motherly kobold tutted her tongue, and gently deposited the little kobold onto his back on the soft surface of the table.

"Oh, don't be fussy now dearie. We just need to get you into your proper uniform to make sure you begin the training process. Now, lie still for me, sweetie, while Mommy Velde gets you more comfortable."

Taking out a set of straps from the side of the table, the intimidating koboldess made short work of Quark, despite his best efforts to wriggle free.

The petite kobold found his wrists to be bound over his head, and a strap coming across his chest keeping him in place.

What's going on?!

He thought to himself, feeling panicked as he watched the koboldess reach down into the table's set of drawers and rummage through its contents.

Withdrawing, Velde emerged holding a large, white diaper in one claw and a bottle of talcum powder in the other.

"Let's get that scaly behind of yours into some diapers; it's much more appropriate for staff to be well-diapered anyway."

Quark stared back at her in disbelief. Staff? Diapers? What did Velde think she was doing!?

Quark watched in utter helplessness as Velde began to expertly remove his battle rags from his body, deftly unbuckling and removing his straps as she pulled the clothing off of him.

In a matter of a minute, he was lying on the table completely naked except for the buckles on his wrists.

In a gentle yet firm motion, she grasped his ankles and lifted his butt into the air, laying out the diaper beneath him before gently depositing his butt onto the soft, absorbent material.

Unscrewing the bottle, Velde began to generously douse his nether regions in powder, causing the little kobold to launch into a sneezing fit.

As the cloud of talcum cleared, Quark saw the koboldess fold the front of the diaper over him and place the tapes onto the landing zone.

As she placed each tape, a little golden symbol in the shape of a closed lock appearing, causing Quark to gulp down the lump that had formed in his throat.

Something told him that the diaper he was placed in was not coming off any time soon.

"There we are, that's much better. Little kobolds like you should always be wearing their thick diapers. After all, we wouldn't want any puddles to clean up that our guests might slip in."

Still trying to escape his bonds, Quark watched in desperation as Velde strode over to a cabinet towards the side of the room. Opening its door, he could just barely see that the inside was filled to the brim with potions of various sizes and colors.

Brushing her claws over the various labels, Velde appeared to find the concoction she was looking for, as she selected a brew colored a bright orange.

"Now, let's get a bottle into our baby to make sure they feel nice and comfortable in their new padding. Open up, sweetie!"

Before Quark had a chance to protest, Velde leaned over and tightly pinched his nostrils together.

Reflexively, he gasped. Velde took this opportunity to shove the bottle into his open muzzle and hold it in firmly.

Quark had no choice but to swallow down the contents that began pouring down his throat. The tincture tasted odd, like a mixture of pumpkin and raspberry juice with a slightly tangy aftertaste.

He watched the bottle's contents begin to eb, his eyes bulging as he realized that Velde had managed to get him to drink a mysterious potion.

He opened his mouth, gasping as the bottle was withdrawn, seeing that he had nearly finished its contents entirely.

He felt his thoughts clouded by a mental fog, and he found himself frowning, trying to remember what he was thinking about.

Where... Wait a second... Who... Why...

As he attempted to sort the questions spinning around in his mind, Velde unbuckled the bonds holding him on the table.

Quark did not resume his struggling, but continued to lie on the table, propping himself on his elbows and looking around the room in utter confusion.

His mind continued to grow hazy, and he found that his eyelids were beginning to droop.

Velde leaned down, and gazed directly into the little kobold's face. Quark looked up, and saw that the red koboldesses eyes had now turned into a peculiar color pattern. Swirls of light blue and red began to wash over each other in a hypnotizing pattern.

Unbeknownst to the little kobold, his eyes began to behave in a similar fashion, as his mind became open to suggestion.

"You love your diapers, you could never imagine yourself not wearing your diapers, you need your diapers."

Velde spoke in a low tone, a clawed hand reaching forward and gently poking the front of the little kobold's newly acquired padding with her index finger.

Quark nodded, agreeing with the motherly kobold's words as he found them to be the only thoughts ringing true in his dazed mind.

He did love his diapers, he couldn't possibly imagine not being in a situation where he wasn't wearing his diapers. After all, he needed his diapers.

Velde continued to repeat herself, over and over again, as she pushed the hypnotic suggestions deeper and deeper into the kobold's subconscious.

Quark's eyes began to droop even further after a few minutes, and Velde softly withdrew from the room, allowing the miniscule kobold to fall asleep and cement the hypnotic training he had just been subjugated through.

As the little kobold's mind began to sink into dreamless sleep, a soft hissing noise could be heard inside of the room.

The front of Quark's fresh diaper began to grow darker and acquire a slightly yellowish tinge as he wet himself.

The kobold now wore a very soggy diaper around his waist, but was completely unaware of his accident.

The only sensation he felt was the warm, pleasant feeling of his soggy front being pressed up against him by the firmly taped padding.

He needed his diapers. He couldn't even imagine not wearing them. He loved his diapers, after all.