Canine Hospitality (part 1)

Story by Virfolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Adult stories

This story is about a husky finding the courage to visit his online wolf friend for the first time and finding something reserved for guests in the back of the closet. A very pleasurable visit ensues.

As usual, please check the tags before reading if you're unsure if this is your thing.

This is the first part of the story, the rest can be found in Part 2 of the story

Enjoy! ^^

"Alright, I'll go get us some snacks and drinks! Make yourself at home!"

A a wolf with luscious, amber-colored fur hollered from the doorway as he was heading out. Just before he got around the corner, he turned around briefly and said: "Feel free to touch, eat or play with anything you like until I'm back! The fun stuff is in the closet next to the right from the bathroom door," he remarked with a wink before closing the apartment door.

"O-oh, okay! See you soon, Riley!" a suddenly blushing husky shouted, replying through the closed door.

Okie dokie, here he was - a small husky in the wolf's den. It was the first time he got to visit Riley, despite knowing him for quite a while online. They had met briefly at a convention, apparently sparked each other's interest, and got to regular chatting through Telegram soon afterwards. They had hit off quite well and found lots to chat about, even a few similar... interests. That was a part of the reason why the husky was so excited when the older wolf had invited him over for a couple of nights. Chatting online is fun, but you never really get to know a person fully that way, right?

Riley had picked him up from the train station and had now dropped him here. He got out of his red Converse shoes and, not sure what he could do while waiting, he looked around the apartment timidly. The first thing he noticed was how clean it was; there wasn't a lot of clutter around like in his other friends' places. The floors were a fashionable shade of gray wood, and the dark, high-gloss furniture matched it well. The walls were all also a shade darker than in most living rooms he'd been to, and all in all they created a very classy, albeit a bit masculine atmosphere. The most prominent smell that hit his sensitive nose was that of a citrusy cleaner, with a hint of the wolf's natural scent, he guessed, in the background. And maybe... some kind of plastic as well?

He walked around for short while, before deciding to sit down on the plush sofa in the center of the room. His form sank into the cushions, the softness felt so good after five hours on a seat designed for maximum occupancy, not comfort. Even the cushiness was unable to shake his initial nervousness, though. He mostly looked at his feet while occasionally lifting his head to cast a nervous glance in the direction of the closet next to the bathroom.

He was so curious.

Let's face it, behind that closet door is a big part of the reason why he's here.

He would definitely be too shy to ask to go there tonight - Riley's attractiveness and dominant exterior made the husky feel overwhelmed in his company.

Aaand... Riley did say he could touch anything!

There's no use denying it, he wanted to go take a look. And knowing Riley, he would be disappointed if his new guest hadn't gone there in his absence. Deciding this is the best chance he had, he got up from the couch and headed towards the closet door. On the way there was a large, conveniently placed wall mirror. He should probably check out how much the journey had worn him down.

From the mirror stared back a cute, young husky with thick tufts of fur around his check and neck, which made some people thought he was a shiba inu when they first met him. The gray color of most of his fur and the characteristic husky "eyebrow" markings were enough for anyone to discern his species after a good look.

He adjusted the front of his jeans, which had began to wrinkle and press uncomfortably. His pullover fit his thin frame quite well, and the high collar of his turtleneck undershirt made his necktufts stick and fluff out even more than usual. It didn't make him look TOO cutesy, right? He liked being a bit smaller and perhaps more feminine than most of his guy friends, but he took pride and care to uphold his appearance the way he wanted. After digging out a comb from his back pocket and using it to fluff out his headfur, he abandoned the mirror, took a deep breath and tried to pull open the closet door.

It didn't budge.

Oh, right, a sliding door. Riiigght. He slid the door open carefully, hand slightly shaking. The lights flicked on automatically with slightly red-tinted light and a strong scent of rubbery plastic, with definite hints of pleasant male musk assaulted his nose. The lights revealed shelves and shelves of secrets in all shapes and sizes. One row was full of boxes labeled "butt stuff", with a few exotic-looking dildos laid out in front of them. He looked at a canine-looking one of them, then at his arm and back - that monster of a dog cock was the size of his forearm, and more! Above the row were larger boxes with label stickers on them: harnesses, ropes, chains...

But even more intriguing was the far back of the closet. There was a hanger rack with neatly organized shirts, vests and shorts made of a plump, rubbery material. It wasn't quite as shiny as latex, though, more like a matt, slightly porous surface. Curious, the husky touched one of them. It felt warm to the touch and very soft, but not very slick. In the back of the hanger was a full suit made of the same material decorated with geometric patterns and logos - a... wetsuit, isn't it called? He flipped at the labels and saw the words "100% NEOPRENE". That must be the material they all were made of.

Every single thing he found in the closet was more interesting than the last, and they had definitely awoken something in his pants. He blushed at his own reaction, adjusted his uncomfortably-bulging front and turned to look at the final corner of the closet. There was something there, set on display on a mannequin head, that the timid husky had never seen before.

It was a canine mask, made of the same black neoprene as the other clothes, except the muzzle and eyebrows which were bright blue. It covered the mannequin's whole head, but had holes in place of the eyes, and it fit very snugly. Underneath on the shelf was a handwritten sign: FOR CUTE GUESTS.

His whole body shivered slightly. Was it meant for him? What was it for, was it just a costume? Based on the surroundings, it was something one would wear in private. Would he dare try it on? He peeked out of the closet quickly, there was no sign of the wolf coming back yet.

He remembered the wink and the glittering in Riley's eyes. He COULD touch anything. What harm could it do? He took action and pulled the mask carefully off the mannequin. The inside was lined with a soft fabric and smelled strongly of plastic, and there was a small, metal button embedded in the back lining.. His ears fit perfectly into their little sockets on top of the mask, but he had to struggle with pulling the front over his own muzzle for a few moments - he didn't want to stretch and damage its smooth, undented material. The inside of the mask smelled surprisingly pleasant compared to the assault of plastic around him.

A slight tingle ran down the back of his head when he got the mask on completely.

The husky eyed himself carefully from the mirror. He looked... weird. The mask hugged his facial features tightly, but still covered most of them. It made him look quite anonymous, like a prototype of a dog instead of the final product of a husky he was. What stood out most were his eyes, though - the black, matt material around them made the icy blue irises pop out like never before. You know... he actually didn't look all that bad right now. Kinda cute, really! He smiled at the mirror, then let out a joking bark.

That's a good boy, he found himself thinking, which made him giggle in turn.

The tingle in the back of his head was getting a bit distracting, though, he wished it would stop for a bit. And it was starting to get hot, the mask didn't breathe at all. But he could just take all his other clothes off. He didn't need them for anything, he was just a dog!

Wait, no. Where did that thought come from?

He was at a friend's house, who was going to be back soon. That wouldn't be appropriate at all! He COULD take his thick wool sweater off, though. The slim, black turtleneck that was revealed from underneath complimented his current look well, he thought. But it didn't help the heat enough at all, how in heck did it get so steamy in the closet all of a sudden? He walked to the nearest window and opened it, and delighted momentarily in the refreshing breeze that was blown inside.

An old granny turtle in an apartment on the other side of the street happened to lift her head at the direction of Riley's window. She gasped at the sight of a masked husky sitting on the windowsill inside, panting and fanning himself profusely. Having seen something similar happen in there before, she knew this was something that was going to be worth viewing! She waddled excitedly to get her binoculars.

No, no, this wasn't helping either. It just was way too hot to be wearing clothes! And his jeans were feeling WAY too tight! Without paying any mind to his surroundings the husky started to strip off his painfully tenting pants, revealing his beautifully patterned fur around his thighs and his tight, adorable blue boxer briefs that hugged his pitched-up package nicely. The blue fabric framed his tight-hanging orbs especially well, even with being stretched so much by his jutting member. They were made from a sporty lyrca-like fabric, which struggled badly to contain the dribble of pre coming from the tip of the package - a good part of the front of the boxers was drenched in it.

Next came off his shirt and socks, leaving him standing next to the window almost naked. Woof, that's so much better. Whew, he meant. The husky hadn't noticed it before, but he was absolutely, positively horny. With his paw, he wiped off a tiny drop of pre threatening to fall off his boxers. "Mmmh...." It felt so good to touch himself there. He gave his finger a small lick, tasting a hint of salt on it.

A small voice in the back of his head tried to yell that this wasn't right - what if Riley came back now? However, all counterarguments were silenced when the area between his ears started to tingle intensely. It felt like the signal from the civilized parts of his brain was being hijacked ,interrupted, and replaced with static. This was right. He was just a puppy. Puppies needed love and affection. Who else was there to give to him than himself?

The static briefly let through a particular flashback of a voice: " with anything you want..."

He pawed at his own bulge, trying to get the constricting fabric off of it but failing miserably. After all, regular dogs didn't have opposable thumbs. Whiiiiine... why was there a prison on his junk, who put it there? He pawed and pawed, managing to spread dripping precum all over the front of his "prison" but not able to get his paw under the tight waistband. This wasn't working, he needed something... SOMETHING to relieve this pressure in his loins.

Toys. There were toys in the closet.

The husky-turned-pup ran towards the bathroom closet, almost tripping on his discarded pants along the way.

Ooh, this one's a real treat! It's always the shyest-looking ones who fall the fastest. The turtle granny had lived there long enough to see quite a lot of different visitors across the street touch that magical mask. And every time it was better entertainment than Emmerdale. Well, maybe not during the Christmas special, but still... Just as the lenses of her binoculars were starting to get steamy, the husky ran away from the window. Oh well, that was fun while it lasted. The granny sighed, lowered her goggles and got back to her knitting.

Arf, arf arf! He was panting, he was huffing, and he was sniffing through the boxes in the closet. Something, something, quick! His glands were rubbing almost painfully against his boxers with every movement he made. He moved the dildos carelessly aside as he searched, he needed to breed! He was having trouble reading the labels, but soon he noticed a power cord hanging out of one of the big, black boxes on the top shelf. The husky leaned heavily onto the shelf, trying to reach the box. His fingers almost reached the handle, if he could just stretch himself a bit more...


The whole shelf broke under the husky's weight and all the boxes came crashing down along with the husky. He landed on the floor with a thud, and tried to shield himself from the oncoming rain of toys, buttplugs, gear, lubricant bottles, and dog knows what else. Thankfully, there was nothing too heavy in the boxes and the husky managed to lift himself up from underneath the mountain of dildos to check the damage.

The shelf itself was intact but its fittings weren't, and the wood was hanging on with a single screw on the wall. One of the lube bottles had opened and covered everything with a healthy dose of slippery goop, adding to the overall mess. The husky felt bad for a moment for trashing his host's toy cabinet, but all regret was instantly pushed aside when he noticed his treasure lying next to him - a real magic wand, the vibrating kind.

The husky barked from excitement! It was perfect, he could easily hold it against his doggy cock, even with his paws! He crawled to it through the sea of toys, flipped the switch... but nothing happened. Awww.... The fuzz on his mind let up for a moment for him to realize that the cord needs to be plugged in for an electrical device to work. An outlet was behind him though, problem solved!

He leaned on the toy pile with his back towards the closet door, adjusted his still-leaking bulge and greedily pushed the magic wand's head against his tip.



"Ah, awrrhaahhhhh!"

So good. So good. So good! The husky pup's tongue lolled out. He needed this so bad. The vibrating head of the device buzzed against his dick, and the tingling fog in his mind intensified as his pleasure rose. No idea how much time had passed.

A slight move.


Woof! Even better.

His dick jumped. More pressure. Brrrrr. Ahhhhhh.... Arfffff! He was gonna, he was gonna-

"Oh no, not on my watch!"

The buzzing stopped suddenly. Someone was behind him. That someone had pulled the plug. R-Riley? His pleasure waned, but not his jutting erection.

"And look how messy you have been... such a naughty puppy!"


(to be continued...)