Birkshire Burning

Story by ScaledAzure on SoFurry

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You may distribute this story freely, please do not modify it. (C) 2010 Aurora "ScaledAzure".

Birkshire Burning

"Shhh" I whispered, "look." I handed over the binoculars to my protégé. Kal took them and slipped onto his stomach and looked over the ridge. I watched him as he kept low, noting that he tipped his ears back along his neck to keep his profile as low as possible. Good, I thought to myself, he's learning well, he'll be ready to take command soon. I noted that Jet, the newest and youngest member of the team was also watching intently. Jet was very strong, he'd come up the ranks faster than anyone I'd ever seen. He learned quickly and it was obvious he wanted, and was headed for a command position. As I laid next to Kal on the ridgeline, I pointed to him, and motioned with a slight move of my hand for him to join us. He was only a few feet down the hillside, and I watched as he moved up, staying low and silent. The gentle rain's soft pattering on the grass made him almost completely silent. I did hear him, but only just, and only because of my trained and honed skills. I gave him a thumbs up to signify he'd moved well, and he smiled back. By this time, Kal was done looking over the ridge and had rolled onto his back under the ridgeline next to us, and handed me the binoculars back. I gave them to Jet, and he looked over, remembering to flatten his ears too.

"It looks like a farming village, with a dock for export by ship. I only saw a couple residents; probably everyone is inside from the rain." Kal whispered.

"did you see the sentry?" I asked him back.

"what?" he looked surprised but kept his voice soft. Suddenly he looked a slight bit mortified. "No, sir. I didn't."

I chuckled. "It's ok Kal, I only barely caught the tip of his ears as he wandered over the next ridge, it looked like he was heading in for a shift change or something. He probably won't be visible from here again. You're off the hook this time." I gave him a sly grin. As I looked back up at the sky, planning out the next moves, I noticed Jet had finished looking over the ridge and was laying on his back now too. "Jet, you are the most silent mover I have heard these many years. I didn't even hear you roll over."

"thanks." Was all I heard. Even less than a foot away, this kid was amazing.

It was then that I realized how much I was enjoying the rain. The cool water washing over me after a long, hot day out in the sun. We had been walking since just before sunrise, and hadn't passed a tree in hours. I knew that I was dirty and probably smelled like it, and I was looking forward to taking a dip in the river... and I still was, but now the cool rain and the heavy scent was amazing. I closed my eyes for a moment, and laid there, sprawled out on the grass. For the moment, I knew we were safe, hidden. There wasn't a town for 30 miles in any direction behind us, and we were still a good mile from this town, far enough out where there would only be one sentry watching for boats approaching around the bend in the river. Until it occurred to me that both of my team members were staring silently at me. "the rain is nice after a long hike." I said without opening my eyes. I heard both of them shuffle a bit, confirming that they were looking at me and had just looked away.

"How did you know?" Kal asked.

"You both just told me." I said.

"Don't move in response to an embarrassing question. Right. Got it boss." Jet said. This kid is quick, I like him.

"Right, shall we get going then?" I said a slight bit louder, and opened my eyes to roll back onto my stomach. "Kal, how shall we approach?"

"Run in yeliing war cries and waving our blades?" he said sarcastically.

"Hmm, sounds like fun, we haven't done that in a long time. Right, yelling and running it is." I drew my blade. "your call Kal."

"Oh no no, I was just kidding. You didn't really think...."

"Well, you are in line for command, you have to be able to lead your team. And this, my friend, is your field test." He looked stunned, like he'd just been struck a blow right in the middle of his back. But only for a half a second, until it settled in, and he started to say something... twice... before giving nothing but a nod and a serious look on his face.

"darn, I wanted to try out my new war cry." Jet said. We both snickered and I saw him smile a bit, getting into the fun.

"Seriously tho, you're on the clock, starting now. We follow you Kal." I said as I looked directly at him with a nod. "You can ask me for advice as one of your team, but I won't give you the answers. And well, failure is guaranteed if I have to take over again." He thought for a minute and nodded, set his thoughts for a moment, and then spoke.

"OK, the sentry will be back eventually, either by shift change or by patrol route. He's over the next and last ridge before the town, let's meet him on the ridge." Kal said firmly, decisive.

"Good." I replied. "when you're ready."

Kal moved up to the ridge, took one more look around the town and the ridge, nodded and got up. Jet followed, and I moved in behind Jet. "KiVan, come up to the next ridge, we're going over this one." I thought. I heard his reply. "Jet isn't the only one who moves softly, turn around." The words echoed in my mind for a second and I turned to find the massive beast standing just 10 feet away. "You are amazing my friend." I thought back to him and smiled. "I'm going to have to be sure and get you in on the fun later too." I smiled and nodded. KiVan has been with me for many years. At easily 5 times my own size, he is one of the largest mounts I've seen. Yet he is a warrior and a lover all at the same time. He can tear thru walls with his claws, rip an enemy in half with frightening speed when he wants to, eats like a non-stop eating machine... Yet he can play the most peaceful, enjoyable companion one could ever want, and he loves to show off for the kids when we return to our home towns with new spoils in tow. KiVan... it means literally Ki's Mount. I am Ki. He and I have been linked for many years now, longer even than I can recall. We have developed a very strong friendship, one of trust and honor. Unlike some of my fellow commanders, KiVan is not merely my 'horse', but rather he is my friend, and he allows me to ride on his back from time to time. He can travel much faster than I can, and carry many times my own weight, so I am an easy burden for him, even at swift running speeds. What's particularly interesting to me is that we have recently developed a telepathic link, and we are both clearly able to speak to and hear each other without spoken words. This is a very rare ability in my kind, I think there are only 2 or 3 like me who can speak with their companions as such. Between us, we decided to choose a new name, "Van", as an alternative to the widespread 'mount'. Yes, Van means mount, but only to those few of us who know WHY the word exists. To the rest of the world, each of us, and each of our Van, have chosen this name. Ki and KiVan. Ma and MaVan, Ru and RuVan, and Bo and BoVan. That's all of us. We are the commanders who have this ability.

The rest of the commanders will all tell you that they have tight friendships with their mounts, and that is probably very true. But well, I'll just say that there is a growing curiosity among them to figure out how they can achieve this telepathic link, because it opens up new possibilities that cannot exist without it. For the easiest example, I can talk to KiVan without actually seeing him, or being close enough to carry voice. On a much more complex level, well, I imagine you'll find out soon how that works.

So, KiVan had moved up already, probably because he knew what was coming up. An amazing link indeed. He also knew that I trusted him to be ready to strike at a moment's notice, and being too far below made that difficult. He had a way of knowing, anticipating really, how to be ready when the time was right, yet hidden when he wasn't needed.

"Thanks, buddy." He thought back to me and moved up closer, laying his wide muzzle on my right shoulder and pushing up against my head gently. I wrapped my arm around his muzzle and reached up to scratch him between his eyes on the bridge of his nose. He loved that. Kal was explaining the plan to Jet I think, and Jet nodded. Kal stepped up over the ridge and started down the other side. Jet waited 3 paces and stepped over too. I followed in suit, accompanied by the massive beast. I knew that I was going to fall back a little bit now. Yes I would be ready to act in an instant if needed, never more than a few feet away... But this was Kal's lead and he knew it. Most of our patrols and teams are only 2, not 3 members, and Kal knew he needed to prove he could succeed with 2. He looked back briefly to see if both of us had come over the ridge, and then continued on.

We travelled down the hillside to where it met the next one, and took our positions just under the ridge. Kal looked over and I saw his muzzle curl up into a sly smile. He rolled onto his back again, looked at both of us, and without speaking a word, signaled. Pointer and middle finger spread out, he reached up and pointed to his eyes. Then he curled his middle finger and held up just one finger. Then he pointed at Jet, who looked slightly surprised for a moment, and motioned for him to take the sentry.

Jet thought for a brief second, and slinked up to the ridge and looked over. The sentry was just feet away, looking out over the valley and the town. He crawled up to his knees, and got his feet under him, ready to strike. But he didn't leap... yet. I watched this with interest. What was our youngest, and by far quietest member going to do. What he did was nothing short of masterful.

Jet moved up to his feet, poised on all fours, and he watched the sentry for a moment, studying his target. The rain was falling heavier now, masking his sound even more, to where even as he stood in front of me and I could SEE his actions, I couldn't hear anything to match the movements. It was like he walked on nothing, not even the air. And then he made his move.

The sentry we were watching was young... too young I think, to be a trained and capable watcher. This was strange, that they would send out an unarmed .... Puppy... to be the first eyes. I wondered about this, but only for a moment. Maybe I'd find out, maybe not, it didn't matter. The watchman had to be dealt with, and in all my years, that meant one thing. Like it or not, he was about to be killed. He was a good looking pup, don't get me wrong. I've had my share of fun in my travels, I won't hide that. All of us have. It's part of the unspoken law of field combat. History is written by the winners... and bastard children are born to the losers who survive.

This young pup was definitely male, there was no question of that. He stood proud, seemingly happy to serve his town as he was. His ears were perked, tho I knew he was deafened by the rain, just like us, but he was trying to hear anything he could nevertheless. Maybe I had underestimated his training. But he had no armor, no weapons, nothing but a bandana tied loosely around his neck. Strange, I thought. He was a border collie breed, excellent hunting dogs with skilled ears and eyes. A good choice for a sentry. And a high-pitched bark, that would carry on the wind much greater distances than a deeper bark of a heavy fighting breed like a Rottie. It seemed obvious they had not chosen him to ward off an enemy, but rather to alert the town to an approaching ship... which made sense since this was a farm town with a large port. Obviously they have a lot of boat traffic. He'd be an easy take down, I just worried about one thing. If he got off one bark, that's all it would take to alert the whole town to our presence.

In an instant, our young warrior had moved up behind the sentry and stopped. Without a millisecond of pause, he shifted his momentum perfectly to his arms and wrapped both of them around the young dog. I didn't hear a peep out of the captured dog. Silently, Jet moved his right hand down while keeping his left wrapped tightly around the dog's muzzle, and opened his mouth to speak. He held the young pup tightly against his chest, head back under his chin. Jet had to crouch down just a bit to keep the squirming dog pinned, which caused him to spread his knees in the crouch, and slipped the dog right in tight up against his stomach. I knew he'd slipped his right hand down for one reason, as I've done exactly the same thing when capturing a smaller being as well. He was holding the dog's balls tight in his fist, forcing him to submit to his captor. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but within a few seconds, the dog nodded softly and Jet gave a thrust forward with his hips, his arm going rigid and tight, pulling back. He'd just penetrated the young male. I knew he was good, but well... I wasn't expecting this.

Kal was obviously impressed too, as I watched him out of the corner of my eye. I noted he attempted to hide the need to make a minor adjustment, and I found myself thinking the same thing. Slightly more experience on my part had allowed me to work out the ability to delay such reactions, but I knew it was coming. Kal looked at me and stood up and went over the ridge. I looked back at KiVan, stood up and went over too. "Join us KiVan." I thought.

When we came around to Jet's side, I noted that the puppy had a full on erection, and Jet was teasing it with a single claw tip along the length. He had let his grip on the dog's muzzle loose just a little, enough for him to pant, but not bark. Jet gave the dog a hard thrust and he yipped a muffled noise thru the hand on his muzzle. The dog looked at me, and then at Kal, looking somewhat dismayed that his captor had company...

"Nice job Jet. Very nice." I said. "I don't think I've seen anyone subdue a sentry like that before. Take him, you earned it. "

Jet looked at me and said "Thanks, I had an excellent teacher. Can you bring up KiVan?"

I looked at him with a curious expression for a moment. This kid was full of surprises. "What have you been teaching him, Kal?" I asked. It was a rhetorical question and he knew it, so he just shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "KiVan, Jet requests your presence."

"Jet, huh? OK." I heard back just as the great bronze beast crested the ridge. We were only a few feet down the other side, and KiVan's size was so big that he didn't even get all of his length over the ridge before reaching us. He looked at Jet, and spoke aloud. "Nice catch Jet, he looks tight. What can I do for you?"

"You haven't eaten today, have you?" Jet said as he withdrew from the dog's tail, still keeping his grip on his muzzle and cock.

"No, I haven't eaten in 2 days." KiVan replied flatly.

"Then KiVan, he is yours, if you will do me one favor?"

"And what is that?" He looked at the puppy and then up to Jet.

Jet leaned in close to the dragon's ear away from the two of us, both looking on with growing curiosity... and spoke to KiVan softly. As it had been doing for some time, the rain deadened his words to anyone other than his listener. When he was done, he pulled back up straight, they both looked at each other and I could see and feel KiVan was intensely curious at what he had heard, but he shielded the thought from me purposely. He nodded at Jet, and slowly opened his wide maw, sliding his tongue out.

Jet spoke to the puppy again, turning him around and releasing his grip on the dog's muzzle, but keeping his claws applying pressure to the dog's hard pride. He pushed the dog back gently, timing perfectly as KiVan slid his tongue between the dog's legs, lifting him up off the ground and forcing the puppy to straddle the broad tongue and jaw. Jet released the dog's cock and wrapped his hands around both of the dog's legs, spreading them wider and pushing him back into the dragon's mouth.

This was beyond what even I had expected, and I found myself getting hard as I watched this happen. KiVan noticed my interest, and released his block on the thought. As my eyes and my mind combined the sight playing out in front of me, I couldn't believe it. KiVan had never expressed his interest in playing with our captives before... Yeah, sure, I'd played with him many many times before, we knew each other very well like that... and I'd seen him eat some of the captives and slaves from time to time, but this.... All I could do was stand there and watch, my own cock throbbing in anticipation.

I watched Jet slide up onto KiVan's tongue as well, spreading the dog's legs wide open, laying him back and with a strong pump of his powerful legs, he hilted his cock in the pup's ass, full on for his audience to watch. KiVan curled his tongue up under Jet, getting into the action by pulling Jet forward from under his tail. The puppy gave a soft groan, started panting heavily again, and gave in to his captor's desire. Jet started pumping hard into the dog, fucking him in my dragon's mouth. KiVan kept his mouth wide open, hot breath washing over both of them as he positioned himself, setting his maw at just the right height to allow Jet to thrust while keeping the dog's feet off the ground. I watched on.

Kal had obviously been enjoying this too, not only was he fully erect, but he was gently pumping his cock in his fist as well. Jet noticed this, and motioned with a shake of his head. Kal was looking for this invite, and swiftly moved up alongside the 3. He moved in, setting his cock into the soft fur of the dog's stomach, enjoying the movements of the fucking on his sensitive flesh before leaning in and commanding the dog to pump his dick.

The pup, now lost in the moment, being stretched wide open by the cock pounding his ass, and falling into the dragon's muzzle, slick hot wetness on his back, and cool rain on his stomach, had lost the ability and desire to yelp or bark out warning to the town. His mind was falling, uncontrollably, commanded by the smell of arousal, the scent of the new presence that had just laid a cock on his stomach, and the knowledge and overwhelming fear that he was going to be eaten in just moments. He knew these things, felt the hot breath of the dragon, the rippling of the huge tongue under him, the sight of the fangs that would soon close down around him, but he could do nothing but let it build in the heat of his own balls as they were slammed by the dominant male's stomach with each thrust in. He panted hard, begging for release from the pressure in his groin, and did as he was told, wrapping his hand around Kal's dick.

I just watched, hard as a rock, still lost in the thought that my dragon, my closest and most cherished friend in all the world, my partner in all things, had never showed me this side of him.

Kal came, holding back what I knew he wanted to roar out. The thick ropes of his cum shot out from his cock across the puppy's stomach. He thrust his hips forward hard as the dog continued to squeeze and massage his hard length... spraying his hot, slick seed onto the dog's fur. I watched some of it roll down the wet fur into KiVan's mouth and down onto the ground. Kal stepped back as the last of his spunk mixed with the rain, and growled out as he started to pant. His cock was throbbing still, I could see his strong heartbeat, the last drops of his warrior's heat dripping from the tip of his dick. He stood and watched, enjoying the rest of the show, happy to have participated, and happy to have a spent hardon throbbing between his legs.

It didn't take Jet long to peak after that show. He'd watched every shot of Kal's cum as it draped across the dog's stomach. The sight of it obviously enhancing his own pleasure, as he quickened his pace fucking the young dog. He wrapped one hand around KiVan's muzzle, pushed the dog's legs open all the way up, forcing the puppy to curl his ass up at the thrust, and rammed into the tight male's ass, slamming his victim's balls between them, and as with Kal, muffled what I knew he wanted to roar out with his orgasm. He leaned in close, KiVan curled his tongue up under Jet's tail, and I knew, he came, pumping his own thick seed into the dog's ass in waves. Curled into the forced position, barely able to breathe in slow, deep panting breaths, and stretched wide open around a cock easily as big as his arm, the dog gave in and surrendered to his captor, clamping down hard on Jet's cock to milk every drop out of him like a good puppy slut.

After a moment, when it was well obvious that Jet had finished pumping his spunk into the dog, he pulled back and sipped out, stepping back off KiVan's tongue, leaving a trail of his cum on the dragon's tongue. KiVan growled softly and curled his tongue up and over the dog, laying it across his still unsatisfied cock, rocked his head back and stood up tall. I watched as the dog, still panting heavily and spread across the dragon's jaw, started to slide down, guided by the slick heat of the tongue, and aided by all the rain and cum. He slid back until his legs met the back of KiVan's mouth, and the big dragon gave a gentle shake, bouncing the dog up, before returning to his head high position. He slowly closed his jaws around the dogs legs, snapping them shut just as his feet passed out of view, and I saw the heavy lump of the morsel buldgeing out. KiVan swallowed, the motion of his throat and tongue forcing the dogs head into his throat, and as the wriggling mass slowly stopped, I felt him open his mind again, allowing me to feel the mass in my own throat, sliding down my neck toward my stomach, satisfying in the feel and taste of the morsel... Until I felt a sudden heat at the top of the back of my throat, and KiVan wasted no time in explaining this to me... "He's cumming!" I heard him say.

I stole a glance under my friend's stomach as he was stretched up like he was. "You're not even hard, how can you do that without even getting an erection?" I felt the last of the dog's shots hit just as the heat of his cock added its buldge to the mass moving, and KiVan gave a heavy swallow, using his throat to milk out the last drops of puppycum as the dog slipped finally and fully into his neck and down into his stomach, disappearing from view.

"Always an enjoyable side I think." He thought to me. "It never gets old feeling your prey cum in your throat."

"I wouldn't know, until now." I looked sternly at him, wondering (and he knew it) why he had never shared this with me before.

"We should go. Someone is bound to look up here sooner or later." He said aloud.

I had to will myself to lose the erection again. Oh, I was saving that up for something much more appealing than watching my Van do something like that. MUCH more appealing.


As we made our way down the rest of the hill, I expressed a good job to Jet, tho I had not even remotely expected such a wild act like that. I looked to Kal and asked why he didn't take the sentry himself, and he said that he knew Jet was the quietest member, easily able to sneak up behind the dog being so close, and he wanted to give Jet the opportunity to practice. He wasn't expecting such an act either, but well, obviously he enjoyed it. I gave him a friendly smack on the back, and a "good choice, I haven't had that much fun in ages." He just smiled back... I thought I saw some tiny glimmer of knowing hidden in his smile. This needed investigating at some point when it was more appropriate. For now tho, we still had to take the town.

KiVan was satisfied, the new food in his stomach to hold him over for a couple more days, and we idly passed back and forth talk about why he had never allowed me to see that before, and what I was going to do to him for hiding. Nothing bad, mind you... Indeed KiVan and I have had our share of fun with each other. He's 5 times my size, there's only so much I can do with him, but we find ways, and well, part of my connection with him is always making sure he is happy... in whatever that means. Well fed, in excellent health, and happy to entertain whenever he desires (or I desire). Well, almost whenever, there are occasional times when he has to wait a little bit... but soon after.

As we walked, the rain washed away any remaining scent of arousal and cum, both of my team members had gone back flaccid again, and KiVan had taken a few big gulps of water to wash down his prey. By the time we reached the town, we had discussed how to enter, and Kal decided to use one of the rare tactics we knew. He was unusual in his ways, but he'd made it this far and I was impressed, so I let him go with his choice.

We entered the town at a casual pace... determined, but not quickly. We intended to look like a random set of travelers, caught out in a rain storm and looking for some shelter for the night. Apparently it worked, as the locals hurried to meet us as we reached the perimeter, curious of these never before seen creatures that were passing into town unexpectedly. Kal greeted the first one who met us, a small white fox looking thing. He said his name was Artie, and asked what we were doing.

"We are travelling to Alkonshire, north of here to visit with some friends and pick up some merchandise. As you can see it's raining so we would like to find some shelter and food for the night, and be on our way in the morning."

Artie turned to some of the others behind him, they discussed it for a moment, and then turned back. "You are welcome to stay, but the only place we have that is big enough is the meeting hall in the center square. As you can see, we're not exactly large such as yourselves. Please do be careful as you come into town, our streets are narrow."

"That will be fine, we will pay you for your services, and thank you, Artie." Kal said. "By the way, I'm Kal."

This was too easy. Tho the more I thought about it, the more it seemed expected. Simple folk, simple town, all they know is farming and selling to traders on the river route. This is going to be easy... and fun.

We made our way into the town, and reached the square within a few minutes. KiVan had to work his way around a bit, but we managed to not damage anything, so we came off as being benevolent and polite. This was a good start. Lessen the enemy's readiness, put them off their guard. This was the tactic used in this scenario. It didn't always work tho, and that was still a possibility with these guys. How's that saying go... "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."? Bringing us into the center of town had some really advantageous points for them too... They could now attack on all fronts simultaneously, leaving only the river as an escape route, one that is slow and not easy to navigate. For us tho, this was all the more exciting of a challenge, and being as I am here typing this, I can confidently say it's one I have never failed.

As we walked into the wide open square, we noted the center was an arrangement of a stadium or meeting place of sorts. There was a central raised platform stage, with a choir bridge on one side, and many long benches curving around it. Obviously these people had a system of government and leadership that was strong, whether benevolent or malicious. Or they liked to play theater, a lot. There was a large hall behind the benches, and many smaller huts built all around. The town center was built right on the water, allowing the spectators to enjoy the river and the distant mountain range as a backdrop to whatever it was they did on this stage.

We ordered up some food and went into the meeting hall. They had to hurry and move many benches and things, but they made space for us and brought in some food. After some idle chat, and an offering of money for the hospitality, the left and we set to eating and planning. For the most part, we knew what we were going to do.

Night was falling, the sun had reached its horizon over the mountains, and it was quickly falling dark. The rain had slowed and was working out to a stop. We were fed, and it was time.

"KiVan, will you do the honors?" Kal said aloud as he looked over to the dragon who was laying on the floor content in his recent meal.

The great beast rose up, almost able to reach the ceiling with his earhorns, let out a hearty roar that had obviously been building up for a while, and lashed out his tail in a sweeping arc. In an instant, the walls of the feeble building shook and crumbled under the attack of the dragon's thick tail. The 2 walls he had assaulted collapsed, briefly exposing the inside of the building to the streets. Not many people were out yet, since the rain had just stopped and it was getting dark, but there were a few. Bits and pieces of wood and various things went flying out into the street in all directions. The great roof growled under its newly non-existent supports, and began to crumble. KiVan swung sideways, and we all took the hint to run, and he lashed out his massive tail again, attacking the 3rd wall, the head of the building, what looked like an altar. "A church?" I thought to myself briefly as I bolted out thru the door.... "Of all places... a church."

I noticed as I got outside and KiVan swung his tail that he sent the altar and all of its contents flying out into the night. Some of its contents were of course, lanterns and candles. The flames flickered in the wind, smashing into bright glowing walls as they hit the neighboring buildings. Even with the rains, the wood was dry and lit quickly. We watched for a moment as the chaos roared into life and the meeting hall roof collapsed down. KiVan gave another great roar and burst thru it with a force few have ever seen and less have survived to describe. He landed on top of the remains of the building, and stepped nonchalantly off the pile onto the ground.

By this time, many of the villagers had come out into the streets and as the seconds went by, they had moved from idle curiosity at the sudden crash and roar, to panicked running about, trying to obtain water to save their and their neighbors houses and businesses. We stood on the stage in the square and watched this unfold. Soon the flames were everywhere, great plumes of black and grey smoke billowing into the air uncontrollably.

Artie was one of the few who seemed to remember we were there. His expression as he turned to see us standing on the stage fell from one of desperate shock into a fully fledged despair, suddenly realizing their defenseless town was burning to the ground and their captors were standing on the stage, looking back out into the audience, enjoying the show laid out before them.

Kal spoke in a roaring tone, booming over the roar of the flames "Artie!" and he pointed directly at the fox, stiff arm and hand. "Come here. Now!"

The little fox 's shoulder slumped, he dropped the pail he was carrying and hesitated for a brief moment, staring at the hand pointing at him, and the beast wielding it.

"Now!" Kal roared again.

Artie snapped out of his trance, and hurried to the demand, standing just feet from the stage, and looked up at the one who had called him. "y... y--yes? " he shuddered.

"Bring your council to me. Gather them all here. Go!"


The little fox wasted no time in bolting off back into the town, with possibly what appeared to be an amazed sense that he was not dead on the spot. If only he could find mercy with the terror standing in the town square... he would do as they asked as quickly as he could. Maybe they would take pity on him, and let him live... or kill him swiftly. He ran, terrified, and gathered the 3 members of the council.

Of course the council members didn't realize what was happening. They lived up on the hill, and were only just becoming aware of the loud noises coming from the town when Artie burst thru the palace doors screaming as loud as he could to alert everyone inside. Barely able to make any noise at all from his heavy, rapid breathing, he commanded his body to call and it did. The 3 council members who had been sitting in their study discussing some new upcoming policy all charged out into the foyer and looked at the white fox, bent over trying to catch his breath. And that's when they saw it.... Thru the enormous windows above the grand entryway, the orange and yellow glow, dancing in deepest black plooms of cotton.

"Holy shit!" one of them cried. Another looked in awe and just muttered "please, sweet mother, no!". The third, the tallest and oldest of the leaders, simply took in the sight for a split second, before looking calmly down at the white fur in his house, and spoke.

"Artie, how has this happened? Who is responsible?"

Artie gathered up enough breath and strength, and looked up. "Travellers, 3... and a mount. We gave them food and they paid for a place to stay out of the rain High Makell. They... They..." He panted heavily again. "They came only a few hours ago."

"3? Are you certain it was 3? What did they look like? Were they like dragons without wings Artie?"

"Yes, 3, I am certain. Yes, dragons.... " still panting... "no wings."

The High Makell was the only wolf in a town of smaller creatures... he had come many moons hence, and was not well received in the beginning. But over time, he proved himself to be a loving, caring father for the town, and he proved time and again that he could be trusted and would never let the townsfolk down. He brought diplomats with him, salesmen if you will, people who would go out into the world around the small town and bring buyers for the crops and goods. He had brought fortune and wealth to this tiny town, and the people flourished and loved him for it. They had accepted him as their leader, and he was a benevolent one. He never lost his composure in all the years he had been there.

Not once.

Makell's expression turned sour. All 3 of the others saw it. For the first time in his history with this town, had anyone ever seen him without his usual calm composure, and now, all 3 saw it, and he made no attempt to hide it. "Artie, this is bad. VERY bad. Likely the worst thing you will experience in your lifetime. It is important above all else little one, no matter what happens, you must on your life and your death, you MUST. NEVER. Reveal what you know of this place. I cannot stress this enough. You have trusted me and loved me as your leader for many years now, and I have trusted you all as my charge. And for as long as the secrets remain secret, we will survive on. Only on their revelation will we truly be lost. Do you understand?"

Artie looked puzzled for a moment, lost in the words he was hearing... How can anyone live on if they are dead? He thought...

"Trust me Artie, I have not lied and I will not lie to you."

Artie nodded.

"Good, then we will come with you as they command. Let us go swiftly, it is the best hope for the moment." He composed himself, regained his expression, helped the other 2 council members, and confidently decended the stairs to the tile below. Together, they took to all fours and ran, as fast as they could.


Upon arriving at the square, Artie paused to catch his breath, trying to will himself to stand up before the 2 beasts standing on the stage. He noticed the 3rd, the gruffest and largest of them, was missing. "Sir, I have..." He panted uncontrollably again. "brought the council."

Kal smiled and pointed to the stage by his feet. "Approach, white one. And bring your council."

Artie looked back to the wolf and the 2 other foxes, and the wolf nodded and began to climb the stairs up onto the stone platform. They reached the great beast and looked up to him as he stood easily twice their height. Artie was short now that Kal had a chance to see him close, standing upright, he barely came up to Kal's waist. A fleeting thought flashed thru his mind, he shook it away as he had better plans. "Now, off with your robes Makell, and your Seconds."

The wolf knew this was coming. He threw off his robes from his shoulders and stood defiantly again. The two other foxes looked at each other, and shrugged off theirs too. With the 3 standing naked, Makell spoke up: "You do not scare me Rakash!" (a slang profanity) "You destroy and you rape. You have no soul!"

"Is that so, little wolf? We shall see, soon enough. Jet, chain them."

Jet already had the chains ready, and quickly applied the ankle cuffs to their legs. "They're not going anywhere fast now." He said.

"Run if you like Makell, run to your palace and your secrets if you think you can save them." Makell's expression flickered for a brief moment before he returned to his usual attitude. "Oh yes, I know about your secrets little one. And when I am done with you and your town, I will have them too."

In the momentary silence between the 6 beings, the roar of the flames returned to the senses, and it charged up Kal and Jet's desires again. "KiVan!" Kal called out... KiVan turned to the stage and stepped up onto it with just his forelegs, as easily as if it was one of the steps Makell had just stepped on to get up on the stage. He moved up behind the 3 council members, all still looking at Kal and Jet, and placed his left hand behind the furs, one clawtip sliding between each's legs and trapping the chain between the ankle cuffs. For emphasis, he pulled his hand back and forced the 3 members to hop backwards a few steps. Kal winked at KiVan, "Just a moment KiVan, I want them to witness first. Then you can have them." The great dragon snorted into their backs.

Kal took Artie by the scruff of his neck, and lifted him up eye to eye. Artie tried to kick and the dragon was too strong and held him away until he stopped. "You shall be the first little white. Since you were the first to greet me, you will be the first to submit to me." As he finished speaking, he set the fox back on his own feet and slipped his massive hand into the fox's groin, easily encircling the young male's sheath and balls, squeezing lightly as if to test him. "Small, but I think you will be satisfactory. Your sheath feels heavy for someone your size. How old are you?"

"I am old enough." Artie returned, trying not to let the hand on his sheath provoke him.

With his words, Kal turned the fur around, applied a collar and leash to his neck, and gave him a shove forward, forcing the fox onto his hands. "We shall see." And with that, he slid up behind the fox, spread his legs around the soft furred ass of his soon to be bitch, and thrust forward. His cock tip penetrated the white fur, engulfed in the heat of the small male's virgin ass and he let out a long, deep growl. Artie screamed at the intrusion, yelping and howling as his captor pushed into his body, insisting on fucking the tight hole. Kal had a firm grip on his collar, pulling back hard and forcing Artie to arch his back as he couldn't escape either hold, and with a strong, determined push, Kal sank his cock entirely into the tight tunnel, hilting it as he felt his balls press up against the soft fur and heat of the young male's own. He held the position for a moment, savoring the grip of his bitch's heat, tight no matter how much he tried to relax. Artie squirmed and yelled, feeling the massive length impaling him, ripping flesh and forcing its way deep into his bowels... He knew that he was going to die, if not because Kal killed him, then because the fucking was going to rip him open inside. The pain was intense, engulfing his senses in its grip, he lost the mind to fight against it and melted into the sensation.

"Jet, come get some of this." Kal said, as he started to pull back and ram back into the heat that gripped his pride.

Jet moved up in front of the fox and positioned himself to have the fox suck his dick. Kal released the grip on the leash, thrusting the fox forward and tipping his over into Jet's spread legs. "Do it little one. Suck my brother's cock."

Lost in the knowledge he was done for, Artie complied with his master's wish, and reached out to take the newly presented dick into his muzzle and hands. He wrapped both hands around its width, barely able to slide the head between his jaws and pump the length with his hands. He couldn't believe how big it was! "Is this what is inside me?" he thought to himself... No wonder it hurt so much. He worked hard on the pole in front of him, and started to notice that his own cock had slipped from its sheath and was throbbing between his legs. The beast behind him was pumping hard into his ass, slick precum lubing the friction between them, but dripping out and running down the back of his balls onto the floor. He could feel it warm as it left his ass, but cold as it ran down his balls, and as his cock lengthened, it started to trail down his length to the tip. The tickle of the fluid stimulated him further, catching him with stimulation he'd never felt before. His cock pulsed in response.

The smell of the smoke had started to waft this way in the breeze, acrid smells of death and destruction flowing thru the air as a warning. The fires were everywhere now, consuming everything. Every building was either nothing more than a smoldering pile of rubble, or fully ablaze. The few remaining townspeople had long since fled to the hills with their children and few belongings they could rescue. The roar of the flames was deafening in all aspects, hearing was dead, vision was obstructed beyond the smoking buildings around the center, smell was all smoke and nothing else. And here they were, like a rite, a ritual, the dragons of Mar Kalesh, claiming another town, burning to the ground, and standing on the stage of the center square, with the town council bound and restrained, enjoying the pleasures of the flesh amidst their destruction. A ritual indeed, one that none had survived, and little did these quiet folk know, none would ever survive.

KiVan obviously had waited long enough, and was getting impatient. Kal noticed this and with a strong thrust into the hot ass of his white victim, he agreed. "Take them KiVan, to your heart's content. Enjoy yourself."

KiVan pulled the chains back to the edge of the stage, right up close to his muzzle. He willed his thoughts hard to the wolf, staring at the High Makell, and knew he'd enjoy taking this one. The wolf tried to fight back. He'd heard of the telepathic abilities of the dragon mounts, but had obviously never witnessed it first hand. All KiVan needed was to plant the seed into his victim's mind, and the rest would work by itself. It took a moment, this wolf was strong, but he managed, and he felt the wolf's will collapse. It was done.

"You know what you have to do, wolf. Do so and I will let you live." KiVan spoke to the wolf and the 2 foxes. The foxes looked at the wolf and reluctantly followed him as he clambered off the stage onto the ground, and KiVan arched up. He felt the wolf move back under him, felt the touch of the wolf's paws on his stomach as he moved, trailing down lower, until they reached his vent. The dragon had been anticipating this in watching Kal and Jet play, and he was pent up from the enjoyment earlier when he ate the dog and felt him cum in his throat. It wasn't hard for the wolf to coax the dragon's cock out, and he felt the wolf teasing it hungrily as it throbbed between his legs.

KiVan's cock was large, even for a beast his size. He had trouble sometimes, mating females of his kind. He knew this, and was often cautious and careful about the acts, ensuring his females were never hurt in the act. But right now, that wasn't the purpose. He had 3 little furs at his call, his balls were pent up, and he wanted to get off. Hard.

The wolf commanded the 2 foxes to help, and they took their positions around KiVan's throbbing erection. Two of them wrapped their arms around the flesh, and one of the foxes took to his tip, licking and teasing the sensitive flesh on the bottom side. It was all they could do to keep going... pumping the length in unison, milking out the dragon's balls as he commanded. The wolf knew they were going to die, that much was for certain. But KiVan had said he would let them live if they performed, so he knew that as long as the foxes were thinking that, he could think without interruption about how to escape. For the time being, he had to do as the dragon wanted. And this perverted dragon wanted to have his balls milked.

Back on the stage, Kal and Jet were thoroughly enjoying the white fox's forced attentions. Artie had long since peaked and sprayed his own cum onto the floor, brought on by the intense stimulation in his ass as Kal pumped into him... The precum still dripping down his cock onto the floor, and still adding just enough stimulation to keep him erect even tho he had already erupted once. The one in front of him had started to ooze precum too, and he commanded Artie to take all of it. It was a lot, and he was unable to keep all of it in his maw, as some dripped down onto his chest and arms. He knew the same thing was happening behind him, precum everywhere. The big male pumping his ass didn't seem to mind tho. He was snarling and growling happily, lost in the tight grip on his cock.

KiVan's trio were getting into the motions... he felt the pressure building in his balls, tightening up at the base of his long cock. He growled and snarled out and thrust into their grips, arching his back high over their heads and spreading his legs wide. He knew that the seed he had planted in the wolf's mind was working, as he could slowly hear more and more of the wolf's thoughts... a little at a time. First, shallow ones, about how the wolf thought the dragon was perverse for wanting to get off like this. Slowly, they grew, he saw the wolf's mate, a pretty thing, long dead many moons ago. His sons, gone to new worlds, rich and famous as leaders like him. It was working... and soon he'd be able to see what he wanted to know. All he had to do was keep the wolf occupied long enough to let it set in. And this wolf seemed happy at least for the moment, to stroke his dick. So, the big dragon let him do it, enjoying the pleasure.

About this time, Ki returned. Carrying a heavy bag over his shoulder, his blade in an attack grasp, but not showing any blood on its hand sharpened edge. It was an impressive blade, unlike any other carried by a Mar Kalesh clansman. He'd carved it himself from the armor of a blacksmith in a town they'd conquered a long time ago. And he did it in the blacksmith's own shop before burning it to the ground by sparks set from the sharpening wheel while grinding the last nicks out of the blade. Unfortunately he wasn't able to polish it because the polishing wheel went in the blaze quickly, but he was satisfied with it just the way it was, and it looked more battered and deserving as a war hammer, unpolished anyway. As far as anyone knew, this was Ki's most prized possession, one he carried everywhere and was never more than an arms' reach from.


"Aah, Kal, enjoying the spoils of war, I see." I said to him, snarling as I took in the sight playing out in front of me. "And KiVan, an excellent choice, waste no time with the council my friend."

KiVan thought back to me "indeed, this wolf is strong as you thought, but he is falling, and soon I will have him. And I can see no better way to pass the time than to let him please me with a much needed orgasm. He thinks I am perverse, he does not know, yet."

I laughed "Very nice my friend, but I am still going to get you back for your deception all these years. Keeping something like that from me... shame on you."

I turned back to Kal and Jet, enjoying the yells and desperate please of the little white fox. But Kal was merciless, hungrily raping the young male now. He leaned over, laid a hand on his brother's shoulder and rammed in hard, using the hand for support. "Brother, he is so tight.... Are you ready?"

I knew they were brothers, something that nobody else knew, and they had tried to keep secret. The whole mind thing, sometimes it spills over into links beyond KiVan and I. Once, long ago, I found out that Kal and Jet were brothers. I'd never spoken of this, not even to them. I didn't know however, that they enjoyed sharing their pleasure, and orgasms. I watched silently, thinking about how Kal had joined Jet in playing with the dog earlier.

Jet nodded, and leaned back to brace his hands against the stones. Kal leaned in hard, rammed into the fox's ass with all of his force, pushing the fox into his brother's groin, and yanking back on the collar. KiVan turned his attention to the sight playing on the other side of the stage as well, drawn by the yelp of the fox, and watched as Kal and Jet both peaked and roared out loud howling snarls. Kal pumped his cum deep into the fox's guts, the blasts of hot seed searing the walls of Artie's ass, flowing in waves thru the torn bowels, marking the fox undeniably as Kal's bitch. Jet's peak slammed into him just as Kal jerked back on the collar, and he rocked back on his tail just as the first wave of his cum shot from his cock, straight up into the air onto Artie's muzzle. The second and third shots took the fox's neck and shoulders until he could pull back from the collar and stroke the dragon's dick to work the 4th shot. Jet's orgasm was impressive, considering he'd just gotten off a couple hours ago. I knew he was enjoying the mutual bond with his brother, and I suspected that enhanced his peak a fair bit. It was good to see them work together to a mutual sun greater than the two halves. I'd have to remember that in the future. For the moment however, I was content to know my team were enjoying themselves and an admittedly hot little fox. If Kal hadn't claimed him first, I probably would have.

The sight of Jet's cum must have done it for KiVan too, as I felt him momentarily reach out in his mind, and I touched him back... At the instant his orgasm hit. I'd felt KiVan's pleasure many times, both when he and I were playing, or when he was mounting a female. He had a habit of reaching out just at the split second before orgasm, and I'd always reached back to connect to him at the moment he did it. This was one of our unspoken bonds, one that nobody but the two of us knew about. What was amazing about it was that when one of us was working on a climax, it would always be an incredible jolt of energy to feel that connection between us... And when we both did it together, well, it was an amazing rush that drove orgasms like I've never achieved alone. We knew this was the reason we'd come so close in our relationship. This mind merging thing was incredible, and it lead to countless incentives and abilities I couldn't even dream of without him, and him without me.

But anyway... I felt KiVan's reach, and I reached back knowing he would enjoy it all the more. Seeing him peak from a distance like this is rare for me, I'm usually the one giving it to him, or far away if he's with his own kind. So to be able to feel his reach and see his orgasm is interesting. He snarled out louder than Kal, claws raking across the stone, leaving scratches in the blocks that were easily an inch deep. He thrust his hips forward and roared out as the first wave of his cum rushed up thru his massive cock and shot out suddenly right into the face of the fox that was teasing his tip. The blast of cum was so strong that it knocked the fox back into the stage wall, drenching him from eartip to sheath in hot, sticky dragon cum. The milky white liquid rolled down the fox's stomach, across his sheath and balls, and onto the ground in huge globs. KiVan's second wave hit and the fox edged aside barely, the blast grazing his ear and shooting out across the stage all the way up to his neck. More blasts shot from the depths of the dragon's balls, racing thru his cock past the arms of the wolf and other fox, coating the stage and the fox entirely in its hot essence. KiVan roared again, arching up hard and thrusting his cock forward as hard as he could, his tail swaying wildly side to side, sweeping the benches across the sitting area in a cloud of dirt and splintered wood. The claw marks in the stone were many by the time he was done, and he looked back, stepping aside as the last drips of his peak fell from his cock, panting and growling in the wake of his orgasm. He laughed at the stunned fox, almost glued to the side of the stage with cum, completely coated in it from head to toe, and a pool at his feet.

I went over to my mount and attached the bag of trinkets and valuables to the saddle, and went up to his head. I looked him over, snuck a peek at the spent length of his cock, and said: "Think ya needed that, eh buddy?"

I heard him reply: "Just a bit. Always helps when you're near too."

"How's our wolf, is he gone yet?" I thought back to him.

"I told them I would let them live if they serviced me. They did, so I will let them live. You however, are free to do with them as you see fit." KiVan told me.

"Indeed. I've had my eye on that wolf. I'm glad you didn't kill him. Aside from the information that we need, I know something else about him. And I intend to keep him when this is done. You're not the only one who keeps secrets, Van."

"And what is that?" he inquired as he looked at me as if to search deep in my mind at this new information.

"He was only called Makell when he came here. That is not his real name. He hides his real name, and only those who know him know it. He has a long history, many enemies, and many friends in suspicious places. This, Van, is Dresden."

"THE Dresden?!" KiVan looked surprised and shot back at me.

"Yes my friend, and I am glad to see I can still surprise you from time to time. Yes, this is THE Dresden. At long last, I have captured him. Well... We... but I'm going to keep him. Once we have the information we need, I think he will prove to be a very nice centerpiece in my harem when I retire and Kal takes over." I didn't realize I had moved back to verbal communication toward the end of that.

"What? Did I pass?" Kal chimed in unexpectedly.

"We're not done yet, Kal." I said. "Now that you have all had your fun and I've got a few items to bring back, let's move up to the palace and get some rest. KiVan, will you please dispatch with the 3 foxes and bring the wolf along? I'm going to enjoy him tonight, give him a little taste of what's in store for the rest of his life.

I turned to look at the wolf, seeing the shocked look in his eyes. I walked up to the wolf, leaned in close, and whispered into his ear: "yes, I know about your secrets Makell. I know about your secrets.... Dresden."



Ki - "Key"

KiVan - "Key Vahn" - literal: "Ki's Mount"

Kal - "cal" as in "calorie"

Jet - as in the airplane

Makell - "muh kell" -chosen name, and "High Makell" by those he rules. Calling him simply "Makell" is an insult without the title.

Mar Kalesh- "mahr kuh lesh" - literal: "Ocean Province"


This story was written by me, Aurora, Aug 16, 2010 in response to the images produced by the artist ZAUSH (Adam Wan). Look him up on FA. These images are first, Kellog the dog and the 3 dragons on the hill in the rain, and second, the huge image entitled "Disposable Slaves" that portrays a scene from the burning town appropriate to the description in the story. I'd like to thank Zaush for his amazing artistic talent, and for sharing this scene in stunning high-definition grandeur suitable for a dual monitor setup. I've been using it up on 2 24" LCDs at full resolution to write this story. It's stunning Zaush, thanks for sharing! I thought perhaps this written story would be a better compliment than just adding another fanboy comment to your FA page. Hope you don't mind the literary license of adding names and titles and character roles and positions.

Please, do another one, so I can continue the story in the palace on the hill! Where is the secret room, what lies inside it?

Some notes:

Dresden is © himself, added into the story because of a comment he made to me when we first found this image... He's a wolf, and it fit perfectly with the wolf in the picture. So, if ya do make another image, I'd appreciate keeping him as my own (play with Ki or KiVan only) if any sex is involved, to keep it in line with the written story to date. I'm sure you can figure from the story which character I picked as "me" the first person perspective.

I'd love to have a role in the next image if you produce one as well... maybe I, Aurora, can be the guardian of the secret once the room is found? I'll be a tough opponent for the Mar Kalesh dragons, they might end up on the other end of the pole. ;) I have an idea in mind, but I don't want to give it away to everyone... PM me if you are interested.

Thanks again, it's been fun, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of these addictive guys. You can contact me at:

[email protected]

AIM/YIM: ScaledAzure