New Innter Strength

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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When a deer is trying to get some decent gains he realizes the short cut to such a thing is to find a symbiote that will do it for him.

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"Slow day today Aksel?" the Doberman said as he looked at the deer man that just walked out of the shower. "Normally don't see you here unless it's night."

The anthro deer nodded as he toweled himself off, brushing the cloth through his damp tan and brown fur before moving on to his blonde hair and beard. "Yeah, didn't make sense to stay there when no one was coming in," Aksel explained as he once more wrapped the towel around his waist until he got to his locker. "Plus it looks like it's going to rain here pretty soon and the last thing I want to do is get caught in a storm trying to walk home."

"You should have told me," the Doberman replied as he brushed his own fur. "We could have done a few sets together and then stopped off for a juice or something. Or at least play a game."

"Nah, you know that courts are usually packed at this time," Aksel replied with a grin as he let the towel fall and put on his white jockstrap before continuing with the rest of his clothes. "Plus I was only here to get in a quick set before I went home because it was on the way." Suddenly the two heard a rumble of thunder that caused them both to look up, the lights flickering for a second before the deer chuckled slightly. "And that appears to be my cue, I'll see you around though Tobi and we can get that workout in."

Tobi just gave him a nod before slipping off his own black jock and grabbing a towel, Aksel glancing back at the naked canine for a second before walking out of the locker room and back into the main gym. As much as he wanted to stay and talk for a while he had already set himself to walking home before the storm that was predicted for later in the day caught up with him. When he went outside he could already feel that there were a few droplets coming down and looked up at the black clouds that were starting to move in. While it wasn't on top of him yet and his home wasn't too far from the gym he knew if he wanted to make it home while dry he would have to hurry."

The deer quickly made his way down the street and through a small park that ran along several blocks of the city. With it still being the middle of the day the paths were relatively clear and even though he had a workout he still found himself breaking into a jog. He slid his gym bag over his shoulder and broke from the path, running up a grassy hill in order to cut off more time as he heard another rumble of thunder and actually saw the flash of lightning. It was getting closer and he could feel the rain starting to get a little heavier, but as he crested the hill and began to go down he was hit between the antlers with something large and heavy that caused him to lose his footing and tumble down the other side.

What Aksel didn't realize as he laid there on the ground at the bottom of the hill with his hooves practically in his face was that the storm that started to rain down on him had something else in it besides rain and lightning. Lurking within the black clouds was a symbiote; the creature had managed to escape those that had captured it by melting himself down to where it mingled with the water supply, but he hadn't expected the precipitation cycle to be as strong as it was and before it could reform himself it had been lifted up into the air. With the roiling winds from the atmosphere it had been extremely hard to pull itself back together, and when it did it had made itself heavy enough to fall back through the air and down to the ground. It was only through sheer fortune that it had actually landed on someone, in its very weakened state if it had landed too far away from anyone it might have died.

When it found itself on the back of the head of a creature who had been stunned by a fall it had taken it knew that it had little time until the deer would realize that there was a black puddle of goo in his blonde hair. Unfortunately he knew little about these creatures and how they operated so it just moved to the first spot that it could in order to hide and also integrate with its potential new host. That happened to be the teardrop-shaped ears of the cervine and with Aksel still recovering from his fall he hardly even noticed that something was starting to push down through his ear canal. Once it had started to stretch the earhole the gooey creature assimilated enough of the deer's inside to slip in unnoticed, leaving behind a shiny black surface that someone may see if they had a reason to look inside his ear.

As the last of the gooey creature disappeared inside of Aksel he managed to get himself upright again, sitting up as he looked behind him at the base of the hill in confusion. It felt like a giant raindrop had hit him but as he rubbed the back of his head he found that his hair wasn't even wet, though it was starting to get that way as more rain began to pour down from the storm that had caught up to him. The deer sighed when he realized he wouldn't be getting home dry anytime soon and pulled himself up to his feet once more. He began to jog more quickly to try and stay out of the bulk of the store but it was too late and along with a number of others that the misfortune of being out on the street he was quickly soaked as he got to his building.

A few minutes later Aksel got to his door and opened it, clothes still dripping as he walked inside his apartment. As he started to peel the wet shirt off of his muscles he was still completely unaware that there was something inside of him, the symbiote sloshing around slightly as it attempted to learn more about the creature that it inhabited. With it being in such a weakened state there was little that it could do, at the time of their joining it hardly even had any sentience left in it. But as it began to nestle in and absorb the brain of the deer, replacing it with his own augmented material, he also got an idea of how these creatures actually worked.

The symbiote started to grow more aware of itself with every second as well as its host, which he found his name to be Aksel from a fresh memory of a conversation with the Doberman in the gym. A name... it was something he needed as well, and from the limited recollection it had of its former life before he remembered those that had captured him called him a symbiote. That was a bit too long though, and after a bit of mulling it over it decided its name was simply Sym. With its minor crises of identity gone it attempted to find out more about how this creature operated and, more importantly, how he could manipulate it so that he could heal himself and spread inside the body of this deer.

It didn't take it long to realize that the area it had taken over had some advantages and disadvantages. The good thing was that the area it was nestled in for the moment was the direct control center for the cervine, which meant that as it continued to grow inside him the symbiote would have access to thoughts, memories, knowledge, as well as control of most of his physical systems as well. The problem was the skull and brain had very limited access to the rest of his body; even if he could slip out a bit of himself through his bloodstream it would take a while for it to reach anywhere important and by the time it did it would have taken too long. What it needed to do in order to keep spreading and healing was to get the deer's blood pumping mainly, and as it accessed those areas of his mind it found a number of ways to potentially do it...

Meanwhile Aksel continued to go on ignorant of the assimilation happening in his mind, the deer merely waiting for his food to finish reheating while he mulled around the kitchen. He had already stripped off the rest of his clothes and decided that he would just walk around in the nude instead of dirtying another set. It wasn't like he had roommates or anything to worry about and with the blinds closed no one could see him anyway, so why not let it all hang out? With his clothes drying in the tub it was unlikely that he would bother to put anything on before bed anyway so it would just be a lazy afternoon of naked apartment lounging as he heard the ding of his microwave.

As Aksel turned to go and retrieve his food however he suddenly lost all sense of balance and fell over, his hands attempting to grab the nearby table but failing. His antlers scraped against the tile and he found himself looking up at the ceiling he found his vision spinning, forcing him to stay lying down until it passed about a minute later. When he was able to sit up again he did so while holding onto his head, wondering if perhaps that fall he took in the park was more damaging than he realized. He thought briefly about going to the hospital before the idea evaporated from his mind, instead remembering his food and getting up to get it once more.

Inside of his mind the symbiote quickly realized he had screwed up as he restored the section of the deer's mind that he had tampered with, thinking that perhaps he could just get him to work out or run around. Without direct control of the cervine's muscles however that would be too hard to coordinate and he didn't need to erase any more thoughts of getting examined. The direct approach wasn't going to work, the symbiote thought, so it would need to find some other way to manipulate the deer without giving him a heart attack. That was when a tendril of the oily substance permeated down to the hormonal control area of the mind and from the flood of information it got the symbiote tried a different approach to get Aksel to do what it wanted, though it would take a while to get everything right as it combed his mind for more information.

About an hour later Aksel was sitting in front of his television, empty plate in the sink as he idly clicked through the shows to find something to watch while also on his phone. It was the usual routine that he did before bed if he didn't have anything else to do or go, and with the storm still going on outside he didn't feel like walking anywhere either despite several hot spots that he could. Instead he just found himself settling in for a boring night of binge watching... except as he continued to switch his views between the two screens began to feel something else start to get his attention. Up until that point he hadn't been horny at all but suddenly his cock sprang to life like he was just about to have sex.

The sensations were so strong that it had caused his phone to slip from his fingers as he looked at the suddenly rock-hard spire of flesh that throbbed between his legs. "Where did all this come from?" Aksel asked himself as he wrapped a hand around his shaft, feeling his entire body tense from the sudden surge of stimulation. "Gah... what is going on with me..."

With his cock demanding attention to the point where it was hard to focus on what was happening on the television Aksel decided to get up and go to his bedroom. The entire time his shaft swung through the air to the point where even the air against the sensitive flesh was almost too much. When he got to his bed he flopped down on his bed and immediately began to stroke up and down his maleness, letting out a small moan as he did so. Normally he would have his phone or be at his computer to watch some sort of porn but was not going to be needed this time as he could feel his breathing quicken and his heart race from his exertion.

The sensation of pleasure was so intense that the deer didn't last long, his hips bucking up into the air as his hand became a blur over his cock before he suddenly came. The sheer force of his orgasm nearly caused him to fall off the bed as the jets of cum he fired splattered against himself and his bedsheets. When it ended the deer's body released all the stored up tension and he collapsed back into the bed, panting heavily from the quick but explosive climax he had just experienced. In the back of his mind he knew that he had to clean up, but as his head tilted to the side he decided he would take care of it later before passing out on his pillow.

As Aksel slipped into unconsciousness the symbiote that resided in him learned two very important things; the first was that he had once more overdone it when it came to tweaking his host, and the second was that his idea to spread himself out through the deer's body was a success. With the rush of blood that came from his self-pleasure he had been able to suffuse himself through a number of muscles in the cervine's body, and though it wasn't enough to do a lot it was able to heal himself quite a bit from the assimilation of the muscle that the blood fed directly into. It also found that much of its alien DNA had found itself in the sensitive muscle that its host had just stimulated.

As it identified more with Aksel and bonded with its form the symbiote felt more whole, finding itself becoming more attracted to the masculine while also finding it was feeling more like it as well. There was a great potential strength with their union, though the deer was still at the point where he could ruin everything if he decided to freak out about the alien creature co-habitating inside of his skull. He needed more... they needed more, and with Aksel completely passed out he found that his mind was more open to... suggestion. With the knowledge he had gained already from his experimentation Sym got ready to prepare his host for his new life when he woke up again.

The next morning Aksel woke up with a snort, and as he did he remembered the mess that he had left himself the last night as a peculiar odor wafted into his nose. He sighed and still found himself wondering what had gotten into him to do such a thing as he stripped the sheets from his bed and added them to the pile with his still damp clothes and the rest of his laundry. It appeared it was time for a trip down to the laundry room, but before he did that he needed to start with cleaning himself off first. At least he was already naked, he thought to himself as he went into his bathroom and started the water running.

Aksel tested the water and then jumped in, getting the dried cum out of his fur as he reached over to grab his fur shampoo and luffa. As he did though he accidently smacked against the bottles themselves and caused them all to fall into the tub with him, and when he went down to pick them up he began to feel like his shower had somehow gotten more cramped than before. Before he could look too much into it though he felt something bump against his inner thigh as he remained knelt down and looked to see that his cock was erect once more. He frowned as he stood back up and stared down at what had caused the mess in the first place, and instead of relieving himself he turned the water from hot to cold.

The shock of the sudden change of temperature not only succeeded in relieving him of his erection but had also stunned the symbiote that was inside of him as well. He had not expected the deer to resist the call to pleasure himself like that with the amount of hormones he had raised to spike Aksel's lusts. The symbiote still needed to take care, especially when he had seen that he had thickened the muscles he was assimilating without realizing it, but it would take ages for him to heal properly and fully integrate with Aksel at this rate. As Sym gathered more information on how to bypass the stubbornness of the deer he happened upon something that was identified to him as something called the lizard brain, and as he found out what it was the symbiote had a lightbulb moment on how to get this creature to do what he wanted.

Once Aksel had gotten completely washed he gathered up all the dirty laundry he had and put it into a bag, then set it aside next to his door before going back in to his bedroom. As he started to grab his clothes he could still feel his cock twitching but he managed to keep it under control as he pulled up his jock around his waist. When he got everything situated though something once more seemed off and as his hand went down to adjust himself it felt like his bulge was... bigger than normal. The same went for the straps around his waist and pressing against his rear end, they both felt like they were tighter than before as he turned and put his hands against his cheeks to press against them.

A similar situation happened when he tried to put on a shirt and found it extremely constricting around his chest and abs. It got to the point where he had to rip the fabric just to get out of it and when he looked at himself in the mirror with the tatters of his shirt in hand he found himself tilting his head. He had always taken care of himself and as a result was in good shape, but as he ran a hand down his washboard abs he found they were more pronounced then before. When he poked them it was definitely muscle, but as he moved up and put his palm against his thicker pectoral he found his physique to be more like a professional athlete or a gym bunny.

"Damn, I look good..." Aksel muttered to himself as he found a smile cross his lips, taking a second to flex his biceps as they appeared to be slightly bigger as well. Normally the deer didn't take the time to check himself out, the main reason he worked out was to maintain his health and to also talk to friends like Tobi, but he couldn't help but lick his lips as he checked himself out. For some reason the way he moved and flexed made him feel sexy, powerful even as he continued to pose until a twitch in the fabric in his jock reminded him not to get too worked up... especially over himself as he went to find something that would fit him.

Fortunately he still had a number of gym shorts that were still clean and he put on a pair of those, but after another unsuccessful attempt to put on a shirt he decided he would just have to go topless for the time being. It was unlikely anyone was using the laundry room anyway and even if there were it wasn't like he was doing his wash with only his jock on or something. A wry smile briefly crossed his face as he imagined some guy coming in and seeing him there, his eyes wide as he looked over his toned physique. The mental image only lasted for the briefest of seconds though before Aksel told himself to calm down and took the bag full of clothes and sheet out of his apartment and down the stairs.

Though it wasn't a hard task to complete Aksel found himself breezing along with the heavy pile of clothes, opting to take everything down the stairs instead of the elevator like he usually did. The deer felt amazing as he stretched his legs, feeling the blood pumping through his body as he practically jumped down the remaining stairs on the last floor before his hooves hit the tile at the bottom. Not only did the task seem easier for him but the feeling of strength made him almost giddy. He still wasn't sure why he was feeling this way but as he practically kicked down the door to get into the laundry room he found himself with a smile still on his face as he got started putting things away.

Aksel had been so wrapped up in his own feelings that he didn't even notice he wasn't alone until he had kicked the washer door closed and turned to see a jaguar man looking at him in slight surprise. "Oh... sorry about that," the deer quickly apologized as he grinned sheepishly at the shocked man. "Didn't realize there was anyone else here."

"Ah, no worries man," the feline replied as he smiled and waved his hand dismissively. "Imagine it's like getting caught singing in the shower. I won't tell anyone if you don't."

Both had a chuckle at that and the jaguar man returned to the phone he had been playing on while Aksel went over and had a seat on one of the uncomfortable stools next to a small table. He realized that he had not brought his phone down with him and that there was nothing for him to really look at except for the clothes that were being washed and the other guy in the room. As the deer eyed him up he realized that he recognized him, he was one of the young club-goers that he would occasionally see dancing with other guys while he had a drink. He couldn't believe he remembered such an obscure memory but as he continued to eye the guy up he recalled him in his raver outfit with a crystal clarity that he normally didn't have for such things.

Suddenly Aksel found himself sliding off of the stool, his nose sniffing the air slightly as he found himself unable to look away from the other man. The hum of the machines and the sloshing of the water inside faded away and soon all he could hear was the blood pounding in his ears as he began to breathe heavily. Something about all this was... intoxicating, and though his rational mind wondered what he was doing he found himself approaching the distracted feline. He found himself with a need to breed this male, a desire so deep inside that it almost shocked him at how powerful it is as he suddenly found himself looking down at the jaguar who had remained distracted until the shadow of the deer blocked the overhead light.

Aksel found his entire body practically vibrating as he stood there practically panting, watching as the jaguar looked up slowly and jumped slightly at the sudden sight of a large muscular deer in front of him. "Uh... hey again," the jaguar said as he slowly put his phone to the side. "Do you... need to borrow some detergent or something?"

"Or something," Aksel said, his voice practically a growl as he leaned forward. "I've seen you at the club before, what's your name?"

"I'm... Mitch..." the jaguar replied as he swallowed hard, his eyes glancing down to see that there was a sizable bulge in the shorts of the deer hovering over him. "You've seen me dancing?"

"I have..." Aksel replied as his muzzle turned up into a lewd grin as he saw a similar situation happening in front of the shorts that the jaguar wore, sliding his hand down into his pants and curling his fingers around the half-hard cock he found inside. "Trying to lure all those bigger men in with that body of yours. Tell me, would I be someone that you would do that too?"

Mitch gulped and nodded, and that was all the deer needed to hear before sliding both hands up to the armpits of the smaller jaguar to get him to his feet. In the back of Aksel's mind he was shocked at how assertive he was being as he brought in the jaguar for a kiss, but as soon as their lips met the pleasure once more washed away any thoughts of how strange this was for him. Instead all he could think of was how he needed to rut this feline, his cock straining his jock as he took a finger and hooked it around his waistband to pull it down. When his gym shorts hit the floor he could see the feline's eyes widen when he saw the thick cock the deer had that was practically stretching out his jock to the limit.

"I... whoa..." Mitch said as he reached down to touch it, causing Aksel to shudder in pleasure as he felt the contact of another male against the sensitive flesh before quickly darting his hand back. "We can't do this! We're in the laundry room!"

The leering smile that was on Aksel's muzzle quickly turned into a frown, then a sneer at the idea of being denied something that he only moments ago didn't even know what he wanted. His head turned towards the door in question and then he scanned the room before moving over to one of the nearby vending machines. With his pants already down the jaguar watched the bare rear end of the deer jutted out into the air as he leaned down to grab one of the machines, then lifted it up and with a loud grunt before moving it to the door and putting it there. With the door and window inside it blocked Aksel flexed his muscular body, which had grown slightly from the exertion, and then went back to the jaguar who had been watching in both awe and shock.

"Now... where were we..." Aksel said, running his hands through the jaguar's long headfur before bringing their heads close together. Mitch muttered something about the deer being very strong but before he could finish that sentence their muzzles met in a deep kiss. As his tongue explored the feline's mouth Aksel felt like his heart would beat right out of his chest, and with his eyes closed he failed to notice that his spine had started to stretch and his body was beginning to get even bigger.

After about a minute Aksel broke the kiss and Mitch suddenly found himself getting pushed against the wall and as he was slid down into a sitting position he found the growing bulge right in front of his face. With no possible way of anyone entering in on them the jaguar began to grow bolder, pulling down the garment to let the thick, heavy shaft of the deer flop down in front of him. The deer watched the jaguar lick his lips before slowly bending forward and nuzzling against it. He commented that Aksel was huge and he wasn't sure how much would actually fit in his mouth, the deer merely grunting in response as he held himself up with his hand against the wall.

When Mitch began to lick on the sensitive flesh of his member Aksel let out an even deeper groan than before, making it sound like he had just hit puberty again as his shoulders rolled back from the added muscle swelling on them. His entire body had started to fill out more than before and as Mitch put his mouth against the tip of his cock the deer it kicked his growth into overdrive. The wall that he was bracing himself against cracked as a ripple of new muscle went all the way to his fingers. His entire body quivered and he could feel something happening to him, a sensation of his form changing and mutating as he looked down to watch the jaguar suck him off and saw his pectorals swelling out even more.

It was enough of a jarring sensation and sight to jolt him out of his lust-filled drive, pulling back just as Mitch began to bob his head up and down on the head of his cock that he was able to fit. As he looked at himself in panic he looked almost bloated, as if he had been taking steroids for most of his adult life. With his mind reeling he managed to string enough words together to mutter an apology before grabbing the vending machine and pushing it aside with only one arm. Seeing the display of such strength caused Aksel to look at himself in shock, but then quickly recovered and stuffed his half-hard cock back into his jock before taking his gym shorts and covering his groin with them before dashing off.

Part 2:

Sym waited wearily inside of Aksel as he paced back and forth inside of his apartment, the deer still trying to piece together what had happened to him down in the laundry room. When he realized that he had forgotten about his laundry Aksel tentatively went back down and poked his head in to see if the jaguar was still there, only to find that he had left. With no one else around he gathered up his laundry as soon as it was done and brought it back to his apartment where he had left it in a heap right in front of his door. The symbiote wasn't sure what to do except for release more serotonin into the brain in order to calm his host down, which he found did actually help as eventually Aksel stopped moving from place to place.

By this point Sym had managed to heal almost fully as well as integrate himself with most of the systems that the deer had. He was also able to augment his physiology, something that he didn't even realize how much power he had over until his encounter with the jaguar down in the laundry room. If it hadn't been for the fact that Aksel snapped out of his primal instincts on seeing his transformation he probably could have completely converted the deer, but that had led to another problem he discovered. Even with ramping up his libido and bringing him down to his most primal urges the fact was he couldn't do anything with him without causing another snap, and that was something he didn't want to do with his host since they would be far more powerful if Aksel just cooperated... was clear to Sym that more work was going to need to be done with this host.

Meanwhile the last of the fear and anxiety that Aksel feared melted away as he suddenly found himself feeling good again, his hand scratching his beard as it began to be hard to remember why he had freaked out again in the first place. That jaguar was smoking hot and if he hadn't chickened out they probably would have had another mess on their hands in that laundry room. As the symbiote smoothed over the memories in his mind he was reminded that they had heard a knock that caused them both to freak out, which was why he suddenly decided to bolt. The very thought of someone as strong as him running like that made him shake his head as he realized that was not very characteristic of him.

...or was it? The deer found himself biting his lip as he looked down at himself and saw a muscular body covered in fur, his shorts abandoned a while ago with only his jock remaining on him. The incredibly bulky physique that had helped snap him out of his rut was gone, the symbiote hidden inside of him reverting him back as much as he could to his previous state. For Sym he knew that once again he had overestimated the power required to change the deer and had caused him to become an almost impossibly muscled freak of nature, but as he continued to assimilate and replace more of his body he would make sure that didn't happen again. But for that to happen he would need Aksel to get into an incredibly heightened state of arousal once more, and as he thought about it he realized that perhaps a stranger in the laundry room wasn't the best way to feed it as he sent more signals into the augmented brain of the deer.

As Aksel looked at himself in the reflection of the mirror, which he had been doing to try and see if he actually had any of the changes he remembered before his thoughts devolved to how handsome he looked, he had a sudden revelation that he needed to go to the gym and workout today. Everything else seemed to leak out of his thoughts as he became fixated on working out, grabbing his clothes and changing into them for the gym. Since he didn't have work that day he didn't need to bring a bag and soon walked out the door with his keys and wallet. Anything else that he might have thought of doing was shunted from his mind as found himself hurrying to the gym in order to pump some iron.

When Aksel got there he found the gym to be rather busy, which wasn't a surprise since it was a weekend. As he got to the locker room to get changed he instantly saw a familiar face there, Tobi grinning and waving at him. "You ready to feel the burn?" the Doberman asked as he stood up and walked over to him, stopping and tilting his head when he looked over the surprised deer. "Huh, you're almost as big as me, when did that happen?"

"Uh, guess we haven't been working out together for a while," Aksel quickly replied with a sheepish grin. "I'm kind of surprised to see you here actually, I thought you didn't work out at the gym on weekends?"

"Well, I usually don't," Tobi replied as he gave him a curious glance. "But when my gym buddy texts me and says that he wants to do a full workout with me I'm all for it."

The deer stood there in slight confusion as he was patted on the back, and as he went over to his locker to change he didn't even remember bringing his phone much less texting the Doberman to work out with him. As he fished in his pockets to get everything secured he was surprised when he pulled out his phone and turned it on to see that the last thing he had done was to text Tobi. It was a strange thing for him to forget, but as he turned and looked over at the canine he found himself smiling. He was a good friend and it would be better for him to work with someone he knew then alone, or at least that's what the inner voice in his mind reminded him as he locked things up and walked with the Doberman out into the gym.

Once they were out among the machines and weights time became a blur for Aksel, lost in the high that came from being able to exercise or watch his friend do it. He found that his mind constantly drifted to lewd ideas as he spotted Tobi during his sets as he was able to get a full view of the man's muscles every time. Despite the increased arousal he was feeling however he managed to control himself so he didn't embarrass himself in the gym, though more than once he used a congratulatory pat on the back or pat on the butt to celebrate a successful set to catch a grope. Never before had he been so flirty with the other guy and Aksel wasn't even sure that he was into guys, but there was something about him today that drove the deer wild to the point where it was hard to think straight as he coasted through his weight sets.

When they finally finished Aksel felt Tobi pat him on the back and tell him that he did a fantastic job today, but all the deer could focus on was the contact as he felt something inside him shift. His focus was so deep on the Doberman and his work-outs that he didn't even realize that the symbiote had managed to use their workouts to continue to alter his form, though had he looked in the mirror and opened his mouth he would have seen his normally pink-hued flesh in his mouth and tongue had started to turn black. Sym continued to foster the fixation on Tobi as well as foster the same carnal instincts that had spurred him towards the jaguar before, and it appeared to be working as they went into the locker room together and Tobi quickly went into the changing area. As he and Aksel watched the canine start to strip out of his clothes neither creature could take it anymore, both symbiote and deer needed this creature as their own as they began to approach from behind.

As Tobi began to pull down the last piece of clothing he heard heavy footsteps come up to him, but before he could turn around he suddenly felt a large arm wrap around him from behind and practically bring him up into the air. The sounds of heavy panting and grunting could be heard right next to his ear as the powerful frame of the one that held him there pressed against his backside. "Aksel?!" Tobi called out, looking down to see the familiar fur pattern of his friend on the otherwise beefy arm that kept him there. "What are youuuuu donnnnggggg..."

The doberman's words trailed off as Aksel had opened his muzzle and pushed his tongue inside the ear of the canine, though what the deer thought was just him stimulating the other male was anything but. Sym continued to pump pure pleasure and lust into the mind of the deer as he pushed forward with his transformation, feeling Aksel's tongue morph and warp into a thick, shiny black appendage that snaked around before pushing itself into the ear hole of the other male. Strands of thick black saliva dripped between them as the deer ripped off his shorts and jockstrap to reveal his throbbing cock which was just as shiny and black as his tongue. This was it, Sym realized, this was the tipping point he was waiting for as he fed his host with the reward for succumbing to his base desires.

If Aksel's tongue hadn't been buried in the ear of the male in front of him he would have left out a sheer cry of pure bliss, especially as his prehensile cock shifted itself so that it was able to push the tip into Tobi's exposed hole. The sheer lust was all-consuming and even when he did see that an shiny alien substance was dripping form his muzzle he no longer cared, not when he could start to feel the pleasure coming from the Doberman whose tailhole he had started to stretch open right there in the gym. With no guidance needed for his own cock that was spreading open the muscular man's cheeks one of his hands went down to squeeze and kneed the growing bulge of black fabric while the other angled the canine's head so he could push his tongue in deeper. Tobi's eyes rolled into the back of his head from the overwhelming pleasure being fed to him and the act of dominating the other male was even stronger then it had been when he was with that jaguar.

The deer's altered brain was soaked in the pure euphoria that came with the symbiote spreading to another as well as the deep, carnal breeding that was happening pushed the Doberman against the wall. No doubt someone would have heard them already, but Aksel could care less as he found that his body had grown bigger then the one he was thrusting his hips into. His eyes glanced down at his arms and saw the veins turning black as his muscles swelled with more growth, but unlike last time the symbiote had learned his lesson and made the augmentation as smooth and even as possible. Even though the deer's six-pack abs popped and grew into an eight-pack while his spine popped with additional height it was like he was going through a time-lapse growth video, his body becoming that of an Adonis as he continued to seed the male in front of him.

Finally the sound of a shout from someone behind them caused Aksel to turn to see that several other guys had come into the locker room and were watching this huge deer man have sex with a slightly smaller Doberman against the lockers. The symbiote quickly retracted the tongue of the deer and as he did he felt the teeth inside his muzzle shifting, becoming sharper as his host mutated further from their continued bonding. Though both wanted to finish Sym knew that they would soon be in big trouble if they stuck around and instead prodded the flight response to Aksel to get him to leave. It didn't take much for the huge snarling deer to retract, his hooves cracking the tile as they exploded with growth to help hold his new body.

Once Aksel had withdrawn his shiny black cock from the tailhole of the other man, some of their symbiotic fluid dripping down Tobi's thighs, he grabbed and lifted him with ease before punching out their locker doors and grabbing their things. With no time for clothes the deer let out a loud snort and grunt as he mindlessly went towards the exit door, baring his fangs at one of the employees that had attempted to bar him from leaving before kicking the door open. The metal flew off the hinges and as they looked up in the air they found that night had fallen during their time in the gym, which was good for them as they made their way through the alley and into the nearby park. With their augmented hearing the deer's ears flickered as he heard police sirens coming their way, but as he used his new muscles to sprint there would be no way that they would catch up with them as they raced to their apartment.

When Aksel returned to his senses he found himself standing naked in the living room of his own apartment, though as he looked down he found he wasn't alone. Lying there on his couch was Tobi, someone that had only been to his place only a couple of times was not only sprawled out unconscious but just as naked as he was. The deer was at a loss for words for what had happened and when he looked over at his coffee table he saw that it was pushed aside and also had their keys, wallets, phones, and a few other things laying on them. Just as he was about to go over however he heard a small groan and snapped his head back to see the Doberman start to turn his head away from the back of the couch and towards him.

"Tobi, thank god," Aksel said as he knelt down next to his head. "I was wondering what-" The deer's words were cut short as he saw the eyes of the canine were pitch black and shiny before he felt a hand on the back of his head push him in for a deep kiss. Aksel resisted for a second before he felt a deep desire in him and found himself making out with his friend for some time before the kiss was broken by Tobi.

"I must hurry," Tobi said, though his voice sounded off as he grabbed Aksel by the head and pulled him closer. "I'm not sure how long I can hold this and every second is dangerous for me."

"Wh...what?" Aksel replied in surprise. "What's going on, what happened to you?"

"We happened to him," Tobi replied. "The effect is temporary though, at least the mental part, the sex was because as soon as we connected to him your carnal side took over. The long and short of it is that I'm a symbiote currently inside of your head."

Aksel shook his head at that, scoffing at the idea even as he got a mental image of a black puddle of goo in his skull. "No way..." the deer said. "This has to be some kind of... joke..."

The deer trailed off in a groan as he felt his body begin to grow, his muscles all shifting and thickening at the same time briefly before deflating again and causing Aksel to pant slightly. "No joke," Sym said through Tobi's mouth. "Together we can become more powerful than any creature out there, but a host and symbiote can't fight one another. This will probably be the only time we can talk directly before the bonding process is complete and we're one, if you don't want this gift then transfer it to Tobi."

"Tobi?" Aksel said in shock as he looked down at the Doberman. "How do you even know he wants to be a host?"

"Trust me, I can see in his mind," Sym replied. "He practically worships masculinity and when you came in with my barest augments he almost jumped you right then and there, if we were bonded you could smell it on him. But I digress, you only have a minute to give it to Tobi and he can be the superior specimen... but I would much rather it be you, to be honest."

Aksel's mouth dropped at that but before he could ask anything else he saw the alien substance drain away from the eyes of the Doberman and he slumped forward once again. An alien creature was inside his head, and if he wanted to get rid of it he had to pass it to his friend... but as he looked at himself and thought about what the symbiote had said he found the proposition to be extremely tantalizing. As the creature inside him unlocked the memories of his previous transformations and the feelings that it brought the deer found that he was starting to get aroused just from the thought of it. A superior creature, that's what the symbiote said they could be, and as he looked down at his naked body the idea of it was quickly growing on him.

Slowly a smile grew on the face of the deer as his corrupted mind began to think of all the opportunities that they could have, feeling something push past his lips as he did. He brought his hand to his face and felt that his front teeth had turned to fangs with the rest of his teeth following suit as a thick, black substance dripped from his muzzle. The time to pass the symbiote up was over, and Aksel didn't regret it for a second as he began to see his muscles twitching. Not wanting to miss this mutation he quickly made his way towards his bedroom and stood in front of his mirror, grinning manically while watching the rubbery substance start to spread over his muzzle.

"That's it," Aksel said with a growl as he watched his entire body starting to pulsate with growth as he saw the alien veins in his body once more growing over his throbbing muscles. "Give it to me, give it all to me Sym!"

Sym was more than happy to oblige, though he knew not to push the deer's systems past their limits even with the augmentations that he had made. There would be more time to make the deer hulk out, for the moment the symbiote had something different in mind for their shared body. With Aksel's mind accepting him, at least as much as he could for the moment, he was going to take full advantage by cementing their bond with an alteration that would celebrate their union. As the deer continued to grip onto the mirror he could feel something pushing out of his fingertips as the symbiote began to mutate him.

Aksel let out a loud groan as his cock had already started to grow once more, taking the already sizable length and stretching it out right before his eyes as the skin began to grow shiny. It quickly became clear to the deer that this wasn't just going to be the bulking up that he had seen before in his memories, especially as he pulled his hands away and saw that he had grown a set of claws and his fingers had turned a shiny black coloration. Soon the alien skin started to creep down his hands and over his forearms, which thickened with growth as the symbiote tendrils underneath pulsed in time with his throbbing erection. The pleasure was not only building in his arms where the rubbery flesh assimilated his fur but also in his feet, looking down to see his hooves become completely enveloped by the same substance before toes began to appear that he found he could wiggle as webbing grew between them.

"Aksel?" The euphoria of the moment for the transforming deer was interrupted as he turned around, his eager, increasingly fanged grin turning to shock as he saw the Doberman standing there behind him with an equally surprised look on his face. "What's... happening to you?"

At first Aksel wasn't sure what to say, but his senses seemed to sharpen right at that moment and without even thinking about it his rubber-covered nose sniffed something in the air. It was Tobi; with his ability to share the senses of the symbiote he could smell what Sym had been talking about before, the arousal this man had as he looked over the increasingly muscular form of the cervine in front of him. Aksel began to grin and leaned back slightly to not only show off the eight-pack that was still growing and his mountainous pectorals but his cock as well, and the jock that the canine wore practically strained in his pants as he found himself taking a step forward. The deer could sense the other man was practically mesmerized by his new form and even as more of the symbiote covered him and the shiny black turned to silver when it hit the lighter patches of his fur it only served to accentuate his physique even more.

Sym had also learned much from this last endeavor and controlled the deer's growth to make him into a perfectly sculpted creature, a being that might appear in a painting or sculpture with everything purposefully proportioned to make Aksel into an Adonis among men. Though he retained most of his cervine nature there were a few parts of the alien that couldn't help but manifest, the tail of the deer stretching out behind them into something thicker and more reptilian as they took a step towards the Doberman with his equally reptilian feet. He could do more with the appendage that wagged lazily behind them as it grew but for now his focus was on the one that had fallen on his knees as the small bit of symbiote that Sym had left behind tweaked Tobi's brain as well. A superior creature such as themselves would need followers and servants to tend to their every need, a sentiment that was quickly being adopted by the deer he possessed as Aksel began to absorb the shifts in thinking more readily.

"You like seeing me like this, don't you?" Aksel said, his voice deepening as the rubber covered his head, watching the Doberman nod his head even as the symbiote covered his eyes and formed them into something bigger to fit with the morphing of his jaw into something more bestial in nature. "No one is stopping you, indulge in your cravings and worship this body that is very much deserving of it."

Aksel felt a tingle of pleasure go down his growing spine as he watched Tobi do that, going up to his body and rubbing his hands along it. There was a bizarre feeling of smooth rubber skin and fur as more of the symbiote assimilated it, Sym retaining the patterns on his body as dark brown continued to become black, tan became silver, and his chest became a dazzling white. Not only was it an alien feeling of having the hands of the other man practically gliding over his body but there was an increased sensitivity that came from it. When Tobi licked over his pectoral Aksel felt almost weak at the knees, though with his augmented strength that was still better than most creatures on this planet as he moved away from the mirror and towards his bed.

There was no need for them to watch themselves anymore, not when every inch of Aksel's body from hoof to antler had been enveloped and transformed by the symbiote that was inside of him. When the deer opened his mouth a long, rubbery tongue slithered out into the air as the grin grew wider on his monstrous face that was still looked somewhat cervine. It was clear though that they were much more than that however as they directly Tobi down towards their groin, watching the Doberman continue to fixate their eyes on him as they shivered from the fur brushing against their shiny inner thighs. Hours ago Aksel might have been nervous about this but now the only thing the deer wanted was to see the mouth of the canine stretched across his new cock as the mere breath of the Doberman on it caused them to tremble.

While Aksel became fixated on Tobi and his head starting to move along the head of his maleness Sym took a second to try and take stock of their current situation. The deer was so lost in the haze of pleasure and the intense feeling that came from dominating the other male that up until recently dwarfed his previous size that he could continue to tweak the deer's psyche, but for the moment he was content with what was happening. His host had accepted him and together they have created a form worthy of their joining, at least for the moment. Even fully integrated into the deer his form was still weaker then it should be and he had already stretched himself to the limit, which was a shame because there was a perfectly worthy creature between their legs that he could expand their influence upon.

But it wasn't like the canine was going anywhere, Sym thought to himself as he watched Tobi began to bob his head up and down on the foot-long rubbery shaft that they had created for themselves. This one was becoming practically addicted to them and he hardly had to change a thing except to suppress the initial fear instinct. But while the spirit was willing the flesh lacked a bit and even with Tobi's efforts to please this paragon of masculinity he was only able to get his maw around the first few inches of it. While Sym didn't have nearly enough power to make him into someone like Aksel as the deer rubbed a hand through the synthetic hair on their own muzzle he knew there was probably enough symbiote-laced pre to help with their current situation.

Tobi's eyes suddenly widened in surprise as he felt the powerful, clawed hands of the deer symbiote grasp the back of his head and slowly start to push him forward. At first his mind raced with the thought that there was no way he could handle this, but as the spire of flesh pushed its way deeper into his muzzle he began to feel his jaw stretch out past its limit. A dribble of black drool passed his lips as they turned shiny while the canine grabbed onto the tree-trunk like thighs of the male he was being pushed down into. Not only did the Doberman suddenly feel like he could fit more of the deer's cock into his mouth but he also began to feel his tongue start to stretch out, pushing past and coiling around the base of Aksel's member as he felt the tip of it touch the back of his throat.

With more of the symbiote being absorbed into the canine's throat and mouth it was easy to tweak the jaws as well as rubberize his teeth and tongue to get them out of the way. As Aksel's primal need began to reassert itself and a deep growl rumbled in his chest Sym made sure that Tobi could handle it as he removed the gag reflex and synthetized the flesh of his throat. It was not a moment too soon as the deer began to lose control, grunting and snorting as he pushed the head of the Doberman down far enough that a bulge clearly formed in his transformed neck. Tobi's eyes practically rolled into the back of his head as the only thing that came from having nearly a foot of cock pushed down into his throat was a pleasure unlike anything he had ever felt before as he serviced the muscle god that sat before him.

It wasn't long before Aksel clamped his thighs around Tobi's head and began to thrust forward, his tongue lolling out of his mouth as he claimed the canine as his own. The lump that had formed in Tobi's throat moved up and down as the symbiote deer got ready to seed his first convert, though Sym knew that there wouldn't be enough power for him to do much with it other than tweak a few processes to make the Doberman's systems more efficient and enthrall him just a little bit more. It wouldn't be long though before Tobi would join his friend as another snarling, muscular beast controlled by the symbiote that would reside inside them. For the moment though he was more than happy to let them have their fun, while Aksel was lost in the carnal bliss that came with the act of dominating another with his cock he was allowed to figure out what, or who, to do next. Several ideas came to mind, including the jaguar that they had allowed to get away which Sym was certain would not let happen again...