Recontextualize 3 - A Kind Wolf's Training Session

Story by Wildebunny on SoFurry

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#3 of Recontextualize

And it all started from one simple request.

"Slut, I've been waiting here for ten minutes."

Judy was panting while hunched over the pet bowl in the corner. At the sound of the voice, she turned her head. This wolf was a repeat customer on his fifth visit. She was in the process of training herself how to hold a foul mixture of panther piss and bear cum without spitting it out. If rabbits were capable of vomiting, she certainly would have. "Sorry, I didn't hear you walk in," she said weakly. More time passed than she thought.

"What have you been doing?" Marvin walked closer to the bowl. "This smells disgusting. What would happen if I kick this over?"

"Please don't, Marvin." She tried not to avert her eyes from his ugly attire. His torn pink clothes didn't go well with his grey fur at all.

"Oh? What happens if I do?"

Judy explained her current predicament, hoping that Marvin would show her mercy. "I need to train myself to hold it in my mouth and show it to him tomorrow or he's going to rip off my paw. Please understand. It tastes horrible. I don't even know if it would work since it isn't just his cum anymore."

"Hmm, not really sexy unless if I see it happening. I wonder how much it costs to have front-row seats."

Judy couldn't believe she heard that he wanted to watch her lose her paw. "Don't you like playing with me? It's your fifth visit."

"Oh, I do. You're special."

"Please leave the bowl alone. We can play your favorite games."

"But it isn't just his cum anymore... wouldn't you lose your paw regardless?"

"Maybe? I'm scared. I don't know." She hugged him and cried.

"That would be so unfair, wouldn't it? If you succeeded and he ripped your paw off anyway." Marvin stroked her head.

"Yes, but what can I do?"

"Nothing because this world is unfair. Now, let's see if I can change that. You're a hardworking slut that's desperate to satisfy. Keep practicing, I'll be back."

She resumed the task of training herself to hold the acrid piss and cum in her mouth without spitting it out. The taste of panther piss was just too revolting that she spat it out in the bowl again. Giving herself a few minutes to recover, she tried it once more. The process repeated itself and she was able to hold it in her mouth for a mere five seconds before spitting it back into the bowl. Her goal was to hold it in her mouth and show Koslov that she followed his instructions.

"Have you made any progress, Slut?"

"When did you get here?" her voice quivered. He had snuck up her on her again.


"I was able to hold it for five seconds without spitting it out." She hated the fact that she was proud of her meager accomplishment.

"Show me."

She lifted the bowl to drink just like before. Once the mixture was in her mouth, she hunched over the bowl so she could spit it out at any moment. After five seconds passed, she quickly spat out the mixture.

"That was only three seconds, slut. You won't stand a chance at this rate."

"Just give me time."

"So, I talked it over with your owners, and they agree on one thing. If you succeed, then you will keep your paw."

"That's great. Thank you." She was happy that one of her anxieties was no more.

He unzipped his pants and pointed his dick to the bowl.

"What are you doing?"

"Well, in case of training accidents. They permitted me to add some to your training bowl. You wouldn't want to lose your paw because of that, would you? There will be more than one mouthful for you to train with."

She couldn't believe that she was going to thank the wolf for pissing into the pet bowl. Her life really fell apart since that day. "Thank you," she said.

"Ahh." The wolf pissed into the bowl.

Judy's eye twitched as the bowl overflowed. The scent of wolf piss filled the air.

"Seems like I had more than I realized. Should be plenty for you to train with, and if you accidentally swallow some, you're not screwed. I want to see you practice."

She only stared at the bowl in front of her. The scent was far more revolting. Never did she think that she would be comparing the scent of piss from different mammals.

"Well? Do you need some motivation?"

"No, sir."

"Get to it. I'm paying good money for this."

She learned over the bowl to lap at it since if she tried to lift it up, it would overflow. One lick was all it took for her to gag. "Gah!"

"Try sucking it in."

Oh, she tried and quickly spat it out again. Her reflexes wouldn't allow it to stay. It tasted bitter and unpleasant.

"Seems like you're back to square one." Marvin rubbed his chin in thought.

She turned to face the wolf.

"What can we do? Oh, I know, there's some piss outside of the bowl. I want you to lick it up and swallow." Marvin carefully moved the bowl aside, to make it easier to lick. "You won't be getting refills so be careful with what you have."

She cleaned the floor with her tongue before, this shouldn't be too different. It took extreme effort for her to lick up just one puddle.

"This is taking too long. If you don't clean up that puddle in one minute, I will spank you ten times." He pointed to the puddle nearby.

The first puddle had taken her ten minutes and it was smaller. She tried to follow the wolf's command.

"Time's up," he said. "And way too slow."

The puddle was about a quarter done.

"Please, I don't know if I can continue if I'm spanked."

"What use are empty threats? Stand up. Move to the center of the room and get down on all fours."

"Yes, master." She was in position.

"One." The wolf lightly tapped her ass.

She breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that his threat was empty.


This blow made her scream in pain.


There was no strength between this one either.

His unpredictable pattern made her terrified. She didn't know if it was going to be light or soft. One of his forceless swats caused her to scream as soon as it made contact since she expected something worse.

"Didn't know bunnies can scream that loud."

After a few more swings, he said, "All done."

She rubbed her sore ass.

"Let's see if this worked. I'll give you one minute to do that again." He carefully led her to the puddle of piss. "Time starts now."

There was some improvement, but far from what the wolf wanted. Only a quarter remained. "Still way too slow. And to think, that there are still two puddles left."

"Please don't spank me again."

"Eh, that wouldn't help. Come." He put a collar around her neck and attached a leash to it.

It was one of the few times that someone took her outside of her room. She crawled behind him on all fours to the best of her ability.

"So, you don't seem to like the taste of wolf piss."

"Can you blame me?"

"No, I can't. It's rather understandable. Now, how do we make sure that you're able to perform tomorrow? It would be such a shame if you lost a paw."

"Didn't you want to watch that anyway?"

"A consolation prize."

"Gee, thanks, I hope I can entertain you," she said sarcastically.

They walked past the showers and past several rooms which she assumed contained victims just like her based on what she could hear.

"Where are we going?"

"Just follow."

They walked into a pristine bathroom that required a key to unlock.

"Go shower and clean yourself up. Remember that it's very important to dry your fur. You don't want to be sick tomorrow."

"You're allowed to do this?" Judy remembered the reluctance in the eyes of a few mammals before they accepted sloppy seconds.

"Yes, you've earned it, Judy."

"That's the first time that you called me by my name, ever."

"Just get on with it, Slut."

Judy turned the water on and tried to clean herself as best as she could. Dried bear cum and panther cum as well as candle wax was on her nose. The patches of candle wax above her eyes took some extra scrubbing to get out. She opened her mouth to drink the hot water in the shower.

"Do you normally do that?"

The wolf snuck up on her again. She screamed, "Get out!"

"Well?" He didn't move and stared at her naked body.

"Do what?"

"Drink water while showering."

"Yes," she said.

"For how long?"

"Since I learned that they didn't give me enough water."

"And do they punish you?"

She contemplated if it was a good idea to lie, but decided not to. "They haven't, yet."

"Clever bunny, but this ends now. I don't want to see you drinking this anymore, ever. Even when I'm not here."


"The next time that you do this, you will be punished."

"Why, Marvin?"

"I have my reasons. Now, continue showering."

She enjoyed the hot water running down her fur, and just stood there. The wolf was watching her every movement.

"You know, if you just stay here, then you will lose your paw tomorrow. I won't force you to get out, but take a moment to think if that's what you want. Quite the enjoyable hour, wasn't it?"

"Yes," she said. She continued to just enjoy the hot water running down her fur and the wolf just watched. "Are you just going to watch?"

The wolf nodded. "Feel free to step out when you're ready. Time might just run out you know. Don't forget that you might want to sleep before tomorrow too. Would be such a shame if you become a broken toy."

Judy stepped out of the shower. She put the collar on. "Fine, let's get back to training." She headed towards the exit.

"Not so fast. You need to dry your fur." Marvin took a towel nearby and slowly dried her fur.

"I can do this myself," she said.

"I don't trust you. You're more likely to leave some spots still wet, and you might get sick from that. Back in ancient times, do you know that many bunnies got sick because they dry their fur properly after a bath or shower?"

"That's centuries ago!"

"And we still receive reports from to time this very day. Certainly, you've read a few in Bunnyburrow."

She had indeed. Bathing and showering weren't safe if done recklessly even though it was comfortable. "This isn't my first time."

"No, but it's probably your first while in such a rush. Stay here while I get a fur dryer. Didn't you get sick for a week once already because of it?"

"Hey! You can't hold that against me. I was extremely tired."

"Just let me take care of you, and relax. I'll be back."

She watched the wolf walk out of the room. Marvin only prohibited her from drinking shower water, so she turned on the faucet nearby. If he complained, she could deal with it later. There was no telling when her next serving of water would be.

"Oh, so they let you do that too. And let me guess, they don't punish for it either." Marvin somehow snuck up behind her once again.

"Not every day. We only get to brush our teeth sometimes."

"Pathetic. Incompetent! And you've been here for what? Five months? Don't do that again either, ever." Marvin sighed." Sorry, I didn't mean to get so angry and it's not with you. Let me dry your fur."

Judy waited patiently while Marvin dried her fur.

"Perfectly dry." He sniffed the rabbit. "Clean too. Let's go."

Marvin attached the leash to her once more and she followed him. They didn't go back to her room either. He was leading her somewhere. She didn't know the layout of this place yet since she rarely got to leave.

"What would you like me to do now?"

The voice didn't sound distressed, and if she recalled it correctly, it belonged to one of the streamers that went missing.

"That'll cost you twenty more dollars," the voice said. "With that attitude, you can go fuck off. I'm banning you unless if you pay five hundred right now." A few seconds later, the voice said, "That's a good pervert."

A bit of jealousy stirred within Judy. She couldn't exactly identify the voice, but they seemed to be having a good time.

"Come on, slut," the wolf yanked on her leash. She picked up the pace which she didn't realize that she slowed in the first place. The voice became harder to hear as they moved past that room.

They walked into a room where Chief Bogo and three panthers sat around a table.

"That will be one hundred thousand dollars," Chief Bogo said.


"You might just end up behind bars for that. Now, she will cost two-hundred thousand."

"Fine," the panther relented. The panther passed him a check. "We'll be there on Thursday."

The odd of him rescuing her were slim. She had seen Chief Bogo in these meetings before without his knowledge. "Chief, please save me. It's been horrible here." It didn't hurt to try.

The wolf did let go of her leash so she ran to the Chief's side.

"What the heck are you doing here?" the panther glared at the wolf. "And how dare you bring her here while we're meeting with him?"

"Unscheduled meeting, not my fault. And you panthers are incapable of running a proper operation. Chief Bogo, special offer, she can be free for just five dollars. What do you say? And if you need money, here." Marvin tossed him a five-dollar bill.

She could hardly believe that the wolf wearing torn pink clothes was acting so brazenly.

"Hey! She's our property," a panther complained.

The wolf glared at the panther. "And? You're wasting tons of money already."

"How?" A panther narrowed his eyes.

"Unrealized revenue streams."

"Please, sir?" Judy said. It seemed like a deal that he couldn't refuse. "It can be just like old times and we can pretend that this didn't happen."

"It's complicated. You'll understand eventually. We're making this world a better place." Chief Bogo didn't look at her when he was speaking. The buffalo did let her embrace him and stroked her back which was comforting.

"Even I would have trouble sleeping at night after doing that. Cold heartless bastard. Do give her fox friend the chance of buying her for one million dollars. We can meet in the Nocturnal District at midnight. What was his name? Wilde?"

"He doesn't have that kind of money!" Judy said.

"That doesn't sit well with us. She's not worth that much. Overcharging would be bad for our reputation," the panther said.

"Right... how much do you think you're worth?" Marvin looked at her expectantly.

She couldn't believe that she was making an honest attempt at appraising herself. Unfortunately, she didn't know how much they paid for her nor how much her services brought in. The largest tip she received was a thousand which one of the staff members promptly took away. And they were willing to spend two-hundred thousand on an untrained victim.

"Four hundred thousand," she said. She was still embracing Chief Bogo.

"Well, she can't even do math. You know, three centuries ago you could buy rabbits at the market for ten dollars apiece. Accounting for inflation, she must be worth a mere six hundred."

The panthers were furious at that suggestion, but they remained silent.

"Let her fox friend know and get out of my sight." The wolf gave the chief his number.

Chief Bogo continued stroking her back.

"Ahem, that's your cue to leave, you heartless buffalo."

"Come." The chief was leading her out of the room.

"Leave the merchandise alone. You had your chance. Now, tell her fox friend. We're currently training her to present a mouth full of cum and piss to a bear. If she fails, she loses a paw. Don't worry though, she still has a few hours left to learn. Currently, even a few drops prove challenging. Can you imagine her succeeding?"

The chief tried pushing away, but she wanted to leave with him. He suddenly broke into a run and tried to lose her. She was fast and chased after him only for the chief to kick her away, sending her forcefully into a wall.

She clutched her stomach in pain. "Ouch."

"Be a good rabbit and wait for your fox friend," the wolf said.

"What are you going to do if I walk away?" Judy challenged.

"Not very smart, and you won't get far." Marvin sighed. "I'm sorry you had to experience that. Anyway, on to business. So, I learned that this slut has been drinking shower and tap water. Not only that, she hasn't received any punishments. Sluts like her also don't always get to brush their teeth. How are you going to justify that Mr. Dull Fang?"

"It's my turf. Know your place," Mr. Fang said.

"I would like to, really, but you're costing me money by not training them well enough. Sluts like her should only drink the water they're given or if it's from the toilet."

"Some aren't smart enough to figure this out."

"Then don't train them this way, dumbass. Water should be used for training purposes. They won't die, and you'll end up with better sluts and higher revenue. Should I check if any of them experienced dehydration unintentionally? Don't forget about their hygiene either. Unless if there's a specific reason, they need to brush their teeth before sleeping every single day. Sluts should only be dirty for specific circumstances, and if I check on all of them, I better not find any unintentional hygiene issues."

"You're right, of course. We will do better." Mr. Fang bowed submissively.

"Good. Remember, all meetings with Chief Bogo must be reported, and I'll be watching. If I find failure, one of you will become my slut. Now, let's go." Marvin led her out of the room with the leash. This time, he didn't seem to mind that she was on her feet instead of all fours. "That went on longer than I expected, and I'm sorry that Chief Bogo acted that way towards you. Your chance at freedom is gone just like that. Oh well, your fox friend might come around. Not all hope is lost yet!"

She knew it was a long shot because she could hear them talking from above or from the walls but he didn't need to know that. "I never imagined that he would be behind this." It was a lie that she tried to sell as best as she could.

"Anyway, now we have a problem. If Nick takes up my offer, you're going to be free. There is a chance that he doesn't care, and well, in your current state, you're going to lose a paw. I don't know how they treat invalids either."

"Nick will come for me."

"Okay, shall we wait until midnight? I'll let you know if I receive a message, of course. If we wait for that, you have at most twelve hours, and that's assuming if you don't sleep at all and that he doesn't arrive early."

"What do you suggest?"

"Since you're bad at training yourself, I'll aid you every step of the way. We start now."

"I can do it on my own. You can watch."

"It's not even amusing to watch you struggle so much, but clearly you know yourself best. So, I'll take my leave and you can resume your normal routine. I believe you might have three more customers before the end of the day. Sure, hope you don't fail. You've clearly got it under control." Marvin turned and started walking away.

"Wait, what about waiting till midnight?"

"You know there's no way that you can be trained within the remaining time. That means you're going to lose a paw. Besides, you offered that I could watch you train, which means either you don't believe your fox friend will come or want to hedge your bets. Thus, rendering that proposal null and void."

"Please, train me," she said through gritted teeth.

"Come." Marvin led her past her room. She wondered where he was taking her next. They were back in the bathroom that she used earlier to shower.

"What do you want to do here?"

The revolting bowl was back in her room, and there was nothing she could see.

"Stay here. I'll be back."

She sat on the bathtub's edge while waiting for the wolf to return. Part of her expected him to bring the bowl here, at least, then messes would be easier to clean up. He returned with one empty pet bowl and two packages of bottled water.

He took the bowl and dipped it into a clean toilet. "Drink."

"How's that going to help?"

"Let's set a few rules. One: No backtalking. Two: Try your best at everything. If you don't, I will leave. Now, drink."

She drank one bowl. It was repulsive but bearable. Just knowing the water was from, made her uneasy.

"Two centuries ago, the wolf slaves of Lapparka drank from that, and based on what we know, there wasn't a clear link to health issues. Oh, stay here, and I'll be back. I just thought of something."

Once again, she waited for the wolf to return, wondering what else he had planned. This time, he returned with two bowls of water.

"One is from the toilet, the other consists of bottled water. Can you tell the difference? You're drinking both."

"I'm not thirsty anymore."

"But you can still drink."

She drank one more bowl. "This is bottled water." She drank from the other bowl. "This is toilet water."

"Well, they were both from the toilet. I'll instruct them to provide you toilet water only from now on."

"I can taste the difference you liar." Judy had a moment of doubt.

"Okay, you got me. Now, you can choose between drinking toilet water and bottled water."

Since he gave her a choice, she chose bottled water.

"Disappointing thought you would be more eager to train."

"Am I supposed to guess what's on your mind too?" she quipped.

"If I didn't want you to have a choice, I wouldn't give you one."

After she consumed two bottles of water, he said, "That doesn't mean I'm not disappointed with your choice."

There was an inch of guilt that made her fill the pet bowl with water from the toilet. Hesitantly, she drank that. "I need to pee; can you turn around?"

"Piss in the bowl." He pointed to the pet bowl in front of her. The one that she just drank out of.

She tried for a few seconds then asked, "Can you turn around?"

He was kind enough to oblige. "I trust you're a smart bunny and you know what comes next."

Even though she had a good idea, she wanted to hear him say it, "Actually, I don't."

"Well, if you're going to lie. There's no need for me to waste my time." Marvin walked out of the bathroom.

"I'm not lying!" she yelled.

The wolf kept on walking away without even turning back. After a minute, she chased after him. "I'm sorry."

"That's not going to happen again, is it?"

"No, sir."

"Tell me what you think I wanted."

"F-for me to d-drink from the bowl," she stuttered. It was humiliating to admit that detail.

"I don't want to waste my time walking back there if you're not serious."

"I'll bring the bowl out here."

"You don't have permission to do that, but I still want to see that you're making an effort before walking back there." He scratched his chin in thought. "How can you show me that you're worth my time and not a lost cause?"

"I'll hold it in my mouth and show it to you before swallowing."

"Sounds good to me. Get to it."

She rushed back to the bathroom. The same problem she had earlier emerged. Her reflexes wouldn't cooperate. The sour and bitter taste of rabbit piss filled her senses which was only slightly better than panther and wolf piss. It took her ten minutes to even hold it in her mouth since the instinct to spit it out was too strong. Once she thought she could move, an involuntary gag sent it splattering to the floor.

There was still some piss left in the bowl. She gathered up the liquid and tried moving again. She placed one paw in front of the other. When she wanted to spit it out, she used her paws to hold her mouth in place, her entire body trembled as she slowly moved. The bathroom door was in front of her, and she swallowed while opening the door. She returned to the wolf who was still waiting there.

"Say, aah." Marvin inspected her mouth and took a few sniffs. "There's nothing there. Why are you wasting my time?"

"I - I tried, and failed."

"Tell me all about it."

Slowly, she recounted the humiliating events. "Please train me."

"Fine, it was too much to expect from you anyway. You're not going to lie anymore, are you? Did you know that an hour passed? You're lucky that I'm so patient."

"An hour passed?" She didn't realize that at all.

They walked back to the bathroom together. He pissed in the toilet and flushed.

"Why did you do that?"

"Training restrictions, we can't train you with wolf piss unless if it's from that bowl." He pointed to the bottles of water. "Let's try this again, drink."

When she was drinking her second bottle of water, the wolf said, "Don't you think there's a way for you to show that you're dedicated to the cause? You're not drinking fast enough."

"I feel full."

"Sure, that's normal, but there's still something that you could do. Don't tell me that you're not smart enough to figure it out."

She took a moment to think, then thought the wolf wanted her to drink water from the toilet. It would be better than saying that she didn't understand but he was the one that offered her bottled water this time. She took the pet bowl and moved it above the toilet, to submerge it in water just like before.

"No bowl this time. Drink directly from the source."

"I might fall in."

"That should be a risk that you're willing to take. Didn't you already fall in while training at the early days of the ZPD academy?"

"How do you know that?" She seethed with anger.

"I have my ways."

After she lapped enough at toilet water, she felt like she needed to pee again. Marvin pointed to the pet bowl, and she pissed in it. She just stood there, waiting for the next command.

"Do I need to feed it to you?"

Her mouth opened to say something but it was far too slow.

"I'll take that as a yes." He took the bowl. "Say aah."

She couldn't force her mouth open, so he pried it open and clamped it shut once he poured the piss in. Her struggles increased and she kicked him away. Without anything restraining her, she spat the piss on the floor. "I'm so sorry." Realizing what happened, she tried licking up the liquid to show that she was remorseful.

Marvin watched for a while. "If we do this again, it would be rather unhealthy for both of us so let's do something else." He had her follow her on all fours out of the bathroom. The only thing he took from the room was an empty water bottle.

They walked into a washroom where there were many predators. The wolf flushed the toilet once. "Piss in here." He directed a nearby fox.

She really wanted to lash out at the wolf for making her do this. No doubt his next command would be to drink the fouled water. And since she was on all fours, she probably walked in some piss as well. Not everyone had good aim.

Unexpectedly, he dipped his paw into the water and told her to open her mouth. Once his claw was in her mouth, he tried to hold her in place but she kicked him in the chest and gained some distance. If no one was there, she would've run away but an unexpected crowd showed up. Her ears burned with humiliation as she resigned herself to her fate. Protesting further would be unwise.

"Accidents happen, it's okay," Marvin said. "Try not to kick me this time or we might need to use bondage gear."

This time tears streamed down her face as she licked the claw clean.

"Four more to go."

One by one they repeated the process except when it came to the last, the wolf wasn't going to force her. She took the claw into her mouth and sucked it clean obediently.

"You otter, piss on her." He pointed at the otter in the crowd. "Try to drink as much as you can."

None of the mammals seemed to care about the wolf's torn pink attire. He was in charge and they knew it.

She tried to imagine that it was cum - something that she had done before. Her mouth was open while knowing what to was going to happen. The second it hit her tongue she instinctively shut it. The stream ended up soaking her face and her nose.

"Rabbits do lick themselves clean. Do that."

Her paws trembled as she tried to follow that command. While she was doing that unpleasant task, he called over one bunny and one squirrel and also asked for a paddle. They were both females.

"You will drink her piss, and if you fail, she will get twenty spanks."

Judy thought there was no way she could succeed. It was simply cruel of him to ask that of her. "Um, sir, I don't think I can."

"Well, I only care if you try your best. You wouldn't want to fail, would you? Sluts like yourself need proper motivation. Oh, and you still reek of otter piss."

"You clearly didn't give me enough time."

"Or you were way too slow. Can we get a show of paws of who is right?"

No one stood up for her.

"You, bitch, take your position on top of her."

The squirrel took her position.


The idea that someone might suffer because of her made her try her best. Judy held her mouth open and this time, she was able to swallow a mouthful and her mouth overflowed since she lacked the will to swallow a second. Even so, she forced the bitter liquid down.

"Disappointing." Marvin played the same cruel game that he did with her earlier by alternating his spanks. The rabbit screamed from time to time throughout the process. "Judy, give Trash your best ten spanks with the paddle."

"Can it be me instead?"

"No, do as your told."

"Yes, sir."

It was the first time she had to intentionally harm an innocent mammal. The first blow was soft since her paws trembled.

"You can do better. You wouldn't want to lose the privilege of gargling my sacred wolf piss, would you? Something might just happen to it."

The subsequent spanks had much more force in them until the rabbit begged for mercy after the sixth.

"Trash, I'm sure you've learned your lesson?"

"Yes." The rabbit's ears pointed downward. She looked miserable but they shared a knowing glance.

"Good, I'm sure you'll do better from now on. You may go." He looked at the squirrel "Bitch, what are you still doing here?"

The squirrel scampered away.

Judy felt miserable for inflicting so much pain.

"Who still needs to piss?" He looked at the paws raised and called over a fox. "Your boyfriend might be into that. Isn't it lucky that you have the chance to practice?"

"He would never."

"He hasn't called me yet, maybe he wants to keep his money. It's even possible that he moved on. You've been apart for what? Five months?"

"Listen, Nick cares about me!"

"Do you know that he doesn't enjoy this? Wouldn't it be cruel of you to deny him something that he wants? Especially since he's paying six hundred dollars for you."

An impromptu bidding war erupted where the highest number she heard was seven hundred thousand. It seemed a lion was the one who placed the bid.

"Sorry, she's not for sale yet. I might sell her tomorrow, but she'll be missing a paw by then. That wouldn't be a problem, would it?"

"Not at all," the lion said.

Judy could tell that lion was afraid to voice his reservations.

Marvin addressed her now, "Do you think you can drink from the tap without spilling?" he pointed to the fox that was waiting.

Judy shook her head. She had no idea what Nick was into. They haven't entered that phase of their relationship. The comment about Nick's probable kinks did motivate her some, but it still seemed like a daunting task.

"Someone bring me a mask and a funnel."

"No, not that. I don't want to choke."

"Fine, but anything that leaks out of your mouth, you will lick it up. We've kept this poor fox waiting long enough. Lie on the ground and hold your mouth open."

Her desire to please Nick caused her to try her best at drinking a random fox's piss. It went slightly better than she expected, she was able to force down one mouthful before the rest of it spilled outside her mouth. The musky scent of fox piss filled her senses.

"Clean, and be quick about it."

Oh, she tried, but the cleaning effort was still extremely slow.

The wolf didn't say anything else until she finished.

"I think I'm ready now. All this is training is for one reason." Judy knew her efforts were for her to hold a mouth full of wolf and panther piss with a dash of bear cum. Considering what she's done so far, it seemed trivial by comparison. "And I don't feel so good."

"Let's test that." Marvin had one of the nearby lions to cum on the toilet seat. She watched as the lion masturbated in front of her. His cum landed on the stained seat.

Judy licked it up without any instruction.

"Don't swallow. Anyone need to blow their nose?"

She wanted to protest because that wasn't what she had planned at all. Without spitting out the lion cum, she couldn't really protest. Five mammals wanted to contribute. Even though she did it before, the sheer number of mammals made it intimidating.

The lion made the first contribution. At least, it didn't seem to change the taste in her mouth since it landed on the cum. Then came a tiger followed by an otter as well as a nearby panther and finally, a fox.

"Good girl." He rubbed her between the ears. "Piss in this." He held the water bottle in front of her pussy.

She let loose a stream.

"Say, ahh." He poured the piss into her cum and snot-filled mouth. "Now, stand up. We're going to walk back to your room. Show it to me once we arrive, and if you fail, you need more training. Show's over folks."

Judy took uneasy steps out of the bathroom with the wolf supporting her. Partway through the journey, she used her paws to hold her mouth shut.

"You need to practice gargling too. Swish it around in your mouth," he whispered into her ear.

She was in no position to obey since just walking and not spitting it out took all her concentration.

"Hmm, what if you didn't have your paws around your mouth?"

They kept walking and her resolve was weakening every second. Soon enough, they arrived at her room without incident.

"Show it to me."

Judy slightly opened her mouth to give him a view.

"Put your paws behind your back."

The moment Judy tried to follow that order, she hunched down and spat the concoction on the floor.

"I guess you need more training. Follow me."

"What now?" Judy said miserably. "I just want to sleep. Please, we can train in the morning. At this rate, I'm going to fall asleep when it's time to perform."

"Shut up and follow, Slut." He made her walk on all fours and used the leash once more. In a nearby room, he grabbed a baby bottle.

She wondered what his next plan was.

"Now, we just need to fill it." Marvin led her to the bathroom where he found a tiger that gave a generous contribution. It even overflowed. "It's for the morning. Shower, brush your teeth."

"Just let me drink it." Judy just wanted to get the horrible task over with.

"Clean this first." Marvin presented his piss-soaked paw. He even rubbed her nose, drenching it with tiger piss.

"Oh, god." Judy moved to wipe off the horrible scent.

"See? That's why you should listen to me. Open your mouth or I will force it open."

Judy opened her mouth but it quickly closed when his paw drew near. She tried kicking him away just like before but he overpowered her.

"You know that screaming requires an open mouth."

This threat terrified her into compliance. He quickly rubbed his paw all her tongue, soaking it with tiger piss. "Lucky for you that it's time for you to shower and brush your teeth," Marvin said.

She immediately tried to spit it out once his paw withdrew.

"You may rinse your mouth."

The sink was nearby and she used it to rinse her mouth and wash her nose of the foul tiger piss. "I'm too tired to shower," she said.

"I guess you happen to like the scent of otter piss. We can work with that."

"What? No!" She experienced a burst of adrenaline. Quickly, she entered the shower to escape that horrible fate. He even joined her in the shower, saying that she could just close her eyes and he'll do the rest. Judy pushed his paws away so he just washed himself. Her movements were slow but eventually, she deemed herself clean and stepped out. The wolf took extra care in drying her fur.

"Do you want to walk or be carried? We're going to sleep next."

"I'll walk."

He attached the collar and leash once more. "On all fours."

"Please, carry me." Judy didn't know how far they had to walk and she was tired.

The wolf carried her delicately to a room with an actual bed. In the past, she had to sleep on the floor and make the best of it. He placed the bottle of tiger piss on the nightstand loud enough that she could hear.

Judy made herself comfortable on the bed.

"You've earned a good night's rest, oh and your fox friend forgot about you. It's past midnight, I'm so sorry, Judy." Marvin joined her as he said that.

She didn't push away when the wolf moved in closer.

The wolf had to be lying. She cried as she closed her eyes in his embrace.

"Don't worry, I'll help you through this." He stroked her head soothingly.

His fur was comfortable.