(Optional Chapter) Aromatherapy

Story by Blitz the Dragon on SoFurry

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#12 of The Griffon of Paradise: The Full Account

Optional chapters, as you'd expect, are not required to understand or enjoy the rest of the story. This is where I will be putting some of the kinkier stuff Gilda experiences that I know aren't as popular.

Day 24

So, the folks who knew me back on the mainland will tell you I've never been big on flowery, frou-frou shit like perfumes or scented soaps. I just go with whatever gets me clean, and I don't really care to smell like lilac or whatever. Girly stuff is lame, and they charge extra for the lameness.

So yeah, naturally there isn't anything like that on the island here. At the same time, the bodywash I normally use isn't here either. I mean, I suppose I could step up my hunting game so I can get one of those goats and use its fat to make soap, but I'd have to figure out how that works. Honestly? Feels like more trouble than it's worth.

This whole time on the island it's been warm - almost hot - and humid. That of course, means that I sweat. It's just hot enough during the day to keep me sweating, and having a black t-shirt doesn't help. You'd think the black coloring would hide the stains, but no. The dye or whatever they used is reacting to my sweat, now I have a bunch of orange spots under my arms and around the collar and sleeves. It's spreading down over the Vultures sigil itself (Once again I beg mercy of the rocking dark lords of metal).

Don't get me wrong, I do bathe regularly. I take a few minutes every morning and evening to stand under the waterfall for a hosedown. Figured out how to brace against all that water, so no more stupid falls into the pool. I usually go for a swim after that, then dry off and go back to camp for breakfast/dinner.

But at the end of the day, water is just water. I get most of the dirt and sweat off, but the B.O. sticks around. I first noticed around the second day here that I was starting to get pretty ripe. By the third day it was impossible for me to ignore.

Guys get the reputation for being the stinky ones, but us girls can stink a place up too if there's no soap. The first few days I had to smell myself I was really grossed out. Tried to get rid of it the best I could with a bunch of extra trips to the waterfall, and a few extra hours of swimming. None of that really helped much. Least the swimming's a good workout. I've already noticed less flab around the waist.

Getting back on topic though. As the weeks have gone on, I've gotten more used to it. Just last week I got a whiff under my arm and shuddered, but then I found myself going back to do it again. What is it about people's own natural smells that make it gross, but at the same time wanting to smell more of it? Guess everycreature does like their own "brand."

But, I think it's not just that I've gotten used to my B.O. Call me crazy or a weirdo, but I'm actually enjoying it now. It's really hard for me to explain, but there's just something hot about smelling more "natural," like how animals in the wild have their own signature.

Maybe my not caring about scented soap was trying to tell me something? I'd have laughed at the idea that one day I'd be sniffing my own pits and enjoying it, but today that's exactly what I was doing.

It was morning. I had girlwood as usual. Propped up one leg and started stroking along my snatch. Didn't remember any dreams of note last night, so I was just imagining some hot guys and girls I'd like to fuck sometime. I'd put one arm behind my head to get more comfortable while I played with myself. Since I was still half-asleep and relaxed, I let my head drift to the side.

With my nostrils in close proximity to my armpit, I got a pretty good whiff of myself. That woke me up. But instead of being grossed out, it made my pussy just THROB. I think my brain got my personal stank wired in my brain to the stank of sex. Either way, I was turned the fuck on.

I took another sniff, then another. Two of my talons slipped into my puss as I sniffed. My clit was rock hard, and I flicked over it with my thumb. Then I got an idea. I pulled my fingers out and dug them into each side of my crotch, just all over my mound. Then I brought my fingers up and sniffed them.

Holy. Fuck. I never thought I'd get off to the smell of my own cunt. Said cunt was oozing, the smell was sending shivers up and down my whole body. I plunged my fingers back into my snatch, three of them this time. Every few seconds I'd smell my pit again and fingerfuck myself even faster.

Even after I came, I just licked off my fingers, smelled them again, then kept going. My left leg was pressed straight up against the cave wall, and I kept my arm behind my head. All the better to smell myself.

I think I came like two other times before I finally got up for the day. I just wiped my hands off on my thighs before I put my bottoms on. Was on my way to the waterfall anyways. After dinner I masturbated like that again before I went to take my evening shower.

Y'know, I think it might be the general "wrongness" of getting off to my B.O. that's making it so hot. With nobody around to judge me, I'm starting to find out stuff about myself I would've never thought. Heh, for all I put on a tough front, I was too chickenshit to explore who I was in civilization.

Guess this island isn't the only discovery I made, and it's not going to be the last.
