Chapter 2 (False Validity)
Although gryphon could tell that jet pretended not to notice or acknowledge gryphon looking at him his tail clearly said otherwise. it flicked back and forth under the table with jet averted his gaze at anything but gryphon.
Chapter 1. Confusion
gryphon cut jet off to speak. "no you didn't i did. don't worry about it i'll be fine." gryphon said the memory of the previous night flooding back to him. jet rubbing gryphon's hard member and gryphon returning the favor ever so eagerly. "well, okay.
A change of Preference
gryphon asked being careful not to sound menacing. jet looked at gryphon again and in one movement brought his lips to gryphons and kissed him. gryphon's mind stalled.
Of Gryphons
, yogoloth replied in the local gryphon tongue. he wasn't about to give this gryphon any ground, he was still very sensitive about how both gryphons and dragons tended to view him.
The Gryphon
Inside this gryphon's body.
"gryphon" features male human on female gryphon action. should you choose to read this story, you will encounter kinks such as fingering and masturbation. have a blast! if you liked the story, fav it! if you loved it, rate and tell me your favorite bits.
The Serpent and the Gryphon
She crawled along the pile of twigs and grabbed the gryphon with her forepaws, pulling her closer to her chest. "gryphon, you say?" she licked her lazily across that small head of hers.
Gryphon's Persistence
"gryphons don't go back to sleep once roused." "pretend to." "gryphons don't pretend." "attempt to." "humans try. gryphons succeed." word games. always word games. and the damned sun didn't even rise.
Gryphon Breeding
A close friend of his, storm, was a gryphon like her with a wicked yellow beak tipped with black and a red edge where his beak met feathers: a gryphon of the old bloodlines. his blood showed in his height, the gryphon towering over the hen.
Gryphon's Lust
gryphons were the first to cast away their pettiness in favor of peace. "i took a risk by choosing a gryphon as my partner," makaidos said. "but many times gryphons have showed me what my own kin has not.
Mating the Gryphon
Makaidos goes through quite the rough treatment at the claws of his gryphon companion, rayik.
Punished by the Gryphons
At the moment my tail stings more than that dragon's flanks," the blue gryphon waved dismissively and dropped on the ground. "sharyk." the black gryphon walked forward.