Darks Tale

Story by Angelo Creed on SoFurry

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#1 of Darks Tale

ok my eairler story didnt wasnt much of a hit and was told that somthing like it has already been done so im going to start a new story i been planning for about two years now hopfully the wrighting tutoiral i took may help with the details here is the first chapter to Dark's Tale, oh and one last thing thing i'll be using the name Angelo again and it will be about an angel but there will be other furrys and that this story will contain sexual content later on so if your under the legal age get out now to those that are engoy the story.

Live as we knoe it is not as it seems, there are world's hidden from our own millions of them, every thing you see on video games or movies all exist in different worlds, this story take place in the world that created them all, the world of Angels, there empire strong and there armys infenent but this story isnt about conquest this is a story about betrail, love and hate it begins with our hero Angelo creed/Dark, the seconed son to the king of Angels Michael, Angelo a 3000 year old Angel (still young by there terms)

World of the Angels

In the city of Imperial, a place of peace, a city coulored silver, in the center of this city was a castle. The castle was plated in silver, it's center tower reached the sky. The tower held the thrown room, the king sat on his throne resting his head on his hand, his sons knelt before him, Angelo on the right and lushien on the left, Angelo had blond hair, blue eyes and was the avereage height for an angel 7 feet tall, lushion was Angelo's older brother, 5000 years old, he had black hair and brownish red eye's "father, you summoned us?" said lushion, looking up briefly before looking back down "indeed i did my son" replied the old king "my age has caught up to me im afraid" Angelo and lushion looked at there father, they both know what he was going to say "it is time i chose the new ging of the angels, i have not come to a desicion yet but will soon i thought it best if i let you know" he said "that will be all boys go leave me be" he waved his hand and the two brothers stood up and left the throne room "this is it brother the day I've been waiting for" said lushion with a smile "soon I'll be king" Angelo looked at his brother "good for you brother" he said with a slight smile, two angel gaurds in full armour bowed as they passed, the two Brothers walked down a spiral staircase "Dont worry brother your time will come" lushion said and slapped him on the back, Angelo looked at his older brother and nodded "frankly I really dont want to be king" he said himself "im happy observing the other worlds" he muttered to himself, they reached the thier rooms and angelo watched his brother walked to his room before he entered "putting lushion on the throne would be a bad idea" he thought to himself knowing his brother all to well, lushion was ruthless to his enemys or anyone who gets in his way, he took of his robes and layed in his bed looking at the roof "father nows this as well" he muttered to himself before he drifted off to sleep.


Three days later

Micheal had sommoned Angelo to the throne room alone, he was confused why not have his brother with him? He opened the massive doors that led to the throne room and walked up to his father and knelt "you called for me father" he said looking at the ground, his father looked at him "rise my son this is no formal occassion" he said and Angelo did so, looking at him "why did you call me father" his father put his arms behind his back and sighed "i have come to my desision" he said and looked at his son "I have chosen you to rule" Angelo steped back utterly shocked by his fathers desision "b-but Lushion is older then me he is the rightful one to the throne" he sluttered "I-Im still to young" he said, his father looked at him serously "I know lushion and i know what will happen if he becomes king I want you to rule you have what it takes to be a great king" he said with a slight smile "I will tell Lushion about this soon i thought id let you know first you may leave" Angelo bowed and left the room walked down the staricase into the training yard there he saw his bother training with other soilders his style was agreasive but skilled, Angelo stood and watched his brother train with the gaurds, he dashed under a slash to the head and countered with a palm to the face, he kicked the soilder in the gut, just before he could finish him off another Angel appeard and said something to him, he nodded and left his sword still in his hand, he shook his head and quietly followed him. The doors to the throne room closed behind him and Angelo stood by them he waited for him, he need to apologise and say he never wanted it, he heard lushion burst into a fury and argued with his father, Angelo listened to them, the noice grew to smashing and then silence, deathly silence, Angelo burst threw the door and looked in horror as he saw his father lifeless body, lushions sword plunged into his back "the throne is mine" he said and noticed Angelo "you stole my right you tratior" he pointed at him, Angelo knelt by his father "luchion what have you done?" he said tears in his eyes "i sucseeded him" he said and raised his voice "you tried to steal my throne from me" he said, Angel soilders ran into the room and watched looked at there dead king "w-what happed here?!" said one, lushion looked at the soilders and pointed at Angelo "he has killed our king sieze him!" the soilders did as they were told and grab him "he lies i didnt kill him he did!!"he cried but they didnt listen they carried him to the cells, they tossed him into the nearest cell and looked at him in disgust and left one even spat on him. for days he was tortured and whiped until the day came for his trial, they took him to the concil (the concil is there to run the city in the absecne of the king) one stood up "Angelo creed you have been charge with the murder with the king how do you plead?" he said Angelo replied "not guilty" he said, the Angele ignored him and continued "because of your hereatage we cant kill you so hence forth we banish you from this world forever" he said as two Angels in whit robs waled up to him, one held his head back while the other stood over him "as a reminder of your crime you will be cursed with the outcasts eye" the Angel continued as the Hooded Angel places his hand over Angelos right eye and his eye burned, he screamed as his eye began to change it went black but the puiple went red and slated, the Angel opened a window to a world and said "may you rot traitor" he had two gaurds throw him into the windo and it closed behind him.

there done sorry if it's short i proomise ill make the other longer but i hope you liked it all the same chapter 2 will be done soon if there are spelling mistakes im sorry i did this in not pad