SfKC - A Kobold's Fate

Story by Fenny Fennerson on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories from Kobold Camp

So, some stuff to keep in mind for how I personally like to write Kobolds. I go for the hot take of them being semi-mammalian, almost sort of like a platypus. So, yes. My kobolds have hair, and breasts, and produce milk. They also lay eggs. They're based vaguely off of Dwarf Fortress's Kobolds that used to be fairly popular about a decade ago, with big floppy ears, and big black eyes.

The biggest differences visually is that in true degenerate style I like to make the female kobolds take on some of the tropes of the thicc goblins we've been blessed with in recent years. Giving females exaggerated hips, shorter muzzles, and bigger eyes. Multiple breasts have been something I've also considered, though none of them would be very large on the critters frame.

Some random bits of info, because I don't expect you to know certain words as not everyone plays MWDF Kobold mod.

Shalswar - A breed of microraptor that Kobolds keep as pets, they fill a role very similar to cats in human society. They are probably something else in actual MWDF, but the default tileset makes them into little raptors and that's adorbs, fight me.

Kobold - While I specifically didn't use the different names in this story, I have been known to call them Earbolds. Cutebolds is the name they used to use back on /tg/. Dogbolds is another, relatively, common naming convention.

I might do a doodle of Shiki tomorrow, but my ms paint skills are not something I'd expect anyone to enjoy carnally. You'd have to be pretty desperate. :P

I have a Ko-fi, and starting with this story I will list out the beautiful people who help make sure I get to keep feasting on tostino's pizzas like some sort of freezer gremlin. Please help me make this list grow! I really want to turn it into a pastebin link one day.https://ko-fi.com/fennyfennerson

Supporter List

Big love for Fel

Traipsing down the slightly muddy path with her fishing stick in hand Shiki seemed relatively content with her lot in life. Born into a small encampment of her own kind, kobolds, she had been blessed with a life mostly empty of the fear, pain, and horror that some of the more adventurous kind had been subjected to. Never having to go more than a few miles from their lean-to village in all her days.

She hadn't been accosted by predators as a child, unlike some of her peers. She hadn't been carried off when young by large birds, torn apart by crocodiles, or murdered in a raid by some larger invader. Honestly believing herself blessed by the gods to have reached maturity, and to even be relatively successful at her divine task of helping to feed the group.

The normal wariness that almost all of her kind exhibited was lost to her on this cool morning. She had set out on her daily routine to be able to reach a further pond than most of the other fisherbolds would usually go to. Seeking, for once in her life, solitude. The night before the tribes shaman had taken her aside and explained some very serious things about her coming role in the tribe.

How she was now of age to bare young, how she was expected to do so soon, how she had been gifted with a plump frame and that she could have her pick of mate from any of the males. Shiki had known this was coming, but didn't expect to be told so off handedly to choose as soon as possible. The tribe was, she supposed, always in need of new hatches. She had filled out fairly young and it's not as if the boys hadn't chased her for years at this point, this was a long time coming.

Something about being told she had to choose rubbed her the wrong way though, and walking through the forest at the crack of dawn her choices seemed bleak. Courage and bravery weren't good kobold traits, the ones with them rarely lived long enough to mate. Instead she selected her possible suitors off more realistic biases, cleverness, stealth, and speed. Traits none of the males in the camp showed much more than average ability in.

She only had a week or two to choose, at most, or the option would be made for her. The shaman had made it very clear that her genetics and survival instincts simply had to be passed on, and that finding a mate from outside their small tribe simply wasn't a choice. Not for the first time she considered the idea of simply not taking a single mate, and she had asked about it the night before, being told that it was a viable option, but that the random chance of mates would decrease her hatchling's chance of survival.

It was a very tempting option, her short chocolate, nearly velvety, fur had gotten her attention from the mostly gray furred tribes males for as long as she could remember, but that was part of the problem. Taking the role of tribal broodmother was something of a holy status, it would mean she would be safe from going back into the wilderness, but that she would exist simply to be pregnant and bear as many young as possible. From any, and every, male that was in the camp that got the itch.

Some of those males absolutely sickened her, and she paused in her journey to the far watering hole, quietly standing on the less beaten walkway and breathing in the quickly warming air. Considering her choice of action, with her tiny toe claws digging at the dirt like an angry shalswar.

* * *

What the cocoa fleeced kobold didn't know was she was being stalked. For the last half hour, as the sun crept up from wherever it hid at night, a large timber wolf had caught her scent and begun to trail her from a distance, working its way closer and closer. Shiki suddenly stopping on the path causes the predator to hunker, Kobolds were fast prey. It knew if she could get to a tree she would climb it like a squirrel, and just like a squirrel it wouldn't be able to catch her.

The big gray canine watched its possible dinner, yellow eyes locked onto her smaller form. Predator instincts kicking in, suddenly bounding from its hiding spot, stealth thrown to the wind and the hunt being set onto the flip of a coin, a coin that seemed weighted in favor of Kobold Dinner.

Shiki's heart nearly jumped out of her chest and her tiny legs start to scurry before her kobold brain even has time to think. The first movement of the big wolf had broken a large bushes branch, the cracking sound of it sending her bounding for dear life, from zero to full tilt in two steps. Dropping her fishing stick and taking to the nearest tree in a flash. Her instincts, just like this one, had saved her in the past from time to time, but this time she was too slow.

Little kobold claws dig into the soft wood and pull her up for everything she's worth. She almost escapes, making it a solid four feet up the oak tree before the wolf gets to her, the adrenaline in her pocket-sized frame skyrocketing as she tries to go faster. The predatory canine misjudges its approach though, and for a moment the monster stands there, nose pressed hard against her groin, having gone under her loin cloth as it rose to intercept.

The sudden wet coldness on her underside, along with just overall fear causes her to squeak loudly and fall from the tree stiffly, much like a fainting goat, a reaction that some of her kind considered a blessing. Believing that perhaps the moments that it stole from them would make their usually swift deaths not so horrifically painful.

* * *

Warmth. Warmth and wetness, on her face? Shiki began to wake up, horrified, terrified, mortified, every kind of bad word ending with ified you can think of. Certain that she's being eaten alive and that somehow she's just not feeling the pain as she opens her eyes, desperate to see the sky one last time before her light of life is snuffed out. There it is, blue and beautiful, as much as she can see for the leaves above her.

Shuddering suddenly from an explosion of pleasure she tries to move, finding that her body is still obeying. The wolf is licking her all over, as if grooming her. She had seen other animals do this to their young, and to her greatest surprise all of her bits are still where they belong. The gigantic creature seems to just be cleaning her up, having coated her face with its drool as it sniffed at her.

Fear mixed with curiosity, leaving her queasy, was it about to kill her? Was there some way to get away, to scrabble to safety? She began to move, and it let her. Rolling onto her stomach Shiki started to crawl, trying to get away from this nightmare, maybe it would let her get up the tree. Instead, as she lifts her leg slightly to push against the dirt path the dogs nose pushes up her loin cloth again, and begins to lick heartily at her crotch.

Shuddering from that same feeling of intoxicating bliss she'd had shoot through her a few moments before the chunky little kobold begins to understand what's happening and looks back at the canine in disbelieving horror. Begging it to leave her alone, to stop licking at her, to go away, to do anything other than what she knew in her soul was about to happen.

Meanwhile the lapping continued, muzzle pressed down into her kobold fanny, like a bear feasting on honey. The size of its tongue and the sheer amount of stimulation was something she wasn't even remotely used to, even on a normal kobold sized scale, quickly bringing Shiki to a breathily drooling mess. With her head pressed down sideways into the dirt her claws rake at the pathway, digging furrows as she grasps for anything.

The timber wolf presses its long snout to her underbelly and lifts the pudgy kobold's backside up, just enough respite for Shiki to understand what comes next, staring back at it still half horrified, half in desperate wanting. Nearly twice the size of its suddenly acquired kobold mate the wolf takes a moment to adjust itself, thick red canine cock at full mast. Shiki's instincts kick in again, sense going out the window as she experiences raw lust for the first time in her life.

Lifting her butt and tail up to settle on dark brown furred knees the breedable little kobold tilts her head to place her chin directly on the dirt as Shiki's body decides exactly how this is going to work. A still vaguely aware part of her mind passes the idea along that at least she'll probably survive this. A plus. Definitely better than having her guts torn out and devoured as she watched.

Shiki shuts her big black eyes tight and braces herself for what's coming, it's not much help. Mounting her with little effort, front paws to either side of the kobold's head the wolf's cock presses dominantly to her sopping wet pussy, the fleshy shaft swiftly making headway in the slick moisture, stretching her out as it goes. Shiki yelps, totally unable to stop herself from vocalizing from the pleasurable pressure.

Her very anatomy saves her from the worst of the pain, despite having never bore young she was built to lay eggs, with especially wide hips. Absolutely stuffed to her limit by this rapacious beast she wasn't suffering under its actions. Quite the opposite, she gave in entirely to being its little brown breeding bitch. Whining for more and more as it roughly takes her from behind.

Big jaws panting over her head the floppy eared kobold loses herself in the act of being rode like this, the feeling of the wolfs balls slapping against her underbelly as it humps her at a ferocious pace. Writhing from the satisfaction of being bred with such abandon Shiki starts to whine needily. Ultimately, the wolf doesn't care what she wants or needs, never slowing its pace, pounding her down into the cool soil almost like a machine.

Eye's popping wide open as its canine knot plugs her Shiki can't help herself from orgasming loudly as she's creampied on the path, her mind totally blank and running one hundred percent on autopilot. The sheer amount of cum overflowing out of her, leaking down her inner thighs, no matter how tight the knot's plugging is. It's the wolfs very sudden dismount that throws her for a loop, popping the knot out as it pulls back to lick at her behind again.

Laying there in the dirt, hot spunk practically pouring down her thighs the little kobold flops to one side and promptly passes out again.

* * *

Waking a few hours later in a small pile of last years fall leaves Shiki needs time to take in mentally what happened to her. The timber wolf had moved her so gently to this new place as to leave no mark, and had slept wrapped around her protectively. She knew where she was, and that she needed to make it back to her camp. The shaman needed to know about this, surely it was a sign from their gods about something.

Instead of trying to sneak away though, she just snuggled in. Prepared to sleep out the night with the timber wolf looking over her. No Kobold had ever felt safer in it's entire life.