Snakeskin Redux

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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It's a normal day in Stormhaven academy, it was the first day of break and those that were left behind find themselves a target of a rather peculiar entity. This is a remake of my original story Snakeskin as voted on by my patreons as the sequel reward for its growth.

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It was a quiet day in Stormhaven Academy; the usual group of students that hung around the expansive courtyard or in the various buildings that surrounded it were not present. There were still a few that could be seen that wandered aimlessly about but for the most part the campus was devoid of the usual bustling life that dwelled within. This was because most were gone for spring vacation and they either opted to go back to their parents or go on some sort of party destination for the next two weeks. There were no classes or anything of that nature going on and even those that had decided to remain didn't have to worry about them as the faculty gave the student body a much needed break before finals.

Shane was one of the few students that decided to stay on campus. His home was more than a fair few hours to drive home and he preferred the comfort of his dorm room to staying with his parents for two weeks. Plus with very few others it felt like he owned the place and there were still a few shops that were open that he could use during his stay that provided him anything he needed. Of course there were a few exceptions to all this and he found himself sighing inwardly when he passed by a group of students that were talking about throwing a rather large party, hoping it wasn't anyone in his own building as he walked by.

"Hey Shane!" someone shouted behind him, prompting Shane to turn around just before he had entered into the common room of his dorm. It was his friend Zach, who shared his major and several of his classes that allowed them to become friends. "There's going to be a bunch of parties for the next few days, you going to go to any of them?" Even though it wasn't likely Shane just gritted his teeth and nodded, hoping that his friend wouldn't try to drag him to any even though he enjoyed hanging out with him as Zach smiled at him. "Awesome, I have to get going but I'll see you in a few, alright?"

Shane once more gave him a nod and watched as the other guy practically bounced back towards the quad where a number of dorm buildings were, most likely to try and rope others in to party. He couldn't help but smile a bit at his friend's enthusiasm and was glad that he was also sticking around during the spring break. Even when the college was full it was hard to find people to just talk to, especially if you weren't part of the frats that were on the campus. There was also some sort of special group that was sponsored by the college itself but you basically had to be invited to it on the first week of being at the college, and since he didn't it appeared whatever strange secret society had decided to leave him in the dust.

Either way Shane just wanted to head back to his room and relax for a while, thankful that his roommates had all left to whatever places they went off to. Once more it made him feel like he was the lord of his domain and it made him feel like he was having a taste of life outside of campus. He was only a sophomore himself and was lucky enough to get into one of the larger apartment-style buildings, but that also came with three others that lived with him. But for two weeks he could put whatever he wanted in the fridge without any worry of having it accidently eaten and watch whatever he wanted in the common space without the others pushing him back to his room.

When he got up the stairs to his floor and walked to his door he found himself stopping in the middle of the hallway when he saw something in front of it. It was a simple brown package, but what was odd about it was that mail usually came through the student services center. They never delivered anything to someone's dorm room, which meant that someone had to hand deliver it to him from someone else in the campus. Was probably for one of his roommates, Shane thought to himself as he resumed his walk towards his door with his key card in his hand.

Much to his surprise the package was addressed to him with only his name and dorm number on it, Shane opening the door and sliding the small box inside before shutting it behind him. Once he was inside he picked it up and looked at it, shaking it gently to try and discern the contents inside. It was a mystery on what it could possibly be and in the back of his mind he wondered if someone was playing some sort of prank on him. He didn't have any people he really knew in the dorm building though so unless it was one of his roommates that left it for him, which would have strange since they could have just left it in his bedroom, he didn't know who would give him anything.

Even though he had the run of the dorm he immediately went to his bedroom where all his stuff was. His bed took up nearly half the space of the rather cozy space with his desk and closet taking up the rest of it. He flopped down on his bed after he tossed his backpack down at the foot of his bed, moving his package around in his hands before opening it. He wanted to know what was inside, but when he had torn the paper off of it and revealed the contents within he felt his stomach drop to the floor.

At first what he saw was a comical green cobra with a blue diamond pattern pictured on the front, but almost immediately his eyes were drawn to the smooth, tapered cock that was poking out from the body of the obviously male creature. It was extremely lewd and the creature had one hand wrapped around it while the other gestured to the words that were printed on the box. It had the words The Constrictor on it in bold letters and underneath was a description of what was contained within. Shane originally thought that it was a box of condoms, but when he read the rest of the box he found out it was some sort of vibrating penis sheath that was stylized to look like a snake.

Shane could feel sweat form on his forehead as he continued to stare at it like it wasn't real and would disappear eventually, but he continued to feel it in his hands he knew it wouldn't. What the hell is going on here, he thought to himself as he turned on his side to get more comfortable. Had... someone found out about his secret? As he looked over at his desk he looked at his laptop and knew that there were a number of images that were on a secret folder in his hard drive.

It hadn't been until he had gotten to college and had a little more freedom along with his own computer that Shane had found out he was a furry. He had also realize that in a strange twist that while he had liked girls all though high school, even having a girlfriend senior year, he had found himself drawn to all manner of male anthros on the internet. Muscular dragons, lithe lizard men, what had started as just looking up fantasy creatures in his down time he had stumbled upon something that awakened something in him he didn't even realize he had. More than once he had stroked himself off while looking at the thick cocks and beefy pecs of the masculine creatures he had downloaded.

But lust was the last thing that Shane felt at the moment as he racked his brain on how someone could have figured out what he was into and why it would prompt them to give him something like this. Once again the only ones that would have access to his computer would be his roommates. He didn't ever access his secret file when he was out in class, the last thing he wanted to do in the middle of a lecture was tent his pants, but his laptop was password protected when he wasn't in his bedroom to prevent any snooping around. So no one could have possibly known what he was into, but yet he continued to lay there he still had the box with the rubber penis sheath in his hands.

His curiosity finally got the better of him and Shane opened up the smaller box as well, sliding the contents out into his palm. What fell into his hands looked like a cross between the snake puppet and a condom complete with a few areas that he could tell where the vibrators would be. The sensation of rubber against his skin caused him to shudder slightly and he realized that it already was starting to arouse him. Even though he knew he was alone he couldn't help but feel a pang of fear as he locked the door and went back to his bed.

Despite feeling nervous there was also a slight thrill that came from it as well while he continued to expect the strange item. Due to his situation he wasn't able to indulge in any physical items that would be sent to him through the campus mail, and before spring break he would likely dispose of this thing as well. While he was alone though he may as well have a little fun with it and the nervousness he had initially felt was starting to ebb away and be replaced with lust. He found himself taking off his clothes, stripping down completely naked and finding that he was already half-hard with pure anticipation.

As he looked down at his member Shane gave it a stroke and felt the six inches of sensitive flesh throb slightly from the stimulation. He had never had any sort of carnal relations with anything but his hand before and he felt himself blushing slightly when he looked back down at the snake. His first time and it was going to be with a sex toy, though as he unfurled the rubber completely he found himself licking his lips slightly. Part of him wondered if perhaps he could get some sort of dildo at some point and pretend it was one of the thick anthro males that he had seen on his computer, though at the moment he was content with dipping a toe in the fetish pool.

Shane let out a slight moan as he started to slide the ring of green and blue rubber down his shaft, watching the pattern stretch out slightly as it engulfed the head. His legs kicked slightly from the sensation of the synthetic material on his cock and even before it had gotten completely down he had started to shiver. It wasn't just the fact that he was seeing the snake starting to form but also the rubber itself that tingled against his skin. He had never thought of the shiny material as sexy before but he was quickly getting into it as he pushed it down further onto him.

It took several minutes before Shane could finally get it down to the base of his shaft, and when he did h could see the molded eyes and mouth pressing against the head of his cock. The sheath fit him perfectly and it looked like he had a shiny rubber snake that emerged from between his legs as it continued to throb. Once he had gotten over the wave of pleasure that came from having it completely engulfed he couldn't help but giggle when he realized that it looked a lot like the picture on the box. Even with it being made of rubber he could almost imagine that it was a real rubber snake before a sudden vibration that went through it caused his back to arch.

Did he accidently activate the vibrating function, Shane wondered as another jolt went through his entire body that came from his groin. At this point his mind had completely forgotten about the fact that this package arrived to him under mysterious circumstances, the only thing he could focus on was the pure bliss that was coming from the vibrating sheath. All he could do was hold onto the bed sheets as it felt like every inch of his cock was getting stimulated at the same time. He was so enraptured that he didn't even notice that as his hips humped up into the air the rubber rippled down his shaft and seemed to stretch even more upwards...

As Shane continued to writhe in pleasure his fingers curled against the sheets, not needing to touch his cock with the vibrations doing all the work for him. Even with his mind inundated with pleasure he found himself wondering if he could keep such a contraption that was about to bring him to orgasm. The box he could dislodge in the dumpster and as for the sheath itself there were a few hiding places he could use. But those thoughts were quickly pushed aside as an intense pleasure washed over him from the rubber snake sheath as his eyes glassed over while he stared at the ceiling.

Shane's hips arched up into the air as he came, imagining the head of the rubber snake device bulging with his cum as his shaft continued to buzz and vibrate. His skin began to shine with sweat as he panted and gasped, trying to be quiet even though his roommates weren't around to hear him. The fact that he just orgasmed without his hand being in the equation was so intense and even as he started to come down from the euphoria of it there was still a pleasant buzzing coming from his groin. Even with having finished his climax his cock only softened slightly and drooped back against his abs where he felt the rubber slide against his stomach.

That was when the still horny young man realized that something was amiss. His cock felt bigger than it had before and as it continued to rest against his stomach it was starting to twitch strangely. It was then he realized that he had not even looked down at it since it had started to stimulate him, his mind focused on the pleasure that he had been getting instead. When he looked down at his rubber covered cock he let out another gasp at what he saw, his eyes widening in shock.

His member had grown sizably thicker and longer then he was used to, but what made Shane's entire body tense up was the fact that the shaft was far more flexible than before. It wavered on its own accord and with every second that he continued to watch it the more alien it seemed to become. It was like... like he had an actual rubber snake as a cock, and as the head of it bulged and flared out it became more serpentine by the second. When he grabbed the synthetic shaft he found his hand hardly able to close around the width of it as it seemed to squirm around slightly in his hand.

"This... this isn't real," Shane said as it felt like he was holding his cock, but at the same time it continued to move of its own accord. "This is just a toy, it's some sort of prank."

At the sound of his voice the growing rubber snake that used to be his cock seemed to stiffen once more, then twisted around and looked at him. Shane's heart skipped a beat as it seemed to look at him, those serpentine eyes staring into his as though they were real. It swayed unnaturally back and forth while locking gaze with him, and strangely the fear and trepidation that came with suddenly having a semi-sentient rubber snake cock began to ebb away. It felt like it was lulling him into a more relaxed state, which in the back of his mind was insane because this was some sort of strange sheath that was somehow swelling up his cock.

As Shane felt himself leaning against his pillows once more the snake his cock had become seemed to have become satisfied at the human's compliance. Any pretense that this was some sort of illusion or gimmick of the toy disappeared as his member slithered with inhuman flexibility away from his stomach to the other side. He let out a groan and instinctively his legs began to spread open as he felt the rubber slide against his inner thighs. Shane found himself watching in sheer disbelief as the thick, throbbing rubber shaft disappeared down between his legs as he felt it slithering down past his taint.

It wasn't until the head of his own cock pressed up between the cheeks that Shane snapped out of his reverie and his brain caught up with the situation that was happening. Even though his mind told him to run, even though he didn't have anywhere he could think of to go to handle this problem, his body remained completely frozen. His body shivered as he tried to sit himself up, only to fall back onto the bed as he put pressure on the rubber snake cock that was between his legs. The target of the seemingly sentient snake creature that his cock had become quickly apparent as the head of it started to spread open the cheeks of his rear end and he felt the impossibly smooth surface start to slide inside.

This was not what Shane imagined his first experience would be; the last thing he expected he would find that would take his hole was his own member, but as his hips arched up he could feel it nudging against his hole. Part of him thought to reach down and grab it but he doubted that he could have stopped it, seeing the base of his cock throbbing as the rest of it began to push inside of him. Even through the intense haze of pleasure he looked down to see that the blue and green rubber at the root of the snake creature spread over his groin. A similar sensation could be felt happening to his rear as the tip continued to press inside until it finally popped inside of him.

Whatever transformation happened had caused the insertion to be completely pleasurable and entirely painless, causing Shane to huff and groan as he turned over onto his stomach. His hips pushed against his bed as his cock continued to push into him as it grew longer and thicker. If he kept watching it he would have seen the creature attached to his groin was nearly as big as both his hands together as several inches kept stretching him open. It was like he was humping into himself and the rubber snake cock backed out slightly before pushing another inch into him until it was practically pushing out his stomach.

Just as Shane thought things couldn't get any more bizarre he began to hear something that tickled his ears. Above his own moans there was a strange hissing sound, it made him think that his snake cock was doing it except he could feel it wiggling inside of him. At this point he was penetrated so deep that he could feel a lump form in his stomach that his hands drifted towards while his chest pushed into the bed. As he felt the rubber slide against his inner walls he could feel the snake inside changing him, transforming him further as his fingers pressed against the flesh of his stomach and it was becoming smoother.

But before the changing male could figure out what was going on the snake cock seemed to sense that he was growing more suspicious about his body and thrusted harder into him. Shane let out a loud moan that would have been heard by all his roommates that they been there as being pounded by his own cock quickly brought him to orgasm. His climax was so powerful that it caused him to black out, the last thing he heard as he sank into unconsciousness was that hissing sensation. As his sweaty body fell against the sheets it remained still for a few seconds before his hips began to shift about from the snake cock still inside him...

Meanwhile in another plane of existence the image of the naked college student remained visible on the large monolith that was projecting it, the two that were watching it seeing the rubber starting to spread over the human's body before the scene went dark. "It appears that our gift has been very well received," the larger of the two creatures said, the glowing red eyes of the black rubber dragon watching as the image of a college campus reappeared. "I have to admit I was a little weary, but it appears that the research done has panned out so far."

"It appears so Master Renzyl," the silver rubber raptor said, his own mirrored eyes watching Renzyl as he began to walk away from the crystalline podium the two had been standing at. "What do we do now?"

"Well once we have someone that we know is under our control we can distribute the rest of our presents to the good little boys of Stormhaven," Renzyl explained with a smirk. "As I told you once the other Generals are there and in position we can start to spread without the need of sending more minions disguised as gifts. Of course even when we have the three we need there are quite a few that have volunteered as well once they heard what we were planning."

"I should have guessed that Zander wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut," Chrono said with a slight chuckle before he looked down with a slight worried look on his face. "I just... I can't believe that everyone is so eager to be on board with something like this. Are you sure that we should be devoting so many resources to this, especially most of our generals?"

Much to the raptor's surprise he suddenly found Renzyl had stepped up close to him, feeling his hands press under his chin and bringing his muzzle up so they were eye to eye. "There is no resource that I wouldn't spare in order to do this," Renzyl stated simply. "It's been quite a few years since I've visited this place anyway, and even despite the fact they have the means to block out most of my abilities and keep us from teleporting directly in just makes our success all the more sweeter when it happens. Plus they always enjoy finding unconventional means to take over another."

"I'm sure they are more than enthused to help settle an old score Master Renzyl," Chrono replied, the smile returning to his face. "Speaking of such, who are we sending over next?"

Renzyl just nodded over towards the entrance to the hub and Chrono looked to see an incredibly muscular bronze-scaled rubber naga and a rubber lizardman with a furry tail tip and intricate designs over his lithe form. They gave both of them a small nod and proceeded to move over towards the central platform where the twisted obelisks swirled up around it. As they walked onto the platform the rubber dragon joined them up there. Chrono just watched from his position as he watched the nexus creature work his magic, watching as he transferred the essence of the two into items that the other two creatures had brought with them.

Chrono found himself frowning slightly at that; while Renzyl had assured him that nothing would go wrong the fact that they had to basically smuggle the creatures in as somewhat innocuous objects shared an inherent risk to it. There was the possibility that they could become tracked as inert objects, but after peeking in and seeing that the first one they had sent, the anaconda condom, was a success he did feel a bit better about their mission. Once Shane had been completely transformed they would have someone else besides their initial contact at Stormhaven, which means if this does go south then at least they might have a chance to rescue the others. The nature of the academy and those who protected it would know that Renzyl had been involved, but hopefully it wouldn't come to that.

As Renzyl continued to do his work the silver raptor found himself staring at up at the picture of the campus that had started to grow dark from night falling, a sneer forming on his face. Stormhaven... it wasn't the first time that the rubber dragon had visited the place, and the last time he breached into that realm the magical order that resided there banished him from the realm. It was a rare feat that very few could do and as he looked over at Renzyl he knew that the rubber dragon who had stepped off the platform was ready to get in there for some revenge. It was something that Chrono was all too ready to help with as he powered up the teleportation hub to send the next gifts to their destination.