DREADWOLF Chapter 30 to 34

Story by Stratothrax on SoFurry

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DREADWOLFMonster power fantasy. Eat and become Stronger, Bigger, Dominant.

read ahead:


Chapter 30

Rain pushed through the foliage and emerged back into the central clearing of the Half-goblin tribes cavern, he held a dead Goblin in one paw, the last to be recovered after scouring the place. Things had progressed quickly and there were many many bodies laid out before him. Forty regular goblins, sixteen Lamia-goblins, six Human-goblins, eighteen Harpy-goblins, a Minotaur-goblin, a legless regular Minotaur, a Queen Harpy, six Diredog-goblins, and two Cavebear-goblins. It would have been three but Rain couldn't get the one he had pushed down a hole out of it so he had eaten it where it was.

It was a lot. Easily more than twice as much meat as the piscine army had been. Drool dripped from Rain's mouth and his lower jaw trembled in anticipation. His stomach had demanded he eat with every body he dragged to the clearing, it had been immensely difficult to hold off so long and his hunger was verging on pain. His paws curled and uncurled as his eyes ran across the last of the bodies that Opal and the Kobold were busily stripping.

Enough. He had waited long enough for this. Eyes alight he threw the last Goblin on the pile and dived on the nearest Lamia-goblin. He hadn't tasted Lamia before. It tasted saltier than he expected, a little bit like eel which he had sometimes stolen from the butcher's shop in his previous life. The interaction of Goblin and Lamia was interesting, a two-tiered flavour that left a Gobliny after taste. He sucked up the Lamia-goblins tail into his mouth like spaghetti until he was forced to start biting off chunks and gulping it down. It didn't take long to consume his first Lamia-goblin, he was absolutely ravenous, and he immediately pounced on the next and then the next barely stopping to let the growth shudder through him. He groaned involuntarily, how he had lasted this long without going mad he didn't know, he needed the feeling of growth, the feeling of power and strength welling up inside him like nothing else, addictive didn't begin to describe it.

It wasn't long before he had eaten all ten Lamia-goblins and regretfully the last went into his mouth.


He leapt on the Human-goblins and began to consume them. Flavour: mediocre. The mix of human and Goblin taste went poorly, the flavours trying to overpower each other while at the same time cancelling each other out, as a result he found them dissatisfying and it left him wanting. Still, it did not stop him from gorging himself and soon the six were gone.


Next was the Harpy Queen, her comparatively large body was the starter to the Harpy course. Opal had taken back the Inquisitor's longsword and the Queen was laid out next to her daughters. Rain didn't sit on ceremony and pulled one of her thighs into his mouth. One bite, two bite, thr-- he paused. Sweet! What had started as a mild background taste became as overpowering as eating cake frosting. He struggled to adjust to it, the fact meat could taste like this was jarring to say the least. It took him a few moments but he managed to start eating again, though the overpowering sweetness made him want to gag at times. When the Harpy queen was devoured at last Rain actually felt the need to wipe his tongue on his paw to help rid himself of how sweet it was. He eyed the other Harpy-goblins with distaste and shifted to eating a Cavebear-goblin for now to cleanse his palate. The smoked oaken taste of the bear was a balm to his taste buds and washed away the feeling of having just eaten a bucket of sugar. The Bear was big, a massive amount of meat, and it took him a long time to get through it with multiple breaks. By the time he was nearing the end Opal had joined him, resting her hands on his chest and feeling him grow larger.

He finished up the bear with a few snaps of his jaws and reluctantly turned back to the Harpy-goblins. Hesitantly he nibbled on a corner, then took a small bite, then a larger, he blinked in surprise. The sweetness was still there but the mixture of Goblin had massively reduced it and introduced a savoury element. Gleeful at finding an unexpectedly highly ranked food he chowed down on the half Harpies quickly grinding his way through them. The last of them soon disappeared behind his jaws

More. More. More.

Next he moved onto the Diredog-goblins. Fiery, more fiery than any Kobold, much more so. The disturbing looking creatures burned on the way down and Rain was soon breathing hard, his mouth on fire. However, despite the pain, he found that he couldn't stop himself from taking another bite, morish was an understatement, the spiciness made them sadistically satisfying and he couldn't help but shovel more mouth burn into his mouth. His eyes were watering by the time the last Diredog was done with. He collapsed onto the grass panting like a bellows as his stomach began to digest. Opal fell atop him and hugged his torso.

He groaned as his bones began to grow once more and his stomach flattened. Opal came to rest on his muscular abdomen with a little sigh.

"So worth it. Spicy but so good."

He looked down at her, so much smaller looking than when they'd first met.

She looked up at him and smiled. "I made a good call, yes? This tribe was prime for getting eaten."

"Yeah, you did, it was a smart idea. I feel that much bigger and I haven't even finished yet. You're starting to look so tiny." He held up one of her hands in a giant paw, just one of his paw pads was nearly the same size as her hand.

She blinked up at him.


"So small. I must weigh several times what you do by now." He gave her a wolfish grin.

A flicker of emotion crossed Opals face, first immense pleasure, then worry, then unhappy frustration. She bit her lip and abruptly got to her feet. She looked like she was about to say something, then shook her head and ran off.

Rain looked after her in surprise.

"...doesn't she like that?"

He furrowed his brow but he couldn't think why she would suddenly feel upset. He grumbled but as his stomach growled for more he put it to the back of his mind.

Forty Goblins awaited his jaws and he wasn't going to let them remain outside his stomach. He ground his way through them, compared to larger monsters Goblins were becoming trivial to eat due to his larger body, appetite, and maw. There were a lot of them but he was very very hungry, hungry enough that he was eating Goblin before the previous had fully digested. Gut rounded with Goblins he eventually consumed the fortieth goblin. Without pause he went straight into the remaining Cavebear-goblin. It didn't take long and soon there was nothing left of the hill of flesh but a wide puddle of blood. He belched loud and long as it digested and the last of the growth washed over him with a satisfying stretching feeling.

Of the half goblin tribe only Cairn and what Rain assumed what was Cairn's unwilling father now remained. He could only compare it to eating two entire cows. He gave the Minotaur he had mercy killed a moment of thought, a thankyou for his body and his sympathy for what had happened to him.

Rain had consumed an entire monster tribe, a large one. Ninety two once living beings had gone inside him and been made a part of him, fuel for his immense surging growth.

"G-gods, I've never eaten so well in my life."

He simply lay there for a moment, a wolf in a field of blood. There was so much blood that it covered most of the grassy clearing.

After a little while, he rolled to his feet. The ground was significantly lower than he remembered, a sign of his growth. He estimated he'd hit eight foot tall at this point, nearly a full foot of growth, which was a huge amount of increased mass, more mass than his previous two foot of growth combined. His sheer weight left broad paw pad footprints in the grass as he walked through it. He felt stronger too, in fact as he came up to the building in the middle of the clearing he felt like testing his strength. He placed a paw on one of the support beams and squeezed, the wood splintered then broke beneath his grip. He then placed his paws against the building's walls and pushed. With a creaking screech the entire crude building fell over and collapsed, although, he considered, the building likely had been weakened since he'd caused a mini earthquake.

He clenched and unclenched his paw in front of his eyes. He definitely felt much stronger, he knew his strength was going up disproportionately to his growth.

He stepped over to one of the small central buildings and with a snarl ripped its roof off. He then pulled down its walls. Inside was a large comfortable looking bed, the Minotaur-goblin's he assumed. The first sight of a real bed in his new life was too much to resist and he was too exhausted to stop himself. He let out a long long sigh and slumped down on top of it, the bed letting out a groan of distress from his weight. Sleep soon took him unawares and his body steadily continued to heal.

Chapter 31

The Kobold gripped his spear and squinted over the rough stone parapet.

Furrowing his brow he nudged the Kobold beside him, the second Kobold startled and looked up from where he was fiddling with a metal puzzle toy.

"Hey, do you mind? I think I almost got it."

"Stop messing around with that, I think I saw something. You know what they said, keep an eye out for anything strange."

The second Kobold blinked at him then turned and looked over the parapet. Below the wall and across the bridge over the bottomless chasm there was an entrance to a cave system.

"I... I don't see anything. I think you're losing it."

"I'll make you lose it in a second if you give me any more lip. Look."

The Kobold jabbed out with a claw, pointing. The second Kobold stared, then after a moment, a flash of red appeared from around the edge of a rock.

"What was that? I thought I saw a... tail?"

"That's what I thought. Some idiot Kobold on the outside, dunno why they're not coming forward though."

"Why would anyone be on the outside? We're in lockdown after the chief freaked."

"Do you know why we're in lockdown?"


"Mm, well I heard talk. You know that Half-goblin tribe down a floor?"

"Oh yeah, they tried to raid us a while back, fat chance that was going to work with these walls."

"Well apparently one of our scouts we placed to keep an eye on them threw a fit. He came back raving about some new monster he'd never seen before, said he saw it make its way inside their base, and then nothing."

"What do you mean nothing?"

"I mean they're all gone. He watched and waited and the new monster left and then he crept inside their base and there was nothing left. No goblins, no half goblins, no nothing except a massive lake of blood in the center of the cavern."

"Wha- That's a joke right?"

"No, not the way I heard it. He came screaming back up here terrified out of his mind and babbling incoherently. Had to ply him with a few drinks before they could get the story straight, once they heard it though, and sent someone down to check its truth, they were real disturbed like. And here we are. Buckled up tight. Hey, Hold on, looks like our friend out there is making a move."

The two Kobolds leaned over the parapet and stared intently as a red Kobold stumbled reluctantly from behind the rock. He looked around unsure for a moment before he focused on the wall the two Kobolds stood upon. The wall was across a bridge and set access the entrance to a large cavern. It featured a heavy iron door. The wall around the door was riddled with arrow slits from which dozens of bows were being aimed. The top of the wall bristled with Kobolds carrying spears.

He blinked in surprise seemingly caught unawares by just how fearsome a defence it presented.

A stick wobbled from behind the rock and poked him in the tail. The Kobold jumped and seemed to collect himself. He produced a piece of paper and held it up. He squinted at it then cleared his throat.

"I- uh, I've come with news! There's a uh, terrifying! Monster on the prowl, and uhm, it can dig through stone like swimming through water! My tribe, uh, Kobold tribe, has d-died! All dead! We underestimated the beast and it came up from under our feet! It is only I who survived! I come here now to beg you to follow me! Flee from behind your safe walls before it is too late! Come with me if you wish to live!" His head turned to the side and he whispered loudly. "I-Is that okay? I thought that went okay." The stick prodded him in the tail again and he shut his mouth and turned back to the wall.

"Who the fuck are you?!" yelled a Kobold.

"Me?! Oh I'm just a survivor, I've had a, truly, dreadful time, you would not believe it. Uhm, but I hope you will listen! Heed my warning!"

"What if he's telling the truth?"

"Oh shut up. He's clearly trying to get one over on us.

"Hey, it could be true, I swear I heard scratching in the walls last night, what if it's this monster?"

"That was your girl tickling my balls."

"Fuck you Folen, that's not funny."

"Whoever said I was joking?"

A short lived fight broke out on the wall.

"Uhm," said the red Kobold. "Do you think any of you will be coming out?"

"Hell no! You're probably with the monster!"

"I am most certainly not! I would never voluntarily-"

"Hey, is that a slave collar around that Kobold's neck?"

"It fucking is as well. Hey, this Kobold's being puppeted!"

"Th-this? This is a-a fashion accessory!"

"It's attached to a bloody chain!"

"Oh, that's the necklace part! It's long because it's fashionable of course! It's really popular on the bottom floor of the dungeon!"

An arrow zipped out of one of the arrow slits and struck the stone by his foot with a shower of sparks. The red Kobold leapt into the air in fright.

"You almost shot me! Scale rot you! Do you have any idea what I've been through? My own kind having the audacity to shoot an arrow at me? Have some decency you cretinous- !"

Three more arrows struck the stone around him and the red Kobold was abruptly yanked behind the rock with a tug on his chain.

An annoyed looking Goblin met his eyes.

"You suck at acting."

"No I don't, it's just that you gave me an impossible act to follow!"

"Nonsense, my plan was fine."

Rain moved away from the wall. "It was not very likely to work Opal, let's be serious."


"They somehow heard about what happened."

Opal scowled. Then sighed and her shoulders slumped. "It's my fault. My old tribe posted scouts on the Half-goblin tribe, I should have realized that other tribes would do the same. Half-goblin tribes are dangerous so it's smart to do that."

This was the fourth tribe that Opal had brought them to, and the second on the floor above the Half-goblin tribe. They had left the Half-goblin tribe intent on finding a regular goblin tribe and repeating the same plan, unfortunately each time Opal brought them to one of the nearby small Goblin tribe's home caverns they found it devoid of Goblins, with only a few signs that a tribe had recently been there. What had happened to the Half-goblins had spooked them enough to go to ground and vanish into the dungeons extensive cave systems. After the second time they found nothing Opal had suggested they take the stair up a floor, they did so only to be met with another tribe's deserted cavern. Word had apparently spread far. This had led to Opal wanting to test the local Kobold tribe, if unenthusiastically, as the Kobolds were clearly entrenched and impossible to attack.

"It happens. We just need to adapt."

Opal bit her lip and shivered. Rain noted her knees were slightly turned inward. He looked over the Goblin carefully. He could sense something was off with her since she had run away while he ate the Half-goblin tribe yesterday but he couldn't precisely say what. She'd stayed away from him until they'd made to look for more food and then he kept catching moments where she was looking at him nervously.

"Adapt, right, uhm, well we don't need to go after tribes."

"We can kill other monsters, monsters that hunt alone or in small packs. Monsters that aren't sapient. Larger monsters."

Opal tapped her lip. "Larger monsters might work, you're waaay stronger now, I bet you could take down something pretty big with some tricks, and if they are big that means lots to eat."

"That's true, but how do we find something like that?"

"I know of a potential place, maybe. Follow me."

She tugged on the red Kobold's chain and entered into the tunnel. She paused for a moment as she walked and trembled, her breath hitching. Rain narrowed his eyes but after seeing nothing more he followed.

She took them on a winding route through the caves until the ground began to be covered with the verdant moss of a new biome. Small green and white flowers speckled the walls as they went deeper. The scent of plant life filled the air and golden pollen floated lazily about them. The twisting winding tunnel eventually came to an end and the trio exited into a vast crystal lit cavern that was segmented into several broad tiers covered in verdant greenery, trees, and grassy moss and flowers. Giant flower bulbs hung from the ceiling unbloomed. The air was full of pollen.

Rain sneezed.

"Smells like I'm sitting in a bath full of flowers."

"It's blooming season, it also tends to attract a certain monster species that come here to feed. A scary monster that likes to crawl through tunnels and hunt Gobbo tribes."


"Well, it is big."

She yanked on the Kobold's chain and made her way to the edge of the tier they stood upon, a crescent moon that's inner curve dropped off as a cliff down to lower tiers. Below them, ancient gnarled trees dotted the mossy grassy ground.

"There, do you see it? It's called a Panthara in Common."

Rain peered over the edge. A yellow, white, and black-spotted furred creature was moving below the treetops, tall enough to push aside branches. It took Rain a minute to figure out what he was looking at. It was like a giant sized leopard, except, like a centaur, where the head would normally be there was the upper body of a humanoid leopard. Two six foot long scaled tentacle barbels emerged from its muzzle and floated behind its head. It's four feet and two hands weren't like a normal leopard's, instead transitioning from fur to scale with large eagle-like talons on each digit. Its eyes were a solid flat blue that glowed eerily in the pollen filled air.

"That looks... Dangerous."

"Yeah... Don't worry though, I have something in mind."

She walked along the cliff edge until she came to a large rock. She rested a palm on it, it was nearly as tall as Rain and looked immensely heavy.

"We're going to drop this on it."

Rain eyed the rock and then eyed the Panthara a fair distance away and definitely not directly below the cliff.

"You know I can't pick that up and throw it right?"

"We just need to get it over here and then you push the rock over the edge."


Opal let slip an evil grin and her eyes slid over to the Kobold.

"W-wait, why are you looking at me? What's with that look? H-hold on now," said the Kobold slowly backing away.

Opal tossed the end of the chain to Rain and lunged at the Kobold who let out a high pitched scream. After a moment of struggle the Kobold stumbled forward and Opal dodged to the side, she cackled and a foot impacted with his rear. He yelped and then to his horror he went over the cliff, his eyes wide and mouth open he fell until with a choked gargle he hit the limit of the chain hanging ten feet or so above the ground. He scrabbled at the collar and chain and managed to get enough of a grip to hold himself up.

"You ASSHOLE! You tried to hang me!" he yelled up at them.

"Oh hush, you're a Kobold, as tough as an old boot."

"I could have died!"

"Yes, keep making noises like that, you're attracting the Panthara."

"I- Damn you!"

"Oh, it's looking over here now!"

The Kobold made a choked off scream of rage and stilled himself trying to avoid attention.

Too late, the Panthara was prowling through the trees, shifting branches aside to peer at the dangling Kobold. Its barbels twitched and snaked in the air as it narrowed its eyes.

The Kobold who was frozen in fright began to bounce up and down, he looked up in horror to see Rain dangling him around like bait on a hook.

"S-Stop damn you!" he furiously whisper hissed.

"Wiggle around more you scaly worm!" yelled down Opal with her hand cupped to the side of her mouth.

"Nuuuu!" he cried, tears forming in the corner of his eyes.

Opal sighed and glared at the Panthara that remained watching with idle interest from the trees.

"Is this really not enough? Fine."

She turned around and dropped her shorts and with a whip crack slapped her rear.

"Come and get me you ugly shitty pussy cat!"

The Panthara glared up at her from the trees and let out a snarl of irritation. It parted the branches and rushed straight toward the Kobold who proceeded to freak out.

"It's coming!"

Rain dropped the chain and the Kobold fell with a scream, he then leapt behind the rock and rammed into it, his feet scouring the ground and his claws tearing up the earth as he torqued forward with all his strength, straining to his utmost limit. For a moment he feared he didn't have it in him to move it, but with a grinding sound it began to shift, tip, and then fall over the edge of the cliff. The rock plummeted downward, amazingly on target with the Panthara who was standing over the Kobold who had curled up on the ground in the fetal position. Unfortunately, the creature seemed far more aware of the situation than they had given credit and when the rock began to fall the Panthara simply took a step backwards. The rock landed with a boom, spraying dirt in all directions along with a screaming Kobold. The Kobold's sudden flight came to an abrupt halt as the chain now trapped under the rock choked him off.

The Panthara held its arm up to protect its eyes from the dust, then once it had settled scowled up at Rain and Opal who were peering over the edge.


"What now?"

"Nothing. Things too smart to fall for such basic traps it seems." She sighed. "It's fine," she said, turning away from the edge.

A distant voice from below pleaded "Don't leave meeeee!"

"I know some other place we could try I-"

The swift sound of claw on stone came from below. Opal's eyes widened and she whipped around as a huge taloned hand came over the edge of the cliff and the Panthara hauled itself up.

Chapter 32

The Panthara's head came over the edge of the cliff and you would be forgiven for thinking that there was a satisfied sneer on the creature's leopardine face. Standing at its full height Rain was made painfully aware of just how large the creature was. He himself was by no means short at an intimidating eight feet but this creature's ear tips were nearly twelve foot up from the ground! The sheer mass of its body must have put its weight at several tons, which was worrying as it said a lot about the strength of the monster to haul its entire bulk up a cliff with such ease and speed.

It looked down on Rain and Opal with contempt then, shockingly fast, it lunged forward, open taloned hand reaching for Opal. Rain saw it coming however and he grabbed Opal by the shoulder and yanked her backwards sending her sprawling. His other arm came up to block and the monster's hand came down on his forearm like a vice.

The Panthara's eyes widened slightly then focused on Rain. Its grip tightened further and it tried to pull Rain toward it, Rain buckled down, dug his feet in, and resisted. To his surprise the monster managed to shift him, slowly dragging him across the ground despite his strength. However, the Panthara seemed even more shocked than Rain that he was able to resist it at all and had not been pulled off his feet.

It snarled in frustration and its barbels trembled, twisting and coiling in the air. Then it set all four of its lower legs and heaved forward, pushing into Rain as though to bowl him over. Unfortunately for the Panthara this pushed the scaled hand wrapped around Rain's forearm toward his mouth. His maw snapped open and came down like a steel trap on one of the Panthara's fingers. The scales were tougher than anything that Rain had tried to bite before with the possible exception of the Inquisitor's steel armour, however he was stronger now than at that time. The scale resisted but it could not stop the inevitable, his teeth sunk into the Panthara's flesh.

The Panthara roared and flinched back as it realised what was happening, tearing free its hand as Rain's canines met bone. Blood sprayed and scales came loose as it freed itself, only its ridiculous strength allowing it to escape from the press of Rain's teeth.

Red spattered the grass and moss.

The Panthara paused and examined the damage to its hand. It then eyed Rain warily, its long lizard like tail lashing the air as it began to circle Rain looking for an opportunity to attack.

Rain cricked his paws and neck, shrugging his shoulders up and down a few times and limbering up.

He spread his arms wide and grinned confidently at the monster, showing all his teeth, freshly reddened with the Panthara's blood.

"Did you think it would be that easy? I'm not a Goblin you stupid fuck."

The bridge of the Panthara's nose wrinkled up as it let loose a snarling-roar, it's whiskers twitching madly.

"Come at me."

The Panthara charged, dirt and moss exploding up behind it as its gigantic feet tore into the ground, using all the advantages of being quadrupedal to put on explosive acceleration. The monster erupted forward, the talons of its hands and front legs up and spread ready to lacerate Rain and rip and tear and shred.

Rain ducked down and put on his own burst of speed but at the same time dove to the ground and rolled between the monster's legs, he came up sliding and his eyes locked onto the back legs of the monster, he opened his jaws wide ready to bite into and take its leg. Abruptly the Panthara's front legs came down and it snapped its back legs up, retracting them into the air as it used its upper body as counter weight to instantly lever itself away from Rain's grasp and avoid his best weapon, his teeth. Rain could only watch in frustration as he slid out from underneath the monster.

Unfortunately the Panthara seemed to have supernatural prescient awareness and its massive lizard tail came down like a bullcrack whip, it hit Rain across the chest and with a bone cracking crunch and Rain was sent tumbling and rolling across the ground until he crashed up against a tree in a heap.

He drew in a painful shaky breath. Cracked rib, maybe more than one. Rain could only compare being hit by that muscular tail to being hit by a landslide of solid stone. He coughed, breathing roughly and trying his best to ride out the pain. He looked up expecting to see the Panthara charging toward him aiming to attack him when he was down, he expected a shadow to fall over him at any moment. Instead, the Panthara simply stood where it was and watched him silently. Rain took the moment to gather himself and using the tree he hauled himself up onto his feet. One paw clutched at his chest, each breath was pain. He was furious with himself for underestimating how aware of its environment the thing was.

He watched as the Panthara eyed him, a disturbingly intelligent expression crossed its face. This was definitely not some simple minded monster, no, its cunning was on par with any leveler or tribal monster.

Its eyes narrowed and slid off Rain until they came to rest on Opal who was hiding behind a nearby tree, poking her head around to watch the fight. Opal froze seeing it look at her and then with a yelp of fright dashed away.

The Panthara roared and its four feet churned the ground up as it charged toward her, tail lashing the air and a cruel grin on its face.

Rain blinked in surprise as the unexpected worst thing possible happened. Irrationally, out of nowhere, it was going to kill Opal. A flush of extreme rage and fear bloomed in Rain's chest and his heart rate peaked as blood pounded in his ears and his vision narrowed. Instantly forgetting the agony of breathing he tore away from the tree, feet driving him forward, compelled by desperation, he sprinted toward the monster. But he just did not have the same explosive acceleration this monster possessed and he could only watch in dismay as it swiftly caught up to Opal, its massive paws thundering across the ground. A huge taloned hand swept down and with a scream Opal was snatched into the air. The Panthara let out a cry of victory and started turning, holding up the Goblin as though it had caught a hostage to hold Rain in place.

Instead, a black furred missile cannoned into its barrel like a bat out of hell. The Panthara's eyes went wide and its feet went out from under it, its massive pendulous bulk came down to earth with a crash that shook the ground. Wolf, Goblin, and Panthara went rolling. Turf and dirt were ripped up into the air as giant talons clawed the ground in a panic, Opal screamed as she was flung aside and the Panthara roared as it felt a pain like nothing it had ever felt before. It scrambled to its feet, eyes wide, but the pain remained. It bucked its back up, twisted and shook itself, to no avail. It twisted its upper body around to see the black furred beast latched onto its lower back, its teeth already carving bloody furrows of flesh from its fur creating a gory mess.

The Panthara roared and snarled in fury and tried to reach for Rain, turning its upper body, its taloned hand reaching to grab at Rain and pull him from his back.

Rain simply moved to the far side of its lower body and continued ripping bloody chunks, the grasping hand could only snatch at thin air. The Panthara snarled in frustration and twisted around the other way only for Rain to switch sides once more, latching onto its back like a rat worrying a cat. The Panthara tried once more but was once again met with frustration. It bellowed and roared and began running and then sprinting across the grass, shaking and bouncing desperately trying to shake Rain from its lower body. Blood was waterfalling from its back in sheets by this point and Rain was starting to expose the white bone of ribs to the air as he gnawed his way into it.

The roars of the Panthara were starting to become shrill and beginning to sound more like screams of agony and fear. In desperation it threw itself to the ground and rolled over the moss and grass, attempting to crush Rain beneath itself. Rain let it happen, he was blind to pain, he didn't even feel the splintering of his cracked ribs under the pressure, even with the full weight of the monster on top of him did not stop, he was a ball of savage mindless instinct. He simply focused on hanging on and burying his teeth ever deeper.

The Panthara gave up trying to roll and sprung back to its feet, careening across the grass out of control, froth built up at its lips and wild eyed it crashed into a tree flattening it, stumbling and thrashing free it screamed as Rain's teeth finally found its spine. The chilling grizzly sound of bone fracturing and breaking apart under immense pressure broke the air and Rain's teeth cleaved the Panthara's lower spine in two. Its back legs immediately stopped all motion and the monster came crashing down the ground. Frightened eyes looked back at its unmoving back legs, the upper body twisting round to see, uncomprehending why a good third of its body had stopped responding. Its front legs pawed at the ground and it dragged itself forward, it's back legs limp behind it.

Crunch. Rain moved upward.

The Panthara screamed. Its upper body thrashed as its lower body slowed and failed to respond. On its back Rain made a crater of gore as he began to eat the creature alive, ribs and muscle and flesh disappearing into his savaging maw. He was ruthless and ate his way down into its chest devouring the monster's lower body as the upper body screamed and shrieked in fear and torment. Strange organs, muscles, hearts, all were blindly consumed, it wasn't long until Rain had split the creature in twain, leaving behind the back half of its lower body as the upper body desperately clawed at the ground and dragged itself forward, spilling its guts out behind it as it went. It didn't help, Rain ate upward, soon the front legs lower chest were gone, unrelentingly consumed and only the upper body was left, panicking breathless and wild eyed it weakly dragged itself along the ground, its entrails falling out leaving a bloody smear across the grass. Teeth flashed and more and more of it disappeared down Rain's throat. Fearful eyes looked down and could only watch as its body swiftly disappeared. Blood welled up in its mouth and streamed from its lips as the monster died, an expression of terror frozen across its face. It slumped to the ground. Rain kept eating.

Chapter 33

The last of the palatable Panthara's tail disappeared into Rain's mouth and he shivered as the banked up growth washed over his body.

Not even the discomfort of his fractured ribs shifting and healing could overcome the immense satisfaction of feeling the height and mass pile on, like the king of morning stretches.

"Maybe... maybe next time I'll try to find something a bit less dangerous," said Opal.

She clutched her arm which was marked with a nasty bruise on the upper part. It made Rain feel deep and powerful things he couldn't describe to see her injured. She was his, his to protect as his, all of her, every captivating inch, from her toes to her long black locks, inside and out. She belonged to him in a way he couldn't verbalise, like a second bestial carnal hunger.

"...Yeah. That Panthara monster was shrewd, shrewder than most tribal monsters I've come across. Just because it couldn't speak Common was not a good reason to underestimate its intelligence. A hard lesson learned."

Opal grimaced and rubbed at her shoulder, rolling it to get rid of the stiffness. "I'd rather see you fight three Cavebears at once than come across a monster like that again. The look in its eyes was unsettling, it's like it knew things it shouldn't."

"That look disappeared pretty quick after its spine shattered under my teeth."

She snorted. "Sure, but I think most monsters wouldn't be particularly happy about that."

Rain wiped blood from his nose and climbed to his feet. He was surrounded by a small lake of the stuff, the grass turned from a healthy green to a macabre red.

"Come on, we need to go get that Kobold."

"Oh, right, he survived didn't he, huh." There was a breathy hitch in her voice as she said 'huh' that puzzled Rain, another moment of her acting or speaking not quite as she normally would, although perhaps it was just a twinge from her injury.

They walked over to the edge of the cliff, Rain clutching his injured ribs and Opal her arm. They peered over the edge to see a Kobold desperately trying to pull his chain from under the rock Rain had pushed off the edge.

"Gods dam you! Why? why is my luck so shitty?!"

The Kobold heaved on the chain, his claws scrabbling at the ground unable to find purchase. He slipped and came down on his tail with a thump and a yelp.

"Am I cursed? Was it because I slept with your girl Theo? Is this karmic retribution? To be trapped under the paw of a thing that crawled out of my worst nightmare and its psycho girlfriend?"

He scrambled to his feet.

"I can't take it anymore! I don't deserve this- this! HELL!"

He kicked the rock hard and squawked in pain as the stone failed to move in the slightest leaving his foot to deform against it. A claw snapped and plinked off the stone.

"Arrgghh!! Whhyyyy!??!!"

He jumped around on one foot clutching the other as tears sprang up in the corners of his eyes.

A vine fell down the cliff and he looked up in surprise to see the black furred horror climbing down with the Goblin on his shoulders. The Kobold stifled his pain and dropped his foot, managing to plaster as innocent an expression as possible on his face.

"Oh- h-hey there, uh, nice to see you survived the kitty thing."

Rain dropped Opal off his shoulder and pushed the Kobold aside. He placed his paws on the rock and with a grunt and a heave he slowly rolled it aside. He picked up the chain and approached the Kobold who cowered and tried to back away but found himself at the end of the chain. He looked up at Rain in fright.

"Your nightmares have nothing on me Kobold. Keep that in mind."

"Y-yes!" said the Kobold in an unfortunately high pitched squeak. "I-I-I'll behave!"

Rain snorted and shook his head.

"I saw something down here from up on the cliff that I need, I really really need it. Follow me."

He led the way through the grassy mossy terrain and gradually the trees became more frequent until it was becoming crowded. Crystal light filtered down between the branches dappling the grass.

They suddenly stepped free from a treeline and a crystal clear pool of water was revealed.

Opal froze mid step, her eyes going round.

"I- but- what- NO! You just bathed and I'm cle- mostly clean!"

Rain tied the Kobold's chain to a tree.

"Bathing regularly is important, plus I'm covered in Panthara."

"I'm not! I didn't eat Panthara!" said Opal slowly backing away.

"You're covered in half-goblin blood and all kinds of muck."

"That- that's just the lighting!"

Rain's paw whipped out and engulfed her arm. Opal only had time for one look of desperation before Rain launched her up into the air to come screaming down into the lake with a splash. Rain soon followed, producing a much much larger splash that caused waves to wash up against the shore.

He revelled in being in water again, the blood of the Panthara and the last of the Half-goblins washed away by thorough use of his paws leaving him fresh and pleased and glossy furred. He caught Opal as she was surreptitiously trying to make her way to shore and dragged her close.

The Goblin squirmed in his grasp but she could do nothing as he stripped her of her shorts and breast wrap and thoroughly washed her, her hair, her limbs, her back. His rough paw pads ran over her green skin scouring the dirt from her and leaving shiny blemish free skin behind.

She seemed to give up and accept this was happening a lot sooner than last time to Rain's amusement, her body gradually relaxing as he cleaned her. His paws ran up over her chest and he slowly, teasingly, mauled at her breasts, roughly squeezing them together and rolling them between his digits, kneading them and making her produce cute little gasps. His paws followed the curve of her chest outward and he pinched at her nipples, each stiff little thing pressed between his heavy pads. He pulled on them, milking them in his massive grasp, rolling his pads forward and then easing back, her soft breasts compressing and moulding under his ministrations. The goblin squirmed desperately in his lap, her small hands frantically clutching at his fur, her hips pushing and butting back into his enormous sheathe of their own accord, little helpless noises emerging from her lips.

He paused as her breath came out in a long lush moan. He then moved his paws downward, running over her flared hips and onto her thighs and then between them.

She let out a gaspy moan as his paw pads ran over her crotch, dipping between her thighs to press up against her soft folds and smearing her sensitive lower lips apart. He could feel the Goblin girl's clit starting to poke from its hood as his massive paw rolled past it, the cute little rigid nub desperately pressing into his pads, throbbing with arousal.

He wondered if he could ever convince the Goblin that bathing was good and important and not just an annoyance. He was sure she liked this part.

His brow furrowed however when his paws ran back up and across her stomach where he felt something, a slight hard bump. What was this? Opal let out a different kind of gasp and shivered in his paws as he pressed his paw down on her abdomen. Thoughts started to coalesce, her recent reticence, the random trembling, no, it couldn't be, they had been together only once, and that only a few days ago, this couldn't be what he was thinking... but then weren't Goblins supposed to be one of the fastest reproducing monsters? He was so shocked that Opal managed to squirm out of his grasp. She glanced at him blushing furiously then darted away. He blinked then hesitantly followed after the goblin.

Rain current height:

8 foot 1

Chapter 34

Opal, clearly upset, rushed away from the lake only to pause by a nearby tree, she looked back as Rain strode from the lake, water falling off his large body in sheets.


She shivered, one arm covering her chest, a hand holding herself steady against the tree, her knees slightly turned inward, legs trembling.

"What are you hiding from me? Tell me Opal."

"N-nothing! It's you, you won't want me!"

Rain furrowed his brow in confusion.

"Why wouldn't I want you? I l- I need you."

Opal shook her head in frustration.

"Not like that, It's because you're getting huge... and I am still smol," she said, looking down at her feet, rubbing the ball of her foot on the ground. She paused and a strained look crossed her face. She bit her lip.

Rain's confusion was just increasing. "I don't see why that would matter. Opal I thought you were... preg-"

"No!" Said the goblin suddenly blushing red and stepping forward. "That's stupid why would you think that!"

Rain's eyes narrowed and his massive paw came down on her hip and dragged her stumbling toward him. His other paw flattened against her stomach and she gasped and let out a little moan.

"Hnya! S-stop! I- I C-can't h-hold i-i-it innnn!!"

Rain increased the pressure, his paw pads squeezing into her body. The Goblin's mouth opened in a gasp, a thin line of drool linking her lips. Her legs quaked and trembled barely keeping herself up.

"Guh! I-it's coming o-oouut!!"

Rain's ear twitched hearing a long wet Schlorrrp! And he looked down in time to see a large rubber object emerge from Opal's pussy, stretching her wide before slipping free. It slapped wetly against the ground in a puddle of fluid, the solid chunk of greenish rubber vaguely shaped like a penis.

Opal's eyes rolled back and her jaw trembled open. Her whole body shivering and she nearly sunk to the ground, if Rain hadn't been gripping her in his huge paws she likely would have fallen.

"Wh-what the fuck?" said Rain.

Opal blushed so furiously that Rain would have sworn he felt actual heat radiating from her face.

"This is your fault!"


"You're going to grow forever and I'm, I'm not going to be able to take you!"

Rain felt like he was starting to put two and two together but he was still boggled by the Goblin's thought process.

"You think you'll be too small to take me?"

Opal looked away with a dark expression. "It's true, isn't it? I want you bigger and I don't want you bigger at the same time. When you killed and ate that Orc slaver I found a few of her 'toys' in her tent and I sneaked them into my rucksack, I've been practising taking the bigger ones but I don't know if I can keep up with you..."

"You have a pretty gods damned perverted mind you know that right?"

She snapped back at him and snarled, showing her teeth.

"It's serious stupid wolf!"

"If I didn't know better I'd think you were pulling my leg. You are a special one, Opal."

He gripped her tight and pulled her close. The top of her head only a few inches above his navel such was their size difference.

He loomed over her, his yellow eyes luminous.

"You'll always be mine no matter what happens. I will never not want you."

Opal looked up and bit her lip.

"Will you?"

Rain simply snorted and grabbed her around the ass and lifted her up in the air. He then stepped forward and pressed her back up against the tree so that her crotch was at head height and her legs rested on his broad shoulders.

"I hunger for you, I would rather starve than go without you." His lip curled in amusement.

Opal tried to hold back but a small smile broke over her face.

Rain rested his chin on her stomach and looked up at her, the size of his head in contrast to her body made it so his muzzle covered a large portion of her tummy.

"Mmm. I wonder how you taste?"

His large tongue slipped from between his fangs and ran up her stomach. She squeaked at the rough sensation.


"Tastes good. More."

"Hold on I-"

Rain ignored her and moved so that his tongue was lined up with her reddened folds. He dipped his tongue, licking from bottom to top, the roughness of it dragging at her soaked lips. His tongue rolled over her clit and she gasped and squirmed in his grasp.


Rain rested his nose against her muff and looked up at her with half lidded eyes.

"You know it would be simpler if you just told me what the problem was in future."

"It's not that simple, I-eeep!"

Rain's tongue pushed into her, the sheer size of it stretching her wide, she shuddered in his grasp as Rain's front teeth bucked up against her entrance. He pulled his tongue back slightly and then he pushed deeper into her depths at the same time as rolling and curling his tongue, rubbing up against her walls. He paid attention and when he found an area that elicited a reaction from the goblin he doubled down his focus on it, his tongue concentrating the roiling pressure applied over and over.

"Oh! Oh! G-gods! H-how are you so good at this?!"

Rain didn't reply but moved from simply coiling his tongue to retracting and digging back in, his tongue was large enough that he was essentially tongue fucking the Goblin, rapidly pushing apart her sloppy folds. He pushed his muzzle close, compressing her muff, eager to reach further into her depths as the goblin let out a long lewd moan.

"Fuck! Fhuckkk!" Cried the Goblin as Rain increased in intensity.

She grabbed at Rain's ears and held on for dear life, a large ear grasped in each hand, her body trembling and her hips instinctively trying to grind against Rain's face as Rain went even faster and harder. Her legs went up and her toes stretched as her nerves exploded. Her mouth formed an O as she screamed and her ankles drummed against Rain's back as her back arched.

"s-slow downeeeeee!"

But Rain wasn't done. His paws gripped her all the harder and from deep in his chest came a deep reverberating boneshaking bass growl that made the leaves of the tree shiver. Being pressed up against his mouth the sensation was a hundred times stronger and Opal's fingernails dug into his ears as the solid vibration hit her puss, especially her clit as his teeth pressed up against it. At the same time Rain peaked with his tongue fucking, forcefully shoving his tongue in and out with all the outsized strength he possessed in the thick muscle, roughly parting her lips and stretching her rippling walls around it.


Opal's eyes rolled back as the combination freighted into her senses, her vision popping and flaring as lightning shot up her body. Her toes curled and her thighs desperately squeezed at Rain's head before the feeling climaxed and her legs shot out straight, stretching to her limit, her toes splayed, as her mouth opened and she screamed full throatedly.


Her walls gripped down on Rain like a vice, wildly clenching and unclenching and convulsing along the length of his tongue practically slurping on the muscle as she bucked her hips. Rain only had a moments notice before fluid exploded outward, a massive spurting sloppy squirt that gushed around his tongue, once, twice, three times, she came Hard into his muzzle, fluid filling his mouth to waterfall out to the ground far below, her juices pouring from his lips, although most he eagerly drank down.

At last, she fell limp, coming down from mind-blowing orgasm, flopping bonelessly in Rain's paws, her body still twitching every other second from aftershocks.

"Th-tha-That growling is cheating!" she managed to get out between deep heaving breaths.

Rain withdrew his tongue from her folds with a schlurp and lapped any remaining fluid from her swollen muff, his rough tongue dragging her puffy labia up with each lap. She moaned helplessly as he finished.

"No. It's all me."

"I-I've never felt anything like that, gods, you've ruined me for anyone else ever."

"Were you planning on doing it with anyone else ever?"

"Hell no!"

Rain snorted and lowered the goblin from his shoulders and back to the ground. She immediately fell on her ass as her legs turned to jelly and flopped out from under her.

"Nuu! Not again!"

"You really react badly to heavy stimulation huh."

She scowled up at him.

He smirked and casually dropped down to the ground, his back against the tree.