Perfect Storm

Story by Sylvr on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: Under 18, or legal age of consent for your location? Then GTFO....This story contains yiffy goodness between siblings in all their glory. No serially, if your underage, you shouldn't be here...get caught and you're an ant and your dad's the magnifying glass on a hot the hawt sibling sex....

Tim Garrett looked out across the flat Texas plains through his pickup's windshield, the sky ahead darkening menacingly, threatening to unleash hell on the jet black fox's small hometown. The fringes of the rain had made it to his truck when his cell phone started ringing.

He cocked an eyebrow seeing his sister's name on the screen. 'Wonder what she needs...' he thought to himself as he hit the answer button.

"Hello, Sarah?"

"Tim, oh thank god, where are you?" his twin sister on the other end of the line asked frantically.

"Oh, 'bout fifteen minutes out, twenty at the most, why?"

"A tree fell on my house...and...and...i-it's just been a...terrible d-day..." she managed to get out, breaking down into hard, tear filled sobs.

"I'm on my way" he said, his voice breaking slightly, praying he would make it through the onslaught of rain and wind that had reached him. Fighting against the wind for control, he pushed his truck harder into the oncoming storm.

"Hurry" she whispered, silent tears still falling.

He gripped the wheel with white knuckled paws as a particularly strong blast of wind threatened to push the truck off the pavement. His heart thundering in his chest, he thought to himself, 'just a few more miles'. His thought was confirmed a minute later by the mileage marker, showing just four miles to his town.

Sliding to a stop in front of his sister's house, what was left of it, he gasped in horror. A tree in the back yard had uprooted and demolished most of the small dwelling, save for part of the front room, a splintered branch threatening to destroy even that. Running from the truck's cab, he ran through the splintered front door.

While his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he called out, "Sarah, where you at, you ok?"

He heard a muffled sob and her paws on the linoleum floor, running towards him. His eyes adjusted just in time to see her practically slide into him. Wrapping her arms about his waist, she locked him in a tight hug which he returned in full, his strong, labor muscled arms around her shoulders, hands rubbing her back.

Releasing her, he said hurriedly, "We gotta go NOW, one sharp blast of wind and we're toast!"

Wordlessly, she nodded and ran for the door, Tim bolted through a second later. Scrambling through the pounding rain and pea sized hail that had just started, they both piled into his truck, soaked to the bone. Swerving around down trees and power lines in town, Tim was soon roaring into the outskirts of the small, population of 800, town. Skidding to a stop under his carport, he stopped the truck's engine before they both ran for the door. After fumbling with the key for a few seconds, the door opened and both stepped inside and slammed the door against the fierce wind.

Looking at the microwave, Tim noticed the clock wasn't on, meaning the power was out. His suspicion was confirmed when he flipped the light switch and got nothing.

"Well, shit, powers out, guess I better light an oil lamp or some candles" Tim said.

"Can I borrow a dry change of clothes, bro?" Sarah asked, starting to shiver a little.

"Of course, there's some towels in the bathroom, go get dried up, I'll bring you something to wear."

"Thanks" she replied before slipping out of the kitchen.

Tim went about lighting the two antique oil lamps he kept for power outages, placing one on the kitchen table and the other on the wooden electrical wire spool that served as a coffee table. The lamps gave off a low, charming glow, in sharp contrast to the hellish weather outside.

Gathering up a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt, Tim knocked on his bathroom door. A minute later, Sarah shyly opened the door, wrapped only in a towel.

"Tim, your still soaked to the bone, here, you get yourself taken care of and I'll just change in the living room" she said, stepping out of the bathroom.

"No, that's quite alright, I'll worry about myself when you're comfortable" he responded.

"And I won't be comfortable until you're not in danger of catching a chill, you know that" she argued back.

"Fine" he grumbled.

Reappearing from the bathroom several minutes later in a fresh pair of boxers and a shirt, Tim headed into the living room only to find Sarah, sitting on the futon, crying into her paws.

"What's wrong, sis?" he asked lightly, truly concerned for her.

"Nothing I need to bore you with" she got out between sobs.

"C'mon Sarah, fess up, you're never like this" he responded.

"No, really, it's nothing."

"Yes, it is, now what's got you hurt?"

"Alright...Jason broke up with me this morning" she whimpered, a new wave of tears started, matting her already tear soaked cheeks.

"No..." Tim responded, simply astonished. Wrapping his left arm around her shoulders, he pulled her tight, giving her some much needed familiar comfort, she responded in full, wrapping her arms around his chest and back tightly. "I'm sorry sis".

"Said I wasn't enough for him, that he needed a woman, not a girl" she cried.

"That asshole, he never deserved you then" he growled, pissed off that anyone would say that about his beloved sister.

"Why can't I just find someone who loves me for me?"

"You will, when the right man comes forth with the balls to court you."

"Wish I could just meet that man."

"Whoever he is, he's very lucky."

"Really, why's that?"

"Because, he'll be mated to be most beautiful vixen I know" Tim stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Oh please, I'm nothing special."

"I disagree."

"Well, that's personal opinion" she stated, her crying finally dissipating, Tim knowing just how to cheer her up. "Now what about you, hmm?" she asked, turning the tables.

"What about me?" he asked, releasing her from his hug and turning towards her.

"Why don't you have a mate, with as sweet of a fur you are and all?"

"Guess I haven't found the right woman yet and let's be serious here, who in their right mind would want to be mated to this loose cannon?"

"Loose cannon, my ass, so you got in some trouble a few years back, that's behind you now!" she retorted.

"In some trouble? Let's see, in one night, I managed to get arrested for DUI, theft, illegal fireworks, blowing up a dumpster, resisting arrest and flashing obscenities to the cops" he rattled off.

"That was one time, who cares anymore and I know someone would love a chance with you" she smirked.

"Who cares? Let's see, every cop in the county and our parents, they pretty much disowned me for that little stunt. And who are you talking about wanting me?"

"Well, there is Rachel Mohagen" Sarah smiled.

"WHAT, NO WAY IN HELL!" Tim nearly shrieked.

"Aww, why not?" she asked coyly, unable to hold back a giggle, fully knowing the answer.

"Um, hello, she's a nutcase, you remember how she tried to kill her x-mate with a meat cleaver!"

"Easy now, I was just joking, I wouldn't even wish her upon my enemies."

Tim just shook his head, "You had me worried there for a second". Taking a slightly more serious tone, he asked, "No really, who are you talking about?"

Laying her ears back, she shyly said, ""

"'re my sister" he stammered.

"Your point?"

"It's wrong!" he argued back.

"Yea, I really don't care about that, look Tim, we know each other better than anyone else. And personally, I see something in you I don't see in others" she stated.

"And that would be....?"

"A real man" she gave him a suggestive grin before crawling over to his side of the futon.

Before he could say another word, she pounced, throwing herself upon him, landing face to face. Throwing all caution to the wind, she dropped her head and kissed him, full on the muzzle.

When the kiss ended seconds later, Tim looked at his sister for a second before wrapping his arms around her neck and pulling her back down for another kiss, this time locking jaws with her, their tongues intertwining in a miniature dance.

Breaking the kiss minutes later, she looked down upon him with lust filled eyes before sliding back and reaching for the hem of his shirt, which ended up in a heap on the floor. Crawling back up onto his chest, she started nipping and nibbling on his neck, eliciting a low, throaty growl of pleasure deep down from his throat.

Before Sarah's shirt even hit the floor, Tim flipped her over, positioning himself over her. Ducking down, he started kissing her pert C cups, nipping at her nipples, earning him a long, drawn out moan from Sarah's lips.

Very slowly, he worked his way down her midsection, leaving a meandering trail of kisses, nips and nibbles along the way. Looking back up to her face, he saw her head thrown back, maw open and tongue lolling.

Slipping two fingers under the waistband of her pajama pants, he tugged them down to her knees. Her sweet, intoxicating scent of arousal hit his nose, launching his budding arousal into overdrive. Not one to waste any time, Tim went to work teasing her, licking at her arousal soaked folds, purposely avoiding her clit.

"Oh, oh...y-yeesss...T...Tim...don't stop..." Sarah moaned, her mind short circuiting.

"Nota chance!" he growled under his breath.

Without warning, he switched tactics, lightly smashing his nose into her clit and driving his tongue into her needy depths with what force he could.

Sarah let out a low, pleasured howl and deeply arched her back, pushing herself harder against Tim's muzzle. Her whole body started trembling, the pleasure she was receiving from Tim's nose and tongue driving her wild.

A long, low whine escaped her lips as an unusually powerful orgasm ripped through her body. Tim's tongue was forced from her body when her pussy walls clamped down on it. A small amount of her juices splashed his muzzle when she came.

"Holy shit...Tim...that was...incredible!" she panted, her chest rising and falling hard with her breathing.

He just looked up to her with a randy grin and swiped his tongue across his nose.

"C'mere and make me yours!" she growled almost harshly.

By now, all eight inches of Tim's erection were tented painfully against his boxers, which ended up at the end of the couch, along with Sarah's pants, gracelessly torn the rest of the way off to give Tim unrestricted access to his target.

Crawling up face to face with her, he looked into her eyes, she nodded in return, her wordless expression clear as day.

She whined in anticipation as he lined himself up and slowly sank all eight inches of his meat into her hot, slick depths, just bottoming out when he hilted himself, a perfect fit.

He pulled out to the tip, only to slam back into place, starting a slow and sensual rhythm. Unable to hold back, they gradually sped up. Sarah grabbed and tightly gripped his muscled arms, her claws slightly digging into his skin.

Their fucking started turning feral as Tim worked himself into a frantic pace, releasing months of pent up desire. Growls, moans and howls filled the living room, along with the heavy odors of lust and sweat.

Sarah's second orgasm of the night hit her like a freight train, without warning, her whole body convulsed as her love tunnel clamped down on Tim's iron unit. She threw her head back and let out a guttural howl.

Tim kept thrusting his expanding knot into her, popping wetly on every trip in and out. With a final hard thrust and rough growl, he shoved himself in at the last moment, locking them together. He lightly latched onto her throat and throatily growled into her neck, expressing his dominance as he came, blasting her insides with six ropes of hot fox cum.

Between the warm glow of the oil lamp and relaxation of afterglow, the two drifted off into a light sleep, cuddled up with each other, only to be woken up by an extremely loud clap of thunder several minutes later.

Sarah gently brushed her nose against Tim's and looked into his slate grey eyes, softly asking, "Why'd you give in so quickly?"

"I realized how much I truly love you, sis. What I mean is, I've always loved you as a sister, you know that, but never recognized it as anything more" he responded in an equally soft voice, gently kissing her.

"Yea, I knew you always loved me as a brother would, it was always very apparent."


"Yea. Remember when we were back in high school, that really bad date I had? I seem to recall you yanking him out of the car and beating the hell out of him."

"Yea, I remember, I also remember you crying at me to stop."

"Well yea, I appreciate you coming to my rescue but you really didn't need to go that far."

"Yea, I did, no one hurts my Sarah and gets away with it, ever."

"But Tim, he was pretty well disfigured."

"So, better than you being taken against your will."

"I guess you're right. But, like I was saying, when you pulled him out of the car, I wanted to pin you to the hood and do what we just did."

" had feelings for me even then?"

"Yea, Tim, I've had it pretty bad for you since the seventh grade."

"So why didn't you come to me with your feelings?"

"I was afraid you'd hate me for them, that's a risk I wasn't willing to take."

"I wouldn't have hated you, I couldn't. Now, that's not saying I wouldn't have been shocked, but hate, no."


"By the way, Sarah, I love you" Tim said sleepily.

"That's something Jason never said to me and I love you too, more than you'll ever know" she responded with joyful tears in her eyes and fell asleep in Tim's arms.