GD: Skyrim Part XX

Story by Mr Drake on SoFurry

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#21 of Gamer Diaries: Skyrim

This is a non-profit fanfiction. The Elder Scrolls and Skyrim are registered trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc.

Khash the Argonian was created by the talented RabbittWinri.

Gamer Diaries


By Evan Drake

Part XX: Dragonborn

I have no idea where to even begin. This whole day has been a blur. I'm sitting in my new home, but it still feels like I'm back there again. Even as I'm writing this it doesn't feel real.

I feel the rain on my face. The heat of the flames on my back. I still hear the rumbling of thunder, the roars, the voices.

Okay, maybe if I started from the beginning.

After we brought the dragonstone to Farengar, we received word that a dragon had been spotted. The jarl wanted me to help them deal with it. Honestly, I didn't want to go anywhere near the thing, but I wasn't getting a say in the matter. It wasn't comforting to know that I knew more about dragons than anyone here. Even Serana admitted that she didn't cross dragons in her time.

We went to the watchtower--or what was left of it. It was a slaughter and the dragon came back for more.

I honestly don't know how we survived. There was blood and fire everywhere. I fired arrows as fast as I could. Somehow, the beast died.

That was when it all went sideways.

I...I just wanted to make sure that it was dead. All I did was approach it. I saw the visions again. The voices spoke to me, clearer this time but they were overlapping each other. One word did stand out, however, Fus. The moment I said it, I felt an energy surge through me. With just the power of my voice I was able to move the dragon's skeleton!

The guards said I was dragonborn. Some kind of ancient hero who could absorb the power of dragons.

The way Khash's face lit up. It was like she met her hero for the first time. Serana was just as stumped as I was.

Was I really the dragonborn? Was that what these markings meant? Was I really chosen by the divines? I didn't have any answers, but according to Jarl Buulgruf, the greybeards would be able to tell me. For my bravery, I was able to buy a house at a good deal.

Which was right on time because I wanted someplace private to get my thoughts in order.

I barely remember what else I did that day. I think I took care of the job for Maven. Something about pest poison and mead and ruining a rival business. And Khash said something about wanting to join the Companions so I guess I did that too.

What did snap me out of my thoughts was the vampire that attacked us when we went back to Whiterun to get some sleep. The bastard knew I was Dawnguard and attacked me righter in the street. That reminded me we had a moth priest to find.

Thankfully he passed through Whiterun. The locals let it slip that he was heading north to Dragon Bridge.

The greybeards could wait. At first light, we were heading north.