Claude and Beau FINAL

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#136 of Claude gay stories

Our couple and their family start to establish their lives in CA and make some new friends

Alfred comes home in a few days. And he begins to establish his daily routine and gets us in a routine as well. Rory, and Jesse, and Ed, and I go register for Sacramento State. And the first day of classes goes well. But College isn't as much fun as I had hoped it would be.

A week later, after our first tests, I am too tired to go off campus and eat so I go to the cafeteria. I am not too happy with the food, but it is a school cafeteria.

I see a Badger sitting by himself, looking a bit forlorn, so I walk over to him, and introduce myself. He's English from his accent. He introduces himself as Nigel Davenport, and I like him already. He's sad, but he's got a sharp wit. I ask him why he is sad. "I won a scholarship here, but I had never been away from home before, nor away from my Mum and Dad" "And it's been so lonely" he says weeping softly. I hug him, 'I can relate, it's hard to leave your family behind no matter what" I say softly. "I came here from Alabama, but I brought most of mine with me" I tell him. "Lucky you" He says. He breaks down. I help him up, and we leave. I ask him where does he live, and we walk to his dorm room. He's rooming with a crazy sort, kind of a hump anything that moves Wolf, and he's not happy. I hug him, and I sit on his bed, and I pull him into my lap, and I hold him, and I rock him gently, and I let him cry. I decide to blow off the afternoon classes, as the important first days have passed and we won't be getting into much anyway. I stay and I hold him. He's a bit embarrassed over crying so much. I tell him not to worry. His roommate comes back, and is teasing him about not fucking the cute Lion. Nigel glares at him, and the guy doesn't get it. "Come on" I tell him. "Where we going?" he asks. "Home" I tell him. I go find Rory, and Jesse, and we go home. Ed is still in class, but Rory says he'll go back and get him at 5.

I show Nigel around the house, and he likes it. Dad is taken with him right off the bat. Rory is taken with him too, and Jesse seems to get along with him as well as I do. He seems more relaxed now.

Rory leaves to go get Ed in a bit, and Jesse, Nigel, and I sit out by the pool and talk. I like Nigel, he's as big of a smartass as I am, and he's got a sharp wit, and he's fun. "I want you to think about moving in with us, Nige" I tell him.'"What?" he asks. "I know you hate that idiot you live with and we have lots of space here, and I like you a lot" I tell him. "I do too" Jesse says. "You ain't coming on to me are you?" He asks."You're a bottom like we are" I tease him. "Besides, you haven't met my Beau yet, and Jesse and Rory are partnered, and Dad has Papa Harry, and only Ed is single" I tell him. "Who's Ed?" Nigel asks. "He's a cute Palomino Horse who's Beau's best friend" Jesse says.

Jorge comes up to us, he kisses Jesse and I, and he asks me to go see how the Japanese garden is coming along. So I get up. "Who's he?" Nigel asks, pointing to Jorge. "He's our gardener, and he's Alfred's mate" I tell him. "He's bloody gorgeous, he is" Nigel says. Jorge blushes. "He is at that" Jesse says smiling. "Jorge, meet Nigel," I say smiling. "His eyes are so Deep Green, they are beautiful" Jorge says smiling. "Lets go look at the garden" I say out loud. We all walk to the Japanese garden Jorge has set up for me. It is gorgeous. Jorge has outdone himself. It's perfect for the area too. I look back and Jorge has Nigel up against a tree kissing him. I point to them, and Jesse and I decide to leave, so we go back to the house. Jesse and I are laughing and joking all of the way back. "He's so much like us Jesse says. "I hope he does move in" Jesse adds. "I do too, he's a great guy" I say smiling. We both know Jorge will show Nigel a great time.

They come back to the house about thirty minutes later. Nigel still looks a bit stunned, but Jorge can do that to you. "He's bloody amazing" Nigel says. "He is" I say laughing. Jorge smiles gently. I kiss him, and I whisper a thank you for helping me to convince Nigel to stay with us. Jorge laughs that sexy laugh of his. "Will you think of coming to live with us?" Jorge asks Nigel. "I am thinking about it, and I'm leaning heavily in that direction" Nigel says. Beau comes out onto the patio and kisses me. "Who's the cute Badger?" he asks me. "My new friend, Nigel" I tell him. 'Nigel, this is the love of my life, my Beau" I tell him smiling. They shake hands. "He's a hot one, ain't he?" Nigel says. "I think so" I tell him. We sit and chat by the pool for a while. The more I get to know Nigel the more I like him.

Rory comes in, and kisses Jesse. I ask him where Ed is and he tells me Ed will be out in a few minutes. "Who's this Ed that you seem anxious for me to meet him?" Nigel asks me. "Smart of you to notice" I say laughing. "He's a cute Horse, and he's a hell of a nice guy, and he likes smaller guys" I tell him. "Are you looking to fix me up with him?" Nigel asks me. Rory's snickering now. "You gotta a problem with that?" I ask him. "Only cause I haven't seen him yet" Nigel says smiling. We all crack up.

Ed walks out and looks puzzled. "Ed Cole, meet our new friend Nigel Davenport" I say as I introduce them. Ed smiles, and he puts out his hand to shake Nigel's. Nigel smiles too, but he leans up and kisses Ed who's much taller. Nigel faints. Ed looks stunned. But Rory and Beau and I laugh. Jesse snickers. "What just happened here?" Ed says puzzled. "You just bonded him" Beau says. "No shit?" he asks. "No, he's yours now" I say laughing. "Now he's gotta move in" Rory says. "Did you just set me up?" Ed asks me. I nod. "Damn, you could have warned me" He says. "Nigel figured it out" Beau says smiling. "Go take him and finish bonding him" Rory says laughing. Ed picks Nigel up and they go off to Ed's bedroom. "Well, now we're all mated, are you happy, Claude?" Rory teases me. "No, there are so many people out there who need mates" I tell him.

Beau hugs me. "I am glad my baby came after me" he says smiling. "But just because we're so happy doesn't mean that the whole world deserves to have you kill yourself to find them mates" he adds smiling. "I like Nigel, and I like Ed, and I wanted them to be happy, Beau" I tell him.

I go to fix dinner, since Alfred's busy fixing the house up, but will be done tomorrow. Since no one else seems to know how to cook. I fix a simple dinner, and salad and a dessert. I call dinner. Ed and Nigel are done bonding and they come down to eat with us.

Harry kisses me and tells me he's happy to not have to try to rustle up something for dinner, as he's not much of a cook. Dad smiles, "I have had Alfred for so long, I don't know anything about cooking" he says grinning. "Besides, I'm the Alpha Lion Male, I don't make food, food is brought to me" he says laughing. I glare at him. "Only because your eldest Lion son fixes it for you" I snark. Nigel and Jesse are cracking up. "So, who's the improper Lion then?" Dad says archly. "Me or you?" he snarks. "He did that to Aunt Martha too" Rory says smiling. "Yeah, I remember, Bro, he'd get to the table or go into the kitchen, and this brilliant, capable Lion became totally helpless" I snap. "On purpose, Jim?" Harry cracks. Dad glares at Harry. "If I died right now, you'd all starve to death" I say dryly. "You are the only one of us who was trained to cook and clean by Alfred, and thus the only one he allows to do those things when he's home" Rory says laughing. "Thank God for me, he'll be back at the stove tomorrow" I tell them.

Which then reminds me that I ought to go collect laundry and do it tonight. I don't want him seeing our new home in such a mess. The house itself is clean, though I do have to pick up a few things. And I want to turn the house over to him clean for some reason.

So I make rounds and I pick up dirty clothes and I take them to the new washers and dryers. I have bought three front loading washers, and three dryers. Now I have to figure out how to work them. Which takes a minute or two, and I put the clothes to wash. I tell the others to go change their sheets and bring me the old ones. And they do. I answer any grousing with the fact that this will be the only time they have to do it, since Alfred will do it from now on. Rory doesn't mind doing it, he's fairly neat, a habit he picked up in the Marines in his four year stint. Beau doesn't care either, he knows I'll do our stuff.

Beau comes in and kisses me, and he tells me he's going to go watch TV, unless I need his help with stuff. I tell him I am fine with this, as I have been doing laundry since I was little. And I keep at it. And he goes out to the living room. Nigel comes in and sits with me and we chat. The more I get to know him the more like him. He was poor and got a scholarship to Sacramento State from London, and he never would have had a chance to go to school without it. He'd never been away from home overnight and misses his Mum and Dad. I hand him my cell phone and tell him to call them. He looks shocked. "My bill is automatically paid each month, so I don't care" I tell him. He takes it and he calls his Mum. At first he's crying, and then he cheers up. And he tells her about meeting me, and then about meeting and bonding Ed. She wants to talk to me. So he hands me my phone back. And I chat with her. She wants to know if Ed will be good to Nigel, and I tell her that he's my bond mates best friend and I am pretty sure he'll love and cherish Nigel. And I tell her how much I like and am impressed by Nigel. She thanks me for looking after him for her. And she asks me if I have as much money as Nigel told her I do. "I do at that, but I am not too concerned about it, one way or another." I say happily. "Since Nigel's now bonded to our friend who lives with us, we're going to move him in here" I tell her happily. "He's not fond of the guy he's rooming with now" she says. "Well, we have a nice big house here with a pool and a hot tub" I tell her. 'Pool?" Nigel asks. "Yeah, that big thing out there filled with water" I tell him pointing out the window. "No shit" he says snappily. "Maybe you and his Dad could come visit us sometime" I ask her. "We could fly you over, or even have one of our corporate jets come for you" I tell her happily. "And Nigel wants to come home on breaks when he can" I add. "You shouldn't spend your money on us" she says softly. "Nonsense, I like Nigel and he misses his parents, and I am so close to my own Dad, I can understand that" I tell her. "Dad lives with us, him and his bond mate" I add. I hand the phone back to Nigel and tell him to go talk to his Mum. He goes off. I get the clothes folded and put the sheets in the dryers. And I go off to put everyone's clothes away.

Nigel hands me my phone back when I come downstairs. He tells me Ed's on the phone. "I'll have to get a cell for you on Monday, as I can put you on my group plan like everyone else" I tell Nigel.

Ed and Rory and Beau had gone to a local gym, and they have made friends with the pair of Bulls who run it. Apparently, they're serious competitive body builders, or at least the younger partner is, the older one is a world famous coach. Ed tells me that their rental house got sold out from under them, and that they're going crazy trying to find a place to live. "Ask them if they would move in with us" I tell him. "No shit?" Ed asks. "If you think they're good animals, and they want to, then it'd be great." I tell him. "They want to come with us after work to see the house" he tells me in a minute or two. "No problem" I tell him.

I go and tour the house, and I have the perfect place for them. It's the largest bedroom in the house, and has the biggest bathroom, with a huge tiled shower stall. Should be perfect for them, if they're big Bulky types. Alfred has it set up, so it's ready. "Needs sheets for the California King bed" I say out loud, and I go get some from the laundry room. And I make the bed, and I make sure there are supplies in the bathroom. We keep a supply closet for those sort of items, like toilet paper, and soap and all.

Jesse teases me about having become such a housewife since I got Beau. I nod. And I laugh, cause it's true. I go and finish drying and folding the sheets and I put them in the linen closet in the places I figure Alfred will put them. He'll eventually number the bedrooms and have a shelf space numbered for each room.

I know Alfred was working and I hope he's done for the day, and spending time with Jorge. I know they've missed each other.

I go find Alfred, and I tell him to leave whatever for tomorrow, and go spend time with Jorge. And he kisses me and goes. He seems so happy here already. This house is so full of love and caring it affected him too. Jorge seems happy as well, he loves Alfred and he's happy to have a home where folks care about him as well.

I fix some snacks for when the guys bring Sam and Oscar to see the house. And I make sure I have towels out in case anyone goes into the pool or the hot tub. We have a hamper and a towel cabinet out by the pool for supplies. I also make sure we have soda and beer cooling, and that the bar has been set up. It has, I forgot how efficient Alfred is. He knows Dad loves his Scotch and soda when he wants to relax.

I go and sit and watch an old movie on the 77" OLED big screen TV in the living room. I'll have to get the satellite guy back out here, as one or two of the channels are fuzzy. I set the receiver to rescan the available channels and it does, and the picture is better. So it was not the dish, Thank God. I check the sports packages I ordered. I don't like TV sports much, but Beau and Rory and Jesse and Ed do. And Jeb, if he finally gets his ass out here, will want the college games. They all work, so I am happy now. I have all of the bedrooms with TVs and satellite receivers, and I have a 55" OLED TV in Beau and I's room. I like my TV what can I say.

Ed comes in and introduces me to the Gym owners. Sam Montoya and Oscar Perez. Sam is gorgeous. Huge and massively built, and a White stripe in his Black hair and goatee, and his tail tuft. Dark Blue eyes, and a bit of a gruff demeanor. Oscar is attractive, and almost perfectly built. Blue eyes, and a smile that lights up a room. A hot pair of Bulls. I get up and I show them around the house, and I show them the bedroom I think would be good for them. They like it, and I tell them they can move in when they want to. "How much?" Sam asks. "How much what?" I ask him. "Rent?" he says. "I'm not charging anyone to live here" I tell them mildly insulted. "What?" Oscar asks. "I have to keep this house up for me, and my Dad and my family, and a few more doesn't matter, the utilities are handled, and we're used to feeding a lot of people" I tell them. "If you want to be we'll adopt you as family" I say smiling. "Food, too?" Sam asks. "What else, laundry too?" he adds sarcastically. "Yeah, Alfred, the family butler will take care of it for you" I say peeved. "Why?" Sam asks. "Because my baby and his best friend, and my brother think y'all are great guys" I tell him calming down.

Sam looks at me oddly. "Take some time and talk to each other about it" I tell them and I leave. Oscar comes out five minutes later and tells me Sam wants to talk to me. I go back in, and he asks me again why them. "I like you guys, Beau thinks the world of you, and my brother does too." I tell him. "The money is nothing to me, as I have more than enough, and we have 14 bedrooms, and only five or six are occupied, so these rooms would be empty and unused if you don't take them" I tell him smiling.

"What if I told you I wanted you naked and under me right now?" Sam asks gruffly. I take off my shirt. Sam smiles. "You'd take my big Bull dick right now?" he asks softly. "Is it OK with your partner?" I ask. "Oscar'd be fine with it" he says grinning. "What about Beau?" Sam asks. "He'd be OK, as long as I told him when we were finished" I tell him. "Most of us are like that" I add. "Now I really want to move in" Sam says grinning. "You're hot, I'd have fucked you the minute you walked in given the chance" I tell Sam. "You think this old Bull is hot?" Sam asks. "Usually guys are all over Oscar, and I get ass based on my rep and the respect I get" Sam says. "I think Oscar is cute, but you're a whole other level of hot" I tell him.

"You're very sexy and you look like a Bull who knows how to seriously work an ass" I tell him smiling. "Strip now" he says gruffly and points to the bed. "On your back" he grunts. I kick off my shorts and I lay on the bed and put my legs up. He tosses his clothes to the side and he kisses me hard. "Can you handle me, I can be a bit rough, and I have a big Bull dick" he grunts. "I can, babe" I say kissing him hard. "If he can handle this, he can handle you" I hear Beau say. He's standing in the doorway, petting Oscar. And his shorts are down and his massive dick is hanging out. "Damn, he's fucking huge" Sam growls. "I know" I say smiling. "Fuck me, Big Bull" I whisper to him. "You really want me don't you?" Sam asks. "Damn right I do, you're one hell of a hot Bull, and I want you inside of me now" I moan.

Oscar lays on the bed next to us, and Beau drops on top of him. "You mind if I take your sweet Bull" Beau asks Sam. "Not if you don't mind me working up your hot Lion" Sam answers hotly. They both nod. Sam kisses me hard, and he slides his 23" Bull dick inside of me and I push back on him. He groans. "Tight Lion" he moans. "How can he fuck you frequently and have you still stay so tight" Sam grunts to Beau. "He's a tight one" Beau says reaching over and petting my mane. Sam speeds up as he sees I can take him. I kick and growl, and I stroke his chin and the fur on the side of his face, and he moans. And I buck on his fat dick, and I look over and Oscar's face is grimacing. "Is he OK, babe?" I ask Beau. "I'm fine" Oscar grunts. "He's so damned big" Oscar groans. Beau is slowly stroking his ass with that huge Cape Buffalo dick of him.

Sam is pulling in and out of me all of the way. I buck, and paw his back, and grunt. I kiss Sam hard, and he's sweating hard, and stroking my mane. I squeeze his dick with my ass and he growls at me. He bucks and convulses and I feel a huge amount of cum shooting into me hard. I kick and I shoot on his belly. He pets my mane, and lays on top of me panting hard. "Your boy is quite a ride" Sam grunts. Beau has his eye closed and he's growling and I know he's cumming inside of Oscar. Oscar lays back on the bed and pants.

I kiss Sam. "That was awesome" I tell him happily. "I've got one more for you if you can give me a minute to catch my breath, hot Lion" he growls softly. I nod. Beau laughs. "If you want him, you can take him when he'll let you" Beau says smiling. "Would you let me?" Sam asks. "Hell yeah" I tell him. "You're almost as good as my baby" I tell him grinning.

"I'll tell you to come get naked for me and I expect you to drop your pants and give me some of that hot Lion tail" Sam grunts. "Sounds good to me" I say kissing him. "I can't get over how hot you are for this old Bull" Sam says smiling. "You're gonna have to watch yourself now, and especially if you bend over to pick something off of the floor" Oscar says laughing. "You're cute, and you're hot for him, and your partner doesn't mind if you fuck him, he'll be after you a lot" Oscar says grinning hard. "Do you mind, Oscar?" I ask softly. "Hell no, he loves me, just like Beau loves you, and he'll be happy, so how can I mind if he's getting something that makes him happy" Oscar says leaning over and kissing me. "I might want a piece too once in a while" Oscar adds. "I want some hot Bull tail if you'll give it to me" Beau growls softly. "I would, but as big as you are, I might need a day or two between rounds" Oscar says laughing.

They get up and go shower. Sam starts moving inside of me again, slow at first but faster as he goes along. He kisses me deeply. "If Beau is ever stupid enough to let you go, then you come to me, and if you fuck Oscar like you fuck me, we'll joint bond you and keep you with us forever" Sam growls softly in my ear. "You and Oscar would be enough to keep me happy, and I'd give up fucking anyone but you two" he grunts. "I'm honored" I tell him kissing him hard. "So I am assuming you guys want to move in?" I ask him. "Hell yeah, you can't keep us away now" Sam says grinning. "I am becoming really fond of my horny old Bull" I tell Sam gently. "I am so happy you like fucking me so much, and awed that you're so into me" he says speeding up. "I'm going for it, babe" he growls. I kick and buck and I squeeze my ass on him and he bellows and gushes into me again. I've cum all over his sexy pot belly. "Do you do that every time you get fucked?" Sam asks me panting hard. "No, only if I have really enjoyed being fucked by someone." I tell him. 'You did it both times with me" Sam says. "I loved how you fuck, and you're so hot" I tell him. Sam is smiling from ear to ear. "I love hearing that, you're so good for this old Bull's ego" he says kissing me. "Can we move in tomorrow?" Sam asks. "Sure" I tell him.

He gets off of me and goes in to shower. I get dressed and I go into the kitchen and I bring the snacks and drinks out to the living room. Beau comes out and kisses me, and he tells me how hot it was watching me take Sam. "I'll want you for sure when we go to bed in a bit" Beau says petting my ass. Sam and Oscar come out to the living room, and sit on the couch, and hold each other. "We might have a bit of a problem" Sam says taking a pastry off of the tray. "What?" I ask. "We have three Russian body builders living with us, they got fleeced badly by a con man, and we took them in, and if we leave they'll not have money or a place to live" he says.

"Are they good guys?" I ask. "Yeah, they're great guys, two of them are brothers, and the other is like a brother to them both, and they are hard workers." he says. "Three more bedrooms?" I ask. "Probably" Oscar says. "But they do understand English but don't speak it well" he says. "Claude took Russian in High School so he speaks Russian" Beau says. "We have a couple of big Russian clients and I had to learn, so I took it in school, and took a couple of on line courses." I tell them. "They'll be so happy if they can talk to you, and you can translate for them" Sam says. "I can" I say smiling.

"Can they come over, and see the place tonight?" Sam asks. "They can move us all in tomorrow if they agree to stay, so we don't have to take time away from the gym." Sam says. "Sure" I tell him. I go to the kitchen and I tell Alfred about Sam and Oscar, and the three Russians moving in, maybe. He's fine with it and he can have the bedrooms done for morning. I tell him I took care of Sam and Oscar's bedroom already. Alfred kisses me and thanks me for helping out.

I go back to the living room, and Sam is trying to talk to one of the Russians. I take his phone, and I ask them in Russian if they'll come see our place, and that Sam and Oscar are moving in, and want them to come too, and we'll be happy to have them here. "Speak Russian good?" he asks. "I do" I tell him. "We come" he says. I give them the address, and he tells me they'll be there in about thirty minutes.

Beau and I are curious about these guys. But Sam and Oscar both tell me to wait and meet them. "They're honest, and open, and they are good guys" Oscar says.

I am a bit anxious to meet them. And I wonder if I did the right thing by inviting them to stay sight unseen. But I have to admit Sam seems pretty sharp and I don't think he'd have them live with him, and want them here if they weren't good animals.

Finally, the doorbell rings, and I go let them in. The first one is huge, a Dark Brown furred Grizzly. He has beautiful Soft Blue eyes, and long Black hair tied in a ponytail, and a thick goatee. He's massively built, and seems a bit shy. He introduces himself as Bruno Petrov. The second one, is a smaller, but well built Bull. He has light Gray fur, and shining Ice Blue eyes, and seems happy. He has short Black hair, and moves easily. He has what Mom would have called a kind face. He introduces himself as Yuri Petrov. The last one, has Crystal Blue eyes that almost take my breath away. He's a big Brown furred Bull, and he's confident and smiling, and sexy. He's Dmitri Petrov he tells me. "Are you all brothers?" I ask. "We adopted, we close as brothers" Dmitri says smiling. I address them in Russian and I tell them I'll show them around the house. So I do. They seem happy that I do speak Russian, and break out into big smiles when I do address them in Russian.

They love the pool, and the hot tub, and I show them the bedrooms Alfred picked out. I tell them I don't expect rent and food and laundry will be done by Alfred. And I introduce them to Alfred. They break into big smiles when Alfred addresses them in Russian. "Dmitri think brothers be happy here, if we wanted" he says. "You're wanted" Sam tells them. "I agree, we'd love to have you guys here" I tell him. "Brothers move tomorrow" Yuri says. He's got a smile that can light up a room, as does Bruno when you can get him to smile. But he smiles when he sees the pool. "Bruno swim?" he asks. "Sure" I tell him. "No have suit" he says shyly. "Suits are optional, big guy" I tell him. Bruno strips and jumps in the pool. I can't help notice he's rather well equipped. Yuri is right behind him. Dmitri sits on the couch with me, but he's looking at the pool. In Russian, Dmitri tells me Bruno just got dumped, badly and it was the guy who took their money, so Bruno is kind of depressed and not his usual self. "I'm sorry he's had a bad time, but we'll take you guys as part of our family" I tell Dmitri. "Dmitri tell brothers they part of family" he says kissing me and smiling. "Go swim if you want to" I tell him. He stands up and smiles and strips. And runs to the pool.

They are all three swimming happily.

The noise has attracted the attention of the others, and anyone in the pool will have Rory joining them soon. Rory dives into the pool and he's swimming and talking to the Russians. I go out and I introduce Rory to them. Ed is looking out through the patio door. Sam tells him who the guys are. Ed strips and he's in the pool, with Nigel right behind him. Jesse sits and talks to me and Sam. Oscar has gone out and is swimming with the others. "I hope they'll be happy here" I say smiling watching them play in the water. "They're so happy and joyous" Jesse says. "They are aren't they" I say to Sam. "Yeah, you'd never believe how awful their childhoods were, to see them now" Sam muses. "Bruno never knew his parents or his name, and Dmitri and Yuri were abducted to be sent to America for paid adoptions, and escaped, and they all grew up in an orphanage" Sam says. "But they are the happiest, most joyous souls you'll ever meet" he adds. "They're cute too" Jesse says smiling. "And they're all very sexual, and very good at it" Sam says smiling. "They're all as horny as I am" Sam whispers to me. I laugh. "Sounds good to me" I tease him. "You sure liked me for being horny" Sam says grinning. "I have to admit I love that about you" I say smiling.

"You'd know from horny, Mr Hot Bull Daddy" I tease Sam. "He's a good top is he?" Jesse asks me. "He's a great top" I tell Jesse. "Really?" Jesse asks. "Yeah he's fantastic" I say smiling. Sam kisses me. "You're so good for my ego, Claude" Sam says smiling. "Well, Sam certainly is one hot Bull" Jesse says smiling. "Keep saying things like that and you'll end up under him" I say smiling. Sam is now looking Jesse up and down. "Trust me, being under him is one hell of an experience" I say grinning. "That good is he?" Jesse asks. "He is" I tell him. "You wanna find out?" Sam grunts. Jesse looks at me. "Go for it, I can tell you you won't regret it one bit" I say laughing. "I need to hire you for references and publicity." Sam says laughing. Jesse nods. Sam stands up, and kisses me, and takes Jesse's hand and they go off to the bedroom.

I sit and watch the others frolic in the water. I finally say the hell with it, and I strip off my clothes, and jump in the pool. I am swimming laps and having fun. Dmitri comes over to me. He asks me several questions about the house, and he's as close to me as he can get. I get out of the water, and I go get my pipe. And I go to the area we've set up to smoke in. Since Alfred's here now and he won't permit us to smoke in the house. I sit and smoke, naked and slightly damp. Dmitri comes out, he's naked too, and holding a cigar Rory must have given him. I light it for him. He leans back and he smokes.

And after a few minutes, he puts his arm around me, and smiles. He looks into my eyes, and he fixes me with those beautiful Crystal Blue eyes, and I forget my own name. He kisses me hard. And in Russian he asks me if he might make love to his beautiful Katya. He's hard as a rock, and rather impressive, maybe half an inch shorter than Beau. He's a gorgeous Bull. I nod, I can't seem to make words. But he knows the effect he's having on me, and he knows I've just told him to please make love to me.

He gently picks me up, and lays me on the grass. He kisses me hard, and he's running his hands all over my body. He's getting me hot and he knows it. He's got me so hot and I moan when he licks my neck. He slips his huge dick into me so gently. I buck when he's all the way in, and I push back on him to his balls. He grunts. And he deep kisses me. And he slowly begins to slide in and out of me. I grunt and moan, and he moves even faster. I kick and growl, and he's kissing me and petting my mane. I growl loudly and I shoot on his belly, and he bellows and gushes his cum into me. We both are panting hard. I tell him in Russian how wonderful of a lover he is, and how much I enjoyed his lovemaking. He blushes. And he thanks me, for letting him love me, and for taking them all in to this wonderful house. I kiss him.

He gets up off of me, kisses me and goes back to the house. I lay and look up at the stars. And I am very happy now. Bruno comes lumbering out. His Blue eyes shine in the moonlight. He sits on the grass next to me. In Russian he tells me what a beautiful young Lion I am, and asks me if I am bonded. I tell him I am, and I tell him I belong to the one eyed Cape Buffalo. "I am sorry" he says. "Why?" I ask him. "Bruno bond Claude if he free" he says sadly. I kiss him.

I ask him if he'd make love to me even if I am bonded. He gives me a shy smile. And nods yes. "Please" I beg him. He kisses me so tenderly and passionately that it almost brings tears to my eyes. I have to find this sweet big Grizzly a mate I think to myself. He pets my mane, and he kisses me and he pushes me back onto the grass, and gets on top of me. He's wonderful, slow and gentle, and his dick is a thick beer can type of dick. And he slips into me so gently. It takes my breath away. And we move together, and I buck on his dick. He's singing softly to me in Russian, and I love it. He's so romantic, and warm, and loving. His paws roam all over my body, he can't seem to stop touching me all over. "I will always remember this night, and you in the moonlight" He tells me in Russian. I growl softly and I feel myself shooting onto his belly. He growls softly, and he kisses me. And I feel his cum shooting into me. He holds me so tightly, and he pants hard. "Bruno could love his Katya" he moans. I cry. I love Beau so much, but part of me thinks I could love Bruno if life was different. And Sam too. And Dmitri as well. Hell maybe I'd take all three of these sexy and sweet Russians.

Bruno kisses away my tears. "Bruno no make Katya cry" he says softly. I kiss him. I tell him in Russian that I was just overcome with emotion for a moment. "I was so moved by how you made love to me, Bruno" I tell him in Russian. He smiles that shy little smile again. He kisses me, and he gets off of me. And he looks at me so lovingly and he walks off.

I get up and I sit on the bench and relight my pipe. I sit and smoke and I look up at the stars again. I feel so much I can't speak. Papa Harry comes out. "Who are all of these new guys" He asks me lighting his cigar. I explain about Sam and Oscar needing to find a home, and how Bruno, and Dmitri, and Yuri were living with them, so I took them in too.

"Should make this place a lot livelier." Harry says kissing me. I nod. On an impulse I kiss Harry. He smiles. "I'm happy you did that, I have wanted you again since that night in the pool" he says softly. "I am so full of love tonight" I tease him. "Would you let your old Papa Harry make love to you?" he asks quietly. "Of course, Harry, you are a beautiful Tiger, and I have had a crush on you longer than I have on Dad" I tell him. "Really?" he asks. I nod. I lay down on the grass. And I hold my arms out to him. He smiles, and he strips. And he kisses me and lays on top of me. "I love you, Harry" I tell him passionately. "I love you, as the hot Tiger you are, and the big cat of strength, and character, and for how you've always been there for me, and my brothers" I tell him. "I wish I had of known you were gay, I might have taken you if Beau had of not come around" I tell him. "I had just come out when Beau had his troubles, and I knew you loved him" Harry says. "And please never tell Jim,but I would have taken you, if you'd have come to me, assuming Beau had run from you" Harry tells me softly. "You bring out the top in me, Claude, and we'd have been as happy as Jim and I are now" he says quietly. "I know we'd have been happy Harry, I have always loved your joy and happy spirit." I tell him. "Claude, no more talk" he says kissing me hard. I kiss him back, and he slides his dick into me. I am growling as he does so. I do love Harry so much, and I am captivated by his expressive face, and his beautiful eyes. He moves so slowly I am ready to cry out for him to speed up. Harry is making love to me, and he's trying to give me the most pleasure he can. I roar and I kick, and I lick his neck, and he bites my neck gently. I kick my legs and groan, and he growls a bit, and he's speeding up now. He's kissing me deeply, and I am lost in his fucking right now. I moan, and I buck and shoot onto his belly. He growls loudly and I feel him give up his cum into my ass. He pants hard, and he holds me tightly. "I do love you, Claude" he pants. "I love your Dad so much, and I love you, and I know how much he loves you, and you love him" Harry says kissing me. "I am glad things are the way they are" he says holding me tightly. "I know how much you and Beau love each other" he says smiling. He gets up off of me. And we both sit and smoke, and he puts his big striped arm around me. And I snuggle into him. He sighs, and he's got his big ole grin on his face.

Beau comes out, and he smiles at me. "Who else have you been with tonight besides Harry?" he asks. "Dmitri, Bruno, and you know I was with Sam" I tell him. "You've had quite the night haven't you?" he says kissing me. "I am so happy you two got together, Beau" Harry says. "I knew you were a good Cape Buffalo, or I wouldn't have helped you like I did" Harry says smiling. "And Claude adores you so much." he adds. "The Russians are going to move in tomorrow and bring Sam and Oscar's stuff too" Beau says. "I'm glad, they are great guys" I tell him. "And they're good sex I"ll bet" Harry says grinning. "Yeah, Sam is for sure, and Dmitri is a great top, and Bruno is so loving and passionate" I tell Harry. "He's been hurt recently" I tell Harry. "We've got to find him a mate" I add. "Claude,, you can't bond the entire world, and you have to stop trying" Beau says grinning.

I smile, and Beau sits on the other side of me, and he lights up a cigar. And they hold me between them tightly. Dad's out now and he's curious about the hot new guys as well. Harry explains who they are to Dad.

Yuri comes out, and sits. He looks intently at Dad's cigar. I ask him if he'd like one in Russian. "Da" he says. I ask Dad if he'd give Yuri a cigar. He nods, and hands him one. Yuri smiles. He's taken with Dad for sure. Yuri asks me who the other hot Lion is. I tell him it's my Dad, and he smiles. "Yuri no have Dad" he says softly. Dad smiles, and hugs him. "I'll be your Dad" he says softly. Yuri cries on his shoulder. And he spills the whole story of his and Dmitri's childhood out in Russian. I translate for the others. Dad and Papa Harry hug him tightly. "Stay with us tonight, sweet Bull" Dad says. Yuri nods.

"I'll get rooms done up for your brothers for tonight" I tell Yuri in Russian. And I go find Alfred. He and I get two rooms fixed up for Dmitri and Bruno. And I show them both to their rooms. And I tell them these will be their rooms for good. They both hug me, and they're thrilled with these nice big rooms. I tell them they can bring their stuff in tomorrow, but that Yuri wants to spend the night with my Dad and his bond mate. "Big Lion you Dad?" Bruno asks softly. "Yes" I tell them. I can see by the looks in their eyes that they want him too. I tell them to follow me, and I go talk to Dad. "I think they want to adopt you and Papa Harry" I tell him. "Yuri asked me if I would be Dmitri and Bruno's Daddy too" Dad says smiling.

Dad puts his arms out to Dmitri and Bruno, and they run to him, hug him, and cry. I have to admit I've got a tear or two going myself, as does Harry. Rory and Oscar are holding each other, a bit misty eyed themselves. "I told you they're good guys" Oscar whispers to me. "I think they'll be happy here" I tell Oscar gently. Yuri hugs me. He's openly weeping. "Claude brother too" he says. I kiss him.

Rory hugs him from behind. "That means you're my brother too, Yuri" he says softly. Yuri turns and hugs him tightly as well. I tell Yuri in Russian that Rory is my cousin, but had been adopted by Dad, since my Uncle was an asshole. "Dad adopt us too?" he asks. I lean over and I tell Dad what Yuri asked me. Dad is beaming. "You want to be my boys too?" Dad asks them. "Da" we hear simultaneously from all three of them.

"Claude, did you talk to Joe Iverson?" Dad asks me. Joe is an old friend of the family who moved out here and has a good legal practice going. I nod. I give Dad his phone number. Dad calls and he talks to Joe, and he tells the Russian boys that they'll go day after tomorrow to see his lawyer and he'll adopt them formally. "We be sons?" Bruno asks. Dad nods. "You'll legally be my sons, and take my last name" he says smiling. "What we be?" Dmitri asks. "Our last name is Kitman" I tell him. I tell Dad to ask Joe if we should put up a Security bond for them as well so they won't ever have to worry about deportation, like I am going to do for Nigel. He agrees. "Bruno be Bruno Kitman?" he asks. Dad ruffles his hair and tells him he will be. "And I'll be proud of my Russian sons" he says.

Rory and I have to laugh now. The boys are so excited over something that he and I never think about. Being Kitmans. It's been quite a day I think to myself. Beau hugs me tightly. I kiss him. Jesse comes out, and he's pretty happy. "You weren't kidding about Sam" he says grinning. "He's great, ain't he?" I say grinning. Sam blushes. "Claude's Dad is going to adopt Dmitri, Yuri, and Bruno" Oscar tells Sam. "No shit?" he asks me. "Yuri asked me who the other Lion was and when I told him it was my Dad, he broke down, and cried, and told me his and Dmitri, and Bruno's stories." I tell them. "I translated it for Dad, and he told Yuri he'd be his Daddy, and Yuri broke down and cried." I add. "I told Dmitri and Bruno, and they wanted to meet my Dad, and Dad told them he'd be their Dad too" "And they cried on his shoulder, and he told them he'd adopt them if they'd let him" "And they agreed, he's already talked to our lawyer about it" I tell Sam a bit awed. "My Dad can be pretty awesome at times"I say smiling. "Where are the boys?" Sam asks. "In with Dad and Papa Harry, the wanted to sleep with them" I say smiling. "This gets weirder and weirder" Sam says. "Not really, I'm his biological son, and I sleep with them when I can" I tell Sam. "So do I , but I'm only his adopted son, and technically his nephew" Rory says. "Talk about your close families" Oscar says laughing. "Fun family that knows how to get along" Sam says grinning.

Beau hugs me from behind, and whispers to me that it's time for us to go to bed. I kiss Sam and Oscar and tell them Beau and I are going to bed. And they tell me they're tired too, and I show them to their bedroom.

Beau takes my paw, and leads me to our bedroom. He kisses me hard, and pushes me back on the bed. "I want you very badly now, baby" he says so softly. "Do you want your Cape Buffalo?" he asks. "Very much, babe" I say slipping out of my clothes. "We've had quite a day, and I know you're tired, but I want you" he says kissing me softly. "I love you, Beau, and I will try harder to be what you want me to be" I tell him. "What brought that on?" Beau asks me. "I want us to be like Sam and Oscar, they've been together for 12 years, and I want us to be that tight and loving when we have been together that long" I tell him softly. Beau kisses me. "We will be, we're still trying to get used to each other babe" he says. "You're pretty much what I want you to be, just stop running from me when you're upset and hurting, and you'll be what I want you to be" he says smiling. "You spoil me, and you cater to me, and you love me so much" "I couldn't ask for more from you" he says kissing me.

"And you think I am beautiful" he says so softly I can just barely hear him. "You are beautiful, Beau" I tell him. He leans down and puts his head on my chest and weeps. "I am not, but you think I am, and I can't say how much that means to me" he says through tears. I put my arms around him and I hold him tightly against me. He cries for a bit, and kisses me, and strokes my mane. "I am not worthy of your love and devotion" Beau says. "What brought that on, babe?" I ask him gently. "I see these attractive males, and they all want you, and you love the sex, but you always come back to me" Beau says. "You enjoy sex with them, but it's only me you love" he says sniffling. "I do love you, Beau, I'll stop fucking other guys if you need me to" I tell him softly. "You mean more to me than anything in this world" I tell him. "I don't want you to, and I want to fuck other guys too" he says. "But I am amazed that a rich, and good looking Lion like you loves me like you do" he says sadly. "Beau, why?" I ask. "Why now?"I ask "And are you doubting my love for you?" I ask him. "I don't know, but you've had a lot of sex, with a lot of hot males, and I don't know why me" he says anguishedly. "Why not Sam, or Bruno, or Dmitri, or Harry or, Hell, even Ed or Rory" he asks sounding very pained. "I love Rory for who he is, and he's in love with Jesse, and I love him as my brother" I tell Beau. "Ed's a hot guy, and a great one, but he's not for me" I add. "I like Sam, but he's in love with Oscar, and he's not you" I tell him earnestly. "Bruno is hot, and a very sweet soul, but again he's not you, nor is Dmitri" I tell him stroking him between his horns.

"I have no room in my heart for anyone, except family, since the day you told me you'd come to me on my 18th birthday, Beau" I tell him emphatically. "I had to work up my courage and go after you myself, after the accident" I remind him. "But I wanted you, and only you to be my mate, and I still do" I tell him. "I am not sure why I love you as I do" I say quietly. "There are so many things, your gentle dominant ways, or that sexy face and how soft your big strong hands are when you touch me." I say kissing him. "I love how happy you can be, and how you show me that you love me so much" I add. "I sit sometimes and watch you sleep, Beau, you're so beautiful when you sleep, I sometimes cry watching you" I say stroking him.

"I know I am not perfect, I am not as obedient to you as I promised, and I promised you I'd always try to talk to you when we disagree and not fight you" I remind him. "And you've asked me not to run from you several times" I say sadly. "Babe, I am no prize either, I'm scarred, and have lost an eye, and I am cranky when you fight me, and when I am terrified that I might lose you, or..." he says stopping suddenly. "You're just as terrified you might lose me, aren't you?" he asks me suddenly. "I am, it's rather obvious" I tell him. "I have just as much fear as you do about not being able to keep you , or keep you happy" I say crying now. He holds me tightly.

"I am amazed I never thought of this" he says smiling now. "We can be scared together, and then we know we won't lose one another" he says. "What?" I ask startled. "Well , think back to when we fought on the way home from my Dad's farm, you cried, and I dropped my anger to comfort you, and I knew then how scared you were that I'd stop loving you" he says stroking my mane. And when we got home and you ran from me." "Harry got you to calm down by reminding you how important I am to you, and you acknowledged your fear of losing me to your pride" Beau says softly. "Or at least that's what Harry told me" Beau says grinning. "I know now how much you love me, and you don't want to live without me" he says. "You could have left that night but you came back for me, solely because I mean so much to you" he says gently. "And?" I ask. "I am scared that you'll decide that there is someone better for you out there, and I don't want to live without you with me, and loving me as much as you do" Beau says. "Don't you see, if you're scared of losing me, you'll never leave me" he says kissing me. "And if you keep in mind how scared I am of losing you, you'll know I can't leave you, and I don't want to live without you" He says smiling. "Keep that in mind and we ought to be able to keep calm with each other" he says kissing me again. I have to laugh. He's right.

"I still wonder why you think you're not worthy of my love" I ask. "I am insecure, especially after the accident' he says softly. "Can't you just tell me you're feeling insecure when it happens?" I ask. "And I can do what I need to in order to reassure you"I say gently. "I'll try Claude" he says "Beau, I have had sex with others, but since the day you took me in Alabama, and more so after you bonded me, there's been no one else for me" I tell him. "I am flattered when other guys want me, and I love having sex with them, but I'll always come back to you" I tell him stroking his face. "Usually I come back to you wanting you more" I tell him. "I love my Cape Buffalo, more than anyone or anything in the world" I tell him emphatically. "My Lion means more to me, than even my own life" Beau says kissing me. "I want you happy, and I want you with me for the rest of our lives" Beau says.

"No more words, my beautiful Cape Buffalo, show me how much you love me" I beg him. He kisses me, and puts my legs on his shoulders, and slides that massive dick into me. "I love my tight little Lion" he grunts. And he's moving so gently inside of me it brings tears to my eyes. I moan and I push back on him, and he growls softly. And he bites my neck gently. And I kick and buck on his massive dick. And I realize something, he's so big inside of me that I can feel his foreskin moving in me as well as his dick. I squeeze his dick with my ass, and he growls and convulses, and I feel him filling my ass with his cum. And then I notice that I have cum on us both. He holds me panting, and I hold him to me, and I cry. "I have never felt so loved or wanted in my whole life" I tell him through my tears. "You are very much loved and wanted by me" Beau says kissing away my tears.

He gently picks me up and moves us to our sides. And he pulls me against him. "We've had a busy day, and I want to sleep with my dick inside of you" he says softly. I nod. "I'm not saying that you don't do it, but I need frequent reminders that I am your first priority, Claude" he says timidly. "I know it's a weakness on my part, but I need to hear it from you, that I am first in your life" Beau says nervously. "I will try hard to tell you several times a day that you are" I say softly.

He kisses me hard. And he tells me to try to sleep now. And I close my eyes. I love feeling him still lodged inside of me. I realize he is insecure, and as I think back, he's needing more reassurances than I have given him. I know though that time will solve this problem for both of us, but for right now I need to reassure him frequently with words and actions. I have to wonder if he's so insecure because of his injuries from the accident and his feelings of being unattractive to me. I wish I could convince him how beautiful to me he is. And I admit to myself that I too am insecure, and I need to relax and quit worrying about losing him. He won't leave me anymore than I could leave him. So I need to let go of that fear, and help him to let go of his fears about me. I hear his gentle snore, and I am comforted by it. And I drift off to sleep in the arms of my beloved Cape Buffalo.

I wake up in the morning and he's still inside of me. And he's snoring loudly. I lay quietly. And I know I'll stay right here with him until he wakes up. I look at him, and watch him sleep for a while. He wakes in a bit, and pets my mane gently. I lean back and kiss him. "Morning, babe" I say gently. His eye is shining with his love for me. I move a bit on his massive dick, and he's rock hard, and he moves slowly inside of me. "You been up long?" he grunts. "A while" I tell him. "I didn't want to have you out of me" I say softly. "I wanted to be here still joined with you when you woke up, my beautiful Beau" I say kissing him. He speeds up. "Babe, let me cum inside of you" he says hotly. "Please, Babe' I moan. He bites my neck gently and I buck and squeeze his dick with my ass. He growls softly and I feel him gushing his cum into me. He holds me to him, panting hard. "Thank you, Claude" he says gently. "For what, babe?" I ask him. "For staying with me so I could wake up with you, and for letting me stay in you all night, and for fucking me this morning" he says lovingly. "I can't tell you how loved that makes me feel" he says kissing me. "You usually get up before I do, and you welcome me when I get up, but I love waking up with you, my hot little Lion" he says smiling. "I love waking up next to you each morning, and knowing we'll be together each day" I say grinning. "I don't want to let you go, but I have to pee pretty badly now" Beau says kissing me. "Don't get up, stay here for me to cuddle you when I get back" he says passionately. I nod. And he gets up and goes to the bathroom. I lay and I am feeling relaxed and loved and happy. I decide not to go to school today. I want to stay with my Cape Buffalo, and let him know how much he is loved today. I realize I'm surprisingly unenthusiastic about school now. I moved out here to go and I'm not really wanting it anymore.

Beau comes back and lays next to me, and holds me to his chest. He's petting my back and my mane. And I look and he's so happy now. He kisses me. And we lay and we talk, just two lovers being intimate. I pet him between his horns. He growls softly, and smiles. "I'm not going to school today" I tell him. "I know you're going to want to go work out, and have things to do, but I want to spend the time with my beautiful Cape Buffalo." I tell him. He smiles. "My Lion loves me so much" he says happily.

He pulls me to him, and he puts me on my stomach. I am relaxed and waiting for him to take me. But he gets on top of me, and he rubs my back, neck and shoulders. "My baby needs to be tended to sometimes" he whispers softly to me. He leans down and he rubs and massages my big foot paws. And I purr loudly. "I can make you feel good even without using my dick" he says proudly. He kisses me, and he lays down. I rub his chest and I go down and I rub his hooves. He groans. And he rolls onto his stomach. I massage his neck and shoulders, and his muscles are so tight. But he relaxes as I stroke him. I rub his back and his butt, and I even rub and stroke his tail. He's moaning softly. I rub his big legs and he's making a soft gentle almost mooing sound. He turns on his back, and I keep rubbing his legs, and then I go up and rub his chest and belly, and then his neck and I kiss him. "I feel so loved right now" Beau says. "I love you, Babe" he says smiling. "I love my Cape Buffalo, and I have to be sure you know, every moment of every day, how much and how strongly I love you, Beau" I say kissing him. He's got tears in his eye. "I don't deserve you" he says. "Hush, no more of that, I beg you" I tell him. "We are together, because we are perfect for each other, and I know how special my Cape Buffalo is, and I won't have you telling yourself you don't deserve me" I say with so much love. "You think I am special?"he asks blushing. "You are, Dad wanted me with you, and he's been so protective of me for so long" I tell him. "Dad thinks you're special, and so does my brother" I say kissing him hard. "Rory was very happy when he found we finally got together" Beau says grinning. "And Dad loves me too" he says happily. "No more thoughts of how unworthy you are" I beg him. "I will try, my gorgeous and loving Lion" he says. "Will you be upset with me if I want to get up and go get coffee and breakfast?" he asks gently. "No, I was kind of thinking the same thing" I say laughing. We get up, and I put on a robe, and I hand Beau his. "Alfred doesn't like us to run around the common areas naked" I tell him smiling. "The pool and the hot tub are OK, like the smoking area is too" I add.

We go out to the dining room. I point to the sideboard, and Beau remarks on the food laid out in the warmer on the sideboard. "That's how Alfred does meals, he'll put it out and let us serve ourselves." I tell him. I get him a cup of coffee, and I notice Alfred has made me a pot of Coffee and Chicory which I love. I get a cup and I sit down. Beau sips his coffee and looks lovingly at me from time to time. I get up and I make him a plate of breakfast. He kisses me, and he smiles. "I love how you'll tend to me, babe" he says gently. "He'll spoil you for sure if you'll let him" Rory says laughing. Jesse comes in and sits, he gets his coffee and he's silent. He looks done in.

"Bloody Hell, he's too damned cheerful" Nigel says coming into the dining room. Rory laughs. Nigel kisses him on top of his head. "Me Dad, is the same way" he says smiling. Ed comes in a minute later. "How are the newlyweds?" Beau asks him. Ed smiles. "He's perfect for me, and I am so glad" Ed says kissing me. "How about you, Nigel" I ask. "I love the big sod" he says grinning. "He's amazing in bed" I say grinning. "I know, but it figures you'd have found out first" he snarks. "I have to make sure he would suit you, Nigel" I say laughing.

Sam comes out and he nods to me, and he gets a cup of coffee and sits down, and he looks grumpy. Oscar comes out, and he explains that Sam isn't much until he's had a couple of cups of coffee. "I know that feeling well" Beau says happily. Sam looks at him, and nods. I point to the sideboard, and tell Oscar to help himself. He smiles. "Nice to not have to get right up, and cook first thing" he says smiling. "The Russian boys are going to go get our stuff this morning" Oscar says. "We're going to lend them our truck" he adds. "I'll have to get them a car or two" I muse out loud. "Really?" Sam asks gruffly. "I will, do you guys need another vehicle?" I ask him. "I'd love a truck of my own" Oscar says gently. Sam nods. "If that is what my baby Bull wants then, please?" he asks me. "Of course, when he wants to we'll go get him one." I tell them. Oscar kisses me. "You've been so good to us already" he says grinning. "I like you guys a lot" I tell him. "You seemed pretty damned happy when you were under me last night" Sam says "Who wouldn't be?" Jesse says grinning. "You liked me too" Sam says cracking a little smile.

"He's so proud of himself this morning" Oscar whispers to me. "Several here came on to him last night, and he's got plans with several of them, including that hot Saber Tooth Tiger" Oscar tells me. "He looks happy" I respond. "He is, he feels like he gets ignored because he thinks I'm better looking, but he gets a lot of tail" Oscar says grinning broadly. "And he loves how the guys here treat him" he adds. "He's a hot Bull" I tell Oscar. "He had sex with you and Jesse and he still kept me up late fucking me" Oscar says grinning. "He loves you so much , it's so obvious" I tell him. "He loves his outside tail, but he is devoted to me" Oscar says happily. "Like Beau seems to be with you" he adds. Beau smiles and leans over and kisses me. "My Lion slept with my dick up him all night, and he stayed in bed with me til I woke up, and cuddled me before we got up" Beau says proudly. "Now that's a good idea" Sam says looking at Oscar. "Would my baby Bull let me keep my dick up him all night?" Sam asks Oscar. Oscar nods, and smiles. Ed grins. "I think I'll try that with Nigel" he says happily. "It would be great having that Horse cock up me all night" Nigel says smiling. Rory looks gently at Jesse. "I'd try it, babe" Jesse says laughing. "Babe, I think you just gave everyone a good idea" I tease Beau. He grins. "I do it to Harry" Dad says coming in and getting a cup of coffee. "And I love it" Harry says kissing Dad as he gets his own coffee. Jorge laughs, but I see he's obviously considering it too.

I get up and I go check on our Russian boys. Dmitri is sitting and reading something. I tell him in Russian that breakfast is ready, and to get his brothers and come down and eat. "You feed us?" he asks surprised. I kiss him. "Of course, sweet Bull" I tell him. "It's down in the dining room, so get Bruno, and Yuri and come down and eat" I tell him. He gets up and goes to Yuri's room, and I go downstairs.

The Russians are down quickly, and they get plates and coffee and eat heartily. Bruno kisses me on the cheek. "Lions good to us" he says, and he kisses Dad too.

I tell everyone that I am not going to school today and I want to take the day with my baby Cape Buffalo. Dad looks oddly at me.

I finish breakfast and I go out and watch TV for a bit. Dad comes out and asks me if I'd go to his study with him. As he has something important to talk to me about. I am momentarily concerned, but Dad seems calm. I rack my brain, but I can't think of anything I might have done to piss him off.

We go to his study, and he sits at his desk, and I sit in front of it. "Son, I hate to ask you this, but I need help" he starts. "I am busy getting everyone settled in the new offices, and things are piling up." he says gently. "I could use your help if you could maybe take the semester off and go back and start again next semester" He says. "Rory's gonna help part time, but I need one of my boys to help catch up, and get the new people used to having Kitman males around" He says. "I can do that, Dad" I tell him. "I'm not getting into school like I thought I would" I tell him.

"Do you need to talk to Beau about this, Son" he asks me. "No, Beau told me once he knew I"d have to come to take my destiny at CMK" I tell him. 'He's OK with it, though it may surprise him I'm going to before I finish school" I say. "I am just asking for six months or so" he tells me. "I know you've been trained for this, and I need you" He says. "Dad, I have thought about what Beau said, and I have come to the conclusion I belong at CMK and by your side" I tell him softly. "I know how this is important, you need them used to us, and to know we're there with a firm hand on the company" I add.

Dad is weeping softly. "I am so proud of my boy, my first born Lion son" he says hugging me. "I am going to withdraw from school and I'll work full time" I tell him. "I want you to take some more responsibility than you have been" Dad says. "You'll be my COO if you can handle it" he says. "I can, Dad, I know I am young, but I'm not much younger than you were when you took over, and I have you to backstop me" I tell him happily.

"Are you absolutely sure, Claude?" he asks. "I know it's where I am supposed to be, and I think Beau knew it before I did" I tell him. He holds me and he cries. "I am so proud of my boy, stepping up to help me" he says. "Harry has worked hard on me to get me to slow down, and not burn myself out, and I know this will help, Son" he says weeping on my shoulder. "I want you around a long time, Dad, and I am glad to help" I say softly. "My boy wants me around a long time?" he asks. "I do, Dad, I love you"I say quietly. "I can't imagine life without you around, Dad" I tell him. He cries harder. Rory walks in, you said yes I imagine he tells me. I nod. "I'm glad though you'll be there with me at times" I tell him. Rory hugs us both. "My boys are stepping up to keep me happy and around longer" Dad says teary eyed. I hope I am not going to live to regret this, but I feel oddly fulfilled somehow.

Rory tells me he wants to see how I do, and how he likes working in a more responsible position for CMK, and if he does he might quit next semester and join me full time. "I'd love that, Rory, you know we work well together, and I can't think of anyone I want to share responsibilities with more than my big ole Polar Bear" I tell him hugging him.

"I want to talk this out with Jesse though so don' t say anything to Dad yet" Rory asks me. "I need to go talk to Beau about this too, but he told me when he came to me at first, that he knew I'd step up to CMK one day" I say proudly. "Talk to me about what?" Beau asks me as he's passing us in the hall. "Can we go and be alone for a bit, babe?" I ask. "How bad is it, Rory" Beau asks him. Rory laughs. "Not bad, but something a bit earlier than you might have thought" he says smiling. Beau looks at me oddly, and he takes my paw and pulls me down the hall to our bedroom.

"Give" he says gruffly. "Dad came to me, and wanted my help at work, and I told him that I had been thinking about it since you told me you knew I'd go to CMK eventually" I say meekly. "And I told him I wanted to quit school for now, and go to work to help him" I say hoping for the best. Beau looks at me and smiles. "Dad is wanting to slow down, and he wants to make me the COO and take a big load off of him, apparently Harry is working on him to get him to relax and be around longer" I say anxiously. "I know you love your Dad enough to do that" he says holding me. "I want to be sure you're doing what's right for you, though" Beau says proudly.

"It's like you said, Beau, I know now it's where I am supposed to be." I say firmly. "I have my Cape Buffalo, and my life path set and I am just 18." I say emphatically. "That's an awful lot for someone as young as you, babe" he says holding me tighter. "I have you for support, and Dad will be there to back me up, and Rory's coming to work part time, and he may join me full time next semester" I say still anxious. "Babe, I want you to know something" I say meekly. "I am going to be in the public eye more now, as one of the youngest COOs in business, and I want you to know I am proud of my one eyed Cape Buffalo" I tell him. "I will have to have you escort me to some of these things, like Harry is now doing with Dad." I say nervously. "My Lion remembered what I asked him" he says kissing me. " I'll go to these things happily on the arm of the Cape Buffalo I love, and am proud of" I say firmly now. He's crying now, and he's so happy.

He lays me on the bed, and we kiss and make out for a while. Dad comes in. And he sits on the bed. "Beau, I hope you're OK with what Claude has decided to do?" Dad asks him. "I am, Dad" he says smiling. "He's doing what he knows he needs to, and what he was born to do, and he wants to keep you around as much as I do" he says smiling. Dad hugs him. "I am so glad you accepted my son, Beau" Dad says weeping. "You're as good of an Cape Buffalo, as I always thought you were, and you love our boy, and I know you can deal with being his mate, and the demands it will put on you" Dad says smiling. "I know, we were just talking about it, Dad" Beau says. "I am as proud of you as I can be, Beau" Dad says. "Can I tell Jean?" Beau asks me. "Of course, you can"I tell him. "I love her, and I know she'll be happy for us both" I tell him.

He gets up and goes off to call her. "He's perfect for you, Claude" Dad says. "He loves you so much, even he doesn't know how deeply he loves his Lion" Dad says smiling. Dad looks seriously at me. "No second thoughts, Boy" Dad asks me. "No , Dad" I say. "Good, you'll come in day after tomorrow, and I"ll have everything set up, tomorrow I have to take care of adopting our Russians" Dad says. "Are you and Rory OK with that?" he asks. "Yeah, we talked, and I know we both think they're special, and we know you want to be able to look after them" I tell him. "Will you and Rory look after them after I am gone" Dad asks me solemnly. "We will, Dad, I love those guys, so honest, and open, and guileless" I say. "I'd leave them money but I am afraid they might not handle it" Dad says. "I will, and I'll look after them as long as I live, Dad" I tell him. "Yuri wants to come to work for us, and Jay will put him to work in Security, but it will be good to have you there in case he has trouble with English" Dad says. "Dad, they understand English perfectly, they have trouble speaking it, but they are far from stupid" I tell him. "Harry is going to take an on line Russian course so we can talk to them, and be there for them" Dad says. "He loves those boys as much as I do" Dad says grinning.

"Dad, if I tell you something would you keep it a secret?" I ask. "Not even tell Papa Harry?" I ask. "Of course, Son" he says. "If I had of met Dmitri or Bruno before I met Beau, I"d have tried my damnedest to have bonded either one of them" I say softly."That doesn't surprise me, Claude" Dad says. "You can tell how Bruno feels by the way he looks at you, and Dmitri too" he says softly. "They would have loved you so much" he says hugging me. "Are you going to try to find them mates?" Dad asks me. "Of course, I care about them, and I want them to be happy, and Yuri too" I say firmly. "I never understood how you do that, but you do it well" Dad says grinning. "Bruno is in love with me, Dad?" I ask. "I think so, Claude, he looks at you every chance he gets, especially if he thinks no one is watching him" Dad says gently. I sigh. "I love Beau, and I hope I can find Bruno someone worthy of being loved by him" I tell Dad. "Same with Dmitri?" Dad asks. "I love that hot big Bull, Dad" I tell him. "I love Bruno, and Yuri, too, Dad" I tell him. I want them to be happy, and loved. I say tearing up. "It's hard not to care about those Russians" I tell Dad. "I know" he says. I kiss Dad , and I get up and go to the kitchen.

I kiss Alfred, and I ask him if he thinks I'm doing the right thing. I haven't told him, but I know he knows, he knows everything that happens around here somehow. He sits at the kitchen table with me. "Claude, you know you're doing what you need to do, you love your Dad, and you know you are meant to be where you are" he says. "You picked a great Cape Buffalo who'll love and cherish you as long as he lives, and you have come to understand where your place in the world is" he says. "I can only tell you that I have always thought of you like my own son, and that I am proud of you" he says kissing me. "I have always loved you Alfred, and I never once though of you as just a butler, more like a kindly Uncle who took care of us all" I tell him tearing up. He hugs me. "I know I will never have sons of my own, but you and Rory have been like my own boys" he says tearing up himself. "Jeb is hard to know, and he won't let people in" Alfred says. "But you and Rory have loved me since you were little, and I can't tell you how much that means to me" he says tearing up.

"What about Dad adopting the Russians?" I ask him. "They are so good hearted, and they are so joyous" he says. "I have talked to them, and I know them fairly well now" Alfred says. "They love you and your Dad and Harry very much, and they want you guys to be proud of them" Alfred says. "I promised Dad I would take care of them when he's gone, and I will, and I am determined to find them mates" I say happily.

"Claude, you don't remember her well, but you are so much like your mother" he says proudly. "I am so happy you brought Jorge here, and I know you didn't set us up, but him and I being here together, made it easy for us to bond each other" he says smiling. "You love him a lot don't you , Alfred?" I ask him softly. "I do, and I know he loves me as much as I love him" he says smiling gently. "He's such an awesome Saber Tooth" I tell Alfred. "He is" Alfred says, and he's looking very much in love right now. Jorge comes in, and kisses Alfred. "We were just talking about you, Jorge" I say teasing him. "Good things I hope" he says flashing his big smile. "Definitely, I was talking about how awesome you are, and how happy you make our Alfred" I tell him smiling. He kisses me. "My beautiful young Lion is so happy for us?" he asks me. "I am, I love Alfred, and I love you too, and I am so glad that you love one another so much" I tell him. "You raised him right, Alfred" Jorge says. "He's as much your son, as he is Jim's " he says grinning. I smile broadly. Jorge kisses Alfred, and they get up and go off together. I sit and I think to myself of how things are going since we came out here. I have been much happier since we've been in this house. The love and caring this place seems to engender is awesome.

I realize I need to go buy some working clothes. Some suits and dress shirts, and, ugh, shoes. Ties I don't mind much as I get used to having them on and I forget them entirely. I go find Beau and I ask him to come with me to buy some clothes for my new career. He kisses me, and tells me he'll come. with me gladly. I put on some nice clothes, and make sure I'm wearing underwear. and I figure I need at least ten suits with assorted shirts and a couple of pairs of comfortable dress shoes, and I need at least twenty ties. I am hard on them for some reason.. And I ought to get a tux, and a white tie outfit too.

Beau looks good dressed up. And he and I go shopping. I find some good suits, and I am always fond of three piece suits, and I find ten good ones. "I like wearing the vest and pants without the jacket once I am at work" I tell Beau. Shoes are harder, but I find a couple of pairs that don't crush my big foot paws.

We go to Macy's and I get measured for a tux, and I tell Beau he needs one too. He's a bit flustered. But he agrees. He looks great in one though. They have a bit of trouble fitting him as he's so big in width, and well letting the pants out in the crotch for him is difficult they tell me. I get a white tie outfit, and Beau reluctantly agrees to be fitted for one too. They have some nice ties too, so I get my ties here. Beau puts on his white tie outfit so they can finalize the measurements, and he looks so awesome in it. I whip out my cell phone and take a couple of pictures of him in it. We take them home with us, and I am happy that's over with. I go hang everything up. And I wash the shirts. I hate wearing new clothes without washing them first. Beau asks me why I didn't buy socks. And I tell him I don't wear them. Never have. "My pants legs will cover up that I am not wearing them" I say smiling. "I'd go bare foot pawed but Dad would have a cow over it" I tell him. Beau kisses me and tells me he is going to go work out if I don't mind. I tell him to go, and that I hope he has a good workout.

I go and change into some shorts, and I go outside and lay out by the pool. I love laying in the sun, I can just lay out and relax. I look in through the French doors, and I see the Russians sitting watching TV. Yuri comes out and tells me that they have their stuff moved in, and all of Sam and Oscar's stuff too. He thanks me in Russian for taking them in like we did. I answer him in Russian that we are really happy to have them. He smiles and he sits down. He chats with me, and he's really happy now. He tells me he loves feeling so loved, and wanted and protected like he does now. I smile at him.

He hugs me, and he asks me why I don't want him like I wanted Bruno, and Dmitri. "I do, why do you think that?" I ask him. "You have not been with me" he says sadly. "I am more of one to be pursued than to pursue" I tell him in Russian. Yuri smiles deeply, and he leans forward and kisses me hard and deep. I kiss him back, and he asks me if I do indeed want him. I pull my shorts down and I put my hand on his muscled chest, and I tell him I do, very much so. He smiles that sunny bright smile of his, and he picks me up. "Where we go?" he asks. I tell him to go where he'd be comfortable making love to me for a long time. He carries me in to the house and to his bedroom. He kisses me and lays me down on his bed. He strips, and he tells me how beautiful I am. I blush. He kisses me all over my body, and he is so tender and gentle. "Yuri not like Dmitri, Yuri cum quickly but go many times" he says softly. "That sounds good to me, sweet Bull" I tell him. He smiles shyly. "Yuri want Lion badly, but think Lion not want him" he says. "Lion has wanted you much" I tell him smiling. "But Lion not think you want him" I say. He laughs. In Russian, he tells me he is so happy now. "Yuri work soon, Yuri love to work" he says shyly. "Claude love us, give us much" he says. "Yuri give Lion his love now" he says kissing me deeply.

I put my legs up for him, and he pets my mane and he slips into me so gently. His eyes are shining, and he looks into mine so lovingly. "Brothers wish Claude no mated" he says. "We all take you to us, and we all love you if you free" he says gently. "Really?" I ask. 'Brothers share Claude's love" he says. "I am sorry, Yuri, but I love my Beau very much" I tell him gently. "Yuri know, but brothers want Claude to know how he loved by us" he says softly. I cry softly. "Yuri not want make sad" he says. "I'm not sad, babe" I tell him. "I am overcome by how much you guys love me" I tell him. Yuri kisses me, and he's moving in me slowly. "Claude take us if he free?" Yuri asks me. "I would Yuri" I tell him holding him tightly. "Brothers be happy to have Claude when they can" he says. "I want to try to find you guys mates of you own" I tell him. "Claude mate us with loves?" he asks. I nod. He's got tears in his eyes. "No one good to brothers as Claude is" he says through his tears. "I love you, Yuri, and I want you and your brothers to be as happy and as loved as you deserve to be" I whisper to him. He moves a bit faster, and he bellows, and he gushes his cum into me. I pant, and I realize I shot all over him. "Yuri make Katya cum?" he asks. I nod. "Yuri glad Claude like Yuri's fucking" he says kissing me. He lays on top of me panting and I love feeling him on top of me. "Yuri no too heavy for Katya?" he asks. "No, I love feeling you on me" I tell him. Yuri smiles his sunny smile. "Yuri wait minute, take Claude again" he says kissing me. "I'll take you as often as you want me, Yuri" I tell him. "Katya love his Bull?" he asks. "I do babe" I tell him. "Yuri much happy" he says grinning.

"Claude's Dad love Yuri too, Dad love us much" he says happily. "I know, and I am glad you're going to be my brother soon" I tell him. "Claude want Yuri and brothers as his brothers?" he asks. "Very much so" I tell him. "Brothers happy to be wanted" he says softly. "Family give us much, much love and welcome here" he adds. I hear a knock at the door. I sniff the air, and it's Rory. "Come in Rory" I say. Rory sees Yuri on top of me, and he grins. "Couldn't wait for him to be your brother, and decided to fuck him now?" Rory asks me. "Yuri wanted me, and you know how sweet and sexy he is" I answer. "I couldn't say no" I say. Yuri smiles. Ask him if he'd take me Rory asks me. So I do in Russian. Yuri nods. "Brother want Yuri?" he asks Rory. "I do, you are so beautiful and loving" Rory tells him. Yuri pulls out of me, and lays on his back. Rory strips and mounts him. I hold Yuri, and I pet and stroke his body and he moans as Rory enters him. My cell rings, I kiss Yuri and I tell him I have to go for a bit, and I'll take him when he wants me. He kisses me as does Rory.

I put my shorts on and take my cell out and I walk downstairs. It's Dad's long time secretary Ms Martinez. She knows CMK better than any of us. She tells me she heard I am coming to work. And she tells me she's got an Executive Assistant for me, and she'll spend Thursday afternoon with me after I get done with HR and bring me up to speed as to what I'll be doing, and that she'll be backing me and my EA up for a few weeks if we need her to. She tells me that Dad actually cried when he told her I was coming to be at his side to run our family heritage. I ask her about the EA, and she says she'll let me meet them on Thursday. She tells me she's looking forward to maybe getting to meet my bond mate, that Dad has told her a lot about him. I tell her I'll have him come to meet me for lunch on Friday and take him to meet her then. She thanks me.

I go watch TV for a while. Nigel comes and sits down by me. He asks me why I decided to not go to school anymore. I tell him I have always known one day I'd have to take my place at CMK, and I have had no choice. And I have to help my Dad be able to let go of some of the stress and responsibilities so he won't die on me.

"What does Beau think of this?" he asks. "We talked and he's always known I'd have to step up to this, and he's ready to support me, and to deal with the demands it'll make on him" I tell Nigel. "I am glad I got you here before I had to leave school, Nigel" I tell him softly. "I am too, Claude" he says. "I'd like to take a part time job with you guys when I have been in school longer" Nigel tells me. "Yeah, you can help, you're a business major right?" I ask. "Yeah, and I wouldn't mind being able to send some of my money back to Mum and Dad" he says.

I hand him the bank card I got for him, and I tell him to use it for his needs, and if he goes to work to send all of his money to his Mum and Dad. He's stunned. "I have them for every one, Beau's got his, as do Sam and Oscar." I say. He cries a bit. "Rory won't take one because he's got millions of his own" I tell Nigel. "But why?" he asks. "Cause I love you guys, and I have more money than I'll ever need, and I want you guys to have what you need" I tell him. "Besides you told Ed you didn't want me to get you a car like I did for him" I add. "I got one for Oscar, and I'll get at least one for the Russians, and they have their cards now" I tell him.

"I don't know what to say" Nigel says. "That's one for the books" Jesse says sitting next to us. "Did he give you a bank card just now?" Nigel asks him. "No, but I've had one from him since I was 7" Jesse says. Nigel looks at me. "Jesse's been my best friend since we were in kindergarten" I tell him. "And my family was poor too, but Claude always looked after me." Jesse says. "He loves me" he adds. "Like he loves you too now" Jesse tells Nigel. "Do you love me, Claude?" Nigel asks. "I do, like I love Jesse, and my brother Rory" I tell him proudly. Nigel looks at me oddly. "I have never known anyone quite like you" he says after a minute of silence. "You won't meet anyone like him" Jesse says. "Our Claude is one of a kind" he adds. "Is that good or bad?" I ask Jesse. "Good, I think' Nigel says smiling. "He doesn't care about money, he wants to use it for those of us he cares about" Jesse says.

I go eat when Alfred calls dinner, and I am tired. Beau and I go curl up after dinner. And I lay and watch TV in the arms of my beloved Cape Buffalo. He's so happy tonight. He tells me how much he loves me and how happy he is that I told him I am proud of him and want to show him off at public events soon. I kiss him, and I lay back down, and I fall asleep happy.