Deep Down [Commission]

Story by rand0m on SoFurry

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A commission for marrla

Even though the screen was facing away from him, Ash felt like he could see his file on the other side. The captain, he knew, would have committed the whole thing to memory, or at least the most important parts, but he looked like the type to whom triple-checking work was a sloppy way to operate. The otter didn't really seem very welcoming as he regarded the fennec standing at attention (with even his ears perked up), but he didn't seem outwardly hostile either, which Ash figured would have to do.

"Junior lieutenant Ash Ibrahim..." the otter said, not quite a question but followed by a long enough pause to get Ash to respond.

"Aye, sir."

"Your record says this is your first sea tour..."

"Aye sir, but I got my sea-legs while I was a midshipman..." the fennec began but was promptly cut off.

"I should hope so. Nobody graduates from the academy without getting wet. But after that you were in logistics and supply. A dry land posting. What made you ask for a transfer?"

"Sir, I felt I'd learned all I could sitting behind a desk. I wanted to try serving aboard a vessel." He said, omitting the real reason.

Ash's previous job had been dull, and it was a go-nowhere posting career-wise. But it was the sort of job few people would have traded in with global tensions on the rise. People had been friendly with him on base but he knew there had been mutterings that he was only using the navy to get what he wanted. Having his kind of ears meant Ash had to learn early on to try and ignore what they overheard, but he guessed that on some level he might have felt there was some truth to the rumor. Granted, when he applied for a transfer he didn't know he'd wind up on a nuclear sub, but this was a serious tour of duty and it would serve to put rumors and the fennec's mind to rest.

But he kept silent on that since he doubted it would cut much ice with captain Yeats. He'd looked the old otter up before coming on board - a naval veteran with a doctorate in physics and a masters in engineering, he was obviously aware of the psychological concerns of having about 150 people in a cramped tin can cut off from the rest of the world, but looked like the sort of person who'd be happier with a crew of robots.

"Given your... situation... I can't say I'm all that happy to have you aboard lieutenant. So far I've done everything I could to keep females from serving aboard my vessel." The otter said, raising a paw when he saw Ash's mouth open to voice some sort of protest. "No, not because I think they're any less able. I'm sure a ship crewed entirely by women would be every bit as effective as one with an all-male crew. It's mixing the two that creates complications in an environment and a situation when you can least afford them. Space is at a premium on a vessel such as this, as you'll see when you get settled in. Everything has to be unisex and there's very little privacy..."

"Sir, with all due respect, I am not a female." Ash said, doing his best to keep his tone in check.

"I know that. I can even respect that. But out of a hundred and fifty people on board this ship, you can be sure not all of them will. That is why only myself and the chief medical officer know. Lieutenant-commander Anders has your file and he's assured me he's requisitioned the medical supplies you need. You say you're not a female? Good, because I need you to not be one. And I need you to make sure you don't let anyone see anything that might make them think otherwise. Am I being clear?"

"Aye, sir." Ash said, feeling his heckles settle, so to speak. The captain wasn't exactly sympathetic, but he could have been a lot worse. The otter's main concern was that Ash didn't rock the boat, so to speak.

"Glad that's settled. Because the situation being what it is, I need everything on this vessel - both equipment and personnel- performing at peak efficiency."

"Sir, do you really think we'll..."

"Lieutenant, I know you didn't just ask me about mission details before we're under comms blackout." The captain said, and Ash shut his muzzle at the reprimand. The purpose of nuclear submarines was stealth - the deployment of weapons and personnel where satellites or long-range radar could never find them. And in order to stay hidden, they had to stay silent. Once they sailed out the ship would be on passive communication - they could still receive new orders, but except in the most dire circumstances no kind of signal would go out from the sub eliminating the risk of it giving away their location.

"No, sir!" Ash responded, feeling properly chastised for such a rookie mistake.

"Good. You'll be starting off in the weapons department, but since this is your first sea tour whenever you're not on duty watch you'll be expected to study and train in just about every division and system we have. I have a junior lieutenant waiting outside who'll show you to your bunk and give you a tour of the ship. Dismissed."


"Holy sh...Hey there Luke!" Ash said, trying to keep his tail from wagging as he nearly avoided crying out 'Holy shit!' just outside the captain's stateroom.

"Hey Ash! Long time no see." The other fennec said, his own appendage swishing behind him as he brought his friend in for a hug. "Surprised to see me?"

"Well not really. I mean I saw your name on the crew manifest so I figured I'd bump into you soon enough, but I didn't think you'd be the welcome wagon." Ash said, forgetting the somewhat cold welcome from the captain at the sight of his buddy from the naval academy.

"When I heard you were coming aboard, I volunteered. Welcome to the SSNB Toledo!" the fennec exclaimed as proudly as if he'd built the sub himself.

"Yeah, about the name..."

"I know. Secretary of the Navy's sense of humor I guess..." Luke said, trying to explain away the name someone had seen fit to give an Ohio class submarine. "So how did it go in there?"

"Okay, I guess. Not sure the captain's thrilled to have me aboard..."

"I wouldn't worry about that. They don't call him 'Old Salty' for no reason. He's not a fun boss but he knows how to run a tight ship without riding his crew ragged." Luke said, navigating the narrow corridors with an ease and comfort Ash instantly envied. "So, did he give you any problems about... y'know...?" he said, or avoided saying. Not that Luke had a problem with what ash was, but he was smart enough not to let anything slip where anyone could overhear.

"Not really. Only he and the Doc know. Well, besides you..."

"So you still haven't...?"

"Probably after I finish my tour." Ash replied, and to his relief Luke left it at that. Not that he wasn't comfortable talking to him about it, but there were a lot of people around and the two fennecs weren't the only ones with keen ears. "So, what am I in for?"

"Well this being the start of your first tour, you'll be studying so much you'll feel like you're a cadet again. Tons of lectures, personal study, drills on everything apart from drilling... but we got about 500 pounds of coffee on board, so that should help. They'll really push you to get your dolphins..."

"I'm getting what now?" Ash said, trying to remember the twists and turns they were taking as the preposterous notion that he might have sub-aquatic service animals derailed his train of thought.

"Dolphins, it's an insignia. You'll see them on a lot of the guys - silver for enlisted and gold for us officers- although they don't look much like dolphins, so some people call them the fish. Basically it means that you know just about everything there is to know about being a crewman on a sub. It's hard work but it's a big deal down here, almost like rank. For instance, I'm an officer but I wouldn't really throw my weight around with an enlisted crewman who had his fish, because odds are he knows the ship and how things work better than I do and I could wind up looking like an uppity idiot." He said, but stopped when a black mountain drifted closer to them.

"Look out, passin' through..." the towering canine said, and Luke and Ash both made way for him to slip past in the narrow corridor.

"Ok, so those were silver dolphins, right? Way, _way_up there?" Ash asked after the inky canine had passed.

"Yeah, big bastard aint' he? Had to have his ears cropped just so he'd fit in the sub!" Luke said, amused at the baffled expression on Ash's face.

"He's what, a Cane Corso? Christ, this place feels cramped to me and he's got to be about two feet taller! Does he... I mean can he function in a place like this?"

"Oh yeah, Tyler's a bona-fide bubblehead, although I thought the same thing when I saw him. Good seaman too. And he's also the Cob."

"Luke, I barely managed to remember all the official terms during training, can you cut me some slack with the slang and abbreviations?"

"Chief Of the Boat. He's sort of the top enlisted man, and their representative with the captain, which is a pretty big deal. That's why the guys call him 'big dog'. Well, that and he's literally the biggest guy on board. Kind of a meathead but not a bad guy. In fact almost all of the crew's a pretty decent lot..."

"Almost?" Ash asked.

"Yeah, the ships medic. Well technically on board a sub he's called a corpsman, but don't let Andres catch you calling him that. I don't think he's all too thrilled to be here, instead of some dry-land hospital where there's plenty of nurses to keep him entertained." Luke explained, keeping his voice low and trusting the other fennec's ears to pick up the gossip.

"So what's he doing here?"

"Well if the rumors are true he's here to avoid getting served. The Doc didn't do well on his last paternity test and he's always grumbling about how he has to start paying child-support, but apparently that was just a drop in the bucket. So he's in a shitty mood because his pay's getting docked, he's in a shitty mood 'cause he's on an assignment that won't do much for his medical career... But I think he's just a shitty person deep down, y'know? The guy that doesn't really love anything apart from what he sees in a mirror?" Luke explained, and the two tried not to snigger. "So try to stay healthy, I guess..."

"That won't do for me. I'll have to see him at least a few times, to get my... prescription filled." Ash said, feeling a little anxious after hearing his friend describe the person who she'll depend on a lot for the duration of their tour.

"Oh shit, yeah. I kinda forgot cause... well don't worry, he might be an asshole, but he really doesn't have any pull on the ship. Just grin and bear it. Meanwhile, here's where you'll be bunking..."


As Luke showed him to his bunk Ash learned he'd be sharing the quarters with a gangly wolf called Jerry who he got to meet, as well as a lynx and a fox called Miles and Damon, respectively. Although he had to take Luke's word on that since the two were asleep and the privacy curtains were drawn. They were apparently thick enough to muffle some noise but it was common courtesy to keep quiet when you saw them drawn. The ship operated on watches, of course, so everyone slept on rotation. Ash knew that he'd be living a regular 24 hour day and didn't envy the enlisted who operated on an 18 hour day, split into three 6 hour watches.

He learned that as an officer he'd be taking his meals in the wardroom, a captain's table sort of environment a little more formal than the mess. The latter seemed to serve as the social hub of the ship, a sort of mixture between a lounge and a study hall, and (when the captain felt the crew had earned it) a cinema. And, because there was no point in delaying the inevitable, he found out where the medical bay was.

When he first saw lieutenant-commander Anders, his first impression was that Luke had him down to a T. He was admittedly a good-looking jackal in his middle years, but he was obviously vain and with a very high opinion of himself (and a low opinion on his current assignment). He even wore enough cologne that Ash could smell it over the sharpness of the disinfectants, and wondered who'd douse himself in aftershave while at work? But then he remembered Luke mentioning the doctor's fondness of nurses and supposed it had become a habit.

"So, Lt. Ashley Ibrahim..." the jackal began, sitting at a small desk and reading from his computer screen.

"It's just Ash." The fennec said, trying to sound firm but not irate. It could have been an honest mistake, after all...

"Is it? I must be looking at an old file then. So when did you decide you were a male?" the jackal said casually, and Ash realized that it had definitely not been an honest mistake.

"Well before my academy physical, Sir." The fennec said, knowing that on every medical file the navy had on him, his name was listed as 'Ash'.

"I do beg your pardon then. Of course you're a manly man. So I guess I should just throw away all these heat-suppressant pills I was told to stock? Men hardly need those, after all. But a vixen in a sub full of males for months and months on end... well, she could have quite an eventful tour without them."

Ash wasn't exactly new to remarks like these. The regs were on her side and he knew that he was within his rights to report the jackal to his superiors. But the reality was different. They'd just sailed out and were in comms blackout, and nothing but a direct order or the death of their captain could make them turn back to safe harbor. And this piece of work was the only medic aboard, apart from one orderly with only basic first-aid training. The most the captain could do while they were sailing was give the Doc a stern talking-to, and the jaded jackal would be sure to take it out on the fennec responsible.

"I am a male, but I still need those pills, Sir." He said, keeping his voice even as he stated the simple fact.

"Very well then. But you're not getting them without an exam, so if you'd be so kind to lay your clothes on that rack over there..."


"Don't play dumb, lieutenant. You've taken these before so you must know they're prescription meds. I can't just give them to you without ascertaining your physical condition, and that means at least a cursory examination." He said, trying to sound professional and failing to keep a smirk from his muzzle.

Ash knew he was technically correct. It had been tricky coming up with a birth-control pill that worked on all species, and some side-effects couldn't be avoided. So to avoid costly litigation, the companies making the suppressants made it clear they have to be prescribed by a qualified physician. The fact was that any chances of complications were so remote that most doctors found such exams a waste of time for both themselves and their patients. If a patient had no complications after the first year taking them, most doctors filled out prescriptions for several months' worth of the pills, or longer if they judged the person sensible enough to call in if they suffered any side effects.

Ash knew this was bullshit, and that the asshole waiting for him to undress was only doing it out of spite or boredom. But it didn't change the fact that only he could give him the meds he desperately needed for this tour. So he shrugged off his shirt and slipped out of his pants, standing at attention in nothing but her boxers and her breast-binder.

"Take it all off. You don't have anything I haven't seen before..." Lt. Anders said, and Ash didn't miss the way he stared. Something told the fennec the Doc wouldn't be staring the same way if it was 'Big Dog' Tyler in here for an exam...

Gritting his teeth, Ash peeled the tight spandex covering his chest off, turning around to hang it on the rack and to give him an excuse to turn away from the leering jackal. Ash was heterosexual, so he supposed he knew what good tits looked like, and was guilty of some innocent rubbernecking now and then. But whenever he looked down and saw his own breasts, he just felt... disappointed in his body. He worked out and made sure to focus on his pectorals, always trying to put as much muscle on his chest as he could, but his body had developed as female through puberty and all his efforts really accomplished was to make the vulpine mounds firmer rather than flatter. He was still facing away from the doctor when he slipped out of his boxers, the fennec taking a deep, steadying breath before turning around to face the creep.

"My, my, my... a proper vixen." The jackal said, not bother to hide the fact he was leering at his patient. "And let me get this straight - you think you were somehow born... deformed? That you shouldn't look like this?"

"Yes...sir." The fennec replied through clenched teeth. It was a bullshit oversimplification, but he just wanted this over with as soon as possible.

"I see, you'll be going in for surgery then? And the navy's going to be footing that rather hefty bill? I swear, any surgeon willing to take a knife and start mangling something like this should have his license to practice medicine taken away. Are you sure about going through it with? After all, every woman wants a cock between her legs. Maybe you should just try adjusting your attitude?"

"Not attracted to men, Sir." Ash said, hoping it would give the lech a hint.

"Mhh, such a heartbreak. All right then Ashley... oh, pardon me. I meant to say 'Ash'. It's all these anatomy lessons we doctors are forced to take that are confusing me and making me think you're a vixen..." the jackal said, taking something out of a desk drawer before continuing. "Now if you'll just stand straight, arms at your sides and chin up..." he demanded, and Ash was fine playing along until he saw the doctor holding a camera.

"Sir, what are..." he protested, but was quickly cut off.

"I need photographic records for your file, Lieutenant. Not to mention that you're the first transgender crewman serving aboard a nuclear sub. I need to carefully monitor your health during your tour, and that includes photos." The Doc insisted, and even though Ash wasn't buying the crap, he knew he had to go along.

The fennec did his best to keep his eyes focused on the bulkhead ahead of him, ignoring the flashes as the leering jackal circled him, obviously taking more photos than necessary. And he could well guess what they'd be used for. Like everyone else on board, Ash had traded in his smartphone for a personal dosimeter (just a precaution, he'd been assured). Combined with the fact that everything a crewman wanted to bring aboard had to be approved by the commanding officer, and the fact that their no-nonsense captain was unlikely to consider porn 'personal effects', the jackal's motives for snapping some very up-close and personal pics of Ash's naked body were obvious.

"All right. Now Lieutenant, I want you to raise your arms into a T position." He said, and the moment the fennec did as ordered the doctor's paws were pressed against the smaller male's chest.

"Sir, I don't think..."

"You don't think you're a woman even with these?" the jackal asked, hefting what Ash knew despite his efforts were breasts most vixens would be quite happy with. "Well you're entitled to your opinion, but a tumor might disagree. I don't have a mammogram on board so I have to check for lumps this way." The doctor insisted. Ash had breast exams before, and they'd never entailed her being alone with a man in a room. Not that she wanted anyone else to see this. It was bad enough having this sleeze-ball groping her without anyone else getting the idea that there was a female on board.

And as minutes ticked by it became apparent that this was no exam. The Doc was groping the pert mounds on Ash's chest, the fennec clenching his jaw as the lecherous male began playing around with his nipples, brushing his paw-pads against them at first, and openly tweaking them when they grew stiff from his touch. Ash had kept a lid on both his outrage and disgust, but when the jackal removed one paw from her chest and brazenly slid it between the thighs, his silence broke.

"Sir!" Ash almost barked out, folding his ears back and hoping he hadn't been loud enough to draw attention to what was going on in here. The doctor removed his hand but looked smug rather than chastised, knowing full well Ash had to keep his secret for his own good.

"Well, maybe next time, huh?" he said, making the tod in front of him grit his teeth. "All right Lieutenant, you can get dressed, and I'll give you your prescription." He said. And Ash noticed that the jackal was true to his word, or rather his threat - giving her only enough of the pills to last a week, ensuring she'd be back for more abuse...


After putting the humiliating experience with the ship's doctor behind him, Ash found himself adjusting to life on the Toledo pretty well, even though things weren't exactly peachy. Now that they were well under way, the captain and the XO were being less tight lipped, and it seems the news they'd heard before going into comms blackout weren't any better. The weapons personnel were drilling daily, and since he was on sonar it meant Ash was getting a crash course so soon into his first tour. And when his department head dropped material dealing with detection difficulties in extremely low temperatures, the rumors were confirmed.

The sub would be going under the North Pole, or rather under the polar ice cap. The crew were less than enthused about visiting Santa's neighborhood, because it meant they were staying under no matter what happened. It meant added pressure to keep the sub in top shape, since surfacing wasn't an option when you had a frozen ceiling three to four feet thick above you. So people threw themselves at their work because it seemed more important than ever, and the mess was pretty crowded most of the time as everyone sought to ease the tension with either card games or just the company of their shipmates. Ash had been doing fine until his little orange bottle was empty and he had to go see Anders for another round of suppressants. He'd been hoping the sick fuck had his fill last time and was happy with his photos, but the notion sank when the jackal immediately asked Ash to strip to his fur and get on the exam table.

"I've felt fine the past week, Sir. No side effects." The fennec said, hoping the doctor might take the hint.

"Glad to hear that Lieutenant, but I'd still like to perform a thorough examination. Can't be too careful, especially with such a stressful situation..." the lecherous canine said, and Ash managed to bite off a response. He'd been expecting the camera, but was surprised to see the doctor with two lengths of elasticated bandage, the sort one would use to wrap a sprained knee or ankle.

"Now Lieutenant, I'd like you to grab your calves and pull your legs up and back as far as you can."

"Sir?" the fennec asked in shock, knowing just what sort of position that would put him in.

"You heard me. I intend to perform a full exam, but for some strange reason the navy hasn't seen fit to outfit this place with a gynecological chair. So we'll have to improvise. Now if we can drop this 'manly man' farce for a second and quit pretending you've never had this sort of exam, I'll need you to do as instructed. Otherwise I won't be able to give you a prescription for any more suppressants. For your safety, of course..."

"You wouldn't..." Ash said, forgetting protocol as he saw the glint in the leering jackal's eyes.

"Want to try me? You know, there's never been any research done on how well the ships CO2 scrubbers deal with estrus pheromones. Would you like to test them out?" he said, seeing Ash scowl but not really giving a damn.

Swallowing past a lump in his throat, the fennec allowed himself to be maneuvered on the sterile surface until his legs were dangling off the lower end of the bed. He then pulled his legs up, trying not to look at the jackal's leering face as he stared at his bared sex without even a veneer of professionalism. After he'd gotten a good glimpse, the doctor tied the strong lengths of elastic under his knees, securing the other ends around the legs of the bed somewhere behind the fennec's head. It wasn't really like a proper exam chair, because instead of his legs being raised in stirrups they were folded with her knees near his chest. But they were spread apart, and the sick fuck examining his handiwork certainly had a lot of access to his reluctant patient. But the Doc was intent on pretending this was legit, and even went as far as to put on latex gloves before taking a seat near Ash's exposed slit.

"Let's see here... Looks like a healthy, well-formed vixen from where I'm standing..." he said, placing the latex-encased fingers on the fennec's sex. "No puffiness, no unusual scent..." he mused out loud, pressing and rubbing his patient's smooth labia. "But that's to be expected. The suppressants are working, so there are no signs of estrus."

"Great, now that you've seen for yourself, can I..."

"Not so fast girl -oh, I do apologize- Lieutenant. I'm not done with my exam. Hmm, a bit dry, but we can fix that..." he said, and a moment later Ash felt an obscene amount of cold lubricant being smeared all over her bared folds. "There we go. I have this stuff in case I need to do prostate exams, but I don't really get many takers so there's plenty on hand for you my dear..." he said, and Ash was about to reprimand him for addressing her as a female when a glove-encased finger actually slipped inside her.

"Hmm, that's quite a grip you have there Lieutenant. Do a lot of Kegels, do you?" the jackal sneered, standing over Ash with his middle finger buried between the fennec's plump folds.

Ash had always been uncomfortable with the distinctly female part of his anatomy, but he was still in his prime and had urges that needed sating. But playing around with the little hood at the top and the sensitive nub hidden within it had always been enough for the fennec. When Ash first realized he was attracted to women he thought he might just be homosexual, but even the idea of a gorgeous woman using a dildo or a strap-on on him felt wrong and repugnant. And having this asshole's finger pushing inside him was revolting, and the fennec hoped the perv would get bored with this soon. When the finger encountered resistance Ash figured that the doctor would go no further, but was stunned when he felt the sharp sting of his hymen tearing as the digit slipped in deeper.

"Oh dear me! Did I just take your cherry, Lieutenant?" Anders asked, sneering as he pushed his finger as deep into his patient as he could. "So you never even tried taking a cock? You were going to ruin this sweet vixen cunny without trying it out?" he teased, starting to pump his finger in and out of Ash's freshly deflowered sex.

"I... don't want..." the fennec said through clenched teeth, shocked at this level of abuse despite having a low opinion of the ship's doctor.

"...don't want this. I know. But you do want those pills, don't you? So just be a good girl for me and when you walk out of here you can go back to pretending you've got a dick swinging between these pretty thighs..." he said, burying his finger in again and using the other ones to rub and squeeze the fennec's mound around it.

Ash felt his claws dig into the hard padding of the exam table, but did his best to relax and not think about what the bastard was doing to him. But the jackal didn't seem happy to just let him clench his jaw and ignore the abuse. He knew what he was doing down there, and having never tried slipping a finger inside himself, he was overwhelmed by how sensitive his sex was. And this shit-heel knew his way around, knew just where to touch, where to press down, and how hard to pump his finger to make her abs twitch and her toes curl.

"You smell that, Lieutenant? That sweet musk in the air? Doesn't smell like a cock now does it?" the jackal asked, leering as he pushed another finger in, moving his thumb so it was pressing down gently on the fennec's clit. "That's the smell of your sweet little cunt enjoying something you didn't want to give it. You just take those pills, bind your breasts and deny your body what it needs. And what, because you're too good to take a dicking? So you go around pretending to be a male..."

"I -mpfh!- am a male!" Ash insisted. She figured homophobia was part of the package on a guy like this and was hoping to trigger it.

"Really? We'll let's see shall we..." he said, and Ash let out a sigh of relief as the fingers slipped from between her folds. But the relief was short lived since the jackal didn't wait long before diving into her crotch, burying his narrow muzzle into her cleft as he pushed his tongue in.

Ash felt his back arch until only his shoulders and his rump were resting on the table, his vision blurring as the jackal's tongue slid deeper into the vulpine honeypot served up to the lecherous medic. The fennec felt close to panic, part of him insisting he get away or fight off the asshole humiliating him like this. But nothing had changed, and the doctor was only doing this because he knew his patient couldn't call for help, and couldn't fight back.

But if he couldn't fight Anders, Ash was determined to fight his own body. The sting of his torn hymen was gone and the fennec wished it wasn't. The pain would be a distraction from the tongue slurping around inside him. Ash hadn't had much of a love-life, but he had occasionally gone down on a few adventurous girls. It wasn't much, but he's annoyed having his muzzle pressed against a girl's sex, her thighs pressed against the sides of his head as he licked the too climax while rubbing himself off. He only realized that recollecting those pleasant interludes had been a mistake. Lines became blurred, consciousness receded under the signal carried by countless sensitive nerve endings, who he was, and where he was became meaningless for one instant, and that instant had been enough for him to lose control. Familiar tremors ran along his abdomen, settling lower as his sex clamped down and made the tongue wriggling within it seem obscenely thick.

"Well, I think that settles that argument..." doctor Anders said, making a point of licking his chops clean as he got up, eyeing the vulpine chest rising and falling as Ash gasped for breath. "You want to keep up the charade out there? Fine, I don't really give a fuck. Hell, I'll even help you. The less people know there's pussy on board, the tighter you stay..." he gloated, walking over to stand beside Ash's head as he unzipped his pants. "But in here you're going to be a good girl. And you're going to appreciate the favor I'm doing you." He said, fishing out a fully hard canine shaft. Ash tried to reply but he was still short of breath, unable to do anything but stare at the leaking tip aimed at his face.

"I'll make sure you only have one cock to worry about. And considering how hard you creamed yourself just from a quick tonguing, who knows? Maybe this will even wind up fixing you. But for now I'm your doctor and you're my patient, so open wide and say 'Ahh'..." the jackal said, putting a hand on the back of Ash's head.

After a few pokes of the tapered tip against his lips made it clear the jackal wasn't kidding, Ash closed his eyes and opened his muzzle. The sharp scent of a male filled his nose before the hard, glistening length filled his mouth, the triumphant groan of the doctor making the fennec's large ears fold against his head. This at least wasn't arousing, but Ash found it hard to take solace in the fact. Despite the fact the jackal had a physician's attention to hygiene, the fennec was struggling not to wretch as he tasted the red rod being moved back and forth across his tongue.

"There's a good girl. Don't worry, I know you've never sucked one of these before, so I'll do all the work. You just wrap your lips around it and keep those teeth out of the way..." he said, and Ash did as instructed. The thought of another male using him like this made him sick to his stomach, but he wanted this over with as soon as possible, and it was obvious there was only one way it would end.

True to his word, the jackal was happy just having a muzzle wrapped around him, and all Ash had to do was not to gag as the doctor fucked his face. The canine cock wasn't big enough to slide into his throat, but the tip would graze it every time Anders pushed the fennec's face into his crotch, forcing Ash to fight his gag reflex every time it happened, or when a squirt of the jackals' pre hit the back of his throat.

The fennec could feel both the doctor's saliva and his one juices cooling on his bared slit, probably because he was desperate to focus on anything but the cock sawing in and out of his muzzle. Even with his ears folded he could still hear Anders' grunts and huffs, and could feel both the jackals knot hitting his lips and his sack swinging into his chin as he used his mouth to get himself off. Slobber ran from the sides of his muzzle before the fennec forced himself to swallow what the Doc was leaking, figuring it would make less of a mess that way.

When he felt another paw fasten onto his skull, he knew the degrading end was close at hand. The jackal was almost growling now, calling him a girl, a slut, a cunt... Ash barely heard him, his attention focused on the rapidly swelling knot in front of him and what that growing bulge signified. The red mass was pressed against his nose pad as Anders pushed as deep as he could without actually tying with his muzzle. He heard the male groan as the cock resting on his tongue began to twitch and a second later almost started choking as the first wad of canine spunk hit the back of his throat. The doctor had a firm grip on his head, and bound as he was, Ash doubted he had any hope of pulling off the jackal's erection, so he did his best to swallow the warm slime as quickly as it gushed from the tapered tip. He supposed it was a small mercy that he couldn't taste the stuff and that at least this way he wouldn't have the canine's spunk soaking into the fur of his face.

After spending himself in his patient's muzzle, the doctor pulled his still firm shaft with a sigh, trailing bitter goo over the fennec's tongue as he untied the elastic straps holding Ash's legs up. After he got dressed he got another few pills, another week's worth as the leering jackal sent him on his way. The moment he was out, Ash did his best to fix his usually friendly and outgoing look on his face, trying to talk as little as he could to the others as he made a bee-line for his bunk, worried that until he brushed his teeth (and his tongue!) every breath he exhaled threatened to give away what he'd just done...


As the weeks ticked by, Ash did his best to keep his spirits up. He maintained his normal, friendly attitude, and found that just throwing himself into his work and hanging out with his new friends whenever he could spare the time helped take his mind off what he had to do every week to get what he needed from the ships' doctor.

Whenever he was in the tiny medical bay with the jackal, he did his best to do what the perv wanted and get it over with as fast as he could. Sometimes he'd have to paw the canine off, sometimes he'd squeeze his breasts together as the lech rutted his cleavage. Today he was on his back with his head hanging off the edge of the exam table, the jackal's sack bumping against his nose as the Doc slowly mated his muzzle while his paw was busy between the fennec's legs.

Ash was ready to just play along until the other male finished, pumping a warm, bitter load down his throat before giving him the meager allotment of pills that would last only a week. And depending on how long the jackal took, he might embarrass himself by coming around the fingers exploring his sex. Either way, those were things he knew he would deal with, things he'd put behind him as he exited the room and put on his usual enthusiastic expression. But the sound of the door opening and a voice calling out made the fennec gag around the red rod sliding in and out of his mouth.

"Doc, you in here?" someone asked.

"Behind the screen Brodrick." The jackal replied, keeping his voice level as he pressed a paw against Ash's chest, pinning the smaller fennec's nude body to the table.

"I'm scheduled to do inventory but I'm not sure if we really have to bothe... holy shit!" the orderly said, the panther's eyes going wide at the sight of the ship's medic with his cock buried in an obviously distressed... female!

"Inventory can wait. Lock the door and come back here so I can introduce you to Ashley..." the jackal said casually, still keeping his cock hilted in the smaller male's muzzle despite the muffled protests coming out of it. Ash felt his heart racing as panic gripped him along with Anders. The jackal was a shit-heel but he'd been keeping his secret up till now, and as another person found out his secret the fennec felt like he was living a nightmare.

"Calm down girl, Brodrick can keep a secret. He's just going to help me work out some of these frustrations of yours... gaaAhhh!" the jackal said, crying out before finishing his thought and pulling his length from the struggling fennec's mouth. "You're gonna regret that you little cunt!" he growled as Ash tried to get off the table.

"You get bit Sir?" the large feline asked, and through the panic Ash noticed the Jackal was gripping his cock as he winced.

"Just a graze. Get me some bandages, I can't hold this bitch down forever." The jackal said, his orderly taking his eyes off the naked, squirming and obviously_female_ form long enough to do as ordered. The two were bigger and stronger than he was, and soon Ashley found himself with his face pressed against the hard padding of the table and his hands bound at the wrists behind his back.

"You can't d... do this!" Ash managed to stutter out, but even to her ears the protest sounded weak, her voice cracking into a high-pitched, feminine whimper. "An.. Anders, this is too far. I'll report you-" Her voice cut off with a muffled yelp as the sharp crack of Ander's paw across her rump cut through the small room.

"And have me show the whole ship those photos? Yeah, thought so.. But let's get a second opinion on what you are. Seaman Brodrick, would you examine the patient and tell me if they are a male or a female?" the jackal asked as he gripped the base of her tail and jerked it up to expose her sex to the leering eyes of the panther.

"Shit Doc... I haven't seen one in 'bout two months, but I know pussy when I see it..." the panther replied. Ash was keeping his legs pressed together, but his thighs were slender enough that the black feline had little trouble slipping his fingers between them to pry his labia apart. "So are you serious about... y'know... Doesn't look like Ashley here's in the mood."

"Like I give a fuck. The good Lieutenant's been obliging me in exchange for weekly prescription of heat suppressants. She's proven a decent cocksucker so far, but I'm not going to risk those god-damned teeth again. And since I know for a fact she's safe, we might as well break in the vixen's cunt."

"Fuck, I'm all up for that!" the panther said, pushing one thick finger in as deep as he could. The realization that all bets were off and that he was about to be raped by the two males overrode caution and reason. Ash still had the sense to keep quiet, not wanting to draw attention to himself now that he was completely naked. But he had to try and get away...

"T.. Too far... Let.. me..go!" Bound as he was he began to thrash and kick, hoping to somehow get free, put on his clothes and get away from here. This time it was the panther that delivered another sharp spank to Ash' exposed sex, drawing out another girlish whimper from Ash before the panther drawled, "Fuck, can you hold her down for a sec? I know a trick to make this easier..."

The panther began to rummage around while the jackal held Ash down, smiling as he dug out a length of hollow plastic piping about two feet in length. Ash still wasn't sure what his plan was even as he pushed a looped cord through, but the design became apparent when one of his legs was put through the loop, the cord pulling tight once it reached his knee while the panther tied the two lengths of string around the other one. When he was done the fennec found himself unable to press his legs together with the plastic pipe keeping his knees apart and his sex exposed. The panther had trussed him up and had finished by pulling Ash's hips up until he was kneeling on the table with his face pressed against the padding while the Doc fiddled around with the hydraulics until the whole thing began to lower.

"Nice work. Afraid to ask where you learned that little trick..." the jackal said, moving to stand beside the panther behind the trussed-up fennec.

"Good, 'cause I'd have to take the fifth on that... Fuck, so this is Ashley? Can't believe we had a vixen aboard all this time. How long did you..."

"I knew right away. Me and Ashley had an arrangement for her weekly heat-suppressant pills. But that was _before_I felt the little cunt's teeth on my cock." The jackal growled, and Ash did his best to stifle a cry as his exposed ass was smacked hard. "And if her muzzle's no longer safe..." the jackal continued, trailing off as one dull-clawed digit pulled a smooth vulpine fold aside, exposing a virginal pink sex.

"Hey, speaking of muzzles, you want me to gag her?" the panther asked, and looking back ash could see his eyes were glued to what the doctor was doing.

"Don't bother. If the little priss cries out or calls for help we'll just tell the crowd to form a line. 'Bout a hundred and fifty males on board this ship. How many do you think will say no to some free vixen pussy? A dozen, maybe two?"

"I hear ya. So we doing this by rank?"

"Yeah but don't worry, I'm not gonna tie so you'll be up to bat soon enough..." Anders said, and Ash's whole body went stiff when he felt something hard and tapered press into the soft flesh exposed to the jackal. "Don't think she could take my knot if I wanted to..."

"Heh, that big huh Doc?"

"Big enough, but that's not the point. I popped Ashley's cherry when I first fingered her but our girl here's a virgin. Or at least..." he said, before Ash felt a burning pain stab between her thighs. "...she used to be!"

The fennec's muzzle was open wide but Ash was lucky enough that the jackal's thrust drove all the air from her lungs. She heard the male's groan, and heard the panther waiting for his turn say something that failed to register. The doctor had fingered plenty of times, usually (to Ash's shame) to completion, but a finger or even two hadn't prepared her for having a male force himself in the way he had. At least I won't enjoy this... the fennec thought, feeling nothing but pain and figuring it would get worse once the doctor began moving.

"Fuck!" she heard him grunt, feeling his paws settle on her cheeks as he just held himself inside her.

"She as tight as she looks?" the panther asked from behind Ash.

"Tighter! Fuck, I should have done this weeks ago..."

"Looks a little dry though. Want me to get the lube?"

"Nah, let the cunt get in the mood, or I'll fuck her raw. She'll be lubed up for you either way..." the jackal said.

Ash clenched his jaw as the monster stuffed inside him was pulled out. He knew what was coming, even though some part of him refused to accept the reality if the situation. But knowledge was one thing, and the sheer force with which the jackal pushed himself back into the fennec's dry sex was another. Ash felt his claws dig into the surface of the table as he labored to keep his muzzle shut, knowing that as bad as this was, being caught like this would be worse.

"Now that's a pretty sight..." the panther said, and glancing behind him Ash saw the ebony cat stroking his sheath... waiting his turn.

"Yeah, it is, isn't it? Get the camera from my desk, will you? Snap a few pics of littler Ashley's first time..." he said, getting a firm grip on the vulpine behind as he worked to push a little deeper every time he hilted himself.

"Still think you're a male foxy? Bet you're trying to pretend I'm sodomizing you, keeping up the pretense... Well time for a little lesson in reality and anatomy. This tight little fuck-tunnel squeezing my cock? That's your pussy, vixen. And this..." he said, and a second later Ash almost failed to bite off a yelp. "...this thing clenching around my thumb is your tight little asshole." The jackal said, poking around with his digit to emphasize his point even as Ash instinctively tried to push the invader from his.

"So better get sued to it. You're a vixen, and you're cut off from the only thing helping you maintain the illusion that you were a male. Soon enough this tight little cunt of yours is going to start smelling real sweet, trying to lure every swinging dick on this ship into it. So you better start enjoying it, cunt. You better learn to love a cock up this little honeypot of yours because until we get back to port, that's what you'll be getting day-in, day-out." He said, giving a buck sharp enough that ash could feel it hit his... her cervix.

He'd put up with this attitude before, but now he couldn't bring himself to fight it. There was a canine cock hilted in her pussy, every inch but the knot mashed against her labia. She could feel subtle signs that her body was betraying her, reacting on instinct triggered by new sensations. And it would get worse. The feel of a male's cock in her was becoming clearer as the pain ebbed, and it still seemed... alien. The smoothness of the red shaft she'd been forced to taste so many times, the throb and pulse of the engorged organ as her walls clamped down on it... it made her mind recoil, but her body accepted it the only way it could. And it would only get worse once she went into heat...

"Now will you look at that..." Anders said after pulling most of his length from the bound vixen, the flash telling the fennec why he'd paused before sheathing himself back in.

"Yeah, look at it glisten. Ashley got in the mood fast enough..."

"Faster than I thought..." the jackal said, pulling the vulpine rear back even as he drove back in. "Might make a slut out of her yet..."

Ash refused to believe what they were saying, but to the fennec's distress the smacks of Ander's hips hitting her up-turned ass were coon joined by distinctly wet sounds. The vixen tried to fold ear ears, to block out the moist noises the canine cock made as it was plunged over and over into her snug sex. And the wetter and looser she got, the hared the jackal drove into her, the swelling knot slamming into her played labia but failing to sink in so far.

The novelty of fingering her ass while he rutted her seemed to wear off, and the jackal soon settled for gripping the fennec' tail with one hand, using the leverage to pull her back to meet every thrust. She could feel him leaking inside her and ash had no way of knowing how much of the mess was hers and how much the jackal was responsible for. A glimpse between her legs showed her a red knot glistening and dripping as it smacked against her stuffed sex, and a heavy canine pouch she knew would be emptying itself inside her soon enough.

The flash would go off periodically, the panther gripping his now hard cock as he captured the fennec's humiliation, everything from the point where Anders' shaft disappeared into her body and the expressions she made while struggling to keep quiet. A familiar feeling was rising within her, and the fennec found herself desperately trying to fight it, desperate not to let the jackal feel her cum around him. When she heard the canine growl and felt his cock start to twitch, Ash realized she might get her wish, although not the way she hoped.

"Brodrick, film this will ya? Time for the big finale..." the Doc said, growling as he held back his urges until he heard the beep and saw the panther kneel to get just the right angle.

Blunt claws dug into Ash's cheeks, the grunting jackal mashing his knot against the fennec's folds so hard she was wondering if he'd been lying when he told the panther filming the ordeal that he wouldn't tie. He kept himself hilted, grinding his hips against Ash's ass and his tip against her cervix until after one throb the abused vixen felt a stream shoot against the barrier to her womb. The alien sensation made her toes curl, and Ash almost squealed out in alarm as her entire belly clenched. She knew what was happening even before her ears caught the male's groan, the first jet of canine spunk followed soon by the second, the third...

Ash's breath caught in her throat as the deluge of cum poured into her womb, filling and violating her in a way that even the jackal's cock couldn't. But without the knot stuck inside her there was no way for her body to hold everything being pumped into it, and to the fennec's disgust the cheer of the panther wasn't enough to drown out the loud squelch of Anders' load squirting around the throbbing length stuffed between her legs, the droplets of thin canine cum splattering over the rubbery padding of the exam table as the excess began to gush from the vixen's sex. The drips and squirts seemed to go on forever by the time she felt the throbbing of the jackals cock calm down.

"Keep that camera rollin', don't want to miss the best part..." Anders said, and as he began to pull his cock from between Ash's bruised folds, the fennec knew what he meant.

While it was a relief to have the engorged canine member out of her, Ash winced at the sound of the jackal's seed gushing from her now gaping sex, more than she believed was left in her. And to make matters worse, she knew it was only the excess and that her womb was flooded with the lecherous doctor's seed.

"Fuck, she's a real woman now..." the panther said, using tow thick fingers to pry Ash's folds open even wider, admiring the drool of thin canine spunk leaking from the vixen's blushing slit. But as bad as it was to have her shame leered at, when she felt a feline hand on her ass and something hard poke into her messy cleft, the fennec knew that Brodrick intended to do more than look.

"Okay, let's see what you got here..." she heard Anders say as he focused on the screen on the back of the camera, flipping through the photos taken by the panther currently pushing into her.

The vixen's ears folded back at the messy squelch caused by a fresh cock pushing out the mess the previous one had pumped into her. She wasn't even struggling at this point, knowing that there was nothing left for her to do but lie on the table with her ass in the air, served up and available for the two males to use as long as they wanted to. As the panther worked to get all of himself into her messy slit she felt the sensation of fullness, what felt like a slightly thicker shaft nevertheless sliding easily into her now that she was dripping the jackal's cum. Taking it had been easier, at least physically, but when the feline cock was pulled out Ash very nearly cried out.

"Fuck, vixen likes the barbs, huh?" the panther now holding her cheeks said, pausing for a second before driving himself back in with a groan and a squelch.

"You know about those, Lieutenant?" the doctor asked, looking down at the fennec with a smirk. "A feline member is covered in firm little bumps facing back, so that they rake a female's insides every time the male withdraws. This stimulates blood flow to the vaginal walls, making them more sensitive and supposedly serves to trigger ovulation... although I believe that's only in cats..."

"Heh, not sure a vixen can have kittens, but I'm sure as fuck gonna try and give her some..." the panther said, keeping a firm grip on the fennec's cheeks as he began to piston in and out of her dripping slit.

Ash had her teeth clenched as the feline began to rut her, her toes curling and splaying as the shaft moved in and out of her - smooth and slick every time it was pushed in as far as the panther could reach, but feeling almost like warm, living sandpaper when he pulled out. And Anders' mention of ovulation had done little to help the feeling of despair she was sinking into. He'd threatened to cut off her suppressants, but he couldn't be serious. After all, if he did and they kept doing this...

"You got a knack for photography Broderick. Don't you think so, Lieutenant?" the jackal asked with a sneer, putting the camera's screen in front of Ash's face. "See how nicely he caught your pussy dimpling in when I pushed my knot against it? Or how about this one, showing that pink vixen-cunt clinging to my cock while I pulled out?"

Ash flicked his ears back in despair, as the depraved images were paraded in front of her eyes. She felt like she was losing her anchor on reality, maybe succumbing to a desperate desire that this was happening to her... that she was a 'she'. The pictures were close ups, impersonal. It could have been anyone, and if Ash allowed herself to think like that, the photos were arousing - a small femininity struggling around a thick red shaft, similar enough to what a vulpine had that the fennec blurred the line between what she'd always wanted to do and what she'd never wanted done to her.

The inky feline railing her was moving differently than the Doc had. Despite the panther's heavier build, his movements had a feline fluidity, and if it wasn't for the barbs raking her insides Ash wasn't sure if she could tell when the cock was being pushed in and when it was sliding out. A sharp contrast to the jackal's thrusts which were meant to drive a knot and tie with a female, even though the doctor had been holding back.

"And here we are, the best one yet!" the Doc said gleefully as he hit play and Ash found herself staring at the recording of one male seeding her even as another worked to finish up in her straining sex.

"C'mon foxy, work with me here..." came a voice from behind her, something between a growl and a purr as the panther railing her moved one hand down her abs until his fingertips were resting in her clit.

Her insides had been raked so many times now by the cat's barbs that she couldn't feel them anymore. It was just a toe-curling intensity that followed the smooth in-out motion of the throbbing length, and as the bulky feline began to rub her down there she found her reason eroding and instinct rushing in to fill the gap. The need for more air forced her muzzle open, and her ears caught the gasps and pants coming from it. On the screen in front of her, a canine knot swelled so much that it obscured the vulpine slit splayed around the shaft until the camera was moved under it.

She saw the red bulge twitch obscenely in time with the taut canine sack, over and over several times until milky fluid gushed around the labia spread taut around the shaft. Ash felt lost, knowing yet not knowing who she was and what was happening. In her unguarded state instinct got the better of her, her body responding to the familiar sensation of fingers working furiously on her little hood and the novel feeling of something hard and hot pistoning in and out of her already messy sex.

"Fuck, there we go! Milk me dry you little slut..." the panther growled and to the horror of some still sapient shred of her mind, she realized she was doing just that.

She was cumming around the still thrusting panther, her vision dimming at the sheer intensity of the orgasm. She'd never climaxed with something actually in her slit, and was taken by surprise at the way her walls clenched and pulsed around the invading length of flesh. It must have been just as intense for the feline since she could feel the barbed rod twitch inside her before the first rush of warmth erupted, easing the soreness she felt after having her tunnel raked over and over by the cruel cock. Unlike Anders, the panther kept fucking her even as he filled her, his short, sharp jabs serving to churn up the mess he was dumping into the panting vixen trussed up on the exam table. After her orgasm ebbed and Brodrick squeezed out the last few drops of feline cum into her violated sex, sanity returned to the fennec, followed by more shame than she'd ever felt in her life.

"My... my uniform... please let me... let me leave..." she mumbled when she felt the bonds on her wrists and her knees being undone.

"Oh you're free to go, but I wouldn't be so quick to get dressed. Don't want to get your nice clean uniform messy, now do you?" the Doc asked, and all Ash had to do was to follow his gaze to get his point. After being used by two males her crotch was a mess - the soft downy fur now matted to her skin and a steady drool of still warm cum oozing from her bruised slit. "Now just squat on the table here... there we go..." the jackal said, acting helpful as he helped Ash get on her toes. "Good, now spread those labia as far as you can... and push."

Ash did as she was told, wincing as the first tentative push forced a stream of milky goo from her still gaping sex. The two males laughed at the sight and her obvious distress, but as disgusted as she was with the sight, Ash kept pushing, even going so far as to press down on her abs in the hope of getting as much of the bastards' loads out of her. But even after she was done she knew there was still plenty left inside her, sealed off in her womb. True to his word, Anders kicked her out without her suppressants, and as she struggled to put a normal face on in the halls the fennec wondered how long her ruse would last until her body began to betray her.


Ash woke despite her exhaustion, the sound reaching her large ears through the curtain of her bunk making it harder to shake the nightmare. She was relieving it again - being raped by Anders and Brodrick and sent away without what she'd desperately needed from the jackal. She wasn't sure if she was imagining it at first, but soon enough she realized that the slick noise of a cock being stroked and the muffled grunts of the male doing it were real.

It shouldn't have mattered to her. The mission they were on was seeming more and more ominous as the sub swam under the ice-cap on what was definitely not a routine tour. Everyone was tense and what someone in her quarters was doing was a reasonable way to ease tension. It wasn't her first time hearing it, but Ash began to wonder. She doubted there was anything on board that could pass for porn, except the pictures Anders had taken of her. The nudes were bad enough, but the bastard also had tons with her getting raped, stuffed by both his canine shaft and the barbed length of the panther who'd assisted him.

He didn't seem like the kind of guy to share those. Neither of them did. But they were the sort of scumbags who'd _sell_the stuff. Her drowsy conscious turned that possibility into certainty, and she could almost see a paw running up and down a pre-slicked shaft. The sheer amount of noise suggested something big, and she remembered that Jerry was in the bunk above hers. She swallowed a lump in her throat at the image of a wolf stroking his red rod while looking at photos of her taking a shaft much like his, albeit smaller. A pent up male a few feet away, squeezing down on his knot as he imagined her walls wrapped around it instead of his own paw.

When the grunts got deeper and louder, the fennec winced and folded her ears against her head in a futile attempt to block out the sound of a male climaxing. She knew she should be relieved, and that it probably hadn't even had anything to do with her, that she wasn't really a 'she'. She was still Lieutenant Ash Ibrahim, the same tod who'd boarded the Toledo. But her clock was ticking, and the fennec highly doubted she'd be the same person by the time her tour was over. Without suppressants it was a matter of weeks before she went into heat, and there were still months left until they got back to harbor...


A little under three weeks went by before it happened. It wasn't her first heat, of course. She'd had them before starting her transition, but it had still been ages since her sex had grown puffy enough that she could feel her blushing, swollen labia rubbing against each other. And if she'd only imagined that, the scent that hit her once she'd kicked her blanket away confirmed her fears. She'd managed to get to the shower before anyone noticed, or at least without anyone commenting. She used as much deodorant on her crotch as she dared but she doubted it would be enough.

Ash even managed to get through the day without anyone commenting, but she did notice nostrils flaring even if their owners didn't. The next day wasn't much better since the scent was only getting stronger, and almost all day long she'd felt her stiff nipples rubbing and straining against the tight binder she wore to hide her chest. went by she notice quiet conversations taking place, ones that tended to stop once she walked by. Ash allowed herself to hope that even though most of the crew could probably guess what was going on that they'd still have the discipline and courtesy to ignore it.

That hope was extinguished when the small fennec woke up during one night to feel the mattress shift under her before another body pressed itself against her back. Ash drew in a shuddering breath but remained otherwise silent, frozen in a semi-fetal position. Her blanket had been thrown aside without her waking up, leaving her in nothing but a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. She took her breast-binder off before going to sleep because she had to let her fur breathe at least during the night, It hadn't been problem since she was small enough that she could put it on while still in her bunk, but it meant there was nothing but soft cotton protecting or hiding her chest from the paw running along her side.

Ash did her best to still her breathing. Whoever was spooning up to her was keeping quiet, probably still believing she was asleep. The fennec figured it was her best bet to pretend she was. She'd endure some groping and if she was lucky the guy would finish up in a sock or something and not all over her. So she bit her lip and hoped the hand even now cupping her breast wouldn't notice how fast her heart was beating under the handful of soft flesh.

Her unknown assailant, emboldened by her lack of response, spooned up closer to her until she could feel the heat of him against her back and the huffs of his breath against the fur of her neck. A strong paw continued to knead her breast, the force increasing as the groping failed to elicit a response from the supposedly sleeping vixen. But her body betrayed her yet again.She felt paw-pads brush over a hard jutting nipple, biting her lip as her tail was moved aside.

Ash had expected to feel fingers sliding along her swollen sex, realizing to her shame that she wasbut was shocked when something hard and wet nudged against her labia. The notion that her assailant would be satisfied with just a feel and a quick rub-out was driven from her mind by the sensation of a tapered shaft slipping into her sweltering sex. She felt a huff against the back of her neck, struggling to keep silent as some unknown male slowly but surely pushed his erection into her.

The fennec felt sick to her stomach, in part because someone was using her like this in a time when she could least afford to let a male mount her, but also in part because of the way her body reacted. She felt her abs tremble as her sex stretched around the inches making their way into her, realizing that she was wet enough just from the brief groping to let the unknown male slip in with indecent ease.

Remembering what a tapered tip had felt like parting her folds and judging by the polished-smooth surface of the throbbing length, she guessed canine or vulpine. The wolf in the top bunk came to mind, but she doubted she'd have taken Jerry's lupine length this easily. So if her assailant was one of her bunkmates it left ... who? Another quiet thrust from her molester, and Ash's trembling leg lifted marginally again, accepting another inch of cock in her trembling sex. Her mind whirled, imagination running wild despite - or perhaps because of - her tightly shut eyes. It must be Damon, the fox. Or... Luke? No. Surely not. On one hand it was a more manageable shaft, but it was also the more dangerous option. The closer the species the greater the risk of pregnancy, and a fox was too close for comfort.Her body betrayed her, her belly trembling and her slit pulsing at the prospect of this deep new need being sated.

And while Ash had never been penetrated by a cock covered in a condom, she was sure the one almost hilted inside her was bare. Who would have bothered bringing any? So as the that shaft bottomed out inside her, Ash forced herself to hope the unknown male would pull out, even if it meant getting sprayed with his load. And hoping was all she could do, laying still with someone huffing into her neck as he slowly but surely began to hump into her, short strokes that left almost the entire length impaling her petite frame.

Tears soaked into the fur around Ash's tightly shut eyes as she lay there, unable to do anything but wait for the ordeal to be over as her heart raced faster and faster. Her only consolation was that the male assaulting her seemed to be in a hurry, knowing there was no way she was still asleep. Despite the fact a hard knot was even now being ground and mashed against her swollen folds, its owner had no intention of sinking it in.

There were wet, sucking noises coming from her bunk and the vixen hoped no one would overhear them. Worse yet were the clear sounds of their breathing, and the muffled staccato of the male's balls against her inner thigh. She knew that her own body was responsible for part of the wet mess she'd made of her crotch, the body that she'd always hated and that was now condemning her to months of terror and misery. But there was nothing she could do but try and keep her secret from the rest of the bunk. Trying to muffle the sounds, she tried arching and flexing her back, moving her hips to try and make the obscene noises quieter, burying her muzzle in her pillow as the male - gasping - pounded his knot against her in a frantic series of movements before coming to a shuddering halt.

"Nnnff." A single grunt from the male as they both came. The male pressed against her back finished just before Ash did, and in the dead silence of her curtained bunk she could hear the gurgling noises the warm spunk made as it flowed into her before gushing out without a knot to keep the deluge in.

The man who'd just raped her bit her neck once, and Ash could almost hear his appraisal of her body as her pussy trembled and clenched around his length. He held the mating bite while he seeded her, slipping out only when the flow of his seed ebbed, pulling a still hard cock from the fennec's sex and leaving her like that without even wiping her messy crotch clean. She wasn't even sure if he'd let her pretend she'd been asleep, or if he figured it didn't matter. And why should it, since she'd let him get what he wanted without so much as a peep or a shove? What was to stop him from coming back for more?

Ash waited in the bunk for almost an hour in the dark, listening with her large sensitive ears to the sound of another male not-so-subtly rubbing himself off. The fennec felt her gaping, drooling cunt slowly closing up, and with a trembling paw, she reached across and used one of her socks to try and clean up the mess the male had left. She... she needed to get to the bathroom. To shower, to clean... But instead, again her body betrayed her, and sleep took her instead. Ash woke up the next day, stinking of raw sex, estrus, and shame, unable to meet anyone's eyes as she raced awkwardly to the bathroom.


"I was afraid of something like this happening... and having it happen in the worst possible moment." Captain Yeats said, with both Lieutenant Commander Anders and Ash seated in front of him. "Lieutenant, when you boarded my ship you insisted you were a male."

"I... I am, Sir." Ash said, although not with the same conviction she'd had when she first stepped foot on the Toledo.

"How do you expect me to believe that when nobody among my crew does? More to the point Lieutenant, are you aware that I - along with everyone else on board - can smell you are in heat?" he asked, and Ash couldn't find the strength to answer. A chance Anders leapt on.

"Sir, if I may - ever since coming on board, the Lieutenant has been receiving weekly doses of estrus-suppressant. Every dose has been signed for. However, as my reports will show, the patient has been increasingly irate about the need to take the medications, and the weekly routine examinations I am required to perform in order to prescribe such treatment." The jackal said smoothly, his blue eyes flicking from Ash to the captain and back again. A half-lie, since Ash had only complained about the anything-but routine examinations, not the pills themselves.

"To be blunt, Sir, no one diagnosed with gender dysphoria has even been assigned to a sea tour on a submarine, and with good reason. Tours like this can exert a great deal of stress on a person, and even a healthy psyche can be overwhelmed by it." Anders continued to stare at Ash, voice patronizing, like explaining something to a child.

"Sir, I protest!" Ash finally barked out. She'd been shocked into silence by the jackal's well-rehearsed speech, right up until he'd insinuated she was mentally unstable. She opened her muzzle to continue, but was cut off by the otter's sharp reply.

"I'll make note of it, Lieutenant, since that's all I can do. This might well be cause for a court martial once we get back to port..." he said, leveling a stern gaze that failed to shake the jackal seated beside Ash. "But the fate of the world hangs in the balance, and I need every living soul on this ship doing their job to the utmost of their abilities. So, Doctor, can you put the Lieutenant here back on her treatment?"

"Unfortunately no, Sir. The pills only work as a preventive. Once a female enters estrus the only way to interrupt it - short of surgery I cannot perform in these conditions- is the natural way - conception."

"Are you suggesting..." the otter began, shocked by what the physician was implying.

"It could last up to ten days sir. And it will only get more noticeable.

"Very well then. I'm going to treat this as a medical emergency, and as such I will expect you to handle it. Do whatever it takes to... interrupt the Lieutenants heat cycle..."

Ash couldn't help herself, stunned by the words. "Sir! You can't seriously..."

"Lieutenant Ibrahim, I can and will do whatever it takes to restore order! I will remind you that as a naval officer you took an oath to do anything, including laying down your own life in defense of your country. I'm sorry, Lieutenant, but this is a matter of national security, and with all due respect you are - your body - is out of control. I will not put your personal liberties over the safety of the nation and the entire world, is that understood?"

"Y-yes, Sir..."Ashley replied, trying to keep her voice steady, and trying not to look at the jackal beside her struggling not to smirk. What could she do? The captain wasn't wrong. Even now, sitting there with her legs tightly clenched, she felt that pleasurable flutter as her swollen lips slid against each other. Ash bit her lip as the Captain's stern gaze flicked from her eyes, down to her crotch, then back up again before they were dismissed without another word.


"You sure that's tight enough?" Anders asked as his feline assistant finished up behind Ash.

"Trust me sir, not my first time doing this. Fuck, ain't that a pretty sight..." the black cat almost purred as he stared brazenly at the fennec laying on the exam table, her legs folded at the knees and her thighs splayed wide enough to put her swollen crotch on full display. She was bound in that same, sick fashion of her first 'exam' by the doctor, and flashbacks of that first day were running through her head as Ash stared up at the ceiling, golden eyes filled with humiliated tears, her heat-swollen labia spread wide enough that she could feel cool air against the glistening pink folds normally hidden behind them.

"Sure is. And no doubt she's fertile. See how puffy her labia are, already looking a nice rosy-pink even before getting rutted?" the jackal said, thrusting one finger into the knuckle while Ash writhed helplessly with her arms tied up above her head. Anders paused, grinning down at her prone body as he pumped it in and out of her briefly, drawing a humiliated whimper from the girl. "And already dripping wet..." he added, holding up the now soaked finger before smearing it wetly against Ash's nose and lips, filling her senses with her own body's fertile scent. "Well Lieutenant, I'm not sure if you're feeling like a woman yet, but if you still have delusions of being a male I think getting pregnant will put an end to them..."

The doctor wasted little time and didn't bother hiding how much he was looking forward to what was to come. He placed a large paw over Ash's belly, rubbing it in an almost parternal fashion before trailing it down once more across her swollen sex. A blunt claw pulled one of her swollen folds to the side as the jackal guided his shaft in, driving it to the hilt in one brutal stroke the moment the tapered tip was wedged in the glistening pink tunnel of the bound fennec.

"P... Please, sir, I'm begging you..." she whimpered quietly, struggling to keep her voice in check but it came out weak. It was too little, too late. She heard his satisfied growl over the pounding of her heart, sensing the anger in the gesture as the jackal sneered down at Ash in hatred tempered only by lust. She'd tried to get him and Brodrick in trouble with the captain, and Anders would still have to do a lot of wriggling to get out of it once they were back in port.

That is, if they made it. The threat of war was serious, and had been since they'd set sail and stopped hearing news of the world above them. As they went about their day to day, everyone wondered if it had gotten worse, if World War III was raging above them while they swam the icy waters hunting for other subs even as they tried not to end up being hunted. The crew were disciplined and could function in a crisis but the pressure grinding away at their psyches was different. As the jackal's still slender knot slipped into her part of Ash wondered what would happen to her if the tension snapped and order dissolved - the only biological female in a ship with a hundred and fifty males.

The sickening thought was interrupted by the sharp sting of Anders' knot being yanked out, the jackal groaning as he began to fuck her at a savage pace. Ash clenched her jaw as tight as she could but she could still hear herself whimpering as the hard canine cock drove into her over and over, her thighs spread wide and her pussy folds splayed as the doctor fucked her with a wild look in his eyes. The knot was pounding against her splayed labia, spreading them open and occasionally sinking in, only to be yanked out after a vicious tug or two that caused her whole ass to lift from the table before falling back with a muffled slap.

"D.. don't.." Another helpless whimper from Ash. She wasn't sure if it was the pain or the terror making her writhe against her bonds, but apparently she was struggling enough for Brodrick to feel the need to hold her shoulders down. The jackal's knot was swelling, the angry red bulb glistening with her juices and making her mound distend every time it was ripped from her. And as the orderly's hands moved from holding her shoulders to groping her slightly swollen breasts, Ash was left to wonder how much longer until the knot grow too big. Would it be better to hope that it grew to full size outside of her, preventing the jackal from making a tie, or if it would be better to just... to get this over with as quickly as possible.

But Anders seemed to be more in control than the wild rutting would suggest, and after a particularly difficult stretch he no longer bothered trying to get his knot out. Instead he just ground his sheath against the fennec's distended sex, pressing down with one thumb and mashing her clit against the engorged lump throbbing in the vixen.

"C'mon you lazy bitch, milk your male. Fuck, you think you have nice tits now Lieutenant, wait until those vixen milkers begin to really swell..." The orderly's palms were warm, kneading skillfully against her breasts and rubbery-hard nipples while Ash stared up at the jackal's muscular frame. He was panting hard now and his masculine scent was thick in the air, mingling with the scent of her wet arousal as he allowed her a single, horrible moment to appreciate the firm tie.

Ash shut her eyes at his remark, feeling the tears well up as she did, her ears folded back in visible submission to the two males above her. What was the point? They could clearly see and smell her body react to the jackal's touch and the engorged member throbbing inside her with every beat of the canine's heart.

The two males were toying with her, chanting for her to cum like a good little vixen while Anders rubbed her clit and the panther above her tweaked her nipples. When the knot had gotten stuck and started to swell, Ash had focused on the pain, just to spite the male intent on breeding her. But whereas the pain had faded into a dull throb, the sensation of being more full than she could get was there to stay. She was made for this, and her cunt - although too tight by far - wrapped across the male's cock like a glove, gripping it, holding it right where it was meant to be. The walls of her sex were wrapped so tight around the knot that she could feel the jackal's pulse, the tip of his cock leaking as it pressed firmly against her cervix.

Finally, Ash let out the tiniest, helpless moan. Her slender muzzle parted slightly as she focused helplessly on that sensation inside her, submitting to the doctor's mocking words. Soon enough her hips were moving of their own accord, the two bastards cheering her on as Ash lost what little willpower she had left. Anders, sensing victory and intent on dominating the little bitch, stood there above her bound frame, stubbornly refusing to move. "You want me to seed you, don't you, little vixen?" He whispered down to her. "Well, you gotta work for it. Fuck yourself on me like the little whore you are... can't wait to watch you swell."

Broderick released his grip on her shoulders then, and settled instead for a firm grip on her nipples, leering down at the erotic sight of her soft breasts twisting as she writhed back and forth on the doctor's knot. Her eyes were half open, locked on Ander's, leaking thick tears but helpless to look away as the doctor kept rubbing his paw across the downy fur of belly, thumb still playing across her clit.

"There's a good girl.." Ander's voice was that paternal growl again. "Here it comes.. Just give in. Captain's orders, y'know.."

Ash gasped and started panting as it hit her, a climax that made her vulpine cunny grab the male lodged in her as if she never wanted him to pull out, squeezing him hard enough to draw out a snarling hiss of pleasure from her rapist at the sensation. After the initial clench, the fennec's walls began to pulse, rhythmic contractions that were meant to push her mate over the edge and help his seed go deeper into her.

"O.. Oh fuck, no, f.. Fuck..." crying in pleasure, Ash's voice mingled with Anders' triumphant, laughing snarl as the bound fennec obeyed, fucking herself on his shaft with a slut's urgency, milking his cock_._ His cheers devolved into grunts and a second later the vixen felt the first warm jet of watery canine cum surge into her sweltering sex. In the throes of her own climax, and maybe due to the fact she was very much in estrus, the sensation felt good, sickeningly so considering Ash knew what the outcome of the jackal's orgasm would be.

"Better get comfy Lieutenant. With a nice wet cunt milking me it always take a while for my knot to go down. You just lay there and count the squirts." He teased, and Ash could feel the tip of his cock spewing his load into her womb, the spade-shaped tip jerking hard enough against her cervix with each squirt to make Ash's toes curl and her breath to catch in her throat at the sickeningly erotic sensation of being... bred. After all, with that throbbing knot stuck in her there was nowhere for the canine cum to go but deeper in, a steady flow surging through her cervix and flooding her.

Minutes ticked in silence as she laid there, legs splayed, panting helplessly, her bulging sex sore from the monster buried in it. Soon she felt almost uncomfortably full with the jackal's thick load, and again her eyes flicked up to Ander's face. "A... Are you done yet?" She whispered while the leering jackal drummed his fingers against her slim belly, right below her bellybutton where his tip still throbbed. She could feel her womb's trembling with the vibrations.

"Are you done yet, Sir." Anders admonished, and tapped the bound fennec's belly again, harder. Ash imagined she could feel a wet slosh. "... I'm not forcing this like last time. This is a fucking breeding, Leutenant. I know you're unfamiliar with your body, but _you're_the one gripping me by knot... keeps other males," he met the panther's eyes with a smirk, "from getting in too quick, before my seed's had a chance to impregnate you. You'll when we're done." Ash's eyes flicked up to Brockerick, who by now had fished out his dick with a snicker and was smearing it slowly across the fennec's ears. She didn't have long to wait. Another few minutes, then she felt a trickle of something hot and gooey running along her bulging folds that told her the ordeal was nearing its end.

"Get the camera Brodrick, time for the money-shot of little Ashley's breeding."

"Camera's rolling, Sir..." the panther jerked back to attention, releasing his cock long enough to raise the camera again, bringing the lens close to the action as Anders used his thumbs to pry her bruised lips apart.

"You know, people rave about sunrises, but -ngh!- I don't think there's a prettier sight than a fat red knot slowly parting a girl's smooth pink cunt..." the jackal mused, his words accompanied by squirts and gushes as the pressure in Ash's body sought release. Ash started whimpering again, a half-moan, and her bound legs jerked once more as her toes curled, body losing its grip on his deflating knot..

The pop of the knot from her sex was loud enough to make her wince, the canine cum she'd been forced to take surging around the girthy length even before it was pulled out. Once the tip left her the fennec could feel the excess sperm flowing from between her gaping folds, a wet cascade of watery cum that coated her ass and soaked the base of her tail and pooled on the exam table. Her cunt remained lewdly open, gaping, only closing when the fennec gasped or tried to move - and even then, it closed only temporarily before yawning back wide again, as if inviting her next mate to plug it tight once again.

The panther damn-near pushed the lens of the camera in as he did his best to document her degradation, but the device was soon passed to the ship's doctor as he saw this messy invitation. He didn't waste time, the black feline moving to position, gripping his own cock and pushing unceremoniously into the whimpering vixen.

Ash had braced herself to feel the barbs raking her still oversensitive sex when the dripping member was pulled out all the way, leaving her empty and confused. She almost thought that Brodrick might be taking pity on her, but when she felt the touch of the now cum-drenched cock below her dripping slit, she knew it had been too much to hope for. Her eyes shot open wide and Anders' paw shot out and clamped down on her muzzle, keeping her relatively quiet as the large cat began to push his shaft deeper past the vixen's straining pucker. Ash, on the verge of another sluttish moan of pleasure, now found herself once again struggling not to squeal as the head of his cick popped into the too-tight confines of her ass. "P.. P.. PLEASE no.. n.. Not there..."

"Seaman Brodrick, this looks suspiciously like disobeying the captain's orders..." the jackal said, keeping his eyes on the barbed length disappearing into the vixen thrashing helplessly between the two of them.

"Don't worry sir, if this doesn't work, I'll try again..." the panther said, giving a buck of his hips for emphasis. He looked down at the small, bound form of the fennec, still instinctually struggling to hold back loud squeals of pain in a useless attempt to keep yet another rape a 'secret'. It made Brockerick smile. "Good girl," he purred, "but let me help you. This might be too much, and we wouldn't want the rest of the men to hear..."

Still smiling, he wrapped his paw around her slender muzzle, crushing her whiskers until only the tip of her shiny black nose could be seen. Ashley thrashed, eyes rolling in a frantic panic, trying to share her head in denial as he slowly pulled out, barbs raking painfully in her ass. "There you go. Let it out. It'll all be done soon..." Broderick placed two fingers over her eyes, forcing the Lieutenant to shut them before his hips started to move, Ash's screams reduced to a faintly pleasurable vibration within the panther's tight grip.


It had always been a struggle to walk the narrow corridors of the sub after being raped by the Doc and his orderly, but strolling with a bright expression on her face was even harder now. Anders had let her dress but had kept her underwear. Her shirt was loose enough that if she hunched down and threw her shoulders forward a little she could sort of mask the bulge of her chest. But while the panther had put some effort into wiping the mess he'd left under her tail, the Doc had insisted she not be allowed to rid herself of his mess. Instead he'd stuck a broad band-aid along the length of her slit, so that... it could take. She'd hoped the humiliating solution might at least keep her crotch from getting soaked, but with every step Ash could feel the adhesive tape giving way and letting the canine spunk seep around the edges.

"Hey Lieutenant! Good thing I bumped into you, I was looking for an officer from the sonar division. You got a spare minute, right?" asked Cyril, a striped hyena and not one of Ash's favorite faces. The guy struck her as obnoxious and a little too full of himself, but she'd always tried to be helpful and knew it would seem strange if she brushed him off. Despite the ache in her ass and the feeling of cum leaking slowly down her inner thigh, she nodded, clearing a throat that still ached.

"S.. Sure." the fennec said, and was surprised when the petty chief led her into the ship's mess. "So, what can I help you with?" Ash asked, noticing there were a dozen or so crewmen gathered, all of them perking up at the sight of her and Cyril.

"It's more of a matter of what we can do for you..." came a deep voice from the fennec's left, her eyes focusing on Tyler, the Cob. The huge black dog didn't bother saluting as he walked up to her, and when he made it a point to flare his nostrils and take a long, deep breath, the vixen felt her hackles rise and her stomach twist. "...although it seems you already got some help."

"But the more the merrier, eh Ash?" the hyena remarked, prompting the fennec to respond automatically, falling back on an instinctually terse, professional tone..

"That's Lieutenant..."

"No, it's not even Ash. It's Ashley, isn't it?" the Cane Corso said, his tone dead serious unlike the grinning hyena's half-mocking remark, and Ash's eyes widened. Before she could catch herself, her tail tucked up tight and she closed her thighs, but too late. "You can't lie to this nose, at least not while in heat..."

"I don't know what your nose is telling you, but I am telling you to back off! I'm still your superior officer, and you..."

"Don't worry, you'll still be our superior. Still give us orders and all that, it's just that you'll be giving us something else as well..." the hyena said, advancing slowly and catching Ash off guard for a second, long enough for his paw to land smack between her legs. The fennec froze as the slap connected with her sex - bare under her pants apart from the band-aid - but she didn't double over in pain, something a biological male would have done when something contacted so sharply with his crotch. The hyena was a little too happy with what he felt in his palm, giving Ash a clear shot at his left kidney. That rid her of Cyril's groping hand as the striped male swore under his breath, bent over and clutching his side.

But one look around didn't give Ash the impression that the rest of the males were about to take this as a 'no' and leave her be. The air was tense as she tried to back away, hoping to reach the door or at least a wall as the others closed in around her. But predator species generally have shitty peripheral vision so she'd missed Tyler moving away until her back had bumped into the big dog.

The fennec had unconsciously raised her paws in a guard position, and the dog behind her used it to his advantage, hooking his arms around hers and pulling them back against his barrel chest. Ash was snarling now as she tried to get a grip on something vulnerable with her fingers, knowing that this was more than an assault on a superior officer. There was a look on the faces of the approaching males that made it clear what this was about. But the huge canine's head was too far up to reach and his neck to well protected by his heavy hide for her to do more than just scratch at it. A few of her would-be attackers got a foot to the chest or gut, with a leopard catching a weak kick on his jaw. But those had been taken by surprise at just how fiercely Ash was willing to resist. A few of the more careful ones caught her flailing legs, and soon Ash found herself being carried bodily to a table. They slammed her down to it, scattering dishes to the floor.

"Let me go you sons of bitches! Come at me one by one and see what fucking happens!" Ash snarled, but could do little more. The males had her on her back, her legs still gripped by firm hands that didn't let her do more than writhe without hope of wriggling free. She managed to get a single paw free, but instead of striking out she felt her pants being yanked down and reached down in a panic, desperately holding on. She was surrounded, the scent of excited males overwhelming her senses, feeling her fingers slowly losing grip.

"This is happening, like it or not. You caught Cyril and a few others by surprise, but everyone once in a while someone doin' their first tour will snap under the pressure and have an episode, so we're trained to restrain them while they calm down. You'd know that if you had your fish, girl. The fuck did you think would happen if you went into heat in a place like this?" the inky black canine asked, finishing his emerging cock out as two other crewmen finally yanked her pants down to her ankles, whistling at the sight of her bared ass and sex. The hyena and lynx grinned at eachother, then each pulled Ash's legs so far apart she winced and almost cried out.

"Looks like the good Doctor got to her first, the fucking pervert..." But the wolf was grinning. Ash cried out when he yanked off the band-aid covering her abused sex, feeling sick at the sensation of canine spunk drooling from her still-gaping slit. If there had been any shred of restraint and sanity left to the gathered crewmen holding her, the sight of another male's load leaking from her would have done away with it. The black dog's thick red cock was still only half-way out of its sheath, the small lump just above the sack telling the restrained fennec just how big it really was. But canines were always hard and Tyler had little trouble pushing the thick stub past her messy folds.

Ash had hoped that taking Anders' knot would have loosened her up, but she still winced at the sensation of her recently bred sex stretching around the girthy appendage in spite of the copious amount of the jackal's seed serving as lube. A thrust of Tyler's black hips brought the thick sheath against her lips, and drove the breath from the small fennec's chest. "Oh... oh fuck.. Oh fuck..." Once again, her voice sounded weak, feminine, and she found herself clutching at the edges of her table, fingers scrabbling for purchase as Tyler leered down at her. "... this'll be hard, but we'll get you properly stretched."

Instead of thrusting again though, the huge male began grinding against the much smaller vixen as his cock grew inside her, sliding from his body and directly into hers. Soon enough the end of the black sheath was swollen, a sign that only the knot remained outside the whimpering fennec. Ash had been staring down her body in horror, but even when the massive canine thrust she never saw the red lump. She did feel it though. The jab had mashed the opening of the dog's sheath against her bruised labia, and the unswollen knot slipped directly from Tyler into her. It had hurt more than the fennec had expected it to, and it was still small compared to what she knew she could expect.

The jet-black canine just held himself inside her, letting the tightness of a messy vulpine cunt stroke him to full hardness. Ash could feel her body struggling to hold the male, stretching desperately even as the tapered tip of Tyler's length pressed against her cervix hard enough for it to hurt. She thought the big dog might just stay in, grinding away to an orgasm as her body worked him over like a living glove. But a steadying paw planted on her lower belly told her it wasn't the case, the dog proving the fear when he slowly pulled his knot out until the vixen's straining folds released the red lump, clamping down around the girthy red rod as if they had a chance of keeping it out.

"Playing the priss with us while walking around with someone's load sloshing around inside you. What, were you only gonna let officers have a piece of this?" the black canine growled, cutting off Ash's reply when he shoved the knot against her, the growing bulge looking like it would fail to stretch her wide enough before it sank in.

Stars danced in front of the vixen's vision as she realized that Tyler was beyond a doubt more than her body had ever meant to take. But even if she had the breath to appeal to the enormous dog to keep the knot out, or to let her do something else to help him get off she doubted she had a chance. The look in his eyes told her that even if she could muster the breath, her words would fall on deaf ears. The crew had been under pressure, keeping it bottled up so the ship could function, throwing themselves into their work and trusting their training and discipline. But nostrils were flaring all around her, the scent of sex and a fertile female clouding reason and leaving nothing behind but instinct and pent up urges.

Her view of the inky-black beast rutting her was blocked as a large gray form climbed on the table and straddled her waist, ripping off her top two paws, sending buttons clattering to the floor . Through teary eyes she recognized Jerry, the wolf sleeping on the bunk above hers. He was naked below the waist, his cock fully on display before he pushed the red length down between her breasts. Big lupine paws settled on her mounds, kneading them before pushing them together and around the wolf's member. Her heat had caused them to swell a little but they still looked small as the wolf held them together, starting to pump his cock in and out of her cleavage. The fur of her chest was soon matter with lupine pre, with a few squirts reaching her muzzle. And while she suffered Tyler's savage rutting, Ash found her stomach turning at the thought of the tapered tip erupting, sending ropes of lupine spunk streaking all over her face. The wolf leaned down and whispered into her sensitive ears,. "I wanna feel your paws around my knot and balls or I'll fuck you in the ass. Don't worry, I'll still finish inside your cunt if you beg for my pups..."

She felt the firm hands holding her calves release her, but there was no way for Ash to take advantage of that. Apart from the strong grip Tyler had on her hips, the sheer force of his rutting was taking its toll on the much smaller vulpine who even now struggled to obey the wolf, gripping the base of his balls and knot in her delicate paws. If the dog were to release her and send her on her way, she wasn't sure if her legs would bear her weight. But the massive canine was tireless, hammering away at her crotch, the fur all around the vixen's slit now a matted mess after the enormous male's oversized shaft drove every drop of Anders' load that wasn't in her womb. And she had little doubt the ebony male intended to add to the mess. Nor would he be the last, judging by the throng gathered around her, hungry eyes taking in the sight of a fertile female submitting to a savage breeding.

To the vixen's surprise the wolf mounting her chest proved to have the shorter fuse. She felt heat soak into the matted for of her cleavage before the lusty lupine pushed his cock all the way through, making sure she caught the rest of his load on her face. Ash tried to turn away but strong paws grabbed her scruff tightly made sure her face was pushed towards the spurting erection, the sandy fur soaking up warm lupine seed as the sharp smell of it filled the fennec's nose. "W.. wait..." she managed to splutter, before choking off as another rope of cum splashed across her nosepad, hot and slimy and sticky. When the wolf was finally done, Ash wasn't sure if the sight of her face covered in spunk did it for Tyler, or if the huge dog had already been nearing the end of his rope. He gripped her hard and began smashing his knot against her folds, with the vixen wincing with every failed attempt of the bulge to push in.

"Better relax bitch, this thing's going in easy or it's going in... hard!" he said, driving the point home with another brutal thrust.

Ash wanted to try and talk sense into him, to plead that she was already taking more than her body could handle. But even if she could get enough air to form the words, she doubted anyone would listen. Some of the others reached out, and soon she had the men she'd worked and lived with the past few months trying to spread her folds open wider, excited to see the black canine tie with her. Since thrusts didn't work, Tyler pushed as far as he could and started to grind the throbbing knot against Ash's straining slit, even as others struggled to pry her open for him. The fennec looked on in disbelief as she saw her lips spread wider, the red lump pushing a little into her until at one painful moment she was wrapped around the thickest part of it. And when Tyler pushed in the pain moved from her folds to her already stuffed tunnel, her walls wrapping tight enough to make the big dog growl as his movements ceased

"Fuck, this is a good look on your girl..." the inky canine said, patting what was now a noticeable bulge in the vixen's normally flat tummy. Ash was panting hard, tongue out and eyes glazed, faintly tasting the bitter warmth of the wolf's cum as it dripped from her nose and into her open mouth. "And this is just a start. But don't worry girl, even when you get round and heavy we'll still give you some attention. You're going to look even better to us when those hips fill out and those tits of yours start to really come in." the dog said, and before Ash could even think of a reply, of some plea for mercy, Tyler took a few big steps back.

Ash felt her back slide across the smooth table, panic gripping her as the dog pulled her all the way off. The room spun 'round and pain blossomed anew between her legs and her head hit the mess floor hard, knocking stars in her vision briefly and muffling the sounds of the crowd's approval. She was hanging from the dog's crotch, the knot now too large for even the weight of her body to pull her off. Her tail was caught between the huge dog's thighs, who grinned down at her as the whole room spun around her, shoulders barely scraping against the floor but hips still held firm to her rapist above her.

The vixen found herself slipping, the pain blurring until from the sheer intensity of the fat canine cock stuffed into her. The dog's heartbeat was so strong that she felt it like each throb was a firm touch, a tap against the vulpine g-spot now wrapped around the dog's knot. Even her clit was pressed against it, the monster going thud-thud-thud against the most sensitive part of her body. Her mind struggled to interpret the signals her nervous system was sending, her breath becoming rapid and her muscles twitching until to her shock Ash realized she was cumming, climaxing in spite of the abuse and humiliation piled on her.

The crowd didn't notice, or didn't care. A Lynx stepped up, putting his paws under her arms and behind her back. She found herself lifted up until she was parallel to the floor, her muzzle now level with a feline erection. She only realized her muzzle had been gaping open when the cat shoved himself in until the tip of his barbed shaft was poking the back of her throat. She was still trying not to choke on the cat's cock when she felt the throbbing of the shaft stuck in her change, the whole thing twitching and flexing until she felt the rush of cum, the huge dog's testes pulsing as they rested between her cheeks. They were churning out a lot more than the jackal who's used her earlier, and whit that monstrous knot stuck in her Ash could feel pressure build up with every squirt until the warm goo eventually seeped into her already full womb.

She couldn't worry about it anymore. She didn't have the strength to think about it, or anything. Her mind went blank, her lips wrapping themselves around the feline shaft being pumped in and out of her muzzle as a male nearly twice her weight dumped several months' worth of sexual tension into her fertile womb.

The cum kept flowing, with her sex pulsing weekly around the twitching length every time an unwanted but unstoppable climax shook the vixen. The shaft in her mouth spurted, making her choke before someone pulled the lynx away, either to help her breathe or more likely out of impatience. She was still panting and coughing up feline cum when she found herself pushed up against Tyler's chest, with someone wrapping her arms around the dog's thick neck. Ash gripped his neck almost gratefully, feeling the huge dog's warmth, hugging him tightly as he gripped her ass in turn, smirking as he helped the little vixen cuddle tight. "Fuck, I could get used to this..." His grin widened even further as he flexed his cock, still impaling the Lieutenant, drawing out a moan from her panting muzzle as they pressed tight against his neck.

She felt Cyril behind her, muttering something she didn't catch. But his sneer spoke volumes, as did the hyena's tip prodding around under her tail. The striped male wasn't disappointed to find her pucker loose and dripping some of Brodrick's cum that she'd lost after having Tyler's cock shoved up into her.

She cried out into the corso's thick fur, muffling the sound of pain as the male forced himself under her tail, the noise getting no sympathy for the others waiting impatiently for their turn. Having the orderly push his cock into her ass had been bad enough - but this double-penetration was too much, and she gripped Tyler's neck even tighter for any comfort as the pain overwhelmed, feeling the hyena's cock rubbing inside her, directly against the Cob's throbbing canine cock currently seeding her. As the hyena began to fuck her ass Ash's vision darkened and her body grew slack, no problem now that she was sandwiched between the two males.

She wasn't sure if she'd drifted in and out of her daze, or if the blackness was interrupted with nightmare visions. There was pain from below, the bitter taste of cum, horribly wet noises punctuated by grunts, growls or laughter. The cold, empty sensation when someone pulled out of her that never lasted longer than a few seconds, the time it took for a new male to take his place. As she came to most of her felt numb, with muscles trembling and twitching widely along her body. But she felt the sharp pain of a knot slipping in, followed by a gush of cum and a grunt from the male looming above her. She blinked away ... tears? Cum? She didn't know anymore... and forced her eyes to focus, only to stare uncomprehendingly at the sight before her. Her throat was sore, her mouth slimy with still warm cum but she managed one word.


"I'm sorry Ash but... you'll get used to it. It's bound to get easier..." the other fennec said, her best friend meeting her eyes as he held her legs wide, buried knot-deep in her fluttering sex. He obviously had no intention of pulling out. "B... besides. You should thank me. I felt you cum around me d... During the other night. Maybe they'll be my pups? You'll have an easier time carrying my litter than Tyler's..."

Ash realized there was no hope for her, not until she was on this ship. They were cut off, a small, cramped world on their own, and there was no going against the collective insanity that had most if not all of the males in its grip. Even if the captain wanted to intervene, the ship couldn't function even in peacetime without every crewman doing his job. And as her best friend in this world continued to take what he needed from her, Ash felt herself sink into despair but unfortunately not unconsciousness. Instead, her body started to warm once again, and Luke smiled as he watched her bite her lip, then turn her head away as she slowly, slowly started to rock her hips up and down on his shaft, milking him for every drop


Days passed, weeks... Ashley worked, doing her job as best as she could, her mind trying to find a new definition of normal. Every now and again someone would bend her over, throw her on her back or push her to her knees and use her however he liked - as long as the captain wasn't around, at least. It was bad while her heat lasted, but didn't stop there. They kept up appearances while the captain was around, but behind Old Salty's back they did with her what they liked.

Nobody could remember the young tod who'd joined them mere months ago, not when that same fennec was now showing a round belly, her tender breasts heavy as her pink areolas grew darker, showing a few opalescent beads of milk whenever someone squeezed the swelling mounds. Ashley almost died with embarrassment the first time her breasts leaked while she was on watch, and couldn't miss the stare of utter contempt from the captain the stern otter ordered her back to the bunks...

As she waddled her way back down, she loosened her shirt and gave a quiet whimper. She was already in her third trimester, and the threat of war had kept them on station for months past when they should have come how. How long would this last? She was torn between wanting this to end and dreading having her shame come to light when they returned to port.

Ashley finally reached her quarters, but the door opened before she even touched the handle, the sound of several of her roommate's voices filtering out. "Right, Ashley, up on the table again... give us a show, it's been a long day!" She trembled, and didn't bother shutting the door behind her as she stepped wordlessly inside...