Brother's Christmas Surprise [Ebook Teaser]

Story by SPenleaf on SoFurry

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Donny loves his brother Gabe, but when the younger wolf emails him out of the blue surprising him with a Christmas visit. Donny's older brother instincts are already wondering why and what's wrong. Without having spoken in years, this sudden Christmas visit seems suspicious and Donny just wants to help his brother out.

The full book can be preordered at the retailers below. The full book is available January 21st, 2022.SmashwordsAmazon

This was probably the tenth time I checked the email. I felt all sorts of butterflies in my stomach, yet all I was doing was sitting in the parking lot, outside the airport. My little brother would be here soon. I hadn't seen the pup since I was in high school. College had taken my life an entirely different direction, and before I knew it, he was the one graduating college.

Now, out of the blue I got an email that my little brother was coming by for the holiday's. My eyes were burning a hole in my phone waiting for the text that he was ready for pickup. I ran my paw through my messy, gray fur. We'd been close when we were younger, but this visit was entirely unprompted.

Ding! My eyes refocused on the phone, there it was, a new text message from my little brother. All it said was one word, here. Sighing, I shake my head and put my phone down in the cup holder. Putting the car in drive, I pull out of the parking lot and start weaving in and out through the airport traffic. I'm pretty sure there was a special place in hell for airport traffic, but holiday airport traffic? Now that was was a level of hell I want to avoid ever again if possible.

As I pull up to the Maple Air section on the arrival level, I noticed my little brother staring at his phone. Pulling to the curb, I stare at him, expecting him to look up and realize, big bro is here with his chariot. Sadly I was mistaken. Rolling my eyes, I put the car in park and get out.

"Yo, little bro! What's so important that you missed your chariot arriving?"

The black furred wolf looks up startled. He pushes the blue dyed streak out of his eyes and grins sheepishly at me.

"Sorry... I just got a text message from mom... I think my phone is going to eat me alive."

Shaking my head, I turn my eyes to the car roof. Oh lord, what did he do now.

"Put your stuff in the back seat. Sounds like you have a story to tell... Oh, and if she calls... Don't pick up."

At twenty two, he wasn't really a pup anymore, not even a teenager, this was a full on young man and... As he placed his bag in the back seat, I realized, I missed him, incredibly. The young man closed the back door before opening and taking a seat in the passenger side.

Grinning, I duck back down and take my seat in the driver side. Putting my seat belt on, I glance over and give my little bro a smile.

"So... Why do I get the feeling this is more than just you missing me?"

The younger wolf chuckles nervously as I wait for his response. Putting the car in drive I look away and start looking for a way to merge into traffic, once more, holiday traffic, special hell.

"Sorry Donny, I... I didn't know where else to go. She cornered me!"

Snorting, I shake my head as I finally find a gap behind a mini van and pull out, moving into the left lane, joining the traffic leaving the arrival level.

"I take it you mean mom. So what was she trying to do this time? Last time you came running to me was when she tried to cut off your bangs. What were you? Sixteen?"

There was a nervous chuckle from my passenger seat.

"I was thirteenactually, and yeah... She said only girls dyed their fur."

Snorting I shake my head and roll my eyes.

"Bullshit, I know a guy with pink spikes. And if you dare said something like that he'd punch your lights out."

Reaching over I squeeze my brother's leg.

"Besides, if I remember right, I threatened mom I'd bleach my fur blonde if she touched your bangs."

The younger wolf's chuckle seemed to help ease some of the tension in the car.

"Yeah... She never tried again after that, but she would glare at me each time she seen it."

Merging into the right lane, I join the traffic leading away from this hell scape. Glancing out of my right eye, I could see the young male frowning as he stared out the window.

"Gabe... What's wrong?"

Making another right turn, I pulled onto the on ramp for the interstate. Slowing down behind a truckm we followed it's trailer up the hill. Gabe remained silent as I merged off the on ramp and onto the interstate.

Sighing, I kept my eyes on the road, allowing the silence to spread between us. What ever was going on was eating him up and knowing my brother he was fighting to find a way to tell me. Miles pass in silence, daylight turning into dusk, and city turning into forests and small towns.

Finally the younger wolf speaks, his voice timid.

"Can I tell you something?"

Worry, and fear course through my body, taking a deep breath, I nod.

"Sure thing pup, I'll always listen to you."

Gabe goes silent again. Glancing over, I can see him fidgeting as he stares out the window.

"I... well... so..."

The younger wolf heaves a large sigh and balls up his paws into fists.

"I'm gay."

Ah... So that's what's up. Taking a deep breath, I glance over and give my little brother a smile.

"Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't think you were, but... I'm glad you told me. So does my little bro have a boyfriend yet or are you living the bachelor life?"

Gabe actively deflates and gives a nervous laugh. Grinning I keep my eyes on the road, just a few more turn offs before we got to mine. Knowing Gabe, that wasn't everything bothering him, but it was the start of him telling me.

"No... Aren't you surprised? I... I thought..."

There it is, time to be big brother.

"Gabe, you're my little brother, I love you no matter what, besides, I swing for both teams myself. You should have seen some of the guys I dated in college."

Oh, I so wish I had a camer, the silence in the car was palpable, our of the corner of my eye, I can see Gabe staring at me in shock. His mouth opening and closing and nothing coming out. Chuckling, I turn right onto the gravel road leading to my house.

"Don't be so surprised, it was easier to pretend to be straight when back home, but as soon as I got away from mom, well let's just say I learned that a nice dick can be more fun than some vaginas."

Gabe groans and blushes, squirming in his seat.

"Nope, nope, Donny T.M.I."

Chuckling, I reach over and squeeze Gabe's knee as a gesture of reassurance.

"Anyway, I'm glad you felt you could tell me. But I take it that leaving the closet isn't why you're evading mom. So what's really happening?"

The nervous chuckle was all I needed to hear.

"Yeah... About a month ago mom called and started trying to make plans for me to come home for the holiday. It was a nice chat till, well... She started talking about girls from my class who were still single and then she started asking me if I had found anyone. I tried to shut her down and told her I was focusing on work but... well, she was determined."

Snorting, I roll my eyes. Determined was being nice, mom can be a downright bitch about these things. She always gets her way, and if she doesn't, your the one in the wrong.

"As you can guess, I ended the call telling her I had to go. I had thought... hoped, it was over. A few weeks later, she called again, claiming she needed to know if I was coming home. We got to talking and then she asked if I had a girlfriend. At this point, I thought maybe, she would drop it if I said no and was busy with work. I was so wrong, she launched into trying to set me up with... was it Tina? I just... my brain was fried. I was frustrated, I wanted this to end and it seemed the only way to do so was telling her I was dating someone... so I gave her what she wanted. I told her I lied and that I was dating someone, I just didn't want talk about them or bring them home."

Oh no...


The younger wolf whined and continued to stare out the window.

"As you can expect that went over horribly. Mom was mad I lied to her, then she started trying to plan two tickets, saying I should surprise the lucky girl, and just... it was a disaster, I needed a way out..."

I couldn't help the chuckle that came from my chest. I'd seen a few holiday movies before, I could see the plot already.

"So let me guess, in your anger, you told her that you were going to your partner's for the holiday's instead, didn't you?"

Gabe groaned, his forehead now resting against the glass.

"Christmas chick flick fail, I know, but I didn't know what else to do. She was getting on my nerves, and wouldn't leave me alone I just... I wanted a quiet holiday. It was only after I hung up I realized.. I couldn't just stay home. My stupid neighbor has a habit of practicing the guitar anytime mom calls, and no matter how much I complain, he doesn't keep it down, and if she heard him when I picked up it'd be the end, and ignoring her calls would be worse and... I just needed an out. It didn't hurt that I hadn't seen you in years, and I figured... hey, Donny always knows what to do... so... I decided to come visit you. Sorry... I... I know it was short notice."

Shaking my head, I give the pup a grin and mess up his head fur.

"You silly pup. Honestly, I was going to be celebrating alone this year, so some company is nice. But man... don't know how you're going to get out of that one after you get home. Could pull the chick flick trope of claiming you broke up afterwards? She may be suspicious, but mom doesn't need to know what you're doing."

By now the road was deep into the woods, mountains towering above us. Crossing a small bridge, I could see the front porch light come on, those motion sensors I'd installed were a life saver. Darkness shrouded most of the house, the world vanishing as night took hold of everything it could touch.

"For now, let's not worry about mom, just enjoy your holiday here, you know, in the middle of no where, with your big bro."

Pulling up to the garage, I reach up and push the button on the visor, the garage door lurches, opening to allow us in. Driving into the garage, I put the car in park, and push the button again. The door lurches back, slowly closing and sealing us from the wilderness out side.

"Welcome to my home little bro, grab your stuff and let's get some dinner. Pizza sound good?"

The younger wolf chuckles as we exit my car.

"Sure thing Donny. Should I take my stuff to the room or...?"

I wave my paw at him as I walk across the garage toward the stairs.

"Just leave it in the living room, I'll show you your room later. First, it seems like we have some catching up to do... And some food to eat."

Walking up the stairs, I pause, I hadn't really welcomed him yet, the entire trip home and it still didn't feel right. Glancing over from where I stopped on the stairs, I can see Gabe had reopened the rear door. The smaller wolf leaning in, and grabbing his bags. He turned, bag in each paw. Stopping in surprise at seeing me watching him. He cocks his head as he looks up at me.

"What? Is something wrong?"

Shaking my head, I just give him a cheeky grin.

"No, just wanted to say, Merry Christmas Gabe."

The smaller wolf chuckles and gives me a sheepish grin. Continuing up the stairs, my mind wanders, it's only a two days till the festive holiday, but honestly I hadn't been expecting company. So all together everything had been put together in a rush for him. Opening the door at the top of the stairs, I finally entered my home. After the drive from hell, I want to take in all the comforts and enjoy them, all at once if possible.

Across the hall from me was my living room, the large tree up and decorated in the corner. Blushing, I try to avoid looking too long, the couch was still a bit messy. I had tried to clean up before going to pick him up, but tight airline schedules, and work schedules did not line up.

Moving quickly away, I head left toward the kitchen. When waiting for Gabe, I had twenty recipes I found that I wanted to try but now, after the long drive home, I just want to throw something in the oven and relax.

Throwing my keys on the island, I move past it to the fridge along the far wall. Looking through the fridge, I decided to grab a soda, some brand name was on it, but all I care about is that it was fizzy and has some caffeine in it. Looking around the kitchen, I take it all in as I took sips of my drink.

Across from me was the stove, I'd have to preheat it for the pizza, but the pup wasn't in here yet to decide if that was dinner. Next to that was the sink, finally a dishwasher next to that. We'd probably be using all three intensely over the next few days. Placing my can down on the counter top behind me, the can clinked on the slate. Not focusing, too rough. Shaking my head, I reach up and open the oak stained cabinets, looking to find a glass to pour my drink into. Pulling out one the glasses with bubbles in it, I place it gently it on the counter. Transferring the liquid from can into the glass.

Behind me I could hear the heavy steps of my brother carrying his bags up the stairs. Tossing the can into the recycling bin, I walk back over to the fridge to see about starting dinner. A bit more work, but I could make homemade pizza, or we can cheap out with the store bought that I grabbed the other day. Over in the living room I heard something heavy drop to the floor, not even in my home an hour and already dropping his stuff.

"Red Dog good?"

Looking over toward the door, I found Gabe walking into the kitchen. He seemed winded, but also trying to take everything in. Lost in his own mind, a look of surprise and wonder on his face.

"Earth to Gabe, what's up? Red Dog good or should I start making a homemade pizza?"

Brushing his blue bangs out of his eyes, Gabe returns his gaze to me and blushes.

"Donny, this kitchen... this house! This is amazing!"

Chuckling, I shake my head and crouch down to reach the freezer in the bottom of my fridge.

"Thanks, it didn't always look this good. Put some hard work into remodeling it, really pleased with how it came out. So... Red Dog?"

Behind me, I could hear Gabe walking around, exploring the room.

"Yeah, sounds good, meat lovers?"

Chuckling, I opened the freezer and pulled out the red and black box.

"As if I would get anything else. Do you still do that thing where you dip your pizza slices in ranch dressing?"

Gabe huffed behind me. Walking over to the oven, I set it to four hundred and thirty degrees.

"Not this again, yeah I do Donny... but if you don't have any, I'll be fine."

Turning around, I place the box on the middle island. Crossing my arms, I smirk at Gabe.

"I was just asking. Grabbed some last time I was in store. After you informed me you were coming for the holidays, I figured I'd grab some of your favorites."

Looking up at the younger wolf, he had his arms crossed and was pouting. If I didn't know better I'd assume he was trying to look cute.

"Fine... but just don't make fun of me for it."

Snorting, I pull out a pizza pan and place it on the island next to the box.

"Honestly, I think it's cute. Anyway, also grabbed some coffee since, if mom's ranting is anything to go by, you love the stuff."

Gabe moaned and slumped onto the island. Chuckling, I use my pointer claw to open the plastic wrapping on the pizza. Pulling the plastic off, I use my other paw to transfer the pizza to the pan.

"Donny, why... Why didn't you call, or reach out to me more?"

Ah, fuck... this rabbit hole. Clearing my throat I placed the pizza into the oven, closing the door behind it. Turning around I moved to lean against the island.

"To be quite honest... I was just busy. College was busy, and then after I was trying to find work anywhere, then things just... took off. But, even though I never called, I wondered how you were doing and would try and get mom to talk about you any time she called."

Gabe gave me a sad smile and nodded.

"Anyway, go put something on the TV, and don't break anything this time. I just need to set a timer for this."

The younger wolf nodded and quietly left the kitchen. Pulling out my phone, I checked the back of the Red Dog box for the timing instructions. Twenty minutes, got it. Typing away into my phone, I set for a quiet buzzing alarm.

Sighing, I look off toward the living room. I know he understands, being an architect, it takes a lot of my time but... I still feel guilty, the poor boy probably felt all alone with mom, especially with how pushy she is.

Off in the other room, I could hear the TV turn on, and some idle sound of an advertisement for some soap or conditioner started. Gabe groans in the other room.

"Fur-oil? Really? You guys suck."

Snorting, I roll my eyes. Same old Gabe, still yelling at the TV. When he was a pup, mom would come home and find him arguing with the characters in shows. Personally I found it funny, but mom.... She didn't. Over the years he toned it down a bit, but...

"Fuck you and your generic cereal!"

Seems like even with age he didn't grow out of that habit entirely. Shaking my head, I glance back at my phone, only a few minutes left. Well, may as well check and see if the heater was on, the morning broadcast said it was supposed to get really cold tonight and honestly, I'm not one to sleep in clothes if it could be helped. Finding the thermostat in the hall, I cranked it up to a nice warm temp.

"Hey, Gabe, is it okay if I take my shirt off? Normally I go shirtless when home."

The other wolf snorted in the other room.

"Yeah, seems fine, I mean, it's your house. Just don't complain to me if your nipples get hard."

Snorting, I shake my head, brat. Walking into the living room, I pull my arms back through the sleeves, and pushing the shirt up and over my head. Without thinking much, I toss the discarded shirt on my recliner. Walking through the living room, I moved toward the dining room of on the left.

Entering the room, there was a small wood table in the middle with a four cushioned chairs around it. The room wasn't large but it also was more for board gaming than large meals. The room had large window with a view of the mountain beyond.

Stretching my arms, I keep walking, moving left and entering the kitchen again. The heater was just kicking on, but it was already much warmer than when I stepped out. Pulling out my phone, I opened the timer app. Eh, a few seconds left. Turning off the timer, I open the drawer across from the oven on the island. Pulling out a potholder, I open the oven and pull the pizza pan out. Dark brown crust, bubbly cheese, meat looked to be nice and cooked...

"Gabe! Pizza's ready!"

Pushing the empty cardboard box aside I made room on the counter for the hot pizza pan. Leaving the potholder out, I reopened the drawer in the island and started looking for my pizza cutter.

"Which cabinet has the plates?"

Glancing right, I seen Gabe looking through some of the cabinets next to me.

"Should be the ones to the left of the sink... Aha! There's the pizza cutter."

Reaching in I grab the bladed circle, and re-grabbed my potholder. Holding onto the metal pan, I start cutting the pizza into various slices. Gabe places two plates on the island. The young wolf pats my shoulder as he walks passed me moving to the refrigerator.

"Third shelf from the top on the left door."

Gabe chuckles from where he stands as he opens the fridge door. I finish cutting the pizza into slices. Nearly even but... not exactly. Eh, who needs perfection.

"Thanks bro. So, TV has nothing interesting, any movies you want to watch?

Oh god, movies? What would I even want watch?

"I'm not sure, how about you choose and I'll be good with it."

Gabe chuckles at that, closing the fridge door behind me. As he moved passed me, I can see the ranch dressing in his paw.

"Well, how about that one fantasy movie from when we were kids. The one with the really hot elf guy."

Now that, was interesting. Grinning, I raised an eyebrow.

"He was hot wasn't he? Didn't he also get a role in that pirate movie series?"

Gabe blushed and grinned, the younger wolf nodding. Reaching out I took two slices of the pizza and placed them on a plate for myself.

"I think I have that, give me a second to find it. Oh and help yourself."

Taking my plate with me into the living room, I moved to take a seat on the right side of the couch. Leaving the plate on my end table. Using the remote, I scrolled through my digital movies. Gabe placed his plate down on the end table next to the right side of the couch and joined me.

"Oh! There! The ring one! Choose which ever one you want, I'm good with all of them."

Chuckling, I click on the first one I seen, the movie studio's logo appearing on screen. Placing the remote on the end table, I swap it for my plate, picking my pizza up and starting to eat as we watched elves and dwarves cross mountains on a quest all because of a cursed ring.

After an hour, and multiple slices of pizza each, I started to feel it. Gabe across from me yawned.

"Alright, enough of that. Bed, for both of us."

The younger wolf whined, but didn't argue. Turning off the TV, I grabbed both of our plates and took them into the kitchen, leaving them in the sink. From the other room, I could hear the heavy lifting of Gabe picking up his bags.

Heading back into the hallway, I found Gabe standing there awkwardly with his stuff. Giving him a tired smile, I guide him down the hall. Swinging around the railing on the right, I start climbing the stairs to the second floor. Reaching the top, I guide him left, deeper into the second floor. First door we come to on the right, I stop and wave at it.

"This is your room, it's not as big as mine but, if I remember right, it's way bigger than yours was growing up."

My guest bedroom had a small walk in closet and it's own bathroom, but I figured I'd let him figure that out on his own.

"If you need me, I'm down the hall there, on the right. Just make sure to knock first."

Gabe grins and nods, his head lulling a bit as he struggled to keep hold on his bags and stay awake.

"Thanks for everything Donny. This means the world to me."

Reaching over, I ruffle his head fur, messing up his bangs.

"It's no problem, now get some sleep. You're safe here, and... if mom wakes you, answer, tell her you were out of call range and you are trying to sleep with out waking your partner. We'll figure something out tomorrow."

Stepping backwards, I give Gabe one last wave before turning and heading to my own room. Behind me, I could hear Gabe open the door to his room. Quietly, I heard the light flick on and then there was a gasp. Grinning, I opened the door to my own room. Glad to see he liked my color choice. I did all his bedspreads and curtains in his favorite color, purple. Closing my door behind me, I let out a beath I didn't know I'd been holding in.

Reaching down, I undo my belt as I walk across the room toward my bed, it was anthro king plenty of space for me, and another. It was also designed specifically for larger proportions of the anthro community and various sizes. Dropping my pants, I hook a claw under my underwear yanking them down too. Kicking them both off, I scratch under my balls. Crawling into the blue blanketed mess, I move under the bed sheets and blankets.

Cuddling up, I thought back on this afternoon, picking my brother up from the airport, finding out he was gay, dinner, hanging out, and this was just the start of his three day visit. No matter what, I suspect we needed this. If not for him to escape mom, to also help us reconnect. Tomorrow, I figure, we can just hang out around the house some, let him wind down from his plane ride and maybe watch some movies together or something. There was always Left Fur Dead, a remake of an old game from before anthros, maybe some co-op gaming could be nice.

Smiling, I snuggle into my pillows again. Whatever we ended up doing, it was nice that I would be doing it with my little brother again.