The Silverscale Arena: December 2020 Ch. 3 (Day/Night 2)

Story by Baskerra_Hellmane on SoFurry

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#3 of Silverscale Arena

(Original fic posted here, with pictures too):

Welcome, one and all, to hopefully the first of a thrilling trend of the craziest and most deadly arena created! Watch as 48 characters in teams of 4 compete to survive! But how long can they go on without turning on each-other or dying to the many unpredictable events that are scattered about?

Remember! Suggestions for events are greatly appreciated in the comments and, for those of the Silverscale Lounge reading this, please give feedback to the sluthound that made this possible!

Part 5: The Second Day

"And during his comeback, The Shock Master not only has the powers of the Gods themselves..." Our favorite boasting wrestler stated to his teammates. "But he has the power...of a FOX!" He showed off his new silver fox-tail, the thing wagging after he had devoured a Fox Berry himself.

"That's mighty interesting. Not sure what I'd do with it." Pete said as he scoured for food, looking for berries and such. "Could use a hand. These old bones might not...oh, hey!" He grabbed what he thought was a burger, but it was yet ANOTHER Nasty Patty. "What kind of cruel soul would make something like this?"

"Assessment: Our captor." Fisto turned to him before he detected the presence of others. "We are not alone!"

"THAT'S MINE!" The Karen came rushing at them, firing her glok and forcing the three to scatter. Even the Shock Master knew better than to bring fists to a gun fight.

However, Pete wasn't all that helpless, firing his pistol as well, using the woods as cover for himself. "Don't suppose we can talk about this?" The old prospector said as the Karen suddenly lunged for him, forcing him to jump to where he dropped the patty. "No? Well, why don't you have it?" He grabbed it and offered it.

"Gimme! I have my rights!" The Karen devoured the patty in one go before she suddenly went cross-eyed. "Oh...well, damn." With that, she keeled over, dead.

Pete just blinked at the sight before putting a finger to his chin. "Well, don't that beat all? How about you, Fisto?" He turned to the robot, only for he and the Shock Master's eyes to widen.

The sex-droid had gotten up, only to see Akrog and Swain looming over him. "I'm afraid there're no room in my plans for any of you." The general's hand glowed with power as Akrog just swung his hammer over his shoulder, ready to utilize it.

However, the troll sniffed the air as a rumbling was heard. "Wait...something is coming...something...large...a beast?"

Swain raised a brow before looking over the horizon. It wasn't just a beast. It was a whole army of them. Many Short-Faced Bears, led by those cubs from earlier, were heading their direction, tearing the place up as they zeroed in on their target: Swain. "Sub! Hold the line!" Akrog yelled at the now freed human.

"The hell do you think I'm supposed to do?!" The human yelled before turning to Kael'Thas. "Some help here?!"

"Oh, no. I'm sure our friend here has it all under control." The spiteful blood elf prince was resting against a tree, smirking to himself as he mulled over how he'd have less competition this way. He even ate a seed to celebrate...even though that seed was a Harpy Seed, causing his arms to grow a set of fiery red feathers. "This...feels oddly appropriate."

Akrog immediately went on the defensive, as the other team fled for their lives. "Akrog will hold them off! You, take anything you can and flee!"

"I do not flee...I conquer." Swain said confidently...only for his demonic hand to suddenly vanish, the demon within letting out a joyful cry as it was released from this world. "GAH! What?! What is this?!"

"The way to make your death easy, bitch!" Basky called out from afar, waving a key in her finger that led to said demon being released.

Having not expected that, Swain just stood there in shock, Akrog punching in the faces of the marauding ursines, Kael'Thas giving him a smug grin, and Sub being helpless to stop the various supplies they had being taken in the stampede (in this case, the thieves were Samantha, Jane, Sean Bean, and Danny). His face warped in complete disbelief...before something resembling calm resignation crossed it.

His death was swift when the crushing jaws smashed his spine into dust, the Short-Faced Bears having their well as a feast, though they did have to flee as Akrog flung them about like ragdolls. Sub was on the floor, utterly flattened. "If I die because of long-lasting damage...tell them I went out heroically." Sub weakly lifted a finger.

"Oh, get up." Kael'Thas scoffed, peeling him off with two fingers.

Back with Team 3, Samalla was being shown on the massive and ever-expanding force-field that she had been cancelled on Twitter for merely aiming at a few of the fan-favorite characters. "Figures." She muttered before turning to Mina. "Alright. If anything happens, are you re...Mina?"

"What?" The sparrow raised a brow, unaware of the sharp teeth that lined her beak. "Something on my face?"

" are aware that you're looking more...carnivorous." She pointed out, before seeing a few cut feathers on a Shark Tooth embedded in one of the trees. A little present from Basky that she scattered about the area.

Mina actually tapped her teeth before giving a toothy grin. "Neat. Seed won't be nearly as hard to eat. Pretty metal too."

"Hey, girls. Sorry I've been up and about lately. Just been getting the lay of the land." Ripley dusted off her hands. "Oh, and I was going to kill that woman, but I figured it'd be better to bring her ego down a peg." Out of her palm came that same substance in a cube-like form. "Future Gel. Never leave the upgrading station without it."

"I'd ask questions, but I'm not sure if I'd like the answers." Samalla remarked. "Let's keep going."

Elsewhere, Acererak had finally decided to come out of the bunker, looking upon his palm as another strange egg materialized. "Soon...this shall-OW!" He was suddenly bonked on the head by a large flaming bowling ball with a fat Chonker riding atop it. "HEY! Miserable creature! You dare strike me!"

The Heavy Chonker spent that day using his Spin Right-Round to traverse the woods, avoiding massive energy attack spells. Strangely enough, the lich wasn't going all out. Was he saving up energy for his true plan...or did he just not consider the feline to be worthy of annihilation? Whatever the case, he'd give up the chase, not straying too far from his location.

Vlad and Arcee, of course, had gone their separate ways. Obviously, they really threw a knife in teamwork, from the looks of this. Arcee was still driving through the woods, eager to find an escape route, when she nearly ran into an incoming YouTube Ad. "Of course, they wouldn't make this easy with time." She muttered, looping through the ads.

Setzer, whom would have fought her if not for the ads, huffed. "I do believe this is what it means to be 'blue-balled'. Hardy have gotten any action through this whole shebang...probably a blessing in disguise." He supposed.

Vlad, for his part, returned after gathering some meat and firewood to the campsite he had found near Acererak's bunker (with both man and machine unable to go inside the place due to a spell the lich had put on it), but he dropped his supplies when he found his camp utterly raided. "Gall and brimstone..." He muttered.

In the distance, he saw the crooks behind it. CILF, Isabelle, Judy (the both of which saw this as kind of a hang-up due to morals and such), and Knuckles, whom stuck around the camp long enough to let out an actual signature chuckle before flying off with a large hunk of bovine meat. "The moment I see him again...I might just drain him." He supposed.

In this chaos, Fidget was waiting for her teammates to return, flying about in boredom before finding a beautiful stream rushing through the woods, full of fresh water. "Finally! I'm so parched, it feels like a desert in my mouth!" She exclaimed, diving in and wasting no time sucking it up.

However, before Judy and Isabelle could regroup with her, a blast of Megatron's tank mode nearly blew her to the side, instead burying her in a mound of debris. While digging her way out, Shantae emerged from the woods, throwing spiked balls of magic at the rushing tank. "Take that, tin can!"

" MEGATRON TRANSFORM!" The Decepticon turned into his robot mode, swinging his blade down before being blasted in the face with a fireball and then a missile to the chest. "Rargh! Magic! Why do you organics have to resort to cheating?! Very well...I welcome the challenge!"

Next to him, Lilith was having her own troubles, avoiding Not-Katara's water-bending. Thankfully, this was the webcomic Katara that acted more like a damsel than anything else. Thank goodness she didn't get the idea to blood-bend at the time. "Take this! For my beloved-"

"For the love of my sanity, stop saying 'Zuko'! This is the 300th time! I counted!" The Dreamkeeper shouted, using her rather nimble body to avoid the blasts.

"Lilith!" Megatron shouted, his claw turning into a flail that he tried to crush Shantae with, but she transformed into a harpy and started flying circles around him, even when he activated his foot jets. "What did I say about hesitating?! Destroy her! She intends to KILL you!"

The anthro cat had many hang-ups with actually committing murder, but she realized she had no choice when Not-Katara smashed through several trees just to get at her. " goes nothing..." Using her own life-force, unwilling to take from others, she began to conjure up a ball of raw energy. It was painful, but she tried to manage it.

Meanwhile, Shantae was about to dive on down after blinding Megatron with a gale containing pebbles and the like. "Here it comes! The big-"

"HO HO HO! YOU'VE BEEN GNOMED!" Several thousand annoying CGI Gnomes began to fill the area, causing Lilith to screw up her attack, reverting the energy back to her, while Shantae landed smack-dab into a wall of those gnomes.

Not-Katara started wailing how HER day was being ruined, while a thoroughly confused Megatron and Lilith looked at each-other. "I...believe it's time we took our leave. Leave these fools for...whatever this is." Megatron stated.

"Right. Turn back into a Tank. We need to search for Ed." Lilith stated.

"I'm was not designed for transportation and I never will." Megatron grumbled. "TRANSFORM!" With that, he turned into a tank. "What are you waiting for? Hop on." He stated as she did just that and held for dear life on his side. "We'll speak of your usage of that power of yours further..."

Fidget, for her part, finally got her head out of the dirt. "What did I miss?"

And where was Ed? Easy question to answer. He had found himself wandering astray and finding himself smack-dab in the middle of a battle royal, practically. One that he had already joined in with zeal. "Prepare to meet your maker!" He jumped up into the air, intending on a belly slam.

"...Capcom?" Ken answered before shaking his head and initiating a shoryuken, knocking Ed into the sky, but apparently to no ill effect. But that wasn't the biggest role Ken would play. "You all ready, boys? And girl?"

He was referring to his enemies. Not just Ed, but also Candle Jack, Veigar, Knotz, and River. The ghost was stretching his rope to tie him up with it, Veigar was preparing to channel his Phenomenal Evil into perhaps a Dark Matter strike or an Event Horizon. Knotz cracked his knuckles, his two dicks flaring and his flames burning in his mouth. Ed was getting back on his feet, standing tall.

(Ken's Theme-Brentalfloss)

"One, two, one, two, three, FIGHT!" Ken shouted before rushing forth, starting a stream of blows connecting with what he shouted next. "KEEEEEEEN!" He began with an uppercut to Knotz before dealing several flaming blows to his chest. "Baby, that's my name!"

He then noticed how Veigar finally started unleashing his Dark Matter spell, causing raining chunks of dark debris to fall on him, but he kept dodging each-one. "'Cause I throw a Hadouken and then I shoryuken! So put up your duken or soon you'll be pukin'! COME ON!" SMACK! Veigar was sent flying.

He then turned to Ed, just getting into a fighting position in front of him. "I hate M. Bison's stupid hat! I hate E. Honda 'cause he's fat!" Ed tilted his head at that unfunny joke before his head was corkscrewed by repeat-blows form that spinning kick Ken did that we can never pronounce. "I wish that Blanka would just take his shorts to the laundromat!" BAM! "Shoryuken!"

He then avoided River's Water Gun attack, just side-stepping it as he started avoiding flame bursts from Knotz. "Let's go destroy a stranger's car and fight Mike Tyson in a bar! Yeah, Dhalsim thinks he's the best, that's a bit of a stretch, har-haaar!" With that, he unleashed a Hadouken that destroyed River's sledgehammer-tip before slamming a fist into Knotz' belly, blowing hot air out of the beast.

He still held his fist into the belly, looking the dragon in the eye. "Every Street Fighter needs a hot stud...Don't you seeeeeeee?!" He wrapped his arms around the dragon's neck and slammed him onto his back, before punching through a magical blast from Veigar.

"WHAT?!" Veigar shouted as he kept firing, the man just punching each blast dead-on.

"Fighting games all need a sexy douchebag (wait, what?!)...and that's meeeeee, YEAAAAH!!!" He rushed through a larger blast before punting the little guy into a tree...only for the fighter to be tail-slapped to the side thanks to an angry River.

Still, Ken started matching blows with the rushing tail of the slightly taller Pokemon. "Chun Li can do a spinning kick! Why not upon my big joystick?! (Wait, I'm married...). Her buns are win, but I'm even more into that Vega chick!"

"Can't blame you." Knotz wheezed, before River was joined by Ed, whom hiked his pants up and put up his fists, actually matching the blows while River looked for an opening.

"Why doesn't Ryu text me back? How'd we get off on the wrong track? So, what if I show affection with kicks to the Juevo sack?!" He grabbed both heads of the fighters and slammed together, knocking them out cold as he was suddenly jammed in the chest by Veigar's staff.

Ken started to emerge from the tree, his fists and feet burning with red-hot energy. "They say that Guile's music goes with everything! That's bullshiiiiiiit!" He jumped into the air, spinning around in it slowly in front of the setting sun. "He sucks and so does his stupid tune: Duh, Sonic Boom! YA' FUCKIN' DICKFACE!!!" The resulting leg slam he did sent Veigar into the Earth, leaving Ken to stand triumphant for a moment. "When I throw hadoukens they say, 'You, Ken, are the man!'"

"Hi, Skippy!" Ed suddenly got up next to the guy before being punched squarely in the face and then given that...ugh, let the lyrics tell you the move. "Yeah, I'm the man who breaks your face bones! Tatsumaki SenpukyakuAAAAUGH!"

The Street Fighter began to rub his chin, looking upon all the felled fighters. First the males..."With all these dudes I'm like, 'pow zonk'." Then to River, whom glared at him for this line. "With all these chicks I'm like, 'honk honk'! I'd gladly let Cammy win just to see that badonkadonk!"

"YOU HAVE A PROBLEM!" River shouted before Knotz suddenly landed in front of Ken and grabbed his arms in his claw, blowing hot smoke in his face.

Still, Ken just kept singing! "Zangief should shave his back, it's true. You say Fei Long and I'm like, who? Hey, keep an eye out for Sagat, 'cause he keeps one out for you!" He suddenly kicked Knotz in the belly, but he was right there for a huge stream of the dragon's flames.

But his resolve did no waver. In fact, he powered through the flames, the very same ones that began to wreathe his fists and he unleashed a hadouken into Knotz' wings, bringing him down to Earth. "Every Street Fighter needs a hot stud! Don't you seeeeeee?! (I SAID, DON'T YOU SEE?!)"

"I think I get it, jerk!" Knotz roared, preparing one last charge with a clenched fist. One that Ken was rushing into as well.

"Fighting games all need a sexy douchebag..." With that, he unleashed a flaming super-shoryuken, creating fiery shockwaves that blew everybody away and sent Knotz into the sky. "...and that's meeeeeeeee, yeah! BerightbackIgottagoandwashmyhairandmakeitpretty!!! It's so beautiful..."

Yeah, we don't know what that was all about, either. But it was cool! A pity that a spotlight that was part of the song fell atop of Ankha, whom just twitched as the life faded from her. Raptor Jesus just awkwardly walked away from the corpse, having finished drinking a strange fluid (Minotaur Milk carton) that gave him a set of horns.


Part 6: The Second Night

Once again, night fell, and everybody was more-or-less reunited after that fever-dream of a song involving everbody's favorite fighting game second-banana. However, a heavy rainstorm had suddenly befallen the arena, pounding water and making Basky ever-grateful she was hosting from the Lounge. Wet fur wasn't too bad, but...

Isabelle and Judy were hiding under Shantae's hair as the rains hit, a lightning strike causing the place to light up and reveal a rather spacious cave. "There!" Isabelle pointed.

"I don't know if Fidget will like this, but it'll have to do." Judy stated, the three wasting no time entering the spacious cavern, what few creatures living there not minding their presence. "Much better..." She said, squeezing her wet ears like a wet rag.

Isabelle did the same with her tail. "You know, if we get out of this, I know a shop were we can have the most delicious crepes! I happen to like those."

Judy gave a small smile. "I could eat. Really, I could go carnivore at this point." She chuckled before clearing her throat. "Bad taste?"

"Wait. Where did Fidget go?" Shantae asked before the Nimbat flew in, wiping her paws on her mouth to wipe off a terrible taste. "Something you ate?"

"BLECH! NO! Some old man showed up and snogged me! Right on the lips! I mean, I like boys, but come on now!" Fidget complained before sighing. "At least we found some way out of the rain. I can only crawl along the mud for so long before I say there's a problem."

The other three wisely decided not to press her about the issue, while Judy started to try and make a fire. "Scout skills, don't fail me now." She said to herself, remembering a few tricks Nicke taught her back in the day.

They weren't the only ones who found that cave, however, but the paths wouldn't cross into violence. Samalla had actually found the other end of the cave, which traveled through a mountain's interior. The other side was now occupied by Ripley's team, Mina being the first to enter and shake her feathers free of any water.

"Alright, girls. Let's give it a rest." Ripley jiggled yet more of that gel in her claw, chuckling to herself. "I couldn't help it. Tried the same trick on a human. He was so mad when it happened."

"We should focus on trying to actually KILL the competition, Ripley." Samalla reminded as Mina stretched her arms, her new sharp teeth visible. "But...they do seem to be doing a better job at ending their own lives. We may just have to weather this out." With that, she set a radio on the ground that started to play 'Megalovania'. "What? It's for slightly somber situations."

"...sure. You tell yourself that." Ripley raised a brow as she yawned.

Back with Fidget's group, and to function as a proper transition to another team, Shantae witnessed something outside of the cave. It looked like a skyscraper-sized tortoise, obscured by the thunder, wandering through the misty rainstorm, letting out a loud bellow as it cleared the skies to make a clear night sky in a few areas.

She wasn't the only one watching that in awe. River, whom had set up camp in a shaded grove where she could swim and rest, also got a good look. "Perhaps...another Legendary?" She wondered, flights of fancy in her head. Veigar had fallen asleep in her tail again, looking adorable as ever.

Raptor Jesus had tripped and fallen into this grove once discovering it, ruining his robes and forcing him to wear a rather...skimpier version. Now, his reptilian body was on display, toe-claws exposed, and a loincloth-like robe structure keeping his sheath hidden. "SWEET DREAMS, MY CHILDREN...A FEAST SHALL COME SOON."

River just ignored that ominous thing, kissing Veigar's head as he slept. For once, the would-be villain didn't stir in his sleep. He...rather enjoyed those lips against his fur.

Not-Katara was still complaining and bawling for her Not-Zuko, ignoring how she had led her own teammate, Captain Marvel, to endure the same torment she did with that Scary Godmother scene (poor superheroine couldn't even get past the titular character's appearance), when Samantha's hoof suddenly stomped in front of her.

Obviously, Samantha looked a bit drugged, having accidentally sniffed a corrupted glade's pollen, her cock swinging between her legs, almost fully erect. " look adorable for somebody that won't stop talking about the same guy..." She said softly, nickering as she trotted her other hoof. "Forget him...I'm bigger..."

Not-Katara blushed heavily, but she turned her focus away. But he couldn't come up with any words to dissuade the equine, whom just settled for stroking her cock, eager to at least coat the girl in her seed, her Stand helping cup her balls. "No...never forget my Zuko...never..." She did her best to assure herself that she wasn't into girls...or horses...or she-males...or anything that wasn't Zuko...

Have we buried this joke into the ground? Yeah? Alright. Not-Katara was gone in a flash, leaving the mare blue-balled somewhat.

CILF and Knotz were finally in the same room, the dragon licking his wounds from those inflicted upon from Ken. "GRRRR...when I get my claws around that blonde...I'm gonna jam my cocks down his throat and see how he likes getting pounded!"

"That sounds kinda gay." CILF remarked as something on the force-field began to materialize.

"It's 2020. Don't judge." The dragon replied before they all noticed an AMV of CILF's actions play on the field, set to nothing but wolf howls, even though CILF's only real claim to fame was stealing and getting pissed about the last Oreo. "Huh...kinda beautiful, that music." He admitted.

"Eh." CILF shrugged, rubbing his cock as he realized he was feeling more than a bit randy.

Fisto, while Pete was wondering why in the heck he kissed that bat creature from earlier, sat against a tree...until he noticed a larger and sleeker machine come towards him, a blue blush on her face. "Ahem...I...heard you were a droid that did...favors..." She was speaking a bit hesitantly, but needily.

"Affirmative." Sensing something far more appropriate for his functions, his arm swerved to life. "What is it that you need?"

It was then that the Autobot did something unexpected. For her, at least. She disengaged the armor-plating covering her latex-like breasts, letting them plop out. Despite being close enough to looking like a Vosian Seeker, she had a sizable rack hidden, soft and pliable. Her glossa showing as she panted, she removed the components hiding her port (pussy), blue energon fem-cum seeping out.

"Something...something happened...please...need...repairs...of another variety..." Arcee extended a servo, grabbing around Fisto's head and placing the glassy exterior on her sex, moaning as she rubbed her softer thighs on him. "Fr...frrrr...frag me...frag me and make this go away..." She hated that she sounded like a needy whore...but...

"Requesting permission to use maximum force? This unit has been...practicing." His arm suddenly enlarged in size, drilling with quite the speed on it.

"Yes! That'll do! Shove that right in me!" Landing on her back, she spread out her legs, her port practically squirting blue fluids at this rate.

Aiming his unique arm, Fisto planted his feet into the ground, ready for what would come next. "Initiating pleasure protocol in three...two...ONE." With that, he shoved his arm into the tightening port, pumping in and out as the thing spun. Arcee let out a loud moan, nearly waking up Pete and the Shock Master, whom was busy writing a will of his own that granted him a lawsuit against all bears.

Fisto moved back and forth, his arm already soaked in energon as he looked at Arcee's face. Her optics were glowing blue more than usual and her breasts were jiggling with each movement, silver nipples hard. "Fraaaaaag! You're...even better than Cliffjumper!" Again, she wouldn't speak ill of the offlined if she were thinking rationally.

"I am capable of...other means of pleasure." His arm began to crackle with volts, causing her to tighten her jaw and move her thighs to cross, making that pussy tighten even further.

"Really to...oh, Primus...make a femme feel special..." The two-wheeler felt brought down to a new low, but she loved it. Especially as her release drew near. Why wouldn't it come quick? Fisto was a pro.

"Compliment...acknowledged." Fisto replied as he increased the voltage and speed of his arm, causing sparks to fly from him before he finally managed to penetrate the Cybertronian equivalent of a cervix.

The resulting orgasmic scream nearly woke up the entire woods, but at least nobody really noticed. Except Fisto and Arcee were going to be some very tired robots the next day.

Moving away from that scene, let's get to how Danny's group was doing. At the moment, Chonker was sleeping on the grass skirt he had been offered. Because, apparently, shedded fur warranted a clothing change.

He didn't notice (or care) when Sean Bean was suddenly confronted by Sub. "I have a request..." The masked man said menacingly, prompting Bean to grab a branch to defend himself...only for the guy to extend a hand. "Take me with you! I can't stand these fantasy wankers anymore! One's dead, the other keeps calling me 'Brittlebones', and the other's a damn jerk!"

Bean just blinked, but he took his hand anyway. "Fine. You seem pathetic enough that you'd actually go through with that betrayal."

"That's...not inaccurate." Sub rubbed the back of his head. "I don't even think they'll notice I'm gone."

And what of Danny? He had gone in search of berries to satiate his hunger. When suddenly, something grabbed him from behind and wrapped its clammy blue-skinned robed arms around his body. "What the fuck?!" He shouted before looking above. While this thing had the shape of a man, it had the head of an octopus, yellow eyes gleaming with hunger as its tentacles wrapped around his head. "Oh...shit! The one time I remember how DnD works!"

Yep. Basky created some mind-flayers to menace the combatants. Oh, joy. However, before the Mind-Flayer could take what it wanted, it was suddenly kicked in the gut by a lost combatant. The dullard himself, Ed, had come. "Fear not, citizen! For I, Ed the adventurer, will bring down this briny beast of the deep!"

The Mind Flayer composed himself, furious that his prize had been taken. Danny ran for hills back to his team as the monster lunged for Ed, only to have his tentacles grabbed. Eyes widened, the monster was flung into the distance, a puff of smoke marking the landing point. "See ya'!" Ed waved as he ran back to his campsite with the others.

As he ran through the woods, happy as a clam, the one who beat him into a stain earlier was kicking back with his teammates. "And then I say this old man kissing that orange flying thing from earlier. What's up with that?"

"I don't know. I'd say this place was attempting to make this interesting...if not a bit perverted." Setzer said as he laid in a hollowed out hole in a tree, several squirrels almost making off with some chips he had in his coat.

Their other teammate, Knuckles, was busy doing his own thing, far from the camp. He wanted to listen to Ken's little tale on how he took on several guys all at once, but he was in the middle of wrapping his hand around his cock, his other hand against his soft ass. One would think he was simping for Rouge, thinking she was watching. Buuut...

" idiot...just want you to...plow my ass...or the other way around...fuck..." He huffed, ignoring that his cries and jerks were being heard and smelled by Akrog himself, though the troll chose to ignore it. No honor in attacking somebody in that state.

"Akrog finds it questionable that the Brittlebone does not mourn for lost companion." He stated, chewing on some short-faced bear meat.

"He was a schemer and a scoundrel. I could feel it." Kael'Thas dismissed while looking upon the robe-part of his armor, which had been torn a bit as the bears attacked. Flexing his new feathers, he settled for the scraps to cover his junk (of which we shall spare you the image). "For now, we need to focus on the total annihilation of those ahead of us...I can see victory now."

As he ranted, Ed then passed by a trapped Jane, whose cries were muffled by the gel Ripley had trapped him in. Candle Jack ignored him as he raised his rope the sky, the rains still pounding. "Oh, yes! Strike me down, Zeus!" The spirit yelled, his confidence through the roof. "You don't have the balls-"

BOOM! A lightning strike caused him to look quite stilly, eyes wide, cloak charred, and rope burnt to a crisp. "Or...maybe you do."

Ed was near his team's place, almost escaping the rain, passing by Acererak's nuclear bunker. Vlad would not have much success in making a fire, but the lich had managed it with ease, settling in after creating several hundred more eggs of that strange kind.

At last, Ed found the campsite, Megatron sitting in the rain and letting the water trickle down his metal body. "You're late." He growled at Ed before noticing his bruises. "You defeated an opponent?"

Ed nodded happily. "Sure thing, good robot bounty hunter!" He gave a salute. "Ready and reporting for duty!" The way he saluted caused his arm to smash into his face, lightly amusing the Decepticon.

"Very well. Rest. You earned it." He dismissively said before turning to where Lilith was, watching her as she also settled into a hollowed-out tree, the squirrels more receptive in watching her type.

Log Entry #2: I...almost used my power to knowingly end a non-Nightmare life. While I'll admit, that aggressor appeared insane, it still feels like a heavy burden. Being forced to fight to the death for other's amusement. The lack of agency, the harsh conditions, the-

"Are you done complaining to yourself through written work?" Megatron's red optic shined into the hole, causing the squirrels to flee.

"GAH! Megatron! Don't do that!" She reprimanded.

"You know...I had a companion once who was so eager to file instead of fight. You would like him...centuries ago, that is." He joked before sitting next to the tree. "Had it not been for those...accursed things..." He shuddered at remembering the random gnomes. "...your potential would have been seen. I could feel it myself. Like my very spark was under threat of being drained...yet, I also smelled great pain."

She didn't want to admit it. Using her powers the way she did drained away at her life-force and she knew it. Now, THIS machine, whom likely knew nothing of the way magic worked back at her place, was criticizing her for pushing herself. "I'm a healer...not a fighter. How many times can I say that?"

The Decepticon growled, something about that setting him off. "Uh oh. The dark side is taking a hold of the robot bounty-"

"I am MEGATRON!" The bestial machine roared at Ed, causing him to cower. "Not some lowdown bounty hunter! And you..." He pointed to Lilith's hole. "Your words reek of a system that brought my planet to ruin! Just because you were granted one boon in life doesn't mean it only has ONE use! That's how Functionism starts! Don't know what this is?! I care not!"

Lilith was frozen by his tone of voice. It wasn't just anger...there was a tinge of warning in his voice. Whatever this 'Functionism' was, it was a definite sore spot. "..." She said nothing, not wanting to egg him on.

Megatron huffed before slumping back onto his aft. "We train tomorrow. I have a feeling things will not be so merciful in the coming days..." Organic or not, these were his allies. The pacifist that could use strange magic and the dullard human that was now chewing on a rock out of stress. "Until"

For some reason, his dreams were plagued by those depicting Viegar as a cute plushie. For once, we don't blame Basky for this. We blame bad writing. kind of her fault in a way.