Chapter 8: Dick, Fuck Your Last

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#8 of The Mating Season 5

Chapter 8: Dick, Fuck Your Last

"So let me guess," said Loryn as he and Kel strolled at their leisure beneath the gold and red of autumn decay, "you're just tagging along to make Kilyan kiss and make up - figuratively speaking - with Inden; this whole thing with Zaldon is just an alibi; and I'll be seeing you again in a few days."

"Nope," said Kel, gazing straight ahead.

Loryn smiled sadly, "Damn."

They stopped to face each other in the pale streams of buttery sunlight that were quickly turning to gray in the steady gathering of rumbling storm clouds. They both had their old spears, as well as new lines around their eyes and pouches to match: age was creeping up and youth stealing away. But they weren't so old, Loyrn's eyes seemed to say. And no matter how old Kel became, he would always be flawless in Loryn's adoring eyes.

Loryn studied Kel sadly and sighed. "So I won't ever see you again, will I?"

"Every now and then," Kel reassured his friend. "You know I'm gonna come back here to see Kilyan and his little ones. Hell, for all I know he might have seven more while I'm gone, and we'll have a lotta catching up to do."

Loryn laughed. "Kira and I decided on one child. We both knew I was too much of a boy to be a father, she too much a girl. But we did alright, didn't we?"

"Yeah, I'd say Kira raised you pretty well," Kel teased and received a laughing pull on his pouch in retaliation.

Still laughing, Loryn threw his arm around Kel's shoulders, and they walked on until they came to the waterfall. Kel waded in as if they would be doing this together any number of times in the future, but Loryn knew better: he had an acute feeling that he and Kel would never share this place again. He didn't know how to explain it or why he felt that way, and it frightened him to think that Kel was about to walk out of his life - Kel, the one wolf who he sometimes didn't think he could do without. The very idea frightened him so badly that he said nothing as they passed beneath the waterfall and came to the cavern behind it.

They dipped their feet and felt like boys as they sat side by side, their muscular backs and arms parallel, their tails draped across the wet stone and moss. Loryn closed his eyes happily when Kel started gently rubbing his back, up and down, round and round, in such smooth, loving circles that he smiled and dropped his head on Kel's shoulder.

"You know I must go," Kel said softly against the crash of the water.

"I know."

They closed their eyes and felt soothed as the icy droplets leapt up to hit them, as the steady sound rushed against their flat ears, as the waters lapped gently at the stone cavern. Loryn's brows knitted together as he thought with pain of never hearing Kel's voice again, never smelling him or touching him or hearing that laugh. And as if he sensed Loryn's misery, Kel rubbed Loryn's back more lovingly.

With his eyes squeezed shut, Loryn rubbed his head against Kel's, then suddenly nudged Kel down with his forehead. Kel let himself be gently pushed onto his back, and when he felt Loryn's trembling lips against own, he thought his heart split down the middle. He put his arms tight around Loryn's neck, and they kissed deeply and fervently until Loryn suddenly pulled away and dropped his forehead against Kel's.

They lay that way for a long time, their hard and hot bodies touching, their gentle breathing a whisper beside the crashing water. Then Loryn nibbled Kel's ear and whispered into it, "One last time . . ."

Kel's heart was pounding when he moved onto his paws and knees, but he didn't know why: he had been with Loryn any number of times now over the years. Sometimes in their retirement they would come here, and Loryn would just put it in him and they would lay there together for hours, listening to the birds and the wind or the rain, talking about their wives and their children, reminiscing about how they used to come there when they were boys. Kel had always been so relaxed in this place. So at home. But right now? He might as well have been a virgin on his wedding night: he was that nervous.

If Kel didn't understand his sudden alarm, Loryn did. But not wanting to frighten Kel more, he kissed the back of his neck and his check, then carefully sank inside. Kel whispered Loryn's name and seemed to instantly forget his troubles. His brows pressed together and he moaned as Loryn pushed inside, slowly and deeply and in a steady thrust that made Kel bite his lip.

Loryn's big paws touched Kel everywhere they could as he made love to him. He gripped Kel's strong neck, he ran his paw down Kel's chest and belly, ran it over Kel's thigh, and reached under to stroke Kel's cock into jerking with the strain of holding back. He worked Kel as he pressed inside, massaging his penis and rolling it around in his fingers, almost as if he was shaping it. Kel was gasping helplessly and on the brink of an orgasm. Loryn's paws kept exploring, kept touching and caressing and massaging until Kel bowed his head and cried out as he came.

Loryn didn't come at all. He was too sad. They sank to the stone floor together, and Loryn held Kel close in his arms as he stared at the ceiling.

"Loryn," Kel said breathlessly after a pause, "why did you touch me like that?"

Loryn managed a laugh. "Well, Kel, if you didn't notice, I was hard."

"No - I mean - you touched me as if . . . as if it was the last time you would."

Loryn closed his eyes. Should he tell Kel about this foreboding feeling that had been overwhelming him all day? He glanced down at Kel, whose green eyes were gazing up at him in wide concern, and he instantly decided against it.

"I touched you like that because you're a sexy beast, Kel, you ridiculously oblivious turd," Loryn said, and playfully pushed Kel away by the face.


They laughed as they splashed each other, as they chased each other through the shallows, as they yanked each other's tails like pups and bit each other's ears. When they collapsed together on the mud bank near the tall grass, Loryn's heart leapt happily when Kel dropped his head on Loryn's shoulder and beamed up at him. Loryn squeezed Kel's neck in his big arm and kissed him hard on the cheek, glad to hear that laughter, to see those green eyes shine. Because if this really was the last time he was going to see Kel, he at least wanted it to be a happy time.