A Roomie's Secret

Story by solstice_fennat on SoFurry

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A Roomie's Secret

This was a commission written as a birthday gift for Ranalas of LiveJournal. I surprised the hell out of myself writing it. I had more fun with it than I have with anything for a while.

As with any of my stories posted online, you may share, distribute, promote or copy my stories without fear of any retribution. It is not to be sold by anyone in any format except with my express permission or Ranalas'.

Commission info may be found through solstice-sings.livejournal.com

An additional note : Some of the acts and situations depicted in this tale are decidedly risky ventures in RL. If you plan on taking part in such things in RL, make sure you're with someone you genuinely trust and always keep the principles of Safe, Sane and Consensual in mind.

"I think I've been stood up," I muttered to myself, a faint growl creeping into my voice, rising from my chest and ending up just a little louder than I'd intended. I looked around the nearly empty diner, and realized that every single person was staring at me, their expressions ranging from cautious curiosity to open worry. A growling wolf with his ears back and his lips curled to show rows of sharp teeth is bound to get attention no matter the situation. When said wolf is sitting alone in a two-person booth and muttering to himself on top of that, it's certainly not out of line to get worried.

Forcing myself to smile sheepishly at the nearby waitress, whose massive ears were pinned back in worry, I said half-cheerfully, "Sorry, miss. Really. It's nothing to do with you, really. I'm just a little pissed about something." When she very visibly relaxed at my words, and then went back to taking the order of the table nearest to me, I made a mental note to leave her a generous tip.

I heaved a great sigh, toying with the little fake umbrella in my drink, rolling it between my forefinger and thumb so that the multicoloured spiral printed on top blended into a kaleidoscope of hues. I supposed that I would have to face the simple truth that everything I'd done to prepare for this night was going to be for nothing. Hell, I'd even spent a fortune on a brand new leather collar and a full-body grooming that made my dark black fur almost shine.

Five weeks ago, a friend online had introduced me to Jack_Patchrabbit. The two had been together once, but long distance had killed their relationship. Knowing the kind of submissive I was, he'd said that we should hook up, especially since I'd finally gotten over my last boyfriend. I could go on about how he'd cheated on me, and then lied about it, but I'm sure everyone's heard that kind of story before.

We hit it off almost immediately. He could say just the right things to get me going, and I'm not ashamed to say that I pawed myself off almost every night thinking of some of the things we discussed. I didn't know much about how he looked, though, and my friend refused to show me any pictures, saying it was Jack's business to show me.

It was Jack's idea to meet up; I'd been too scared to be the one to suggest it, mostly because I'd been worried about scaring him off. He just seemed right, and he was interested in just about every thing I was. We'd set a time and day, and a general idea of what we'd like to get out of an evening together. I'd chosen a nice little diner out in Etobicoke right near the racetrack, the perfect kind of neutral setting for us both to decide whether or not we wanted to go home together.

But after all that song and dance, Jack wasn't showing. We'd arranged to meet at eight o'clock, and when I looked at the clock on my cell phone, it showed that the time was eight-fifty. I angrily put the cell phone back in my pocket, letting out a disappointed sigh.

Just as I stood up and turned toward the rear entrance of the diner, the chimes over the front door rang and a new customer stepped in. I almost didn't look back, preferring not to let my hopes be crushed one final time. It was now almost an hour after I was supposed to meet with 'Jack', so what were the chances of him showing up the moment I was leaving? Still, some spark of optimism that my entire evening wouldn't be a waste still remained within me, and I spun around, fully expecting that I would be disappointed by what I saw.

Standing just inside was a rabbit with cream-coloured fur with tan brown patches all over. He was barefoot as most of his species tended to wear through shoes too fast for them to be worth it. When I shifted my focus to what he was wearing my heart began to pound in my chest; a black golf shirt and blue knee-length denim shorts over a trim frame, just as I'd been told to expect.

I swallowed nervously, scarcely able to believe that Jack had actually shown up at that point. A glance at the silver chain around his right wrist confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was definitely the rabbit that I'd been waiting for. I lifted my gaze to take my first good look at Jack's face and felt my heart skip multiple beats.

Jack's eyes, one of them ringed by a patch of tan fur, were wide with surprise. One of his ears, covered in dark brown fur, was perked up over his head, the other one hung down like a lop-earred bunny's. His mouth was opened in an expression of utter confusion, dread and shocked recognition. I didn't need a mirror to know that I looked just the same.

Toronto is a city filled with millions of people, a melting pot of dozens of different species and sub-species. Recent census numbers had wolves and rabbits at the most prolific of that number, with about a million of each. Black wolves took up maybe a quarter of that million, and the rabbits were numerous enough that there were tens of thousands of half-lops. I'd never even considered the possibility that Jack and I would know each other at all, especially since we'd planned on meeting in a part of the city where nobody I knew lived.

How the hell was I supposed to react to the fact that Jack's real name was Xerin Speedfoot, my housemate of almost five months?


I was told later that Xerin and I had stared at each other for almost five minutes, not moving a single muscle. Everything was a blur from the moment we recognized each other to the point that I found myself sitting back down at the table, my paws wrapped around a steaming-hot cup of coffee so tightly that it's a wonder I didn't shatter it.

"So. Ranalas." Xerin said, a tone of faint amusement creeping into his voice, "You're BoyWolf1985." I could tell he was almost as relieved as he was embarrassed. I'd always found myself good at reading Xerin's expression to the point that he'd stopped playing poker with me and our other house-mate.

I nodded, running a paw through my long headfur, tugging at it nervously. I took a sip of my coffee, though I could have been drinking month-old milk for all that I actually tasted of it. "Yeah, I am. And you're Jack_Patchrabbit. Come on. Jack? For a rabbit?"

Xerin snorted, "You should talk, Ranalas. Tell me what name do you go by again? What did I just call you?" When I felt myself flush and my ears go back, he smirked. "Yeah, I thought so. Pot calling kettle black, eh?"

Trying to put at least some sort of positive light on our situation, I commented, "Well, I guess there's one good thing about it all. We don't have to worry about introductions, or if we're gonna be going home together and ending up with a stalker or worse. The couple times I've done this kind of thing, well, I've been half-scared to death. Chickened out before meeting a couple of guys. Thought that's what you did, actually."

"Yeeeah, about that," Xerin said, and pulled what was left of his cell phone and set it on the table. "Did you know that cell phones and deep fryers don't mix? Add to that a fucking moron of a chef that chooses today of all days to show up an hour late."

I couldn't help but start to giggle, feeling myself beginning to relax despite the shock of learning that the rabbit that lived in the basement of our shared town house was just as kinky as I was. I felt a wave of disappointment fill me; after a dry spell without even a gentle spanking, I'd really been looking forward to the possibility of spending the night under the tender 'mercies' of a dominant who'd really sounded like he knew what he was about.

"Listen, Ranalas, I'm sorry dude. I really had no idea. From the look on your face when you saw me, I thought you were going to piss yourself," Xerin said with a resigned sigh. I wondered if he was just as disappointed as I. "I guess I never considered that finding a roomie that was just as keen on keeping to himself might mean that... well... this would happen."

I leaned forward, giving Xerin a quick kiss on the cheek, then tugged at the large tuft of fur he'd let grow on his chin. "Don't worry. There was no way you would have known. It's not like I have a neon fuckin' sign over my head that screams 'subby little woof-boy'. You want to go back home?"

I saw a flash of disappointment cross Xerin's face, but he nodded a little. "Yeah, I guess the night's a wash, right? I mean, it would be a little too weird, right? You take the subway to get here?"

"Yeah. My bike's in the repair shop right now, and besides, I didn't know if Jack had a car," I said, maybe a little too nastily, and Xerin flinched. "Sorry. Can't help but be a teeeensy little bit irritated that I didn't get to play tonight."

Xerin grinned, then shook his head, "Yeah, I understand. Kind of fucked up, isn't it? I was just as eager to make a cute woof-boy squeal. Come on, let's go home, Ran."

I fished a twenty out of my pocket, more than twice the bill for my dinner, and tossed it on the table. When the waitress came over and I got up to leave, I was greeted by perhaps one of the most infectious and cheerful smiles I'd seen in weeks. Hey, I thought_, someone's got to get something good out of this, right?_


The whole ride home in Xerin's sporty little silver two-door, I found myself unable shake off the pangs of disappointment. There was an almost awkward silence the entire twenty-minute drive. We both knew that had things been different, our drive would have been charged with the nervous and excited anticipation of a night of intense play and sex.

That silence was held as we walked up the treated wooden steps of the house we shared, myself on the main floor, Xerin in the basement, and a third roomie - who just happened to be the owner's daughter - on the top floor. Unlike a lot of houses in Toronto, ours was all on it's own in a massive lot, yet the rent was incredibly reasonable.

When we stepped into the front hallway of the house and Xerin made his way to the basement door, I decided I'd had enough. I wasn't going to let a night like the one I'd been hoping for slip through my fingers without a fight. "Xerin, this isn't right," I said.

The half-lop bunny stopped with the key to the basement door halfway turned in the lock. His tall ear twitched a little. "What do you mean, Ran?" He said hesitantly, as if he knew or at least suspected exactly what I meant. "What's not right?"

"This. Just giving up because we happen to know each other. Shouldn't that make it easier? I mean, let's do it anyway," I said, throwing caution to the wind.

Xerin pulled the key back out of the lock and took a long look at me. I'm sure that I made a comical sight, my ears swiveled forward and bushy tail lifted high to wag lazily behind me. "Ran, I don't' know if it's a good idea..." he began, but I could see the speculative look in his eye. Even then, he was considering it. "I've always tried to keep from getting involved with a roomie like that. I've heard too many horror stories."

I took a few steps toward Xerin, and held my paws out in front of me, fingers splayed. "So have I, Xerin, but just think. What did you want tonight? Why did you go out? Are you really just gonna sit down alone in your basement?"

"Yeah, but... I... Ran, it's gonna change things. It'll get weird, living here with someone that I've done that to..." He began, but then fell quiet. The gears were turning inside that head of his, that was for sure. He'd already admitted how much he'd been looking forward to making a 'woof-boy' squeal.

A few more steps, and I was nearly toe-to-toe with Xerin. I drew in a deep breath, wanting to taste his scent. It occurred to me that this was the closest I'd ever been to the rabbit in the five months I'd known him. There was a faint scent of some herbal-based shampoo about him, and I could almost imagine a small hint of leather and latex underneath it all. "Come on, Xerin... I went out tonight so I could meet someone I was gonna trust enough to bring me to tears... I still want that. I still want Jack."

I could see the look in his eyes, and this close there was no mistaking that yes, he still did want to play. Still, he shook his head, "You're my roomie, Ran. What if it gets weird? I like having you here, and if... it all goes weird, I mean..."

I was actually starting to get a little angry; I could see that he wanted to do it, and I sure as hell wanted to do it. So why the hell couldn't we just fucking do it? "Alright. Fine. Are you gonna tell me that after today, things aren't gonna be weird anyway? Xerin, just... please? We don't do something, you and I both, we're going to wonder what could've been."

I turned away from him and laid my paws on the wall, bending over a little so my rump was pointed his way. I lifted my tail and wagged it just a little, then looked back at Xerin. "Xerin... Jack... if it gets too weird after, then I'll find another place. Rent here is awesome enough you'll get a new roomie fast..." I murmured. "Always thought you were cute. Never thought of you as a top or a dominant, you know? But now I'm not gonna be able think of you without thinking of Jack after this... wouldn't you like someone here that you could be you with? Someone you could let in?"

Pressing my nose against the wall and closing my eyes, I said in a husky, needful voice, "Please, Sir, let me be your little wolf-toy for tonight. Then we can see what happens after." I was laying it on the line completely. With that single direct overture made, things wouldn't ever be the same.

Xerin said nothing at all for a few moments, then sighed heavily. I heard him move, then, much to my dismay, I could hear the sound of his key in the lock again. I began to let my tail down, and was just about to push away from the wall when I felt deft fingers running through my headfur. Before I knew it, those fingers were tugging my head back and Xerin was pressing his body up against mine.

"You sure you want this, Ran?" he asked, his voice a soft, almost dangerous whisper. I could feel his warm breath washing out over my neck as he pressed himself even closer, pinning me against the wall, his fingers still gripping my headfur tightly. "You're my friend, Ran, but if you're my wolf-toy for the night, I'm not going to hold back. If you don't do what I tell you, I'm not going to hold back in punishing you. You come downstairs, little Boy Wolf... You. Are. Going. To. Scream."

The moment his tone changed, the moment I knew he had granted my plea, I felt my sheath filling and the cock within stiffening. "Y-yes, Xerin," I said, not able to suppress at least some measure of nervousness. I let out a yelp when I felt Xerin's teeth on my neck, biting none-too-lightly.

"Sir. You will call me Sir. My name is going to be the safe-word. If I hear it, even once, we stop right then and there," Xerin almost hissed. "Do you understand, boy? You convinced me, but this is still going to be on my terms, understand?"

I let out the tiniest whimper and nodded my agreement. "Yes Sir, I understand Sir," I panted. I could feel the tip of my cock slipping free from my sheath and pressing against my underwear.

"Your clothes don't go downstairs with you. You can keep that cute little collar on, though," Xerin murmured, then gave my neck another savage nip while his free paw started to undo my slacks. He released my headfur and hooked his paws over the waistband of my pants and underwear, and in one single motion, pulled them to the floor.

For just a few moments I forgot where we were, and I let out a low, needful moan. My cock, freed from the confines of my pants, had pushed even farther out of its' sheath, and Xerin had begun to stroke it gently. It was only when I heard the old clock by the door strike the half-hour that I remembered just where I was standing. "Sir, here? You're going to strip me here? In the hallway?"

A soft chuckle was my only response, and he gave the tip of my cock a firm pinch before moving his hands up to unbutton my shirt. I began to tremble; we'd talked a great deal online about what made me tick, and he was pushing just the right kinds of buttons to keep me subdued. Despite his trim frame, Xerin was anything but a weakling, so when I began to squirm a little, he held me firmly pinned to the wall.

Xerin nipped at one of my ears and whispered, "Oh yes, boy, I do. See, I knew my housemates were both going to be away. Nobody will interrupt us... unless Shira comes home early." He finished undoing my shirt, and then pulled my arms behind me, using his weight and firmly set legs to keep me pinned regardless, my muzzle and face flush against the wall. In moments, I was completely nude but for the simple collar.

"Such a naughty boy... you like this, don't you? Maybe I should just take you right here, hmm?" He pulled my arms up and behind my back, then I felt him wrapping my own shirt around my wrists, using my own clothing to bind me. Again I felt his hand on my shaft, stroking it smoothly and gently. Already pre-come was beginning to dribble from the tip to spatter on the floor. "Maybe I should get you to paint the wall with your spunk, and make you clean it up."

If I hadn't been so nervous and caught off balance by how quickly Xerin's demeanor had changed, I would likely have done just that, but all I could do was let out a low moan of desperation. "Please Sir, not here... please!" I begged, my ears pinning back.

Even the possibility of our other housemate coming home early from her parents' and finding me like this was both terrifying and embarrassing. Her parents had agreed to let me rent the main floor because I looked the part of a strong alpha wolf. It wouldn't do to be caught here, naked but for a collar, pinned to the wall by a rabbit who was only taller than me because of one of his ears.

"Fine, dear. We'll go downstairs," Xerin began, and I breathed a short sigh of relief when he stopped stroking and let go, stepping back and pulling me to a proper standing position. "But! You're not allowed to come at all until I say so. If you do... I'm sure I could devise some amusing punishment. Turn around."

I did so, and offered him an almost bashful smile. My ears remained pinned back, and I kept glancing at the now-open door to the basement. There was no doubt that the rabbit in front of me was the same Jack that I had been talking to for weeks. He stood there, hands on his hips, looking me up and down, appraising, observing. With my hands behind me, there was no way I could hide the fact that already my knot was straining against the lip of my sheath.

"I have to say, I've entertained a few thoughts of what I'd do if I had you under me, Ranalas. Nothing I like more than a submissive little wolf, especially the type you'd never expect.." Xerin produced a short leash from his right pocket and clipped the end to the ring on my collar. "You're right, though. If we weren't doing this, it would change... even if you hadn't been so pushy about it. Come."

I needed no more encouragement; my heart was beating a rapid tattoo against my ribcage with the fear of being caught like this. I descended the stairs behind Xerin, who thankfully moved slow enough to let me follow carefully. When I finally took that last step down into Xerin's portion of the house, I let out a soft whimper. He'd obviously prepared the room before even leaving the house.

I'd seen the main room of Xerin's basement abode before, and the overall décor hadn't changed much. The walls were painted an eggshell white, and the floor was covered in plush gray-blue carpet, perfect for for bare feet. One side of the room was the kitchenette, the other was a large 'den' area of sorts, compete with a computer, television, video game systems and a large futon. The walls were plastered with movie posters of all sorts, and there was a large bookcase near the television. I knew from my few visits to the basement that the bookcase was filled with mystery, fantasy and sci-fi novels of all sorts.

There were three doors on the far wall, one leading to Xerin's bedroom, another leading to the bathroom, the last leading to a flight of stairs that served as the alternate exit to the basement. All of this was the same as last time I had been there, really. It was what he had obviously done in preparation for having company.

First of all, the futon, which would usually be sitting upright and serving as a couch from which to watch the television, had been turned down into a bed. I felt my breath catch when I realized that Xerin had covered it with silk sheets. "Oh Sir, you remembered..." I murmured. "I mean, I only ever said it once."

Xerin tugged on the leash gently, leading me further into the room. His smile was almost indulgent, "I know, Ran. I just wanted to be sure..." he trailed off, and the look on his face told me just how much he'd wanted this night to be a success. "What do you think of the rest of it?" he asked.

I wagged my tail in approval, feeling a nervous excitement suffuse my body with warmth as my gaze was drawn to the objects that had been carefully laid out on the futon. Every one of the kinds of toys we'd discussed using in our online chats was there, and then some. They ranged from simple to exotic, but each one of them made me shiver in anticipation.

As I stared openmouthed at the toys, Xerin began to stroke my ears and chest gently, occasionally reaching a paw down to give my aching shaft a stroke. When he pressed himself up against me, I could feel a hard bulge in his pants poking against my side.

Xerin reached up and unclipped the leash from my collar and said, "I don't mean to use all of these, boy. Just a few select ones." He stepped behind me and I felt him unbinding my hands. "Go ahead, take a closer look if you want."

I eagerly made my way to the bed, picking up each one of the toys and testing weight and balance, from a pair of wooden spoons all the way to a heavy flogger. There was even a wicked looking single-tail whip and rattan cane.

I almost couldn't keep myself from stroking my cock when I came to a pile of assorted latex clothing and equipment. As I separated them from each other, my ears pinned back against my head; there was a latex hood that only had holes for ears and a small zipper at the muzzle, a pair of elbow-length bondage mitts, and, most compelling of all, a heavy rubber sheath-cap and butt-plug all attached to a single harness with buckles and a tiny little padlock on it. My mind wandered to the possibilities of their use, and I suppose I must have lost track of myself because next thing I knew, Xerin whistled sharply to get my attention.

Xerin crooked a finger at me, then pointed at a spot on the floor in front of the bed. "Stand there, boy," he commanded, picking up a pair of cuffs that I immediately recognized as the type that one uses when binding a bottom's hands over the head. I lifted my gaze to look at the heavy wooden beam over my head and wasn't surprised to see a number of rings embedded into it.

"Are you sure that those will hold my weight, Sir?" I asked, then realized how stupid the question was as soon as I remembered that Xerin was a third-year engineering student. He'd know just how much stress the heavy beam and rings could handle. The little smirk on his face told me he knew I'd already answered my own question.

"Now, dear, are you trying to find excuses to not let me put these on you so I can have my fun?" Xerin said, clucking his tongue. "You'd think this was your first time doing something like this..."

"No Sir, uhhm... yes Sir," I stammered, and then held out my hands in supplication, "Please Sir. I've been played on with toys before, Sir, but well... not in that kinda position. Never worn suspension cuffs before, and never been that helpless, Sir."

Xerin nodded, tapping his chin, seeming lost in thought for a moment before he spoke, "Does that scare you? I remember you saying in one of your emails that you liked the idea of being made completely vulnerable. Is that too much? We don't have to do that... I'd just as much like to bend you over a knee and paddle that fine ass of yours."

I carefully considered my response, not wanting to seem too reluctant. "I... to tell the truth, if I didn't know you already... I'd like to start with that. The paddling, I mean." I chewed my lip for a few moments, "I've met your parents, Sir. Even as much as we've kept to ourselves here, I know more about you than I do some of my own family. Yeah, I'm scared, more than a little, but well, if I can't trust you, who can I?"

The grin that greeted me when I was finished speaking was radiant and grateful. "Thank you, Ran. The more I think of it, the more I feel the same way. You remember what to use for a safe word? My real name stops everything cold. If you want me to slow down, though, I want you to call me Jack, alright?"

When I nodded, he slipped the suspension cuffs around my wrists. Patting my side, he directed me to move a little to my left. He looked up at all the rings along the beam then pursed his lips thoughtfully before lifting my arms and attaching the cuffs to separate rings with just enough slack that I could rest fully on my feet, but not enough that I could unclip them. "There, how do you feel, boy?" he asked.

I tested my bindings, jerking and twisting as much as I could, both for his benefit and my own. I felt a hollow pit in my stomach when I realized that there was no way that I'd be able to get free without Xerin unclipping the carabiners that held the cuffs attached to the rings over my head. "Umm... I... I'm... I... scared. Excited? Helpless? Vulnerable?"

Xerin laughed and winked at me. He gestured at my still-erect shaft, which to my chagrin had once again begun to drool pre-come. "From the looks of it, you like it, boy," he commented. "Now that we have that done..."

I swallowed nervously as Xerin began to strip, starting with his golf shirt. Topless, I could see that both his nipples were pierced, and that though he was a little on the trim side he obviously spent some time in the gym. The right side of his chest was all tan fur, the left that delicious creamy white. "By the way, boy, I do piercings if you want one yourself," he murmured. "You could do with an Albert, I think. Maybe I should get my piercing kit."

I couldn't help it, my cock twitched at that thought; I'd always been too much of a chicken-shit to do something like that, though I liked the look of cock piercings. Still, at that point the idea was a little too much for me, and I only exclaimed, "Jack! That's a bit much!"

Once again, Xerin laughed, "I wasn't serious, boy, but it's nice to know you won't be like a couple subs I've met, completely unwilling to use a safe word even if they're scared shitless." He turned around, wiggling both his butt and the cute little puffball of his tail at me, then undid his shorts and pulled them down to reveal a firm ass with a triskellion symbol burned into the right cheek.

"Holy shit, Sir, is that a brand?" I asked rather stupidly; of course it was a branding.

"Yes boy. Had that for three years now, from when I thought I liked to be on the receiving end," Xerin murmured, then turned back around to face me. I let out a soft moan; the rabbit's turgid pink shaft stood proudly free of its' sheath. I couldn't help but notice the glint of silver from the ring through that soft-furred flesh.

Picking up two of the wooden spoons, Xerin brandished them and asked me, "Are you ready, boy? Once I start, I'll do what I want to you. The safe words are always an option, but that is it."

I shuddered at the sadistic gleam in his eyes. His excitement and anticipation of what he was about to do was so plainly obvious in his posture and expression that I wondered how I could have ever seen him as the timid rabbit that he'd always pretended to be. It occurred to me that this was the real Xerin, with all his barriers down, just as the trembling and helpless wolf in front of him was the real Ranalas.

"Yes Sir," I said simply. This is what I'd been waiting for, what I'd been hoping for since the first day 'Jack' and I had spoken to each other. I was afraid, yes, but every single fiber of my being called out for it all the same. The feeling of being completely helpless and at the mercy of a strong male, who would do as he wanted, drawing out my screams and my tears, was the most intense.

Xerin wasted no time as soon as I'd given my final consent to his use of my body as his toy. He touched the tips of the spoons to various spots on my body, his eyes watching my own for my reactions. When he laid the curved surface of the toy against my balls, I whimpered with fear. "Hmm... I believe I found a spot you don't want me to touch. Yet."

Indeed, I'd never had anyone who wanted to strike me in that particular spot, and the idea was terrifying to me. Even so, I think I surprised even myself when I thrust my hips at him, and let out a plaintive, "Please..." As much as it scared me, I wanted him to do it.

"Oh my... very good boy," Xerin murmured, and then slapped my sack with the spoon gently. The look in his eyes at my pained squeal was both delighted and proud. "Let's play a game, boy."

I furrowed my brow, trying to clear my thoughts. What sort of game did Xerin intend to play? "I uhh, okay Sir?"

Another soft slap of that wooden spoon sent a thrill of pain through my most intimate of places. Xerin held up the spoon and then leaned forward to kiss my nose. "I want you to tell me how many times you think you can handle me hitting your balls, boy. Be honest about your limits, or I'll double it. And I won't pull my strikes this time, they'll hurt."

This close, I could smell Xerin's arousal, and before I could think about it too much, I blurted out, "Twenty, Sir, please Sir. Wait, no! I... not twenty! Didn't mean t-twenty!" I was silenced by a crushing, aggressive kiss that left me breathless when Xerin finally broke away.

"Shh, boy, it's too late to take it back. You didn't hesitate at all. Twenty it is." He stepped away and stroked my shaft with the spoon before he flicked it at my balls. Once, twice, three times, four times all in rapid succession. I let out a pained, ragged wail at the fourth one, the first three having come too quick to register.

"Please Sir, please only ten Sir," I whispered. I shook, already feeling my eyes welling up with tears. My balls were throbbing, but I felt a gentle warmth filling my body, a calmness that I usually only achieved after much more play time at a dom's mercy.

"Hmm... ten? Fine. The last six, I'm going to use both spoons at once. Three times, quick and hard. Otherwise it's still twenty." Xerin waited, watching me expectantly, and when I nodded weakly, he didn't even hesitate in striking out with both spoons, showing just how fast a rabbit can move when he wants to.

As my loins blossomed in a throbbing pain that made me howl, I was only dimly aware of Xerin walking back to the bed and picking up two horsehair floggers. Without a word, he flailed at my chest with both of them before the ache in my groin had even begun to fade.

"It's interesting how I can go that much harder after doing that to a boy," Xerin said softly. Left, right, left right, I felt the floggers come down, rhythmic and sharp. I was familiar with the feeling of horsehair, but never before had I had two used on me at once. They stung, especially whenever they struck my nipples, and before long, those sensitive nubs of flesh had deepened in colour and grown stiff. "Can't help but notice that you're still hard as a rock."

After a few minutes of that rhythmic motion of the floggers on my chest, he moved to my backside, where my fur was thinner. "How do you feel, dear?" He asked as he worked.

"Oh god, Sir, I... mmmngh... I feel good," I whispered, that gentle calmness continuing to fill me. I still grunted and squealed every time one of the floggers struck me, but I didn't feel any inclination to even ask him to stop. In time, even my squeals slowed and stopped, and I just rode the twin sensations of calmness and rising fire on my rump and shoulders.

The flogging stopped, and I heard the soft thud of the toys being dropped on the floor behind me. "You know, I don't think I like you knowing what I'm about to do next... now how am I going to solve that, hmm?"

I grunted in consternation; I'd been almost fully gone into the sub-space at the time, and making me answer more than a yes or no question was the surest way to pull me back out. "I'm not sure, Sir?" I whispered half-sullenly.

Obviously, my tone wasn't lost on Xerin, and I felt the bunny's hand grip the fur on the back of my neck and pull back a little. He nipped savagely at my neck, almost hard enough to draw blood, and growled, "Don't get smart with me, boy. If you give me that tone again, I've half a mind to not let you come at all tonight."

I wilted, ears flattening against my skull completely, and I closed my eyes. I'd made a mistake there, and Xerin wasn't fooling around. He was genuinely displeased with my response. In an effort to redeem myself, I wracked my brain before perking my ears up and said, "You could p-put that hood on me, Sir..."

"Oho! Now there's an idea. Much better, boy." He reached out and stroked my muzzle, then embraced me, pushing his lips to mine. I felt his tongue press against my lips, demanding entry, and without a thought, I relented. His tongue explored my mouth, pushing and prodding. I could taste a faint strawberry flavour on his breath and lips. When he finally stepped away from me, I was left panting, my tongue lolling out of my mouth.

Hefting the hood, Xerin returned to stand in front of me. He eyeballed the size of my head, and then the hood. "Alright, dear. It's your choice. I can zip and buckle your muzzle, or you can be allowed to speak," He stated, holding the mask up for me to look at. "I will still give you a way to tell me if it's too much. For now you can stomp one of your legs."

Before I could help myself, I blurted it out, "G-gag me, Sir..." The light that showed in Xerin's eyes told me I'd made the right choice. Right then and there, I knew I'd do anything to see Xerin smile more, to have him call me a good boy. I closed my eyes and whispered, "Sir, do you w-want to put me in the... other stuff too? I mean the cock-sheath and mitts? Before we're done tonight? M-maybe even o-overnight?"

Xerin blinked, looking genuinely surprised at the request. "You would trust me that much, Ran?" He breathed in half-disbelief. "I'll admit, I have had some dreams about... well, that very sort of thing. If I do it, you'll be completely helpless. Like this, you can kick and scream, but..."

"Jack," I said softly, my body still burning from the flogging, and a dribble of pre-come beading the tip of my shaft. "I trust you. I have to work in three days, and have class in two. You're the first person anyone would go to. Hell, you're an emergency contact in case I do go missing or get hurt."

The smile that spread on Xerin's lips was so pleased that I couldn't help but grin in return. My heart was hammering in my chest. "Why don't we get to that right now, dear? The whip can wait for another time..." He stroked his shaft, then knelt in front of me. "You're absolutely sure? If I'm about to do this... you're not getting out of it until the morning." He dropped the hood on the floor and took my shaft in his hand, moving his head forward so that the heat of his breath washed over the tip of my cock.

"Yes Sir, I'm s-sure... s-scared but sure," I said. The next thing I knew, Xerin had wrapped his lips around the head of my shaft and begun to bob his head up and down. I let out a cry of desperate need, the only sounds coming from me for a few moments animalistic growls and moans. When I could finally form coherent words, I stammered, "W-what are y... why are you..."

A soft chuckle was Xerin's response, and then his skilled tongue was massaging my cock in his mouth. He reached a finger around back behind me and pushed it up under my tail, stroking my pucker. I'd never considered that I would be helpless to pleasure just as much as pain. He pulled himself off my cock just long enough to murmur, "If I'm going to put a sheath on your cock, boy, you can't be that hard to do it."

As he spoke, another bead of pre formed at the tip of my shaft. Seeing an opportunity, Xerin slicked the tip of the finger that he'd been using to stroke under my tail in that slippery fluid. "W-wait, you're not g-going to..." I half-protested, but then let out a little squeal when he began to press his finger into me.

When Xerin began to suckle on my shaft again and began to gently fuck the tight ring of my anus with that single finger, I knew it would take only moments before I reached my peak. I felt my hips rocking against the bobbing of that lapine head, but I resolved to hold off as long as I could.

My efforts would prove to be completely in vain; it was obvious that Xerin knew one of the best ways to make a poor wolf come. He pulled the lip of my sheath over my knot, freeing it, and gripped it tight in his free hand, tugging insistently at the base in a semblance of a lupine tying.

Seconds later, I only barely suppressed a howl of bliss as I felt my cock begin to spray my seed into Xerin's waiting muzzle. A fleeting thought came to me that I hadn't asked permission to come, but the thought was gone as quickly as it came. Everything went white and blurry during my climax, I closed my eyes and bucked my hips desperately. I didn't even think to wonder why Xerin wasn't swallowing my spunk.

When my cock stopped twitching and my senses returned to me fully, Xerin pulled his finger out of me and stood up, saying nothing. His hand, smelling of my own musk, reached up to stroke my muzzle again, then went back to grip the scruff of my neck. The next thing I knew, the rabbit was kissing me deeply, feeding me the mouthful of my own come that he'd been holding there. I whimpered once and then swallowed instinctively, making a face at the taste of my own pleasure.

While he was kissing me, Xerin lifted his free arm up to unclip the carabiners that bound me to the beam above my head. He then wrapped his arms around me in a deeply passionate embrace. Even through the soreness, I didn't try to pull away. Indeed, I returned that embrace with equal passion.

I don't know how long Xerin and I stood there, exchanging little nips and kisses while we explored each other's bodies, but by the time we broke away from each other, my cock had retreated into its sheath almost entirely. "Are you ready, boy? It's time. Just so you know, I'm going to take my pleasure with you as often as I want while you're helpless."

I'd calmed down considerably at that point, but the rabbit's words reminded me what I'd asked for. I felt only a moment's hesitation before I lowered my head and nodded, not quite able to form any words. Xerin took my hand in his and led me to the bed.

"Alright dear, I suppose we should do the harness first. I'm going to take your collar off, alright?" I nodded a little, and he unbuckled it without a word. I shifted my weight back and forth from one foot to another. I couldn't help but feel just a little scared, but it was a good kind of fear, the kind I sometimes reveled in.

Xerin began to fasten the various buckles of the latex harness around my waist, and then wrapped them around my legs. He smiled encouragingly at me, patting my cheek. "I've done this before, boy. I know what I'm doing. And just so you know, I've been where you're going. There's nothing that I'm going to to do that I've not had done to me."

I whimpered a little, but nodded my acknowledgment of Xerin's statement. He grinned again and began to fasten buckles and straps, and when he pulled away to observe his handiwork, I was wearing what was obviously the frame of a modular harness, one that had straps over my tail and under it, leaving my cheeks slightly spread. The next piece to be attached was something I hadn't noticed at first, a cuff of half-rigid rubber held my tail out and up, keeping it so that I couldn't lower it at all and leaving my tight pucker quite exposed.

Xerin worked quickly, as if he knew that if he didn't, he'd find my cock slipping free from my sheath again. So, of course, the next thing he attached was the rubber sheath for my cock and balls. I was surprised by just how tight it was, it constricted on that tube of flesh while a tighter band of latex separated my balls into two separate 'pouches'. The sheath was the same kind of rigid latex that was around my tail, and it only had a small hole in the tip, and held everything snugly in place. Xerin smiled wickedly at me and held up the little padlock, then attached it to a loop at the bottom of that sheath, leaving it indelibly fastened to the harness.

I could already feeling my sheath filling out a little, making the tightness grow almost uncomfortable. Xerin chuckled, stroking that rubber cap. "Any regrets yet, boy?" he murmured, "You're not getting out till the morning. Think. Wanting, straining, aching... oh yes, you'll be quite out of sorts when tomorrow comes."

I let out a soft rumble, but whispered, "Keep going, Sir." Xerin nodded, and then held up one of the bondage mitts. I proffered my right arm first, and he began to slip the tight, confining latex over it. The way it was designed, I had to ball my paw into a little fist. The mitt fit snugly, reaching to just below my elbow. The other mitt was slipped on with equal efficiency, and in moments, I was looking at two fist-shaped lumps at the end of tight mitts. There would be no way for me to get those off without help.

"Okay, dear, on the bed, paws and knees now," Xerin commanded, and I wordlessly complied. Already I was feeling my shaft straining in the confines of the sheath, constricting the rubber that encased my balls. I moaned a little, and Xerin stroked my tailring lightly another time. "Mmmm... just two more things..."

I was surprised when he began to fasten little cuffs just above my ankles. "What the..." I said softly, my voice a little strained. My heart was pounding so hard I worried that it would burst. I'd never gone this far with anyone, been this helpless. I looked back at Xerin, who was fastening more of those rigid rubber strips to those cuffs and then to my harness. When he went to get the hood, I realized that those strips of rubber would keep me from unbending my knees! I'd not be able to stand up at all.

Xerin moved around, and took my chin in his hand and looked deep into my eyes. "One last chance boy. When I put this hood on, you're mine until morning. And the first thing I'm going to do is fuck you like this, as hard as I can. I've been wanting to from the start, and I'm a little irked that you didn't even think to ask permission to come first, so I'm not going to be gentle."

This was it, the point of no return. Whatever I said then, I couldn't go back, because I wouldn't be able to say no, or ask to be let out. I honestly and truly considered whether or not I felt safe there, with Xerin. I looked back at him for a long time, probably long enough to make him think I was having second thoughts. I looked up at him, smiled a little and then rocked back, moving up into an upright kneel, the straps of rubber bending to accommodate. I held my paws out in front of me, gave him what I hoped would be a cute little bark, and then lowered my head, "Yes."

No more words needed to be said. One moment Xerin was in front of me, a wide, happy grin on his face, then next he was lifting the hood up and slipping it over my head, cutting off my sight. He pulled my ears through the holes in the top of the hood and tightened it a little. The zipper wasn't closed, but he fastened the buckles on my muzzle tightly, ensuring that I wouldn't be able to speak.

True to his word, he moved around behind me, and gave me a rough little push. "Down, boy, present that ass for me." With my sense of sight cut off, my other senses were intensified, and the discomfort in my groin grew. Still, something deep in me that had ached for this was satisfied. There wasn't anything I could do right now to stop Xerin from what he was about to do. I was completely and utterly at his mercy, blind and unable to speak or even stand up.

"You're a good boy, Ran. I think this is the start of a lovely relationship..." he murmured, "I will never hurt you... here..." He reached around and touched my chest over my heart. A few moments later, I heard the snap of the bottle of lube's cap being flipped open. I let out a little whimper, squirming and instinctively trying to make myself more comfortable, but nothing would lessen the pressure in my groin.

A few moments later, I felt the thick tip of Xerin's shaft pressing against my pucker. "Oh god, Ran, do you have any idea how many times I've pawed myself thinking of someone under me like this again?" He asked, then said curtly, "Not going to waste any more time, boy... get ready."

I only had that single moment of warning, and then Xerin hunched forward with nearly savage force, spearing the tight ring of flesh with his shaft. He hilted himself in one smooth motion, eliciting a pained but muffled squeal from me. I'd not been mounted in a good long time, and not even used toys in a while, and the force with which he had buried himself in me was enough to make my tailring spasm and twitch uncontrollably.

Without even giving me a moment to adjust, Xerin bent over me and began to thrust, slamming into me over and over again, his ball-sack slapping against the thick rubber sheath over my own. I could feel my eyes welling up with tears. He hadn't been kidding... he wasn't being gentle in the least.

Even as he roughly fucked me, that lance of flesh spearing my tailring over and over with enough force to rock me forward, I felt my cock stirring, straining, heightening the tightness of the sheath. I yelped and whimpered, but Xerin wasn't even near done. He bit at the scruff of my neck, nipping savagely while his hands reached around to pinch and pull at my already-sore nipples.

I howled against the muzzle-hood, feeling my tears dampening my fur, my instinct to try and pull away warring with my conscious thought. It wouldn't have mattered, Xerin was strong enough that he held me tightly as he slammed into me over and over. "Good boy," Xerin growled, "That's a good little pet."

The pain suffused itself through me, the five points of varying sharpness and intensity blending into one at the rhythmic pounding of Xerin's shaft in my bowels. I could do nothing, just moan, howl and cry as I was claimed by him in the most intimate and intense way possible.

Seconds blended into minutes, and I knew that he couldn't hold off for long at that pace. Still, it was quite a long time before I felt his pounding become erratic. "Mmmnh, boy... oh god... getting closer... closer... nngh-there! Coming!" He gave one final thrust, then let out a growling moan of bliss, holding me as tight as he could, twisting and pinching my nipples the whole time. I could almost feel him filling me with his seed. Surprisingly, he pulled before he was done, and I felt warm, copious spatters of the slippery stuff on my back.

He rubbed his spunk into my fur quite deliberately, then pulled away completely. I wondered if he was going to just leave me there, but I heard him fumbling with something behind me. When I felt something slick at my ass, and then something smooth and hard pushing in, I remembered that there'd been one last part to that harness... the plug.

I gasped, feeling it spread me even wider than Xerin's shaft had, and then the bulb was in after a brief flash of pain. A few snaps were put into place, another buckle fastened and there was the sound of another padlock clipping into place, sealing the plug into me.

Strong hands pulled me onto my side, and I felt a heavy blanket cover me. Even as I cried and whimpered, I felt Xerin's still-naked body press up against mine, one arm draped over my side. "Good boy... such a wonderful, dear, perfect Boy Wolf. You're mine. We're going to do this again... and again..."

Helpless, sore, aching in so many places, with a thick plug inside me that I couldn't push out... I knew he was right. I would do this again, would give myself to him again and again without question. I turned my head and flicked my tongue out through the small space available to me in a gesture of submission.

Xerin held me, stroking, petting, murmuring small snippets of praise and pride into my ear even after the pain had faded to that dull, throbbing ache that I had always loved to feel. With my cock no longer straining against the sheath, I allowed myself to revel in the tightness of my bondage and the soft stroking of Xerin's hand.

"Mine, Ranalas..." was the last thing I heard before I gave myself up to a deeper and more contented sleep than any I'd had in a very long time.