Chapter 1

Story by Courgus on SoFurry

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#1 of Maw of the Predator

Ryan a young hyena woke up in the early morning.

He was hired by a friend of his family as a driver. Every day he got out there to fulfill all of the contracts that came in for him.

The day just started off...

Slowly, his mind comes back to live while his paw draws near his wrist and touches the display of the smartwatch.

The display lit up and showed off the cruel reality.

"3:30 AM" he thought to himself.

His mind was still in a fog, so it was hard for him to face the new day's dawning. The sun was about to rise soon, but yet he was not ready for this new day.

>>Damn it.<< he said almost unhearable to himself as he took his arms to his head. Gently, he started to rub his eyes as he tried desperately to become more awake.

Once he stopped, he realized that the blanket lay beside him. Even if the outside temperature was about nine degrees, he did not feel the cold and as he looked down his attention was drawn by the bulge in his underwear.

For some moments, he stared at this bulge without taking a single thought.

It took another moment, but his left paw started to act on his own. Softly and gently, he started to stroke the bulge as his feelings grew fast and faster.

Yet, there was no thought in his mind except to continue to stroke the bulge. After a few moments of joy and the paw of him reached for the verge of his underwear. With hesitation, his paw found his way underneath his pants and quickly to his penis.

As his paw directly touched his genital, his heart beat escalated. Shortly after that, he grabbed hold of his genitals and started over. He gently started to rub his penis and the good feeling flooded his mind. The fog was lifted, and his mind was focused. He stroked his genitals faster, and so he drove himself over the edge. The young hyena started to moan as his paw was covered all over in his very own ejaculate. Also, his underwear was covered in his cream.

It took a while for the hyena to calm down once more while his head dropped in the pillows.

After a certain while, he took another look at his smartwatch.

"Almost 4:15 AM." he thought and sighted.

His hand fell back to the surface of the bed and his eyes were closed. Single thoughts came to his head and faded away as they suddenly appeared.

Once again, he opened his eyes and slowly got up. Even this was, like every day, a torture for him. The young hyena was a sight to see. The six pack which decorates his belly always drove women mad due to the fact that his whole body was a pleasure to see.

He went to the bath naked as he was right now. His genetial, slowly started to relax once more after the certain joy he brought to himself. Once he reached the bath he turned the light on and took a look into the mirror. Right before him he faced a young man but his face talked different. His eyes got the blurred look in it. Also, his left side started to turn grey.

>>You look terrible, Ryan. Your face starts to turn grey and the dark circles around your eyes getting worse.<<

Ryan sighed as he looked up in the mirror and right into the face of a young man who definitely has to fight his own demons.

After a short moment he turned on the water and held his hands under the refreshing shower of water. Then, he suddenly splashed water into his face. Over and over again he repeated this but it does not seem to work properly this morning.

Frustrated, he stopped by and held in for a moment. Once again he looked into the mirror and his face.

>>Won't work for today, as it seems.<<

Ryan took a deep breath in and left the bath and headed to his Bedroom. Still naked he stood in front of the dresser and looked into it. The clothes he would wear today was nothing he could choose from. So the young hyena took his work clothes and put them on. Right now it was about 05:00 o'clock AM.

>>Time to head out for work!<< he said and left his apartment.

Down the stairs through the windows he could take a look at the precious dawn of the new day as the sun was about to rise. The horizon was covered in a magic looking light while the very first shafts of sunlight touched the ground in the far distance. A certain smile covered the face of the hyena. This smile gets more intensive as the sunlight touches his fur and starts to warm him.

"Could this become a better day, please?" he asked himself while his thoughts started to wander off.

But his thoughts could not wander off this far, because he stands in front of his car. A transporter about four Meters long and almost two and a half meters in height. The whole transporter was covered in the advertisement of the company he was working for. Ryan always enjoyed the view of his transporter even if this one does not was his own.

With a certain smile he opened the car and got into it. Once again his thoughts were about to wander off. Now he thought about the coming day and what this one might bring to him.

Quickly, but without hesitation, he put the key in the hole and with the turn of the key the electronics came to live. Now the display starts to shine like a christmas tree on winter's eve. Once the checkup was finished Ryan started the engine. And so the transporter's engine woke up from his sleep.