Suburban Bliss - Chapter Four

Story by Zerink on SoFurry

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#4 of Suburban Bliss

Uh, yeah.

Chapter Four

I don't know what I expected to feel. Outrage? Nausea? Fear? Like I was betrayed? I don't think I felt any of those things, but I was definitely shocked.

"Of course I'm a guy, didn't you read the ad?" a very obviously male voice said on the other side of the sheet. He had at least done me a favor and taken my dick out of his mouth before he started to speak.

My addled mind had cleared up. The sounds of his moans should have tipped me off. Even his paws felt bigger, rougher than... well, I suppose all I had to compare it to were the wife's and my own.

"I... didn't really read it all that well," I admitted.

I heard him laugh. It wasn't a malicious one, but it made me feel embarrassed all the same. When he was done, he asked me, "So, is that a problem?"

"W-well, I... I'm straight, and I have a wife and kids and... please don't tell anyone? Had I known...." What? What would I have done if I knew?

Before he could say anything, I turned and grabbed my pants. I put them on hastily as I left their... his house. I got into my car, emptied my head, and drove home in a daze.

Damnit. I knew I shouldn't have gone. I knew I should've just stayed home and behaved myself. I need to wash up when I get back. Maybe do the laundry. Yeah, actually. I'll do the laundry. His spit was all over my dick and now it's probably on my underwear and pants and... I don't know. What if my family finds out?

It was empty at home. Don't know why I thought there would be someone there, but I was paranoid. Of all the days for the wife and kids to get home early, it would be today. That's just how my luck goes.

I tossed my clothes into the washer... separately. I didn't want to mix it with the regular clothes. Somehow it made it feel dirty, like washing my clothes with the regular stuff would t aint it. Stupid idea, sure, but it was there.

A ping on my phone. I ignored it. I should delete the guy's messages. His number. Block him. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I have no interest in guys. He tricked me, that's all.

But damn did it feel good. Just remembering it made me hard again, aching almost. I couldn't get it out of my head. He asked if it was a problem. Yes, it's a problem! Because.... well, because.

I haven't been this worked up in a while. I needed to do something about it, and so I took the time to do so. I tried to imagine my wife doing the same things he did. It felt... nice. Just nice. But when my mind inevitably swapped over to imagining him, it felt better, and before I knew it, I was done.

Damnit. Let me just take this damn shower.

The message on the phone was long, but it wasn't from him. It wasn't from anyone I knew, either. Just some house flipper wanting to buy my house. I sighed. Some normalcy helped ground me. This was the world I knew. Mundane, boring, and consistent.

I'm an adult. I shouldn't be acting so childish. I should apologize.

Sorry about that. I panicked. That was a lot of firsts for me. It wasn't your fault. I'm just an idiot.

That apology works on my wife sometimes. As long as I acknowledge that it was my error, she seems content.

A message back. I checked it nervously.

No worries. Come by again tomorrow? I don't normally swallow but you tasted really good ;)

Is that... a compliment? I think so. I can't imagine such a thing tasting good but to each their own.

Tomorrow, though? I mean, that was the original plan, wasn't it? I can probably just....

Yeah. Okay. That'll be the last time. Sticking with the original plan.

Okay. Sorry again. I didn't last very long, I sent.

No problem, he replied. Lots of guys are pretty quick their first time.

That made me feel better for some reason. I stared at the messages and realized what I had been doing. I deleted them.

I spent the rest of my day trying to get the thoughts out of my head. Did some laundry. Folded the clothes, put it away, made myself some food, welcomed the kids home, welcomed the wife home, and was glad enough that they were avoiding me like normal.

It wasn't until it was time for bed that the wife asked me, "Everything okay?"

It seemed like a caring question, but her tone made her sound annoyed.

"Yeah," I told her. "Nothing to worry about."

With a shrug, she went to sleep. And so did I.