Blood-Bound Ch6

Story by Demi Azurewing on SoFurry

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#6 of Blood-Bound

First chapter with yiff, and also the first time I have ever WRITTEN yiff. Any reviews are greatly appreciated and I want to send out a huge thanks to all those that have reviewed, favorited, and watched!

If your under 18 don't get caught reading this.





I ran my hands over my toes nervously, my legs crossed so I could sit comfortably on the large chair. I looked over to Tiran's sleeping form then moved back to playing with my toes.

I had few left now, three toes to each foot. One extending backwards and the other two forwards. My hands had gone through a similar change in my sleep, each hand now down to four fingers, my pinkies having faded away. Each finger come to a point, not sharp, but pointed enough to cut if I tried.

Sighing, I turned back to Tiran, hoping that he would wake soon so we could leave the small hospital. The building smelled of cleaning products and sickness. Many of the doctors had assured me that avians were very healthy, and caught almost nothing, but I still worried. The small room was oppressing, the sterile white seeming to suck any happiness from its surroundings.

I wrapped my fully grown wings around myself, repelling the nearing nights chill. Soon we would almost have been here a day. My injuries had healed quickly, the transformation mending the small amount of damage. Tiran wasn't as lucky.

He had received minor head trauma, the doctors telling me that when he woke he would be fine. Unwrapping myself, I moved to the bed, wrapping my arms around Tiran as I lay next to him, sliding a hand up to his forehead and rubbing across it. I hummed lightly, the musical tones flowing seamlessly from my throat.

After a bit of time I quieted, just holding my love and listening to his breath. From outside I could hear waves crashing against the distant shore. I could see the cliff rising around the city, small passes carved from the stone for the traveling merchants that passed through. Slowly I grew tired, sleep over-taking me as the sun set.


"Morning sleepy." came a lilting voice as I opened my eyes. Tiran stared at me, his eyes sparkling in the early morning light that came in through the hospital window.

"Tiran!" I squeaked, wrapping my arms around the beautiful hawk. "You didn't wake up yesterday."

He just chuckled. "Yes. I hear that people with head trauma like that tend to sleep more, their brains healing themselves and what-not."

I slipped my beak forward and gave a him a soft kiss. We both stood from the bed and I was pleased to see that I hadn't grown anymore along with the rest of my overnight changes. Tiran stretched his arms and wings, the feather tips brushing along opposite walls. I copied the move, my own light bones creaking out the stiffness.

"Well, well." Tiran said, smiling down at me. "My little jay is fully changed now is he?" I blushed and held up my hands for his inspection. He reached forward and interlaced our fingers. Slowly he released my hands, and rubbed across my full beak. Then reaching out and rubbing against my wings, stretching them in ways that felt pleasurable.

I moaned out at the feeling and Tiran grinned. "So, do you still want to go home and get to know each other better?"

I blushed hard, feeling as if even my feathers had turned red. "Yes."

Tiran took my hand, pulling me past the entrance to the building and spreading his wings as we reached the outside. "Just follow my lead."

I stretched my wings, holding them the same that Tiran held his. He turned and smiled at me, before flapping them hard, the stiff breeze causing me to stumble as he lifted straight into the air. I gawked at him, hanging low above the buildings, his wings flapping steadily as he waited for me to follow suit. To me it hadn't looked like his wings had lifted him, it looked as if he had jumped ten feet up before raising himself with his wings alone.

I pushed my wings up, the muscles nice and loose, ready for the flight ahead. I tensed my legs and jumped as my wings came down. My body rocketing into the air, my wings working steadily through the shock. It seemed like I was light as a feather. Or at least lighter than a human. My wings beat powerfully as I took to the air, going in circle as as I followed Tiran up the air drafts.

Soon I could see the whole city. The small building looked like toys, the people walking the streets, ants. I turned into the breeze, letting it fill my wings as I turned toward Tiran.

"It's perfect!" I yelled, trying to be heard above our wings and the wind. He nodded and gave a thumbs up before signaling toward the cliff. I followed close behind, allowing my wings to rest by riding on Tiran's back draft.

All too soon we were back at the balcony, light reflecting from the glass walls. I landed on my own, my larger wings able to preform the actions that my smaller wings had failed at a few days ago. Launching myself at Tiran I caught him off guard, almost toppling him as he tried to unlatch the door. I laughed as he pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head, holding me still as he finished opening the door to go inside.

We immediately moved to the bedroom, kissing each other all the way there. The room was illuminated a calm yellow, the sun still approaching its noon peak. Tiran ran his hands over my chest, moving his fingers through my feathers and rubbing against the skin underneath. Slowly he moved down, rubbing across the feathers down to my waist.

I followed suit, stripping his vest off and resting my hands against his firm stomach. Tiran reached the rope that held my shorts and unsecured it, allowing them to fall to the floor. I was hard, my erection a shining black pole of meat. I blushed slightly, returning the favor and seeing Tiran's erection for the first time.

He looked the same as me, except color, a slight bulge at the base and a steady thickness till the tip, where it tapered to a point. A small drop of pre ran down his length, the light pink flesh glistening in its path. I licked my beak as I gazed at the length.

I lowered myself to the floor as Tiran sat on the bed, his legs spread out for me. I leaned in and licked tentatively at the tip, eliciting a moan from the hawk above me as a spurt of pre came out and landed on my tongue. I pulled the liquid in and held it there, enjoying the slightly sweet taste.

I leaned back in and licked across the underside, my tongue taking in the taste of maleness. Lowering my head, I opened my beak wide, taking in the thick girth and wrapping my tongue around it. I kept going down until it hit the back of my throat, causing me to gag slightly. Tiran moaned above me, obviously enjoying a warm beak around his cock.

I lifted back up, then lowered again, starting a bobbing rhythm as I tried to get the last few inches into my maw. Slowly I got my throat to open, the length slipping all the way in as Tiran bucked, my gag reflex not reacting.

Starting to swallow, I held still, stimulating my lovely hawk with my throat as I slipped my tongue down further, entering his slit and rubbing against the inside, getting another moan and buck from Tiran. He started panting, sweat rolling down his feathers, and I could tell he was getting close.

I pulled my head off, getting a large burst of pre and a whimper from my love. I locked our beaks and swirled my tongue into Tiran's mouth, sharing the sweet pre with him before pulling away, a thick line of saliva connecting our beaks.

"I want you in me." I stated, staring into Tiran's eyes to see his reaction. A smile spread across his face and he leaned forward, nuzzling against my beak. "Of course Slate. Lay up here and lift your legs."

I complied, laying on the soft mattress and lifting my knees to my chest, my bird self being highly flexible compared to before. Tiran moved between my legs and I leaned my head back, waiting for his hot shaft to press against my tail hole. I gasped in surprise as I instead felt a hot slimy tongue lapping against my ass.

I moaned out as Tiran lubed me with his tongue, the length of it running across the feathers on my bottom, the saliva slipping to my, as yet, untouched hole. The licking stopped and I felt Tiran shift, his head moving into my view as I finally felt his slickened length push against me.

"Tell me if it hurts." Tiran whispered, licking across my beak and along the side of my face. I nodded and relaxed, hoping it would go in nice and easy.

The pressure at my ass lasted only a little until there was a wet slurping sound, Tiran's head slipping into my virgin hole. I gasped, pain being the first sensation as my body clenched hard, preventing him from moving any further. My claws dug into the bedding as I gasped and tried to relax, knowing that the pain would go away eventually, but eventually was not soon enough.

I pulled Tiran's head to mine, kissing him deeply to distract myself from the pain. Our tongues entwined and I felt myself loosen, a small amount of pleasure traveling up my spine as a large spurt of pre heated my insides. I nodded into the kiss, our tongues still entwined, letting Tiran know that I was ready for more.

He leaned forward, more slipping in as he rested against my body. I broke the kiss, bringing in a deep breath to replenish my oxygen. My shaft throbbed, hitting Tiran's chest as he hilted in me, stopping and letting me adjust. I relaxed, my body covered by my lovely hawk, his erection filling my insides. I felt Tiran's heart beat, his pulsing member bumping lightly against my prostate making my own jump in time.

A hand wrapped around my throbbing length, jerking it lightly a few times as we regained our breath. Tiran slowly pulled out, only leaving his tip in me as I whimpered at the emptiness. He quickly filled me again, his shaft sliding easily into my bowels as he started a rhythm, stroking me in time.

Before long I felt that I was getting close. The pressure in my ass and the thrusts against my prostate building quickly for my first time. "I-I'm gonna cum!" I said, my voice going high with the strain. Tiran gave no verbal response, but sped up.

The hand on my cock became a blur, stroking me quickly as he humped against my ass. A muffled feathery smack resounding from my ass. I moaned long and deep, my body clenching tightly as I swelled up, the first shot shooting into the air and landing on Tiran's beak, the white streak contrasting nicely with the yellow.

Tiran humped against me a few more times as my seed shot across my chest. He then moaned deeply, the sound reverberating in my clenching ass as his cock swelled inside me, filling the space and finally shooting Tiran's load deep into my ass.

A minute later we were both coming down from our peaks. I rubbed against my stomach, the area bulging lightly from all of the warm cum in me while my feathers squished against my hands, my own cum covering my front. Tiran collapsed against me, worn out from the sexual high. I licked across his beak, tasting my sweet and salty cum. He fell asleep, his cock still in me and his weight laying comfortably across my own form.

I rubbed our stomachs together, my cum squelching between us. I sighed and laid my head back, rubbing a hand against Tiran's ass.

"Good night, my lovely hawk."


