Pet and Babysitter - Part 3

Story by Randomsquidborn13 on SoFurry

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#19 of The Pet-Sitter

Jessica's young boy Norman has some bad habits, including a wet one that's rather awkward to deal with for her, so she's been given some help....

Three: Norman's Education

Jessica tried to think about things other than the strange way her stomach had been acting lately; it felt like only a slight upset but, she did feel as if something were very different with her body! All the same, she was focusing on Norman and the various problems involved in teaching the young adult dog to do the same thing his father had done.

The first problem she had to deal with was the unexpected humping attempts, especially because he tended to latch onto the bed and start rubbing into the mattress because it smelled the most like where they'd done it before. He'd wear himself out doing it whenever Jessica left the room for over an hour, but it provided guests to the show a bit of hilarious entertainment. The guys running the site would use the videos to show just how desperate the dogs were to fuck, a sort of 'they wouldn't do it if they didn't wanna do it' setup to show all users that none of their pets were in any abusive situation. But generally, it was just hilarious to see a foolish young dog get so hard and then not know what to do, then whimper and try to lie comfortably because his cock hurt so much!

The second problem was one that was very troubling for Jessica, but they were trying to discuss how to use it just to gauge the audience's preferences... scent marking!

One afternoon, Jessica stepped back in after being with Bruiser, a Great Dane about the height of a horse who was rare in having a preference to have someone fingering his backside whilst he mounted someone. It was Jessica's first time being involved with a canine and with a guy behind it, stimulating him. She'd met Reginald, a very friendly ginger tabby cat at the time who was flamboyant and dressed like an English earl and they'd had her dressed as a maid and been playing a really ridiculous scene that had made them all laugh. She'd just got back to her room, still wearing the outfit and about to strip from it when Norman had come bounding over the bed that he'd been thrusting at before halting her in her tracks.

"Hi there Norman, did you miss me?" Jessica questioned gently, only to find herself suddenly being snuffed at aggressively, his nose probing under her ruffled skirt and right between her legs. She'd given a grunt of surprise as he'd really tried to put his nose where she was a bit red still and so she turned about to grab his collar and lead him back to his bed, insisting he sit there whilst she stepped out to the bathroom. The bathroom was a safe place without cameras and so a good place to change into some comfortable clothing... a nice nightdress that would reach just down her thighs. When she came out, Norman was looking at her desperately in confusion and she noticed it with a sudden itch of her chin. "You alright Norman? You were a good boy today weren't you?"

Norman stood up, tail waggling about in delight to be noticed and talked to, not to mention hearing the words 'good boy'. As Jessica chuckled and then bent down, squatting in the middle of the floor and beckoning him over, Norman strolled over right to her side. She stretched her hands out, cuddling the mastiff as he lapped at her wrists in pleasure and nuzzled at her joyfully. Then, her door opened and it was the boss of all beasts, to step inside to greet her as Jessica blushed and straightened up. Her big ears flopped back, her nose twitched gently and she was looking quite embarrassed about his sudden arrival, when Norman stood beside her and cocked a leg.

Suddenly, Jessica's legs were utterly drenched and she was left staring at her boss in disbelief, before Norman scraped his feet in front of her and then turned give a grunt of irritation to another male in his household and the boar had to chuckle.

"I see someone needs to learn not to be jealous..." The boar chuckled gently as he looked across to the canine that gave a snort at him and then calmly strolled back to his bed. Jessica just remained standing there in disbelief, totally soaked and just unsure what to do or what to say. To her great chagrin, her boss grasped the wet towel from her basket and insisted they could get her wiped down and she could re-shower, but when Jessica's eyes looked down to the soaked floor, the boar shook his hoof. "Its alright Jessica, I'll deal with the cleaning... you need to go wash and we'll talk then."

Jessica nodded her head, taking the dirty towel and wiping her legs down to just removing the layer of urine before she put that in the washing basket and stepped back to the shower. Norman stood up, watching her go with a whimper of dismay before the pig stepped out to the hallway and spotted one of the maintenance animals nearby. He called over to them, asking to use the mop and bucket, which the bear agreed to obediently as the boar calmly splashed cleaning fluid on the floor that was strong enough to remove the scent before mopping and cleaning the floor up just as Jessica stepped back in with a smile.

"You didn't have to do that boss..." Jessica sighed pitifully, stepping over to the boar as he passed the mop and bucket back over with a thank you. She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly and kissing his cheek in thanks, which made him chuckle in amusement. He patted her back in response before beckoning her to sit down on the sofa as they both settled there and Jessica looked towards her boss with a loving expression as she wiggled her tail about. Norman though gave a grunt and stood up, padding over with a whimper of frustration before laying his head on Jessica's knee. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Well, it's about Norman... his antics are entertaining to say the least, but he's got bad habits that we want to see you working on to help train him for this job. For a start, we've got this peeing problem... he did it to Candy when she came in to check on him last week and he will cock his leg at your front door when he's taken out for his walk. I think we just need to socialise him a bit more, let him have more contact with other dogs. It might also help with his possessiveness, so I'm thinking that we can deal with the other issues after we just make sure he's a good dog in society." The boar smiled and Jessica beamed, amused by the thought of taking him out to meet the other dogs and know that they'd be able to handle him and teach him a few things. He was so obedient when his father had visited but, she sighed as she stroked Norman's head.

"That's a good idea... I'm just a bit worried that he's going to need to learn about etiquette at work too... so I thought after meeting with the other dogs, maybe he should come and watch me working with the other dogs. I just have to find someone whose willing to hold him back, it might be a good extra bit to include... seeing how jealous he gets or how he's learning." Jessica chuckled sweetly, the rabbit's ears straining forward in excitement to hear her boss have such simple ideas on how to deal with it. Norman gave a grunt, he could hear his name but he did not like that the attention was not on him, but then the boar clicked his hooves with a firm thought.

"I do think though that we should indulge his peeing habit just once... I've got Fitz who does all the wet-work here and could use a chance with a newbie dog. If you'd like, would you like to go in with Fitz and one of his dogs, you and Fitz can have some adult fun and then Norman can do what he likes to do. Does that sound good?" The boar questioned and for a moment, Jessica's eyes widened in disbelief to think of working with Fitz. He was a big Doberman, not a pet dog, he was not only the Wet-work guy but he was the gimp and the sub that had worked with that bitchy vixen for quite a while to tide her over. He was very handsome and trustworthy, gay but he didn't mind what he needed to do for work... and his partner Lewis, a cougar, was actually one of the best handlers with the dogs and usually worked with them out in the pens, so Jessica suddenly clapped her hands in delight.

"Hey... you know Fitz and Lewis wanted to do a special together with Lewis masked up and leading him in his suit... why don't we have a meeting with us both naked amongst the dogs and let what happens, happen?" Jessica questioned gently, but the boar gave a soft snort and chuckled in amusement. He stretched his arms out to give her a loving hug, pulling her in for a cuddle as she snuggled up against him and then he kissed her forehead.

"You don't need to do all of that, I was thinking maybe we can just have you treating Fitz as a good boy to show Norman some manners and if he still feels like marking, it's fine by Fitz. But... that's only if you agree to it?" The boar stated, intrigued by the idea but knowing full well that Norman would not be good in a situation where he thought someone was going to jump his female. However, considering he'd behaved with his father, there was always the chance they he'd be willing to learn from an owner acting like a pet. Jessica considered that too and nodded her head.

"It sounds like a safe option, should we do it at Fitz's place so that Norman can learn a little about being greedy in his own room?" Jessica suggested curiously and the boar nodded his head gently. He then patted Jessica's leg, insisting he'd get everything sorted before he stood up and left. He then insisted that Jessica should order in something she really wanted to eat tonight as he left. Jessica grinned in amusement, watching him with a smirk before turning to Norman as he licked at her paw. "He's too good to us, isn't he?"

Norman gave a grunt, not sure what was happening but starting to get fidgety as he sat on the floor and stared up at Jessica expectantly. He gave low whines, trying to catch her attention and yet she was just quickly flicking through her phone to look for takeaways she could get around here. She was ignoring him and Norman was irritated, but he was more anxious so he began to whine softly at her and Jessica just stretched her hand out, patting his head gently as he then gave an uncomfortable grunt and went out to go and collect his chew toy. With his toy, he sat in his bed, staring towards Jessica obediently but pitifully too as she continued to ignore him for a little while, even after food as ordered and it came.

Whilst she was eating, Jessica could feel him sitting under her table and licking her knee, trying to encourage her to drop something for him, but she knew not to. He only got treats when he was being a good boy and he wouldn't like a pizza despite what he envisioned! After a little while, her refusal to share had irritated him enough that Norman lay between her legs, nose to the sky as he gave soft whimpers before then grumbling. His hilarious grumbling sounds made her grin in amusement, he was being really silly and it was quite fantastic to hear! The little noises like he was arguing with her and quickly, Jessica was laughing to herself.

As soon as he was hearing her laugh, he stood up and pulled himself out from under the table with his tail waggling about in excitement. He stood beside her, drool forming in his jowls and the funniest look of determination upon his piggy face. He whimpered to them, desperate to be given the something for the job of making her laugh and Jessica groaned. She stretched her hand down to stroke him, but he assumed it was food and was quick to lap the grease from her hand as she rolled her eyes softly with a gentle shake of her head.

"You really are a silly boy, Norman! You should be less motivated food and more motivated by sex... but I guess you're still in that late teenage phase where your brain can't quite decide between sex and pizza. I went through that... I was only interested in getting the best veggie burger around that I once only agreed to date a guy because he worked at the place and would get free meals... he got fed up I'd always ask for the same meal!" Jessica teased, stroking the dog's face after finishing her meal and Norman gave a grunt of reassurance and affection. He then clambered up onto her lap and the chair fell backwards as she gave a bleat and her leapt off with a look of shock. "Norman!"

"So... this is the problem pup?" Fitz was curious when he heard the door knocking about ten minutes after the scheduled arrival time, but he was not surprised. He had opened the door and found poor Jessica dragging in a bullmastiff dog that was refusing to cooperate with the lead. Apparently, when Norman was travelling to a new place he could smell other dogs in, he got terribly upset and would become very stubborn. But when Fitz opened the door, the dog recognised that interesting things happened in houses and had strolled in comfortably as the rabbit had heaved a sigh looking up to her friend.

"He's a teenager in dog years, you know just turned eighteen, raring to go out and get his own way and have as much sex as possible... but actually pretty terrified of everything he's not got to deal with." Jessica teased, making Fitz chuckle away as he then watched the dog marching around the room with snorts and grunts of fascination. It was enough to say that Jessica was quite right as suddenly sounds or different, strong smells made Norman jolt. As Fitz closed the door, he and Jessica then strolled over to a near set of wooden sofas that looked like they belonged in a garden or a conservatory and Jessica was aware that it was to reduce staining whenever Fitz had work. As she settled down, she smiled sweetly then gave a grunt. "So... what do we do about Norman?"

"Well, currently we've got the camera going so that our guests can listen and learn just as you're going to. My thoughts are that we let him have a good look around the room and if he even thinks to lift his leg, correct him by taking him by the collar and leading him away. Alright?" Fitz stated, making it sound so simple as Jessica nodded her head, watching the big fool of a dog out of the corner of her eye. As they were chatting together calmly about everything Norman was doing, Fitz was in agreement that he needed more socialisation and then he would be fine, but workwise he's got the right attitude. However, they were quick to notice that Norman was looking for the right spot to wee against and calmly, Fitz stood up and fetched a puppy pad, sitting it down and then clearing his throat before tapping at it to attract Norman's attention.

The dog ignored him, cocking a leg near one of the chairs and then Jessica was quick to grab him by the collar and drag him to the puppy pad. She sat him down there, tapping at it gently and then looking at him expectantly. Norman looked at her in confusion, bent his head to sniff at the mat and then stood up, strolling back to sniff about again. He was looking to a table now and when he tried to lift his leg, Jessica went to fetch him back again, pulling him to the puppy pad. This time he gave a whine of confusion and irritation for a while, not sure what was going on before he stepped over to try and pee on something else. Jessica pulled him back and then Norman sat there for a while, whining and trying to figure out what was being asked of him.

"Do you think he'll get the idea he can pee on the pad?" Jessica questioned gently and Fitz just grinned. He seemed confident that it would be fine and Jessica had to admit she was curious now. She watched Norman try to decide whether to try somewhere else and get dragged back or just to pee there, but she wanted to know why this session was a proper training session. She'd assumed that it was a moment where they would get the dog to urinate on Fitz perhaps and get rid of his issues there? That's what she'd assumed.... "So... what about your work?"

"Hmm? Oh... this is how we do it... we teach them to use the pad and then move the pad, whenever they go and pee on the pad we introduce a word that will be recognised as go to the toilet. Then when we train them enough to urinate on that command, I can get them to urinate on me or whatever I'm told to do it with and that's it." Fitz stated calmly and Jessica found herself blinking in surprise, utterly startled by the fact that this guy was talking about it so calmly. He was smiling happily as Norman then seemed to give in and peed on the pad. It beckoned them to both suddenly clap their hands and praise him for doing it, making the dog suddenly look proud of himself. "Good... I've got puppy pads you can have to teach him, it takes time to get it right but it means he won't pee on you..."

"You heard that?" Jessica questioned, only for Fitz to point towards a ceiling camera, making her blush heavily. She shook her head in laughter suddenly, blushing for how damn awkward that was before she gave a soft groan and then slumped back into the sofa. She'd really assumed that there would be more to this meeting than actual training and her own embarrassment as a dog owner. But Fitz gave a chuckle as Norman strolled over to snuffle at her gently, wagging his tail and whining for attention. She bent forward, giving him a few strokes before Fitz then gave a curious expression upon his face.

"Should I show him what good boys do and see if he gets jealous of me? I don't mind if he attacks me..." Fitz stated, but Jessica's ears straightened, and she waved her little bunny paws about desperately to encourage him not to put himself in such danger. But Fitz was just grinning at her playfully as he dropped himself down onto his knees with a smile and then gently barged the dog out of the way, splitting her legs open as she gave a yelp of surprise. "Fitz... it's not necessary..."

Jessica began, but rather swiftly he had her legs up over his shoulders, making her hips tilt upwards as she gave a soft grunt and then felt his paws gently grasp her knickers, blushing to think she'd worn this mini skirt for a good reason! Jessica had expected something naughty, but not to have herself brought into it as Norman was watching in fascination as Jessica relaxed her hips as Fitz took her knickers off. She was not sure if he was supposed to do something like that, especially because she knew he was interested in males more than females but, when he cast the knickers aside, Norman darted after them and Jessica gave a chuckle.

"Silly thing... oh no... he's licking them!" They'd been big pink knickers, high leg and she was soon giggling to watch Norman hook them up in his jaw, shake them around like a toy until his nose had been twitching. He dropped it, suddenly snuffling at them desperately, recognising her scent fully and then lapping at the knickers hungrily. His tail wiggled and he gave grunts as he licked them. Jessica could not help but find it hilarious, until she felt the narrow muzzle of the Doberman between her thighs as Fitz had chuckled and then began to lick at her slightly damp lips. She gave a sharp sound of surprise before relaxing back, feeling his nose press against the top near her clit whilst his tongue began to slurp inwards.

His big long tongue rolled, up and down, moving in great wet slaps that flicked her clit to make her hips jolt. His tongue stuffed in, pulling out her juices and making her opening twitch as he drank in her honey without a word. His tongue stuffed in deep, pressing at different places to feel out her good points as Jessica gave a sudden moan of delight. Her hips were jerking and she gave a grunt as she swung her legs out wide and lifted her hip closer to his muzzle. She moaned and sighed desperately, before he gave a grunt and then pulled his head back as she shivered in pleasure.

"You open very wide... I can see you're used to dogs..." Fitz grinned, licking his lips gently and then pulling back, sitting down beside her legs as Norman hurried over to have a look. He sniffed at Fitz's face suddenly, snuffling in excitement before then licking Fitz's muzzle in pleasure. He recognised the scent and then stuck his head between Jessica's legs as she gave a grunt of surprise. Fitz stepped behind him, grabbing her legs to hold them up and apart for her as Jessica gave a groan and Norman began to lap at her desperately.

His thick canine tongue was slurping and slapping at her madly, his tail waggling happily in delight before he then felt her body tensing around his tongue. He pulled back with a soft grunt, turning away and walking over to Fitz, almost obediently. Jessica gave a soft whine of dismay, she'd rather enjoyed both of them licking her out, but as Fitz praised him for being a good boy, she was grinning to see that Norman was being well-behaved for another person in the room, then Fitz turned to her with a grin.

Put your hands onto the sofa, knees onto the floor and don't mind as I put on a rubber and bring you to an orgasm, before letting him take over... but I won't let him tie with you, alright?" Fitz beamed softly and Jessica was quick to kneel down onto the floor obediently, unzipping her skirt and pulling it away as she then lifted her little cotton tail to show off everything she'd been given. She then spread her legs as Norman then hurried over, giving a grunt and rushing to her side before Fitz pushed him back, unzipping and pulling his underwear and trousers down to show off his erection. Norman gave another whimper, hurrying to stand near Jessica to gain her attention, before then spinning about in a circle, utterly frustrated though Jessica had to laugh.

"Here we go..." Fitz stated, slipping a condom over his form carefully and then bringing it to her pussy, stroking her soft, velvety and wet folds as she gave a pleasant moan and Norman gave an impatient whine. Fitz then gently pushed himself into her, feeling her body open wide then snag about him, pulling him in and massaging down his length. He gave a soft sigh of pleasure, rather surprised how pleasant she felt as he pushed himself in a little deeper, then pulled back. She gave a soft sigh of delight at his withdrawal, making Norman pace back and forth beside them, his nose trying to get there to know what was happening and his cock slipping in and out of its sheath as Fitz then pushed in faster and then began to really move into Jessica's body.

With firm fast pumps, grasping hold of Jessica's hip and then pinching her little cottontail in delight, she was moaning desperately for more as he looked down at the dog that was whining at him pathetically but the Doberman just shook his head with a smirk. The dog sat, whining but waiting for his moment as Fitz grasped hold of Jessica's hips a little more tightly and then began to pound into her. His thighs clapped against hers, he went in to the hilt, his balls clapping at their flesh as Jessica gave gasps and jolts, moving forward then rocking back, her hips thrusting with him as her head went back and her ears began to droop.

She moaned and sighed in utter joy, her whole body tingling and humming with pleasure though the pressure sat tightly at the bottom of her belly, almost pushing at her bladder. She groaned a moaned, a hiccupping sound starting to fill the room as she opened her mouth and seemed to gape in order to breathe as Fitz was thumping into her harder. His cock pushed her body open, pushing in and thumping at the drum inside that sent thuds of pleasure into the back of her head. She moaned louder and Fitz seemed to aim for a point that made her body explode with electric tingles and her insides squeeze him tightly. The more he moved the more the dog was watching desperately and then, he licked his lips and hurried in as fast and clumsy as he could until that delicious bubble within popped.

Jessica gave out a loud moan of delight, her whole body shivering and her insides clenching and twitching like mad. Her honey poured down his length, dribbling down her thighs and onto the floor before Fitz pulled back with a gentle smile and then let Norman come closer. Jessica shivered, shuddered, drinking in air desperately with a drunken expression of pleasure upon her face before Norman was to her groin. He slurped and rolled his tongue against her groin desperately, feeling it twitch at his touch as she sighed happily and then the dog reared up and mounted.

His actions were clumsy but thankfully she was wide open and easy to get into. The little bunny began to give sharp gasps of surprise, then she moaned before huffing and puffing. Her insides were already static, every time the cock was sliding in and out, her body was shooting with pleasure to make her moan, before the dog's actions became more desperate. Norman's paws were wrapped about her body and his hips were moving fast, thundering into her body, opening her out wider and dragging out all her juices as she squeezed about him tight and moaned in delight. His tail was going rigid and his knot was starting to groan, but that was when Fitz knelt down beside him and brought his own paw to the dog's cock. Despite how wet, slippery and warm it was, he wrapped his paw about the bottom of the cock, the dog did not care but Fitz made his grasp tight enough that Norman gave a yelp and then suddenly dismounted and stood there obediently.

Jessica was shivered and moaning through another orgasm, her insides were flooding with sperm from the dog, but she was not being pulled open by his knot. Instead, the knot sat against the squeeze of Fitz's paw and Norman was standing their with a perfect expression of bliss as his seed splattered into Jessica's body and was starting to dribble out as she just enjoying the twitching, hot, rod that was still rubbing at all her best points and making her moan. As she relaxed against it, just letting herself get filled up, Fitz gently eased Norman's cock out and then held his hand over Jessica's gash, beckoning her to sit back down to where he'd put a puppy pad without her knowing and told her to spread her legs.

Jessica did as was requested and then moaned wonderfully as her insides shivered and the thick splat of Norman's cum began to slide out between her legs and onto the puppy pad whilst the dog was busy cleaning himself. She moaned and lounged back, feeling even better for the shivering, quivering sensation of the hot liquid dribbling out of her as Fitz gave a soft chuckle.

"Let's do this again for a week, not only train him to use the puppy pad for the toilet, but get used to waiting until it's his turn so you won't have any problems..." He grinned happily and Jessica gave a shiver of delight... this was training she could get used to!