Breaking societal expectations

Story by BoyDragon95 on SoFurry

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Breaking societal expectations

A prequel to my upload last week


M/M: Fingering, Anal, Oral

Sex starts at part 4, but I tried really hard on the whole thing :)

Part 1

"Try to keep up Nessy!" A young dragon hollered as he took off into the air with several others, hued in reds and oranges. "Why do they let dragonesses on these hunting trips anyway!?" Another burst out, laughing.

"Fuck you!" Ember tried to yell back, but they were already far ahead into the sky. "Nessy this, Nessy that, you'd think they could come up with some new insults after the one-hundredth time."

Ember, was no dragoness. He was a young, red, male drake with immaculately smooth scales. "Don't mind them, they're just insecure." An actual dragoness, with matching red scales and green eyes flew up beside ember.

"Hey sis." Ember replies somberly.

"I mean it, you know. I don't think there's anything wrong with you. Why should anyone care if you fly like a dying vulture, really?"

Ember laughed at his sister's snide comment. "Appreciated." He replies. "You know it doesn't bother me, If they are going to act like assholes to me, then there's no reason for me to want to be friends with them." He shifts his wings to descend. "Sometimes, it just feels they are all the same. There's no one to be friends with who isn't an asshole."

"Aw, cheer up." His sister said, landing beside him and looking empathetic. "Just forget about it, how was fishing?"

For the river faction, fishing, and similarly, swimming, was an important cultural tradition. A tradition, which was typically, or, universally designated to the females. Flying, hunting, and fighting, all left for the drakes. Ember wasn't much for the masculine pursuits, he was quite terrible at flying, and breathing fire, bothered him, frankly.

"It went well, thanks for asking, Kindle." Ember lay down with his forelegs crossed and rest his head.

"I bet it went better than you make it sound. You're far better at fishing than I am. Even teach says so." She wasn't kidding. Ember was a natural when it came to swimming, fishing, and running. "

"Yeah, you're right." Ember replied, still looking defeated. "That's why they call me Nessy." He stood up and stretched, and started walking alongside his sister. "Swimming and fishing, that's a feminine thing, and running, that's just plain weird, what self-respecting dragon would rather walk on the ground instead of flying?"

"Oh, there's Nessy!" The same orange drake from earlier called down as he swiftly swooped down in front of Kindle and her brother, followed by some other young males. "Oh, you finally found some other nesses huh? congratulations." He says, looking at Kindle.

"Oh, just leave him alone Scorch!" Kindle snaps. "At least he gets to be in the company of females, unlike some dragons I know." There was his sister's snide sense of humor.

"Yeah!" Ember burst out. "Why do you keep bothering me anyway? Is there something you want to tell me?" He was feeling himself again now. "I knew it since I first laid eyes on your beautiful brown eyes." He circled around and leaned into the orange drakes face seductively. "I do swing that way, you know." Kindle started laughing at her brother's convincingly genuine advance.

"Yeesh, nevermind Nessy." Scorch looked incredibly uncomfortable and stepped back, raising his eyebrows. The dragons with Scorch started laughing and pointing. "Hah, you two are perfect together." Scorch threw a look at Ember and flew off with the others, chattering derisively, something about consummation.

"By the wind gods, that was amazing Ember, I couldn't believe the look on his face! When did you learn to be so seductive?" Kindle asked, somewhat seriously, but laughing. "Hey, you know me, I'm very seductive. I have a lot of practice." Ember replied with a smug look on his face, chin raised high. "Don't you think that might make their teasing worse though?" Kindle asked, suddenly concerned.

"Hey! I was being serious. He is very attractive. Also, I already told you I don't give a shit what they think."

Kindle looked amused. "Whatever you say, lover boy. If you'll excuse me, I have some screaming dragonets who probably need some good old corporal punishment." Kindle remarked, referring to her new job at the nursery.

"Yeah, you gotta start young. If you let them question authority you might end up with a whole generation like me." Ember said smugly.

Kindle wasn't so sure what to think of that joke, but she smiled and said goodbye anyway, before flying off toward the town.

Part 2

"Alright, fuck those fucking fuckers I guess." Ember thought to himself, now alone. Guess I need something else to do with my day. For Ember, that usually meant swimming, fishing, exploring, or being a nuisance to the local population. There were no swimming lessons today though, and he'd already filled his nuisance being quota for the day. That left exploring. Ember often wandered around the forests surrounding the hunting grounds. There was a creek he could swim in and a lot of privacy, generally.

"Eh, could always use a good stretch." Ember thought to himself, and started heading toward the forest.

The red drake decided to take the opportunity to practice his flying. It's not like he could just, not fly ever; That just seemed silly. He was fine at it after all, just not nearly as fine as, well, every other male dragon ever, basically. "That ends today." He thinks to himself, determined and putting on a serious expression. He flaps as hard as he can to gain some altitude, shakes his head, and nosedives for speed. "WHOAAA, THAT'S A LITTLE TOO MUCH!!" His wobbly dive was a disaster waiting to happen. Miraculously, he manages to level out.


Elated, and overconfident, he swoops lower to the ground. "WHO'S YOU CALLING NESSY NOW HUH? HUH? OH SHIIIT!" Scorch lost his balance and was now on a collision course with a tree. He violently brushes through the branches, losing speed, and practically falls like a rock to the ground with a crash. He lays there for a minute. "Ouch." He says out loud.

"Ouch is right. You ok there buddy?" An unknown voice calls out calmly. Ember raises his head and opens one eye to look.

"Who's there?" He spots a brown dragon, muscular and scarred seated calmly under a tree. "Oh good, it's just a total stranger. I thought it might be some of those asswipe hunters-in-training." Ember calls out sarcastically.

"Excuse me?" The stranger says, raising his eyebrow.

"I would be so embarrassed if someone I knew saw me crash into the ground, but since it's someone I've never seen before, I feel totally comfortable. Actually, that was on purpose." The red dragon gets up and brushes himself off dramatically. "Youuuu, don't look like you're from around here." There weren't any dragons like this in the River Faction. The only colors typical of the area were hues of red, pink, and orange, with some exceptions.

"I mean, neither are you. Pretty sure this is neutral territory." The blue-eyed stranger said, matter-of-factly.

"True. Very true. That's why I'm claiming it in the name of butts." Ember was practically striking a pose now.

"Excuse me?" The stranger asks again, this time with a grin across his face. He squints his eyes, lowers his head, and asks, "Why butts?"

"I just like butts ok? My name's Ember, by the way. And you're right, I'm from the River Faction, If you couldn't tell by my rosy complexion." Ember eased up and smiled at the stranger. "I just like to come here on my time off."

"My name is uh... This'll sound stupid," The brown drake seemed uncomfortable. "Blue-Eyes." He blurted out.

"Your parents must've been feeling very creative when they named you." Ember said, looking amused.

Blue-Eyes laughed, "True. They're delightful, really, but you can just call me Blue. I visit this forest often to think and get some time to myself. I'm from Long-Tail mountain."

The red drake had been sizing up Blue this whole time, but he didn't act his stature. He seemed, sophisticated and gentle, for lack of a better expression. Oh, and very handsome. This fact made Ember feel self-conscious, now that he was bruised and dirty from his tree episode.

Blue must've noticed too, because he suggested they visit a nearby creek. "I come here all the time to clean and relax. The water is wonderful and clean." Blue said as they walked. The two chatted on the way there about various topics, mostly regarding the customs of the different factions.

"You seem a lot different than what I've heard about the dragons from the Mountain Faction. Everyone back home says you hate us." Ember said conversationally.

"Oh, most of them do, actually. I'm weird." Blue-Eyes responded, bluntly.

"Dragons really have a lot in common huh, I'm weird too. you have no idea." Ember comically lived up to this remark immediately, because he spotted the creek through the foliage and immediately booked it, nearly tripping over himself. As soon as he reached the water's edge, he jumped in, yelling some nonsensical jargon as he did so.

"Damn, he moves fast." Blue thought to himself, and sauntered over, and dipped his snout in the cool, clear water to drink.

Ember was swimming and splashing around so skillfully that Blue was taken aback. He observed calmly as the green-eyed dragon darted upstream to a small waterfall, dived under, and disappeared. After a minute or so, Blue was beginning to become concerned, when suddenly, Ember burst out of the water directly in front of him, splashing his face and chest with water.

"I GAWT FUD FO U!!" Ember spat out several fish onto the grassy bed of the riverbank. Blue was impressed.

"Appreciated." He said honestly. "I've never seen a dragon do that before. Sure, I like swimming too, but I could never move that fast." He took some into his maw and swallowed.

Ember looked as proud as a new father, except instead of standing over a newly laid egg, it was a pile of slimy fish. "It's a River drake- I mean, uh, a river faction sort of... thing." Ember lost his confidence rapidly as he spoke.

Blue looked amused by this response, scarfing down a trout whole. "I see." He replied.

"Only girls do it. Like, I'm the only male ever who learned how to fish." Ember confessed.

Blue nearly spat out his fish in a laugh, but composed himself. "I guess we do have a lot in common after all."

"You're a dragoness!? I had no idea that the Long-Tails had such muscular Nesses." Ember burst out. Blue scrunched his face and looked Ember in the eyes, but stayed silent. "It was a joke, you were supposed to laugh. Look, I can only have so many banger jokes before I run out ok." Ember said somberly.

"Oh no, I'm sorry, I knew it was a joke. I liked it." Blue broke the silence, honestly. "Well, I'm not really doing anything feminine necessarily, frankly, the dragonesses where I come from are pretty muscular." Blue smiled at Ember. "I meant we have a lot in common because I don't really fit in with the others, male or female."

They chatted for a while, went swimming, and ember told the story of what happened with Kindle and Scorch, as they spoke, Blue couldn't help but notice how attractive he was. His mind wandered. Blue was so distracted by his emerald green eyes that he almost forgot to laugh at the punchline of his new crush's latest joke. Blue explained the culture of the Mountain Faction briefly, including the intense training males had to undergo.

"I guess I have to go back home and do more "training," or I may get a quite literal ass-kicking." Blue said, breaking eye contact. "Thanks for the fish."

"Anytime." The red-scaled dragon replied.

As blue wandered off, he looked back at Ember and took off into the sky, wondering if he should've said something. He had guessed from the story that Ember was interested in other males and regretted not admitting that connection with his new crush. Ember similarly returned home, this time, lost in thought.

Part 3

The next week went by very quickly for Ember. He performed worse than usual in his flying lessons, unable to stop thinking about what had happened at the creek. Despite this, he thoroughly enjoyed his swimming lessons as usual.

"Great job Ember. You're one of the best students I've ever had." An old, pale pink dragoness said proudly. "You remind me of a student I had long ago. He was... well, the only other male I've seen take up swimming in all my long years."

Ember was taken aback. "Really?! I honestly thought I must be the only one ever." He pondered the development for a moment. "Teach, tell me what happened to him! What is he like? Can I meet him?"

Teach looked very somber. "I'm afraid not." She said. "He died some years ago in combat." She looked completely lost in combat. "Truthfully, he was my husband, many years ago I was widowed."

Ember wanted to cry. "I'm so sorry teach. Forget I asked."

"Oh no, I'm glad you asked." Teach smiled. "He was kind, and gentle. He thought he had come up with an excellent plan to find a mate, by taking swimming lessons and going with all the females, stupid, clever hatchling that he was. At the time, it wasn't allowed at all, for drakes to take swimming, but he convinced them by being excellent at it."

Ember was impressed. "He learned all by himself?" He asked. Sure, any old dragon could swim, but swimming on the level of a River Faction dragon was no joke.

"Oh no, he had help." Teach said, in a way he had never heard her talk, giggling. She dived smoothly into the water, like a snake.

Realization hit the drakes face like a truck. "I think I get what you're trying to say." He smiled, as he followed into the water. "Why are you telling me this, Teach?"

Teach looked concerned. "I just thought you should know. My husband didn't care what anyone thought. If it weren't for him, males probably still wouldn't be allowed in swimming lessons, and females wouldn't be allowed hunting either."

Ember had never thought about it. Sure, he had seen some females on the hunting trips, occasionally, but It was quite rare. Hell, after all these years of it being allowed, Ember was still the only male to ever be interested in swimming.

The pink dragoness dived and came up again. Shaking the water from her ears. "What I'm trying to say is that, even though the official rules have changed, the societal rules are clearly still very set in stone."

Part 4

At the end of his swimming lesson, Ember decided to fly back to the creek, thinking about what teach had told him. He arrived shortly and dived into the water. After spending some time wading around on his back and splashing around, he dived and grabbed some fish to eat. After scarfing down a few, he held one in the air above the water and started talking to it.

"Hey Nessy-Wessy! Tired of flying already? Isn't there a clutch of eggs back at home that needs turning or something? Also, make me a dragon sandwich." Ember went on like this for a little while.

"Am I... interrupting something here?" A familiar voice called out behind him. It was Blue. Shortly, a fish hit him directly in the face.

"Rude." The floating red male replied, flipping over on his back and splashing with his feet. "You should try talking to it. It's a good listener. He's talking right now. He says: "Please eat me, I can't stand listening to this Nessy anymore!"

Blue snatched the fish up and swallowed it. "Happy to oblige."

Ember shoved his head partway underwater. "Thank you! Gurgle Gurgle!" He yelled comically, bubbling up the water.

"You're welcome." The brown drake laughed, rubbing his belly. "Mind if I join you?"

"Of course not." The red replied, beckoning by splashing the water. "I thought you might come back here."

Blue dived in face first, submerging fully underwater. As he resurfaced, he shook his head, and dipped his head in a few more times to wash his ears and face. The two splashed around, and swam up together to the waterfall, letting the water wash over their wings and back. They rose from the water and chatted for a half-hour or so.

Ember watched Blue scratch his ears. "I'm glad I got to see you again. I was hoping you'd come back here."

Blue stopped scratching and looked pleasantly back at the Green-eyed dragon. "Honestly, I was hoping to see you again too, but I didn't think I'd find you again so soon." He smiled. "I'm glad I found someone I can talk to without the fear of judgment."

If embers scales weren't already colored red, surely anyone could tell how much he was blushing. "Truthfully, I never really cared what others thought." He said. His jade green eyes looked more beautiful than they ever had. "I always assumed that if someone didn't like me, I could just find someone else who did. But it never seems to work. They all seem the same." He looked into Blue's eyes as he spoke. "But since I met you, I feel like I finally found someone different."

Blue looked away. "I'm flattered, honestly. I really don't know what to say."

There was an awkward silence that lasted a few seconds, but felt like ages. For a moment, only the silent sounds of the forest could be heard. The running water, the wind bustling through the trees, and the wildlife, busy with their day. The sun glistened off of Ember's ruby red scales. Blue-Eyes looked at ease.

"I love you, Blue-Eyes."

Those 3 words struck Blue-Eyes in a way he'd never quite felt. He had felt the same way for some time but didn't know how to express it. Even still, his mind wandered to all the challenges this relationship might produce. They're both males, they're from factions that, at best, tolerate each other. His parents would not approve of the relationship. Even still, Ember made him feel a way he never had. He knew he couldn't let this opportunity get away.

"Truthfully, I feel the same." Blue replies, after a few seconds, which felt like hours.

The red dragon's face lit up. "You really mean it?"

Blue-Eyes nodded

"I can't even begin to describe how scared I was to tell you." Ember confessed, the happiness on his face fading to seriousness a little. He looked back at his new lover. "Does that mean it's official? I'm really your boyfriend?" He asks, shying.

Blue-Eyes panicked. "I want to. I really do, but there's so much baggage in my life. I don't care what the others might think, but what they might do scares me. My people aren't exactly tolerant." He didn't want to ruin the moment, but he couldn't just ignore the obvious issues, and there were many issues.

Ember shifted on his feet, pawed the sand, and then looked up at Blue. "Neither are mine, trust me. But I've never cared what they thought, not for a long time. I found ways to deal with it. If you don't want to, you don't have to, I don't want you to feel pressured, but I just had to say something. I couldn't stand the thought that I could lose you, just because I was too afraid to speak up." He looked down at his feet. "I'm sorry if it's too much."

Blue smiled, leaned up to Ember, and kissed him on the cheek. "It's not too much, it really isn't. You're a sweetheart. Let's just... see what happens."

The handsome red drake leaned in to rub his snout against his new boyfriend. He nipped behind his ears and licked his snout. Blue opened up and they shared a deep, passionate kiss. Ember strutted in a circle with his tail raised around Blue and rubbed their bodies together, pressing his head against Blue's neck, and licking him lovingly.

The red drake nipped at his new crush for a few minutes. The heat between them becoming evident by their racing hearts. "I love you." He said. "I want... to suck your dick."

Blue-Eyes didn't say anything, but looked into his lovers Jade-green eyes. He kissed Ember, broke away, and lay on his side. With a smirk on his face, he raised his rear leg, exposing his slit and tailhole, fresh and clean from their earlier swim.

His red boyfriend's face lit up. "Now that's what I'm talking about. Goddamn, you're hot." He paced over, standing up and waving his tail around suggestively, inspecting the nether regions. after sizing it up, he leaned down and began lapping at the young drakes slit, moving his tongue inside the crack to feel the rapidly hardening member. As it emerged from its hiding place, he pursed his mouth to suckle on the tip, taking more of it into his mouth as it rose.

"Shit. I've never felt anything this intense before." The brown dragon moaned, reaching down to caress his lover's ears."He felt his hips throbbing and began thrusting lightly. "By the wind gods, you are so adorable."

When the shaft reached its full length, ember pulled away, allowing his tongue to slide away slowly, and giving the tip a lick. Blue clenched, causing his tailhole to wink and member to rise and fall from his belly. "Do you like it?" The muscular brown asked seductively.

The handsome red dragon had a devious smirk on his face. "Hell Yeah!" He exclaimed. "It's just what I'd expect from someone with a burly build like yourself, and just as rugged, attractive, and inviting too." He raised a claw to his face. "And what do we have here?" He licked one talon, and leaned down to finger his boyfriend's tailhole. "Do you want me to?" He paused to ask, thoughtfully.

Blue's heart was racing. "Go ahead, I'm all yours." He replied. "I appreciate you asking." He looked down at his grinning boyfriend, who gently inserted his dull talon into his tight tailhole slowly. He took his other claw, slobbered all over it, and tightly grasped the muscular brown drakes malehood. "Holy shit. I can't believe this is happening." Blue-Eyes moaned out.

Ember pushed the claw in all the way he could and bent it to try and hit the prostate. He noticed the cute noises Blue was making and looked up at him. He slowly worked his finger and masturbated the dripping member as he did so. His boyfriend was making a lot of noise now. "You can be pretty cute if you want to. You know that, right?" Ember says, honestly.

Blue felt like his heart would burst at any moment from the amount of love and pleasure he was feeling. "I love you so much, Ember. I've never felt so much love for a single dragon, I really mean it." At this signal, Ember moved his tongue over to his lover's cock, and took as much as he could fit into his maw, moving his tongue around near the base, even farther than his snout would let him go, feeling into the slit.

Blue looked down at his lover. "Oh Ember, wait, I don't want to cum just yet."

Ember froze and looked up in surprise, with a dick still stuffed in his mouth, as if he'd bitten off a little too much meat from a freshly hunted cow. "Owkae." He mumbled, opened his mouth completely off, and pulled his finger out of Blue's tailhole, gaping. He looked up at Blue, who was panting and throbbing. "What's up?" He asked genuinely.

The rugged brown dragon looked full of lust. "I want your dick in my ass." he said bluntly, looking at his boyfriend's fully erect penis. "Your body looks ready." He observed. "Only if you want to, though." Blue added, thoughtfully, and smiled.

Ember pretended to look surprised and craned his neck down to stare comically under his legs. "Hey, when did that get like that?" He joked, swinging his hips to allow his hard cock to slap against his hips. "I need to hide it somewhere so no one can see, how embarrassing."

Blue rolled all the way on his back, and reached down to his asshole to spread it apart, beckoning non-verbally by tilting his head to the side. "Go ahead." He smiled.

Ember walked over and rubbed the spreading pucker with a talon a little before placing both front paws on his boyfriend's muscular chest and lining up his dripping member to the gaping entrance. "Alright, here goes." He says, as he thrusts and misses a few times, smearing pre-cum onto Blue's groin area. After a few tries, he found his mark and shifted his rear legs to ease his length in slowly, his long, thin tail, swinging gracefully with the back and forth motion of his hips. As he pushed further, both males moaned out in pleasure.

"By the wind gods, it feels like your dick was made just for me." Blue moaned out.

Ember smiled and placed the tip of his snout on Blue's forehead as he pushed in further, giving him a soft kiss. '"You're adorable." He whispered. He began thrusting lightly and methodologically. "Adorable and tight. Do they train your butthole muscles in the Long-Tail kingdom too?" He joked.

Blue laughed, nipping at his boyfriend's ears and neck. "No, but this isn't the first time I've tried putting something in there." He answered, bluntly. He looked up at ember, who had an unreadable expression on his face. "Oh, don't worry. Yours is the first dick I've had in there."

Ember looked a little wounded. "Oh, I don't care if you've had boyfriends or girlfriends before." He answered, honestly. "I was just upset that you didn't laugh at my hilarious joke." He picked up the pace. "Also, did I mention your butthole is really tight?" He said, lightening the mood.

Blue laughed again and kissed Ember. "I think so, but the fact you've mentioned it twice must mean you're telling the truth." He buried his tongue into Ember's mouth. "Tastes fishy." Blue says, light-heartedly.

Ember began thrusting faster, Feeling his groin grind against his boyfriend's taint as he pushed his member as deep as it would go. "Sorry, It's a side effect of catching fish for my new boyfriend. Also, you ate more than me." He pointed out.

The two felt as if time stopped and they were connected in more ways than one. Ember could feel his boyfriend's tailhole tightening against the base of his cock, signaling a climax.

"Mmm..." Blue was panting now and had his eyes closed. "I'm going to cum. Don't stop." He was clenching on Ember's cock so much, and Ember's dick was in so deep that the brown drakes dick began rubbing and smacking at his boyfriend's stomach, leaving a string of pre cum each time it hit, and making a satisfying slap. "Eep. Oh god..." He whispered.

Ember lifted his head up as Blue leaned his neck back and ejaculated into the air, the majority of the thick initial spurts landing on his own face. The weaker spurts fell more lightly on his lightly colored stomach and chest, eventually leaking down his shaft and pooling in his slit."

Meanwhile, the tightening of the strong anal muscle around his dick made ember feel like he was in heaven. He reached down to his boyfriend's belly and used a finger that hadn't been in any tailholes to scoop some of the seed up and taste it. "Yummy." He said seductively. "Needed something to wash down all that fish." He leaned to Blue's face and began licking off the delicious liquid. The lust in the air was overwhelming. "I'm going to cum." He said. "Want me to pull out?"

Blue shook his head, and leaned in for another passionate kiss, as he felt hot seed hit his inner walls, The smaller drake shaking over him in euphoria. Blue continued gripping his boyfriend's cock as tightly as he could, even after his own orgasm.

After the first few ropes of seed had found their place in Blue's tailhole, ember pulled out in one, slurping motion and grabbed his own slick cock, masturbating it as more seed shot onto Blue's softening penis. After he was done, he squeezed as much cum as he could out like a bottle of toothpaste and coated Blue's gaping asshole with it.

He collapsed onto his muscular boyfriend, both of them exhausted, and they nipped at each other's ears and necks. They lay like for a while and rubbed their sticky members together, kissing and caressing each other gently.

Eventually, Ember rolled off and looked up at the sky. "Holy shit." He said. "I'm really glad I got the guts to confess to you like that." He leaned over and kissed Blue on the cheek. "I wasn't kidding, I really do love you."

Blue gazed back at him. "I know you do. I'm glad you told me too. I'm not sure I would ever be able to admit it to you." He looked down at the mess on his belly. "Probably should go clean this off now, you down for another swim?"

Ember shot up and shook off. "Do you even need to ask? I'm basically a fish."

To be continued