All For a Milkshake (Part. 3)

Story by Albeon on SoFurry

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All for a Milkshake (Part 3)


My half of a trade with

Part 1 is here:

Part 2 is here:

Also, this is my first shot at straight sex, be gentle lol.


Shaon stirred a bit in her sleep, pressing her back against Iel. She was having such pleasant dreams about their passionate lovemaking earlier in the morning. She began to wake up when Iel shifted in his sleep and removed his arm from around her waist. She whimpered a bit and nuzzled back into him, wanting to feel his warmth against her. The movement woke up Iel, who smiled as he hugged his little sister close.

"Hey Shaon," he said, giving her a kiss on the top of the head.

"Mmmmm, good morning again Iel," said Shaon, sighing happily as he held her. She wanted to lay there with him all day, but looking at the clock, she saw that their sex-induced nap had lasted several hours, and it was now after lunch time. "We should get up. I'm hungry and we're late for lunch."

"Okay. I'll have a hamburger for lunch, and some crinkle fries," mumbled Iel, rolling back over.

Shaon sighed, giggled a bit, then went into the kitchen to fix lunch up. As she pulled the pots and pans out of the cupboard, she thought about the drastic changes that had come to her relationship with Iel over the past couple days. They weren't related, but he was like a brother to her. She ought to feel some sort of guilt over what they'd been doing, shouldn't she? The more she thought though, the more she realized that she didn't feel guilty. She actually felt very content with the way things were going, and wanted them to continue. Her mind eased, she went back to her cooking.

Half an hour later, Shaon walked out into the living room with two plates. She had a BLT for herself and a hamburger with a mound of crinkle fries for Iel. She found Iel sitting on the couch watching the TV. His nose twitched a bit when she walked into the room and he turned to face her with a smile on his muzzle.

"That looks great sis," he said as Shaon handed him the plate. Shaon sat down next to him and began eating her own smaller lunch. As she ate, she couldn't help but constantly look over at her brother with a goofy grin. Iel was completely oblivious to her attention, focused on his food and the tv. This went on until the meal was finished, at which point Shaon took the dishes into the kitchen to wash them and put them away.

After the dishes were cleaned and stowed, Shaon went back into the living room and snuggled up next to Iel on the couch. The fox absently wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a squeeze. The orange bat purred happily, nuzzling into Iel's chest and deeply inhaling his scent. Shaon stayed in that position for several hours, happily listening to Iel's heartbeat. It was almost 6pm when she began to hear loud grumbles coming from her brother's belly. Snapping out of her daze, she noticed that it was dinner time. Gently pushing herself away from Iel, she stood up and headed into the kitchen to start cooking. Iel stood up and followed her into the kitchen.

"Hey sis," the fox said, "how about I make you my special milkshakes while you cook?" He chuckled a bit as her eyes strayed down to his crotch. "Not that kind of shake silly, my world famous vanilla milkshakes. I promised you one of those too, remember?"

Shaon blushed brightly and nodded. "Yes, I'd love that Iel. I'm making baked chicken for dinner. Anything special you want for the sides?"

Iel thought for a moment then said, "Broccoli and mashed potatoes would be nice. Call me when it's almost done and I'll come in and start the shakes." The fox walked out of the kitchen, giving Shaon's butt a little squeeze as he passed. The little bat jumped and meeped at the contact, then set to work with a giggle.

About forty-five minutes later, Iel heard his little sister call to him from the kitchen. He got up and walked in to find her mashing a pot of potatoes. The broccoli was steamed and ready to eat, and the chicken was on a plate, ready to be served. "This looks great sis. I'm going to get the milkshakes done."

While Shaon put the finishing touches on the food and served it onto plates, Iel got the ice cream and milk out to make his milkshakes. Wanting to give his sister a bit of a surprise this time, he also took out some vanilla bean extract to add an extra zing of flavor. He put the ingredients together in the blender and turned it on until the milkshake was nice and thick and creamy. He then poured it into two cups just as Shaon finished putting the pots and pans she'd used away.

"All done," they both said at once. They looked at each other and broke out laughing. They both sat down with their plates and cups and began digging in. After her first sip of the shake, Shaon gasped and looked at Iel. "I don't know how," she said, "but I think it's even better than normal."

Iel just chuckled. "Of course it is, I made it with love." His chuckle turned into a laugh as he saw his little sister flush a bright red. "This meal is great by the way, thank you."

Shaon smiled broadly at the fox and continued eating. Before long, both plates were clear and both cups were empty. This time, Iel cleared the table, which surprised Shaon quite a bit. Usually Iel never did the housework. It didn't take him long to have all the dishes done and to come in and join her on the couch.

"How about a movie before bed," Iel asked. Shaon nodded, so Iel went and found a horror movie to put into the dvd player. He went back and sat next to his sister as the movie started playing. As the movie progressed, she slowly got closer and closer to him. Snuggling up tightly, whimpering at the scariest parts of the movie. By the time the movie was over, the poor little bat was jumpy and nervous looking. His face didn't betray anything, but Iel had actually planned this.

Casually, Iel made his move. "Shaon if that movie freaked you out, you can come sleep with me in my bed."

Shaon nodded. "Okay Iel, that should help." She turned off the tv in the living room and followed Iel into his bedroom. After they were both inside, Iel closed the door and began undressing. He removed his shirt, pants, and underwear, leaving him standing there nude before his sister. She stared at him openly, her mouth slightly agape.

"Are you going to get ready for bed sis," Iel asked. Shaon nodded blankly, taking off her shirt and pants. She lingered over her bra for a moment, but an encouraging nod from Iel made her discard that. Her panties were soon to follow. She stood fully naked for a moment, shivering in slight fear and great anticipation, before Iel walked up and gave her a hug.

The hug helped dispel the last of Shaon's nerves, and she pressed herself into her brother's body. Iel wrapped one arm around his sister's shoulders and cupped the back of her head with one hand, holding it close to her chest. She sighed happily, listening to her brother's heartbeat as he nuzzled the top of her head.

After a few minutes of being hypnotized by Iel's heartbeat, Shaon looked up into the fox's eyes. He smiled down at her warmly and leaned in to kiss her gently on the lips. Shaon returned the kiss passionately, opening her mouth to let Iel's tongue in. Iel's grip tightened, pulling Shaon more firmly against him.

Shaon blushed a bit as she felt Iel's sheath push up against her vagina. She remembered how he'd pushed his hot maleness into her earlier, filling her with such amazing feelings. She wanted to feel that again, so after a brief hesitation, she asked. "Iel...I want to do...that thing we did earlier. I want you to be inside me again."

Iel smiled. "Are you sure Shaon? You enjoyed it that much?"

"Y-yes...I liked it a lot. I know you did too. Can we do it again, please?" She gave him such a cute, innocent, wide-eyed stare that he couldn't possibly say no. Not that he had intended to say no at any point, but this just helped to seal the deal.

"Alright then," the fox said with a grin.

Shaon giggled happily and set to work. Sitting on Iel's bed with his crotch in front of her face, she began lightly licking at his sheath and rubbing his balls with both hands. Iel moaned as his member began peeking out of his sheath. Once Shaon saw the pink tip, she began giving it an intense tongue bath, the licking turning to suckling as more and more of the tapered length appeared.

Finally, Iel's entire foxy member had revealed itself. Shaon had a good portion of it in her mouth, and was running her tongue up and down the glistening meat, lapping up any pre that formed. Iel had his head lolled back, his tongue hanging out a bit. His sister was getting pretty good at blowjobs.

Shaon pulled off the cock with agonizing slowness, giving it a final lick to the tip, causing Iel to shudder. "Now I want to try something different."

"Oh, and what's that" Iel asked. He watched as Shaon climbed onto the bed, got on her hands and knees, and stuck her rear in his face.

"This," the bat said with a naughty grin, "come and get it."

Stunned by how eager his sister was, Iel dropped to his knees. Now at eye level with her pussy, which was already becoming wet, he began slowly licking at her exposed lips. Shaon moaned lustily as Iel lapped her juices up, slowly moving in closer and closer to her entrance.

Once the orange bat's pussy lips were free of all of her sweet juices, Iel began focusing on the vagina itself. He gave Shaon's clit a long, raspy lick, drawing a loud groan from his sister. The attention to her sensitive nub caused more sweet fluids to begin flowing out, which were quickly and eagerly lapped up by Iel. Shaon's moans and grunts began to get a bit more frantic as she felt her brother's tongue invading her vagina, licking along her slick inner walls.

Shaon was dizzy with pleasure before she felt the warm muscle leave her. She whimpered at the empty feeling, wanting her brother back inside of her. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Iel rise to his feet and position his throbbing dick at her entrance. Meeting her gaze, he offered one of his patented grins before slowly pushing forward. Shaon moaned as she felt herself being spread open by the hot meat.

Iel slowly pushed into his sister, taking care not to hurt her. It took all of his self-control not to ram into her fully, but he wanted to be as gentle as possible. He stopped once half of his member was embedded Shaon's steamy pussy, wanting her to have a chance to adjust. This was apparently unneeded, since as soon as he stopped pushing forward, the lusty little bat began pushing back, slowly impaling herself on her brother's shaft. Iel moaned and bit his lip as Shaon pushed herself all the way down to the knot.

Figuring that his sister didn't need as much time to adjust as he'd originally thought, Iel began a steady humping motion. He started slow, but the needy moans from Shaon spurred him on to go faster and faster. He leaned forward, laying across Shaon's back and wrapped his arms around her chest, cupping her breasts in his paws. Iel began gently massaging the fleshy mounds, pausing now and again to lightly pinch a nipple. Shaon was dizzy from the attention to her breasts coupled with the sensations emanating from her groin. Iel then began nibbling at Shaon's neck and shoulder blades, wanting to give his sister as much pleasure as possible.

Shaon was in seventh heaven. She grunted and moaned as she felt her brother's searing pole sliding in and out of her. She felt his knot press against her and, on a few occasions, push part of the way into her. Shaon began to feel her orgasm approaching, and she wanted her brother inside of her for it...all of him.

"Iel...I want...I want you to tie me...this time," Shaon said between gasps.

"I dunno sis. Do you think you can handle it?" Iel wasn't ready for that request. He wanted to knot his sister quite a bit, but at the same time, his knot was very thick. He didn't want to hurt her or cause any damage.

"Yes...I want it," Shaon said.

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea," Iel said, still uncomfortable. "This is only the second time we've done this."

"I know, but I'm ready," she looked back over her shoulder and saw some hesitation still lingering in her brother's eyes. "Pleeeaaaaase," she mewled.

"Okay, fine" Iel sighed, simultaneously nervous and excited. "Get ready for it, I'm almost there." The fox suited actions to words by increasing the speed of his thrusts. Shaon began panting heavily and saw stars as Iel pounded her. Her climax came closer every second, and she knew she couldn't hold out much longer. Finally, Shaon let out a loud moan as her orgasm took her, her vagina clenching around Iel's cock like a vice. Iel was pushed to the edge by this sensation and, with one mighty thrust, slammed his knot into his sister's pussy and began releasing a torrent of seed. The feeling of her brother's huge knot being shoved into her was too much for Shaon, and she climaxed a second time, lost in orgasmic haze as Iel came inside of her.

It took several minutes for the two of them to recover enough to move. After some awkward shuffling and flailing, Iel managed to get into the bed in a spoon position with his little sister, still tied to her. He held her close and nuzzled her gently, licking at the back of her neck.

Shaon laid there, her brother's pulsing member still inside her. She could barely think straight in her post-orgasmic haze. She felt safe and loved in Iel's arms, and cuddled back into him as he pulled the blankets up over them and wrapped her in a hug.

Before sleep took them, Shaon twisted her head around and gave her brother a deep kiss. "I love you Iel," she said before passing out.

"I love you too sis," Iel said, joining her in sleep.