Always Cry Wolf (Part I)

Story by Durexia on SoFurry

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He lowered his head slowly, tucking his chin into his chest as he rocked his hips against the mattress. The bedding had twisted around his left leg and he kicked at it franticly as his thighs began to shudder with a building tension. He cuffed his paws, toes cramping together as he gripped the end of the bed for support. The heavy breaths came in shallow bursts, condensation melting into the sheets where his muzzled buried itself to stifle the groans of anticipation. The room was heavy with the smell of must and the sour stench of sweaty fur. His thoughts rolled back and forth from penetrating deep into a soft warm body, to his own paw stroking with a steady rhythm; harder, faster, more in tune with his bulging penis. In the moments building up to his climax he lifted his tail, as if inviting an unseen presents into his rear. He bucked forward again, throwing his full weight into the mattress. Suddenly his back arched and with a cry of exhausted joy the tension erupted from his loins. His paw continued to move from hilt to tip, slowing in time with his ejaculation. When at last his muscles relaxed he let go and fell heavily with a sigh of relief. He could feel his heart pounding through the hollow springs, his pulse traveled from between his thighs up through his gasping breaths into his neck. Slowly his body found peace and he fell into a pleasant sleep.

Trevor woke to the sound of his alarm clock. The buzzer shook the young wolf into a state of agitation and his heavy paw fell on the snooze button. He flailed in his blankets and reached for a sweat stained pillow which had made its way to the floor. The dim mourning light filled the room and reflected off of his bright yellow tail which hung over the side of the bed limply. The black sheets, in contrast, presented a shroud of darkness over the rest of the wolf's body and the steady rise of his chest was the only hint of life beneath the dark bedding. Again the alarm sounded and this time Trevor's paw flailed, knocking the plastic clock onto the floor. It continued to scream even after the pillow was flung over its unfeeling face. 7:12 am and there was a loud knock at the door.

"Trevor, are you getting dressed? Your father is already eating breakfast, hurry or you'll miss the French toast. Trevor? Trevor!"

"Yeah Mom, I'm up, I'm up, you don't have to yell."

The wolf rolled over and sighed heavily. He kicked off the sheets and headed into the bathroom. In the reflection of a smeared mirror Trevor looked at himself with a smile. He pulled at the matted clumps of dried cum in his chest fur while admiring his well developed torso. Turning on the water he quickly brushed his teeth and then stepped into the shower. Hot water ran down his back and dripped off the tip of his tail. He shook his long mane of blond hair and began detangling it with a comb and some conditioner. The soap melted away any other tangles left from last nights romp and he finished off his grooming with a detailed cleansing of his shaft, balls, and ass. It was especially fun to feel his slippery wet fingers gently caress his anus. Though a complete virgin, Trevor had fantasized about being fucked in the ass. Girls got him to cum, but thinking about a boy always made him hard. He didn't have time to play this mourning and with another quick shake he rinsed off and finished his shower.

Getting dressed took only the time to find clean cloths; a pair of rough jeans and a black t-shirt was simple enough, just something that didn't smell too bad from the floor. Fashion was easy at his age, anything in dark colors with a tear here and there gave the look of "indifferent punk kid". Trevor stopped to glance in the bathroom mirror; he took the brush and pulled his hair back where he tied it at the base of his neck with a leather band. His mother had been begging him to cut it for months, but he liked the grunge look and thought the long hair made him look older too. Throwing on his light denim jacket, Trevor headed down stairs to the breakfast table.

His father had finished eating and was glaring at the newspaper while drinking down the last of his straight black coffee. He was a rather thin looking wolf, gray with a white blaze down his chest. As Trevor too his place his father glanced over the newsprint at his son and shook his head.

"Dian, when is that boy going to get a hair cut?"

Trevor gulped down a few pieces of toast and between bites defended his shag look.

"Aw Dad, don't start that again, *gulp* I already told you it's the in thing. *munch* I'll get it trimmed after school today ok?"

Dian, a slick bodied blond wolf, and Trevor's mother, ducked her head into the kitchen and smiled.

"Jeffrey, your son can take care of himself, remember he turned 18 a few months ago, technically we have no say in any of his life choices from here on out."

The patriarch growled under his breath and put down the paper.

"Well, if he's so independent perhaps he should think about getting a summer job to pay for his new car."

The young wolf looked at his father with raised eyebrows and contested the suggestion.

"But Dad, you said you and Mom would cover the costs till I graduated as long as I didn't get a ticket."

Dian had now returned to the kitchen and backed her son's reminder.

"It's true Jeff, you did make that part of the bargain, and since Trevor's record remains unblemished, you'll have to find some other way to hassle him about adulthood."

The older male shook his head and rose to take his leave of the family politics. He could not help putting in one last jab as he headed to the door.

"Well Dian, when he's 30 and living in our basement I'll remind you of this little discussion and we'll see how you feel then."

Before anyone could respond he had slammed the door behind him and headed to the car.

Trevor looked at his mother with imploring eyes and she ruffled his hair and sat down.

"Your father loves you son, he shows it by giving you a hard time because he just wants to make sure your doing ok."

"Yeah, well I'm fine; I'd be ok if he would stop hassling me all the time. I am getting it trimmed today Mom. My friend Kendal's sister Jenny is really good at cutting hair. She'll do it for free too."

Dian looked at her son and nodded.

"I believe you Trevor; just make sure she does an even job."

With that she took her purse from the counter and headed out to her own car. This was Trevor's signal that he had only 15 minutes left before he had to drive over to the high school. Luckily it was Friday and he was headed to a party after school which meant he could stay over at Kendal's without asking. It was a deal his parent's had worked out with Kendal's to make sure the boys weren't driving around drunk if they happened to have a few beers.

School went by without too many run ins with faculty or pissy seniors throwing their weight around. Because Trevor was 18 no one really bothered him. A lot of the under age seniors actually used him to get cigarettes or porn. He didn't really care, it was something to keep people off his case about being so old and still only a junior. He had never been held back, but started late because his mother had home schooled him when he was younger. Grades were easy to make, it was the social arena that posed the most challenges. Luckily Trevor had Kendal and his older sister Jenny. Jenny had graduated and went to the local community college. She was fucking hot and really smart. Her wild vixin nature got her into a lot of trouble, but she had all the connections in the local club scene. Kendal was Trevor's age but he had been held back once in middle school. Not for being stupid, but for his attitude. He leveled out in high school as a jock, but he still kept his long hair and even let Jenny dye it blue or purple from time to time. He and Trevor had run into each other freshman year and stuck it out as friends ever since. Jenny sort of cemented their bond and would drag them all over town with her like a pair of body guards. Kendal was not bad looking either, his red fur and black tipped ears contrasted quite nicely with the strip of white fur that went from his stomach to neck. He was a great lacrosse player and had a nice body, but he had never dated a single girl in school. He flirted and teased a lot, but never took a girl home or even to a club. Some said he was queer, but Trevor didn't care either way.

The two boys met up at his car after school. They needed to go pick up Jenny. Her license had been revoked and since Trevor was the only other of the threesome with a car he had been elected transportation for the gang. Kendal lit a cigarette in the passenger seat and let his arm hang out the open window. His blue tipped hair caught in the breeze and tangled behind his ear as he took a long drag off the butt.

"Man, I'll be glad when this year ends. Mother fuckin' coach has me by the balls for skipping so many practices. He said I'd be off the team senior year if I keep it up, but I don't give a fuck man. Ha!"

Trevor hid his look of concern. He knew Kendal was going for a sports scholarship to the state university. If he wrecked his chances now he'd never get it. He knew his friend was thinking about it.

"Yeah, I can't do it though. I'm going to the summer sports camp to make it all up. Summer school for jocks; what a fuckin' joke right?"

Trevor nodded but kept his eyes on the road. They pulled into the parking lot and Jenny was standing by a truck talking to a large stallion. They recognized the horse as Jack. He was an older student who DJed at one of Jenny's favorite clubs. That's where they were headed later on that evening. As they pulled up next to the chatting adults Trevor rolled down his window and hailed the vixen. She turned and walked over to the window, leaned in, and kissed Trevor smack on the lips. The young wolf turned bright red as Kendal began snickering quietly to cover his discomfort at seeing his best friend kissing his sister. Jack wandered over awkwardly and looked on. The vixen finished her drawn out kiss and turned back to the stallion.

"Oh Jack, this is Trevor, my boyfriend, and my younger brother Kendal. We're all coming to the club tonight to hear your music."

The stallion pawed the ground and nodded.

"Sounds all right to me Jen, I'll see you guys on the dance floor."

With that he turned and got into his truck. Without another word Jenny slipped into the back seat and quietly watched as the horse pulled out and drove away.

"Jeeze Jenny, what the fuck was that all about"

Kendal was turned around in the seat to face his sister. His anger was still masked with sarcasm but he demanded an answer.

"Calm down bro, I was just preventing an uncomfortable situation from escalating. You know Jack's been trying to get with me for months now. I knew if I kissed Trevor and called him by bf, Jack would back off without getting offended."

The explanation seemed acceptable to Kendal and he sat back down in his seat. Trevor had kept his mouth shut the whole time and with good reason. First, he had a major crush on his friend's sister. Second, that stallion could kick his ass a mile without breaking a sweat. Third, Kendal could too. Fourth, well, he had a hard on and didn't want to call attention to himself. Jenny could sense his nervousness and she gently began stroking behind his right ear to give support. It did calm his nerves, but his dick began pushing uncomfortably against his jeans and he shifted away from the gentle touch. The rest of the trip to Kendal and Jenny's house was quiet. The three animals sat staring out at the afternoon life passing by.

Jenny and Kendal lived with their parents in a small house a few miles from Trevor. The family had a small catering service run by Kendal's mother. Their dad managed the money and clientele. It was a nighttime operation so as the kids pulled up to the house Jenny's parents were just pulling out.

"You kids have fun tonight!" cried their mother as they passed each other.

Jenny and Kendal waved happily and nodded. The no questions policy held as long as drugs stayed out of the picture. Since Jenny was clean and Kendal only smoked pot occasionally, things had held up really well. Drinking was done responsibly; at home only. The fridge always had beer in it and Jenny popped one as soon as they walked in the door. Kendal joined her in the kitchen while Trevor headed to the bathroom. The wolf knew it wouldn't take long to paw off quickly before rejoining his friends for a drink. He locked the door and dropped his pants, leaning over the porcelain bowl he relaxed and began his track to release. He thought of Jenny's lips pressing against his. He braced himself against the wall and thought of his hands on her body, caressing her face and moving down to her chest; a soft nipple in his fingers as he continued to rub his erection into submission. He clenches his teeth to hold back a cry as he unloaded into the toilet. Quickly washing up he returned to the kitchen and took the beer Kendal handed him.

They shot the shit for a few minutes until Jenny looked at them and abruptly changed the subject.

"Let's skip out on the party tonight and stay home."

Kendal nearly fell off his stool.

"Wh- what? You mean not go out? Stay home?"

"Yeah, I mean stay here, just the three of us, and watch movies or something."

The two males looked at each other. Kendal had a glint in his eye that told Trevor he was up to something. Jenny awaited an answer patiently. Kendal responded by opening another beer.

"Guess its better we not go, Trevor wouldn't hold a candle to that stallion anyway."

Trevor had let Kendal's bashes slid up until now, but Jenny was watching and he was tired of his friend stepping on his delicate ego.

"You're just jealous that it was your sister kissing me instead of you."

As the words came out Trevor suddenly wished he had kept his mouth shut. The secret that he was also crushing on Kendal had been bottled up for too long, now he had let the cat out of the bag right in Jenny's face.

The two siblings stood staring for a moment, then Kendal set down his beer and walked up to Trevor.

"Don't think I can't do it you little fucker."

With that he threw his arms around Trevor and kissed him. The wolf felt the fox's tongue slip into his mouth. They embraced until Jenny piped up from across the kitchen.

"Do I need to go upstairs for a while and leave you two alone?"

Kendal broke away from Trevor and turned to his sister.

"Maybe, but I think Trevor might prefer you stay and watch sis, I know I would."

He stumbled past her into the living room and lay down on the couch in front of the tv. Trevor was still standing with his eyes wide open, unable to fully comprehend what had just happened. It wasn't until Jenny put a hand on his shoulder that he came back to reality.

"He was just fucking with you Trevor, I'm sorry."

Trevor looked at Jenny, then towards the living room with a glare.

"You're both fucking with me. I think I'm going to go now."

He turned to head for the door with his backpack but Jenny stopped him.

"I did want to kiss you. I think you're hot, cept you're younger. But I don't really care. I just don't want to confuse you."

He looked back at her.

"I don't know what I want. Sure, I'd fuck you, but you're my best friend's sister. I'd fuck him too, but he's my friend, and I don't even think he swings that way."

"I don't think he really ever thinks about which way to swing, I know I don't."

With that she smiled and headed into the living room to join Kendal on the couch. Trevor rolled his eyes and put down the bag. He wanted to stay, even kiss Trevor and Jenny again, but they were siblings.

"Fuck it."

He walked back into the living room and squished in between them on the couch. Kendal carelessly threw and arm around him and Jenny rested her head on his shoulder. The three sat silently staring at the screen.

After a few hours of worthless television Kendal got restless. He turned off the tv and looked over at the other two sitting with him. Trevor had rested his arm on Kendal's leg. Jenny had fallen asleep on the end of the couch. It was dark in the room without the tv and Trevor move to get the light but Kendal pulled him back on the couch. The wolf felt a paw on his thigh. A wet muzzle nudged his chin and he raised his head to allow the fox assess to his neck. The feeling of a warm wet tongue near his ear sent a shiver through his back down to his loins. The paw moved up his leg till it was resting on his crotch. Trevor squirmed; his sheath was starting to harden. Kendal moved his muzzle up the wolf's cheek and began licking his mouth. Trevor reciprocated anxiously and felt his own paw moving to the fox's pants. The two boys began fondling each other and kissing heavily on the lips. Kendal began to slip off the couch onto the floor, he pulled Trevor on top of him and continued to rub up and down on the young wolf's hardening bulge. Kendal pulled at his lover's shirt till the wolf pulled it off for him. His blond hair came undone and fell around the fox's face like a halo. Kendal smiled up at the handsome wolf and whispered;

"Maybe we should go to my room. I don't want to wake my sister."

Trevor nodded and the two slipped up the stairs together. Kendal's room was dark but the uncovered window let in enough moonlight for the two k-nines to see one another. The fox took off his own shirt and stood bare-chested facing his half naked friend.

Trevor gently put a paw on the kit's whit fur and moved to an erect nipple, slowly rubbing the hardened mound with his claw. Kendal winced and his body tensed. In a hushed voice, deep with lustful wanting Trevor asked;

"Do you want me?"

The fox pulled the wolf against him and pressed his hips against Trevor in response. The wolf could feel his partner's hard on pressing against his own. He wanted to drop his pants right their and make the fox suck him off, but he was still shy at the idea of being with another male. He let his paws fall on Kendal's ass, his fingers felt up under the fox's tail and brushed just above his pant line.

"Take them off." The fox begged.

Trevor wasn't quite ready for this, but not wanting to stop, he pulled down his friend's pants slowly, letting the penis catch and flip back into it's erection as the cloths slid over it. He could smell the kit's pre cum mixed with sweat and his whole body shook with desire. The fox felt the tension coming from the wolf and lay down on the bed in offering. Trevor fell to his knees before the erected cock.

"I want to taste your cum Kendal."

The fox nodded as the wolf plunged his muzzle over the shaft and began sucking furiously. The fox bucked into the mouth of his friend, eager to feel the suction and warm wetness engulfing his body. Trevor's paws went for the exposed balls and he gently stroked them while continuing his maddening licks of pleasure. The wolf wanted to reach the base of his friends tail but he worried about making this first encounter uncomfortable so he kept his focus on sucking and stroking. Suddenly Kendal stopped him.

"Wait, I've got something that will make this feel even better."

He rolled over for a moment, exposing his ass. Trevor felt his cock leap and he was tempted to drop his pants right there and fuck the fox, but he held back as Kendal grabbed something out of an open draw next to the bed. Trevor could not make out what his friend was holding but he heard a cap come off and the sound of a liquid being squeezed through a tube. Then Kendal rose to his knees and put a paw under his tail.

"Ah, that's nice and wet. Give me a minute to slip it in... yes! Now, suck me off you fucker."

It was a butt plug... Kendal had a butt plug. The wolf could almost feel the small plug entering that tight hole, rubbing the anus ring and slipping in to his tight ass. He fell on Kendal and continued the ritual. The fox bucked into his face with renewed determination as the two fell into a slow rhythm. The wolf could taste more pre cum as his friend's dick grew harder and began to convulse with the building orgasm.

"Oh God Trevor, don't stop, I'm gonna... I'm gonna... ahh... yes, yes, YES!"

Warm salty cream filled the wolf's mouth and he swallowed greedily as the fox unloaded into him. After a few moments of heavy breathing and complete release, the two boys collapsed into each other's arms. Kendal breathed a sigh of relief.

"I've been wanting you to do that to me for years now Trevor."

The wolf blinked and looked at his friend with surprise.

"You have?"

"Sure, I only waited till not cuz I wasn't quite sure what you wanted. I always thought you leaned towards girls."

"Well, I sort of do, but I've had a crush on you for a long time too."

They laughed and smiled at each other. Trevor put an affectionate arm around the fox and pulled him close. Kendal snuggled into his blond friend and they slept together peacefully for a few hours.