Upgrading the Connection

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A continuation to An Unconventional Lan Party, the aliens continue to figure out how to work in the world and continue to grow after a major setback. They start to set up a conversion center and look to find a place in order to set up a hub.

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The mall was particularly busy that afternoon; with it being a Saturday and getting closer to the holiday season there was a push for people to try and get gifts and otherwise finish up their holiday shopping. That was the reason for most people to be there, for one in particular however his eyes were scanning the area for a different kind of prize. The python frowned slightly as he saw the crowds milling about, moving like a herd of cattle from one place to another. It was all too open, too exposed... none of the locations that he had currently scouted would be useful for what he needed as he made his way through the central area that had been set up as a winter wonderland.

The alien creature that infested the host let the mask of Nathan the programmer slip slightly since it was unlikely anyone around would notice the blank face and thousand-yard stare. Even though it had been a few weeks since he had taken over the scaled creature the progress in creating more nodes has been almost non-existent, due in small part to the rush in taking over the café that he had gotten two nodes from. They hadn't had time to bring the warthog in fully and even with two of them the host hadn't had full time to be integrated, and when the alien python and a wolf named Daniel who worked there that he had previously brought into the fold had their backs turned the boss of the café bucked and made a run for it while still naked. That had caused him to run out into the middle of the nearby street and get hit by a car, and though it was only minor injuries Daniel quickly found out that the warthog was actually involved in more than just coffee with his business and was going to be going to jail.

What a waste of a node, Nathan thought to himself as he remembered being able to verbally instruct the alien within the warthog to dissolve itself and shut down that extension of the network. Last thing they needed is for a prison exam to show the alien rubber inside of their head and fortunately it would take with it the memories of their encounter together. While they had avoided trouble it caused all the alien infested hosts to become much more cautious on how they spread, though it was clear that they were all getting the itch to create more like them as Nathan saw Daniel on the other side of the pavilion. Almost immediately the python's face became more animated and he went over to greet the wolf just like they were old friends that happened to meet up.

"So did you find everything that you were looking for?" Nathan asked Daniel once they had gotten the obligatory small talk out of the way.

"Yes, I think I might have," Daniel replied with a grin on his face. "I also met someone you might remember, Gerald is working here now. Had a nice chat with him by the food court."

So Gerald did managed to get transferred here, the alien python thought to himself as he looked around. "Perhaps we need to discuss more in detail what is going on a little later," Nathan said as he looked around until he found what he was looking for. "I'm going to stop by the bathroom though."

Daniel mentioned that he had to go too and together they made their way towards the bathroom door that the alien python had spotted a few moments ago. While they could have just asked Gerald for someplace private they didn't want to lean on him too heavily just yet, especially since it didn't seem like he had a chance to convert any of the other security guards yet either. It was one of the problems with trying to target such a busy place since there were so many potential hosts but also problems isolating them. Between the two of them they had managed to scout the entire mall and with the information that on the back security areas that the python had downloaded earlier from the bull they might finally have a plan of attack ever since they had to scrub the café.

Once the two got into the bathrooms they found that it was thankfully empty, though they knew it wouldn't be that way for long as the two went into the largest stall and locked the door behind him. The alien python and wolf gave each other a nod as their expressions went passive, their guise of two friends at a mall not needed in the relative privacy of the stall. Since the alien python was pretty sure his section was a bust he wanted to see what the wolf saw, which meant that he needed the data downloaded into him. As soon as they both unbuttoned their pants and let them drop to the ground the alien python saw that the wolf was ready to transfer, his cock already completely stiff with a droplet of shiny black pre on the tip of it.

Even though the they had not only augmented the bodies of their hosts in order to make the speed of their data transfers more efficient and had taken the weeks to condition their bodies to the sensations of the the python still let out a hiss of pleasure as he felt the entire cock of the wolf slide into him all at once. Almost instantly the information of the mall that the alien wolf had scouted started to come to his mind as the thick shaft began to thrust in and out of him, causing both of their toned bodies to rock back and forth. Even though it felt so good the alien python resisted the urge to let out a moan and warned the wolf to do the same when his grunts were starting to become more audible. The last thing they needed was for two of their nodes to get kicked out of the mall which would make their last chance of creating some sort of conversion facility disappear.

Even the convenience store was no longer an option for them as the first node that the alien had created after assimilating the python got fired, Blake the leopard told to leave after his boss somehow found out about the orgy of information sharing they had in back. One good thing that came from it though was the assimilation of Hammond, a fox who worked in the financial sector that was able to hook up all the hosts with additional resources since two of them were out of a job. They couldn't rely on that tether forever though and since the alien vulpine worked from home it meant that their options were either the mall or starting over somewhere else from scratch and infiltrate somewhere new. But as the python saw through the wolf's eyes he spotted a place that might do them just fine, letting out a gasp and the closing his eyes as he felt something press up between his butt cheeks several times before it was shoved inside.

"Did you just knot me," the alien python said as he looked back at the wolf, who was using toilet paper in order to clean up the shiny black fluid that had started to leak from his mouth.

"I did," the alien wolf replied. "I wanted to make sure you knew everything I knew." Nathan sighed and put his head against the stall wall, then as the two stood there they suddenly heard it open which caused the wolf to practically jump up on the toilet seat. It also caused the cock stuck inside the python to pull back and as he felt a spasm of pleasure shoot through his body he brought up his scaly tail to his muzzle and shoved the tip in to keep himself quiet, which was rather easy to do since the alien had eliminated the gag reflex of this body a while ago.

With Daniel practically bracing himself up against the wall to make it look like there was only one set of feet in the stall Nathan continued to huff slightly as the cock tied into him continued to throb. The wolf had just gotten his orgasm and even with their muted emotional responses their bodies still reacted to it as normal, the python seeing his own maleness bouncing in the air. As the two waited they heard the door open again and another guy come in, and they just stood still the process continued for what felt like ages until finally the last one left and Daniel was able to slide down again. The wolf just leaned back against the tile and gave his cock an experimental tug to see if it was deflated yet, and when it was soft enough to pull out the two wordlessly separated themselves and pulled their pants back up before leaving quickly to take advantage of the lull in the use of the bathroom.

The two alien creatures quickly separated once more and this time Nathan headed up to the third floor of the building, which was where the smaller shops were that didn't have the funds or the clout to be on the main level. With the memories given to him by Daniel the alien python could see that since they weren't very busy and more out of the way they could potentially get away with what they were planning to do, especially when Nathan had found a few that were practically dead. While they wanted some patrons to visit it they needed a place where they could get away with the employees having a personal touch to their work, and the alien python had just the store in mind as he found himself looking at one that specialized in active sportswear apparel as well as exercise equipment and nutritional supplements.

After taking a second to get himself situated Nathan walked into the store and looked at some of the swimwear that was near the front, and as he ran a hand down a scuba suit he could already see the lizard man that was behind the counter start to come up to him. "Hey man, welcome to The Body Shop," the blue-scaled lizard said with a big grin as he gave a thumbs up. "My name is Chaz, is there something in particular that you're looking for? Looking to bulk up, or maybe just some accessories for pre-existing equipment?"

"I was actually just thinking of something that I can use to add to the pool I have in my backyard," Nathan replied, looking the other man over as he got a read on him while using the truth to make himself seem more convincing. "I hear that there's something you can put into one where you can create waves, and I've always been interested in surfing."

"Oh yeah, I could tell from the moment you walked in here that you got the body of a swimmer," Chaz replied, Nathan trying not to let a smirk filter into his smile as he could see the glimmer of lust in the lizard's eyes and knew that this one is at the very least bisexual and into muscles. "I'm more of a metal head myself, anything that I can lift or pull is my jam. Now while I haven't heard anything about a wave generator for an inground pool if its big enough I can recommend a few things."

The python allowed the lizard to take him on an impromptu tour of the somewhat small store and as they got to the back Nathan saw the thing that he was looking for most; fitting rooms. That was all he needed to know about the area itself, the alien thought as the other guy droned on about the proper types of protein powder for his body type, and decided to get a bit of information on the man himself. "You seem to really know your stuff Chaz," Nathan said once he could get a word in edgewise, the compliment causing the lizard to beam. "Have you been working here long?"

"Oh, I actually own this place," Chaz replied, which caused the alien python to perk up even more. "Or rent rather, the top floor corner was the only one that I could really afford and to be honest I didn't think the financial aspect would be as complicated as it is. Unfortunately I can't hire anyone and so I'm pretty much here all day every day until I either start making a profit or go bankrupt... sorry, didn't mean to go off like that, but it was what I was working on before you came in here."

"Don't worry at all," Nathan replied as he gave the lizard a pat on the shoulder. "In fact you might be in luck, I know a guy that is in the financial sector that could give you some advice for free. If you would like I could send him your way and if I know him he would be more than willing to help out a small business like yours."

"Oh man, really?" Chaz replied, coming in and giving the python a hug that lifted him off the ground. "You'd be a lifesaver man! If he can just point me in the right direction I feel like I could really crush this thing." Nathan just smiled and said that he would give them a call, and though the alien creature had absorbed all of Hammond's knowledge that he could have done it himself it might have looked suspicious if he was suddenly the answer to all this man's problems. Not to mention that when this guy hugged him it was like being caught in a vice, which means that he wouldn't want to try and take on this guy alone if they didn't want another potential warthog situation.

Once he got done with his trip to the store he got out his phone and texted Blake and Hammond, telling the two to meet him at his house when they could before he put it back in his pocket. Such an inefficient means of communication, the alien python thought as he made his way down towards the food court to talk to Gerald. Though he preferred their methods far better it did at least make long-distances not a thing, even if it was extremely limited data packets that they could retrieve from each other at any given time. That was the reason that he wanted to have the other two come to his place once he had updated their security guard on what the plan would be, it felt like there was a lot of information that would need to be shared...

About two hours later Nathan answered the door and saw his leopard friend and their new fox companion at the door, all of them greeting one another before coming inside. As soon as the three were in however their smiles fell away and the three immediately began to strip down as the alien python had already closed all the blinds to make sure that no wary eyes were looking inside. There was no need for the act when among only other nodes and the alien python instructed the fox node to have a seat in the living room and wait before bringing the alien leopard into his bedroom. To anyone that may have been looking outside it may have appeared to be a romantic rendezvous, and though the two did press up against one another and started kissing it was a means to provide stimulation to their bodies in order to ease with the facilitation of the data transfer.

Since the python needed nothing from the leopard he would be the one getting inserted into, which prompted the feline to lay down on his back while the serpent slithered on top of him. Since there was no rush in this regard the two aliens did have some fun with one another, the aliens finding the sensation of rubbing their hands along the fur of the other's chest being pleasing as well as feeling their tongues dance around one another's maws. As their muzzles separated they had strands of shiny black latex that connected them while the alien python got between the furry legs of the leopard and began to push his cock inside the exposed tailhole. The leopard arched his back from the dual sensation of being penetrated as well as connecting to another node, his body trembling slightly as he received all the information into his own memory while slowly being thrusted into.

As the python waited for the other alien node to absorb all the necessary information to be up to date he continued to nuzzle and grope against him. While the act of sex had just been a means to an end and still was he also felt those same passions rising as he had the first time when Blake thought that his python friend with benefits was restarting their relationship by mounting him in the pool. The sensual bond that they two held was clearly imprinted on them as the python brushed through the fur on the leopard's toned chest as he felt several tendrils shift about underneath. It did sometimes become hard for the alien creature when he acted like Nathan for so long to see the line, and he started to wonder if they might have potentially assimilated more than just the information and identities of these particularly emotional creatures.

"So you want me and Gerald to convert this Chaz into a node and take over his store," the alien leopard rehashed once the alien python was finished, the alien python nodding as the only thing that came out of his mouth was a gasp as he continued to thrust into the latex hole of the other node to the pleasure of both. "I know that out of all of us I probably assimilated the most with being connected to our financial node but why not just have Hammond do it himself?"

"I need him for another project that he's been working on," the alien python replied. "Blake and Gerald will be more than enough to take over the storefront, and if we can get a foothold in that mall then we can start scouting out more hosts to convert into nodes. From the idea I got from Chaz's market we have the potential for athletes of popular sports, bouncers of nightclubs, and even potential emergency medical personnel that we can use to infiltrate the city's service infrastructure."

"Then the bull node and I will go and assimilate the new potential one," the alien leopard said before pulling the other infested man in closer so their chests could rub together. "Now since our update is complete I think it's time we finished here, don't you think?" The smirk on the alien leopard caused one to form on the python as he grabbed him by the hips and lifted him upwards, making it easier to plow down into him. He had already been close to orgasming as the reward for sharing information like that and the two huffed and grunted loudly as they both came, the alien leopard shooting black alien cum between their chests that was quickly absorbed into their fur while alien python filled the hole of the other man.

Once the two were finished they quickly pulled apart and stood up, both of them nodding together to one another as they got what they needed done and was about to enact the next phase of their plan. They walked silently out of the bedroom together and the leopard got dressed before leaving, but since the python wasn't finished yet it was natural for him to stay naked as he went over to the fox that was the same. As the two locked eyes the alien tendrils in their bodies could be seen poking out of their nostrils and ears briefly before slithering back in and showed that the alien vulpine clearly had gotten quite a bit of information in the research that had been asked of him. Since the alien python was just as eager to learn of what the financial node had found he motioned for the alien fox to continue sitting while he got down on the floor and spread out the orange fur of his thigh with his scaly chest.

Definitely eager, the alien python thought to himself as he saw that the fox cock was already completely erect and practically drooling with shiny black cum. With his own mouth practically dripping the snake pushed his head forward and immediately engulfed it, grabbing onto the furry globes of the vulpine's butt while he easily pushed his lips down the entire length. As the inside of the python's maw could feel more of the alien tentacles inside the shaft of the fox and immediately began so suck on it, seeing the information that they had gathered while also pleasuring the other man. The idea that the python had before was that they could use Hammond in order to try and target some of the wealthier people out there in order to fund the network, not to mention give them more connections that they would work with while being able to have the ability to remain discrete.

The longer he sucked the more the alien python saw names and faces along with the information that was tagged with them. Their fox node had been very hard at work it seemed, though with the fact that Blake was there all the time probably made his job easier since there were essentially two financial minds working instead of one. After a minute or so of bobbing his head up and down the python felt the body of the fox tense up, prompting him to slide the throbbing cock all the way to the hilt in order to prevent data loss as the hands of the other man grabbed him by the back of the scaly head.

The fox let out a loud groan of pure pleasure as he climaxed, the alien python huffing though his nose as a massive amount of information came to him in that single burst while he felt the alien fox fill his throat. It didn't take long before the vulpine slumped back as his tongue licked his lips accompanied by a slightly larger rubbery tentacle while the python made sure the download was complete before he pulled off, his own black forked tongue coiling once around the softening cock before pulling back completely. "We have some interesting choices in there," The python said as he went over to a nearby chair and sat down in it. "I think from what you found within the parameters I gave you that there is one that stands out in particular."

"You're talking about Ivan I'm sure," the fox replied as the pleasured look on his face slowly evaporated and he returned to his passive state. "Reclusive millionaire white tiger, tends to keep out of the news, enjoys private parties with a harem of strapping young men with nice bodies. The problem is that I still haven't found out how he sources them and those that have previously had a relationship with him keep quiet it about because they all signed non-disclosure agreements that they also all said they wouldn't think of breaching."

"So we have no way of getting to the tiger himself and anyone who might isn't talking," the alien python said as he scratched the scales of his chin as he mulled over the information that he had assimilated. "You have the list of a few of this harem of his, if we can track one of two of them down and meet them on a more personal basis then we might have a connection point to him. I want you to keep working on this, grab the wolf node if you need any additional help while our other two get us a store in the mall."

A few hours later in the mall Chaz heard the announcement that the stores were all about to close and for shoppers to make their final purchases and leave. The lizard man sighed and leaned back in his chair as he put his fingers through the straps of his tank top while looking at the paper he had been scribbling on. The fact that he had to use a red pen for most of it was extremely disheartening and other than a few customers that came in throughout the day he only made two sales that wouldn't even cover half of his electric bill for the week. He rubbed his hands against the scales of his face and slowly got out of his chair, figuring he may as well get busy with closing down early since he couldn't even see anyone on the third floor anymore.

Just as he was about to activate the shudders though he heard a knock on a wall and looked over to see a large, very well-muscled bull man standing there in a security guard uniform. "Oh, hey there," Chaz said as he looked the man over and found himself swooning slightly despite his best efforts. "I was just about to close up, but if there's something that you might want from my shop I would be happy to help you. Need something to maintain your physique, or are you going to be training for a major event?"

"Actually I'm just here because this one is," the bull said as he stepped aside to reveal the leopard man in a suit behind him, the feline adjusting the ill-fitting garment on him while he stepped forward. "I told him that it was going to be too late for him to browse the store but he said he was looking for you and said that a friend of his had told him to come because you need financial advice."

"Oh?" Chaz said as he scratched his head, then remembered that earlier in the day he had met with a python swimmer that mentioned something about it. "Oh! Yes, thank you for coming, I was just working on my numbers and I could really use your help. Do you mind if he stays here with me for a while, Mr... um..."

"You can just call me Gerald," the bull said with a small smile on his muzzle. "Now I can't just leave him alone here with you since he's not on your lease, but Blake here has informed me that he wouldn't be long anyway and since I'm not covering closing I can be here to supervise. Plus perhaps I may take you up on that help of yours, I haven't been showing as much progress and if you could help me with my legs and arms that would be appreciated and more than worth the time of waiting with you two for a few minutes."

Chaz couldn't believe his good fortune and told them both to come in, lowing the shutters down behind them as they walked inside. Blake continued to smile as he played the financial expert, bringing all the knowledge he had gained from his time helping their financial node and putting it into the forefront of his mind as the lizard man showed him his books. The leopard's eyes widened when he saw the numbers scribbled down both in and outside of the margins and imagined even with what he knew before he was an alien creature he would have thought that this was wrong. When Chaz asked how bad it was however the leopard once more gave him a smile and said that it wasn't the worst that he had seen and pulled out the laptop he had borrowed from Hammond with all his financial software uploaded into it.

But while Blake would be continuing to show Chaz all the ways that he was managing his business wrong it was Gerald who would be the lure. Since the python scouting the place earlier had thought that perhaps the lizard had an eye for muscular men they decided that the bull would be the one to try and get the store owner in the mood. Already it had appeared that their earlier assertation was correct as the lizard had nearly jumped at the chance to help him before they had introduced the leopard to help, so as Blake started to put numbers into the computer the security guard went over to some sports apparel and started to take off his shirt. When he pulled it back to reveal his muscular torso Gerald looked over to see if it was working and saw that Chaz had been staring at him for pretty much the entire time until he had gotten caught peeking and tried to look anywhere else.

"Oh, I hope you don't mind," Gerald said in order to try and defuse the embarrassment that the lizard was showing. "It's so hard to find things that fit me, I like to at least try to see if I can get anything close and since the mall was closed and it's just us I didn't want to haul everything back to the dressing room."

"It's... it's fine," Chaz said as Gerald inadvertently flexed. "Maybe when we're done with this I can help you with fitting, I know how hard I can, I mean, it can be to find something like that."

"Actually I'm going to have to take a couple of minutes here at least in order to get your numbers inputted into the system," Blake said as he continued to type. "Normally this doesn't take me long but due to your, ah, unique way of keeping the books I may have to take more time to decipher. Plus it sounds like you got a potential sale there, so don't let me stop making you money on my account."

As Blake continued to type he saw the lizard just nod and practically leapt over the counter in order to go over to the shirtless security guard. It was clear that they already had the leopard on the hook, they just needed to real him in and get him assimilated so that they could start to work on this shop. For the moment though they needed to be patient since even with two of them there they had seen how this could all go wrong. If the incident with the warthog had taught them anything it was that the more the subject was into it at the time of the download the less resistance they gave to the conversion.

"So yeah, as you can see I'm a bit broad here and everything always feels so tight in my midsection even when I find something that says it's my size," Gerald said as he brought his fingers to his thick pectorals while watching the lizard attempting to be professional as possible by nodding his head. "I've tried going a few sizes bigger but then everything gets too loose, like what's going on with my pants right now."

"Your pants?" Chaz replied, swallowing hard as his eyes darted down.

"Yeah, I needed to wear these because the ones that said they would fit me were cutting off the circulation to my thighs," Gerald explained as he undid his belt, trying not to smirk as he saw the lizard's eyes widen when he did. "But as you can see while the length works for me the fit is just completely wrong. Maybe you can take a look and tell me if I need something custom?"

The second that Gerald's pants hit the floor so did Chaz's jaw; the bull had used his break during work in order to find something special in order to lure this creature into the fold, and he believed he had found it in the form of a thong that was almost a string against his hips and the fabric just containing his ample package. It definitely looks like this man likes more to be big than just his muscles, the alien bull thought to himself as he looked over at Blake, who just gave him a nod and kept going with the façade of crunching the numbers. As Chaz leaned down and looked over his thighs he began to say something about possibly just needed to go with a waistband or cloth that stretches, but every time he started a sentence he got distracted by the bulge that dangled just a few inches from his face as Gerald intentionally shifted his feet so that it would say enticingly back and forth without being too obvious. After about a minute Chaz seemed to get more comfortable and after asking for permission actually put his hands against the muscular legs, giving them a squeeze while commenting that he did a good job keeping in shape.

Just as Gerald was about to snap the fabric off and let his cock hang free however Chaz immediately stood up and said that he might have something in the back, then before the bull could say anything he hurried off into the area marked for employees only. After standing there for a few seconds in confusion he went over to Blake, both of them dropping their masks briefly while they were alone. "I do not understand what just happened," the alien bull said as he watched the alien leopard continue to do what he had come there to do. "I did everything but get naked and put myself on a bed of roses to present myself to him and he just ran off."

"Clearly he found you attractive enough," the alien leopard replied, stopping for a second as he looked through his assimilated information and memories for an answer before looking back up. "Do you remember when I converted Gerald in the first place that I was the one who initiated with you? From our synchronization I can say that while he thought that Blake was cute he would not have likely initiated with him and definitely not at the rate that I found satisfactory. It stands to reason that perhaps this Chaz is the same way, the reason that he likes men that are bigger and more muscular than him is because they typically happen to be more dominant in nature."

"That's a reasonable hypothesis," Gerald replied as he looked back over at the door. "Very well, let's see if that's what gets us access to this new node and the store they own. You stay here and stand guard over the front just in case someone comes in, I'll take care of this."

Once more the alien leopard silently nodded and then turned back to his work while Gerald cracked his neck even as it bulged slightly from the creature within. Before he went back to follow Chaz the alien made a few slight adjustments to the bull's attitude based on the suggestions that were made, wanting to make sure that he didn't have to focus on keeping up something during the act and also so he could make adjustments if needed. Once he was done he went and opened the door without bothering to knock, and when he did he saw the lizard practically jump while he turned around. From the way that he was hastily trying to pull up his pants and nervously adjusting his shirt it was clear what he was doing, and that was still a good sign that he was still theirs as the bull had a smirk form on his muzzle.

"Were you in back here touching yourself because of me?" Gerald asked as he leaned against the wall, making sure to show off every curve of his mostly naked body. "Come on Chaz, you can tell me."

"Oh, I-I was just thinking... I was figuring out how to help," Chaz said, though as the bull crossed his arms and cocked his head to the side he saw the lizard swallow hard. "I may have had to readjust myself, I didn't want to come off as unprofessional. You just, you are just a huge slab of beefcake and standing there in a thong like that while I'm trying to contain myself."

"Then stop containing yourself," Gerald said, standing back up and taking a step forward. "I've showed you mine, I think it's time for you to show me yours."

"But, what about Blake?" Chaz asked, his body trembling slightly as he was approached while he was in a corner.

"What about him?" Gerald replied, slightly more commanding while trying not to go too far in case they were wrong. "You want the leopard to join in? Or perhaps you would like him instead of me because he'd be easier to handle..."

"N-no!" Chaz quickly responded, putting his hands up against the chest of the bull. "This, I want this..."

"Then lets see what you're working with," Gerald replied, seeing the man getting more turned on by the second as he took a step back and let the lizard's hands slide down his chest. "You worked hard on that body I'm sure, now show it off. Unless you want me to put my clothes back on, doesn't feel right being the only one standing here."

The prompting combined with just a slight hint of impatience seemed to be the right combination to unlock this man's need, watching as Chaz quickly grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head. As imagined he was decently muscled, looking more or less like an athlete would with broad shoulders, firm chest, and a faint washboard abs covered in scales. The same could be said for his legs too as he got to his pants next and showed that the guy knew how to work-out as even though he was smaller than the bull everything was well-toned and evenly proportioned. Perhaps there was something worth downloading from him after all, the alien bull thought to himself as the lizard stood there just in a pair of tight briefs that were made even tighter by the fact he was sporting a full erection.

With those blue scales glinting in the light Chaz made the move to cover himself only for Gerald to step in and grab his wrists to move them away. He leaned in and whispered that if he was going to ride the bull he would need access first, then let go of his hands and squeezed the firm globes of his glutes. The lizard gulped and nodded before practically ripping off the underwear and exposing his ridged cock that was practically throbbing by this point. As Chaz stood there he asked what he should do next while playfully rubbing up and down his body, waiting for Gerald to tell him what to do with a look of eager anticipation on his face.

Gerald just smiled and as he motioned for the muscular lizardman to turn around he licked his lips in triumph. They had been correct in that the way to conquering this creature was to dominate him and at this moment the bull could probably make him do whatever he wanted, though there was only one thing the alien had in mind as he finally snapped the string of his thong and let his own cock free. Had Chaz looked back at that moment he might have seen the shiny black liquid that dripped from the tip or the fact that the flesh of the bull's member shifted unnaturally like something was underneath it, but all the lizard could think about was wanting this muscle god to breed him and show him that he was worthy to have that heavy shaft inside. A few moments later Gerald obliged and as he began to push the head inside the entire body of the lizard flexed in order to show off his body to the one who was taking it.

Though it was slow at first as soon as the alien fluid dripped inside of the lizard's tailhole it allowed for easier insertion of the bull's cock, though more than once Chaz jumped as despite having taken several in the past this one was stretching open the ring of muscle even more than them. He grabbed onto the nearby shelving unit and braced himself so that he could try and take more of it at once, and as the seconds passed and his groans grew louder he could feel his insides relaxing and the pleasurable feeling of being full replacing everything else as a pair of hands grabbed onto his scaled thighs. Chaz was in heaven, his naked scaled body being impaled by the huge bull behind him was always a dream of his and this guy clearly knew what he was doing as he seemed to be getting deeper inside of him with every second while Gerald let out a loud moan.

Just as Chaz started to get into it and tried to pull up to aid in getting the throbbing member to slide in and out of him the door could be heard opening, causing the lizard to freeze in shock and horror. "It's about time you got him wrapped around your cock," Blake said as he came in, stripping out of his suit and revealing his own lithe build as his entire body grew distorted for a second as the tendrils under his fur became excited. "I assume you're going to want help with the download?"

"Please," Gerald replied, Chaz tilting his head in confusion as the dominant and lustful tone he had just heard before was gone from the bull's voice. "I'll do the conversion, you do the assimilation."

"Assimilation... conversion..." Chaz said as he tried to make sense of what the two were talking about, though the two could see that he was starting to have trouble processing things. Even before Gerald had gotten himself fully hilted he had started to pump the lizard full of latex alien seed, which had caused the already sensitive inner walls of the other man to become heightened even more just like the rest of them while also able to absorb their data. "Who... what are you..."

"You're going to see soon enough," the alien leopard said as he had the bull lean their newest node forward and stood in front of Chaz with his cock pressed up against his snout. "Go ahead and suck, you know you want to. You can already feel that the answers you want are in here, including how to run your business."

Though it didn't make any sense how that would work to Chaz the lust and pleasure he was feeling from the cock inside him made it hard for him to think about anything but getting more, which he knew he could get if he just opened his maw. As soon as he did and the leopard's member slid into it the alien leopard thrusted a bit and let out a spurt of black rubber, which immediately started to spread and coat his mouth before the feline started to push in and out of his maw. With two aliens there thrusting into him it didn't take long for the conversion to take hold as they made their connection to the new node. The cock of the lizard continued to throb as his body twitched and shuddered, the entity known as Chaz losing control as his eyes went wide while tendrils could be seen pushing out the scales of his head.

The leopard and bull continued to thrust forward with the alien feline sliding down into the throat of the lizard to maintain a proper connection, the only sounds coming out of them were the slight moans that came from their mouths and the squirming of the lizard man they were converting. It started first in the scaly fingers and toes moving about without direction, then the muscular arms that had been pressing against the ground and the furred thighs of the leopard before they relaxed. As the alien leopard looked down at the lizard he could see Chaz being assimilated and filed away, tendrils of black spreading over the lizard as the pleasure that cascaded between their shared bodies was combined with finally getting a new node in their system. The two aliens continued to hold onto the head and hips of the lizard as their pacing became more frantic until they finished the download into the new node with a massive orgasm, one that was shared by the body between them as the scaled muscles of the lizard convulsed before the cock that jutted out between his legs fired of several jets of increasingly tainted seed until it turned a pitch black like the fluid that leaked from his mouth and tailhole.

Once their climax had subsided the alien leopard and bull pulled out, letting their tools soften as they saw the lizard shake his head and blink several times before standing up. "Node has been assimilated," the lizard alien said in a monotone before looking between the two. "Processing data, new functionality should be operational within the hour."

As the alien bull saw a particularly large tentacle slide out of the lizard's ear and nostrils before retreating back in he looked over at the alien leopard who had begun to put his clothes on. "I take it you gave him all the same financial data you had?" the bull asked, rubbing and squeezing on his cock and balls as he felt the euphoria of another node while the leopard nodded. "I'm surprised his head isn't swollen."

"Considering how garbage his numbers were he was going to need it," the alien leopard replied simply. "We may as well head back to the python node and report in our progress, since we both have to recharge for at least a day and he's not going to be ready for another hour we may as well leave this place."

"You go ahead," the alien bull replied. "I'll keep watch and protect the asset, just in case some of the other guards might come in to investigate." The alien leopard just shrugged and nodded, then once he had gotten dressed he left the two alone in the break room. Once he was gone the alien bull walked over and stood in front of the lizard, grabbing the shaft of the creature and stroking it a few times before asking to receive data.

The alien lizard nodded and continued to blankly stare ahead for a few seconds before looking down at the alien bull that had knelt in front of him. "You wish to sync with me?" The lizard asked, the bull nodding in response. "Very well, though time will take longer since I'm still processing data myself, is there anything in particular you wish to download?"

"I want to know about how Chaz took care of his host body," the alien bull replied. "If the information is useful it can be disseminated through the network and help keep our vessels in top shape, as well as increase pleasure output." The alien lizard nodded and grabbed onto his once more erect member, taking it and sliding it into the tailhole of the bull. The back of the alien bovine arched slightly from the pleasure and feeling his walls get stretched open as the lizard behind him didn't stop until he was hilted, and once he had the two remained like that with the lizard alien slowly thrusting in and out as they shared information while both stared ahead silently.

As the night wore on and more shops closed their doors for the day the ones for the nightclubs were just opening up, including one in particular where Hammond and Daniel had waited in line in order for them to get in. Though it had been rather hard to do so discretely the fox had found one of Ivan's harem boys enjoyed hanging out at this particular establishment when he wasn't whisked off to the estate of the enigmatic white tiger millionaire. When they got inside they found that it was actually more of a strip club then a night club and when they finally did get access they found that given the clientele and the dancers were both men that this catered to their kind of group. It also could be a potential conversion ground, the wolf making a mental note in order to share with the others later as they watched men tossing money up on the stage in order to get personal attention from the scantily clad men that walked around.

Before the two had arrived they had already synced their information in the car, the wolf lying face down in the back seat with the fox on top of him thrusting away while the vehicle shook in the parking lot. If anyone had seen them they would have just assumed two amorous club goers had decided to take the party somewhere semi-private, the two making sure to express their moans and groans of pleasure in case anyone happened to peek in. That way Daniel knew what to be on the look out for as they scanned the strip club to try and find the buck that they were looking for, though it would be hard to identify since the only thing they had to go on was a picture of his face from the file. A few hours in and a couple drinks later the two alien creatures hadn't found anyone that matched the one that they were looking for, at least not until the wolf turned his attention on the stage and his eyes widened slightly before patting the fox on the back to get his attention.

When Hammond turned around they saw that a new dancer had come onto the stage, the deer clad in a pair of rainbow stocking and sleeves and also a set of latex short shorts. There were hoots and hollers that came up from the stage as he moved about, his thin but toned build stretching and moving fluidly in order to entice the customers that surrounded it. As both Hammond and Daniel looked at one another they didn't realize that the one they were looking for was a dancer, especially since part of the reason that it was so hard to track this guy down was because he had independent contractor for a job title. The two shrugged and decided to see if they could entice the deer to come over and talk to them for a bit to try and get some reconnaissance along the way, opting to go for one of the more private areas of the stage that was less crowded then on the main throughfare where those that just wanted to stare were.

As they sat there thought and waited they found a potential problem with their plan; there was several branches that the stage took to go further into the club and from what they saw with the dancers the deer didn't have to visit them all. It was also getting to be too crowded in for them to move if they had to quickly enough to sit down and catch him without looking very suspicious. At the moment they just wanted to be as low profile as they could and decided that if he didn't come down they would just have to try again another day or wait and see if they could find another potential opening for the deer. It seemed that luck was on their side however and as they sipped the last of their drink they saw the gryphon man in a speedo who was sliding along the floor stand up and walk out while the deer walked onto the platform, and as the two saw him in a better light they were surprised to see that he had a metal muzzle over his mouth that completely covered it.

Once the deer, whom the announcer in the club announced was called Fawn and was clearly a fake name but better then the nothing that was on the file they found, came over towards their section Hammond dropped a ten dollar bill onto the stage. Though there were a few others that were also dropping bills the deer clearly saw the denomination and made their way over towards them. "Big spenders," Fawn said as he came down towards them, his voice echoing slightly in the metal contraption he wore over his face as he slid his hooved feet off the stage and leaned back. "Normally most think it's a buck to touch a buck, so I will say that you have my attention."

As the wolf stroked up and down the body that was presented to them Hammond kept up with his role of being the one to talk, trying to play the part of the interested club goer even though despite Daniel's proclivities neither had much experience in. "My friend here actually loves deer as you can see," Hammond said as he put another five in his shorts, keeping the man interested in staying with them. "Would it be possible to arrange for a private dance with you?"

"Of course sweetie," Fawn replied as he slid back up on the stage, which caused Daniel to look visibly disappointed. "Go over to the booth there and just ask for me, as long as I have a slot open I'll come and dance for your friend over here. I look forward to seeing you later."

With no more questions needed and the fox catching angry glares coming from those who wish to have the dancer's attention he nodded and thanked Fawn for the information, then motioning for Daniel to follow him over to the booth in question. In order to keep up with the story they had just told they signed the wolf up for as many dances as they could find back to back, and once they shelled out the impressive amount it took to purchase the slots Hammond stayed at the bar while Daniel got the information. There was going to be no assimilation or conversion today anyway so there was no need for both of them to go in and double their chance of exposure.

About an hour later Daniel found himself sitting in a someone small room, his hands resting on the pillow top of the chair that he had seated himself in while tapping them back and forth. Normally he wouldn't bother showing any sort of emotion but he had seen a camera in the corner that was pointed down in the area and knew to keep up the act just in case. It also meant that they weren't going to be able to do anything with Fawn here, at least not without spending a significant amount of time and resources just to take over a strip club that probably wouldn't be much use to them other than a potential conversion area with the fake rooms. Though the wolf merely played the nervous customer there was an actual anxiety that the alien felt, knowing that this was the only connection they currently had to the one that they were targeting in order to make their assimilation of this world so much easier.

About a minute before his time was about to start Daniel found himself no longer alone, the deer that he had paid for time with strolling in from a small doorway that was hidden near the stripper pole that was in the middle of the room. "You must really like deer," Fawn said as he stepped down from the stage and sat right next to him. "So what's it going to be, would you like a private dance for your eyes only on the stage, or would the big bad wolf like to have a deer in his lap for the entire time? Just mind the rules of where you can touch, which is basically no genitals or the head, don't expect me to touch anywhere I don't want, and I'd say no kissing but the mask pretty much prevents that, and if you're too naughty I reserve the right to put my hoof in your groin so hard it'll leave an imprint. Other than that you're free to roam wherever you want, so let's get started."

With Daniel unsure of what to do and hearing the first song play he asked Fawn to give him a lap dance, which he was more than eager to do as she straddled his chest and began to move to the beat of the music while grinding against him. "If... If I may ask..." Daniel said as he found himself getting distracted by his arousal from the expert ministrations of the deer. "Why do you wear a mask like that?"

"Because I have a habit of biting my customers," Fawn reply, clapping his teeth together before chuckle as he wrapped his arms around him and rubbed their chests together. "I'm just kidding, I actually have a... private client that pays for the use of my body, and since he's one that doesn't like others using his toys I agreed to wear this so I could keep dancing. As long as I'm not in the care of his handler I'm locked up tight."

"Wow, really?" Daniel replied, the fawn nodding his head. "Wait, when you say everywhere, you mean..."

Though it was hard to see with the mask Fawn grinned and pulled back, pulling down the shiny latex shorts to show a chastity belt wrapped around his groin. "I know it seems a little extreme but it's actually helpful when it comes to groping," Fawn explained as he hopped up and pulled off the shorts, leaving the deer naked save for the leggings and sleeves. "Now if you were looking forward to a face full of deer cock and they didn't tell you about this I do apologize, they can give you a refund of your remaining time. Or if you don't mind being a good sport I'll let you take off your clothes."

"Oh, oh my..." Daniel replied, knowing that was one of the rules given to him by the guy walking in that there was no whipping it out. "What about the cameras? And your private client?"

Fawn held up a finger to Daniel and then turned to the camera, holding up three fingers, then two, then three, and finally one before the light on it went out. "It's because of my private client that I have access to certain privileges that most other dancers don't," Fawn said as he went back over and started to take off Daniel's shirt. "And as for my private client I said that he doesn't like it when someone uses his toys, he doesn't mind it when the toys are the one doing the playing. Now sit back and enjoy, you have fifteen minutes left and I want to make sure you enjoy all of them."

As the deer leaned down to stroked down the wolf's thighs Daniel could see that there was a lock not only on the chastity belt but also the mask around his head, which meant that without a key there was nothing they could do in that regard to get them off. It didn't seem like Fawn minded them either, in fact he almost seemed to wear them as a badge of honor as his soft hands stroked up and began to slide along the half-hard cock that immediately sprang to life. As Daniel let out a moan he realized that they had no access to his mouth and his tailhole, even the other man's maleness was off-limits as the deer once more slid up to him and started to press his throbbing member against their chests. With nothing that he could do at the moment he just reciprocated the gesture he was getting and began to stroke along the places that he was allowed, eventually ending up lying down with his hands massaging up and down Fawn's chest while he continued to tease his cock while also running his fingers along his sides.

"Ohhh, you have good hands," Fawn said, his head turning up slightly as they both heard the song change to something different. "Last song, time to finish." All Daniel could do was let out a moan as the deer lavished all the attention it could on his cock, the alien wolf just able to remember to shift his cum back as he orgasmed and shot it all over the fur of his chest.

As he laid there panting Fawn reached under the couch and grabbed a towel hidden there, assuring Daniel it's fresh as he cleaned himself up. "I can trust that you're not going to go around blabbing my special treatment for you," Fawn asked, Daniel quickly shaking his head and getting a kiss on the cheek from the other man. "I knew I could, now feel free to come back whenever you like, I do love how soft and fluffy you wolves are against my body."

About an hour later the alien python gulped down the last of the black alien cum that Daniel produced, sliding off with a loud slurp as the others who had yet to share the data of the wolf's encounter did the same. "Locked by his owner," the alien python said with a sigh as he went back over to the chair while the others finished up. "This complicates things, and from what I gathered in your synchronization we don't have any other leads that could help us get close to Ivan?"

"As you saw Fawn is the only one with a public profile," the alien fox said, raising his voice slightly as the alien leopard let out a moan from the fox's cock sliding out of his tailhole after finishing his syncing with him. "Everyone else that I've tried to find is off the radar, likely because of this Ivan making sure of it. He has the means and the resources to keep people hidden, which would be great for our network if we can figure out how to get to him."

"The way through is the deer," the leopard replied once he had cricked his neck. "We just have to figure out how to get to him is all. Maybe we could assimilate his handler first, stretch the network to them that way."

"That would mean having to find out who is Fawn's handler and try to isolate him," the wolf explained. "This node has the means to connect with the deer, we just have to try and figure out how to do it that's not our traditional means of connection. We know that they can turn off security at the club and that they aren't afraid to be sexual in nature, if it wasn't for the masks we would already have them by now."

"Alright, that's enough thinking about that for now," the alien python said. "Tomorrow let's see how our potential conversion center works in the mall with our new lizard node. If everyone's synced up then we should all go our separate ways, the leopard will update the lizard and our security node while the financial one will see if there's an alternate way to get to Ivan."

The others just wordlessly nodded and got up as the alien python left the room, but as he tracked back towards the bedroom he found that he wasn't alone and turned to see the jet black eyes of the naked leopard staring at him. "There is something that we have to talk about," the leopard said as he laid down on the bed, prompting the python to get in with him. "I noticed that you relegated yourself to the end point of the data collation."

"Yes, there are nodes that have to be," the python said flatly. "Why?"

"I've also noticed that you have retreated back to the impersonal description of the other nodes," the leopard continued on. "While I agree that it's usually for efficiency sake we've gone back to not even using names, and while the others don't seem to care I find this fault in the logic worrisome. What happens if we get two security nodes, or if we find ourselves with several bull vessels, or wolf vessels?"

The alien python didn't respond to that, instead turning away as he let out a huff. "If you're trying to go where I think you're going then there's no need," the python said. "Such emotional rationality is unnecessary for our kind, we should just focus on the task at hand and get our nodes on-line as soon as possible."

"Then I would like to sync with you," the leopard said, the python turning back as he felt the hands of the feline grip against his scales. "If you have nothing to hide then you will let me receive your data."

"This node has no new updates," the python replied, only to lean back when he saw the leopard start to push against him and put a hand against his chest. "What are you doing?"

"A force download," the alien leopard said before pouncing on the python, their muzzles pressing together as the serpentine creature let out a muffled grunt. At first the alien wasn't sure what was going on but as their tongues began to lengthen and become rubbery tentacles he suddenly felt the leopard coil around his and pull it inward. As soon as he started to feel the data of his node flowing into the one on top of him he attempted to throw the leopard off and stop it, but between the suction of the lips that clamped around the mutated tongue keeping it inside and his body pinning him to the ground there was little that he could do but squirm.

After about a minute the leopard sudden uncoiled his tongue from the python's and let it slide back into the serpentine maw, and as the alien python's lips curled up in a sneer the leopard had a similar look on his own muzzle. "That's what this is all about?" the leopard replied in anger, flashes of Blake's personality filtering through so that the alien feline could express what he was thinking. "You think that because of that warthog you are some sort of corrupted node? If anything the one that you were trying to bring in would have filtered a lot of bad data, I personally am thankful he didn't have a chance to connect."

"It's not the destroyed warthog node that's the problem," the alien python shot back, also drawing in more of the emotion of his host to express his point. "It's the fact that I so quickly tried to integrate him in the first place. I had already taken probably the best thing from that café, there was no purpose to go and get the owner since its exposure made a poor conversion center and yet..."

"...yet you saw what happened with Daniel and wanted to do something about it," the leopard finished, both of them calming down. "Or rather, Nathan saw what happened and wanted to do something about it. That's really what you fear, not that you made a mistake but why you made it, you really do think that you are corrupted the host that you took."

There was a moment of silence between the two aliens until eventually the alien python just shook his head. "There is no reason to be having this conversation now," the python said. "It is an inefficient use of our time when we can try to be thinking about how to get to Fawn. I will take your drone naming advisement under consideration, until then unless you need this node for anything else then its advisable that we part ways."

The alien leopard waited there for a few seconds, then just nodded his head before heading back out into the living room in order to put his clothes back on to leave. When the python heard the door slam shut he laid on his back in his usual position in order to have the host rest and recharge energy for the next day, but as he continued to lay there he found himself bringing up his hand to his face. For a few moments he just laid there and rubbed his scaly fingers together, his jet black eyes looking at them even though there was no reason for it. Eventually he let his hand fall back to his side and the alien python just shook his head before closing his eyes, but before he shut down for the night they snapped back open and as he stuck his tongue out into the air he suddenly started to have an idea form in his mind...

The next day the mall was open for business once more, and as a large orca man made his way up the escalator to the third floor he looked around before he saw the store that he was looking for. While normally if he was at the mall he would be found at the food court this time he had a different destination in mind, especially since it was that area that he was having problems with the first place. Though he had heard of the freshman fifteen as far as weight gain he hadn't ever heard of the post-grad thirty, which was exactly what happened to him as he found himself adjusting the tight waistband of his pants. That morning he had stepped on his scale and saw that he had a three in front of that number for the first time ever he knew that he needed to make a change, and he figured his best start was the workout and supplement store that he had seen occasionally on the map of the mall but hadn't bothered looking into until that moment.

Once he had located the store he found that it actually looked like it was being torn down, and though for a moment he thought that he was too late he saw a hand-made sign that said they were open and merely renovating. As he stepped inside past a couple of boxes of what looked like scuba gear he saw that there was a leopard that was in the back pulling things down from a high shelf but before he could get there he suddenly found himself staring at a smiling muscular lizard man. "Good afternoon," Chaz said enthusiastically. "My name is Chaz, welcome to the Body Shop."

"Oh, hey Chaz," the orca said as he found himself shaking the lizard's hand. "I was just looking for something like a protein shake or something like that, or maybe some of those health bars?"

"I certainly do, but I can be honest with you I don't think that's going to really help," Chaz replied as he wrapped an arm around the chubby orca's shoulders and walked him further into store. "See, a lot of people think that if they just eat a protein bar or drink a shake they might start losing weight or gaining muscle, but the truth is if you want to get fit you have to make a lifestyle choice to do so. What's your name, by the way?"

"Oh, it's Arthur," the orca replied as he began to look around a bit nervously. "I don't really know if I would have time for any of that, I just was stress eating during my studying and I put on a few pounds that I thought about losing. I don't know if I can find time to really do a whole thing."

"Well they say that interested people find time but motivated people make time," Chaz stated as the grin grew. "Now as you can see we're doing a little bit of a retread on the brand and turning this place from just sports apparel and nutritional supplements to a full lifestyle performance upgrading facility. We even have a new examination room so that I can see what would be the best way to boost your performance in all aspects of your life, and at the moment they're currently free consultations!"

"Free?" Arthur said, the lizard nodding as he continued to flash his toothy smile. "I mean, I guess I have a little time, but it's not like a high-pressure sales pitch or something right?"

"I guarantee that I will not offer anything that you won't want to jump on immediately," Chaz said as he handed the orca a pair of gym shorts and pointed to a small room. "Go ahead and get changed in there, then go out the door to the other side where we can begin your test."

Arthur hesitated for a few moments, looking down at the shorts and then at Chaz, but eventually as he looked down at himself and noticed that the lizard was shirtless and looked like a sculpted statue of fitness compared to his flabby stomach he grabbed the shorts and went into the other room. Once the door closed the alien lizard looked over to his feline counterpart and as the alien leopard nodded back. The feline took the water bottle he had been stroking himself off into ever since the orca appeared interested in their new sales pitch and popped it off his tip, then took a dark purple sports drink and mixed it in the rubber alien cum with it until he tossed it back over to Chaz. The lizard caught it easily and grabbed a nearby towel, cracking his neck as the tendrils briefly pushed out his scales before they settled back down.

Fifteen minutes later the orca was huffing and puffing as he got off the treadmill, Chaz pulling the nodes off of him while he chuckled down the grape energy drink. "Ugh, this stuff is really chalky," Arthur said as he handed the half-empty bottle back to Chaz.

"Yeah, I realize now that powdered energy drink mix really isn't the way to go," Chaz replied before motioning over to the small desk. "So I think that I have everything I need here, if you just want to wait for a few minutes I can put in your results and have a plan drawn up for a plan of attack you can have right away. Then if you like what you get I will get a lot more data from you, which I will then process and when we sync up again you'll have the blueprint to success."

The orca just nodded there, still breathing heavy as he watched the lizard begin to type into the computer. Even though he hadn't done much in the way of working out it felt like it was a hundred degrees in the room, though when he brought it up Chaz mentioned that they hadn't gotten central air into the area yet and this had essentially been a storeroom they requisitioned. There was also something else that was happening to him as well but it wasn't workout related either, or at least he hoped it wasn't as he shifted his position in his chair to keep the growing member between his thighs. While he had never had the problem before Arthur believed that the combination of the exercise plus the silky material rubbing against his pants had inadvertently caused him to grow aroused... though more than once he had caught himself looking at the lizard's bare chest as he had still not put on a shirt.

"Hmm, seems we have a bit of a problem here," Chaz spoke up, snapping Arthur out of his thoughts as he looked back up at the lizard while continuing to adjust himself. "Looks like the data we gathered in the traditional way didn't quite work like I would expect. Now we could do a direct download of all your information and then I can get you the results just as quickly, but it takes a bit of an unconventional route."

"Oh?" Arthur said, swallowing hard as he started to feel like he was sweating more as he saw the lizard get up. The orca hoped that he wasn't coming over or ask him to stand up where he would see his spontaneous boner, but to his surprise as Chaz vaulted over his side of the desk and landed in front of him that he had removed his shorts during the process and sat there completely naked. "I-I... wu... wuh..."

"I like to call this the direct transfer process," Chaz said as he stroked his cock, his eyes darkening to black as the muscular lizard rubbed his feet against the groin of the orca. "You suck my cock and I'll suck yours at the same time, and thus I can get your complete food and exercise history while you immediately get the routine I make directly in your brain. It really will make things much easier on both me and you and I can guarantee we'll be melting that fat off of you in no time."

Arthur's brain was so rattled by the sudden turn of events that he didn't know what to say, though he did find himself staring at that meaty cock while licking his lips he knew that he wasn't into men... was he? The fact that he was horny as hell and he couldn't even remember his past relationships through that up in the air and as the lizard pulled down his shorts he felt his cock spring free. Even though his body was practically hanging upside down off the desk Chaz still managed to get the cock he was after in his maw, the alien cum tainting his system already working to assimilate the creature into one of them as a node and potential asset to infiltrate the university.

As soon as Arthur felt those scaly lips start to suck him off he was gone, the pleasure felt so good his already addled brain found himself only able to focus on the intense sensations that were occurring between his legs. Suddenly he found himself needing to get that throbbing ridged length that still bobbed in front of him into his maw, and even though he was a bit portly and his stomach pushed up against the lizard Chaz was able to be flexible enough so that he could still present himself properly. Arthur wrapped his arms around the lizard's thighs and brought his maw down on the needy member, not even seeing that it was dripping with a shiny black substance as it slid inside. As soon as he engulfed it with his orca beak though he could feel the thick liquid start to pour inside of his maw, but when he tried to pull it out to see what was going on he found his own mouth had practically suctioned around it and had him still sucking!

Arthur let out a few muffled grunts but with the alien material from the leopard already manifesting in his body he had already succumbed without realizing it, letting out a muffled grunt of pleasure as they began to sync with one another. As the alien creature manifested itself in the orca's head he began to see all sorts of things including diet plans and exercise regimens that the fitness node gave him as he began to slurp on the cock in earnest. With the new orca node syncing up it would take longer for the lizard to get everything he needed as well as up to speed, but that was just fine as the two remained locked around one another's cocks and sliding their muzzles up and down. Fortunately for their newest conversion the alien leopard had come in to see what was happening and decided to speed up the download, pulling down his pants and pushing into the exposed tailhole of the orca as another shudder ran down the alien orca's body.

It appeared that they may have something here, the alien leopard thought to himself as he worked himself to orgasm so he could get back out and keep working on the shelves for their relaunch.

A few nights later Daniel once more found himself in the strip club Fawn worked at, this time tapping his fingers against the couch in excitement as he waited for the deer to come in. The reason that it had taken this long in order to get back in the first place was because he opted to take as big a block as he could get for the longest amount of time, which in this case was an hour. He hoped that it wouldn't put off Fawn too much and make him seem like a stalker since what he was doing would require close contact, but as he saw the curtain open once more the deer gave him a wave and almost immediately went to the camera in order to turn it off. The wolf had to stifle breathing a sigh of relief as he took off as he watched Fawn take off the speedo that just covered the chastity device and went over to sit on his lap.

"You're turning into my biggest fan," Fawn said as he tapped Daniel on the nose. "A wolf and a deer, what would the natural order think about this pairing. At this rate you might make my private client jealous, he might think that he has competition."

"I wouldn't want that," Daniel said as his own grin widened. "But I was actually wondering if you minded me trying something that I find I enjoy and could also work with your... equipment? If you don't that's fine, but I think you would really enjoy it then and it would thank you for your special treatment of me before."

"Huh, alright, I have to admit that I'm very curious on what this might be about," Fawn said as he caressed the wolf's chest. "Though as I mentioned before I have the right to tell you to stop, and even though I like you I still reserve the right to trample on your junk if you do anything unsavory. That being said I want to see that fluffy body of yours again, so before you do anything you better strip down."

Daniel was more than happy to oblige and after he had gotten naked he said for Fawn to lie down on his back. Once the deer was in position he carefully climbed on top of him, and as he got close he could hear the breathing of the smaller man increase through the mask he wore. He rubbed his hands against the other man's body and found him doing the same and soon the initial anxiety was whisked away as they acted like two horny lovers except without the kissing due to the mask. But there was one area that the python node had realized that they could download information into and what might potentially be an even more direct connection, though first the wolf started by preparing the deer by licking and nibbling on his ear.

A soft moan escaped from the man underneath him as he continue to slowly but dutifully stimulate the flesh there, making sure to keep his tongue untransformed until the very last minute as he used techniques that actually their alien leopard knew about. "Ohhh... now that is something..." Fawn said as he pressed his hands against Daniel's hips. "This is quite the new trick, I would show my owner this but I'm afraid he'd be too enamored by the concept and I'd have to go around wearing ear muffs or something. Perhaps we'll just leave this our little secret."

Daniel just nodded and started to swirl the tip around deeper, which from the way Fawn's back was arching he knew was hitting the sweet spot he wanted to be. With the transformative alien cum slathered against the hole he put the idea that he had up until this point only practiced on other nodes with already augmented forms into use. He shifted his body to keep the deer pinned beneath him just in case and as more of the rubbery substance coated his tongue he pushed it inside, sliding right into Fawn's skull as he saw her eyes widened in absolute shock. While the pleasure masked most of it Daniel knew that the deer at the very least was thinking something was strange, but with a direct line to the other man's brain he immediately began to assimilate it while still rubbing against soft fur to keep him as occupied as possible.

It turned out that it didn't take long for it to start taking effect, seeing whatever words Fawn was about to say disappear from his muzzle as it started to go slack. His body began to shake and quiver from the alien material being introduced directly into him and though he couldn't see it due to the chastity belt he could only imagine just how hard he probably was right now. Pure euphoria being pumped directly into the pleasure center of the brain... as his tongue slithered in the ear of the deer and squished itself in deeper he only wished he could connect with the cervine to feel his conversion. There were a few times that his hips bucked up and his limbs twitched before they completely relaxed and the breathing of the deer returned to a normal, steady rhythm.

Even though the assimilation was directly in her skull it was going to take a while for him to download all the information necessary for what they needed plus convert him just through his tongue, but as he tried to slide himself in deeper and got another inch or so inside he suddenly heard a loud gasp. Daniel's eyes looked over to see that Fawn had opened his, which were a pitch black as he looked over towards his direction. "This one is definitely going to be useful for what we need in order to get to Ivan," Fawn said as he began to sit up, bringing Daniel with it as he started to find it easier to thrust his tongue into the head of the other male while his own erection was leaking a similar substance as it throbbed between them. "Oh, there is a lot more information on a few other subjects too, but this node is blocked from being able to relay any of it through our usual relay."

Though he couldn't talk Daniel just thought for Fawn to give him the down low on Ivan and he could give it to them, while he could try and pull information out being so close to the source it would interrupt the flow and they needed every second in order to complete the conversion enough that the deer can act normal the rest of the night instead of talking like a computer. As he continued to bob his head while also humping into his stomach from the stimulation he was getting for the downloading and conversion Fawn explained that Ivan did have a particular type, which was lithe, lean men who could do things to entertain him as well and just provide him with company and to have sex with them whenever he pleased provided they were into it. He seemed to have a knack for finding those that had an insatiable sex drive though and only had them around for a week or so at a time so that he didn't have several fighting over his affections, the deer drone noting that while Fawn didn't particularly love Ivan he did have a strong attachment to him and would have never betrayed his trust in order to protect him. While he was sure that there was more information to have Daniel could hear the last song playing and hoped that he had done enough with their unusual but seemingly effective way of converting the chastity deer as he pulled his tongue out of Fawn's ear and used his sleeve to clean up.

For a few moments Fawn just sat there and Daniel thought that they might be in trouble, but as the deer blinked a few times he went over and smiled at the wolf while petting him down the chest. "I hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I did," Fawn said with a smirk as he flicked his ear before giving the wolf a squeeze around his shaft. "It's going to be hard for me to get away from my handlers in order to give you a private dance, but if you and any of those friends of yours who might want to join you get an inkling to enjoy the pleasure of my company you don't hesitate to ask. Just give the bouncer your name and he'll hook you up with some freebie time."

Well Fawn certainly transitioned fast back to his mask, Daniel thought to himself as he quickly got his clothes back on upon the prompting of the stripper while he did the same. Perhaps it was because he was used to putting on a show, or maybe because of how quickly his mind was converted the alien infesting him couldn't separate a lot, but either way as Fawn put on his leggings he turned to give him a wink and it was like nothing had happened to him. The fact that he got free time for him plus bringing people in to join him meant that it had to have worked, and as he tucked in his erection that he would use to share with the others later he shuttered as he imagined the leopard and him sliding into her ears at the same time... or perhaps the feline doing it to him as he left the club to report in.