The Alpha's Consort

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#1 of The Alpha's consort

Toothless has fallen deeply in love with Hiccup, the Alpha and leader of the flock. Lots of other dragons are trying and failing to court Hiccup, who has no idea what the dragons are doing. How does Toothless make Hiccup fall in love with him?

Hi! This is my first fanfiction. It is coauthored by GriffonTail from SoFurry, the art is by Semondemon on Ao3, and was beta read by the amazing VoreDrakon this site. Please comment your thoughts and theories and I will respond to as many as I can. Disclaimer, I don't own any of these characters, all rights belong to DreamWorks.

Chapter 1

Hello, my name is Toothless Haddock. I am a Nightfury, and the consort to the Alpha of the Berk Flock. I have an odd name for a dragon, but I would not have it any other way. My mate is dictating this for me to tell our story so that future generations know of 'The Dragons of Berk'.

Our story starts in the year 1010, when an evil Alpha class dragon known as the Red Death is waging war against the vikings of Berk, Scotland. Many harrowing years of famine and misfortune had fallen upon Berk, and that on top of the constant threat of dragon attacks made living a very hard time. The war was bloody and violent. So many losses of human and draconic life, but neither relenting. One fateful day, a young scrawny viking, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, son of the mighty Stoic the Vast, Chieftain of Berk, came stumbling across something that would forever change both our races.

Hiccup the Horrendous managed to shoot down a dragon, a Nightfury no less. He shot me down, mangled my left tail fin, cursing me with the inability to fly. I had landed in a cove, wounded and unable to get away, trapped in an unfamiliar place. Hiccup had never done anything of that sort of thing before, the most being a slight scratch to a sword, nevermind even approaching a dragon in the flesh. Within the cove, He found me, lost and confused, and approached me, and at the moment when I thought it would all be over, a mercy came over his face, the inability to kill.

He freed me, letting me go from my bonds, while all other vikings would kill a downed dragon on sight. I returned the act of mercy by sparing him as well, setting the end of the Viking and Dragon war in motion.

Over the course of the following days and weeks, Hiccup had approached me again and again, first with fear, then with interest, and finally with curiosity, but never with malice, which was something that I did not expect at the time.

Together, we were able to defeat the Red Death, but at a steep cost, Hiccup lost his left leg and slid into a deep slumber. His bravery and teamwork with me was able to convince the vikings that dragons were not the bloodthirsty monsters they thought we were, ending the terrible war once and for all.

Toothless POV

It had been over a week since my best friend, and newly titled Alpha, had slipped into a deep sleep. The humans call it a 'coma'. The human healer has assured me and the other humans that he will eventually wake, and I am holding fast to that belief. He looks so serene resting in his bed, his rising and falling chest reminding me that he is still alive. I glance over to his missing leg and croon in sadness. It was my fault that he lost it, I bit too hard holding onto it when we were falling and damaged it, the human's healer amputating it on the boat ride back.

I am resting on a stone slab that Hiccup's sire had brought in for me when I hear a commotion coming from outside the human den. Making sure that Hiccup is ok with lots of licks and nuzzling, I make my way out of the den to see a crowd of arguing dragons shouting at each other. I stand there listening to their argument. From what I can make out, they are arguing over who will be the Alpha's consort, reminding me of my own desires for him.

I first desired Hiccup when we were spending time in the cove. It was a normal day for us, relaxing and playing together, when suddenly, it started to pour rain from the sky like never before. Hiccup's fake skins were soaked, I held my wing out to help him over to the cave. He placed some logs that he had stockpiled in the cave into a fire and I lit it with my fire. He sat by the fire warming up, but was still shivering due to his soaked fake skins. With some encouragement, via nudges to the edge of his top covering along with some crooning, I was able to convince him to take them off, giving me a view of his naked body for the first time. Hiccup was perfect, his skinny but toned muscles chiseled from his time working in the metal den. His auburn chest hair trailing down to a small jungle of hair between his legs, and the scent. Oh the scent, it was amazing. Hiccup smelled of Alpha and power, and my muzzle started to warm up, much to my confusion. I took in the smell of this Alpha. That is when my attraction to Hiccup started. It has only grown as we spent time together.

Clearing myself of my arousal towards Hiccup, I roar for the attention of the arguing flock.

"All of you! Shut it and stop arguing! You have no right to argue over who will get to be with the Alpha! The right to choose belongs to him and him alone. When he wakes up he will get to decide on who he takes as his consort, understood?"

The flock whispers amongst each other before nodding and voicing their agreement. Having temporarily resolved the problem, I make my way back into Hiccup's den to resume my watch over him.

Days later Hiccup began to stir, and I rushed to his side. The forest green of his eyes once again drawing me in, a smile slowly appears as he looks at my worry stricken face.

"Hey bud..."

I knew then that everything was going to be ok.