Sean part 2: horrid night great day

Story by Valt on SoFurry

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#2 of Sean (old)

I was 200 meters from my house when I was knocked to the ground and then kicked in the side

"Well well well and here I thought you weren't going to show up" Gary said, the other two cheered as he kicked me again. Gary got me by the throat and pulled me up, I was gasping for air "What's the matter fag can't breathe" He asked, I was gripping his arm gasping trying to get him to drop me. A red car drove passed and they must have seen us because they slammed the brakes on. Gary let me go and I fell to the ground gasping and coughing, and I saw a lion get out of the car

"What the fuck are you looking at" Gary said and as he got closer I saw who the lion was. It was Sean.

Gary walked up to him and saw he was half a foot lower than the lion but he didn't care

"Boys make sure the fag doesn't get away" Gary commanded, Sean was about to push through when Gary threw the first punch and hit Sean in the face. The Tiger and the Jaguar walked over, pulled me up and held me there to watch, Sean looked back at Gary with hate in his eyes and Gary threw another punch but this time Sean caught it.

"You know, I hate people like you" Sean said as he bent Garys' wrist up and Gary went down yelling in pain "You think because he's weaker you can bash him, well I'll tell you now" Sean lent down to Garys ear "You can't" then Sean lifted his knee into Garys face and Gary fell to the ground unconscious "Do you two want to let him go or do I have to make you" Sean said and the tiger on my right looked at the jaguar to my left, nodded, then the jaguar held me and the tiger grabbed a pocket knife from his right pocket. The tiger lunged at Sean who caught his paws, spun around with the tigers paws still in his and he made the tiger stab himself in the leg

"ARRRRGGG" The tiger howled in pain and the jaguar grabbed me by the throat

"Come on step closer see what happens" He threatened and he clenched his paws making me unable to breath. I was gasping for air and all Sean could do was watch as I stood there, Then a police car came around the corner and the jaguar let me go then ran for it, I fell to the ground but I was caught by Sean and he helped me up , the police officer chased the jaguar

"Are you alright" Sean asked looking at me, I nodded tears started falling from my eyes "it's okay" he said comforting me and then the police officer came back with the jaguar handcuffed and he pushed him into the car and got the other two in the car

"Are you two alright" the German Sheppard asked

"Yer we're fine" Sean answered for me, the police officer nodded and left. I tried to walk but I fell down, my sides felt like they had collapsed "Daniel hang on I'll get you home" He said helping me up and put my arm around his neck "where do you live" He asked

"Just follow the road till you see number 21" I said and we walked till we reached my house. Sean knocked on the door and Dad answered

"Hello" He said, he saw me and Sean "Oh shit what happened" He said pretending to care, Dad took me to the couch and put me down

"Three guys that looked about Daniels age were beating him so when I saw I had to go and help" Sean said

"Well thank you very much umm what's your name" He asked

"Sean sir Sean Jameson" Sean said putting his paw out and dad shook it

"Well thank you for your help but I can take it from here" Dad said, Sean nodded then went to the door while dad stood behind me and put his paws on my shoulders

"Okay see ya Daniel"

"Bye Sean" I said, Sean left and after dad knew Sean was gone he grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and under my arm and flung me over the couch and into the wall

"GET THE FUCK INTO YOUR ROOM" He yelled, I stood up slowly and staggered to the room. I didn't know dad was behind me till he grabbed my neck and pushed my head into the wall then threw me into the room and slammed the door shut. I curled up into a ball and tears rolled down my cheeks for my pain, I laid there clenching my stomach, It was a couple hours later when the door opened again, I cowered against the wall as dad stood their looking at me, I could smell the alcohol on his breath, he picked me up by my neck, dragged me into his bedroom and threw me into his bed

"Dad what are you doing" I asked, he growled and threw a punch across my face,

"Shut up" he said, he took his shirt off then he grabbed mine and ripped it off.

"Undo my pants with your teeth bitch" I was in shock to do anything I was just laying on the bed looking at him "I TOLD YOU TO DO SOMETHING, NOW DO IT OR I SWARE TO GOD" he shouted

"OKAY" I yelled in fear "okay" I said, I slowly made my way over to my drunk father and I put my paws on his hips reluctantly, I slowly put my maw against his jeans. I bit down on his jeans and undid the button

"Now the zipper" Dad instructed, I got his zipper in my teeth and pulled down, he got my throat and pushed me onto the bed, he pulled his pants down and I could see his monster bulge it looked around 9 inches, I began to tremble, he pulled me closer and he pulled his underwear down and then he sat me up

"Suck my meat fag" he commanded, I started weeping

"Please daddy don't make me do this" I asked then he punched me in the face and then the stomach knocking me to the bed clenching my stomach in pain

"I said SUCK" he said, I slowly sat up and put my maw around his meat. Dad moaned in pleasure as I bobbed "Use that tongue" He instructed "FUCKING DO IT" He yelled as I didn't do it straight away and in fear I ran my tongue around the 5 out of nine inches I had in my maw

"Fuck ohh faster, and deeper bitch" he instructed and he pushed my head down his pole, I gagged as his monster went down my throat.

He started to buck his hips into me; I was still bobbing and running my tongue over it because he would murder me if I stopped

"Okay bitch bend over" He commanded

"Oh please no daddy please anything but that" I pleaded and he slammed the side of his paw into my throat, I slid off the bed holding my throat gasped and coughed from the blow, he picked me up and threw me onto the bed face down then ripped my jeans and underwear off, I lay there uncovered and at his mercy but I already knew, there would be none. Dad just threw my jeans across the room and he brought me closer

"Please daddy I won't tell anybody just please don't do this" I coughed pleading, he gave me an elbow to the back and I yelped in agony

"Shut up and take it fag" He said and he gave a huge thrust pushing it all into me

"ARRRRGGGG PLEASE DAD IT HURTS PLEASE" I yelled in pain but he didn't, hell he didn't even care, he just moaned and kept humping. I was frequently whimpering and yelling in pain but it only turned him on

"Enjoying it yet bitch" dad mocked, I screamed in pain and dad laughed still going hard and fast


"Fuck you bitch. Beg for it" Dad commanded but I couldn't, I was in too much pain to do anything but squirm "I SAID BEG" He shouted

"OH PLEASE DAD fuck me harder please, fill me" I shouted in pain and fear, dad went harder and faster into me while I screamed. Dad picked me up and slammed me against the wall then turned me to face the wall and again shoved his 9 inches into me


"Why because I needed to fuck someone badly and then I thought well I perfectly good cum slut in the closet, why waste him, and you can forget about me stopping it feels too good" He said and I responded with a loud yell of pain

"OH I'm close, beg for my cum" He told me, I whimpered "DO IT" He yelled

"PLEASE fill me daddy fill my insides with your cum" I whimpered. Dad howled then a second later I felt his warm seed shoot up my ass, His hot ropes of cock slime splashed against my sides, Dad panted as he rested against me. After a couple of minutes dad pulled his nine inches out of me and I heard it go all over the floor, when dad let go of me I collapsed to the floor landing on my back. Dad kneeled down then pulled my head up to his cock

"Clean me bitch" he instructed and I weekly ran my tongue all over his cock, he moaned in pleasure as my tongue cleaned his salty cum off his dick. He grabbed the back of my head and gave my face a punch landing it squarely on my right eye and I let out a huge yelp

"That's what you get for being a little bitch and making so much GOD DAM NOISE" he yelled then he grabbed my leg, dragged me back to my closet and threw back into isolation then left me. Tears ran down my face and my fathers' seed and my blood dripped from my sore hole, I couldn't stop crying it just hurt too much but when I remembered Sean face, his smile, his soft touch and soon I felt safe, I felt strong and I soon drifted off to sleep

I woke up still naked in my empty room and rubbed my eyes, I started to sulk remembering last night I curled into a little ball and began to cry but when then the door opened I cowered against the wall

"WAKE UP BITCH" he yelled, I stood up and dad walked over and came right up to my face "So did you enjoy last night" He asked smiling evilly, I didn't do anything

"I asked you a FUCKING QUESTION" dad screamed

"YES, yes" I replied out off pure fear

"Good then you get to enjoy it again tonight" he said and he pushed me against the wall, laughed and left. I went into my room, got some jeans on and dad came in

"Daniel" he said I turned around and shook "Sean's here to take you to school did you make these arrangements yesterday" Dad said, he walked over, got right up into my face again and grabbed my throat "well"

"No daddy I swear" I said nearly in tears

"You're not lying to me are you" dad asked tightening his grip on my throat

"No daddy, please let me go I can't breathe" I gasped, he let me go and I feel to the floor gasping for air and dad kneeled next to me

"If you tell him about anything, I will end you" Dad warned tracing his finger across my throat, I put a t-shirt on, got my bag and ran outside.

"Hi" Sean said

"Hi" I coughed I sat down, he grabbed my maw and turned my face to his

"What the hell happened to your eye" Sean asked, I saw in the reflection of the mirror I had a massive black eye and a couple of cuts

"Nothing" I said, I sat back in my seat, I felt my eyes watering but I forced it back

"Hay listen, I know I have only known you for a day but" He said and grabbed my maw and made me look at him "you can tell me anything" He said I was about to cry but forced myself to stop

"Nothing happened, these are from yesterday" I lied, Sean nodded

"Okay" He sighed and he drove off; we reached our school at the good time of seven when the school was open yet empty. We went to our first class, sat down and we were going over our homework

"So X equals three point five" He asked

"Yup that's it" I said smiling

"Hay w-what are you doing S-Saturday night" He suddenly asked and I froze, he was asking me out, I wanted to say yes I wanted to say I wasn't doing anything but I couldn't

"Why" I asked even tho I knew but I was just making sure

"Well because if you weren't doing anything maybe you'd like to go see a movie or go grab a bite to eat" Sean asked looking down he looked so nervous I felt so bad that I had to say no

"Sean I would love to but I'm sorry I would need to ask my dad first" I said letting him down easy I smiled

"Oh o-okay" Sean said looking down at his paws

"I'm not saying no I would seriously love to but my dad's needs to know and he gives the verdict" I say, Sean looked back smiling at me then we went back to our homework, the day went on normally except for one aspect; I was happy because Sean liked me and he was planning to spend his Saturday night with me. When school ended Sean drove me home and soon when we came to my little house

"Well thanks for the ride and I'll talk it over with my dad" I promised even tho if I even said the word dating he would slaughter me.

"Anytime and okay, see ya tomorrow" Sean said happily smiled

"Hay I'm not saying I don't like getting picked up by you but I do enjoy my walks so maybe don't pick

me up tomorrow" I said sadly

"Oh I'm sorry, so stop picking you up" Sean said, I could tell from his voice he was sad so I went around to the other side and tapped on his window he pressed the button

"I'm not saying I don't like our trips I love them but I just really love to walk" I lied and he smiled

"Okay" He said "then I shall see you at school"

"Yup" I said smiling, we said goodbye then Sean drove off and I watched as my only friend drove off, the only person in my life who didn't think I was a meaningless nobody, who actually maybe liked me.