Warlord's Comforts - Oneshot

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#16 of Redwall Stories

Cluny is thinking about heading towards Redwall but after having to deal with bumbling captains he finds himself enjoying one of the perks of being a warlord with the help of Shadow... who is not what they might appear in this tail.

The Warlord's Comforts

A Redwall Oneshot with Cluny and Shadow

There were rumours of a place in the south, a fortress ruled by peaceful mice with treasures unbound and it made a very tempting target for warlords ever hungry for more and more. Within the regions of the north where the villages were burnt or ravished and the horde of a great sea rat were swelling in ranks, there was an air of comfort as bellies were filled for the time being... but their master knew better than to just remain apathetic and contented. No, the great Warlord Cluny the Scourge was already reading the map down to the south lands with their one eye fixed upon the prize within the captured old stone turret that the winter wind might bite through with its many gaps.

"Dark Claw!" Cluny had decided, when he pulled the door open he called out the name of one of his more faithful generals. In truth, Cluny laughed to think that any of them were faithful save Shadow, most of these wretches were only loyal to full bellies and the chance to express their sadism. Cluny could understand that, but none left were shipmates of his youthful days but the raiding and round bodied rats that feared the whipping of his tail but rather had joined the band and through canny survival had reached rank. Dark Claw was a good example as he bumbled to the doorway with an anxious look upon his face.

"Uh... yes chief?" His fur was more than a little unkempt around his face, something that rather infuriated Cluny to see as it would any rat in their right mind. The distraction was enough that he grasped the fool by the collar of his tunic and pulled him into the room, slamming the door shut behind him. The one eye peered down at him, slicing into his feeble made as the sharps noses came close together, that long tail bearing its spike swishing about behind as Cluny curled a lip and gave a hiss.

"You're out of uniform..." Cluny stated, ever to slyly with a wicked grin forming upon his face and for a moment, Dark Claw's paws dropped downwards just in case. It was an odd sort of quirk about the rats in Cluny's employ, though most other creatures like the weasels, ferrets and even their dear tasty little prey folk looked upon the great chieftain as the scourge and the destroyer he was, but his troops had a slightly different thought to them. Perhaps it was just his scent, something about him that smelt deliciously feminine that seemed to show in the rat's big hips and strangely rich coloured fur. Cluny's ability to keep neat and tidy and yet fearsome abilities made the males in his employ a little... excited. "Uh... uh..."

"Whilst we're in holdings for the winter we are representing the might of my army... so I will not tolerate any of my content fighters to look like they've just rolled out of a briar patch!" Cluny had started gently and then suddenly his voice had risen and he'd ended up shouting right into Dark Claw's ears. The other rat shrunk down, whimpering fearfully and then he was slammed down onto the floor. He gave a yelp of shock as the chief's foot stomped onto him and the scourge blade was bought near his neck. He gulped heavily, shivering in fear, before Cluny approached him with a rough old brush and then calmly started to comb the fur down with a growl of frustration to see how ridiculous it was that one of his commanders was not even cleaning himself properly. Dark Claw remained motionless and blushing, there was something so pleasant about being groomed by the chief and he would certainly gloat about it when he got back to the others.

Once the fur was tidied up and he looked neat enough, Cluny gave a growl as he stepped back and then whipped his tail about near his desk, hooking up the map that had been given in amongst their latest bundle of booty. Dark Claw pulled himself upward, blushing a little for the chief's attention before the paper was shoved rather forcefully into his face before it was pulled back. He was able to see it a little better but he was blinking in confusion as he stared at it, noticing a large area titled Mossflower Wood and a clearing seemingly at the heart of it that sat with a seeming castle shape that was titled Redwall Abbey.

Cluny was looking at him expectantly, but Dark Claw just blinked a few times in confusion, not sure what it was he was supposed to be gaining from looking at this map. His first thought was that abbeys and their ilk were the homes of poor figures, no booty to plunder and certainly no use except in the worst of times to parley for food or maybe healing. Often Dark Claw's own memory of them was dumping the nearly dead at their doors but only if they happened to be passing near one and Cluny certainly didn't have time for dragging carcasses after them just to dump them elsewhere.

"You haven't got a clue, have you?" The chieftain hissed low, a tweak in his tone almost suggesting that he was about to burst into laughter, but that was not a good thing. Dark Claw just looked unsure of how to respond and that strange growling sound that was almost a raspy inhale came from the chief as Cluny hissed. "I thought Fangburn was the only one of you scum that couldn't read... all the same, tell him, Redtooth and Cheesethief and the others that we will be moving to Mossflower late spring. The abbey is said to be built like a fortress and it's about time this warlord had their castle."

"Uh... yes chief, right away chief!" Dark Claw nodded his head as he was released from underfoot and then he pulled himself up onto his feet. He had his paws together and was nodding firmly as Cluny requested he send Shadow in and the captain turned and left. He couldn't leave fast enough and yet that was something that was just making him feel so odd. He lifted his paws up to his fur in the hall, gently feeling where the chief had groomed it down for him and blushing happily. He was going to watch Redtooth squirm at the fact the chief had given him so much attention.

Cluny just rolled his eyes, he then found himself stepping to a nearby mirror and then looking to the way his armour was looking a little nicked and dented and his helmet certainly needed a good clean. He'd only have to request it and they'd all fall over themselves to get it done, he could not tell if it was a hero worship or as Fangburn had once idiotically mumbled about how they thought the chief was just so 'beautiful' they wanted to do whatever they could. Cluny just never thought to ask what it was because he could not deal with whatever the answer was.

He slumped down into a seat in the room, groaning in frustration and then rubbing his face. He didn't know why he bothered sometimes in having captains, they always sounded stupid but at least they passed most of the messages right. The door then knocked, he beckoned the creature to come in and Shadow slid inside and closed the door tightly, bringing with him a series of blankets and all that was needed to keep the room warm as another cold night was about to creep in. Cluny groaned softly, turning to wait to see what Shadow would do as the figure made up the bed and then settled down upon it, gently rubbing into it to help it warm up as Cluny eyed the figure up.

"Did you want to share the bed?" Cluny questioned in a low, steady voice. The obedience that Shadow gave him was well worth a reward and Shadow certainly obeyed. The figure looked to its master cautiously for a moment before then gently peeling away the thick cloaks that the jet-black rat's body had been wrapped within. Upon becoming naked, Shadow had then clambered into the bed and then lounged there, staring with wicked red eyes towards Cluny expectantly before he gave a chuckle of amusement. "Lose your voice too... I like it when I'm around the real you..."

"Very well... Master..." The voice dropped, suddenly Shadow was not the creeping, raspy voiced creature became this rather more sultry voiced figure. Shadow even stretched out to look more elegant, their face still gnarled and ugly form their work and yet, it would seem Shadow was a female. There came a low growling sound from Cluny before a gentle nod of his head.

"Good." Cluny stated, gently unbuttoning his jerkin and then ensuring he was stripped down to just his eyepatch. Shadow was the only being he could guarantee would not have a knife on them to cause trouble. But even if Shadow was no problematic, Cluny hadn't gotten as far as he had in life without being cautious and his own ambitions in life and taken out many potential rivals and would-be commanders in the night. Knowing they had a companion in bed had always made it easier to remove them and so, he'd stepped over to the edge of the bed and then stuffed his paw under the mattress and then the pillow.

Yes, there were two daggers under the mattress and one under the pillow. Within reach of his tail was a sword and he was able to removed his spiked tail adornment and then slip himself in to the bed with a low groan of relief. He then slipped under the mattresses and felt the other rat lounge upon his body. There was not much about Shadow that was very feminine, it had helped them get through the days with only Cluny knowing the truth and keeping it secret on purpose. Indeed, Shadow lounged comfortably over Cluny and brought her muzzle to his forehead.

She nibbled at his dark fur, letting him lounge back with a pleasant expression upon his face as she worked away, cleaning dirt from his fur and sharing her scent with him a little. She lounged right into him, her chest to his chin but he stretched his paws out to clasp at her buttocks instead. Her tail lifted, obediently letting him grasp the plump cheeks and squeeze and massage at them steadily, feeling their springing sensations whilst growling in his pleasure.

His paws massaged her backside and he gave a smirk as Shadow's attempts to nibble at him were stalled by his motions. He liked playing with Shadow like this, the black rat had a very sensual form to their body that only Cluny was able to see and, when the other rats made him feel oddly insecure about himself, Shadow made him feel a lot better. As he squeezed and forced her groin to press against his, the rat's groin swelled and his erection was obvious as it rubbed against her slit and Shadow gave a sudden growl.

She pulled upwards, pushed her paws into his chest and gave a soft groan, rubbing herself along his cock with her pussy, letting the honey starting to dribble, coat the length and make the warlord smirk in amusement. He widened his legs out, letting her really rub and stroke against him, getting wet enough she'd soon be ready to take him as his precum began to glue itself to her fur. The throbbing head was pressing firmly against her thick lips as she moaned in excitement and anticipation before the chief rat gave a soft cackle.

"Well... put it in yourself then..." The great rat growled firmly, towards the female as she gave a soft groan of frustration and then lifted herself up a little more. She used her tail to give her a little more power to lift up, but she was so limber that she found it easy to spread her legs enough to take him into her as she slowly began to lower herself onto him. She shuddered and sighed in pleasure, she pressed her pussy down onto the thick cockhead, letting its firm form press against her hole. She swayed her hips gently, feeling it roll around the opening, covering it in fluid to help as Cluny gave a low growling sound of relief as she then gently lowered herself right the way down to accept the head into her opening.

Shadow shuddered and groaned, moaning softly and biting at her lip as she began to lower herself more comfortably down onto the length. Her insides were tugged open steadily, her jaw shuddering as she sucked in air to fight back the pressure before she settled more comfortably with him half-way in. The warlord smirked at her, knowing full well that Shadow would try and get away with not taking it all in so that she could last a little longer than her master. But Cluny was a true warlord, he had enjoyed many bedfellows as part of the pay of being such a beast and he'd trained himself well if only because one wench had tried to puncture his heart whilst riding him before.

"You usually take more than this... perhaps you need my help?" Cluny growled, his voice teasing as his paws grasped her backside again and the black rat shivered and sneered in frustration. It was typical of the chief not to listen to her and yet she gave a groan of pleasure and pain all the same as the warlord then forced her down onto his cock. She gave a gasp, her body trembling in shock and joy as Cluny then lifted her up and then slammed her down again, pushing his hips up to meet her as she began to give gasps of shock. "That's better, isn't it?"

Cluny grit his sharp, gnarled teeth as he smirked at the female and then continued to push his hips up to make her groan as he thrust in and out. She was practically shaking upon his body, moaning and crying out in desperation, her voice getting higher and sharper as she was desperate not to cum first! However, it was clear her body was squeezing and tightening around him, desperate to burst as Cluny's cock was ramming up and down into her as he gave a smirk of delight. It was not long before she felt her groan out, squeeze about him and then he felt himself being soaked in a warm, wet fluid as she shivered and shuddered within his grip as he smirked at her.

"C... Cluny..." Shadow groaned softly, looking drunken and delight as her orgasm rippled through her body... but she was hardly given time to enjoy it. The rat warlord gripped her tightly and then continued to stuff himself up into her body harder and harder. She gave louder gasps of desperation as she continued to squeeze around his cock, her body sticky and sweaty as Cluny continued to thrust and pump into her, taking in a deep sharp breath. He was on the edge and he continued harder and harder until her sticky, hot body was squeezing and squelching about him so much that his cock throbbed and then he gave a groan of delight.

His hot cum splurged up into her body, filling her up and then splashing back down as she shivered and shuddered with another orgasm. She slumped forward, panting desperately, all strength gone as the chief's paws left her now clawed and bruised backside as her insides continued to twitch around him. Cluny licked his lips comfortably before leaning backwards, grinning in amusement as he looked towards her with a satisfied expression... he enjoyed being a warlord.

The End