What are you looking at?

Story by Drackir on SoFurry

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#1 of Friday

"Like what you see?" The bear's voice was deep and echoed over the top of the running water. The rabbit, who had been taking what he thought were discrete glances, felt a chill run up his spine as he was discovered.

"I.. that is... Didn't..." The rabbit starts, stammering his excuses all at once and getting no where. He is stopped by a solid paw slapping down on his shoulder and squeezing, it's size fitting the polar bears large form perfectly. Alex felt his cheeks blush under his fur and, despite the fear, the knowledge that he was in trouble, his short sheath started to fill out.

Alexander, Alex to his friends, hadn't meant to check out the bear but his large body was like a magnet. He was taller than the rabbit, which was fairly unusual as the skinny brown and white rabbit was taller than most even before his ears were taken into consideration. The bear's perfectly white form against the white tiles and the thick steam had meant he had to stare to take it in. The bear was not just tall but solidly built. At some point in his life he must have been into something that needed muscles, body building, bouncing, a thug? The rabbit was not short on imagination. But the years had left fat over the bulk and a rather large belly. The years had done nothing to a sheath that didn't cover up the bears black cock even flaccid though, a good few inches hanging over white orbs as he bathed.

"Do you like what you see?" The bear repeats again. If Alex wasn't terrified, his heart beating like the percussion in a Latino dance mix, he might have noticed the bear's voice was even and not angry.

"I.. I... I..." Alex stutters and then shook his head and then answers, his voice even less manly than usual, almost breaking at points. "I wasn't staring. I'm sorry. I'll go now and you won't have to worry about me again"

Alex starts to move away but the paw on his shoulder squeezes tighter and holds him where he is. The bear's other brilliantly white paw moves across the rabbits chest and teases a nipple slowly. The pads are rough despite the moisture from the shower and Alex gasps as each is tweaked and squeezed in turn. Each tweak, every pinch, makes his sheath fill up a little more until he can feel the warm steam of the showers flowing past the head of his cock.

"I know you were staring. I could feel your eyes burning a hole in my back. I'm just wondering what you like more, my dick or my ass."

Before Alex can reply his entire sheath is engulfed in a hand two sizes to large for him. When he jerks himself off the head and an inch or so sits outside his paw, which was perfect for wanking himself. Now though he is suddenly rock hard and completely enveloped in the bears paw, his size insignificant to the bear staring into his eyes.

He opens his mouth to answer, to lie, that he had been staring at the muscles on his arms, that he was just admiring his physique. But the brown eyes staring into his own green orbs are more effective than truth serum or a polygraph. His mouth dries up at the enormity of the lie until only two words remain. "Your dick" Alex confessed and is rewarded by the paw around his cock pulsing and making his tip drip pre into the overly large paw.

"Good bunny" The bear replied and then ground his muzzle against Alex's. The rabbit has never been kissed quite like it before. Oh sure he likes it rough but he had never met someone who had owned him so utterly without his permission. His last boyfriend always played rough but was such a gentle soul it always felt like acting. The way the tongue in his muzzle presses against his without regard of his breathing, of his personal space, makes the bunny whimper.

"Touch it" The bear says after pulling back from the kiss. Alex doesn't look he just presses his hand forward against the dominant males stomach. He can feel the soft fat on the stomach but beneath it is so much more muscle than he guessed, raw strength that could break him like a twig without an effort. His hand slips down across the hot surface of the bear until it reaches the base of his male pride.

Alex's eyes open wide as he feels how thick it is, his hand not able to grasp around the base entirely and it's not even full hard yet. The bear gives a deep groan and pushes his hips forward, urging the rabbit on. Alex's long thin fingers stroke down, down, down until it reaches the end of the bears prick, the tip already hot and leaking. He can't estimate the size, the only frame of reference he has is his paw and he knows both of his paws would barely be able to cover this giant cock... and it was still growing.

"Like it?" The bear enquires, his voice almost soft now as Alex works his length with delicate skilled fingers. All Alex can do is nod, his voice could only betray just how much he liked the bears dick. Heck the bears entire existence had become his mantra. "He's horny therefore I am" or something similar had he been able to verbalise it.

"Turn around" Was the command that came from the bears chest next and it makes Alex gasp. It couldn't fit, it'd tear him open, it'd kill him! He opens his mouth to protest but instead finds his mouth filled with bear tongue again. He is dully away of something poking into his stomach, something hot, moist and throbbing. His eyes glance down as he holds the kiss and moans as he catches sight of it.

Alexander is not, by most definitions, a slut. He has had the occasional one night stand, he has had a few boyfriends and on one memorable occasion he had a threesome. In other words he is not the kind of person who would normally let anyone pound his ass in a public shower. But one glance at the long, black pole pressing back and forth into his skinny stomach and all of his rationality and morals are gone.

Alex can't see the bear grinning as he turns and presses his hands against the walls lifting his hips up to present his ass to the bear. He does feel the large paws though as they explore the back of his body. One goes right for his ass, spreading the cheeks teasing the hole with an already moistened finger. The other squeezes around the base of Alex's short tail and then draws up to the tip which just makes Alex shiver and raise his hips even more.

The finger teasing him doesn't even stretch him, it just runs circles around the puckered entrance, making it slick but without pressing in. Alex thrusts his hips back, wanting those thick fingers that put some of his ex's to shame to push into him. Instead he finds something hotter than fingers, moister than lips and harder than steel. He tries to pull away but two strong paws have gripped his hips and he is no longer in control of the situation in the slightest.

The bear presses forward slowly, his eyes locked onto the sight of his black fuck pole stretching open the rabbit's pink ring. He ignores Alex's whimpers as he is stretched more than any guy or any toy has done before. The bear is slow but persistent. Alex's ring is tight but the bear is strong, patient and as thick around as some guys in length.

"Please stop please stop please stop." Whimpers Alex as what was such a delightful game goes too far. He can feel the fire of his ring, similar to the first time he was tied by a canine, but he knows this isn't just a knot, this is the entire fucking shaft. "You can have my muzzle, my paws. Fuck my sheath just don' tear me open!"

"Be quiet." Growls out the bear, the command not snarled like some beast but simply said in the same deep voice he has been using from the start, as though the rabbit was speaking up at a library not about to have the integrity of his anal ring smashed to pieces.

The bear gives a deep grunt as he thrusts his hips, the head of his cock disappearing into the rabbits tight ring. Alex cries out and sags against the wall only for the bears strong paws to grip him by the chest and pull him back up against him. Alex feels the bears warm breath against the back of his neck and then shivers as the paw on his hip moves around and engulfs his now flaccid cock again. Despite the pain, despite the humiliation, he can feel his cock stiffening in that talented furry cave.

Slowly inch after inch slides into the gasping rabbit, the impossibly large cock stretching his ring without breaking it, without tearing it to shreds, until Alex feels the bear's stomach against his back. His cock pulses in the paw holding him and the rabbit can't help but push forward into it even as the length inside him shifts as well.

Little balls of light dance in front of Alex's eyes as the bear starts to pull back. The pain is still intense but not so intense that it completely covers the sensation he missed before. The bear's girth strokes right past his prostate the entire way, no matter which way the bear moves it makes the rabbit shiver in pleasure even as the pain threatens to over whelm his senses. The paw around his cock keeps his body even more confused as it squeezes, rubs and teases his prick to keep it hard.

The bear grunts, his deep voice echoing through the showers, as he starts to really fuck the rabbits tight hole. He presses the middle of Alex's back until the rabbit's head rests against the wall. The bear's free hand grips the rabbits small tail and lifts it up so he can see his thick cock plunging in and out of the rabbits overly stretched hole. Again and again he plunges back and forth,m getting faster and faster until the sound of his ball sack slapping against the rabbits tightly drawn up one is more audible than the bears grunts or the rabbits cries of distress and arousal.

Alex cries out in surprise as sharp teeth grip at his shoulder and the thrusting gets even faster. He feels his cock harden, his balls draw up and his nipples get hard, all signs that he's about to cum. But he doesn't want to, he can't cum from being fucked like this, what does that say about him, is he really this much of a submissive slut. His body doesn't care what his mind thinks though and the exquisite balance of pleasure and pain coursing through his body only has one outlet, a few throbbing inches currently engulfed in the polar bears white paw.

The bear hears Alex's breathing increase and feels the conquered ring squeezing around him and rams himself right into the base. His hips move back and forth quickly but only by an inch or so while the spasming ring squeezes his monstrous cock base like nothing else. Then the bear throws back his head and bellows, the water on the floor trembling from the fury of his cry. His cock swells and pulsing as it shoots his thick, potent load deep inside the rabbits once tight ass. He rams back and forth, once again deep dicking the rabbit, as he spreads his seed through Alex's entire anal cavity.

"Cum for me bunny" The bear whispers into rabbits ear, the voice no longer clear and firm for the first time in their encounter. The hand on Alex's cock starts to stroke hard and fast while the bear eases his hips so his still rock hard prick squeezes the smaller man's prostate like never before.

Afterwards Alex would wonder why no one heard their gasps, their moans or his cries for the bear to stop. The yell that exploded from his chest as he came is loud enough, he thinks, to raise the dead though it paled in significance against the bears roar. His fingers clawed at the wall as the most intense orgasm of his life washes over not only his cock but his entire body. It feels like fire and ice and lightning are all competing in a high stakes race through his veins.

He doesn't know how long he was coming for and only becomes aware again at it's absence. He yells out as the bears still rock hard prick starts to pull of out him. Not ten minutes ago he was begging for this very outcome but now he presses back and whimpers, wanting that cock to never leave him. Even after cumming so hard the bear is still strong though and his prick inevitably leaves the rabbits rump with a wet slurp.

"I'm here most Friday evenings" The bear says, his voice having returned to his normal controlled deep tones. The rabbit turns around and then falls onto the shower floor, looking up at the bear, his massive manhood jutting out from beneath the large belly making the rabbits soft cock seems like a child's cock in comparison.

Alex tries to reply but can't. He doens't know what to say either. He has never cum so hard in his life as he did just now but never has he felt so violated, so raw and exposed as he had earlier either. He looks up from his thoughts to see the bear leaving and says the first thing that comes into his head.

"Wha... what would have happened if i said I was checking out your ass?"

The bear turns and Alex can see a grin on his muzzle before his eyes descend to that cock, now softening but still just as impossibly long as before.

"Find out next Friday" The bear replies and then is gone leaving a spent, sore rabbit with a million questions floating in his head and an experience he will jack off to for ages. Or next Friday.